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by Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone
Thursday, Mar. 29, 2012 at 7:46 PM California, SF Bay Area
The explosion in San Bruno in 2010 was in retaliation for the closing of Wachovia Bank and the seizing of millions of dollars of drug monies from Colombia and Mexico that passed through the currency exchange house at the Mexican-US border, the Casa Di Cambio. Wells Fargo Swallowed Wachovia.
 kurt_brown_--_saint_ram_bone.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Whats next? The revealing of a mathematical and mechanical oddity poised by a Chinese or American official who has squeezed in Xu Chaofun, Xu Guojun, and Yu Zhendong. A new weapon of War for peace time
The explosion of the San Bruno pipeline on September 9, 2010 was a direct result and likely sabotage after Wachovia Bank was shut down. The last offices of Wachovia were shut down and the bank had to pay hefty fines in 2010. No one in the USA was allowed to report the money laundering or it was hidden very well. I suspect collusion and high technology at work against us.
I am a bank examiner formerly for the FDIC San Francisco and FDIC Sacramento. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is a government banking regulatory agency and banking insurance fund. The government punished me for investigating a FDIC murder that occurred around 1991, which was when the Zhendong weapon was first alleged to have first been used in China. I base this on the fact that Xu and Xu came to the USA in 2001 from Macau near China and had allegedly started their crimes in 1991. I believe the men are innocent, used as pawns to reveal a larger weapon to the masses. You see, a falling aircraft or satellite of some sort almost hit me in 2004 in Braman Oklahoma.
Xu Chaofan was arrested in OKC in September 2004 and Xu Guojun was arrested in Wichita two weeks later. On December 7, 2004, near midnight, I was driving from OKC to Wichita and a falling aircraft or a piece of one was falling in flames and almost hit my vehicle. I have details of it on a video at Youtube saintrambone. It is the one with Zhendong in the title. That is what I call this new weapon, the Zhendong. I sometimes call myself the ARD F-DIC Party Clown since I was terminated from the FDIC in 2000. They push many of us out who are suspicious of their crimes.
Because I was given forced injections and had a stroke from them in 2001 or in early 2004, I did not report the blast. My memory of many things came back in 2011. The federal government has likely been taken over and has gone rabid. The FDIC blacklisted me and the FBI and Secret Service tell lies in their files. I can not get work. The one who busted Wachovia, Martin Woods, is from London UK and now runs Hermes Forensic Solutions allegedly. All of those auditors in the USA could not catch billions of money laundering. The Zhendong and maybe collusion was deep in the money laundering and banking profits.
This is theory of course, but usually my theories are correct. Ask Former Sheriff Jack "Snatch The Fairy Possum" Tillman who I caught stealing in 2001 with one of my tests. He was pushed out of Mobile Alabama as Sheriff in 2005. I am also trained like a medical laboratory doctor. WE have the cat in view, but now what? Zhendong flies in a new way.
When I was an FDIC bank examiner, we added predigested numbers and re-wrote pre-written statements. Sometimes I could meet the men who got the bank charters and ran the banks. Some were much wealthier than others, and easy money makes money laundering easy if you have approval from thoe people in power, likely part of the Zhendong effect. My FDIC bosses subdivision was evacuated in Rocklin California in 1999 from a fuel spill. We almost had another San Bruno explosion. We were interviewing nervous Sacramento bank presidents and granting bank charters to Nevada residents in California.
You see, the names were mis-translated in English. Xu and Xu and Yu are all mathematical formulas. X to X on the horiontal plane, to Y on the vertical plane. The U stands for vector Unit, meaning it measures the same in any direction, like a mathematical continuum of finite distance in any direction. Chaofan was in Wichita and Guojun was in OKC and Yu was in Los Angeles. The relay could be done over towers in Los Angeles to towers or satellites over the OKC-Wichita strip, or the Y could simply be a craft or manifestation above the Wichita to OKC area. Braman is two thirds of the way from OKC to Wichita and the falling and burning arsenal loaded machine I saw was falling at an angle that indicated it was right in between Wichita and OKC. I believe it hit so hard that it later caused earthquakes in nearby Sparks Oklahoma. I have never seen such a large explosion and I was in the USA military. China is being ripped off as well in 2001 according to reports I read.
Someone has global conquest in mind and they are soon to accomplish that or kill us, or both.
Theoretically I see the Zhendong moving data or manifestations in a new way, and I see the Guojun relaying the data, and the chaofan either blowing up, such as the OKC federal building was blown up in 1995, or the chaofan takes the data away and manipulates it to take wealth. A consuming high tech force. Therefore we have a mathematical and mechanical construct disquised in these mens names. IF they were set up, it was to point to this new weapon of war I am proposing.
No one was punished at Wachovia. I can not get an interview at Wells Fargo bank which bought Wachovia. The California Department of Financial Institutions in Oakland interviewed me but they have not contacted me and I was told the FBI treats me as if I am a criminal and have ordered me not to be hired. I am considering going to London and I have been told that I might be able to work for the London Times as a USA news correspondent. I would rather work for Martin Woods on this project and more. Tell the FDIC to quit abusing us veterans and throwing us into the streets and to quit killing innocent bank examiners. The mob moved in to the San Francisco office, but they control the D.C. area too, so what else is new?
I write comedy and philosophy on Mobile Audit Club's latest Quatrains and Love Line pages. I make videos also and they are listed at youtube saintrambone. I have developed cancer on my face from the blast. I think it was radioactive. I have had a stroke and partial blindness due to the forced injections by federally approved officials masquerading as health care. I would like to run for Governor of California or Mayor of Oakland or San Francisco. I will fire all Sweet Carols, smiling frauds of the government sects. I will ship care packages to Oaklahoma and Alabama of medical marijuana to break their alcohol and crack cocaine addictions. I will bring the Holy Spirit to bear on all things in the Bear State. I want a job. I am not a piece of refuse the enemies to mankind can ignore, or am I? Do I even exist? If I am in a coma, I pray to God that I am killed soon.
I used to say, "I think I am therefore I am". After being injected and tortured and knocked unconscious in 2001 and 2004, I ask, "I think I was before I was injected, but I am not sure about any thing now, except I think I exist?" Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone. Email me if you have a lead or work for me. I am trying to go to work for Lucas films on barter. They have ignored me. Never major in finance. Major in law. Sweet Carols cut your hide off with laws. They are like corporate cannibals.
I also do sensual massages as a sideline, no gay stuff, usually for women who have a heart for myself. Some think of me as the biblical Michael. Some think of me as Ezekiel. My dog, a Yorkie who was killed by a water moccassin snake in Alabama, called me Yurt. We saw it coming. See my video with the last part of the title, Rats Chasing Rats to see Bow Bone get Lanky, and watch Lanky have a premonition of a snake in her water bowl.
Journalist Hunter S. Thompson and I were in contact before he died. We got into an argument, but we agreed that Sweet Carol is dangerous. I think he was murdered and not suicide. I told him about the FDIC and Flagstaff Medical Center and LA VA Westwood. I worked the Devils Triangle, starting in the Village of the Damned.
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by Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone
Friday, Mar. 30, 2012 at 7:06 AM
In 1999 I was told by my FDIC boss his neighborhood was evacuated due to a jet fuel spill. When I looked online, it was recorded as being a diesel fuel spill.
Regardless, we could have had another explosion like San Bruno.
The USA is gone as we knew it. IF I was young, I would leave the USA for one of the mid-East countries or maybe some small nation in Europe or Africa that is not eaten up with crime syndicates and all that comes with it.
Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, Mobile Audit Club website
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by note to LA-IMC
Friday, Mar. 30, 2012 at 7:17 AM
when you don't at least check on the garbage piling up on the wire once a day, the weasels like to pile this crap deep. And therefore the credit of this media is degraded. 10 minutes a day [ 24 ] hours would make a world of difference in the amount of garbage hung on this wire. If anyone cares. Someone sure in interested in this news wire in the effect to push its face into the mud.
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by i know, right ?
Friday, Mar. 30, 2012 at 12:03 PM
the Los Angeles IMC is just flamewars now
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by this " Kurt Brown"
Friday, Mar. 30, 2012 at 12:40 PM
or St. Rambone etc. etc. like the psychopath who is impersonating the forensic professor at UCLA or the scientology garbage or the "how to" posts or the other crap piled here. then there are the habitual offenders like lord scum. I have a feeling it's all from the same source.
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by another Q for LA IMC
Saturday, Mar. 31, 2012 at 8:07 AM
why isn't there a Three Strikes Rule here? I mean, like if one posts three consecutive violations of the guidelines one becomes banned. It has already been done [ by malicious entities in the collective ] when certain factions in the collective deem a certain particular author has transgressed the sensitivities of one or more members of this set of individuals by linking attempted posts to a fake published [ like the one, date stamped, Apr 1st 2010 ] page, or by playing with the math question to restrict input in this 'open publishing' wire. There are, in my evaluation, one or more parties in the LA IMC acting as a facilitator to the enemy, not as an asset to the mission statement. We'll see if there is a quick response [ as in being quickly hidden ] to this post as contrasted to four days of inaction to all of the other reported spam. -Sheepdog
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by Flaaaaaame Waaaaaaars
Tuesday, Apr. 03, 2012 at 12:02 PM
Flaaaaaame Waaaaaaars...
nothin' but
Flaaaaaame Waaaaaaars...
nothin' but
Flaaaaaame Waaaaaaars...
all of the time...
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by Sloth of LA IMC
Wednesday, Apr. 04, 2012 at 4:10 AM
well, not flame wars as it used to be but now it's just inaction by the editorial staff as the garbage piles up unattended. No one is checking the flagged posts.
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by flagged posts
Wednesday, Apr. 04, 2012 at 7:01 AM
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by just present the facts please!
Wednesday, Apr. 04, 2012 at 2:50 PM
Anytime there is an incorrect article, someone could present the facts and use this as an opportunity to present some known facts that would dispell the premise of the article. Censorship is unappealing to independent media and articles like this present an option to remind people of some facts; 1) It is generally understood that PG&E's San Bruno gas pipeline explosion was a result of outdated infrastructure failing after being neglected for too long. 2) The funneling of money by drug cartels via Casa de Cambio and Wachovia is continuing to occur in other banks, so there is no need (or logical reason) for the drug cartels to "punish" the residents of San Bruno by sabotaging their gas pipeline. Some references; " "This tragedy began years ago with PG&E's installation of a woefully inadequate pipe," Hersman said. "It was compounded over the years by a litany of failures." That included the company's failure for 54 years to detect a serious welding flaw in the pipe, which finally broke apart Sept. 9 when an electrical glitch at a Milpitas gas-line terminal caused a slight increase in gas pressure. 'A flawed system' The findings add up to a devastating indictment of PG&E's gas-line operations and its apparent disregard for safety. The federal agency pointedly slammed the company by referring to the pipeline explosion as "an organizational accident." "We are talking about failures of the system," said NTSB member Robert Sumwalt. "The individuals working in the system, I think, by and large were dedicated people trying to do the right things. But they were working in a flawed system." The investigative board also heavily criticized the California Public Utilities Commission and the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration for inadequately supervising PG&E. "For government to do its job -- safeguard the public -- it cannot trust alone, it must verify through effective oversight," Hersman said. "As we saw in San Bruno, when the approach to safety is lax, the consequences can be deadly." Chris Johns, president of PG&E's gas and electric operating unit, said in a prepared statement that he is "grateful to the NTSB and its staff for their efforts to help PG&E improve its natural gas operations and make the U.S. pipeline industry safer." Hoping the disaster will spur gas-line safety improvements nationwide, the NTSB issued 29 safety recommendations. Those range from requiring that urban pipelines be equipped with valves that can automatically or remotely turn off gas in emergencies -- which the San Bruno line lacked -- to forcing pipe operators to conduct water-pressure checks for cracks on all gas lines installed before 1970, which currently are allowed to operate without such tests under a federal "grandfather" rule. The San Bruno pipeline was installed in 1956. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Hillsborough, who has pushed for automated gas valves, said she wanted the grandfather rule overturned, adding, "PG&E failed miserably, it flunked. It is time to turn that around." But it's unclear how many of the NTSB's recommendations ultimately will be adopted. Theories debunked After a yearlong probe, officials with the investigative agency blamed PG&E's poor record-keeping, its inadequate pipeline inspection methods and its delayed response to the explosion. The company took 95 minutes to shut off the gas feeding the conflagration, which killed eight people and incinerated a neighborhood. The hearing provided no new stunning revelations about the cause of the accident, even as it laid the primary blame on PG&E. Federal investigators discounted two prominent theories on why the pipe exploded. Work to replace a sewer line adjacent to the gas pipe did not shake the ground hard enough to crack the pipe, according to NTSB calculations. Nor did they blame periodic changes in the gas line's pressure. In a discovery made public months ago and emphasized Tuesday, investigators said welds in the small sections of pipe known as pups did not meet 1956 standards and did not go all the way through the pipe on both sides. PG&E's records indicated the pipe was seamless, when in fact it had a lengthwise seam containing a serious welding defect. "It was not a question of if this pipe would burst, but when," Hersman said. Board members also castigated PG&E for failing to make corrections after a 2008 gas line explosion killed a person in Rancho Cordova and a 1981 gas main break in San Francisco's financial district forced 30,000 people to evacuate, both considered warning signs of the disaster to come. In addition, they faulted PG&E for not spotting the pipe's shoddy welds when it was installed and failing to alert emergency responders as soon as it realized line 132 had burst. If automatic shut-off valves had been in place on the line, according to NTSB official Matthew Nicholson, "the ruptured section likely would have been isolated an hour earlier." Although the NTSB extensively examined whether the sewer-line installation influenced the gas line to break, "ultimately that possibility was excluded," according to the agency's metallurgical expert, Donald Kramer. He also dismissed as causes the slight 2003 and 2008 pressure increases on the San Bruno gas line, noting that those increases were below the pipe's maximum allowable operating pressure where the segment ruptured." That took about 15 minutes to research and write a response to an incorrect article. Maybe censoring is faster that debate, though it removes options for dialogue. Remember the so-called "wingnuts" (including myself in that category) who write in to imc sites are releasing some frustration by being able to openly express their opinions and ideas on these sites. While they (we) are typing on a computer they (we) are NOT loading a gun or building a bomb, and considering the recent tragic shooting at Oikos School in Oakland maybe had the gentlemen had some appropriate public outlet to express his frustrations in writing he would not have been forced into psychosis and an eventual shooting spree. So all the censorship happy mental midgets need to take this factor into consideration. Giving people a chance to express their ideas in writing may save lives some day. Please try to respond and debate and present the facts to people whom you disagree with in the most polite and humane way possible. Having mental and emotional problems is hard enough without being made fun of and tortured by mean spirited fools. Can personally attest that having these imc sites open with minimal censorship has indeed saved the lives of some CEOs (ie., Tony Hayward) and others whom i would have gone after physically (my role model and mentor is Uncle Ted 'Una-B' K.), though i feel that my words in a public setting such as imc can be more effective than a bomb. Take that option for public comment away and what else remains besides the physical realm?
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by to Kurt
Wednesday, Apr. 04, 2012 at 9:54 PM
why is it that you must post the same theme countless times? And: it's not for the reader to correct the author after over a hundred similar posts over the years. And listening to your plaintive wail on countless call ins to talk radio. No one want to see you chew the same rag again and again. Your posts are nothing but re-fried spam with no new data. And who the hell cares what you look like, huh? This reeks of megalomania.
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by cartel money laundering continues
Sunday, Apr. 08, 2012 at 1:16 PM
Despite the tangents the article written by Kurt raises some questions; Are there motives for revenge by the drug cartel? Are other banks engaging in the same process of money laundering as Wachovia? IF the drug cartels cannot launder money through banks, are they able to store cash in safes at their homes? The Wachovia whistleblower Martin Woods has also questioned the lack of regulation of banks and believes that other banks will be used by drug cartels to launder money; "Wachovia had my résumé, they knew who I was," says Woods. "But they did not want to know – their attitude was, 'Why are you doing this?' They should have been on my side, because they were compliance people, not commercial people. But really they were commercial people all along. We're talking about hundreds of millions of dollars. This is the biggest money-laundering scandal of our time. "These are the proceeds of murder and misery in Mexico, and of drugs sold around the world," he says. "All the law enforcement people wanted to see this come to trial. But no one goes to jail. "What does the settlement do to fight the cartels? Nothing – it doesn't make the job of law enforcement easier and it encourages the cartels and anyone who wants to make money by laundering their blood dollars. Where's the risk? There is none. "Is it in the interest of the American people to encourage both the drug cartels and the banks in this way? Is it in the interest of the Mexican people? It's simple: if you don't see the correlation between the money laundering by banks and the 30,000 people killed in Mexico, you're missing the point." Woods feels unable to rest on his laurels. He tours the world for a consultancy he now runs, Hermes Forensic Solutions, counselling and speaking to banks on the dangers of laundering criminal money, and how to spot and stop it. "New York and London," says Woods, "have become the world's two biggest laundries of criminal and drug money, and offshore tax havens. Not the Cayman Islands, not the Isle of Man or Jersey. The big laundering is right through the City of London and Wall Street. "After the Wachovia case, no one in the regulatory community has sat down with me and asked, 'What happened?' or 'What can we do to avoid this happening to other banks?' They are not interested. They are the same people who attack the whistleblowers and this is a position the [British] Financial Services Authority at least has adopted on legal advice: it has been advised that the confidentiality of banking and bankers takes primacy over the public information disclosure act. That is how the priorities work: secrecy first, public interest second. "Meanwhile, the drug industry has two products: money and suffering. On one hand, you have massive profits and enrichment. On the other, you have massive suffering, misery and death. You cannot separate one from the other. "What happened at Wachovia was symptomatic of the failure of the entire regulatory system to apply the kind of proper governance and adequate risk management which would have prevented not just the laundering of blood money, but the global crisis."
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by Other Security ID ref# 891421360015 idVer:14e
Saturday, Mar. 14, 2015 at 12:51 AM private private
3-13-15 Security ID ref# 891421360015 on LA-IMC website blog re: cyber forensics in Dept. Human Services Disability Entitlement- Title 8 County Housing Rental Welfare - Dept of Ag Food Stamps "faux" double platform exposed with my private Special Circumstance plan via INTERPOL Japan, UK, etc and VP Biden Independent Coordinating Group since 2012. Issue in smut equity firm ownership of Hawaiian Tel since 2005. Wire threat in mixed Dow Nasdaq corrupt tech lines random mix industry. Reported to INTERPOL Hitachi etc in transportation infrastructure, broadcast. Faux investor companies in nutritional micronutrition products, eg Acai Berry, Orenda Blueberry, Kyani Blueberry anti-oxident drinks. INTERPOL branch Opsen UK, InfraRed NYC, Pangea Counterfeit drugs. Specific case Tamiflu illegal dispensary 96790 to Czech Swiss female prostitute aesthetician on Maui. Problem in Facebook Commonwealth group.
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