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by Censored Again-some-more
Saturday, Aug. 01, 2009 at 7:28 AM
Indymedia every so too often decides to CENSOR an article by hiding it from public view..but based on nothing more than it's own group's version of what they like politically or an article that someone there with the power of that clever click who has decided what was offered to the LA public readers now needs to be "gone !" out of sight ! Why they do this is unrevealed and non-transparent. And LA.Indymedia offer no way to reverse their discriminating acts either as there is no one ‘home’ when a letter is written to info@la.indymedia.org either !”
see http://la.indymedia.org/news/2009/07/229219.php
which has been hidden after 1 day , because it was what ? Nothing according to la.indy’s editorial policy or mission, for sure !
This has happened at least twice before to this writer and probably more often to others who may not check back after initially publishing their divergent views. Has it happened to you ?
Can anyone please explain the repeated hiding/censoring of articles arbitrarily or even deliberately discriminating against any writer who does not strictly FOLLOW some undeclared formula or bias held by this site ? As this hypocrisy of saying that they are believing in 'free speech' but then they eliminate that freedom at will has to also be exposed elsewhere now.
An article that was reposted from another published journal that was obviously not "liked" enough to keep for open reading, so that article was HIDDEN [as in hidden posts, all in pink and not available unless one knows how to access these ]....
for what visible reasonable cause ? Because someone did not agree ? or Someone who has the authority to 'take out' information that may be reliable, actual, accurate or even debatable was not wanted on la.indymedia.org ?
Is this not contrary to the intentions, purpose of this free speech website ?
other very weird articles appear all the time, but only from those who claim victimhood and thus are obviously acceptable in that case...
other articles berating any authority are loved and left intact.
a comment to the article was left visible while the reposter was blanked out to not be seen unless a clever person happens to click the right button because they already know a Censored Article exists .
What is the explanation ? none given.
What is the purpose of chosing which side Indymedia prefers over others they dont happen to like or agree with ?
What is the propaganda bias located in these pages ?
The article about language speaks against corporations and businesses pretending to cater to certain groups to gain their favor and for more profits and customers. The capitalist nature of procedures pretending to be ‘for the people’ is noted to be actually more for the benefit of the capitalists than the populous.
dont ask because no one wants to tell. We expect this article to be quickly eliminated as well, as criticism, even constructive and accurate criticism surely cannot be allowed within such a self-righteous group that makes unilateral decisions contrary to it’s own mission & policies.
However, quoting here directly from la.indy’s editorial policy and mission, they claim one thing and then do another. Here is what the website states - see for yourself please ! :
[Note: underlined statements are for sorting thru the platitudes]
“We support local, regional and global struggles against exploitation and oppression”. [ but does this mean not allowing another group view that also claims this intent besides the particular ones they chose to believe and support ????]
“ We function as a non-commercial, non-corporate, anti-capitalist collective.” and “... collectives organized along anti-authoritarian principles of open and transparent decision-making processes, [snip]... and the elimination of hierarchies.
Los Angeles Independent Media Center participants shall not act in a manner that endangers, intimidates, or physically harms any member of the group [snip]...Indymedia members shall strive to act in a respectful manner to other members of the collective as well as the public.”
“Mission Statement: To encourage a world where globalization is not about homogeneity and exploitation, but rather, about diversity and cooperation. [snip]
To cover local events that are ignored or poorly covered by corporate media.... [snip] ”and environmental justice directly from their perspective. [snip]
To encourage, facilitate, and support the creation of independent news gathering and organizations.”
So why are these statements on the la.indymedia site while the actions of it’s members doing otherwise ?
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by mous
Saturday, Aug. 01, 2009 at 7:56 AM
I *TRIED* to read your linked essay, and it doesn't make any sense to me. It seems to be racist, or something. Maybe you're not racist, or not trying to be, but some things just jumped out, like the N word, mentioning Ebonics, going off on language issues... everything really points in that direction.
The reason why there are signs in foreign languages, and foreign language media, is mostly marketing. By focusing on a niche, you can attract customers. If a sign is in English, and you want to attract immigrant, it won't work. It's not because the immigrants can't read or understand English -- though that may be the case -- but because the language communicates that the business is focused on serving immigrants.
This isn't that different from the clever store names and signs in places like West Hollywood and Silver Lake. Instead of something like "Joe's Liquors" you rename it to "joe : a liquor store". Maybe the'll have a name like "Vinyl Fetish"... or worse, "Vinyl Solution". The deliberately understated tone or cleverness is intended to convey affluence, wit, and independent nonconformity.
Commerce seeks profit, and language is not central to making a profit. Language is a way to communicate the business to the customers, but language is not central.
People who make language central fall into the trap of avoiding or patronizing businesses based on language. They will find themselves paying more for things, because they've restricted themselves.
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by No borders
Saturday, Aug. 01, 2009 at 1:38 PM
What's wrong with a multilingual society? How does it harm anyone?
The English only crowd are racists pure and simple.
The editors were right to hide this article.
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by almost censored again
Monday, Aug. 03, 2009 at 10:15 PM
quote :The English only crowd are racists pure and simple. "
How simple minded are those who like to accuse others of any "ism" or "ist" for having a view that may not please them...
when we select to write here, we Pick A Language, and mostly it is "English", no ?
To notice that corporations, businesses use multi-language button pushing recordings and sending out their materials in bulk to cover all languages is now accepted as the best practice to avoid being called a "racist" ? huh ? Not allowed to ask for a pre -dominant language any more ?
To speak or want English to be the main and other times the one all immigrants SHOULD LEARN QUICKLY - as all romans have been also asked to do- or to question the Necessity and Constancy of having to listen to any other language group is Not Allowed in PC slang ?
Other nation-states with languages that are not English say that everyone needs to learn their native language except for the ones who clearly "cater" to the richer-tourist crowds to make money from those who speak $$$ currency. But USA must act differently ? why is this ?
Accusations of being bad bad bad ! for saying anything except the muzzled politico standard line is called "freedom of speech " or "freedom to question " or "freedom to offer a differing view" ?
Anything but the same old same old whatever fad is currently in favor by those most angry and with double standards is only allowed ?
Have we lost it already ? The ability to think independently. the open space to write and say something not usually repeated by the cable, TV, paid news sources and advertised media crews. Have we lost it already ? Then why criticize any other nation that censors and disallows anything that is inconvenient to those who either hold power or WANT TO HAVE POWER to close down any "other" voices.
So Indymedia in Los Angeles is doing a good job....to not allow any references copied right out of syndicated current comics published with implications of 'forbidden words'...and who forbids them when orally spoken in public on stages or streets of LA ?
Censorship is easy to do and most harmful to an open society or one that likes to think of itself as not as dictatorial anyhow.
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by same person
Wednesday, Aug. 05, 2009 at 12:41 AM
1. You barely make sense.
2. Your viewpoint is difficult to ascertain, so, people are hiding your post... so they can ignore you.
If you want an opportunity to be read, you should learn to re-read and edit your post until it's comprehensible.
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by writer of article now blocked too
Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2009 at 9:11 PM
Strange happenings, unexpected and unethical, but still, someone who works at la.indymedia.org has chosen to BLOCK access to this website from the machine that write the article that is described above.
There is NO ACCESS AT ALL, even to read articles, not just to publish or comment from that machinie. Of course there are programs that tell the website which ID # has written to the website and then ...more than censorship has occured....a deliberate spiteful act of Pay Back...or defense ?
To prevent any further access to read or write or anything from that computer has been accomplished.
Who are the Master In Control at la.indymedia who find it ethically correct and follow their mission by blocking
a dissenting point of view and the writer of that ?
what else is dishonest here ?
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by Eric Stewart
Monday, Feb. 25, 2013 at 6:42 PM
Indymedia censors and then allows posts regarding censorshlp to stay merely as an attempt to discredit the claim. I have been experiencing this for at least eleven years and it has happened dozens of times.
The national site stopped approving ANYTHING by me long ago and Portland's recently hid a post because it is apparently racist to draw attention to racist forced sterilization of Ethiopian women by Israelis.
This one has also been hidden and it is very curious as all it is is some history that squarely points the finger at the Vatican and lauds the resistance to global tyranny. Who the heck at Indymedia wants people to not have some history in their hands? This is really sad. WTF, really? URL:
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by Ameera
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 at 3:49 AM
It's more likely a question of accuracy. Offering birth control to women of color is not " forced sterilization", for example. The birth control discussed lasted 12 weeks.
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by Eric Stewart
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 at 11:42 AM
Accuracy? The women were not OFFERED but what was in their injections was not told to them. Assumptions always in favor of one's favorite site. That's all it is. The IDEA was not horrible enough for you to read up on it but was, instead, automatically rejected without an iota of research.
Here ya go.
Typically, as far as Indymedia is concerned, this will probably be the last post I am allowed to make at this thread. Were it Portland's or countless others, it would be the last time I am able to post ANYTHING.
According to many Indymedia pundits, Israel can do no wrong.
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by Eric Stewart
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013 at 11:56 AM
Accuracy? The women were not OFFERED but what was in their injections was not told to them.
The IDEA was not horrible enough for you to read up on it but was, instead, automatically rejected without an iota of research.
Here ya go.
Typically, as far as Indymedia is concerned, this will probably be the last post I am allowed to make at this thread. Were it Portland's or countless others, it would be the last time I am able to post ANYTHING.
According to many Indymedia pundits, Israel can do no wrong. Of course, only when I am publishing something that criticizes Indymedia does my comment take forever to publish. What are you guys up to?
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