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by wg2k1
Friday, Mar. 05, 2010 at 11:59 PM
A video, several photos, and snarky comments.
![March 4 Education Ma...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2010/03/education-free.jpgmid.jpg) education-free.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x450
Numerous demonstrations rocked the region, and the downtown LA event pulled together a lot of people from a lot of different places, including the suburbs. People all the way from Pomona, and even Alhambra and the Garvey districts (which to westsiders is as far as Pomona, but, you and I know better). LAUSD teachers were in the house, educating the educators about marching, because they're old hands at it, from fighting the huge bureaucracy for years.
I'm more of a "break up the district" kind of guy. Maybe the UTLA would hate me for that - but the UTLA should not be such a company union. They should organize outside of the district too. These photos are from the end of the march. The video runs around 3 blocks.
The first picture, above, sums up my thinking. We should be paying for education out of our taxes, not through usage fees. Nobody, even a tradesperson or laborer or poor person should be deprived of learning.
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by wg2k1
Friday, Mar. 05, 2010 at 11:59 PM
![Budget Cuts = Class ...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2010/03/classwar.jpg) classwar.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x450
We can come up with some corollaries to this one.
fighting against budget cuts = fighting against class war
damn... an anarchist's paradox. perhaps anarchists should fight for budget cuts, to increase class war.
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by wg2k1
Friday, Mar. 05, 2010 at 11:59 PM
![The Arts...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2010/03/artists.jpgmid.jpg) artists.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x392
Everyone deserves the arts. That's why they teach it in public school, which is like a central social institution - a multi-service center for the community. That's one theory of The School.
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by wg2k1
Friday, Mar. 05, 2010 at 11:59 PM
![No Cuts...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2010/03/cuts.jpgmid.jpg) cuts.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x450
Yes, with those funny school scissors, you can't cut much of anything. These are the adult-sized ones.
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by wg2k1
Friday, Mar. 05, 2010 at 11:59 PM
![Blue Spreadsheet Guy...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2010/03/spreadsheet.jpgmid.jpg) spreadsheet.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x428
Sometimes, spreadsheets hide formulas, because this guy's assertion that undereducated people become criminals is really unfair to the undereducated.
What really happens is that an undereducated community that cannot get high-paying jobs represents a business opportunity for criminals. Poor people want stuff, just like everyone, and they're willing to pay good money to get products at 20% of retail from some guy, who got it from some other professional theif, who stole it from the local store or some more wealthy, nearby residents.
Of these characters, some will get caught, and they end up in prison, costing us a lot of tax money. Before then, though, they'll cost us a lot of money by robbing us.
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by wg2k1
Friday, Mar. 05, 2010 at 11:59 PM
![Pie Chart Guy...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2010/03/piechart.jpgmid.jpg) piechart.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x533
This guy's starting to go all "powerpoint" on us.
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by Paradox
Sunday, Mar. 07, 2010 at 3:49 PM
It is dilemma! What is important is that we let folks know that budget cuts is class war directed to us and that to react against it is not only just but necessary! Hopefully these cuts, ironically, become a way to radicalize people!
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by nobody
Sunday, Mar. 07, 2010 at 11:40 PM
Class war is really a battle between two ways to organize society. When the war is from the upper, wealthy class against the poorer working class, it's a war to ensure that the existing "capitalist" order reigns.
When the war is from the working class against the upper class, it's a war to re-shape society with a different vision. The old vision was state socialism. Currently, I think the vision is muddled. Some want internationalist socialism, some want state socialism, some want social democracy (which is kind of what we have), some want community-controlled social democracy (kind of like anarchism).
Right now, the current demonstration is basically demanding continued funding of the existing system. We need to demand more, I think - more diversity and more systems, along with more money (and more taxes to provide the money).
Students have stepped up to support custodial workers on campuses. Why not take it to the next level, and demand education for custodial workers? And by that, of course, ALL workers, and non-workers.
Presently, education is heavily privatized at many levels, and continues to benefit the wealthy without benefiting everyone. It's mostly job training, and done factory-style in a "classroom". And that's what these kids are hollering for? More job training in a rectangular room?
What is the role of education in the new, improved society? What shape should education take? Who shall be "educated"? How should it be funded? Who are the educators?
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by John Mckim
Wednesday, Mar. 17, 2010 at 5:59 PM
Education budget cut is about reducing the budget going to the toilet school. Los Angeles Unified School District has been facing huge budget deficit trying to educate illegal alien and anchor babe student. On top of too many illegal aliens, those school are attended mostly by La Raza students toilet school. A more than 40% of La Raza student in high school do not graduated. This happened in unified education district mostly crowed by La Raza students as well as black students.
Obama's decision is if you don't performing well, we are going to close the whole school in order to save the financial deficit.
Why should we continued to support toilet school? Let these La Raza students protest in the name of freedom of speech but we should not allow to support the toilet school. Let the toilet school...
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by wg2k1
Monday, Mar. 22, 2010 at 10:26 AM
Thank you for taking the time to reply.
Did you go to one of those "toilet schools", or did you go to a better one? It's hard to tell, because your English is broken. I'm allowing for some typos here - I make the same kinds of errors - but there are so many that I have to wonder if you're really qualified to criticize.
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