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by Astrid Essed
Thursday, May. 15, 2008 at 2:34 PM
In contrary to the outburst of festivities among zionists and their adherents, regarding the ´´celebration´´ of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, for the Palestinian victims of the etnic cleansings in 1948 and 1967 and the continuing occupation, there is nothing to celebrate
Remember the Naqba
Dear Editor and readers, On the 14th of may, it was exactly 60 years ago, that the Israeli-zionist politician, Mr D Ben Gurion, proclaimed onesidedly, the State of Israel To remember this, I have written this article In remembrance of the Palestinian victims of the Israeli etnical cleansings in 1948 and 1967 They can´t speak for themselves anymore Therefore I consider it as my moral duty, to speak for them Kind regards Astrid Essed Amsterdam The Netherlands The 60th anniversary of Israel: Nothing to celebrate Remember the Naqba "The Arabs will have to go, but one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as a war." Part of a letter of the zionistic-Israeli politician David Ben Gurion, to his son, dd 1937 See for picture of Palestinian refugees: http://www.palestineremembered.com/Articles/General/Story1649.html Dear Editor and readers, According to my opinion, there is no reason whatsoever to celebrate the 60 anniversary of the State of Israel [1] The proclamation: First, the State of Israel has been founded as a neo-colonialistic enterprise, seeing the acceptation of UN General Assembly Resolution, 181, in 1947, the socalled ''Partition Plan for Palestine'', without any voice for the native and rightful Palestinian population [2] Moreover, the UN Resolution 181 was in contrary with the UN Charter regarding the rights of people on selfdetermination Secondly, due to the onesided proclamation of the State of Israel, by the former zionist politician, Mr D Ben Gurion, dd 14-5 and the following military confrontation between the Arab troops and the zionist troops, the humanitarian consequences for the Palestinian civilian population were disastrous It is therefore no wonder, the Palestinians call this the Naqba, which means disaster For your information: The onesided proclamation of the State of Israel, by the Israeli politician Mr D Ben Gurion, was the result of the General Assembly UN Resolution, nr 181, dd 1947, by which the members of the UN [3] decided to the 'partition of the British Mandate Palestine, in a Jewish and an Arab part Jerusalem was decided to have an international status Palestine of 1947 is comparable geographically with Israel now, together with the occupied Palestinian territories A Origins of zionism: This UN resolution 181 was the result of the zionistic ideology, which was founded at the end of the 19th century by Mr T Herzl, which as an aim, the foundation of a Jewish State Although in the beginning there was a difference of opinion regarding the location, soon was decided, that it had to be Palestine B Balfour Declaration By means of the Balfour Declaration, Great Britain guaranteed in 1917 to Lord Rotschild, chairman of the British zionist Federation, that in Palestine [till the end of the WO I a Turkish colony and from 1923, a British Mandate], Á Jewish National Home' should be founded [4] Altough there was a passage in the Declaration, that that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'', by accepting a ''Jewish National Home'' in the country of another people, the rights on selfdetermination of the Palestinian people were seriously violated Even according to the colonial thought of that time, after the depart of the colonial occupation, the political and judicial power of the country should befell to the native population, in an independent Palestine This is how it happened in African and Asian colonies and also in Middle Eastern countries like Iraq, Lebanon and Syria and the preparation for the independence of Palestine was also established in the Mandatory order of Palestine, which Great Britain officially got from the ''League of Nations' [5] However, because of the Balfour Declaration, the whole concept of Palestinian self-determination had been undermined As well by means of the Balfour Declaration, as later, UN Resolution 181, behind the back of the Palestinian people, a part their country was being given to pioneers, who came from Europe, without any legal right to the country The writer Koestler says about this Balfour Declaration: 'With the Balfour Declaration, one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third." Therefore it is not astonishing, that the Balfour-Declaration and the zionistic aspirations and the British colonial role of divide and rule, provoked resistance in the Palestinian society C The foundation of the State of Israel Mass-slaughters, occupation and etnic cleansings Humanitarian implications of the war in 1948: The consequences of the acceptance of Resolution 181, dd 1947 and the onesided proclamation of the State of Israel, led to a war between the Israeli troops and the Palestinian and Arab troops, by which human rights violations and war-crimes were committed, on both sides [6] Also of importance is to realize, that the Israeli military offensive, Plan Dalet, had the aim of expulsion of the Palestinian people and destroying as many as Arab villages Referring to that occupation, I quote the ''introduction'' to Plan Dalet: ´´a) "The objective of this plan is to gain control of the areas of the Hebrew state and defend its borders. It also aims at gaining control of the areas of Jewish settlements and concentration which are located outside the borders (of the Hebrew state) against regular, semi-regular, and small forces operating from bases outside or inside the state.´´ Regarding the deliberate destruction of Arab villages I quote Section B of the Plan: ´´Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously. ... Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population expelled outside the borders of the state. ´´ [7] Etnic cleansings: One of the most dramatic was the expulsion, by Israeli troops, of more than 750.000 Palestinian inhabitants, from their homes and land In terms of International Law, those are etnic cleansings, which are strictly forbidden according International Law, article 49, 4th Geneva Convention [8] This has formed the basis of the Palestinian refugee-problem Despite the General Assembly UN resolution 194, dd 1948, which summoned Israel, to make those people return to their homes or else give them a financial compensation, either the first [make them return], nor the second [financial compensation] has been executed [9] Consequence is that those people are condemned to a desperate existence in one of the many refugee-camps Mass-slaughters: Moreover, a number of mass-slaughters in the Palestinian Arab villages, by Israeli paramilitary terrorgroups [like Irgun and Stern] have taken place [10] More than 400 Arab villages have been destroyed Occupation, from the very beginning: Israeli troops also conquered 20 percent of the areas, which according to Resolution 181, were the Arab part The rest of Palestine has been conquered by the Kingdom of Jordan [West-Bank] and Egypt'[Gaza] [11] D After 1948: 1967 Occupation, settlementspolicy, building of the Wall After 1948, 1967: But the tragedy is going on: Since 1967, there is a nearly 41 years occupation from the Palestinian territories [the Westbank, Gaza and Eastern-Jerusalem], despite the unanimously accepted UN Security Resolution dd 242, which summoned Israel to withdraw its troops from all foreign territories, which were conquered in the june war of 1967, including the Palestinian [12] Untill now, Israel has not executed this resolution Old sins repeated Etnic cleansings: Also after the june war, 250.000 Palestinians were expulsed from their homes Thus a repeated etnic cleansing, on a moment, that the whole Western world was backing Israel This on a moment, that the whole Western world was backing Israel In the Netherlands, the people said and proclaimed ''We are behind Israel'' Humanitarian consequences of the occupation: Inherent to any occupation, so also the Israeli, are oppression, humiliations and human rights violations Of course there came resistance, whether legal, by military attacking the Israeli occupation army, or illegal, by military attacking Israeli civilians, by suicide-attacks, or rocketing cities [13] Israeli arbitrary military attacks: Israeli crimes during the occupation mostly take form in arbitrary military attacks in dense populated areas or other civilian areas like refugee-camps, which is a serious violation of International Humanitarian Law According tio International Humanitarian Law, all conflict parties, are obliged to make at all times, a strict distinction between combatants [military and fighters] and non-combatants [civilians] [14] When there is no clear situation, for example the presence of fighters in civilian areas, which is often the case by Israeli military attacks, all measures should be taken to protect the civilian population This is also the fundamental obligation, under the 4th Geneva Convention, of the Occupying Power, which is responsable for the safety, wellfare and wellbeing of ''protected persons'' [people, who are living under an occupation) It is obvious, that the protection seriously fails, by the use of anti-personnel weapons like clusterbombs or F 16's [which is forbidden according to International Law], and firing at homes and in other population areas. The result is often, many civilian victims, which are war-crimes, since the risk of civilian death could have been foreseen. [15] This also is the case, according to the Isaeli practice of liquidations of leaders or activists of Palestinian political organisations. Not only are those liquidations illegal according to International Law, mostly the results are many civilian victims, since the liquidations are executed by bombing refugee-camps, appartments or air-attacks on dense-populated streets. Punishment for war-crimes: Not only those military practices stem from a total lack of respect for the right on life of Palestinian civilians, also individual military war-crimes, like shooting civilians [among else, children] or journalists, seldom are punished according to International standards In some cases, there is whether a light prison punishment of a couple of months, or a sum of money, which have to be paid to the IDF, for breaking the ''military honour code'' In some cases, there is no trial at all [16] Settlements: Of great importance to be mentioned is the foundation, from the end of the sixties of the former century, of Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories Not only this is illegal according to International Law [17], moreover, the settlements are based on mass land expopriations, by which more than 100.000 Palestinians have lost land and homes Yet apart from the utter inhumanity, those expropriations are contrary with the fundamental rules of the 4th Geneva Convention, that an occupying Power is responsable for the safety, wellfare and wellbeing of ''protected persons'' [people, who are living under an occupation) Despite international condemnation of the settlements, resulting in two UN Security Resolutions, one in 1979 [nr 446] and the other in 1980 [465], Israel has continued the building of the settlements. Also Israel didn't respond the agreements in the Roadmap for Peace, to freeze the expansion of the settlements, since untill now, there is an expansion in the West Bank and Eastern-Jerusalem The building of the Wall, across Palestinian occupied territories: The image of landtheft and injustice is completed by the building, accross Palestinian occupied territories, of the Israeli Wall Despite the verdict of the ICJ [International Court of Justice], dd july 2004, which declared the building contrary with International Law, Israel is building the Wall, with the common displayed contempt for International Law and human rights [18] Epilogue: It may be obvious, that ''60 years Israel'', which is celebrating with such an enthousiasm in Israel, supported by certain Western leaders, is a mourning day for the Palestinians With the right on their side, they consider the ''foundation'' of the State of Israel, stemming from the colonial zionism, as a Naqba [disaster] Not only in respect with the etnical cleansings and mass-slaughters in 1948, but also in respect with the occupation of their land, which is being suffered every day again In remembrance of the victims of thishistorical shame and injustice Kind regards Astrid Essed Amsterdam The Netherlands Background-information regarding Mr T Herzl, founder of zionism: About Theodor Herzl: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Herzl http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre/Famous-Zionist-Quotes/Story643.html Theodor Herzl: The Jewish State http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/6640/zion/judenstaadt.html About the aims of zionism: Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons, A Historical Survey of Proposals to Transfer Arabs from Palestine 1895 - 1947 http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/7854/transfer.html [1] Article about the Palestinian refugee-problem http://scotland.indymedia.org/node/3396 Letter of 100 prominent Jews: ''We are not celebrating Israels anniversary'' See http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/apr/30/israelandthepalestinians [2] Yet apart from not hearing the voice of the Palestinian people, the UN resolution was contrary the UN Charter regarding the rights of people on self-determination, which included, that the whole part of Palestine should befell to the Palestinian people, as native people, who had been colonized See Article 1, 2, about the selfdetermination of all people, referring among else to the decolonisation-process Evidently this principle was being ignored regarding the Arab-Palestinian population of Palestine See http://www.un.org/aboutun/charter/ Added information regarding Resolution 181: Although the UN partition-plan for Palestine had been approved by the UN [by means of UN resolution 181], it didn't imply yet the official acknowledgment of the ''Jewish State'', since there was still UN-discussion about the ''tutelage'' of Palestine Of course this ''tutelage'' would be based on the approved UN resolution 181, in respect with the percentage of Palestine, which would be ''Jewish'' [56,4] and ''Arab'' [42,8] and Jerusalem, being a ''corpus separatum'' [international status] [3] Most of the members consisted of still existing Western colonial Powers, which had no fundamental objection, in their strand of thinking, to violate the rights on selfdetermination of the native Palestinian people Other non-western countries, which voted in favour of the Resolution, often were dependent on Western financial support [4] Balfour Declaration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration_of_1917 [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Nations [6] At april 13th, 4 days after the Deir Yassin massacre, there was an Arab military attack on a medical convoy travelling to Haddassah Hospital, with as a tragic result the death of 77 doctors, nurses, and other Jewish civilians. [7] Plan Dalet Israeli military offensive in the war dd 1948, with as most important aim the occupation of an important piece of the area, which was destined, by UN Resolution 181, to the Palestinian Arabs The used military tactic was to destroy Arab villages and to expell the Palestinian population See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_Dalet [8] The 4th Geneva Convention http://www.icrc.org/ihl.nsf/7c4d08d9b287a42141256739003e636b/6756482d86146898c125641e004aa3c5 Etnic cleansings: Strong, overwhelming and scientifically well build evidence of those etnic cleansings is given by the Israeli New Historians and also from other historical surveys: New Historians: The then official Israeli history alleged, that the Palestinians have left their homes ''voluntarily'' by a summon of the Arab army radio, to leave the area, untill the zionist military were defeated This was already challenged by a great number of important publicists, among else stemming from the fact, that seen the refugee character, the people left in great panic So childrens shoes were found, mothers left without taking their children, fathers without their families, old people were left behind or people left without taking any foodsupplies However, the New Historians showed with strong scientific proof, greatly stemming from the Israeli army archives, that the Palestinian, instead, were expulsed by Israeli army troops and paramilitary terror organisations like Irgun and Stern The New Historians showed with strong scientific proof, greatly stemming from the Israeli army archives, that the Palestinian, instead, were expulsed by Israeli army troops and paramilitary terror organisations like Irgun and Stern See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Historians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny_Morris http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avi_Shlaim http://www.ilanpappe.org/ [9] About UN General Assembly resolution 194 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_General_Assembly_Resolution_194 [10] Deir Yassin, one of the Arab villages, where a masslaugher under the Palestinian civilian population took place Dd 9-4-1948 Zie http://www.deiryassin.org/mas.html Testimony of Mr de Reynier, head of the Red Cross-delegation in Palestine http://www.debriefing.org/1026.html Eyewitness-testimony of Colonel Meir Pael [the former mr Meir Pilevsky], who had been a Palmach-soldier during the tragic events in Deir Yassin http://www.ariga.com/peacewatch/dy/dypail.htm [11] There is strong scientific evidence, that there has been a secret agreement between King Abdullah of Jordania and the zionist leadership, by which the king got the opportunity to conquer the now occupied Palestinian territory, the Westbank On his part, he would not hinder the zionist leadership in the military establishment of the State of Israel http://www.fathom.com/course/72810001/session2.html The writer of the article in the link, Mr Avi Shlaim, is one of the socalled Israeli ''New Historians [see above], like Mr B Morris and the most famous, Mr I Pappe, who broke through the Israeli historical image, that the Palestinians had left their homes ''voluntarily'', in the war in 1948 [12] The text of the UN Security Resolution 242 See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_... [13] However rejectable, one must keep in mind, that the suicide attacks began rather ''late'' in the occupation time-line, namely after 1994, when Dr B Goldstein intentionally massacred 29 Palestinian muslims, while praying in the Cave of the Patriarchs See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Goldstein In International Humanitarian Law, military attacks on civilians, regardless the conflictsparty of the nature of the conflict, are war-crimes See also http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/02/29/isrlpa18177.htm [14] http://www.icrc.org/web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/html/5KZFJU [15] http://hrw.org/english/docs/2007/09/01/isrlpa16786.htm http://hrw.org/reports/2007/iopt0707/ http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/04/19/isrlpa18600.htm [16] http://www.hrw.org/reports/2005/iopt0605/ http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/05/01/isrlpa18702.htm [17] According to article 49, 4th Geneva Convention, the Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories are illegal Also they are illegal because of the the Hague Convention dd 1907, which forbids any geographical change in occupied areas See 4th Geneva Convention: http://www.icrc.org/ihl.nsf/7c4d08d9b287a42141256739003e636b/6756482d86146898c125641e004aa3c5 See also the Hague Convention: http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/hague/hague5.html See also: http://www.btselem.org/English/Settlements/ [18] ICJ verdict dd july 2004 regarding the building of the Israeli Wall http://domino.un.org/UNISPAl.NSF/2ee9468747556b2d85256cf60060d2a6/3740e39487a5428a85256ecc005e157a!
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by commentator
Saturday, May. 17, 2008 at 12:08 PM
Lots of information here, most valid probably, tho who can check it all out ? but the lament of the losers in any war is always valid but also it is not the WHOLE STORY... one side's version, one complaint, one version of the Human Truth and Rightness of events....
so under the name of "we are just defending ourselves" the Palestinians or any 'victims' or people defeated by others... will claim they can then do any violence, any unlawful act, any vengance ...because now they are JUSTIFIED... oh ?
so in this sorrow for losses, which is understandable and appreciated, there needs to also be ADMISSION of all the ways and acts of these people's acts of unlawfulness, of damage, of cruelty, of ambition, of killing...
even if in the name of "we deserve to do this now!" and "we need to prove our power too!"
tho does anyone deserve to be killed for a 'nation' ? some in the military & armies and those in political posturing positions definitely think they do.
More people like to say "they die for us" and "they kill for us" and all is well, so let's just continue on. I t is just the way of war... repeated forever ?
And while Palestinians mourn their losses & dead and want retributions, where are all the other world-nationals on every other 'holy day' where one group celebrates their winnings & victories and their new national boundaries ?
there are always other groups who have been moved over or killed. What makes Palestinians so special in this loss ? What makes them more righteous to be claiming sorrow than a hundred other nations that have lost ground, citizens, families in only the last 100 years ?
Yes, mourn, we all mourn for all citizens who did not act out violently, who did no harm to others of any other nationality or their own. We agree you are suffering.... but not alone... look around.... see all the other nations divided, hurt, conquered, taken, and mourn for us all.
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by damn!
Saturday, May. 17, 2008 at 5:26 PM
yeah, law of the jungle is what you're advocating. "he Palestinians or any 'victims' or people defeated by others.." Notice, people, the quotations usually reserved for the people of Palestine is now directed at their suffering. These insufferable bastards have no heart morals or integrity. Their own three step plan: It never happened We didn't do it They deserved it anyway. [ and a forth one ] Other people did it too. Disgusting.
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by PrionPartyy
Sunday, May. 18, 2008 at 4:43 AM
It is nice that commentator admitted that the Zionist crusade is in fact a WAR. By doing so, he admits that ALL support that Democraps and Republitrash give to Zionist crusaders in THEIR chosen WAR against the people of Palestine is in fact an offense AGAINST the Palestinians. And that those political whores have sold out America's peace for their own political gain.
They have also sold out America's high tech workers by using US taxes to send US jobs to the high tech workers of the Zionist crusader state. Nearly a hundred billion US dollars of US taxes have been sent to Zionist workers. US politicians even show up on the TV set god bragging about how they are supporting the Zionist crusader state's economy. They then show up on the same TV set god harping on corperations for sending their own jobs over seas to save some cash and help the corperation's economic standing. And that is just in the last 6 years as American high tech workers consioder themselves lucky to be flipping burgers or stuffing groceries.
Occupation is a state of war. US soldiers didn't die in Europe because NAZIs invaded their neighbors. They died to end the occupation.
It is not hard to mourn the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto who tossed molotov cocktails at NAZI occupiers. The fact that they treid to fight back does not make them less deserving of their basic human right not to be destroyed by invadors.
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by youtubes and photos
Sunday, May. 18, 2008 at 5:50 AM
Some video clips of the Nakba 60 rally: rom the Nakba60 pro-Terror/Anti- Israel rally Anti-Semitic rap http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=t8MZCugu_ Ow DAM opposes coexistence http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=-Sfddz7c7Rc& feature=related The bored, sparse crowd during DAM's performance http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=tIiqfw_ oBDw&feature= related Recitation of the event's sponsors http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=KxXhC7Zs768& feature=related Hostile responses to a pro-peace counter-presence http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=EvfHhJzHPAA& feature=related Angry man calling us "rednecks" and hoping the Jews get pushed into the sea http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=TJM-tC0fjd4& feature=related
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by Jews For Justice
Sunday, May. 18, 2008 at 11:09 AM
A Warning About 'The Plant' Spamming Israel Threads "The person(s) who posted this (...) is responsible for the majority of spam on Indy Media sites. He/she has put some vile racist articles about Muslims all over this site and others. He/she also posts equally vile anti-Semitic articles in an attempt to discredit Indy Media sites. On other sites throughout Canada this person is known as "The Plant". http://ottawa.indymedia.ca/en/2007/07/4867.shtml "Though all other readers of Thunder Bay Indymedia are welcome back now that the site is once again functioning, you should not be surprised to discover that you and your religiously intolerant hate spewing anti Arab racist propaganda remain unwelcome. Your obsessive abuse of the Indymedia network across the entire country has wasted countless hours of volunteer time that has been spent attempting to provide alternatives for local media content. Once again, all material unrelated to local issues will be hidden. The administrators of this site apologize for the disruptive behaviour of a racist who lives far away and dedicates an unhealthy and obsessive amount of time to trying to destroy this community forum. In hopes that we can not allow a bad apple to spoil the bunch, as the old saying goes, please do your best to navigate the site around him." http://www.thunderbay.indymedia.org/news/2006/12/26693_comment.php#28239 The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict Published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes—on both sides—inevitably follow from this original injustice. This paper outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region's problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record. http://www.wrmea.com/jews_for_justice/index.html No Middle East Peace Without Tough Love By Henry Siegman 25/04/08 "Al-Hayat" -- - We now have word that Tony Blair, envoy of the Middle East Quartet (the UN, the EU, Russia and the United States), and German Chancellor Angela Merkel intend to organize yet another peace conference, this time in Berlin in June. It is hard to believe that after the long string of failed peace initiatives, stretching back at least to the Madrid conference of 1991, statesmen and stateswomen are recycling these failures without seemingly having a clue as to why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is even more hopeless today than before these peace exercises first got underway. The scandal of the international community's impotence in resolving one of history's longest bloodlettings is that it knows what the problem is but does not have the courage to speak the truth, much less deal with it. The next peace conference in Germany (or in Moscow, where the Russians want to hold it) will suffer from the same gutlessness that has marked all previous efforts. It will deal with everything except the problem primarily responsible for this conflict's multi-generational impasse. That problem is that for all of the sins attributable to the Palestinians - and they are legion, including inept and corrupt leadership, failed institution-building and the murderous violence of the rejectionist groups-there is no prospect for a viable, sovereign Palestinian state primarily because Israel's various governments, from 1967 until today, have never intended allowing such a state to come into being. It is one thing if Israeli governments had insisted on delaying a Palestinian state until certain Israeli security concerns were dealt with. But no government that is serious about a two-state solution to the conflict would have pursued without let-up the theft and fragmentation of Palestinian lands that even a child understands makes Palestinian statehood impossible. Given the overwhelming disproportion of power between the occupier and the occupied, it is hardly surprising that Israeli governments and their military and security establishments found it difficult to resist the acquisition of Palestinian land. What is astounding is that the international community, pretending to believe Israel's claim that it is the victim and its occupied subjects the aggressors, has allowed this devastating dispossession to continue and the law of the jungle to prevail. As long as Israel knows that by delaying the peace process it buys time to create facts on the ground that will prove irreversible, and that the international community will continue to indulge Israel's pretense that its desire for a two-state solution is being frustrated by the Palestinians, no new peace initiative can succeed, and the dispossession of the Palestinian people will indeed become irreversible. There can be no greater delusion on the part of Western countries weighed down by guilt about the Holocaust than the belief that accommodating such an outcome would be an act of friendship to the Jewish people. The abandonment of the Palestinians now is surely not an atonement for the abandonment of European Jewry seventy years ago, nor will it serve the security of the State of Israel and its people. John Vinocur of the New York Times recently suggested that the virtually unqualified declarations of support for Israel by Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy are "at a minimum an attempt to seek Israeli moderation by means of public assurances with this tacit subtext: these days, the European Union is not, or is no longer, its reflexive antagonist." But the expectation that uncritical Western support of Israel would lead to greater Israeli moderation and greater willingness to take risks for peace is blatantly contradicted by the conflict's history. Time and again, this history has shown that the less opposition Israel encounters from its friends in the West for its dispossession of the Palestinians, the more uncompromising its behavior. Indeed, Olmert's reaction to Sarkozy's and Merkel's expressions of eternal solidarity and friendship have had exactly that result: Olmert approved massive new construction in East Jerusalem- authorizing housing projects that were frozen for years by previous governments because of their destructive impact on the possibility of a peace agreement-as well as continued expansion of Israel's settlements. And Olmert's defense minister, Ehud Barak, declared shortly after Merkel's departure that he will remove only a token number of the more than 500 checkpoints and roadblocks that Israel has repeatedly promised, and just as repeatedly failed, to dismantle. That announcement shattered whatever hope Palestinians may have had for recovery of their economy as a consequence of the seven billion dollars in new aid promised by the international donor community in Paris last December. In these circumstances, the donor countries, not to speak of the private sector, will not pour good money after bad, as they so often have in the past. So what is required of statesmen is not more peace conferences or clever adjustments to previous peace formulations, but the moral and political courage to end their collaboration with the massive hoax the peace process has been turned into. Of course, Palestinian violence must be condemned and stopped, particularly when it targets civilians. But is it not utterly disingenuous to pretend that Israel's occupation-maintained by IDF-manned checkpoints and barricades, helicopter gunships, jet fighter planes, targeted assassinations and military incursions, not to speak of the massive theft of Palestinian lands-is not itself an exercise in continuous and unrelenting violence against more than 3 million Palestinian civilians? If Israel were to renounce violence, could the occupation last even one day? Israel's designs on the West Bank are not much different than the designs of the Arab forces that attacked the Jewish state in 1948 - the nullification of the international community's partition resolution of 1947. Short of addressing the problem by its right name-something that is of an entirely different order than hollow statements that "settlements do not advance peace"-and taking effective collective action to end a colonial enterprise that disgraces what began as a noble Jewish national liberation struggle, further peace conferences, no matter how well intentioned, make their participants accessories to one of the longest and cruelest deceptions in the annals of international diplomacy. Henry Siegman, director of the US/Middle East Project in New York, is research professor at the Sir Joseph Hotung Middle East Program, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Siegman is a former national director of the American Jewish Congress and of the Synagogue Council of America
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by Its time to call "Arab Manifest Destiny
Wednesday, May. 21, 2008 at 10:03 AM
Its time to call "Arab Manifest Destiny" Racist. Simply because Moslem armies once conquered Eretz Yisroal, DOESN'T make it part of the Moslem Wakf for ever and ever and it DOESN'T give "Palestinians" greater rights to Eretz Yisroal than its indigeneous people, the Jews, just because the "Palestinians" happen to be of the same religion as the Moslem Armies. Its time to call "Arab Manifest Destiny" Racist!
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by PrionPartyy
Wednesday, May. 21, 2008 at 5:42 PM
Because the locals of palestine converted to islam, they somehow loose their basic human right NOT to be destroyed by Zionist crusaders? That sounds like a total load of crap. Zionist propaganda sure is a bunch of vile offensive SShit.
Anyone know the name Paul, from the new testiment? His name was Saul, before he chose to convert to Christianity and wrote more of the new testiment than anyone else. And his job, before he converted, was to kill Judeans who dared to convert to Christianity. Now, Ashkinazim Zionist KhazarSS, who's ansestors didn't even start to convert to Judaism until 400 AD, say that because the Palestinians anscestors dared to convert to Islam, that the Zionists have every right to be murderous thieves of the palestinian's homeland.
Allegedly Christian crusaders said pretty much the same crap. French English German etc converts to Christianity claim that before the locals of Palestine converted to Islam that land was a "Christian" land. So they claimed a birthright of murderous theft of that land.
Ever eat Jafa oranges. They used to be called Yafa oranges when they were grown by palestinian Christians. But because the Palestinian Christian's ansestors chose to convert to Chrtstianity, Zionist Khazars claim a birthright of murderous theft of the orange groves and much much more.
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by Lord Locksley
Wednesday, May. 21, 2008 at 6:29 PM
A daily: Arabs left homes on their own to facilitate destruction of Israel -- and thus became refugees
The Arabs who became refugees in 1948 were not expelled by Israel but left on their own to facilitate the destruction of Israel, according to a senior Palestinian journalist writing in a Palestinian daily. This plan to leave Israel was initiated by the Arab states fighting Israel, who promised the people they would be able to return to their homes in a few days once Israel was defeated. The article in Al-Ayyam concludes that these Arab states are responsible for the Arab refugee problem.
A backbone of Palestinian English-language propaganda is the myth that Israel expelled hundreds of thousands of Arabs from Israel and created Arab refugees. But in recent years, PMW has documented an increasing willingness among Palestinians to openly blame the Arab states and not Israel.
Following are five such statements of blame, starting with this most recent article and including testimony from refugees themselves and corroboration by Palestinian leaders. Clearly, there is a growing Palestinian willingness to blame the Arab leaders, which corroborates Israel's historical record.
1. Jawad Al Bashiti, Palestinian journalist in Jordan, writing in Al-Ayyam, May 13, 2008
"Remind me of one real cause from all the factors that have caused the "Palestinian Catastrophe" [the establishment of Israel and the creation of refugee problem], and I will remind you that it still exists... The reasons for the Palestinian Catastrophe are the same reasons that have produced and are still producing our Catastrophes today. During the Little Catastrophe, meaning the Palestinian Catastrophe the following happened: the first war between Arabs and Israel had started and the "Arab Salvation Army" came and told the Palestinians: 'We have come to you in order to liquidate the Zionists and their state. Leave your houses and villages, you will return to them in a few days safely. Leave them so we can fulfill our mission (destroy Israel) in the best way and so you won't be hurt.' It became clear already then, when it was too late, that the support of the Arab states (against Israel) was a big illusion. Arabs fought as if intending to cause the "Palestinian Catastrophe". [Al-Ayyam, May 13 2008]
2. Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Palestinian Journalist in PA official daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, December 13, 2006
"...The leaders and the elites promised us at the beginning of the "Catastrophe" in 1948, that the duration of the exile will not be long, and that it will not last more than a few days or months, and afterwards the refugees will return to their homes, which most of them did not leave only until they put their trust in those "Arkuvian" promises made by the leaders and the political elites. Afterwards, days passed, months, years and decades, and the promises were lost with the strain of the succession of events..." [Term "Arkuvian," is after Arkuv - a figure from Arab tradition - who was known for breaking his promises and for his lies."] " [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, December 13, 2006]
3. Asmaa Jabir Balasimah, Woman who fled Israel in 1948, Al-Ayyam, May 16, 2006
"We heard sounds of explosions and of gunfire at the beginning of the summer in the year of the "Catastrophe" [1948]. They told us: The Jews attacked our region and it is better to evacuate the village and return, after the battle is over. And indeed there were among us [who fled Israel] those who left a fire burning under the pot, those who left their flock [of sheep] and those who left their money and gold behind, based on the assumption that we would return after a few hours." [Al-Ayyam, May 16, 2006]
4. Son of man who fled in 1948, PA TV 1999
An Arab viewer called Palestinian Authority TV and quoted his father, saying that in 1948 the Arab District Officer ordered all Arabs to leave Palestine or be labeled traitors. In response, Arab MK Ibrahim Sarsur, then Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, cursed those leaders, thus acknowledging Israel's historical record.
"Mr. Ibrahim [Sarsur]. I address you as a Muslim. My father and grandfather told me that during the "Catastrophe" [in 1948], our district officer issued an order that whoever stays in Palestine and in Majdel [near Ashkelon - Southern Israel] is a traitor, he is a traitor."
Response from Ibrahim Sarsur, now MK, then Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel: "The one who gave the order forbidding them to stay there bears guilt for this, in this life and the Afterlife throughout history until Resurrection Day." [PA TV April 30, 1999]
5. Fuad Abu Higla, senior Palestinian, Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, March 19, 2001
Fuad Abu Higla, then a regular columnist in the official PA daily Al Hayat Al Jadida, wrote an article before an Arab Summit, which criticized the Arab leaders. One of the failures he cited, in the name of a prisoner, was that an earlier generation of Arab leaders "forced" them to leave Israel in 1948, again placing the blame for the flight on the Arab leaders.
"I have received a letter from a prisoner in Acre prison, to the Arab summit: To the [Arab and Muslim] Kings and Presidents, poverty is killing us, the symptoms are exhausting us and the souls are leaving our body, yet you are still searching for the way to provide aid, like one who is looking for a needle in a haystack or like the armies of your predecessors in the year of 1948, who forced us to leave [Israel], on the pretext of clearing the battlefields of civilians... So what will your summit do now?" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 19, 2001]
Conclusion It is clear from these statements that there is general acknowledgement among Palestinians that Arab leaders bear responsibility for the mass flight of Arabs from Israel in 1948, and were the cause of the "refugee" problem. Furthermore, the fact that this information has been validated by public figures and refugees in the Palestinian Authority media itself confirms that this responsibility is well-known - even though for propaganda purposes its leaders continue to blame Israel publicly for "the expulsion."
......so I guess the Jew haters who post here can go on conning themselves about this if they want to....but they clearly aren't good enough liars to con anybody else about it
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by PPyy
Thursday, May. 22, 2008 at 2:56 AM
While Zionist 48ers who did the actual killing of Palestinians to steal palestinian lands tell of entering abandoned Palestinian homes to find food on the tables still warm.
England, with its navy off the caost, reports that there were NO radio broadcasts from "Arab" leaders outside of Palestine telling the Palestinian locals to vacate their homes. Not that orders from Damascus or Cairo would have had ANY valididty inside Palestine.
Palestinians fleeing the carnage of Zionist invasion would NOT have taken place at all if Zionst crusaders had not chosen to become murderous thieves of Palestinian lands. Scapegoating palestinians or "Arab" leaders for the suffering the Zionist's chosen war of conquest created just showcases your own prejudices.
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by Lord Locksley
Thursday, May. 22, 2008 at 5:31 AM
......what it shows is that I back up my arguments with citings that can be checked from people who were there and who have no ax to grind with Israel....all you do is spew your own inventive Jew hatred with no supporting documentation or anything at all other than your own weak attempts at historical revisionism
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by just wondering
Thursday, May. 22, 2008 at 7:20 AM
If he stamps his foot and pouts and repeats it over and over, that makes it true. History belongs not to the righteous, nor to the victor, but to the most annoying and persistent.
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by just wondering
Thursday, May. 22, 2008 at 7:20 AM
If he stamps his foot and pouts and repeats it over and over, that makes it true. History belongs not to the righteous, nor to the victor, but to the most annoying and persistent.
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by 'who have no ax to grind with Israel.'
Thursday, May. 22, 2008 at 7:40 AM
who would that be? Someone who hasn't been the recipient of the israeli empire? Someone who hasn't been cluster bombed or murdered in their sleep by the renegade israeli regime? Under the rubric of 'self-determination'? Or the figleaf of 'self-defense'? Or the excuse of a collaborated nazi enterprise? Come on, give us a break. No one believes you anymore.
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by Lord Locksley
Thursday, May. 22, 2008 at 8:16 AM
.....I was referring to some intellectually honest Arabs from that area who know what the truth is and know who was responsible for Arabs leaaving the area when the state of Israel was declared....and it wasn't Israel.....all you offer in rebuttal s more of your own spew
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by Jews for Justice
Thursday, May. 22, 2008 at 4:39 PM
Sorry, but British Intelligence refuted that Zionist lie decades ago. More Credible material: The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict Published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes—on both sides—inevitably follow from this original injustice. This paper outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region's problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record. http://www.wrmea.com/jews_for_justice/index.html
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by Real History
Friday, May. 23, 2008 at 8:13 AM
PA daily: Arabs left homes on their own to facilitate destruction of Israel -- and thus became refugees
The Arabs who became refugees in 1948 were not expelled by Israel but left on their own to facilitate the destruction of Israel, according to a senior Palestinian journalist writing in a Palestinian daily. This plan to leave Israel was initiated by the Arab states fighting Israel, who promised the people they would be able to return to their homes in a few days once Israel was defeated. The article in Al-Ayyam concludes that these Arab states are responsible for the Arab refugee problem.
A backbone of Palestinian English-language propaganda is the myth that Israel expelled hundreds of thousands of Arabs from Israel and created Arab refugees. But in recent years, PMW has documented an increasing willingness among Palestinians to openly blame the Arab states and not Israel.
Following are five such statements of blame, starting with this most recent article and including testimony from refugees themselves and corroboration by Palestinian leaders. Clearly, there is a growing Palestinian willingness to blame the Arab leaders, which corroborates Israel's historical record.
1. Jawad Al Bashiti, Palestinian journalist in Jordan, writing in Al-Ayyam, May 13, 2008
"Remind me of one real cause from all the factors that have caused the "Palestinian Catastrophe" [the establishment of Israel and the creation of refugee problem], and I will remind you that it still exists... The reasons for the Palestinian Catastrophe are the same reasons that have produced and are still producing our Catastrophes today.
During the Little Catastrophe, meaning the Palestinian Catastrophe the following happened: the first war between Arabs and Israel had started and the "Arab Salvation Army" came and told the Palestinians: 'We have come to you in order to liquidate the Zionists and their state. Leave your houses and villages, you will return to them in a few days safely. Leave them so we can fulfill our mission (destroy Israel) in the best way and so you won't be hurt.' It became clear already then, when it was too late, that the support of the Arab states (against Israel) was a big illusion. Arabs fought as if intending to cause the "Palestinian Catastrophe". [Al-Ayyam, May 13 2008]
2. Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Palestinian Journalist in PA official daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, December 13, 2006
"...The leaders and the elites promised us at the beginning of the "Catastrophe" in 1948, that the duration of the exile will not be long, and that it will not last more than a few days or months, and afterwards the refugees will return to their homes, which most of them did not leave only until they put their trust in those "Arkuvian" promises made by the leaders and the political elites. Afterwards, days passed, months, years and decades, and the promises were lost with the strain of the succession of events..." [Term "Arkuvian," is after Arkuv - a figure from Arab tradition - who was known for breaking his promises and for his lies."] " [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, December 13, 2006]
3. Asmaa Jabir Balasimah, Woman who fled Israel in 1948, Al-Ayyam, May 16, 2006
"We heard sounds of explosions and of gunfire at the beginning of the summer in the year of the "Catastrophe" [1948]. They told us: The Jews attacked our region and it is better to evacuate the village and return, after the battle is over. And indeed there were among us [who fled Israel] those who left a fire burning under the pot, those who left their flock [of sheep] and those who left their money and gold behind, based on the assumption that we would return after a few hours." [Al-Ayyam, May 16, 2006]
4. Son of man who fled in 1948, PA TV 1999
An Arab viewer called Palestinian Authority TV and quoted his father, saying that in 1948 the Arab District Officer ordered all Arabs to leave Palestine or be labeled traitors. In response, Arab MK Ibrahim Sarsur, then Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, cursed those leaders, thus acknowledging Israel's historical record.
"Mr. Ibrahim [Sarsur]. I address you as a Muslim. My father and grandfather told me that during the "Catastrophe" [in 1948], our district officer issued an order that whoever stays in Palestine and in Majdel [near Ashkelon - Southern Israel] is a traitor, he is a traitor."
Response from Ibrahim Sarsur, now MK, then Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel: "The one who gave the order forbidding them to stay there bears guilt for this, in this life and the Afterlife throughout history until Resurrection Day." [PA TV April 30, 1999]
5. Fuad Abu Higla, senior Palestinian, Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, March 19, 2001
Fuad Abu Higla, then a regular columnist in the official PA daily Al Hayat Al Jadida, wrote an article before an Arab Summit, which criticized the Arab leaders. One of the failures he cited, in the name of a prisoner, was that an earlier generation of Arab leaders "forced" them to leave Israel in 1948, again placing the blame for the flight on the Arab leaders.
"I have received a letter from a prisoner in Acre prison, to the Arab summit: To the [Arab and Muslim] Kings and Presidents, poverty is killing us, the symptoms are exhausting us and the souls are leaving our body, yet you are still searching for the way to provide aid, like one who is looking for a needle in a haystack or like the armies of your predecessors in the year of 1948, who forced us to leave [Israel], on the pretext of clearing the battlefields of civilians... So what will your summit do now?" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 19, 2001]
It is clear from these statements that there is general acknowledgement among Palestinians that Arab leaders bear responsibility for the mass flight of Arabs from Israel in 1948, and were the cause of the "refugee" problem. Furthermore, the fact that this information has been validated by public figures and refugees in the Palestinian Authority media itself confirms that this responsibility is well-known - even though for propaganda purposes its leaders continue to blame Israel publicly for "the expulsion."
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by PPyy
Sunday, May. 25, 2008 at 3:29 PM
And NAZIs didn't force belgian civilians to flee their homes to become refugess either. They chose to flee their homes to survive the hostilities of the NAZI's war of conquest.
And since the NAZIs let the Belgians return to their homes in NAZI occupied Belgium, the NAZI invasion and occupation of belgium was clearly less offensive t Belgian civilians than Zionist invasion and occupation of Palestinian lands.
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by PPyy
Sunday, May. 25, 2008 at 3:35 PM
And the Arabic speeking neigbors of the Palestinians never went into the portion of Palestine that western interloapers of the 1947 UN said Zionists could steal to create a Jewish state in Palestine. No, they just occupied the other portions of Palestine and didn't end up fighting Zionist crusaders until Zionists started their murderous theft of MORE than the 54% the 1947 UN said they could steal.
"Jordanians" (kings of the east) occupied the west bank and areas next to "Jordan". Egyptians (kings of the south) just occupied Gaza and points south. they didn't fight Zionists until Zionists attacked them in the parts of palestine that the UN said Palestinians could keep.
So, it is rather impossible that they could have told Palestinians to flee their homes in the portion of Palestine that the 1947 UN said ZIonists had a birthright of murderous theft.
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by Renaldo
Monday, May. 26, 2008 at 7:35 AM
Yet none of the people who fled their homes during WWII are still refugees. Only the Palestinians keep refugee status for four generations. what the Palestinians are asking for is as if Jews whose great grandparents fled Germany and Europe wanted money or property to compensate for what their great grandparents went through. thats not just greedy, thats absurd
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by Louise
Monday, May. 26, 2008 at 11:33 AM
"Yet none of the people who fled their homes during WWII are still refugees." There was a resolution after Nuremberg to help displaced people return to their home lands after displacement. Nothing but refugee camps for the Palestinian dispora. "Only the Palestinians keep refugee status for four generations" I'm pretty sure they really really *enjoy this privilege* despite UN resolutions demanding that israel allows them to return. At which point israel goes through the old 'fuck yourself' rejoinder of " genocide is our version of self determination as long as it's for greater israel".
And then this: "what the Palestinians are asking for is as if Jews whose great grandparents fled Germany and Europe wanted money or property to compensate for what their great grandparents went through. thats not just greedy, thats absurd"
Isn't that exactly what the israeli state, through it's American proxies; do just that? I'm mean Germany *has* been shaken down for reperations, after all. You're ignorant.
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by Javier
Monday, May. 26, 2008 at 3:19 PM
Hey, this isn't my thing but theses no excuse for these people to be sitiing for 6 decades on their butts. History goes on but some how these people want to sit it out! Like sports,, then you forfeit the game!
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by Pure Hypocrisy
Tuesday, May. 27, 2008 at 1:17 AM
"no excuse for these people" Exactly. 60 years of murder and ethnic cleansing while the world pretends it doesn't effect them. Alone and vilified by their powerful and influential enemies while israel continues the project of genocide under any definition [ look up 'genocide' ] for their 'self determination'. There *is* no excuse for these people. Just the hatred of their existance which is why the zionist lobby fanatically attempts to twist the facts into their own deranged version of reality. And hopes the world is fooled. Considering that the UN has passed 60 years of condemnation [ and now the world court, for the Wall ] against them, it wold seem that only the American congress is 'fooled'. Meaning bribed by the same lobby, funded through our 30 billion a year aid to this criminal enterprise. That is the who and why these 60 years of butt buffing has occurred while the murder, torture, starvation and imprisonment of the people continues. Which is another reason they like to use quotation marks around the proper noun, Palestinian. It is denial of their existence and humanity.
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by big difference
Tuesday, May. 27, 2008 at 5:26 AM
german reparations were only given to Holocaust survivors. Not their children. Or their grandchildren . Or their great grandchildren
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by Big Whooptydo...
Tuesday, May. 27, 2008 at 6:37 AM
Did you type this? "german reparations were only given to Holocaust survivors. Not their children. Or their grandchildren . Or their great grandchildren" because if you did then explain the 'right' of people [ most of which never even had ancestry there ] after *hundreds* of generations, to demand the payment of someone elses land from the rest of the world from particularly the people of Palestine? Wow.
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by Unique "Palestinian" right
Tuesday, May. 27, 2008 at 9:56 AM
The inheritable right of return of refugees and refugee status, that passes from generation to generation, is not only a uniquely "Palestinian" right, unknown ANYWHERE in international law, but also, for reasons based solely on Arab supremacy even the "Palestinians" deny that it applies to any other people!
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by since when?
Tuesday, May. 27, 2008 at 11:14 AM
Since when did israel ever obey international law? And it also is apparent that the previous statement: -
The inheritable right of return of refugees and refugee status, that passes from generation to generation, is not only a uniquely "Palestinian" right, unknown ANYWHERE in international law, but also, for reasons based solely on Arab supremacy even the "Palestinians" deny that it applies to any other people!-
is a open farce as it is exactly what zionists are doing as they claim refugee status to occupy Palestine. For 'Jewish' supremacy.
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by cite some law then
Tuesday, May. 27, 2008 at 12:31 PM
If you disagree, cite some law. The uniquely 'Palestinian" right of return' is just another "Palestinian myth, like Mohamed Al'Dura, the 'Tantura massacre, the "Jenin" massacre, the lyda death march, Oslo, the peace process etc.
Just tall tales that even the "Palestinians" don't believe in!
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by pull my finger
Tuesday, May. 27, 2008 at 1:19 PM
Where to begin? Genocide. How about genocide. Isn't there a law against genocide? Or do we now quibble with shyster lawyers about genocide? As defined by the Geneva Conventions. Look it up.
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by These were things that
Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 at 7:52 AM
These were things that DIDN'T HAPPEN! Thats why its not "geneocide", because the events were fabricated!
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by Rivers of de' Nile
Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 at 7:59 AM
Doesn't the zionist lobby have any other recourse but denial? Nope. It's Genocide. Naziesque genocide. Remember. 4 steps on the zionist platform. Genocide under the figleaf of 'self determination' for "israel".
It never happened We didn't do it They deserved it anyway Others do it too.
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by Pallywood
Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 at 10:51 AM
"Genocide" has a new definition. Apparently to "Palestinians" it must mean " our population increases four fold since the state of Israel was established."
It doesn't even resemble the ordinary English usage!
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by they always use this...
Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 at 1:12 PM
Just because the Palestinians refuse to die and dissapear, maybe even have children, it then excuses "israel's" attempt to see them all dead or expelled. It does NOT mean that israel is not committing genocide. Like I said, look it up. It fits "israel's" pogrom. It only means that they are unable to exterminate them. Not like they wouldn't mind it a bit if they were successful. And since each and every point you make [ scroll up dear readers ] is shown to be a farce, you and your pathetic, degenerate cult should quit while you still can convince yourself that anyone falls for your crap.
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by Words to stifle debate
Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 at 1:30 PM
"Palestinians" and their naive apologists use words to stifle debate not for their actual meaning.
Do you actually know what "genocide" means?
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by Yes, Genocide
Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 at 3:11 PM
These creatures think you're too lazy to do a search. "Do you actually know what "genocide" means?"
Can you read? Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Article 2, of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
Zionists always do this in a pattern. I know the pattern.
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by the forgotten refugees
Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 at 3:21 PM
Islamic states by population Don't hear you complaining about these, but you complain about Israel where 20% of the population is not Jewish and has full human and civil rights
Saudi Arabia 100% 26,417,599 Pakistan 159,799,666 97% Afghanistan 99% 31,571,023 Somalia Nearly 99.8% 8,591,629 Bangladesh 132,446,365 88% Maldives 99.9% 348,756 Egypt 70,530,237 85% Western Sahara 99.8% 272,461 Turkey 99% 68,963,953 Nigeria 64,385,994 45% Iran 98% 67,337,681 Iraq 64,089,571 98% Algeria 32,999,883 99% Mauritania 99% 3,083,772 Morocco 32,300,410 99% Yemen 99% 20,519,792 Afghanistan 31,571,023 99% Tunisia 99% 9,974,201 Oman 99% 2,971,567 Comoros 99% 664,534 Djibouti 99%
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by still genocide
Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 at 5:33 PM
what does that have to do with the real rather than paranoid facts of "israeli" occupation and genocide? Palestine never invaded anyone. "israel" is the aggressor and war criminal. Genocide even expounded on by the leaders of "israel" in their own words.
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by back to "it didn't happen"
Wednesday, May. 28, 2008 at 5:42 PM
did you type this? "20% of the population is not Jewish and has full human and civil rights " Like not having GENOCIDE practiced on them? Only nazis could lie this absurdly.
And expect anyone to believe them.
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by Remember Gush Etzion
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 9:06 AM
Palestine never invaded anyone because there was never an independent Palestine. The Arab residents of Palestine made many attempts to genocide the Jewish residents of Palestine Remember Gush Etzion? Over 150 Jewish men women and children were massacred by their neighbors
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by absurd zionist mash
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 10:55 AM
I think that's called resistance. To an enemy occupier and murderer. Zionist put these people in harms way. Choises have consequences. The death toll has always been one sided with the Palestinians suffering far greater multiples of fatalities from the israeli death force.
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by Its not "resistance", its Arab Supr
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 11:09 AM
Its not "resistance", its Arab Supremicism. The only claim that the "Palestinians" can make to the land of Israel is that they are of the same religion and ethnicity as the Arab invaders of the 7th century ,although the "Palestinians" themselves are the descendants of recent immigrants from neighboring Arab countries during historic times..
Its not "resistance", when they are slaughtering un-amed women and children and mutilating bodies. What they are resisting is Jews asserting themselve politically and not accepting a subservient dhimmi status.
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by absurd zionist mash
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 11:31 AM
"Its not "resistance", its ." Arab Supremicism ]
The wish to not be murdered and then lied about. It's always been "israeli" supremecy covered over by massive lobby efforts to invert reality. Only it doesn't work. The zionists believe in a 'Jewish' only state while the Palestinians want a secular equal citizenry. Despite the zionist paranoia, that's what they want. Not supremacy like the zionists, but equality and freedom.
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by The desire to murder others
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 12:10 PM
What a joke! Arabs were massacreing Jews in "Palestine" as soon as they had an opportunty! Jews were required to form self defense committees "Watchmen" to prevent the marauding Arabs.
When Jews became "uppitty" and didn't want to live under Moslem Jim Crow laws as "dhimmi" THEN Arab massacres of Jews began. Sort of like the Moslem KKK.
Of course, when the Arabs lost racist war after racist war, they had to re-work the story so as to be more palatable.
Thats why its called the "Palestinian narrative" but Jewish history.
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by absurd zionist mash
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 12:36 PM
Are you that confused? The zionists began the massacres. You cite nothing but a rant. A paranoid rant. The founders of "israel" were all war criminals who voiced their intentions to purge Palestine of 'Arabs' ( Semites ) from the beginning http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/12/142291.php Is it possible for a zionazi to realize the racism in their deranged version of reality? As witnessed, no. Not ever.
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by Tell me more about...
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 1:31 PM
Tell me more about these "Zionist massacres".
Do you mean Hebron in 1929?
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by pull my finger
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 2:27 PM
If there were only one example of unprovoked violence. Give it up. There are hundreds of Palestinian villages now wiped off the map. Deliberately; to erase the evidence. Your kind detest the Palestinians. For existing.
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by but apparently its ok if they are Jewish
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 3:24 PM
This joker rationalizes the slaughter of the innocents at Gush Etzion because they are Jews. Why talk to haters?
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by another Zionist lie
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 3:48 PM
They aren't "innocent." They are guilty of colonialism. Palestinian blood is on their hands.
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by New Meaning to Hypocrisy
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 4:46 PM
New Meaning to Hypocrisy at now epic levels. Does the David Ben-Gurion and the Stern Gang ring any bells? "Jews were required to form self defense committees "Watchmen" to prevent the marauding Arabs. " It was more like every town or village had to be ready for night attacks, from machine guns, hand grenades and even aircraft without warning from the fully armed zionist ground operations. Armed with a few old rifles. Damn them to hell.
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by the massacre of Gush Etzion
Thursday, May. 29, 2008 at 4:57 PM
First Attack of January 14 - About 600 Arab irregulars led by Abdul Khader El-Husseini attacked the Etzion Bloc. They consisted of cadets of a training course he was giving in Surif and villagers gathered from Hebron, Bethlehem and surrounding villages in the faza levee. In addition to the 600 attackers, hundreds of Arab youth gave logistics aid. The attack was discovered in advance by accident and repulsed by effective defense. Three more Gush Etzion defenders were killed. The Massacre of the Convoy of 35- January 16, 1948 After the attack of January 14, Uzi Narkiss demanded resupply from the Hagannah. 38 Hagannah personnel set out on foot from Hartuv at 11 PM on January 15, commanded by Danny Mas. Three were sent back because of injuries. The fate of the remaining 35 was reconstructed from British and Arab reports. The six hours of night did not suffice. About an hour before their destination it became light. They were detected by an Arab shepherd or women not far from Tzurif. They did not harm the Arab civilians, who hurried to sound the alarm, and a large group of armed Arabs gathered to block their way. The battle lasted the entire day. The last defender was apparently killed at about 4:30 PM. The British in the nearby police station did not interfere until the battle was over. The Arab attackers mutilated the bodies of the defenders according to British soldiers who witnessed the aftermath of the attack. A soldier who took pictures of mutilated bodies left his roll of film to be developed in Jerusalem and never came back for it. Several decades later the negatives were discovered, but it was decided not to publish the atrocities. ( A personal account - Fallen Heroes of Gush Etzion ) History of Israel and Zionism, Battle for Gush Etzion: Danny Mas Danny Mas The airstrip
The Hagannah had acquired a number of antiquated civilian aircraft, chiefly Piper cubs and Austers. These were used to supply the bloc by parachuted airdrops in January. it was then decided to prepare an air strip which was in service from February 1948. - The first small plane landed on an airstrip which had been prepared near Kfar Etzion. Stand and fight
At the end of February, residents rejected a proposal to evacuate married men and allow them to be reunited with their families. The Nebi Daniel Convoy
In late March, 1948, the Haganah decided to send a large convoy to Gush Etzion. Nearly every armored vehicle was put into the convoy, in order to bring supplies and evacuate wounded as well as some farm animals. The convoy of 51 vehicles reached the bloc safely, but its departure was delayed by a recalcitrant bull who was supposed to be evacuated to Jerusalem. The Nebi Daniel Convoy was ambushed in the outskirts of Bethlehem at a bend in the road called Nebi Daniel. During the thirty hour battle on the road, fourteen defenders or fifteen were killed including the commander of the blockbuster, Zerubavel Horowitz. The remainder of the defenders were able to hold out long enough for the Haganah to obtain the intervention of the British, who succeeded in brokering a deal to rescue them. All of the vehicles and supplies were destroyed or surrendered to the Arab attackers, a severe blow to the defenders of Jerusalem. (see also Nebi Daniel Convoy) the 13th of May the defenders of Kfar Etzion surrendered to the Legion. The Legion honored the surrender, though Arab irregulars continued to fire for some time. The defenders gathered in front of the school and put down their weapons. They were photographed by someone in a kaffiyeh (Arab headdress and European suit. Then an armored car, apparently belonging to the Legion, approached and opened fire, and other Arab attackers opened fire with submachine guns and grenades. Some survivors claimed Legion soldiers were not involved, others insisted that they were. Survivors all recall that that the Arabs were screaming "Deir Yassin." All accounts agree that Legion officers rescued several survivors.
About 50 defenders escaped to the cellar of the old German monastery that was within the grounds, and tried to defend themselves there. The Arab attackers finished them off with hand grenades and then blew up the building, which collapsed over them. All but about five defenders were eventually killed. In all, about 128 defenders were massacred by the Palestinian Arab irregulars or the Jordan Legion, counting those who had escaped to the basement of the monastery. Some accounts do not count these people as "massacred" and estimate that fifty were massacred. However, those who fled to the basement were given no chance to surrender. One of the survivors, a woman, was taken to a field to be raped by two Legion soldiers, but saved by an officer. About 157 Jewish defenders died in the final battle for Gush Etzion, including those killed in the massacre.*
Given the fate of the defenders of Kfar Etzion, the defenders of the remaining kibbutzim decided not to surrender without the presence of the International Red Cross. This was arranged from Jerusalem. The survivors of Gush Etzion were taken to prisoner of war camps in Jordan for the duration of the conflict, notwithstanding the fact that Jordan had not yet officially entered the war.
Gush Etzion and its defenders, particularly Danny Mas, became part of the folklore of the nascent state. The account of the mutilated bodies of the convoy of 35 ("Lamed Heh") became known despite the suppression of photographs.
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by Choises have Consequences
Friday, May. 30, 2008 at 3:40 AM
Well now, there are many incidences of zionist instigated violence. If not for the members of the Stern Gang and the Haganah and the other zionist war criminal terrorist. -THE TERROR THAT BEGOT ISRAEL “We committed Nazi acts.” Aharon Zisling, Israel’s first Agriculture Minister “There is no doubt that many sexual atrocities were committed by the attacking Jews. Many young (Arab) girls were raped and later slaughtered. Old women were also molested.” General Richard Catling, British Army Assistant Inspector after interrogating several female survivors (The Palestinian Catastrophe, Michael Palumbo, 1987)- http://israels60thbirthday.com/2008/05/09/the-terror-that-begot-israel/
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by war sucks
Friday, May. 30, 2008 at 4:19 AM
Arabs killed Jews. Jews killed Arabs.
And if the Arabs had accepted e state that was offered in 1948, they'd also be celebrating their 60th birthday. No. They held out for plan B- the destruction of Israel and 60 years of endless war.
Not a wise choice.
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by pull my finger
Friday, May. 30, 2008 at 6:07 AM
If the Arabs had excepted over 50% of their land confiscated w/o compensation, w/o any consultation and w/o any hope for return, you're correct. Does that excuse 60 years of ethnic cleansing? Or genocide from and for "israel'? To a zionist it makes perfet sense that it does. They're nazis. That's why.
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by they said no
Friday, May. 30, 2008 at 9:41 AM
They Arab were consulted- they said no. And then there is Jordan. many people feel the promised Arab state already exists
In the area once known as Palestine (the 1910/11 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica defines Palestine in terms of the area east and west of the River Jordan) there reside two human communities, a Jewish one and an Arab one. On the premise that both of these communities are entitled to self-determination and national self-expression, there should be two nation-states in this area, one Jewish and one Arab. Well, isn't that exactly what we have today (Israel and Jordan)? By what rationale, or historical or moral logic, can the creation, now, of a second Arab state in this area be justified - particularly when such a state would necessarily have to be carved out of the living flesh of little Israel?
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by makes sense
Friday, May. 30, 2008 at 10:58 AM
"The[y] Arab[s] were consulted- they said no. You bet they said no. That's like someone else giving your home to a third party. Someone who thinks you're unworthy to live in equality or even like humans as history and present circumstances has given ample examples.
You individuals are racist psychopaths.
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by They were consulted
Friday, May. 30, 2008 at 11:28 AM
They said no. I doubt the victim of a rape would appreciate being 'asked' first. Is that what you want? The victims to be appreciative of the robbery, rape and murder? And this sure brings a tear to my eye. "particularly when such a state would necessarily have to be carved out of the living flesh of little Israel? " [ they have to invert reality ] Like the zionist did to Palestine.
Poor little, nuclear, American backed, murderously aggressive, psychopathic little "israel".
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by 2/3 of Palestine is Jordan
Friday, May. 30, 2008 at 3:01 PM
And what should happen with Jordan?
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by ...what it would be like
Friday, May. 30, 2008 at 6:14 PM
to be a Palestinian in Palestine? Under the guns of the israeli death force? -Having these racist equivocators running your lives? Particularly if they thought you were a pestilence. 'Jordan' or any other distractions don't mean squat when people were terrorized off their lands out of their homes, murdered and expelled while being robbed by the "israelis" so they would be a burden to the countries they fled to. You should all go fuck yourselves - to death.
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by What would it be like
Saturday, May. 31, 2008 at 7:12 AM
What woul d it be like if, G-d forbid, the Arab side had won? Does ANYONE believe that there would be a Jewish minority? Or a movement for Jewish statehood?
After starting and losing racist war after racist war, the "Palestinians" are now living the consequences of their blood thirsty racism. What would anyone expect the results of such murderous hatred would be in the long term?
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by not a paranoid rant
Saturday, May. 31, 2008 at 8:41 AM
Do you realize just how absurd your 'rebutal' looks? - G-d forbid, the Arab side had won?- leave the mythical excuses to murder out of it, the Arab' community can only have 'won' if the zionist invaders had not recieved help from the regimes of Stalin and Hitler and of course the British. From the beginning. The people of Palestine [ which includes Christians and other faiths beside Moslem] will only win when the criminal colonial enterprise of israel is dismantled, one way or the other and the barriers between people taken down. The PLO has always called for equal rights in Palestine without special privileges. It's called Justice.
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by Sheer Nonsense
Saturday, May. 31, 2008 at 10:08 AM
Sheer Nonsense! You are making things up as you go along.
In 1948, having rejected diplomacy, compromise and partition the Arabs promised " a slaughter like none seen since the time of the Mongols. The Jewish survivvors if any will be placed on boats and sent back to Europe." Fortunately, despite British Officers leading Arab armies ( look up John Glubb) their genocidal intentions were thwarted.
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by Zionist Revisionism Same as Holocaust Denial
Saturday, May. 31, 2008 at 10:21 AM
They may have said so (but you haven't shown that to be true), but Zionism, which rejected Partition because it 'denied' them a portion of what it desired, undertook a program of military provocations and war, intended to seize by force what Partition did not give them - the whole of Palestine.
Look up The Origin of the Israel-Palestine Conflict by Jews for Justice in the Middle East - or any credible history book.
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by Excellent example of Anti-Zionist Lies
Saturday, May. 31, 2008 at 11:27 AM
Excellent example of Anti-Zionist Lies! It doesn't even bear discussion, as its just as simple lie that anyone can look up and de-bunk.
Thanks for the confirmation!
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by because...
Saturday, May. 31, 2008 at 2:00 PM
There is nothing to refute. Despite the empty prop wash of unending denial. Zionists must deny *everything* because even a small admission of responcibility would open the flood gates of discovery. Classic psychopathy. With nuclear weapons and this kind of 'roid' type state beligerence. Notice the zionists always attack and never ever concede. They are dangerous psychotics and we should begin immediate sanctions until they realize the insanity of their actions; and the misery and terror upon the people of Palestine ends. Equality for all, free Palestine of zionist terror.
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by Jews for Justice in the Middle East
Sunday, Jun. 01, 2008 at 10:58 AM
I'll save them the trouble. And refute the Zionist Plant's Denialism and Lies. The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict Published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes—on both sides—inevitably follow from this original injustice. This paper outlines the history of Palestine to show how this process occurred and what a moral solution to the region's problems should consist of. If you care about the people of the Middle East, Jewish and Arab, you owe it to yourself to read this account of the other side of the historical record. Introduction The standard Zionist position is that they showed up in Palestine in the late 19th century to reclaim their ancestral homeland. Jews bought land and started building up the Jewish community there. They were met with increasingly violent opposition from the Palestinian Arabs, presumably stemming from the Arabs' inherent anti-Semitism. The Zionists were then forced to defend themselves and, in one form or another, this same situation continues up to today. The problem with this explanation is that it is simply not true, as the documentary evidence in this booklet will show. What really happened was that the Zionist movement, from the beginning, looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the indigenous Arab population so that Israel could be a wholly Jewish state, or as much as was possible. Land bought by the Jewish National Fund was held in the name of the Jewish people and could never be sold or even leased back to Arabs (a situation which continues to the present). The Arab community, as it became increasingly aware of the Zionists' intentions, strenuously opposed further Jewish immigration and land buying because it posed a real and imminent danger to the very existence of Arab society in Palestine. Because of this opposition, the entire Zionist project never could have been realized without the military backing of the British. The vast majority of the population of Palestine, by the way, had been Arabic since the seventh century A.D. (Over 1200 years) In short, Zionism was based on a faulty, colonialist world view that the rights of the indigenous inhabitants didn't matter. The Arabs' opposition to Zionism wasn't based on anti-Semitism but rather on a totally reasonable fear of the dispossession of their people. One further point: being Jewish ourselves, the position we present here is critical of Zionism but is in no way anti-Semitic. We do not believe that the Jews acted worse than any other group might have acted in their situation. The Zionists (who were a distinct minority of the Jewish people until after WWII) had an understandable desire to establish a place where Jews could be masters of their own fate, given the bleak history of Jewish oppression. Especially as the danger to European Jewry crystalized in the late 1930's and after, the actions of the Zionists were propelled by real desperation. But so were the actions of the Arabs. The mythic "land without people for a people without land" was already home to 700,000 Palestinians in 1919. This is the root of the problem, as we shall see. http://www.wrmea.com/jews_for_justice/index.html
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by revisionist history
Sunday, Jun. 01, 2008 at 1:10 PM
There are certainly people that dont know any better and are thus suscebitble to simplistic, biased revisionist history like that piece above. However, even if "you can fool some of the people, all of the time", revisionist history is another variety of fraud.
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by zionists in denial
Sunday, Jun. 01, 2008 at 1:22 PM
So what's new? "like that piece above." Words of denial. It;s not revisionist, it's history under the tattered tapistry of lies that the zionist lobby depends upon the American people, their unwitting sponsors, believing. Torn and flapping noisily, the lobby the depends on our tax money, continues to wave it. Covering up the history written in the 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis: by Lenni Brenner
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by Not that old comintern crap!
Monday, Jun. 02, 2008 at 7:35 AM
When Stalin, in his parnoid, meglomaniac way, decided that Jewish nationalism was a threat to the ulimate victory of the USSR, he sponsored a massive, world wide anti-Israel, anti-Zionism propaganda blitz using the Communist International (the "Comintern").
Its amazing to still people referring to that old comintern crap!
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by Blessings of Stalin
Monday, Jun. 02, 2008 at 8:33 AM
The USSR under Stalin, was the first nation to recognize "israel" and gave the Arabs in Palestine the brush off. Check it out.
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by and then, thereafter
Monday, Jun. 02, 2008 at 8:58 AM
and then, thereafter, despite having initially supported the nacsient , and rather Socialist, State of Israel, partially due to its large Russian origin population, the USSR took a rapid, and immediate about face. In the bizarre Cold War division of the world, a large portion of the Arab world, i.e. Egypt, Syria etc, fell within the Soviet sphere of influence. The US had a relationship albeit a cool one with Israel at that point, ironically, partially due to its rather Socialist orientation, and partially due to suspision of its large number of people of Russian origin during the McCarthy era. Things shifted alot though in the '60s, after the Six Day War in which the USSR was really the behind the scenes instigator, and later when Egypt tossed out the Russians etc..
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by Sheepdog
Monday, Jun. 02, 2008 at 1:51 PM
so in essence the zionists are excused from their practice of genocide because... the USSR began to support the anti-zionist states? because they were socialist? You are all insane. With nukes. Scary.
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by words they don't understand
Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2008 at 7:07 AM
Once again, Anti-Zionists are using words they don't understand. "Genocide", the slaughter of an entire people. Are you sure that the word that you're realy looking for isn't "conflict" since "genocide" would create the misleading inference that "Palestinians" were being systematically wiped out as a people at a time when they're being offered statehood and their population is sky rocketing.
Or have we proven once again that anti-zionists use words to create an emotional impact rather than for their meanings and to mislead?
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by words they don't understand
Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2008 at 9:32 AM
words like Justice or Equality which they can't see or hear because zionism exists as a raciial/religious supremacy sect and these words are unable to be comprehended against this backdrop. A psychopathic inability to see the depths of their own depravity and evil. The meanings of forbidden honesty. "words they don't understand "
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by words they don't understand
Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2008 at 10:16 AM
These shyster types like to invent definitions and convince the rest that they know what the fuck they're saying. ""Genocide", the slaughter of an entire people" Wrong. No matter how many times it's posted because they expect you to believe their deranged versions of reality. Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Article 2, of this convention defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide It doesn't mean that the perps are 100% successful immediately against a determined people in spite of the ghettos and genocide practiced on them.. 'skyrocketing population' why don't you say 'breed like rats' because that's what you mean. Fuck all of you.
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by Juanita de la Cruz
Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2008 at 5:07 PM
"any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,
Not happening
as such: killing members of the group;
This is vague to the point of being useless- you could also say that the Palestinians are commiting genocide against the Israelis
causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
This is vague to the point of being useless- you could also say that the Palestinians are commiting genocide against the Israelis
deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
This is vague to the point of being useless- you could also say that the Palestinians are commiting genocide against the Israelis
imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
not happening.
Using this definition, you can say that every war is genocide. On both sides.
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by 'de Nile is deep
Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2008 at 5:25 PM
In spite of all the history of israel, written in Palestinian blood... It never happened we didn't do it they deserved it anyway others do it too.
sick and sad. Zionism can't admit even the slightest forbidden honesty. Free Palestine from these psychotics.
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by rememebr the Hadassah caravan?
Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2008 at 6:44 PM
In April, 1948 a convoy of doctors and nurses and ambulances set off for Hadassah hospital . The leading vehicle was hit by a mine and the convoy came under attack by Arab forces spraying machine gun fire. After the buses began to leak gasoline, they were set on fire by Molotov cocktails
Seventy-nine Jews were killed by gunfire during the fighting or were burnt when several vehicles were set alight. Twenty of them were women. Among the dead were Dr. Chaim Yassky, director of the hospital and Dr. Moshe Ben-David, slated to head the new medical school.
Many of the bodies were so badly burned they could not be identified. They were buried in a mass grave in the cemetery in Sanhedria, Jerusalem.
Yep. The history of Israel is written in Jewish blood
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by Too Much Blood
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2008 at 4:16 AM
"Jewish Blood Too " The zionists invaded Palestine and began ethnic cleansing aand has always been disproportional with the far greater death toll for the occupied. Like nazi Germany the zionazis have the tanks gunships and of course the pogrom to use these against the occupied people of Palestine. Their leaders said so. http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/12/142291.php 60 years of murder and racial supremecy. "Jewish Blood" when the zionists are a small faction of Jews. These individuals drag all Jews into their murder and theft. They need to always run under the skirts of the world wide Jewish faith. They don't care about Jews, they only want a figleaf to hide the ugly truth under. No Justice, no Peace. Go ahead and celebrate the rivers of blood. Palestinian blood.
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by most jews are zionist
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2008 at 5:04 AM
Most Jews believe in Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people. That makes them Zionist
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by Zionist Extremism Key Impediment to Peace
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2008 at 5:36 AM
That's a bald-faced LIE. Those that do are taught this falsehood intentionally, just as Zionism teaches Revisionism to Jewish youth. THAT is antisemitic, right? Poll Reveals Neo-Con Zionist Groups Unrepresentative http://winnipeg.indymedia.org/item.php?14454S Western Jews Revolt Against Zionist Bully Tactics https://israel.indymedia.org/newswire/display/6119/index.php Zionism's Support Faltering http://winnipeg.indymedia.org/item.php?6297S Anti-Arab Racism and Incitement in Israel https://israel.indymedia.org/newswire/display/8768/index.php Israel & The 'Clash of Civilizations' http://winnipeg.indymedia.org/item.php?11022S Jewish Groups Condemn Collective Punishment of Gaza http://winnipeg.indymedia.org/item.php?10877S Israel, World Jewry Drift Apart http://winnipeg.indymedia.org/item.php?10554S Iran Jewish MP criticises "anti-human" Israel acts http://uk.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20080507/tpl-uk-israel-palestinians-1948-iran-43a8d4f.html
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by Please delete the link farm
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2008 at 7:10 AM
Please delete the link farm.
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by http://www.zombietime.com/israel_in_the_garde
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2008 at 7:25 AM
20,000 Zionist gathered to celebrate 60 years of democracy, diversity and innovation. And this is in the people's Republic of Northern California Yep. Most Jews believe in self determination. Most non-Jews, too. Good photos here, as well: http://www.sfvoiceforisrael.org/gallery/main.php
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by 60 years of Terror
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2008 at 7:32 AM
"Most Jews believe in self determination. Most non-Jews, too." Too bad the *zionist* Jews want 'self determination' over the mass graves, erased villages and property of someone else. All the time screaming about the zionist/nazi collaborated holocaust. They should know all about it. Zionism, Eichmann and the nazi state. The origin of 'israel'. look it up.
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by Israel Celebrates 60 years
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2008 at 7:47 AM
Israel Celebrates 60 years while the "Palestinians" have accomplished nothing except terrorism, hijackings, and violence.
Imagine if the "Palestinians" had pursued the pathes of Ghandi or The Rev. Martin Luther King, jr. instead of the bloodthirsty violence of the Grand Mufti Al -Husseini. . Their country would have celebrated its 60th anniversary also! Instead, "Palestinians" tell tall tales and fabricate a glorious past that never existed, whie blaming the Jews for the consequences of the "Palestinians'" choices. .
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by choises have consequences
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2008 at 7:55 AM
"Grand Mufti Al -Hussein" thanks again for the reminder "Al-husseni" by pot/kettle/black Sunday, Nov. 18, 2007 at 3:25 PM Every time they bring up Al-Husseini, I’m going to tell you about Polkes, Begin, Shamir and the rest of the Nazi collaborator/terrorist gang that founded the rogue state of Israel. Hajj Amin Al Husseini wasn't Hitler's only stooge in British occupied Palestine. Consider the case of Fieval Polkes: "Von Bolschwing was deeply involved in intelligence work--and in the persecution of innocent people -- for most of his adult life. He had joined the Nazi party at the age of twenty-three, in 1932, and had become an SD (party security service) informer almost immediately. In the years leading up to 1939, von Bolschwing became a leading Nazi intelligence agent in the Middle East, where he worked under cover as an importer in Jerusalem. One of his first brushes with Nazi espionage work, according to captured SS records, was a role in creating a covert agreement between the Nazis and Fieval Polkes, a commander of the militant Zionist organization Haganah, whom von Bolschwing had met through business associates in the Mideast. Under the arrangement the Haganah was permitted to run recruiting and training camps for Jewish youth inside Germany. These young people, as well as certain other Jews driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were encouraged to emigrate to Palestine. Polkes and the Haganah, in return, agreed to provide the SS with intelligence about British affairs in Palestine. Captured German records claim that Polkes believed the increasingly brutal Nazi persecution of the Jews could be turned to Zionist advantage -- at least temporarily -- by compelling Jewish immigration to Palestine, and that the Haganah commander's sole source of income, moreover, was secret funds from the SS. It was in the course of these negotiations that the young Baron von Bolschwing gained the trust of Adolf Eichmann, who was at the time an obscure SS functionary specializing in intelligence on Freemasonry and Jewish affairs for the Nazi party. The acquaintance was more than a casual one, for von Bolschwing went on to play a central role in arranging conferences between Eichmann and Polkes in Vienna and Cairo, contacts that established Eichmann as the SS's Jewish affairs expert and laid the foundation for his later career as the architect of the extermination of European Jewry.” -- Blowback : America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects on the Cold War by Christopher Simpson, ISBN: 1555841066, p 253 Simpson’s source on this is: Sicherheitsdienst des RFSS SD-Hauptamt, Palastinareise Bericht (U.S. designation no. 173-b-16-14/61), now at Frames 2936012-2936068, microfilm roll 411, T-175, RG 242, NA, Washington, D.C. * * * * * After the war, von Bolschwing settled in California. He became a Republican Party activist and a personal friend of Richard Nixon. Among his other accomplishments, he perpetrated the single largest stock fraud in California’s history. He squirmed out of the charges when a patsy took the fall for him. Later he was partners in a defense electronics company called TCI with Iran-contra figures Richard Secord and (Iranian Jew) Albert Hakim. What a guy, huh? For details, see: http://www.newsmakingnews.com/mbtape11,22,81,520.htm * * * * * Then there was Menachem Begin, terrorist extrordinaire, who later was elected to the highest office in the land. Before that, he waged war against Hitler enemies. See: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/irgun.html Irgun Zeva'i Le'umi “The National Military Organization” (Etzel, I.Z.L.) (snip) From 1943 Etzel was headed by Menachem Begin. In February 1944, Etzel declared war against the British administration. It attacked and blew up government offices, military installations and police stations. (snip) * * * * * Begin was not just a founding father of Israel, but also the butcher of Deir Yassin, Palestine’s very own Lidice: See: http://www.deiryassin.org/mas.html (snip) Early in the morning of Friday, April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun, headed by Menachem Begin, and the Stern Gang attacked Deir Yassin, a village with about 750 Palestinian residents. It was several weeks before the end of the British Mandate. The village lay outside of the area that the United Nations recommended be included in a future Jewish State. Deir Yassin had a peaceful reputation and was even said by a Jewish newspaper to have driven out some Arab militants. But it was located on high ground in the corridor between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and one plan, kept secret until years afterwards, called for it to be destroyed and the residents evacuated to make way for a small airfield that would supply the beleaguered Jewish residents of Jerusalem. By noon over 100 people, half of them women and children, had been systematically murdered. Four commandos died at the hands of resisting Palestinians using old Mausers and muskets. Twenty-five male villagers were loaded into trucks, paraded through the Zakhron Yosef quarter in Jerusalem, and then taken to a stone quarry along the road between Givat Shaul and Deir Yassin and shot to death. The remaining residents were driven to Arab East Jerusalem. That evening the Irgunists and the Sternists escorted a party of foreign correspondents to a house at Givat Shaul, a nearby Jewish settlement founded in 1906. Over tea and cookies they amplified the details of the operation and justified it, saying Deir Yassin had become a concentration point for Arabs, including Syrians and Iraqis, planning to attack the western suburbs of Jerusalem. They said that 25 members of the Haganah militia had reinforced the attack and claimed that an Arabic-speaking Jew had warned the villagers over a loudspeaker from an armored car. This was duly reported in The New York Times on April 10. A final body count of 254 was reported by The New York Times on April 13, a day after they were finally buried. By then the leaders of the Haganah had distanced themselves from having participated in the attack and issued a statement denouncing the dissidents of Irgun and the Stern Gang, just as they had after the attack on the King David Hotel in July 1946. A 1987 study undertaken by Birzeit University's Center for Research and Documentation of Palestinian Society found "the numbers of those killed does not exceed 120". The Haganah leaders admitted that the massacre "disgraced the cause of Jewish fighters and dishonored Jewish arms and the Jewish flag." They played down the fact that their militia had reinforced the terrorists' attack, even though they did not participate in the barbarism and looting during the subsequent "mopping up" operations. They also played down the fact that, in Begin's words, "Deir Yassin was captured with the knowledge of the Haganah and with the approval of its commander" as a part of its "plan for establishing an airfield." Ben Gurion even sent an apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But this horrific act served the future State of Israel well. According to Begin, “Arabs throughout the country, induced to believe wild tales of ‘Irgun butchery,’ were seized with limitless panic and started to flee for their lives. This mass flight soon developed into a maddened, uncontrollable stampede. The political and economic significance of this development can hardly be overestimated.” (snip) Of about 144 houses, 10 were dynamited. The cemetery was later bulldozed and, like hundreds of other Palestinian villages to follow, Deir Yassin was wiped off the map. By September, Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Poland, Rumania, and Slovakia were settled there over the objections of Martin Buber, Cecil Roth and other Jewish leaders, who believed that the site of the massacre should be left uninhabited. The center of the village was renamed Givat Shaul Bet. As Jerusalem expanded, the land of Deir Yassin became part of the city and is now known simply as the area between Givat Shaul and the settlement of Har Nof on the western slopes of the mountain. The massacre of Palestinians at Deir Yassin is one of the most significant events in 20th-century Palestinian and Israeli history. This is not because of its size or its brutality, but because it stands as the starkest early warning of a calculated depopulation of over 400 Arab villages and cities and the expulsion of over 700,000 Palestinian inhabitants to make room for survivors of the Holocaust and other Jews from the rest of the world. (snip) * * * * * Then there was Yitzhak Shamir . . . http://www.marxists.de/middleast/ironwall/15-shamir.htm (snip) Shamir’s Background (snip) . . . was born Yitzhak Yzernitzky, in Rozeny, in what is now Byelorussia, in 1915. (snip) Little is known of his Irgun career, but one incident stands out. In 1938 Yzernitzky and a 15-year-old recruit, Eliyahu Bet Zouri, tried to blow up a WZO defence fund collection booth which levied a toll on Jewish travellers leaving Tel Aviv. They planted a crude gunpowder bomb which went off prematurely, severely burning Bet Zouri’s legs and scorching the face of Israel’s future Prime Minister. But this bizarre incident was a mere nothing compared to his career as a leading figure in the “Stern Gang”. (snip) * * * * * >a 15-year-old recruit, Just in case you were wondering who first armed children in Palestine.
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by back to " it didn't happen'
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2008 at 2:46 PM
Remember when conversing with a member of the zionist lobby, they have these four planks only. It diidn't happen we didn't do it they deserved it anyway others do it too.
but never "we were wrong, we need to have equality and justice"
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by Zionist Revisionism Same as Holocaust Denial
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2008 at 6:18 AM
Don't forget 'you're a big antisemite'. This Plant likes to use this one a lot. All of those links he attributes to Winnipeg IMC were part of yesterday's Spam Attack (the Plant attacks the site everyday), and the Revisionist History contained within them all came from notorious Hate Sites.
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by Zionist Revisionism Same as Holocaust Denial
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2008 at 6:23 AM
Note how, when the Plant's LIE about Jews was disproven, it simply changed the subject. Antidote to Zionist Revisionism, Hasbara, Propaganda, Hate Literature, Spam Attacks http://winnipeg.indymedia.org/item.php?15502S
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by Pure slander
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2008 at 6:42 AM
We know that anti-zionism has reached its end as an ideology, when left devoid of supporting facts, history, truth or morality, they resort to pure slander.
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by Pure slander
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2008 at 8:50 AM
Pure slander, denial, distrction and fraud is what the zionist lobby uses to invert reality to make invaders, 'self determined', Palestinians a mythical people, and the land of "israel" a legitimate state. Total inversion. Read all zionist writing or pronouncements as such inversion where the vandals are the victims and the occupied, the invaders. One real sick sect.
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by Pure slander
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2008 at 9:04 AM
Pure slander, denial, distration and fraud is what the zionist lobby uses to invert reality to make invaders, 'self determined', Palestinians a mythical people, and the land of "israel" a legitimate state. Total inversion. Read all zionist writing or pronouncements as such inversion where the vandals are the victims and the occupied, the invaders.
This is the only way that zionism can show its face in America as a racial/religious supremacy sect without revulsion from outraged tax payers.
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by way over the edge
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2008 at 9:14 AM
aside from the resident psychopathic zionist and its paranoid world view [ not a stretch viewing the history of "israel" and the rivers of blood they have spilled ] the people of Palestine as in the PLO have always wanted and have stated from the beginning of their charter, equal rights for all the people. The only Jew haters are the zionists that use this religion as a cover for murder and theft. And their psychopathic advocates as witnessed, are surely a deliberate taint to bring world Jewry to yet another zionist instigated fall as they did in nazi Germany.
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by Zionist Revisionism Same as Holocaust Denial
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2008 at 9:22 AM
You're a LIAR, Plant. The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict Published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East http://www.wrmea.com/jews_for_justice/index.html
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by or a zionist?
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2008 at 12:58 PM
standard response #3 -Having checked out the baseless nonsense and paid for propaganda that you've cited to as authoritative, its apparent that you simply are too ignorant of the actual history to post at all!-
'cause it sure is mindless and vague to say nothing of being unsupported. Zionists are psychopathic, pathetic racist [ read 'troubled' ] individuals. Free Palestine.
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by Once again
Friday, Jun. 06, 2008 at 10:14 AM
Once again, name calling etc, no factual content.
Anti-zionist is obviously a bankrupt philosphy if all they have is lies, slander and insults!
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by once again
Friday, Jun. 06, 2008 at 12:00 PM
once again all the racist supremacist zionist can do is repeat it didn't happen we didn't do it they deserved it anyway others do it too.
Free Palestine from these sociopaths.
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by Free Palestine from Hamas
Friday, Jun. 06, 2008 at 4:23 PM
The Palestinian Authority Health Ministry on Thursday accused Hamas of robbing fuel stockpiles in two hospitals in the Gaza Strip.
A statement published by the ministry claimed that Hamas had been stealing fuel from the European Hospital in the Strip for use in the group's operations.
"The fuel was supplied to hospitals in order to satisfy their needs, in wake of the blockade imposed on Gaza following Hamas's takeover," continued the statement.
For three days, Hamas has been preventing Gaza fuel companies from receiving fuel allocations sent from Ramallah. According to a Palestine Press news agency report, Hamas was stealing fuel and medical supplies sent from the PA Health Ministry in Ramallah to Gaza hospitals.
Reportedly, Hamas had been using the fuel for cars belonging to senior group officials and the medical equipment was being transferred to hospitals under Hamas control.
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by 'isreal' invented Hamas
Friday, Jun. 06, 2008 at 4:30 PM
well geez.. what can you expect from a mossad operation? Hamas was created by 'israel' to counter the PLO which they couldn't control. What supreme hypocrisy.
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by Zionist Extremism Key Impediment to Peace
Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008 at 4:58 AM
Indeed. But more than that, their support for Hamas was designed to divide the Palestinians and fracture its leadership, in order to once again stall any hope for a reconciliation and peace, which would force Israel to live up to its legal and moral obligations.
The same can be seen today, where the Zionist Extremists are claiming that the current divisions, intentionally created by the Collective Punishment of Gaza and the failed US/Israel-coordinated Coup attempt last June, make negotiations impossible.
But Jimmy Carter just proved them wrong.
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by Moslem Brotherhood
Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008 at 6:43 AM
Hamas is a branch of the Moslem Brotherhood which was founded in the 1920s with the goal of spreading Islam as a world government.
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by lying zionazis
Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008 at 9:59 AM
let's look at this.' "Hamas is a branch of the Moslem Brotherhood [ which 'isreal' created -
Thanks to the Mossad, Israel's "Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks", the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories. .] www.globalresearch.ca/articles/ZER403A.htm-
which was founded in the 1920s [ the Moslem Brotherhood is not Hamas, but they figure you're too stupid to notice the shyster talk ] with the goal of spreading Islam as a world government."
With these rabid zionazis on the loose it's no wonder the Moslem world forms 'brotherhoods' for self protection against British and now zionist aggression.
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by they can't argue fact
Saturday, Jun. 07, 2008 at 12:27 PM
notice how the racist essence of zionism cannot be defended? They can only scream and accuse everyone who distains racism and ethnic supremecy as bing a ^ big fat liar*. Zionazis sure are funny alright. More to come, for sure...
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by Heres more facts
Friday, Jun. 13, 2008 at 7:13 AM
Jews dominated the Holyland in 1695
Haifa Diarist
…A resident of Caesarea who is a lover of antiquarian books and Judaica found in Budapest an old book, in Latin, which had been written by a Christian named Reland, chronicling his trip in the land of Israel in 1695/6.
The writer, Reland, a man of many talents - a geographer, a cartographer and a philologist - knew Hebrew, Arabic and Ancient Greek, as well as the European languages, perfectly. The book was written in Latin. In the year 1695, Reland was sent on a tour of the land of Israel or, as it was then called, Palestine. During that trip, he visited approximately 2500 places which had been inhabited and mentioned in the Bible or in the Mishnah (a collection of early oral interpretations of the scriptures compiled about A.D. 200.)…
…No settlement in the land of Israel has a name of Arabic extraction. The names of settlements are mostly of Hebrew extraction; some of Greek or Latin-Roman. In fact, no Arab settlement (except for Ramla) has had an original Arabic name to this day. Most names of Arab settlements are of Hebrew or Greek extraction which have been impaired and replaced by meaningless names in Arabic. There is no meaning in Arabic for the names Acre, Haifa, Jaffa, Nablus, Gaza or Jenin and the names of cities, such as Ramallah, El-Halil and El-Kuds have no historical or philological roots in Arabic. In the year 1696, the year in which the tour was taken, Ramallah, for example, was called Beit El, Hebron was called Hebron and Mearat HaMachpelah was called El Chalil (a name for Abraham of the Bible).
The land was, on the whole, empty and desolate; the inhabitants were few and concentrated in the cities of Jeusalem, Acre, Safed, Jaffa, Tiberius and Gaza. Most of the inhabitants of the cities were Jews, the others were Christian; there were very few Moslems, mostly nomadic Bedouins. Nablus (Schem) was different, with a population of about 120 people from the Moslem Natsha family and about 70 Shomronites. In Nazareth, the capital of the Galilee, there were approximately 700 people - all Christians…
It is interesting that Reland mentions all the Muslims as nomadic Bedouin tribes who arrived in the area as seasonal workers, in both agriculture and construction. In Gaza, for example, there were approximately 550 people; fifty per-cent of them were Jews, the rest Christians. The Jews engaged in flourishing agriculture, owning vineyards and olive orchards and growing wheat (like in Gush Katif) and the Christians engaged in commerce and the transportation of the produce.
In Tiberius and in Safed there were Jewish settlements, though their occupations, on the whole, were not mentioned. The only exception was fishing in the Kinneret – a traditionally Tiberian activity. A city such as Um el-Phachem, for example, was then a village of 10 families, all Christian, consisting of about 50 people; a small Maronite church was also mentioned. (The Shehadah family)
The book totally contradicts the post-modern theory of “a Palestinian heritage” or a Palestinian people, and strongly supports the fact that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews and not at all to the Arabs, who stole the land, and the name Palestine, as well, stole from the Latin and still claim to possess even that.
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