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by GK
Monday, Oct. 05, 2009 at 8:59 PM
Steve Murphy is being charged with a 2006 E.L.F. action in Pasadena, CA.
Steve Murphy is being charged with a 2006 E.L.F. action in Pasadena, CA. The complaint accuses Steve of allegedly decommissioning a tractor and placing an incendiary device in a housing development construction site in the name of the Environmental Liberation Front. For more information and copy of the complaint visit SupportSteve.org
Update - As of October 4, 2009
Currently, Steve is being held in Texas and awaiting transfer to California. His expected extradition date is sometime in the third week of October.
Steve is a vegan, and is having difficulty with food in the jail where he is being held in Ft Worth, TX. In a phone call, he reported he had so far had only one meal of pasta and iceberg lettuce at the jail. He has asked the no calls be made on his behalf just yet while he attempts to remedy the situation from the inside. However, calls to the jail may be needed in the near future to secure Steve a vegan diet.
Until then, write Steve a letter:
Steve Murphy #39013177
P.O. BOX 15330
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by GK
Tuesday, Oct. 06, 2009 at 6:49 AM
*Correction "Earth Liberation Front" sorry it was late
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by NS
Thursday, Oct. 08, 2009 at 8:05 AM
I think anyone who dismisses a fellow activist as a "domestic terrorist" is no better than the state. We must work together to fight the oppression we all face under this ruthless government.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2009 at 2:05 PM
He's an American hero, opposing the eco-terrorist corporate rapists that continue to fuck up our planet.
We need more of this, much more.
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by see the link
Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2009 at 5:32 PM
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by Where would we go without Earth??
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 at 10:33 AM
"not a mental defective" wrote in 'hidden' comment;
"It's a ball of magma, rock, and dust, you pathetic brain dead bastard."
Yes, and all that magma, rock and dust rolled up together plus water and oxygen is the only home that we know!! ALL of the plants and animals we take for food need rock dust, water and air so that we humans do not starve!!
We didn't have much luck shooting rockets at the moon looking for any water up there!!
BTW - As i have great respect for Judi Bari and Earth First!ers in general, it is sad that some (hidden) comments are trying to divide EF! from ELF/ALF based solely upon their tactics.
ELF and ALF as of yet qualify as non-violent because they only engage in property destruction and DO NOT harm and LIVING beings. We need to draw distinctions between metal, glass and other inanimate objects and living, breathing sentient beings. Bulldozers can be repaired, not so easy with people. Ecosystems cannot be restored to their previous condition once a developer moves in with the dozers and flattens the Earth, smothers it with asphalt and puts ticky-tacky sprawl houses on top.
Whatever happened to the older, smaller more modest homes built in between the trees without clearcutting and bulldozing that happens with modern subdivisions. My theory is that developers got greedy and took shortcuts of clearcutting and bulldozing everything instead of trying to gently place the homes inbetween the trees.
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by debate coach
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 at 10:45 AM
"We need to draw distinctions"
And that's why you people are considered to be breathtakingly stupid and nothing else.
Does a volcano or an earthquake or a tsunami distinguish? No, of course not. Only you childish leftists, enamored of your emotional and irrational obsessions, think such.
Besides, leftists don't care about the baby humans, only the baby seals and whales. They can't have it both ways.
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by the difference
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 at 11:27 AM
"-divide EF! from ELF/ALF based solely upon their tactics.-" you bet I will and so does the FBI They went after Judi and they let ELF / ALF operate. And the FBI doesn't distinguish between property and personal injury. They want poster terrorists to hang their funding upon. Be smart, think about it.
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by FBI is not "letting" ELF operate
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 at 2:20 PM
"the difference" wrote; "They went after Judi and they let ELF / ALF operate." No, FBI is not really letting the ELF/ALF operate, just that in a leaderless resistance it is difficult for the FBI to shut down the ideology that inspires ELF/ALF actions. Precisely because there is no ELF/ALF as a cohesive organization, it is only a set of principles that activists adhere to. One of the most significant principles is the "harm none" rule that states; "No human or animal will be injured in ELF/ALF actions." Getting public support for ELF/ALF actions is the reason that this rule is adhered to, NOT because of the FBI responses. There are significant differences in sentencing when the conviction is simply vandalism compared to physical assault (or worse) on another human. That is another reason it is inaccurate to call ELF/ALF terrorists on the same scale with ACTUAL terrorists like al Queda. The only significant difference between ELF/ALF actions and EF! actions is that EF! actions are more visible (lockdowns, roadblocks, tripods, etc...) while ELF/ALF actions attempt to be invisible (vandalism, animal break outs, etc...). One of the reasons EF! organizer Judi Bari was car bombed by unknown assailants was because she was the most prominent organizer of NCEF! during the early years of MAXXAM in Humboldt. Being a keystone figure who united the Kaiser steelworkers with the PL loggers robbed of their pensions AND the treesitters in Redwood Summer led to her being targeted for removal by the car bomber. We can say the same for the state targeting other leaders in social justice struggles, such as Malcolm X and MLK Jr. Both were killed soon after they spoke out in support of "poor whites" of Appalachia joining the (class) struggle alongside the African-americans of the South for greater equality. The response of anarchists to state sponsored assassinations of political leaders and prominent activists is the leaderless resistance, it becomes more difficult for CIA jackels (assassins) to target any one individual, as the lack of heirarchy makes leaders irrelevant. To understand the ELF/ALF ideology in better detail, check out the book "Burning Rage of a Dying Planet" by Craig Rosebraugh, who detailed his experience as spokesperson for the activists who were involved in ELF/ALF actions; Book review; "The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) has been active in the United States officially since 1997, causing more than $45 million in damages to various entities. Rejecting State-sanctioned means of legal protest, ELF uses economic sabotage to inflict financial suffering on those deemed objectionable. In February 2002, the FBI listed the ELF as the largest and most active US-based terrorist group. Although no one has died in any of these operations, ELF's campaign against loggers, SUV dealerships, and others it considers threats to the planet have galvanized and polarized the environmental movement. Former ELF spokesperson Rosebraugh charts the history and ideology of ELF and explores their tactics, successes, and limitations. He shows how ELFers offer an uncompromising vision of an earth under assault from the forces of greed and corporate violence, and how they employ direct action against those they deem a threat to the planet. Rosebraugh also examines the issues of whether violence is or is not justifiable, and the short- and long-term political benefits and drawbacks of using violence. Finally, he offers a trenchant vision of the future of the environmental movement, radical politics, and US democracy under the so-called "Patriot" Act." find book @; http://www.akpress.org/2004/items/burningrageofadyingplanet BTW - As of yet there is no evidence to convict Steve of any criminal activity, all these discussions are hypothetical.
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by soma
Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2009 at 9:24 PM
The reason why houses have been getting bigger are two fold. One, the natural fact, is that many immigrants tend to live in multi-generation homes. Larger homes sell to households with multiple wage-earners. Two, speculation in houses caused the market to behave irrationally and destructively.
The house speculation bubble - which is still deflating despite the so-called "recovery", decoupled house prices from wages. When house prices are in line with wages (and rent) people tend to buy only as much space as they need. When there's a speculative bubble, you try to maximize your investment, because the more you buy, the more profit you stand to gain. (That's what they mean by leverage - you take your cash and get a big loan and speculate with it, like lifting a big object with a lever and a little force.)
The formula for "success" was to buy as much square footage as possible, and expand, with the logic that a larger house would fetch a better price when the house was re-sold.
The builders caught on, and the houses got bigger. The big houses sold, and re-sold, until the market topped out.
The collapse of the house bubble caused capital to flee to another "safe" investment: commodities.
That caused the increase of speculation in commodities. Commodities are traded largely as "futures" - that is, a contract to purchase a commodity at a set price. Futures normally cause a market to stabilize, because people are "betting" on whether the price will be higher or lower than expected, and the sellers (the farmers, oil drillers, etc.) are trying to maximize their price to avoid the risk of price fluctuations.
What happens when the demand for futures exceeds the possible supply, is that the price of the contracts goes up past any reasonable price. Then, the side effect is that it causes the price of the underlying commodity to rise.
This is the problem of excessive capital accumulation - too much money in too few hands causes otherwise sage fiscal decisions to go out of control -- the market "goes haywire".
Each time there's a bubble, production in something increases, and the Earth is harmed.
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by this is silly
Friday, Oct. 16, 2009 at 3:31 AM
we have some concern for a world to provide to our children, free of poisons and waste; to give hope to the continence of our species. Somewhere else but a cancerous hell of toxic effluence and malicious neglect. But it's important to remember that there are creatures who's life is so devoid of life's rewards; they find themselves in a bitter hateful deathwish they must try to shroud everyone in as a pitiful attempt to find commonality. Even companionship, in a cult of psychopathic ruin.
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by "terrorists like al Queda." [?]
Friday, Oct. 16, 2009 at 6:30 AM
another little item here.... 1 you lose credit citing a CIA asset as some kind of out of control menace. It's the label that was assigned to the data base of CIA trained Afghanistan 'freedom ( anti-Soviet ) fighters'. Saying they are no longer an asset is to profess total ignorance of how these duplicitous agencies of Wall Street work.
2 the ELF /ALF who openly post on portland, for example ( providing an excuse to sieze hard drives; a move that never occurs) belie the notion that they are autonomous and secretive in their recruitment methods. This comment, of course, was removed when I brought it up. You can only trust yourself. Really.
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