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by Theatricum Botanicum
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011 at 1:41 AM
For four nights in September, the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum presents the controversial one-woman play that has become a flashpoint for opposing viewpoints about Israel's presence in the Gaza strip.
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For four nights in September, the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum presents the controversial one-woman play that has become a flashpoint for opposing viewpoints about Israel's presence in the Gaza strip. Susan Angelo directs Samara Frame in "My Name is Rachel Corrie", composed from the journals, letters and emails of the 23-year-old American peace activist who died protesting the demolition of a Palestinian home in Gaza. Four performances take place on September 1, 8, 15, 22 at 8 pm in the S. Mark Taper Foundation Pavilion at Theatricum Botanicum. A moderated audience talk-back will follow each performance.
Rachel Corrie, 1979-2003Rachel Corrie, 1979-2003A volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement, Rachel Corrie left her home and school in Olympia, Washington to work in the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With permission from the Corrie family, British actor/director Alan Rickman and award-winning journalist and London Guardian editor Katherine Viner accessed Rachel's diaries and emails, editing a huge volume of written material into a 70-minute one-woman show. Passionate, sometimes irreverent and always intelligent, My Name is Rachel Corrie explores an extraordinary young woman's singular experience in a region most of us know only from the news. Yet, while Rachel's narrative certainly deals with political issues, that's just one part of her story. This acclaimed play also reveals the gifted writer and artist, the rebellious and frightened daughter, the young girl with a larger than life personality who described herself as "scattered and deviant and too loud."
The situation surrounding Rachel's death was immediately controversial and polarizing-was Rachel a political pawn, or was she simply someone who truly believed in helping other people? In her introduction to the play Katherine Viner writes, "We wanted to uncover the young woman behind the political symbol, beyond her death.... We hoped to find out what made Rachel Corrie different from the stereotype of today's consumerist, depoliticized youth."
Theatricum Botanicum is no stranger to controversy. The beginnings of the theater can be traced to the early 1950s when Will Geer, a victim of the McCarthy era Hollywood blacklist (before he became known as the beloved Grandpa on TV's The Waltons) opened a theater for blacklisted actors and folk singers on his property in Topanga. These were artists who weren't afraid to state their opinions at a time when it paid to be silent, and they banded together to do what they did best: create theater.
"We want to present this complex and important work because it is uniquely connected to Theatricum's mission: to help understand the world we live in and to embrace our shared humanity," explains artistic director Ellen Geer. "This is one girl's story. In reflecting her personality, experiences and beliefs, it's an anti-hate story, an anti-violence story, and the story of her idealism. She's fighting for a better world for children, all children. In her words: ‘Egyptian kids, Palestinian kids, International kids and Israeli kids.' "
Actress Samara Frame plays Rachel CorrieActress Samara Frame plays Rachel CorrieWhen the play premiered at the Royal Court in London, England in the spring of 2005, it played to sold-out houses and rave reviews. Despite this success, the New York Theatre Workshop put the planned U.S. premiere on hold in the face of public protests, including threats of violence. In the end, the play opened as a commercial production at the Minetta Lane Theatre in Greenwich Village in the fall of 2006, and has since seen productions throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Samara Frame (Rachel Corrie) has worked and studied in Los Angeles, Denver, and Chicago. Theatrical highlights in Los Angeles include Haley Walker in the one-woman show Bad Dates; Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream; Queen Anne in The Three Musketeers; Elise in The Miser; Arviragus in Cymbeline; Celia in As You Like It; and Mag in I Wish To God, Mag, a modern dance tribute to Carl Sandburg at the Electric Lodge. She has appeared in over 30 films that have toured on international festival circuits, and her most recent television credits include ER; Scrubs; a new pilot, Bending Promises; the Independent Channel documentary Portrait of Courage: Flight 93; and PaxTV's Search for Heaven.
Performances of My Name is Rachel Corrie take place on Thursday evenings, September 1, 8, 15 and 22. All performances begin at 8 pm. A moderated audience talk-back will follow each performance. Tickets are $12. The Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum is located at 1419 North Topanga Canyon Blvd. in Topanga, midway between Malibu and the San Fernando Valley. To purchase tickets and for information, call 310.455.3723 or visit online at www.theatricum.com.
OTHER: The outdoor amphitheater at The Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum is terraced into the hillside of the rustic canyon. Audience members are advised to dress casually (warmly for evenings) and bring cushions for bench seating. Snacks are available at the Hamlet Hut, and picnickers are welcome before and after the performance.
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by sooo bad
Monday, Aug. 29, 2011 at 5:41 PM
I saw it at Stanford- poor Amanda, the actress playing Rachel was enormous. At one point she mentioned going skinny dipping. An elderly gentleman in the audience blurted out, spontaneously "Lord NO!" The audience doubled over laughing. It was the only bright spot in the entire boring production
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by Ken
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011 at 12:43 PM
Some friends and I would like to see this show in Orange County. It looks like an amazing play that should be widely viewed.
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by Finding PC
Friday, Sep. 09, 2011 at 8:22 PM
I just came back from seeing the second night of it showing at the Theatricum Botanicum, and I'm still reeling from the moving vignette of Rachel Corrie's individual narrative and the impassioned (who would of thought?) discussion afterwards.
Played by a exquisite actress and backed by an equally exquisite production company, "My Name Is Rachel Corrie" paints an intimate picture of Rachel from her childhood memories with her family to the last tumultuous thoughts she wrote down.
Equally titillating was the discussion had afterward. Fortunately for me, or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, tonight happened to be the one night Steve Goldberg, the National Vice Chairman of the Zionist Organization of America, was scheduled to be at the post-show discussion. While there were some zionists in the crowd, it made the discussion all the more entertaining to have someone whose status within an institution was dependent upon providing the counter-narrative to the play.
As most nationalistic talking heads do, he started off his defense of Israel and zionism with an attack. He called Rachel's story unfortunate not because of the fact that her death came at the behest of the Israel state and its zionist indoctrination, but because she was used by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and her story is used as propaganda for anti-semitic purposes. Although I'm paraphrasing, people who have heard Israel's representatives, whether they are actually state officials, lobbyists, or zionist leaders, know that I am not exaggerating.
The funny thing about Steve's attack was that it was so counter to Rachel Corrie's literal intentions and voiced sentiments that everyone just experienced that he seemed to be the completely odd one out. Afterwards, Rachel's real-life uncle addressed some of Steve's inflated accusations, as well as a very compassionate woman from Palestine.
Aside from the in-depth look at Rachel Corrie's beautiful mind and life's work, I learned how pathetic it is to see someone try to defend the use of military/state force against a defenseless individual standing up for something she believes in. Steve really must have no dignity. I felt, coming out of it, that all the years he's spent holding a State as his identity, protector, and home has made him unable to realize that his reality, his freedom, and his livelihood are dependent on human beings, acting in league with each other, as interdependent individuals. With this mentality, he, along with so many other nationalists, seem to diminish their ability to talk to individuals sensibly and in a respectful manner. Who needs to be cool with people when you only have to do what's right by the State, right?
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by to be clear
Monday, Sep. 12, 2011 at 9:04 AM
Corrie *was* used by the ISM. Just not only by the ISM.
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by blame the victim
Monday, Sep. 12, 2011 at 2:11 PM
why don't you talk about how israel is being used to smear the people of Jewish faith, worldwide with their criminal thuggery. And their weasel apologists for deliberate murder.
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by choadius
Monday, Sep. 12, 2011 at 5:44 PM
anyone remember the picture of 'peace activist' Rachel burning a mock American flag with a look of utter hate on her face? the idiot was run over by some poor bastard trying to do his job in an ARMORED bulldozer, which is difficult to see from as it is ARMORED. only a complete moron would get in front of one of these things. and the 'house' she was protecting? cover for a tunnel exit used to smuggle weapons by the 'peaceful' Palestinians.
"The vast majority of Palestinians right now, as far as I can tell, are engaged in Gandhian nonviolent resistance." - Rachel
Hamas took offense when this excerpt from one of her genius dispatches was released. they fired a few extra rockets that day I'm sure. most hilarious is her supposed concern for the children of Israeli. how well will these children fare if the Palestinians get their long wished for 'right' of return? losing everything to escape death from a pogrom for the lucky ones. remember Koran 5:83: Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews
and my favorite Hadith: The time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!
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by or a zionut
Monday, Sep. 12, 2011 at 8:58 PM
Actually, only a moron would attempt to conflate wanton murder with the israeli version of 'self defense'. But we've seen anything and everything used to justify the 'right' of these psychopaths hiding behind their own hypocrisy to crush the concept of humanity. Like a bulldozer blade over an unarmed woman. Then they go and blame the victim, again. Notice these individuals will NEVER accept any regret for ANYTHING they've committed under the figleaf of 'self determination'. But this is nothing new to these nazi mentors.
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by Amad
Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2011 at 10:39 PM
This is pure anti-semitisim pure and simple. Your so called "diversity" is in typical leftist thinking. Speak up...as long as you agree with me. How many times did you show terrorists hidding in mosques and nursery schools firing rockets at innocent Israeli citizens? How many times did you tell how Israel handed over the Gaza strip (so called "land for peace") and was immediately and continually attacked from there? How many times did you report the Palestinian doctrine "death to all Jews!" or Israel has no right to exist? How many times did you report that Israel and the so called, Palestine were granted independence on the same day and all the arabs/muslims did was attack Israel the very first second it happened. How many times did you report how Palestinian and muslim children are helped and saved EVERY DAY in Israeli hospitals. How many times did you report how our taxpayer money has gone to the "palestinians" for infrastructure and food only to be used for weaponry against Israel? How many times did you point out that there is 100% censorship in the muslim countries, and especially the palestinian areas where Israel, like the U.S. is a free and open society? In your "diversity" of opinion, why do you not point out the second class citizenship of females in the muslim/arab/palestinian society? How many times did you show how they teach children to be HOMICIDE bombers in wonderful "palestine"? How many times did you report the fact that the arab world made these people perpetual "refugees" to be used as political pawns? How many times did you point out that prior to the Arab countries attacking Israel in 1967 Jordan owned the west bank and Egypt owned the Gaza strip. THEY didn't want anything to do with so called, "Palestinians." Where were all the protests then? Your typical one-sided, leftist hatred of Israel, Jewish people (though unfortunately, there are countless, hard leftist Jews) and that all sides are equal is repugnant. A palestinian terrorist is as innocent, if not more so in your mind than a five year old, Israeli pre-schooler. So stay in your little insular, leftist world filled with the hate you so loudly denounce. "Oh put away all arms and let's live in PEACE!" Great, why don't you start with the terrorists who feel that causing death and destruction is doing Allah's work?
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by Amad
Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2011 at 10:42 PM
This is pure anti-semitisim pure and simple. Your so called "diversity" is in typical leftist thinking. Speak up...as long as you agree with me. How many times did you show terrorists hidding in mosques and nursery schools firing rockets at innocent Israeli citizens? How many times did you tell how Israel handed over the Gaza strip (so called "land for peace") and was immediately and continually attacked from there? How many times did you report the Palestinian doctrine "death to all Jews!" or Israel has no right to exist? How many times did you report that Israel and the so called, Palestine were granted independence on the same day and all the arabs/muslims did was attack Israel the very first second it happened. How many times did you report how Palestinian and muslim children are helped and saved EVERY DAY in Israeli hospitals. How many times did you report how our taxpayer money has gone to the "palestinians" for infrastructure and food only to be used for weaponry against Israel? How many times did you point out that there is 100% censorship in the muslim countries, and especially the palestinian areas where Israel, like the U.S. is a free and open society? In your "diversity" of opinion, why do you not point out the second class citizenship of females in the muslim/arab/palestinian society? How many times did you show how they teach children to be HOMICIDE bombers in wonderful "palestine"? How many times did you report the fact that the arab world made these people perpetual "refugees" to be used as political pawns? How many times did you point out that prior to the Arab countries attacking Israel in 1967 Jordan owned the west bank and Egypt owned the Gaza strip. THEY didn't want anything to do with so called, "Palestinians." Where were all the protests then? Your typical one-sided, leftist hatred of Israel, Jewish people (though unfortunately, there are countless, hard leftist Jews) and that all sides are equal is repugnant. A palestinian terrorist is as innocent, if not more so in your mind than a five year old, Israeli pre-schooler. So stay in your little insular, leftist world filled with the hate you so loudly denounce. "Oh put away all arms and let's live in PEACE!" Great, why don't you start with the terrorists who feel that causing death and destruction is doing Allah's work?
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by frothing zionutz
Wednesday, Sep. 14, 2011 at 2:19 AM
what a scree of stereotyping! Why don't we talk about the israeli habit of committing terrorism in the name of their enemies like the bombing of the King David Hotel or the Lavon Affair or their attack on the USS Liberty; or even the Achille Lauro where israel killed while attempting to blame the 'Arabs' for it. you sick fuck zionists are "Repulsive & typical". And we are not falling for your crap.
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