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by Lalo
Monday, Oct. 27, 2008 at 11:49 PM
October 25, 2008
RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Student leaders of local high school Gay-Straight Alliances banded together this Saturday to demand equality for LGBT people and spread awareness about the insidious proposition 8. They were joined by teachers, community members, and families. Prop eight, if passed, would eliminate the legal right for same-sex couples to marry. Earlier this year, the California Supreme Court decided that the right to marry was guaranteed by the state constitution, and could not be superseded by initiative.
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Students from Rancho Cucamonga and Los Osos High Schools began arriving to the corners of Foothill and Haven as early as nine o'clock. In the morning, several supporters of prop 8 gathered at the northeast corner. Students frantically began calling each other to increase their presence. Their numbers soon overwhelmed the "yes on 8" people, and opponents of 8 were able to establish a strong presence at all four corners.
We later found out that the gay-bashers had not given up, but had simply relocated to the corner of Baseline and Day Creek. Their numbers were bolstered a bit, but once word got out, they were confined to a single corner, with defenders of equality occupying the other three corners. And they were able to do so without giving up their bastion at Foothill and Haven. "It was so crowded, you couldn't even get by on the sidewalk," reported one witness.
Local merchants brought food, water, and hats. Many people stopped to ask for signs, stickers, and literature. Still many more honked their support and approval.
There were motorists who expressed their disagreement with our cause. Some pointed their thumbs downward. Others sneered. These were the benign reactions. The vicious one were shocking at best, and terrifying at worst. "Fags! Fags! Fags!" yelled one young man. The hatred in his voice was heart-chilling.
Some of us tried to ask people who disagreed with us why they felt the way they did. "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." "It's against Jesus." "It's only going to create more divorce." "It's destroying marriage." "They're child molesters."
The ignorance was staggering. I didn't hear one rational argument. They were all rooted in religion. And there was apparently no understanding of the principle of the separation of church and state. The Sarah Palin phenomenon?
One student brought an enormous "No on 8" banner. Most people had their own hand-made signs, with such clever slogans as "We didn't vote on YOUR marriage," "NO H8TE," and "I'm Straight, but No on 8." There were Ipod-playing boomboxes on several corners. Chants of "No on 8! Stop the hate!" and "Equal Rights!" rang across the intersection. Reporters from high school newspapers snapped photographs and took down quotes. Students shared stories and ideas.
The youth are leading in this movement for equality.
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by Lalo
Monday, Oct. 27, 2008 at 11:49 PM
 noon825oct2008-2.jpg, image/jpeg, 1600x1200
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by Lalo
Monday, Oct. 27, 2008 at 11:49 PM
 noon825oct2008-5.jpg, image/jpeg, 1600x1200
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by Lalo
Monday, Oct. 27, 2008 at 11:49 PM
 noon825oct2008-6.jpg, image/jpeg, 1600x1200
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by FYI
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008 at 5:54 AM
Yes on 8 and other hate groups are planning a rally this November 2nd to support prop 8. They are trying to paint the rally as a multi-ethnic event with outreach to the local Asian community. This is a call for all marriage rights groups gay and straight to counter protest the event. Show the yes on 8 people for what they are: Haters. Hate speech is not free speech. No space for hate speech in a free society. When: November 02, 2008 2:00 pm Where: Los Angeles City Hall, South Lawn 200 N. Spring Street Los Angeles Sources: http://www.protectmarriage.com/event/display/17 and http://www.savemf.org/indexE.asp
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by FY(
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008 at 3:23 PM
Ontario People! NO ON PROP 8 RALLY EUCLID AND FOOTHILL Wed! Let's all get together for this one...
The recent bombardment of "Yes on 8" propaganda in the last few weeks as election day nears is frustrating at the least- I can't go anywhere without seeing the signs and can't watch a single TV program without these advertised lies. The "No on 8" signs are not nearly as easy for us to obtain in the first place, and it doesn't help when there are ignorant and obviously very closed-minded people out there making it a point to rip down every "No on 8" sign they see.
Well we are ready to make our own "No on 8" signs, and I want as many people to see it as possible. I'm taking it to the well known and busy intersection of Euclid and Foothill in Upland this Wednesday (Oct. 29th) afternoon/evening. I strongly urge anyone who believes in equal human rights, and who wants to see this country move forward, to come join me with your own home-made signs this Wednesday.
Let's make sure OUR voices get heard!
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by strategy
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008 at 8:01 PM
This issue is being used to turn out the conservative base to vote against Obama.
They always do this.
We need to outnumber them at the polls, not just confront them on the streets.
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by rararoadrunner
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008 at 8:53 PM
On Dia De Los Muertos (1 November), Qualcomm Stadium, San Diego ( http://maps.google.com/maps?rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&um=1&q=san+diego+qualcomm+stadium&fb=1&cid=0,0,9059799619786933726&sa=X&oi=local_result&resnum=1&ct=image ) will be used to host "THE CALL," ( http://thecall.com/ ) a Nuremburg-like rally against the different in general and for Proposition 8 in particular. To all those holding No on 8 rallies in SoCal: by all means, hold your events...afterward, go to confront Dominionist fascism in San Diego!
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by Melissa Lopez
Saturday, Nov. 01, 2008 at 2:44 PM
There is a huge "No on Prop 8" rally scheduled for this Sunday, November 2nd, in downtown Los Angeles. It will be held at Pershing Square at the corner of Olive St. and 6th St. from 1pm to 4pm. Bring your own signs or use ours. Our goal is to be visible, and educate passersby on the meaning and impact of this proposition. This rally will be blocks from a Yes on 8 "multi-ethnic, family" rally at City Hall. We're not there to clash with them, but we are there to say that we won't be silenced. Make sure you get out the word and invite all your friends to this event. Email for more information: rootsofequality@gmail.com
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