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by Jose Lara
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2008 at 10:42 PM (714) 864-0543 Los Angeles
Wadsworth UTLA, The Association of Raza Educators, and Parents of Wadsworth will DEMAND that the Los Angeles Unified School District to remove Wadsworth from the Prop. 39 Schools with Available Classrooms List. Prop. 39 requires the LAUSD provide public classroom space, if there is open rooms, for charter schools. However, THERE IS NO ROOM on the Wadsworth campus which operates on 4-tracks due to OVERCROWDING.
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F O R I MM E D I A T E R E L E A S E Press Conference and Rally: Wadsworth Elementary says: CELERITY CHARTER SCHOOL IS NOT WELCOMED!!!
At this press conference, Wadsworth UTLA, The Association of Raza Educators, and Parents of Wadsworth will DEMAND that the Los Angeles Unified School District to remove Wadsworth from the Prop. 39 Schools with Available Classrooms List. Prop. 39 requires the LAUSD provide public classroom space, if there is open rooms, for charter schools. However, THERE IS NO ROOM on the Wadsworth campus which operates on 4-tracks due to OVERCROWDING. We will also be publicly stating that the Teachers and Parents of Wadsworth do NOT want Celerity Charter School on the Wadsworth Campus. Thursday, April 17, 2007 3:00 P.M. The central objective/demand will be: To publicly state our TOTAL OPPOSITION to Celerity Charter School.
1) To publicly demand LAUSD remove Wadsworth from the Prop. 39 schools with available rooms list.
2) To publicly state our opposition to Celerity Charter school coming on to the Wadsworth Campus.
3) To publicly demand that the Los Angeles School District rescind its offer to allow Celerity Charter to take classrooms from the children at Wadsworth Elementary
Teachers, Parents and elementary students will be available for interviews in Spanish and English! Contacts: Robin Potash, Wadsworth Elem. UTLA Chapter Chair, (323) 327-8852 (cell) Jose Lara, Association of Raza Educators, (714) 864-0543 (cell)
What: Press Conference/Rally against Celerity Charter School on the Wadsworth Elementary School Campus that is already overcrowded on 4-tracks Where: Wadsworth Elementary School 981 E. 41st Street LOS ANGELES, CA 90011
When: Thursday, April 17th , 2008 3:00 P.M.
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by Jose Lara
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2008 at 10:42 PM (714) 864-0543 Los Angeles
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Jose Lara, member of Association of Raza Educators and Santee High School teacher, leads the protestors.
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by Jose Lara
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2008 at 10:42 PM (714) 864-0543 Los Angeles
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Celerity Charter Inspects Wadsworth Elementary facilities. Wadsworth Parents protest their presence.
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by mous
Saturday, Apr. 19, 2008 at 7:03 PM
Need to follow the money. Look up to see if there's a money trail leading to the mayor or city council. Read their blog. Celerity is dirty.
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