If you are like me you probably have never seen a
cop car parked legally.
In these photographs a Chandler Police Officer illegally
parked his motorcycle in the new Chandler City Hall.
Whenever I see stuff like this I like to make jokes
about how stupid cops are.
How cops are too dumb to park their cars correctly.
Or how the idiots at the police academy don't
teach the cops how to park.
But sadly we are all wrong about how stupid and poorly
trained the police are.
In reality the cops know how to correctly park their cars.
While cops may be *ssholes, they are aren't the dumb *assholes
we make them out to be.
The real reason you never see a police car parked legally
is because most cops have an attitude problem which goes
like this:
I'm a cop!
I got a gun and a badge and I can do anything I f*cking want!
If you don't like it go f*ck yourself!
If you complain I am going to
smash your face beyond repair and lock you in jail.
If that makes you feel lousy, remember
these jackbooted police thugs can retire
after 10 years of violating your rights and
collect 80% of their highest salary for the
rest of their lives.
Most of them will retire making $100,000 or more
a year doing nothing but collecting their retirement
benefits they earned for 10 years of police service,
which was mostly jerking us serfs around.
All I can say is ain't it great living in
American where the police pretend to protect you.
All these photos were taken on
Thursday, June 16, 2011
around 11:56 a.m.
at the new Chandler City Hall
which is at
Chandler City Hall
175 S. Arizona Avenue
Chandler, Arizona
The license plate on this cops motorcycle is:
Arizona Plate
4941 SA
The serial number on the motorcycle is:
The current Chandler City Council memembers who seem
to approve of this police misconduct are:
Mayor Jay Tibshraeny
Vice Mayor Trinity Donovan
Councilmember Kevin Hartke
Councilmember Rick Heumann
Councilmember Matt Orlando
Councilmember Jack Sellers
Councilmember Jeff Weninger