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by curious friends
Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011 at 9:46 PM
Mr. Gabriel Matthew Schivone is one of the very few people in human history whose very name appears destined to become a description of a phenomenon, in this case the Schivone Jew. Previous examples of persons who have given their names to phenomena include Vidkun Quisling, the Earl of Sandwich, and only very few others.
FringeGroups, Rise of the Schivone Jews
 hassan_fouda_not_a_jew.jpg, image/jpeg, 360x339
Meet Gabriel Schivone.
Back in June, Schivone's opinion peace appeared in Haaretz, where Gabriel Schivone described how his Jewishness led him to join the Flotilla:
You might wonder what would motivate a Jewish American college student to participate in what may be the most celebrated - and controversial - sea voyage of the 21st century, one that aims to nonviolently challenge U.S.-supported Israeli military power in the occupied territories. I simply cannot sit idle while my country aids and abets Israel's siege, occupation and repression of the Palestinians. I would rather use my personal influence and power, in concert with other members of American civil society, to actively and nonviolently resist policies that I consider abominable. So, next week, I and more than 30 other American civilians will be sailing on the U.S. ship the Audacity of Hope, to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza.
I am one of a growing number of young American Jews who are determined to shake off an assumed - and largely imposed - association with Israel. Prominent advocacy organizations, such as the American Jewish Committee, which proudly proclaim their unconditional support of Israel, for several years have been declaring their "serious concern" over the increasing "distancing" of young American Jews from the state. The problem is that Schivone's arbitrary and self-serving understanding of international law is matched by his equally arbitrary and self-serving definition of the term Jew.
Now Haaretz has printed a letter to the editor from Valerie Saturen, who knew Schivone 7 years ago, shares his politics--and knows that Schivone is not a Jew at all. The letter describes how Schivone created his false identity as a Jew in order to exploit the sympathy it would draw:
In his editorial about joining the flotilla to Gaza, Gabriel Schivone represented himself as a Jewish college student. I feel I must point out that this not his true identity, but one he has created in order to generate insider credibility, shield himself from accusations of anti-Semitism, and resonate with a target audience.
...Gabriel is not Jewish, whether in terms of ethnic ancestry, religious belief, or cultural identity. He has never identified as a Jew until it became useful in advancing his political agenda. During the High Holiday season of 2007, Gabriel told me that he discussed Israel with campus representatives of Chabad, identifying himself as a Jew. When asked why he did this, he explained that he has a distant Jewish relative and that "you use what you have." And use it he did, having no apparent problem with the deception.
Gabriel Schivone wasnt the first to pretend to be Jewish to give added power to his anti-Israel activism. And he wont be the last. Egyptian anti-Israel activist Hassam Fouda has also been caught posing "ASAJEW"
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by weird trend
Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011 at 10:09 PM
Its not just Hassan Fouda and Gabriel Schivone who have pretended they were Jewish as a way to further their anti-Israel activism. Edith Lutz claims she was a Jew to get on Gaza aid flotilla. And UC Berkeley professor Andrew Gutierrez has claimed he was Jewish as a way of shielding himself from charges of anti-Semitism, after he was taped heckling an anti-hate rally
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by talk about fake 'jews'
Thursday, Dec. 08, 2011 at 2:07 AM
it seems to me that most of the residents of 'israel' are "fake Jews' because very few of them ever had any ancestors who ever set foot in the lands of Palestine. Only the sons of Abraham are part of the twelve tribes who the Romans kicked out to preserve the peace. There were nasty killers and terrorists even then. But at least they were really Jews.
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by Lord Locksley
Thursday, Dec. 08, 2011 at 2:21 AM
The offspring of Israel (Jacob grandson of Abraham) included more than the "Jews" who in modern theological anthropology derived from the tribes of both Judah and Benjamin....the Kingdom of Judah.....they also included the other 10 tribes of the Kingdom of Israel....after the diaspora,descendants of both settled in Europe and elsewhere and became the seed stock for the modern state of Israel
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by 'seed stock'
Thursday, Dec. 08, 2011 at 2:33 AM
must have been a lot of inter-breeding with all sorts of people. Doesn't change the fact that most of the residents of 'israel' never had any ancestors who lived there. And this 'jewish' state doesn't even treat their Sephardic 'brethren' as equal citizens.
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by Y-DNA Haplogroups
Thursday, Dec. 08, 2011 at 4:12 PM
"Human genetics shows a difference between Jews and Western Europeans. Genetic research on the Y-chromosomes of Jews has found that Jews are closely related to other populations originating in the Middle East, such as Kurds, Turks, Armenians and Arabs, and concluded that: >>>Middle Eastern populations...are closely related and...their Y chromosome pool is distinct from that of Europeans. (Nebel, 2001.)[262]<<< Y-DNA Haplogroups J2 and, to a lesser extent, J1 are most commonly identified in Jewish people. Western Europeans are mostly identified as Haplogroup R1b.[263][264][265][266] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Israelism#Genetics ~~~~~~~~~ Jews: Haplogroup J2.. and J1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_J2_(Y-DNA) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_J1_(Y-DNA) Europeans: Haplogroup R1b http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_R1b
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by PrionPartyy
Thursday, Dec. 08, 2011 at 5:49 PM
Yes, eastern European "Jews" are descended from the Khazars who's king forced them to convert to Judaism circa 800 A.D. (C.E.).
But as for this guy Schivone, there is nothing (NOTHING!) he can say or do that is going to denigrate the Palestinian's basic human right not to be destroyed by the murderous thieving Zionist crusaders. There is nothing (NOTHING!) he can say or do that is going to make the Zionist's chosen war of conquest for Palestinian lands anything other than the blood soaked offense that we all know Zionism to be. And there is nothing (NOTHING!) he can say or do that is going to make the Democrap's and Republitrash's support of the Zionist's chosen war of conquest anything other than the blood soaked offense we all know that to be.
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by raul
Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011 at 2:37 PM
Recently published research in the field of molecular genetics –- the study of DNA sequences –- indicates that Jewish populations of the various Diaspora communities have retained their genetic identity throughout the exile. Despite large geographic distances between the communities and the passage of thousands of years, far removed Jewish communities share a similar genetic profile. This research confirms the common ancestry and common geographical origin of world Jewry.
Jewish men from communities which developed in the Near East –- Iran, Iraq, Kurdistan, Yemen -- and European Jews have very similar, almost identical genetic profiles.
"Despite their long-term residence in different countries and isolation from one another, most Jewish populations were not significantly different from one another at the genetic level. The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora." (M.F. Hammer, Proc. Nat'l Academy of Science, May 9, 2000)
The basis of this new field of population research is the study of the Y-chromosome, which is passed virtually unchanged from father to son. The rare mutations -– which are changes in the non-coding portion of its DNA –- can serve as markers, which can distinguish peoples. By studying the genetic signatures of various groups, comparisons can be made to determine the genetic relationships between the groups.
Y-chromosome research of the Jewish people began as an outgrowth of the study of Cohanim –- the Jewish priestly family. These studies showed a very high genetic affinity among present-day Cohanim, indicating that they do have a common paternal ancestor, estimated to have lived some 3,000 years ago. (See The Cohanim/DNA Connection)
The most recent genetic research consists of obtaining DNA samples, and doing laboratory analysis and comparison of the DNA markers on the Y-chromosome –- which is passed from father to son, and on the mtDNA (mitrocondrial DNA) –- which is passed intact from mother to son and daughter. This genetic anthropology promises to be particularly informative for tracking the history of Jewish populations, and helping to resolve the debate on the origins and migrations of Jewish communities in the Diaspora.
The researchers proposed to answer the question whether the scattered groups of modern Jews can be identified as the descendants of the ancient Hebrews of the Bible, or whether their common ancestry has been diluted through influx of converts and through intermarriage so that little remains of their "Jewish genes."
The complex recorded history of dispersal from the Land of Israel and subsequent residence in and movements between various countries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East is expected to produce a complex pattern of genetic relationships among Jewish populations as well as between them and the non-Jewish peoples among whom they lived.
The research was based on samples from 29 populations, 7 Jewish, categorized into five major divisions: Jews, Middle-Eastern non-Jews, Europeans, North Africans, and sub-Saharan Africans.
The findings were that most Jewish communities do indeed seem to be genetically similar.The findings were that most Jewish communities -- long separated from one another in Europe, North Africa, the Near East and the Arabian Peninsula -- do indeed seem to be genetically similar and closely related to one another, sharing a common geographical origin.
These Jewish communities are more closely related to each other and to other Middle Eastern Semitic populations -– Palestinians, Syrians, and Druze -- than to their neighboring non-Jewish populations in the Diaspora.
The results also indicate a low level of admixture (intermarriage, conversion, rape, etc.) into the gene pool of these various Jewish communities.
Among the Jewish communities sampled, North Africans (Moroccans, etc.) were most closely related to Babylonian (Iraqi) Jews. These populations may best represent the paternal gene pool of the ancient Jewish/Hebrew population dating back to the First Temple period, before the Babylonian exile (approx. 2,500 years ago).
The Y-chromosome signatures of the Yemenite Jews are also similar to those of other Jewish and Semitic populations. In contrast, the paternal gene pool of Ethiopian Jews more closely resembles that of non-Jewish Ethiopian men.
Although the Ashkenazi (European) Jewish community separated from their Mediterranean ancestors some 1,200 years ago and lived among Central and Eastern European gentiles, their paternal gene pool still resembles that of other Jewish and Semitic groups originating in the Middle East.
A low rate of intermarriage between Diaspora Jews and local gentiles was the key reason for this continuity. Since the Jews first settled in Europe more than 50 generations ago, the intermarriage rate was estimated to be only about 0.5% in each generation.
The findings oppose the suggestion that Ashkenazim are descended from the Kuzars.The Ashkenazi paternal gene pool does not appear to be similar to that of present-day Turkish speakers. This finding opposes the suggestion that Ashkenazim are descended from the Kuzars, a Turkish-Asian empire that converted to Judaism en masse in or about the 8th century CE.
The researchers are continuing and expanding their studies particularly of the Ashkenazi community. They are hoping that by examining the DNA markers in Jewish populations from different parts of Europe, they will be able to infer the major historical and demographic patterns in Ashkenazi populations
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by AshkenNazis
Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011 at 3:13 PM
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by PrionPartyy
Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011 at 6:13 PM
What claim to Palestine do "Jews" have???
Oh yes, that the Hebrews once slaughtered and enslaved the Cananite nations already living in the land.
Wow. Yawwwwwn. Zionist crusaders say that because Hebrews were murderous thieves of the land, that Zionists have a birthright of murderous theft of the land TOO. TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is there anything more sick and offensive than THAT????
Maybe if the descendants of NAZIs were to occupy the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam. THAT would be AS sick and offensive.
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by PrionPartyy
Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011 at 8:51 PM
Since when does five plus four NOT equal NINE???
LA IMC editors are book burner NAZI types
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by sitting in a tree
Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013 at 1:31 PM
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Hassan Fouda meets with Raed Saleh,
For some background on Raed Saleh
To sum up the cut and dry case against Salah:
"He endorsed classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about 9/11, reportedly advanced the Medieval blood libel against Jews, acknowledged providing funds to Hamas, has often used his authority as leader of the Islamic Movment’s Northern division to incite thousands of his followers to riot (and begin a Third Intifada) under the pretense that the Al-Aksa was in danger of being destroyed by Israeli authorities.
And, as an interview in 2003 made clear, Salah’s views on the rights of women and gays (and the virtues of Jihad) represents a classic example of his religiously inspired extremism.
More broadly, The Islamic Movement, which he leads, has clear goals of indoctrinating Israeli Arabs with his Islamist ideology (an effort the Movement calls da’wa).
In short, Raed Salah is an Islamic extremist – and an unrepentant antisemite, misogynist and homophobe - who associates with terrorist movements and encourages his followers to engage in violence."
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by 5 dancing Israelis?
Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013 at 3:22 PM
hatred of that rat state, israel is not "anti-Semitic " it's anti- israel, you stinking zionazi... Israel is a menace to REAL Jews world wide and you fucking know it.
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by Israelly cool
Saturday, Mar. 19, 2016 at 9:14 PM
Many Israellycool readers are already familiar with Bethany “Benny” Koval who became a minor anti-Israel celebrity back in January when her school accused her of bullying other classmates online as part of her Israel-hating campaign. he even had the “honor” of getting advice “Hamas lawyer,” and famous Jewish Jew-hater, Stanley Cohen as a result.
Local New Jersey newspapers are now running an article about the backlash Koval has felt since her case went viral, headlined, “Fair Lawn teen at center of tweets uproar tells of retribution.”
Before we get into this let us make one thing clear: we do not support the extra-legal actions taken by the individuals referenced in the article. Even when dealing with hate speech, it is the responsibility and duty of local authorities, not private citizens, to decide when and how to intervene. Haters and bigots have a right to their opinions just as we have a right to say what we want about them. We don’t respond to opponents by trying to silence them or worse, threatening them with violence, those immoral actions are the hallmark of the morally bankrupt BDS movement, not us.
Now that we have made that clear, let’s return to the matter at hand.
One of Koval’s main talking points at the time was that “an Israeli Jew herself.” She has since stopped calling herself Israeli, but continues to say she’s Jewish:
For the record, the genealogical research she had done, was a search on ancestry.com that led her to think she has Israeli roots since Cohen is the most popular last name in Israel.
So here was have someone who is not Jewish, nor Israeli, but claiming she is both in order to guard herself against accusations of Jew-hatred. In short, she is another Schivone Jew – a non-Jew who uses alleged Jewish ancestry as a shield against accusations of antisemitism.
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