May Day 2013: National Immigrant Workers Rights March!
Lists of Local May Day 2013 Events:
We are calling A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement! Wear White T-Shirt; organize local actions to support immigrant worker rights!
We are calling A national day of multi-ethnic unity with youth, labor, peace and justice communities in solidarity with immigrant workers and building new immigrant rights & civil rights movement! Wear White T-Shirt; organize local actions to support immigrant worker rights!
1. No to anti-immigrant legislation, police surveillance and the criminalization of the immigrant communities.
2. No to militarization of the border.
3. No to the private prison, immigrant detention and deportation.
4. No to the guest worker program.
5. No to the NDAA, Gitmo political prisoner's camp.
6. Yes to a path to legalization without condition for undocumented immigrants NOW.
7. Yes to speedy family reunification.
8. Yes to civil rights and humane immigration law.
9. Yes to labor rights and living wages for all workers.
10. Yes to the education and LGBTQ immigrant legislation.
We encourages everyone to actively linking our issues with different struggles: wars in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine & Korea with sweatshops exploitation in Asia as well as in Los Angeles, New York; international arm sales and WTO, FTAA, NAFTA & CAFTA with AIDS, hunger, child labors and child solider; as well as multinational corporations and economic exploitation with racism and poverty at home—in order we can win the struggle together at this May Day 2013!
Please send your May Day 2013 action report to
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
New York: (212)330-8172
Los Angeles: (213)403-0131
Washington D.C.: (202)595-8990
Chicago: (773)942-2268
* join the immigrant Solidarity Network daily news litserv, send e-mail to:
Please consider making a donation to the important work of National Immigrant Solidarity Network
Send check pay to:
National Immigrant Solidarity Network/AFGJ
National Immigrant Solidarity Network
P.O. Box 751
South Pasadena, CA 91031-0751
(All donations are tax deductible)
Immigrant Bashing is just another one of Wall Street's Cheap Labor Scams. Wall St. is making Big Money in the Post 9-11 Immigrant Border Bash, with Contractors like Halliburton, and The makers of CIA Devil's Drones Cashing in Heavily on The Post 9-11 War on Islam Targeted Killings of Civilians turned War on Everyone, Everywhere, for Any Reason at The US Borders, First Starting Out Defending Our Borders (and if you believe that then I have Saddam's Nookular Bombs to Sell You) under the Guise of Preventing Al CIA Duh (The same Al CIA Duh that has been on CIA Payroll in Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. Before, During, and After 9-11 including The Boston Marathon) from Infiltrating America at it's Borders, with Immigrants caught in The Crossfire. Of course you and I know this was a Cheap Charade Conducted by The US Government to Force Immigrants into NAFTA Sweat Shops working inside America's Borders, who are Protected and Served by The Men and Women of Law Enforcement aka The CIA's Militants with Badges and Guns, who know all about this Immigrant Labor Scam, that Forces Immigrants to Work for Sub Minimum Wage Salaries and uses Sub Standard Housing so the Labor Contractor can Steal what little they make from them. But it all starts with Wall St., who is Clamoring for tougher Immigration Laws with The Right Hand, while having Labor Contractors Railroad Immigrants into NAFTA Cheap Labor Scams with The Left Hand, in an effort to Help Wall St.'s Big Business Arm Cost Efficent withing The Borders. And Wall St. uses Fear of Deportation to keep Immigrants from talking about this, knowing that many will be too afraid to speak up about being Exploited by Wall St. Immigrant Cheap Labor Scam. And what is an Immigrant going to do, Call a Cop? The CIA's Militants with Badges and Guns Protect and Serve Wall St. You saw that in The Occupy Crackdown, You saw that in The Crackdown on Antiwar Protest, and if Immigrants were to make Loud enough Protest, then you would see a Massive Crackdown on Immigrants in America as well. There of course is a Flip Side to this Coin. If Wall St. can do this to Immigrants inside America's Borders, then what makes you think that Wall St. can't to the Same to Ordinary US Citizens? After all CEO's of these Large Multinational Corporations only View US Citizens as Serfs, Peasants, or "The Little People", aka 2nd Class Citizens. So Ordinary American Citizens had better wake up and realize that this fight for Immigrants Justice does concern them, whether they like it or not, and if Ordinary US Citizens and Immigrants remain Divided on the issure of Immigration and Justice for Immigrants, then Wall St. will continue to Divide and Conquer both.