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by Carlos
Sunday, Apr. 19, 2009 at 9:48 AM
Police checkpoints, "legal" violations of the fourth amendment, are plaguing our communities. Not only do police stop people without any probable cause whatsoever, but they deprive people of their property, impounding their cars for up to thirty days. These checkpoints disproportionately affect the immigrant community, and in the inland city of Rialto, past checkpoints have resulted in more than 80 impounds in a single night. So what happens when members of the community use their free speech rights to inform others of police action? Here is a first-person account from Carlos, a young activist in Rialto:
 nocheckpoints.jpg, image/jpeg, 287x246
My cousin and I were protesting a DUI checkpoint that looked like something else. This checkpoint was close to a church on Cedar and Merrill in Rialto, CA. We noticed that the church was filled with cars and low trucks. We saw that most of the people that were being detained were Latinos/Chicanos. A few weeks before we were protesting against the ICE raids in Riverside. We knew what was taking place. This was a racist checkpoint. We made a couple of signs and decided to protest this, get people's attention, warn them of the upcoming racist checkpoint.
Within a minute of standing on the corner to protest, we were handcuffed and thrown against a fence. I told the officer he was using excessive force when kicking my legs apart to search me. He not only ignored me, but kicked me again in the same leg. He took us inside the church parking lot, knowing we had not committed a crime and could not take us to jail. He constantly insulted and threatened us.
He finally decided to let us go with a fine. Before he takes the handcuffs off, he gets our signs and shows them to his fellow officers. We could hear them talking behind us. One officer said,"What are you going to do with them?" And officer Jones, the arresting officer, told them he was already letting us go with a fine. I heard another officer say, "F.....them, don't let them go, show them the system."
When he comes over to take the handcuffs off my cousin Alex, he claimed that my cousin was resiting. Resisting as if he was arresting him, but he was already taking the handcuffs off to let us go. He sits my cousin back down and tell us that we were under arrest. I spend 12 hours in jail while most of the people arrested arrested at the same time, including my cousin, spend 6 to 8 hours in jail. What happened was unfair and unjust. We did not break any laws. We did not do what the arresting officer was saying. Our court date is in about a month and we need help.
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by Bacon fryer
Sunday, Apr. 19, 2009 at 3:12 PM
Document everything & make sure you report this asshole!! If we all take the time to file reports etc this kind of crap will @ the least lessen if not cease. The pigs think they can pull one over on us, but if we ACT maybe the oinkers will be less inclined to act out.
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by Donald
Monday, Apr. 20, 2009 at 9:39 AM
If you don't claim your rights you will never have them, and operating under the illusion that you have them when you have never claimed them is dangerous. http://thinkfree.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40&Itemid=59 I suggest to all to go to this site and educate yourself
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by Minnie Me
Monday, Apr. 20, 2009 at 10:38 AM
The Check points are legal and they are to make the roads safe for all American citizens.
Everything is racist according to you.
Yet Check points have been in service for decades.
Now that illegal aliens are here THEY ARE RACIST.
do you people know how stupid you sound? Ha
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by 333
Monday, Apr. 20, 2009 at 2:24 PM
If the above poster cant understand what is racist about police checkpoints that only target brown folk then they really need to look within themselves and get help for their damaged mind.
Yes, police checkpoints have always existed. But how Big Brother or how much of an Authoritarian State do you wish? Police checkpoints to check immigration status is Unconstitutional & downright over the top!
If the shoe were on the other foot, and the above poster was of another descent or race other than white, something tells me they would be singing a whole different tune.
And if one disagrees with the content here on IndyMedia, then I have an idea......
GO ELSEWHERE!!!!! Isnt Faux News on?
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by SuzyQtoo
Tuesday, Apr. 21, 2009 at 5:29 AM
Welcome to the America as a Black person! Racial profiling has been something we have had to learn to live with. Being stopped as a result of being black. In our urban community police will routinely stop young Black men in cars without a cause, and search them, take their property money stereos etc. They cooperate and the police still talk to them nasty e.g. "move so I can spatter your brains all over the street". All while holding a gun to their head. this is police brutality. There have been several deaths of black men in our city as a result of encounters with the police. My sons experienced this kind of treatment at 16 years old when just starting to drive. This is why our young people do not have any respect for the police as they have no respect for them. We have needed help for a long time.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Apr. 21, 2009 at 9:37 AM
What kind of a sick fuck complains about police taking drunk drivers and illegal aliens off of our streets?
First offense for a drunk driver should be the loss of his or her driving license for one year. Second offense should be the loss of the driving license for life. Third offsense SHOULD BE EXECUTION.
Anyone who actully wants drunks to be out there driving with normal people should also be locked up.
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by j
Saturday, Apr. 25, 2009 at 11:04 PM
If you are illegal you have no rights. You have humanitarian rights which means right to breath right to shit but not the rights that my four fathers fought for.
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by Rocky Neptun
Monday, Apr. 27, 2009 at 5:48 AM
As a fromer graduate of Rialto's Eisenhower High School and Rialto Junior High School; I am indeed saddened that my old hometown has become such a hotbed of anti-immigrant fascism. My father, who owned a glass business in Rialto for many decades, must be turning over in his grave to see such abuses as the recent gestapo tactics of the RPD. Please e-mail me about your court date. I am a free- lance journalist and would like to cover it for national exposure. Thanks. Rocky Neptun rockyneptun@gmail.com if you need a reference, just Google my name.
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by nana
Saturday, May. 23, 2009 at 3:31 PM
well i think that wat the cops did to u guys is unfair dey just take advantage of their job and seriously brutalize people for no fuken reason so everybody talking shit about illegal people not having any rights should just shut da fuk up becasue all of u guys wouldnt be saying wat ur saying if u werent white or watever the fuk u guys are. everybody has rights no matter what. it doesnt matter if u dont have documentation its a free country but it sure doesnt seem like it birds dont need some kind of papers to come in our country so y should any body else need it all of u guys are just so stuck up and all u guys worry about is yourself EVERYBODY HAS RIGHTS!! FUK WAT OTHERS THINK!!
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