Robina Suwol of CA. Safe Schools –Local Hero Nominee
A true visionary, humanitarian and champion for children's rights, Robina Suwol is the Founder & Executive Director of California Safe Schools (CSS), a celebrated children's environmental health & environmental justice nonprofit coalition of over 50 organizations located in Southern California. CSS is committed to the health and safety of children, staff and community members who reside near school sites
CSS is internationally recognized for spearheading the most stringent pesticide policy in the nation at Los Angeles Unified School District (2nd largest in the nation). This policy called Integrated Pest Management Policy (IPM), uses low-risk methods to eliminate pest and weeds. The policy was the first in the United States to embrace the Precautionary Principle and Parents Right to Know about pesticides used on school campuses. Today it has become the model for school districts and communities internationally.
October 6, 2005, Governor Schwarzenegger signed AB 405 (Montanez) sponsored by California Safe Schools. This law closes a loophole protecting more than 6 million California K-12 public school students, and hundreds of thousands of teachers and school employees from exposure to experimental pesticides whose health effects are unknown. An articulate and compelling speaker, Suwol gives frequent presentations on safety to parents, students, school officials and legislators.
The Daily Green's Heart of Green Awards honor those people and organizations that take green to the mainstream — to the "heart" of the American people.
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Be warned that this "safe schools" group looks like it's another Scientology fake front. The group is very secretive and has known ties to the Scientology corporation.
Don't give these people money!