Uploaded is a short interview with Mike recorded at the LA Jews for Peace rally in front of the Westwood Federal Building this Tuesday December 30, 2008.
this selection of a movie STAR who may also be politically active at times does nto make the cause any more honorable or purer or relevant either.
people who achieved fame and visibility in the movie/tv/media worlds are not as special as they appear...but they must be smart and clever and have some qualities that got them to that venue...while the rest of the crowds search for a 'contact' to make it to that level of 'success'...
but Mike or Marilyn or George or Judy or Ataturk are still just people...with personal biases...opinions...
that are no more valid or balanced or helpful than anyone else who is 'not seen' and fawned over like the 'stars'.
Let us not mistaken fame for leadership . Let us not imitate those on screens to show us how to think or how to live. Let us not be the fools commercial media has used once again to lead into a one-sided cause that is not 'balanced & fair'...
There is no 1 victim or 1 oppressor here in this gaza conflict, which is based on a lot and long his-story of stories which slant one way then the other. This is not a 'simple' truth and then it will 'all be ok'. Check up on more than the current propaganda and news-picks of the media-corps. Palestinians are not just 'victims' w/o any responsibility for where they are and how they act. Israelis are not just 'oppressors' w/o any responsibility for where theya re and how they act.
Let's get REAL ,..for a change.