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Friday, May. 20, 2011 at 7:40 PM
 carlosmontes15aug.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x450
On May 17, 2011 at 5:00 AM the SWAT Team of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department and members of the FBI raided the home of Carlos Montes, a long time Chicano activist and active member of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. The SWAT Team smashed the front door and rushed in with automatic weapons as Carlos slept. The team of Sheriffs and FBI proceeded to ransack his house, taking his computer, cell phones and hundreds of documents, photos, diskettes and mementos of his current political activities in the pro-immigrant rights and Chicano civil rights movement. Also taken were hundreds of historical documents related to Carlos Montes’ involvement in the Chicano movement for the past 44 years.
Carlos was arrested on one charge dealing with a firearm code and released on bail the following morning. His first court appearance is set for June 16, 2011. This attack on Carlos Montes is part of the campaign of FBI harassment taking place against the 23 peace and justice activists which has until now been centered in the Midwest. Carlos Montes’ name was listed on the subpoena left in the office of the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee last September 24. When Carlos Montes was placed in the LA County Sheriff's car, an FBI agent approached and asked him questions about the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Carlos Montes has done nothing wrong. This is an attack on him and an attack on the Chicano movement for equality. Carlos has been involved and a committed leader in the immigrant rights, anti war, solidarity, and quality education movements his whole adult life.
Stop the Attacks on the Chicano and Immigrants Rights Movement!
We demand all charges be dropped against Carlos Montes. We call for the immediate return of all his property.
Please call and write US Attorney General Eric Holder (202) 353-1555 and demand Hands Off Carlos Montes and other activists.
Join the LA Committee Against FBI Repression on May 24, 2011, at 7 PM to hear first hand about this attack and discuss the FBI repression targeting political activists and movements. The program will take place at F Square Printing, 519 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013.
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by Enrique Delgado
Saturday, Jun. 11, 2011 at 7:31 AM
I'm getting tired of this. Just in general, not for this specific guy that got arrested, but the whole subject.
Immigrants are people that are coming into a country by some LEGAL means. Immigrants are people trying to become naturalized citizens.
Criminals are people that sneak in and hope nobody noticed. (Trespassing) They know they're breaking a law, and they decide to do it anyway. It's not like they are unaware of the situation. They know it's illegal and willingly break the law.
Obviously I don't know the whole story about this one man "helping immigrants". Says that he was arrested on a firearms charge, but people claim it's harassment because he also does work for Immigrants Rights. Maybe they had a legitimate firearms violation, maybe they didn't. This article sure doesn't concern itself with the pertinent facts. It focuses on the Chicano Immigrants Rights angle instead of reality.
So what about Immigrants Right? Well, if by Immigrants you mean "Trespassers", then I do believe in giving them their rights. Preferably read straight from a Miranda Card so you get it correct. "You have the Right to Remain Silent.. (etc) " Law breakers have the right to be arrested, tried in court, then if found guilty to be convicted and sentenced accordingly.
Some people make the stupid argument "but hey, it's not like they're murderers or something like that, they just want to work." My response is that when they are arrested for being here illegally they are not put on trial for murder. They are sent to court dependent on the violation they committed. The Law has degrees of punishment for crimes of various nature.
I understand why people are looking to come into the USA. Things suck in Central / South America and they're running scared. But just because your country sucks doesn't give you a "right" to run away and break into another country. Be a Man, like our grandfathers were, stand up and change it rather than run away.
I believe in a strong yet compassionate border. Stop trespassers at the border, offer them minimal assistance if absolutely necessary, but don't let them in until they can do it legally. In the short term you'd have a DMZ along the border, but in the long term I believe The People will stop running North and start Marching South.
Be honest with yourself here: - Is the situation "south of the border" going to change for the better on it's own? No - Will letting people come into the US openly and randomly make anyone safer? No - Will people coming here illegally for crap jobs @ crap pay, sending that money back South do anything to fix the situation? No - Is there an easy solution? No
- Is there time to stop running and start standing up for your land and your family? Yes.
Lets all pray for a bloodless revolution and resolution.
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by Enrique Delgado
Saturday, Jun. 11, 2011 at 7:33 AM
I'm getting tired of this. Just in general, not for this specific guy that got arrested, but the whole subject.
Immigrants are people that are coming into a country by some LEGAL means. Immigrants are people trying to become naturalized citizens.
Criminals are people that sneak in and hope nobody noticed. (Trespassing) They know they're breaking a law, and they decide to do it anyway. It's not like they are unaware of the situation. They know it's illegal and willingly break the law.
Obviously I don't know the whole story about this one man "helping immigrants". Says that he was arrested on a firearms charge, but people claim it's harassment because he also does work for Immigrants Rights. Maybe they had a legitimate firearms violation, maybe they didn't. This article sure doesn't concern itself with the pertinent facts. It focuses on the Chicano Immigrants Rights angle instead of reality.
So what about Immigrants Right? Well, if by Immigrants you mean "Trespassers", then I do believe in giving them their rights. Preferably read straight from a Miranda Card so you get it correct. "You have the Right to Remain Silent.. (etc) " Law breakers have the right to be arrested, tried in court, then if found guilty to be convicted and sentenced accordingly.
Some people make the stupid argument "but hey, it's not like they're murderers or something like that, they just want to work." My response is that when they are arrested for being here illegally they are not put on trial for murder. They are sent to court dependent on the violation they committed. The Law has degrees of punishment for crimes of various nature.
I understand why people are looking to come into the USA. Things suck in Central / South America and they're running scared. But just because your country sucks doesn't give you a "right" to run away and break into another country. Be a Man, like our grandfathers were, stand up and change it rather than run away.
I believe in a strong yet compassionate border. Stop trespassers at the border, offer them minimal assistance if absolutely necessary, but don't let them in until they can do it legally. In the short term you'd have a DMZ along the border, but in the long term I believe The People will stop running North and start Marching South.
Be honest with yourself here: - Is the situation "south of the border" going to change for the better on it's own? No - Will letting people come into the US openly and randomly make anyone safer? No - Will people coming here illegally for crap jobs @ crap pay, sending that money back South do anything to fix the situation? No - Is there an easy solution? No
- Is there time to stop running and start standing up for your land and your family? Yes.
Lets all pray for a bloodless revolution and resolution.
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by you got it right
Saturday, Jun. 11, 2011 at 8:41 AM
The root of this problem is not 'rights' but a criminal trade policy. End NAFTA etc. and you end the 'problems'.
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by joe blow
Monday, Jun. 13, 2011 at 12:14 AM
You should use spell check, that way it will take us longer to figure out your arguments errors.
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