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by Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2008 at 11:03 PM
Israeli Ambassador cancels visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in face of planned protests.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ambassador of child murder, ethnic cleansing, and threats of ‘Holocaust’ on Gaza has called off his planned talk at Edinburgh University on Thursday. Prosor cites ‘security concerns’: in reality he, and Edinburgh University, realised that the planned protests would have channelled some of the fury that millions now feel at Israel’s never-ending crimes against the Palestinian people. Questions remain and demand answers urgently: Why did Edinburgh University officially agree to Prosor’s request to speak there even as Israel intensified the collective punishment of the people of Gaza in stark violation of international law? Why has no invitation been extended to a representative of the beleaguered students and staff at Bir Zeit University, officially linked to the EU Students’ Association, and heroically struggling to survive under Israel’s illegal occupation? Edinburgh University says the meeting is ‘postponed and no new date has been decided’. How can the University justify its support for the Ambassador of a terrorist state in a time of mass murder? Had Scottish police forces given permission to any armed Israelis to come on to British university campuses? Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign pledges to work to the limits of our energy and ability to keep Scotland a country where defenders of genocide, those who threaten ‘Holocaust’ against the Palestinians of Gaza, cannot visit freely.* We will maintain the pressure on those, lost to all human compassion, who continue to openly support Israeli ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, and its murderous activities in the Gaza Killing Zone. We build on the labours of those who have made England a no-go area for Israeli war criminals such as Dichter, Almog, Mofaz and others, by amassing data that gave legal officers no choice but to issue arrest warrants. We take forward the decisions of the British juries who found the Israeli military guilty of the murders of British citizens Tom Hurndall and James Miller. But most of all we will work to remove the stain of British Government complicity, from Balfour to Blair and Brown, in the incessant violation of the heroic people of Palestine, surviving against all odds under the US-supplied weapons of a murderous enemy. We call upon people of conscience across Scotland and the world to redouble our efforts to isolate apartheid Israel through the growing campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against the rogue state until it recognises Palestinian human rights. We call upon the people of conscience in Glasgow and Scotland to vigorously protest the ‘Holocaust’ Ambassador’s planned visit to the Glasgow Hilton on Sunday. Prosor will participate in a sick fund-raising event to raise money for the racist JNF**, where Goldie Hawn, in the shadow of the over 100 Gaza deaths caused by lack of access to medical care, is due to entertain Prosor and other guests with a talk on “Laughter is the Best Medicine”. We appeal for your support, to join us to build a component of a world-wide campaign to provide solidarity to the people of Palestine. While the hideous/ridiculous figure of Blair slouches towards Jerusalem as a ‘peacemaker’, we have little choice. Mick Napier 0795 800 2591 John Wight 07738 528 145 Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign http://www.scottishpsc.org.uk
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by 20 parallels of Zionism with Nazism
Thursday, Mar. 06, 2008 at 11:07 PM
1) both based on supposed purity of blood.
2) both based on supposedly reuniting some religioethnic diaspora under one expansive state.
3) both attempting to revive some supposedly "glorious ancient kingdom" -- a "glorious ancient Teutonic kingdom" for the NAZIs; a "glorious ancient Judaic kingdom" for the Nationalist Zionists.
4) both established a state that was culturally, legally, economically and religiously based to exclusively benefit one ethnic/racial group.
5) both based on violent racist exclusion and a highly intricate complex of racial exclusion laws (like Israel's racial 'Nuremberg laws').
6) both based on creating a founding mythology -- like, for Zionist Jews, "a land without a people"
7) both invented their own race: Aryans, by the NAZIs; Jews, constructed as a unique/genetic race, by the Nationalist Zionists.
8) both based on eliminating some other unwanted and supposedly inferior races -- ethnic cleansing -- and, in the case of Zionism, removing those unwanted people who supposedly didn't exist.
9) both engaged in collective punishment and widespread torture (even inventing new sadistic torture methods),
10) both engaged in the mass imprisonment -- without trials -- of unwanted populations/races.
11) both enclosed unwanted races in walled-in ghettos and concentration camps -- only the Nationalist Zionists made the walls many times higher and the concentration camps many times larger (like Gaza, in effect the world's largest open-air prison/concentration camp).
12) both tried out new weapons on civilian populations (and Israel has engaged in the internationally illegal use of anti-personal weapons of mass destruction, like the widespread use of cluster bombs, on civilian populations).
13) both sought to erase existing countries -- like the Nazis wanting to wipe Poland off the map and parts of other countries; the Nationialist Zionists wanting to wipe Palestine off the map and parts of other countries.
14) both used pseudo-archeology to claim that it had exclusive right to the land.
15) the Nazis obsessed about "too many Jews" in Germany; Nationalist Zionists/Israel obsesses about "too many Palestinians" and the re-emergence of a Palestinian majority in historic Palestine (once an overhwhelmingly Arab land).
16) both were violently and militarily expansionist.
17) both engaged in blitzkrieg fighter aircraft and tank warfare against civilian populations and civilian targets.
18) Nationalist Zionist Israeli Jews even studied the original NAZI methods for urban warfare and clearing Palestinians out of their ghettos. Exclaimed one Israeli commander, "Let's be Judeo-Nazis!" (Reference: www.seruv.org.il -- the website for Israeli Refuniks in the "Occupied Territories"; see "Letter to American Jews"; "The Nazification of Israel" -- both online.)
19) both claimed to be based on "God's will".
20) and, finally (for Israel's 'final solution'), most recently (Feb 29, 2008), Israeli deputy defence minister threatens a "Holocaust" for the Palestinians.
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by Zionists: Nazis in drag
Friday, Mar. 07, 2008 at 12:54 AM
The only difference between Zionists and Nazis is the name of their favorite ethnic group.
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by reposted by S-d
Friday, Mar. 07, 2008 at 1:56 AM
An invention called 'the Jewish people'
By Tom Segev
Tags: Israel
Israel's Declaration of Independence states that the Jewish people arose in the Land of Israel and was exiled from its homeland. Every Israeli schoolchild is taught that this happened during the period of Roman rule, in 70 CE. The nation remained loyal to its land, to which it began to return after two millennia of exile. Wrong, says the historian Shlomo Zand, in one of the most fascinating and challenging books published here in a long time. There never was a Jewish people, only a Jewish religion, and the exile also never happened - hence there was no return. Zand rejects most of the stories of national-identity formation in the Bible, including the exodus from Egypt and, most satisfactorily, the horrors of the conquest under Joshua. It's all fiction and myth that served as an excuse for the establishment of the State of Israel, he asserts.
According to Zand, the Romans did not generally exile whole nations, and most of the Jews were permitted to remain in the country. The number of those exiled was at most tens of thousands. When the country was conquered by the Arabs, many of the Jews converted to Islam and were assimilated among the conquerors. It follows that the progenitors of the Palestinian Arabs were Jews. Zand did not invent this thesis; 30 years before the Declaration of Independence, it was espoused by David Ben-Gurion, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and others.
If the majority of the Jews were not exiled, how is it that so many of them reached almost every country on earth? Zand says they emigrated of their own volition or, if they were among those exiled to Babylon, remained there because they chose to. Contrary to conventional belief, the Jewish religion tried to induce members of other faiths to become Jews, which explains how there came to be millions of Jews in the world. As the Book of Esther, for example, notes, "And many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them."
Zand quotes from many existing studies, some of which were written in Israel but shunted out of the central discourse. He also describes at length the Jewish kingdom of Himyar in the southern Arabian Peninsula and the Jewish Berbers in North Africa. The community of Jews in Spain sprang from Arabs who became Jews and arrived with the forces that captured Spain from the Christians, and from European-born individuals who had also become Jews.
The first Jews of Ashkenaz (Germany) did not come from the Land of Israel and did not reach Eastern Europe from Germany, but became Jews in the Khazar Kingdom in the Caucasus. Zand explains the origins of Yiddish culture: it was not a Jewish import from Germany, but the result of the connection between the offspring of the Kuzari and Germans who traveled to the East, some of them as merchants.
We find, then, that the members of a variety of peoples and races, blond and black, brown and yellow, became Jews in large numbers. According to Zand, the Zionist need to devise for them a shared ethnicity and historical continuity produced a long series of inventions and fictions, along with an invocation of racist theses. Some were concocted in the minds of those who conceived the Zionist movement, while others were offered as the findings of genetic studies conducted in Israel.
Prof. Zand teaches at Tel Aviv University. His book, "When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?" (published by Resling in Hebrew), is intended to promote the idea that Israel should be a "state of all its citizens" - Jews, Arabs and others - in contrast to its declared identity as a "Jewish and democratic" state. Personal stories, a prolonged theoretical discussion and abundant sarcastic quips do not help the book, but its historical chapters are well-written and cite numerous facts and insights that many Israelis will be astonished to read for the first time.
The mosquito from Kiryat Yam
On March 27, 1948, a meeting was held in Hiafa concerning the fate of the Bedouin of Arab al-Ghawarina in the Haifa area. "They must be removed from there, so that they, too, will not add to our troubles," Yosef Weitz, of the Keren Kayemeth (Jewish National Fund), wrote in his personal diary. Two months later, Weitz reported to the organization's director, "Our Haifa Bay has been evacuated completely and there is hardly a remnant of those who encroached our border." They were probably expelled to Jordan; some were allowed to remain in the village of Jisr al-Zarqa. The fate of the Arab al-Ghawarina Bedouin has recently made the headlines thanks to Shmuel Sisso, mayor of the Haifa suburb of Kiryat Yam. He has filed a complaint with the police against Google. The reason is the addition that one of the site's surfers, a resident of Nablus, attached to the center of Kiryat Yam in the world satellite photo, stating that the city is built on the ruins of a village that was destroyed in 1948, Arab al-Ghawarina. Sisso's complaint says that this is slanderous.
The facts are as follows: The lands of the Zevulun Valley were purchased in the 1920s by the JNF and by various construction companies, among them one called Gav Yam. The Zionist Archives have the plan for the establishment of Kiryat Yam, dated 1938, and a letter from 1945 states that there were already 100 homes there. Government maps from the British Mandate period identify the territory on which Kiryat Yam was built by two names: Zevulun Valley and Ghawarina. Thus it appears that this was not a settlement but an area in which Bedouin resided.
The Web site of the Israeli organization Zochrot (Remembering) states that there were 720 people at the site in 1948 and that the area was divided among three kibbutzim: Ein Hamifratz, Kfar Masaryk and Ein Hayam, today Ein Carmel.
This story has been making the rounds on the Internet and drawing responses, which can be summed up as follows: "If Sisso is suing Google because they stated that he is living on a destroyed Arab village, the implication is that he thinks this is something bad." Sisso, a lawyer of 57 who is identified with Likud and was formerly Israeli consul general in New York, says, "I don't think there is anything bad about it, but other people might think it is bad, especially people abroad, and that is liable to hurt Kiryat Yam, because people will not want to invest here. Since we are not sitting on a Palestinian village, why should we have to suffer for no reason?"
Moroccan-born, Sisso arrived in Israel in 1955. "I wandered around the whole region and I saw no trace of anyone's having been here before us and supposedly expelled." He asked an American law professor how, if at all, Google could be sued for slander or for damages. This, he says, is the contribution of Kiryat Yam to the struggle against the right of return (of the Palestinian refugees).
It could turn out to be the most riveting trial since Ariel Sharon sued Time magazine, but mayor Sisso has no illusions: "Me against Google is like a mosquito against an elephant," he said this week.
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by _NA_tionalist _ZI_onists: HYPÖCRIT
Friday, Mar. 07, 2008 at 2:06 AM
"It would be my greatest sadness to see Jews do to Palestinian Arabs much of what Nazis did to Jews." - Albert Einstein
"What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct." - Gandhi, in 1938 (in _The Jews of Palestine, 1938_, available online)
"Peace is not merely the absence of violence, it's the presence of justice." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Israel cannot continue to use the Holocaust as an excuse for the oppression of others." - Kofi Annan, fmr. Secretary-General of the United Nations
"But of course, the kinds of folks who push an ideology that required the expulsion of three-quarters-of-a-million Palestinians from their lands, and then lied about it, claiming there had been no such persons to begin with (as with Golda Meir’s infamous quip), can’t be expected to place a very high premium on truth." - Tim Wise, anti-racist, anti-Zionist, Jewish-American activist, author & public lecturer; (from "Fraud Fit for a King: Israel, Zionism, And The Misuse Of MLK")
Palestine: "the land without a people". - Zionists
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by When Arabs Saved Jews
Friday, Mar. 07, 2008 at 7:43 PM
The story below is not the first time, or the first place in the European or Arab world, that Arabs and Muslims saved Jews in 20th century. It's just one of the numerous LOST STORIES of history.
And Zionist Jews certainly don't want us to know about it. Because it would PROVE that Arabs and Muslims don't hate JEWISH PEOPLE; ...Arabs and Muslims hate JEWISH _RACISM_!
- by Annette Herskovits
"I know this because I was a hidden child. When my parents were deported from Paris to Auschwitz in June of 1943, never to return, my 13-year-old sister and myself, just turned four, were in a foster home in the French countryside. With no more money coming for our keep and the danger to people sheltering Jews, our foster parents balked at keeping us.
I learned of Muslims who helped rescue Jewish children only recently, in the newsletter of Enfants CachŽs (Hidden Children), an association of Jews who survived the Holocaust in France as children.
More than 1,700 people are thought to have found short-term shelter in apartments on or near the grounds of the mosque. Benghabrit set up an alert system that allowed fugitives to disappear swiftly in case of a raid - if necessary to the prayer room's women's section, where men were normally not admitted. He wrote numerous false birth certificates making Jewish children into Muslims.
In these times of mutual hatred, a hatred that is sustained by distorted views of the "other," the story of Muslims saving Jewish children struck me as one Jews and Arabs especially should hear. This history strengthens my sense that mutuality and harmony make up the natural fabric of human relations. Division and cruelty are like torn places in that fabric. Surely, at certain times and places the tearing can be so thorough that it seems the fabric is not there. But that is an illusion.
Enmities between peoples come and go depending on intricate historical, psychological, and economic forces. Political powers will conceal or twist reality to suit their own ends. For most of the 1400 years since Islam's birth, Jews and Muslims lived in relative harmony in Arab lands."
There are always racist ideologues who attempt to divide others (all too successfully, all too often, it seems), with the concoction of a racist ideology, and the idea of a racially inferior people, and its supporting propaganda or mythology, for personal, usually financial, gain of the elite ideologues (or, at the lower levels of society, the granting of various legal and institutional social privileges over the racially discriminated): to make others THE OTHER -- and to get the racially privileged even lower-classes to go along. This has been especially true by European Christians _and_ by European Jews (even against non-European Jews).
And Israel has become perhaps the most economically unequal nation, not just, of course, between Palestinians and Jews, but even between Jews (as Norman Finkelstein wrote in his book _The Holocaust Industry_, there are even elderly Jewish Holocaust survivors left poor by the state of Israel, as Israel continues to shake-down "reparations" money from European corporations), and Israel is one of the most politically-financially corrupt nations (sometimes even up to the Israeli prime minister's office), in the Western world.
In addition, the Israeli Jewish organized crime sex trafficking of kidnapped young Eastern European and 3rd World women is widely tolerated by Israel (which has even been harshly criticized by international bodies and human rights organizations); pedophilia is widespread and tolerated in Israel; domestic abuse is almost rampant; desperately poor 3rd World foreign workers are widely exploited; Israel is an extremely patriarchal society (some Israeli Jewish women have left because of that), and there is even an underground sado-masochism "HOLOCAUST pornography" industry in Israel.
Furthermore, as history of Zionism and Israel scholar Lenni Brenner, and other anti-zionist Jewish scholars, have pointed out, whenever Israel's founding zionists' choices were between saving Israel and actually saving Jewish lives, Israel's founding Zionists ALWAYS chose ISRAEL. This, as when Israel's first pime minister, David Ben Gurion said, "If I could save half the Jewish children of Nazi Germany or have the state of Israel, I would choose the latter." So, David Ben Gurion would have preferred to see ALL the Jewish children of Nazi Germany exterminated rather than not have Israel: is that SICK or what?
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by 'o'
Friday, Mar. 07, 2008 at 10:37 PM
this is an interesting article. Bless the Scotts, another people who know about terror from their neighbors.
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by Zionism, the political plague of our era
Sunday, Mar. 09, 2008 at 10:06 PM
...and the lamb look like the WOLF!
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by Its important
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2008 at 1:55 PM
Its important that Jews be denied the right to national self determination. Or they might begin to think that they have the same rights as other people in other areas too.
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by Zionuts R Impaired
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2008 at 7:47 PM
Whaat a zionist calls 'self determination' the nazis would call 'living room' in that it must exist over the mass graves of the 'unchosen' races. Zionists/Nazis are a bain on the earth.
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by Lord Locksley
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2008 at 8:10 PM
Jews are a 'bath' on the earth?....who knew?...sure as hell not the above hate pimp who clearly meant to use the word 'bane' but is apparently too proud of his ignorance and bigotry to know the difference.....he clearly needs a 'bain du brain'
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by they Really R
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2008 at 8:44 PM
and this Lord Locksely, a failure in life, both political and even as entertainment can't tell the difference or makes sure to confuse the zionist scum like, well, Lord Locksley, with a made up 'race' like the 'Jews'.
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by Lord Locksley
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2008 at 9:00 PM
The above hate pimp who doesn't know the difference between 'bain' and 'bane' has the temerity to call ME a failure....an obvious case of projection....I never referred to the Jews as a 'race'..he who invokes 'race' in his argument is usually the racist.....and if they were true 'nazis' as he laughably asserts, they would have gotten rid of every Arab in Israel and sure as hell wouldn't have any sitting in the Knesset.
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by Becky Johnson
Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2008 at 3:40 PM
Santa Cruz, CA.
FROM THE LEAD ARTICLE: "The Ambassador of child murder, ethnic cleansing, and threats of ‘Holocaust’ on Gaza...."
BECKY: Since 7 Jewish teenagers were recently murdered in Jerusalem, the timing of this accusation seems particularly ill-chosen. The only "ethnic cleansing" occurring in recent memory was that of the 8,000 JEWS who were forceably relocated from Gaza and the W. Bank in a vain attempt to make peace with the Palestinians. As for the "threats of Holocaust on Gaza" to repeat this MIS-TRANSLATION of "shoah" or disaster into Ha Shoah or "the Holocaust" is evidence of Jew-hatred and anti-semitism. It is surely pathological.
Amy Goodman repeated this lie on a recent show, but when her guest informed her of the mistranslation, she quickly changed the subject rather than admit her own error.
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by Solution A
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 2:01 AM
If anybody can become a 'Jew' and thus become chosen people, it then negates the Judaic right to reoccupy. Who gave these converts to a certain religious cult, a deed to Palestine?
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by Solution A
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 2:01 AM
If anybody can become a 'Jew' and thus become chosen people, it then negates the Judaic right to reoccupy. Who gave these converts to a certain religious cult, a deed to Palestine?
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by no kidding?
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 2:15 AM
Despite the constant murderous assaults israel subjects them to? You must be disappointed. You sound disappointed. You go on at length about the deaths of israelis but pretend that the far greater Palestinian death toll is unworthy of mention or consideration since their safety or security under occupation is inconsequential. The lobby works hard to cover the ugly reality of genocide as defined by the Geneva Conventions as they slaughter the trapped populations inside these crowded [ sea side resorts photos supplied by the israeli lobby notwithstanding ] prisons of misery and starvation.
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by and Israel has helped
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 3:11 PM
When a Palestinian woman gave birth to twins in an Israeli hospital she experienced what it is like to be the target of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.
The humming noise in the sky over Beit Lahia grows slowly louder. It sounds as if the buzzing of a hornet were being amplified by loud speakers in a football stadium. Residents of the Gaza Strip call them "Sannana," or the humming ones, the small unmanned drones that the Israelis use to scan the border region for rocket commandos - and then to liquidate them with precisely targeted missiles. Ashraf Shafii has climbed onto the roof his house and is looking across strawberry fields toward the border wall. The smoke-belching towers of the power plant in the Israeli city of Ashkelon jut into the sky along the horizon. His wife is over there in Ashkelon today.
Shafii, a 34-year-old lab technician at the Islamic University of Gaza, glances at his six-year-old daughter. "We were so desperate to have more children," he says. For years, he waited in vain for his wife to bear a son. When she turned 30, the couple decided to get fertility treatment. Iman Shafii finally became pregnant. During an ultrasound examination, doctors discovered four small embryos. The first died in the fifth month of pregnancy and the second died a few weeks later. Shafii was admitted to the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, but the condition of the two remaining embryos became increasingly fragile. "You have to go to Israel," the doctor told her.
Because Israel refuses to engage in any contact with the authorities in Hamas-controlled Gaza, patients turn to private brokers who submit their entry applications to the Palestinian Authority of moderate President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah. But it can be a lengthy process.
The Shafiis were lucky. Iman was permitted to enter Israel after only 24 hours. She took a taxi to a spot near the Eres border crossing, and then she was pushed in a wheelchair across the last 500 meters of bumpy ground. She reached the Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon just in time. She gave birth on Feb. 25, by Caesarean section, to a girl, Bayan, and to the couple's long-awaited son, Faisal.
Iman Shafii, 32, wearing a headscarf and oval glasses, and speaking in a soft voice, sits on a chair between two incubators. Today is the first day she is permitted to hold her babies in her arms. A nurse brings out the boy first, then the girl. As the tears well up in her eyes, Shafii kisses her children on their foreheads. "If the children had stayed in Gaza, they would not have survived," she says. Her only impression of Israel has been the one she gets on Palestinian television, which usually shows tanks and soldiers, and celebrates attacks, like the recent shooting inside a Talmud school in Jerusalem, as acts of heroism. But now a doctor wearing a yarmulke walks into the room, says "Shalom" and asks her in English how she is feeling.
Dr. Shmuel Zangen, the director of the hospital's neonatal unit, doesn't care who he treats. "As a doctor, I enjoy the privilege of not having to think about it," he says. "It certainly is odd that we take care of Palestinian children while they shoot at us. It's the sort of thing that only happens in the Middle East."
'Not a Just War'
In the past, Shafii saw the Israelis exclusively as perpetrators, but in Ashkelon she is encountering, for the first time, victims of the acts of terror committed by her own people. One of them is nine-year-old Yossi, who is sitting in a wheelchair. A steel frame holds his left shoulder together. It was fractured by shrapnel from a rocket that landed in the city of Sderot. "The people in Sderot are suffering just as we are in Gaza," she says.
There was a sharp increase in the Palestinian rocket attacks after Israel cleared the Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip in September 2005. The Israeli military counted 2,305 hits last year, and there have already been 1,146 in the first two months of this year. Until now, almost all of the missiles have been Qassam rockets, which are made in the Gaza Strip and have a range of about 12 kilometers (seven miles).
But the breaching of the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Egypt by Hamas in January made it possible to bring in Russian and Iranian rockets with longer ranges. This means that cities considered safe in the past are now threatened. One of them is Ashkelon. On the second day after the birth of Bayan and Faisal, a Soviet-made "Grad" rocket landed on the hospital grounds. "I heard it hit, 200 meters away from me," says Shafii. The neonatal unit was moved to a bunker the next day. "The groups that are firing the rockets are not fighting a just war," says the Palestinian mother, adding that they are not abiding by what the Prophet Muhammad said: that wars may only be waged between soldiers, but not against civilians.
The buzzing drone in the sky over Beit Lahia has flown away to the south. The sound of an Israeli missile striking its target can be heard a short time later. Within a few minutes, there are reports that a member of the group Islamic Jihad was killed. Ashraf Shafii describes how young, masked men repeatedly set up their rocket launchers under the cover of houses in Beit Lahia. "They shoot at Israeli civilians, which is completely unacceptable," says Shafii. "And they put us Palestinian civilians in grave danger, because the Israelis shoot back."
Why doesn't he object? "They are armed," says Shafii, "and they shoot at anyone who gets in their way."
The father is holding the first photos of his newborn twins in his hands. He is worried about the rockets being fired at Ashkelon. He says that he would never have believed it possible that he could be indebted to the Israelis for anything. "What a confusing situation," he says.
Intellpuke: You can read this article by Spiegel Online correspondent Christoph Schult, reporting from Ashkelon, Israel, in context here: www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,540689,00.html This article was translated from the German by Christopher Sultan.
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by Intellpuke is an Accurate 'Q'
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 5:58 PM
"Intellpuke: You can read this article by Spiegel Online correspondent Christoph Schult"
amazing how much of our tax [ via israel ] money is used to pay for this kind of reporting.
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by its from a German paper
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 6:33 PM
This hasn't appeared anywhere in American mainstream media
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by so what?
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 7:15 PM
The zionists and the nazis worked together, why not the zionists and certain Germans? Your reply means nothing. Money is far too fluid to invoke that kind of nonsense. You're here, aren't you? Still our taxes to support the israeli interests, including its propaganda arms.
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by Zionism = Racism
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 8:03 PM
Nationalist Zionist is a POLITICAL ideology -- and, as such, can be analyzed, criticized, or CONDEMNED, like any other political -- especially, RACIST -- ideology. Zionism is a colonial, exclusionary, APARTHEID ideology whereby Zionist Jews believe that they have an automatic, natural, GOD-GIVEN, SUPERIOR, EXCLUSIVE, RACIAL/RELIGIO-ETHNIC, "right" to ALL or MOST of historic Palestine -- OVER the rights of the INDIGENOUS/NATIVE people, the PALESTINIANS. Zionist Jews call indigenous/native resistance to this ideology, "anti-Semitism". NO ONE has a "right" to "self-determination" to go "reclaim" the land of their ancient religious ancestors, from 2,000 years ago, claiming a "promise from God 3,000 years ago" (indeed, claiming "divine rule"), thousands of miles away(!), indeed even on entirely another continent(!), at the expense of the indigenous/native people who already live there. (The very small percentage of latent indigenous Jews in Palestine, who NEVER called for a Zionist state, before the European Jewish invasion, no more justifies Zionist Jews taking over historic Palestine, and mass dispossessing the Arab Palestinians, anymore than it would justify them taking over Spain or any other country where a Jews have been present, in larger or especially smaller numbers, for hundreds of years.) This is an utterly ridiculous claim that is literally worse than MEDIEVAL. No other country/people in the world would accept such an absolutely INANE claim. AND THAT'S WHY ZIONISM IS RACISM. To Zionists, this "self-determination" means pursuing an ideologically "Jewish state". This is a state where the non-Jewish indigenous people (Muslims, Christians, and others) are reduced to worse than second-class citizens, "ethnically cleansed" away, forced into refugee camps, wall-in ghettos, or apartheid-style bantustans, exiled or outright expelled. Their "heinous" only crime: not being born Jewish. This is the same kind of "right", and to supposedly resurrect some exclusivist "glorious ancient kingdom", that the Nazis claimed for the gentiles in continental Europe. And that's why Zionism parallels Nazism -- the same vicious racial ideology, with the same kind of intricately-constructed racial laws -- just this time different people. Zionist Jews believe that because European Jews were, at times, once, oppressed IN EUROPE, or because of the Jewish Holocaust, they have a GOD-GIVEN or ANCIENT "right" to go oppress others -- yet another so-called "despised" people -- or to even threaten "A HOLOCAUST" (as the Israeli deputy defense minister threatened on February 29, 2008) against the resisting indigenous/native inhabitants, the Palestinian people. AND THAT'S WHY ZIONISM -- THE ONCE BRUTALLY, RACIALLY OPPRESSED BECOME THE NOW BRUTAL, RACIAL OPPRESSORS -- PARALLELS NAZISM. As Gandhi pointed out ("The Jews of Palestine, 1938", available online), freedom, equality and self-determination struggles for European Jews properly take place in Europe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See, "Zionist Claim To Israel: Modern-Day Apartheid" http://www.dailycal.org/article/3508/zionist_claim_to_israel_modern-day_ Never Again' Over Again http://www.dailycal.org/article/18630/letters_to_the_editor Reflections on Zionism From a Dissident Jew http://www.mediamonitors.net/timwise1.html
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by Zionism = Racism
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 8:14 PM
Phyllis Bennis, of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C., is a, so-called, "liberal" Zionist (they want, ideologically, "A Zionist/Jewish State", but "they feel the Palestinians' pain" and are willing to let the Palestinian people -- still about 50%, or perhaps just over 50%, of the population of historic Palestine -- have the 15% that's left -- the Jewish-unoccupied parts of the Occupied Territories -- for a bi-/tri-furcated rump state), but nonetheless, as such, here is a good description of ideologically STATE-institutionalized racism inside Israel: Phyllis Bennis is interviewed by Max Elbaum http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/BEN108A.html
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by this is historic Palestine
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 8:54 PM
 britishmandatepalestine1920.jpg, image/jpeg, 300x241
So, what part will Jordan play in a future Palestinian state?
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by Lakeisha
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 8:57 PM
 300px-early-historical-israel-dan-beersheba-judea.png, image/png, 300x422
Lunatic:......"right" to ALL or MOST of historic Palestine "
Look at the map- over 2/3 of historic Palestine is Jordan. What ever are you talking about? .
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by Lord Locksley
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2008 at 9:10 PM
 practical_geography.jpg, image/jpeg, 390x247
If there is a 'Palestinian' state in the area,it IS Jordan....that was the original intent of the British Mandate....one Jewish state which became Israel,and one Arab state in Transjordan....that is what was created with the full faith and credit of the United Nations at the time..and that is how things stand now....anyone can invent their own little map showing that 'Palestine' also includes the state of Israel.....anybody can make any map they want showing anything they wish....that does not render it legitimate or legal...now take my own map here for instance.....simple,accurate,and to the point....but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for Rand-McNalley to approve it
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by b/c NOBODY matters more than Zionist Jews
Friday, Mar. 14, 2008 at 6:20 AM
Why not Zionists take over NY state -- tell the MILLIONS of people to get the hell out of their homes, abandon their businesses, farms and orchards, pull up stakes, get the hell out, and move to the rest of the country? -- Trans-America -- at gunpoint. That Zionists Jews just want a tiny little part of the overall country for themselves. Zionist Jews would be a LOT safer there. Instead of taking over a once-overwhelmingly Palestinian Arab land in the middle of the Middle East!
Because, after all, NOBODY ELSE MATTERS to the world's biggest narcissistic eternal victim Zionist Jewish HYPOCRITES.
Why not Zionists go to France, kick out the people, at gunpoint, who live in the French province that Paris is in, tell MILLIONS of them to get the hell out of their homes, abandon their businesses, farms, orchards and vineyards, pull up stakes, and get the hell out, and tell them they have the rest of France to live in? That Zionists Jews just want a tiny little part of the overall country for themselves. Because Jews would be a LOT safer there.
Why not Zionists go to Ireland, kick the Irish out at gunpoint, tell MILLIONS of them them to get the hell out of their homes, abandon their farms, pull up stakes, and get the hell out, and tell them they have the rest of Britain to live in? That Zionists Jews just want a tiny little part of the overall country for themselves. Because Jews would be a LOT safer there.
Why not Zionists go to Denmark, kick the Danish out at gunpoint, tell MILLIONS of them the hell get out of their homes, abandon their businesses, farms and dairies, pull up stakes, and get the hell out, and tell them that they have 3 or 4 other Scandinavian countries -- Trans-Scandinavia -- and 35 other Western countries (some of them quite VAST) to move to? Or take over Spain -- the Spanish have about 20 other Spanish-speaking countries they could move to (besides bi-lingual California), in addition to 35 other Western countries (some of them quite VAST), for a grand total of about *55* other countries they could move to. That Zionist Jews only want a relatively small country for themselves. All Europeans basically look alike anyway -- and all Europeans are interchangeable anyway -- and it's all European/Western culture. Because Jews would be a LOT safer there.
(As a matter of fact, if the EUROPEAN Christians wanted to atone for their sins, committed in EUROPE, against EUROPEAN Jews, then why didn't EUROPEAN Christians give EUROPEAN Jews land in ***EUROPE***!!)
ZIONISM..., because nobody else matters (especially if they're inferior swarthy A-rabs)...
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by Sounds like Hate Speech
Friday, Mar. 14, 2008 at 1:32 PM
Sounds like Hate Speech, and in this post, rather raving mad Hate speech
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by Don Wegger
Saturday, Mar. 15, 2008 at 9:29 AM
I agree about the hate speech from the ugly remarks about people who merely want to live on the lands they worked before the weapons and political tides washed over there lives to make life a misery in the largest open prisons on earth. What is wrong with the idea of equality among all the people, without special privileges accorded to a religion or race. The grief and terror must end. Or we are all going to be in grief.
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by Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation
Sunday, Mar. 16, 2008 at 2:56 PM
History will not look kindly on those corrupt politicians who Appeased these racist Extremists, nor those who underwrote their activities, nor the populace who, ironically, said nothing while their Government brutalized and attempted to eliminate an entire people.
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by Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation
Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2008 at 4:41 PM
My, you're really obsessed with Stormfront these past couple of days, aren't you, Plant? Difference is that you're the only one on this site who actually visits Hate Sites.
Your LIBEL only highlights your inability to defend your violent little Cult, because you know that what it's doing is morally and legally indefensible.
Why do you continue to shill for Zionist Extremism if you know this to be true ... ?
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