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by Jack Lindblad
Saturday, Dec. 01, 2007 at 9:21 AM
An Open Letter from a group of long-time Green Party members and other independent community activists who are running for KPFK's Local Station Board Election exposing anomalies about the candidacies of Donna Warren and John Wenger.
To Whom It May Concern:
We are a group of long-time Green Party members and other independent community activists, who wish to express their grave concerns about the candidacies of Donna Warren and John Wenger for KPFK Local Station Board.
Within the Green Party, Warren and Wenger have played a deeply destructive role over the last year and a half on the county level, including by violating numerous internal rules and bylaws, altering party records and minutes, changing the organization's PO Box without authorization and attempting to purge publicly elected members of the Green Party County Council with whom they disagree.
The result has been to stymie productive action by the County Party, and to drive away both long-time and newly interested Greens from getting involved. The fact that this occurs leading into the 2008 presidential cycle, in the county with more registered Greens than any other in the United States, can not be ignored.
At the same time, Warren and Wenger have also attempted to infect the state Green Party with more of the same. As part of this action, they've aligned themselves with a political action committee whose members have wreaked havoc with the state party by promoting internal splits and divisions, while hiding behind high-sounding Green rhetoric.
In their campaigns for Local Station Board, Warren and Wenger claim to have endorsements by the county Green Party. But in reality this is not so. Warren and Wenger freely manipulate the County Council membership/votes on endorsements and any matter that suits their own agenda.
Some feel Warren and Wenger are remiss in not mentioning their histories within the military war industrial complex in their campaigns. Given Pacifica's Mission, this is problematic. It is also noteworthy at a time when Cynthia McKinney, a consistent critic of the military war industrial complex is seeking the Green Party nomination for president. (View: You Tube - McKinney Grills Rumsfeld)
Wenger worked more than thirteen years in Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering for Northrup Grumman (who foisted the Black Widow and Stealth bomber on the US taxpayer). Warren was employed as an auditor with the Department of Defense in the Pentagon.
While everyone is entitled to make a living and should not be condemned simply upon the basis of their past employers, one would hope that in the interest of transparency on such a sensitive subject, that Warren and Wenger would not try and claim a Green Party endorsement that they did not receive, and would be up front to KPFK listeners about their employment past, especially when the mission of KPFK includes disseminating "information on the causes of conflict between …groups" and promoting "the full distribution of public information; to obtain access to sources of news not commonly brought together in the same medium; and to employ such varied sources in the public presentation of accurate, objective, comprehensive news on all matters vitally affecting the community."
Those of us who are co-signing this letter support diversity of viewpoints on the Local Station Board. In fact, we do not all share a common slate for all LSB seats. But what we do agree upon by consensus, is that we are very concerned that Warren and Wenger are attempting to do to KPFK, the same thing they've been doing within the Green Party -- that is, to undermine the progressive movement in our county and state. For independent candidate Leslie Radford's take, see her radiojustice.net article, (another, smaller) Stolen Election.
Therefore we ask you to please protect KPFK by voting for candidates other than Warren and Wenger. There are far better candidates for Local Station Board, that do not have these destructive histories.
Signed by Independent and Grassroots Greens Candidates for KPFK Local Station Board: (with everyone's consent)
Green Party of California Co-founder, Mike Feinstein mfeinstein@feinstein.org Green Party of LA County Co-Chair, Genevieve Marcus drmarcus@pacbell.net Los Angeles Greens member Linda Piera-Avila lindap_a@verizon.net Los Angeles Greens member Sasha Karlik sasha@greens.org Green Party of California, Coordinating Committee, Tracy Larkins lark2@mindspring.com
2007 Listener Candidate - Leslie Radford lradford@radiojustice.net 2007 Listener Candidate - Lawrence Reyes alianzapr@hotmail.com 2007 Listener Candidate - Rufina Juarez southcentralfarmers@hotmail.com 2007 Listener Candidate - Reza Pour cabriolet011@yahoo.com 2007 Listener Candidate - Schyna Pour cabriolet011@yahoo.com 2007 Listener Candidate - Chuck Anderson QUETZALCOATL38@aol.com 2007 Listener Candidate - Moe Mansour moemansouri3@yahoo.com 2007 Listener Candidate - Jack Lindblad jplindblad@gmail.com Green Party of Los Angeles County Member (Elected) 2007 Listener Candidate - Joaquin Cienfuegos morph3030@yahoo.com 2007 Listener Candidate - Alise Sochaczewski alise@theory.org 2007 Listener Candidate - Kahllid A. Al-Alim 2007 Listener Candidate - Jubilee Shin jubileeshine@hotmail.com
The 2007 KPFK Local Station Board Elections are now on! NOTICE - The deadline for the election has been extended, the new deadline to turn in your ballots is December 11 and the count is scheduled to take place on December 12.
This Friday, November 29, 2007 is the last day LSB voters can change their votes by exchanging their old ballot for a new ballot via email! (The election has been extended three times.) We independents still have a chance to insure the Green Party has a presence in, around and on KPFK by voting (and ranking in the top nine slots) our Independent and Grassroots Greens Candidates for KPFK Local Station Board.
Email jplindblad@gmail.com if you would like to add your name to this letter or if you want to get background information that contributed to this letter.
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by Diana Barahona
Sunday, Dec. 02, 2007 at 8:02 PM
Keep California Green Party united http://greenlefts.blogspot.com/2007/05/peter-camejokeep-california-gren-party.html
By Peter Miguel Camejo
The Green Party in California is threatened by actions of a minority that could result in an open public division. A small, right-leaning clique has been working for several years to take over the party.
They are led by an open fusionist, Michael Feinstein, who wants the Green Party to put Democrats on its ballots.
California Greens have only one election once every two years where all 40,000 members get to vote for party leadership, and it is the election for County Councils.
These councils are the authority in the party. They have the legal authority to determine policy, organize activity and take responsibility for the functioning of the party in their county. They elect representatives to the statewide General Assembly, the main decision-making statewide gathering. They also arrange for the election of representatives to the State Coordinating Committee, the body that helps organize the General Assembly meetings and makes other decisions.
Los Angeles County has well over 20,000 Greens, more registered Greens than any other California county. Yet the Los Angeles County Council, between February 2004 and June 2006 (the council election dates), had only about 6 people attending the meetings. Of these 6, 5 were hard core supporters of Michael Feinstein. During the reign of this County Council, Greens attending the monthly countywide council meeting were not allowed to vote. In most counties they get to vote, although typically the County Council has the final authority to make decisions. The 5 council members backing Michael Feinstein would decide all issues, such as who would represent Los Angeles County on the statewide Coordinating Committee.
For 2 years, the Greens in Los Angeles County tolerated this situation. But in 2006, a rebellion took place and a much larger County Council of over 25 Greens was elected, with its overwhelming majority favoring democracy. This ended the rule of a small clique.
The crisis in California is that the clique led by Feinstein has simply declared in the case of Los Angeles County that his group will not accept the decisions of the newly elected County Council, and has called on his supporters within the State Coordinating Committee to refuse to accept the decisions of the Los Angeles County Council. Los Angeles has 3 seats, representing 15% of the 20-seat State Coordinating Committee.
To prevent the new County Council from exercising their right to determine who represents Los Angeles County on the statewide Coordinating Committee, Feinstein took an amazing, clearly illegal, step. I know it will be hard for readers of this article outside of California to believe what I am about to describe.
Realizing he had lost control in Los Angeles, Feinstein called a meeting after the June 6, 2006 elections, which replaced the old County Council where he had had control. The problem is, of course, legally the old County Council no longer existed, having been replaced by a newly elected County Council. He then had his 5 supporters declare they could elect the Los Angeles epresentatives to the State Coordinating Committee for the next two years. He declared himself elected to join, with 2 other hard core supporters of his clique who had been elected a couple of months prior to the June 6 elections. All 3 were European Americans.
Holding such a meeting after losing the elections would be like the Republicans, after the congressional elections where they lost control, declaring a Republican the Speaker of the House, and telling the new Congress they could not elect Nancy Pelosi because they had already elected the Speaker of the House for the next two years. No.
Each new County Council (or Councils, in multi-county Regions) chooses how and when to elect its own representatives. Each new County Council cannot be bound by a no-longer existing council, in any way shape or form.
Traditionally, Los Angeles always elected its new representatives after the primary elections. But the date of the California Primary was moved from March to July. The Feinstein clique, knowing they would lose the elections, tried to take advantage of this. However, the effort to hold a meeting after the elections, when the old County Council no longer existed, is a rather extreme and unheard-of attempt to undermine the decisions of the membership.
At the phantom meeting of five, Feinstein made a statement to the effect that if anyone tried to challenge this decision, his friends on the State Coordinating Committee would back him. Which is exactly what they are doing.
The new County Council took its time. It called a meeting open to all Los Angeles County Greens to elect 3 representatives to serve on the State Coordinating Committee.
At the meeting, 3 new delegates to the State Coordinating Committee were elected. They each represented a different area of Los Angeles and were of 3 races, African American, Latino and European American.
The pro-Feinstein current walked out of the meeting before the elections were held, refusing to participate in the process. They announced they would refuse to accept the decision of the membership in Los Angeles County.
Feinstein's supporters at the State level began using all kinds of arguments to try and reject the decision of the Los Angeles County Greens. Mainly they declared the phantom meeting to be legitimate, and they claimed that the new County Council did not have the authority to elect representatives! Their motivation is purely factional and has no basis in fact or plain commonsense.
Again the Los Angeles County Greens remained patient. They wanted all the Greens to understand the issues so they took advantage of one of the State bylaws. It allows representatives to be recalled by their County Council. While Feinstein had never been legally elected, the other 2 had been. So the Council felt that if they were formally recalled, it should end the crisis developing within the party over the seating of the LA County representatives. Then the Los Angeles County Council, by a vote of 2/3, formally recalled Michael Feinstein and the other 2 representatives, reconfirming the 3 representatives elected by the new County Council as the duly elected Los Angeles County representatives.
It now appears once again the Feinstein supporters will not accept the decision of the open membership meeting, the County Council of Los Angeles County, or their recall, and some of their supporters on the State Coordinating Committee appear to be ready to provoke the membership by simply rejecting the bylaws, internal democracy and common sense. This amounts to an attempted coup by a clique within the party. This could lead to the existence of two State Coordinating Committees.
Six years ago, Feinstein had an ultra-left posture where he favored the Greens trying to "spoil" races to get attention. More recently, he has flipped from an ultra-left posture to a rightist position of seeking fusion with the Democrats and offering the Green ballot line to Democrats. This shift has gained him some support from those in the Party who want a lesser-evil or fusionist posture towards the Democrats. That support is concentrated in San Francisco, Alameda County and in Santa Monica, with scattered support in other areas.
However, the truth is that his open call for fusion with the Democrats finds support, for the moment, in a relatively small minority within the Green Party. Feinstein has been unable to get any formal body in the Green Party to vote for fusion. He has tried, with support from Greg Jan of Alameda County, to sneak it in through proposals to change bylaws to facilitate Democrats being able to become fusion candidates on the Green Party ticket. So far, his efforts to change the bylaws have been voted down at meetings of the General Assembly.
Feinstein debated me regarding fusion in a State Gathering in Oakland. A straw vote was taken during the debate. The vote was about 80% for independence and 20% for fusion. I urged him to run against me for Governor so we could debate these critical issues and let the membership vote. Of course he refused, for he is aware of how the Green membership would have voted, which is overwhelmingly pro-independence and against fusion.
In spite of his lack of support in the base of the Green Party, part of Feinstein's strength comes from his ability to build a following of cult-like supporters that work behind the backs of the Party trying to seek control.
Their technique to gain control is to take advantage of the lack of interest within the Party to serve on State positions. They have gradually sought to get their followers in control. They never write what they are for but anyone half-awake knows where they want to go.
They want control and they want to make a rightist shift in the party which includes a pro-fusion strategy with the Democrats.
As these issues become clearer, a shift will occur and more Greens will begin defending democracy within the party. Some have already shifted.
This fight in California is unfortunately very confused, because most activists are still unclear of the politics behind the conflict, and see it often as a fight between individuals and groups for control.
Yet those who oppose the Feinstein clique are overwhelmingly for maintaining the independence of the Green Party, and respecting internal democracy. Leading the struggle for independence and democracy is a group called Green IDEA, (Independence, Democracy, Empowerment, Accountability). Green IDEA has a website with a clear and open declaration of what they are about. I support Green IDEA because we have a problem on these issues of democracy and accountability inside the party at this time.
Feinstein's standing in the Party, which was quite high for a period when he was elected to the City Council in Santa Monica and for a period served as its mayor, dropped sharply as Greens became aware that he was stealing money from the Green Party. No one knows exactly how much he stole but it is estimated to be between ,000 to ,000.
The last time he tried to run for office, he was an incumbent, but it was after the information about his stealing funds was public. He was crushed, coming in ninth, even though he spent close to 0,000, a huge amount for a local Green candidate in a small city. Most of the funds he donated himself to his campaign.
How he stole the money was typical of his manipulative manner of functioning. After the 2000 elections the Party was trying to recruit new members by organizing a registration drive. In some areas, local Greens raised funds for those efforts. Using the registration campaign as cover, Feinstein went out and opened a personal bank account but put the name of the Green Party on it. The account was under his name only and was not controlled by any elected body of the Green Party. He then began, where he could, to get checks made out to the Green Party and deposit them in his personal account.
For instance when Ralph Nader came to Los Angeles and gave a fund raiser for the Green Party, Feinstein had one of his close supporters, Woody Hastings, collect the checks, but instead of the estimated ,000 going into the State treasury or the Los Angeles County treasury, Feinstein deposited all the money into his personal account. Similarly, when an individual, Bill Pietz, donated ,000 to the Los Angeles County Green Party, the check was intercepted by a Feinstein supporter and ended up in Feinstein's account, not where it was intended to go, which was the Los Angeles County Green Party.
When Bill Pietz found out his money had been stolen he became infuriated and demanded the Green Party take legal action to recoup his donation and turn it over to the Green Party. The Green Party hesitated to bring legal charges against one of its elected officials, so Bill Pietz resigned from the Green Party, furious over the lack of accountability in the Party. Bill Pietz, like most Greens, is a trusting, really kind person that just wanted to help the Green Party out. He correctly felt betrayed by the Party.
What happened in Los Angeles County in this regard is criminal, and it was not just Michael Feinstein that was involved. All the Greens that participated in this fraud or even knew about it and kept it secret are complicit in corruption. For instance at the Nader meeting, the fund pitch said the money was going to the Green Party.
If the person giving the fund pitch knew it was not that is a crime.
Certainly Woody Hastings knew as he collected the checks that the funds would not go to where the donors thought the funds were going.
Hastings is guilty of fraud, not just Michael Feinstein.
As these events were unfolding, the Green Party made a major mistake of attempting to quietly settle this issue. I attended a raucous meeting of Greens in Los Angeles where some were literally shouting, "Feinstein has stolen money we need to bring charges against him." I counseled the Greens trying to work this out to go slow, because it would really hurt the party to have it go public that one of its elected officials had been stealing money from the party. I wanted to give Michael Feinstein the benefit of the doubt and try to see if this issue could be settled quickly and quietly.
What the co-coordinators of the State Coordinating Committee tried to do was to attempt to persuade Feinstein to turn over the remaining funds, hand over all the bank statements, replace any money he spent on personal things or any other inappropriate expenditure, apologize and make sure legal filings were made for this money. Feinstein refused, hired lawyers and said his lawyers advised him never to turn over the actual bank statements.
I want to publicly apologize. My view was wrong. We Greens should have zero tolerance for any corruption of any kind -- especially by our elected officials. We should have rules where we can expel people who steal money or engage in any criminal activity once a thorough investigation with full due process has proceeded, or a legal conviction has occurred.
In this case the facts are now clearly established. Feinstein does not challenge the facts he just tries to excuse it as some sort of big misunderstanding. His only defense is that he claims to have used the money for pro-Green Party purposes but he will not allow the Green Party to see the bank statements to verify where the money has actually gone.
After the stealing of the ,000 from Bill Pietz, Donna Warren, a retired African American Green leader whose professional life was as an auditor for the US government, became the Green Party treasurer for Los Angeles. She is the woman who ran for Lieutenant Governor twice. Donna Warren sought to go to a small claims court to at least recover Bill Pietz's ,000 from Feinstein. But the Feinstein's supporters controlled the Green Party mailbox and, mysteriously, the date for the hearing from the Judge never reached Donna Warren. When Donna Warren failed to show for the hearing, not knowing it was being held, the claim, which would probably have been upheld, was declared invalid.
Some Greens feel we should just forget about all of this, because it happened now some four or five years ago. But recently when the Feinstein supporters got strong enough on the State Coordinating Committee they had a special closed session where they ruled that he had done nothing wrong, it was a misunderstanding and that it was all worked out. This act on their part only makes the issue worse. There is no apology to Ralph Nader for using him in the execution of a fraud. There is no identification of the Greens who gave money or any offer to reimburse them. There is no public list of how much money was stolen and how it was spent. Nor is there even a written apology from Feinstein or any measurers to make sure this will ever happen again.
What we have is a small group of Party leaders now declaring their complicity in corruption by giving it a formal OK. This decision was then publicly published in the Green Focus, the official Green Party of California newspaper.
Los Angeles County has 3 representatives in the State Coordinating Committee. Shifting 3 supporters from the pro-Feinstein current to the pro-democracy current that respects the membership would definitely alter who has a majority at the State level on the Coordinating Committee.
The result has been the state leadership has become paralyzed. The pro-Feinstein forces did succeed in having Feinstein declared a State Coordinating Committee co-coordinator -- the Green Party's closest equivalent to a party co-chair -- with the 3 non elected LA County reps voting, making the vote invalid. If only the votes of democratically elected Greens had been counted, the current co-coordinator would be a strong supporter for Green Party independence and democracy, Jared Laiti.
Most Greens are exemplary people who want to be fair and are very nervous about infighting. They tend to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. When infighting starts, they tend to just walk away. Already even on the new County Council in Los Angeles, some wonderful Greens have resigned, refusing to attend meetings full of conflict. I attended a meeting of the LA County Council in August, something I had promised them I would do. In the first 40 minutes of the meeting Michael Feinstein spoke 30 times. The majority patiently lets him filibuster or do whatever he wants. They have done everything they can to be fair. But the truth is the Party is semi-paralyzed by this never ending factionalism.
I want to urge Greens to be patient and not to quit. This situation can be corrected. It will take time, given the confusion that exists.
Also, please keep in mind that progressive-minded people in the United States are at a high point in their illusions about the Democratic Party. Our fortunes are about to change.
If the Democrats win the presidential race in 2008, that mood will begin to shift again and it is possible the Green Party as well as other third party forces will begin to grow and the struggle for free elections in the United States may gain new ground. Please be patient and do not give up on the 140,000 members of our party. This infighting is limited to a very small layer within the party. I do not believe there are more than 15 hard core Feinstein followers in the party.
Of course it does matter who controls the structure of the party.
There is an effort to alter how we function in California to allow more participation by the memberships through direct participation online. These new ideas need to be carefully considered to stop this kind of clique "takeover" problem and involve larger numbers of Greens, especially younger people.
Some Greens that have supported Feinstein in the past have refused to support the attempt to disenfranchise the County of Los Angeles. One of those Greens who has been a close personal friend of Feinstein, but cannot go along with what is happening, is Tim Smith, a member of the State Coordinating Committee and a longtime, very active Green.
Tim sent an email to a friend that suddenly became public. How that happened I do not know. This email is incredible in how Tim openly admits how Feinstein supporters keep secrets from the Party. For instance when one of their supporters who at the time was a representative to the State Coordinating Committee from Los Angeles, Tom Bolema, moved from LA to the Bay Area they kept it quiet so as to maneuver a shift on who would now represent Los Angeles County. The Green bylaws state if a person moves they cannot represent their previous county of residence. While this event is not all that important it is a revelation of their conscious maneuvers against the Party's rules.
Speaking of the recent events in Los Angeles County, Tim Smith wrote, "With these shady power moves, he (Michael Feinstein) invites criticism." In another email he characterizes how Feinstein functions, "It is his elitism, hierarchical, unilateral, and manipulative way of handling Green Party business that alarm me and that have run this party into a blind alley, that must be reversed and can't be allowed to continue . . ."
Tim Smith complains that Feinstein's most recent maneuver of using the non-existing, old County Council trying to usurp the newly elected council's rights in LA County was just too much for him and he could no longer support Feinstein. He voted for Jared Laiti for State Coordinating Committee co-coordinator. He concludes naming two of the leaders of the Feinstein current, "Cat/Magali/Mike pulled off a coup d'etat of the CC, by means of scare tactics and peer pressure." By Cat, he means Cat Woods of Marin County and by Magali, he means Magali Offerman of San Diego.
The County Councils in California are the only structure in the Green Party elected by all its members. In each county the new council elected every two years is sovereign; no council elected before them can set rules limiting their authority otherwise democracy would be compromised. For instance, an outgoing council cannot say the new council requires an 80% or 2/3rd vote to change what it has done or elect the representatives for the new council's period of service.
If this situation continues now and the democratically elected representatives from Los Angeles County are not seated and the "recalled" representatives continue to "sit" on the State Coordinating Committee and Michael Feinstein continues to call himself the Coordinating Committee co-coordinator publicly, one has to consider what has happened in California is a coup by a clique.
This requires that all Greens who support internal democracy stop hesitating and declare their support for the sovereignty of the County Councils and demand the immediate recognition of the elected officials from Los Angeles.
What could happen in California at the moment is the existence of two state Coordinating Committees, one respecting democracy and the other the coup supporters.
The next meeting of the General Assembly must defend the sovereignty of the decisions of County Councils, protect the unity of the party by declaring the three elected representatives from Los Angeles County seated on the State Coordinating Committee. I urge them to vote to restore the unity of our party and defend democracy.
Otherwise the Greens fighting for democracy will need to take legal action to protect the rights of the membership.
I especially urge Greens that support fusion to recognize what is happening and defend democracy. The fusionist current supporters have the right to advocate for their views and to seek to convince the Party for fusion. The current that lost in Los Angeles County is free to run a slate and try to win a majority in 2008. Just as those who opposed them waited 2 years and ran candidates. That is respect for democracy.
You would think this would be immediately accepted. But the supporters of fusionist politics with the Democrats do not want to see the pro-independence Greens in power and have framed these ethical issues as mere personality conflicts. This creates confusion among grassroots Greens, making it unclear what will happen next.
I urge Greens who want to help restore democracy in the Green Party and who favor the Green Party maintain its independence donate to Green IDEA at this time at http://greenidea.org or to the Los Angeles County Council at http://www.cagreens.org/lacounty/donate.html. Funds are needed to legally take steps to protect the rights of the Green Party membership and the LA County Council decisions.
It is time for Greens to demand that Mike Feinstein stop claiming to be an elected co-coordinator of the Coordinating Committee, a position which, under Green Party bylaws, can be filled only by an elected representative on the Coordinating Committee -- which he is not. It will be sad if Greens who defend democracy are forced to consider legal action against the attempted usurpation of power by non-elected Greens.
I have written this article primarily to alert Greens throughout the United States to what is happening in California. As the best known Green in California, and the statewide candidate that received the highest vote of support in every county in our last primary election, I feel I have a duty to all the people, especially the young people I have urged to join and donate funds to the Green Party, to warn them of this growing crisis in the Green Party which threatens one of the most basic principles of the Green Party, grassroots democracy.
April 22, 2007
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by Mike Wyman
Tuesday, Dec. 04, 2007 at 10:35 PM
When questioned about her signature on this hit piece, Rufina Juarez stated that she had no idea how her name got onto this letter as a signatory.
She says she has no knowledge of this letter and doesn't know how this happened.
At least one other signer has registered the same complaint.
Please call or write the other signers so we can find out how many people have had their names misappropriated this way.
Mike Wyman Green Party
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by Michael S. Wyman
Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2007 at 2:07 AM
mswyman@comcast.net 415-785-3448
Dear KPFK members,
We are sorry that some Greens have attempted to bring our internal party conflicts into the KPFK election. It is unfortunate enough that our party has such problems, without having Green party members bringing our internal disputes into an election as important as the election to the KPFK board.
The charges made in this letter are, of course, completely without foundation.
You may be unaware, but the Green Party of Los Angeles County has been involved in a years-long struggle over internal democracy, democratic accountability, political and financial ethics, and the future of Green Politics.
Donna Warren and John Wenger have been in the forefront of the struggle by the majority of Los Angeles County Greens to preserve and protect grassroots democracy, and high standards of ethical behavior and democratic process in the Green Party both locally and statewide.
Because of the stands they have taken to protect, preserve and promote all that is decent and honorable in the Green Party today, they have angered those Green Party members who feel threatened by any semblance of rank and file democracy or political morality in our party.
The struggle Donna Warren and John Wenger and others have waged in our party to preserve, enhance and protect the values of our party has been nothing short of heroic, and demonstrates precisely the strength of character KPFK needs on its board.
Please vote for Donna and John with an open heart and a clear conscience. You will be voting for the best the Green Party has, and you will never regret it.
-Peter Camejo - Green Party Candidate for Governor.
-Nativo. V. Lopez – National President, Mexican-American Political Association (MAPA) and Hermanidad Mexicana Latinoamericana;
-Ceil Sorenson - Female Co-Coordinator (with John Wenger, Male Co-Coordinator) of the County Council of the Green Party of Los Angeles County;
-Ellen Maisen – At-Large Representative to the Coordinating Committee of the Green Party of California; Member, County Council of the Green Party of Los Angeles County
-Jim Odling - County Councilor of the Green Party of Los Angeles County and Green Party of California Regional Representative, Los Angeles County;
-Will Yeager – Green Party of California Regional Representative, Los Angeles County; Green Party Nominee 38th Congressional District, 1996; Treasurer, Southern California Green Assembly, 1988-1989; Corresponding Secretary, Green Party of Los Angeles County County Council, 1992-1994;
-Matt Leslie – County Council of the Green Party of Orange County, Former Regional Representative for Orange County, San Bernardino County, and Riverside County, Green Party of California State Coordinating Committee;
-Lynda A. Hernandez - Chair, Green Party of Orange County 2002 Council member and Treasurer 2003-2004;
-Todd Van Etten - County Council of the Green Party of Orange County;
-Mike Wyman - Former Treasurer, Green Party of California; Candidate for Attorney General of California; Second Alternate for North Bay Region, Green Party of California State Coordinating Committee;
-Shane Que Hee - LA County Green and Co-Coordinator, Green Party of California Platform Committee - Carole and Andre LaFlamme – Member and Supporter of Women in Black
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by John Earl
Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2007 at 3:17 AM
I also support Donna Warren and John Wenger.
John Earl Former member, Green Party of Orange County County Council, author of revised California GP labor platform, editor OC Voice.
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by John
Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2007 at 5:44 AM
It is becoming clear that a small group of organized people want to move KPFK in a conservative direction in support of Washington Democrats.
We see in the polls where this kind of movement has gone, Congressional support around 11%.
We all know how much the Washington Democratic party wants to end the war.
KPFK listeners want this war ended and the troops brought home. It is only with the LSBV ndependent candidates that there is any hope of making KPFK a force for change.
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