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by Mexica Movement
Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007 at 9:20 PM
mexicamovement@sbcglobal.net (323) 981-0352
Minuteman protest against church draws over 100 supporters for new Church Sanctuary resident.
Attention is drawn to racist U.S. Visa Waiver Program.
Night vigil by supporters is scheduled for Friday August 17, 2007 @ 7:30 P.M. (outside church).
 indymedia_lilliana_sanctuar.jpgqcwlvx.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x400
She is a prisoner, but she is not a criminal. She is a devoted mother, wife,
and daughter. She had a full-time job, a driver’s license, and paid her taxes.
But for the last two months, Liliana (last name withheld) has taken on a new
role. She is taking sanctuary within Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church in Long
Liliana has been made a prisoner within an inhumane cage of U.S. migration
laws. Despite having a husband who is an American citizen and three children who
are also U.S. citizens, ICE officers entered her home in May and attempted to
take her away. Like a scene out of “Schindler’s List,” the storm troopers had
declared her “an undesirable” and were subjecting her to forced removal.
Terrified and terrorized, Liliana thought of her three children (U.S.
citizens), her husband (U.S. citizen), her brothers and mother who also reside
near her. ICE was demanding to tear her family apart and take away everything
she had worked so hard for. By a stroke of luck and persuasion on the part of
her husband, Liliana was given five days to turn herself in for deportation.
She used that time to find a way to fight back.
“I will stay and fight”
Those counter-protestors who stayed after the Minuteman protest on Saturday
morning met the new face of the Church Sanctuary Movement. Inside the church, a
potluck dinner was held for Lilliana and her supporters.
Liliana is well-spoken and exudes a quiet strength. She handles television
media questions calmly and intelligently. But her pain is never far from the
surface. Instead of cowering in fear, she said, she decided to stay and fight (SEE VIDEO LINKS BELOW).
Allowing herself to be deported was unacceptable for her and her family. She has
rights and she knows that Washington D.C. is wrestling with changing the laws
that imprison her --and her family.
Her Only Crime
Liliana’s only "crime" was that she was not born a European. She was born a Mexican woman, a person of Indigenous descent on this continent. But she was not born in
England, Italy, or Germany—three of the 25 European-descent countries which
enjoy the privileged U.S.Visa Waiver Program.
Other Visa Waiver Program countries include (but are not limited
to): Canada, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, France, Austria, Switzerland,
Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Wales, The Netherlands, and Ireland.
Liliana recounts a story of meeting an Italian who boasted to her that he was
here without an Immigration Visa: he was an Italian national and therefore only
needed to flash a simple passport at any U.S. port of entry. No questions asked.
Liliana said, "They say that this country isn't racist. So why don't they demand that the Europeans get visas to enter the country? Is it about skin color?"
The Fight Forward
Because she is Mexican, Lilliana is being held to a standard unthinkable of
enacting against Europeans. Because she is Mexican, she is now being held in
sanctuary, a prisoner of racism. Lilliana never had the “instant amnesty” of
being born a Canadian, German, or Australian. And that is why she --and several
others-- are fighting for their rights.
Email Debbie at uprising@sbcglobal.net
Or contact Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church in Long Beach.
Attend the Night Vigil by supporters:
scheduled for Friday August 17, 2007 @ 7:30 P.M.
(outside church).
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by Mexica Movement
Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007 at 9:28 PM
mexicamovement@sbcglobal.net (323) 981-0352
 stop-raidsweb3.jpgbdj0y2.jpg, image/jpeg, 550x357
Sign made by Mexica Movement.
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by Mexica Movement
Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007 at 9:33 PM
mexicamovement@sbcglobal.net (323) 981-0352
 lilliana1.jpgmc0wxe.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375
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by Mexica Movement
Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007 at 9:34 PM
mexicamovement@sbcglobal.net (323) 981-0352
 stlukes.jpgao4uxa.jpg, image/jpeg, 434x434
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by Mexica Movement
Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007 at 9:37 PM
mexicamovement@sbcglobal.net (323) 981-0352
 stopdeportations_lilliana.jpgmt7ipu.jpg, image/jpeg, 550x413
Last week, Liliana was on the front page of USA Today.
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by Mexica Movement
Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007 at 9:38 PM
mexicamovement@sbcglobal.net (323) 981-0352
 supporters.jpgxvf8fp.jpg, image/jpeg, 550x413
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by Mexica Movement
Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007 at 9:38 PM
mexicamovement@sbcglobal.net (323) 981-0352
 potluck_lilliana.jpgppw396.jpg, image/jpeg, 550x413
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by Mexica Movement
Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007 at 9:38 PM
mexicamovement@sbcglobal.net (323) 981-0352
 music_lilliana.jpgbxwkpn.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x375
Attend the Night Vigil by supporters: scheduled for Friday August 17, 2007 @ 7:30 P.M. (outside church).
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Tuesday, Jul. 31, 2007 at 10:21 PM
HIS UNHOLINESS (GEORGE WARMONGER BUSH) : "Sorry to Oil the Post 9-11 Bush Hijacking of Immigration Policy in Amerika, the Post 9-11 use of the Bush Sponsored USSA Patriot Act in Amerika to Label Immigrants as Terrorist, the Post 9-11 Bush Sponsored Raids and Deportations by Bush Homeland Insecurity Officials, the Post 9-11 Railroading of Immigrants onto BushCo. Trucking along the Mexican Border, the Post 9-11 Bush Sponsored Great Wall of Texas on the Mexican Border, the Post 9-11 Bush Sponsored Illegal Immigrants in Iraq aka the US Occupation, the Post 9-11 Bush Sponsored Illegal Immigrants in Venezuela aka Bush Cover Ops, the Post 9-11 Bush Sponsored Illegal Immgrants in Lebanon aka Bush AL CIADA Black Ops, the Post 9-11 Bush Sponsored Illegal Immgrants in Iran aka Bush AL CIADA Black Ops, the Post 9-11 Bush Sponsored Illegal Immigrants in Afghanistan aka the BushCo. Occupation, and the Post 9-11 Bush Push to Drive down the Price of Labor but Oil comes First. READY TO REVEL WITH THE DEVIL ???????????????"
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by dl
Wednesday, Aug. 01, 2007 at 7:54 AM
excellent! love it, thanks:)
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by citlalmina
Wednesday, Aug. 01, 2007 at 9:14 AM
great job in capturing the harrasment and racism that our sister is going through. When will a illegal Itlalian need to take refuge in a church? an illegal Australian? never. It is an attack against the Mexican, "Central American" community. It is not about classes.
it has been proven over and over again that our people are not wanted here. on our own land. Liliana is a soldier for justice and freedom. Liliana is taking a stand and saying this is my land and I have the right to stay here with my family.
Full support! Keep strong Liliana!
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by citlalmina
Wednesday, Aug. 01, 2007 at 9:15 AM
great job in capturing the harrasment and racism that our sister is going through. When will a illegal Itlalian need to take refuge in a church? an illegal Australian? never. It is an attack against the Mexican, "Central American" community. It is not about classes.
it has been proven over and over again that our people are not wanted here. on our own land. Liliana is a soldier for justice and freedom. Liliana is taking a stand and saying this is my land and I have the right to stay here with my family.
Full support! Keep strong Liliana!
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by TruthBTold
Wednesday, Aug. 01, 2007 at 11:36 AM
This has touched me so much! I have cleared Aug. 17th from my calender in order to attend the vigil! Cant wait to be able to show Liliana and family my support!
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by BaBaBooey!
Thursday, Aug. 02, 2007 at 12:18 PM
Immanuel Pres provides shelter to immigrants seeking refuge from the Gestapo! http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1645169,00.html
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by TruthBTold
Thursday, Aug. 02, 2007 at 4:45 PM
Oh, BorderRaven.....
"STAND DOWN"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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by Citlalmina
Friday, Aug. 03, 2007 at 8:17 AM
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by Manuel
Friday, Aug. 03, 2007 at 8:36 AM
Border Raven, you're using a fake resume based on non-European inventions. Look these up, Europeans NEVER invented these things:
the wheel (Sumeria, Iraq) gunpowder (China) guns (China) maps (China) writing (cuneiform, Epic of Gilgamesh, Code of Hammurabi, Egyptian Book of the Dead, etc.) cities (Sumeria, Iraq) windmills (Persia) agriculture (Sumeria, Iraq) metallurgy (Sumeria, Iraq) the alphabet (Phoenecian alphabet) chariots (Sumeria, Iraq) crossbows (China) arch, true rounded (Gate of Ishtar and Great Wall of China) Pythagorean theorem (most important theorem in mathematics; see Plimpton tablet of Sumeria) restaurant (China) cannons (China) catapults (China) compass, magnetic (China) algebra geometry modern numbers ("Arabic" numerals) zero (India, The Maya) books (see China, Byblos, Egypt) printing press (even movable blocks) camera obscura rockets (China) bullets (China) paper (China) paper money (China) cathedral (see Hagia Sophia in Turkey) 360 degrees (Sumeria, Iraq) solar calendar (Egypt) written law (Sumeria, Iraq) wheelbarrow (China) rudder (China) horse collar (China) saddle (China) spurs (China) stirrups (China) field plows, metal (China) sails (Egypt) numerical positional notation (and decimal system) binary numeral system soccer (China) bagpipes (Egypt) guitar (India) harp (Sumeria, Iraq and Egypt) trumpet (Egypt) written music (China) violin days of the week hours of the day sundial pottery (Sumeria, Iraq) cast iron (China) mechanical clock (see "Chinese clock") parachute (China) kite (China) folding stool (Egypt) ink toothbrush darts beer obelisk dikes (water control) libraries topographic maps shoes weaving candles buttons soap sickle rope irrigation aqueduct Christianity The Bible canal lock gates (China) horse-drawn carriages water mill siege machines (China) flag (China) sculpture trip hammer (used in Industrial Revolution) glass lock and key (Egypt) dominoes dice hang gliders pi (Egyptian scribe Ahmes in Rhind Mathematical Papyrus) odometer (China) weight scales (Harrapa) distillation polo (Persia) chain pump (Chinese) castles/forts (Iraq) banking helmet (Sumeria, Iraq) oil lamp (Egypt)
You are basing your so-called Western/European Superiority on OTHER PEOPLE'S INVENTIONS!
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by V
Saturday, Aug. 04, 2007 at 6:50 AM
As you can see majority of post done by gerry nance is done by early in the mornings. what do u think he is doing in the meantime? why is he thinking about us after he is ban from other sites i.e. save our save, no more invasion, etc. is he lonely?
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by BorderRaven
Saturday, Aug. 04, 2007 at 9:45 AM
I've worked swing shift for a long time, so my circadian clock adjusts to the schedule. There is plenty of time to sleep from 3 AM to 8 AM. No matter if I am working or not, I sleep in an irregular pattern of three down and 10 up. I often find myself awake at 2-4 AM, and it is quiet. Imagine getting into a movie threater an hour before the movie starts -- that quiet. I can think very well in the silence. I get creative.
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by Gas filled Wind Bags Unite
Saturday, Aug. 04, 2007 at 12:23 PM
the lineage of Border Blimp, AKA Gerry Nazi Nance, can be traced back to the Nazi derrigible HINDENBURG. Thus Gerry is keeping alive his family's tradition of gas filled Nazi wind bags.
DO NOT strike a match anywhere near him, else the clouds of methane he emits will ignite!
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by d
Sunday, Aug. 05, 2007 at 9:06 AM
We extend your support!! Keep fighting! We shall gain our freedom one day, I am with you in this struggle!
Native pride.
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by sd
Monday, Aug. 06, 2007 at 6:11 AM
fix yer own shit? Like NAFTA GATT and all the other piles of sh*t 'YER OWN SH*T' got us into in the first place? Give me a break, you poor dull tool.
This is another facet of Operation Chaos and Wall Street's insatiable greed.
Attack the victims of subsidized American corporate ruthlessness and wank about how tuff you are about it. I can only marvel at the simple minded. How do they keep from hurting themselves?
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by Chicano
Monday, Aug. 06, 2007 at 7:59 AM
Why didn't these people go through the proper channels in the first place? I am also a citizen and married my wife over seas and then went through a US consulate. She is now a proud US citizen and can hold her head high. It took time and a lot of work but was a straightforward procedure. Seems like these parent's negligence has landed them in a bad situation and it's wrong they put the children through this experience. By the way I thought Mexica Movement denounced Christianity? What gives with the double standard?
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by BorderRaven
Monday, Aug. 06, 2007 at 10:30 AM
Hey immature maternal incestor, how about acting like an adult? If you want to focus on my weight, that's your mental deficiency, not mine. I know I got ou "wrapped". LOL
You obviously exhibit your character flaws, in open forum, but are you man/woman enough to use your real name? No. You are a weak immature little child, pathetically wallowing in your slime ridden cesspool of life. Now, do us all a favor and go to your stall and vegetate.
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by V
Tuesday, Aug. 07, 2007 at 10:16 AM
I have one question for you gerry. in SOS, some people uses quote for there signature. some of the qoute are from a socialist writer i.e. Robert W uses a qoute from Mark Twain. Mr. Twain is a known socialist. also, joe turner in the past uses mark twain qoute too. I thought you guys dislike the socialist.
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by BorderRaven
Wednesday, Aug. 08, 2007 at 2:43 AM
A good quote, is a good quote, regardless of the political, religious, or social beliefs of the author. I try to leave one as my last sentence in a post or reponse.
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by TruthBTold
Wednesday, Aug. 08, 2007 at 1:05 PM
Wow! What a GREAT comment! SOS uses known Socialist's quotes because they are either too ignorant & stupid to know this, &/or they choose to again show us all their complete and total HYPOCRISY!!!
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by BaBaBooey!
Sunday, Aug. 12, 2007 at 9:56 AM
I'm going to turn over to your boss the file we have on you. YOU'RE FIRED!
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by Mario
Sunday, Aug. 12, 2007 at 2:20 PM
There was a possible mistake made or the person who wrote the article doesnt fully understand the guidelines of the "Visa Waiver Program".
The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables nationals of certain countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa. The program was established in 1986 with the objective of eliminating unnecessary barriers to travel, stimulating the tourism industry, and permitting the Department of State to focus consular resources in other areas.
Also, there is no mention of race on the Visa Waiver Program, a person of any race that is living in these countries can use the Visa Waiver Program. Another mistake is that she did not want to use the Visa Waiver Program for tourism or for a business stay of 90 days.
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by Mario
Sunday, Aug. 12, 2007 at 2:20 PM
There was a possible mistake made or the person who wrote the article doesnt fully understand the guidelines of the "Visa Waiver Program".
The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables nationals of certain countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa. The program was established in 1986 with the objective of eliminating unnecessary barriers to travel, stimulating the tourism industry, and permitting the Department of State to focus consular resources in other areas.
Also, there is no mention of race on the Visa Waiver Program, a person of any race that is living in these countries can use the Visa Waiver Program. Another mistake is that she did not want to use the Visa Waiver Program for tourism or for a business stay of 90 days.
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by Manuel
Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2007 at 7:58 AM
Mario, The Visa Waiver Program is really just an "immigration back door" for overstayers. Its main beneficiaries are Europeans (look up the list of countries it serves). The Program just "coincidentally" serves an almost-exclusively European list of nations. (A "coincidence" matched only by the House Odds built into Las Vegas casinos.) I have personally met several Europeans, Canadians, Australians, Irish, British, Germans who have either bragged to me or nonchalantly stated that they were "overstaying" their Visa Waiver Program 90 days. You can just take a quick look online to see that many Europeans are overstaying under the Visa Waiver Program: http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=464353 While the US Visa Waiver Program does not explicitly mention race as a preferential factor...it doesn't need to. European nations are in their vast majority, already 'White". (Hello!?) Once again, the US Visa Waiver Program is a "no questions asked" entry for its "clients." A priviledge not extended to a single nation in Africa or "Latin America". By extending this special priviledge almost exclusively to European-descent nations, the question of "race" is moot. Race is built in to the Program by virtue of the population it serves.
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by Manuel
Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2007 at 8:17 AM
Mike Almeida, Are you "offended" that the Mexica Movement points out how Europeans murdered 95% of Indigenous people? The stolen lands? The slavery? The broken treaties? The racial segregation? The Trail of Tears death marches? The reservations? The Indian Schools? The racist deportations like Operation Wetback? What "offends" you is not racism, but the fact that WE non-White people have the unmitigated audacity to put a mirror up to your face. If you are "offended" by that grotesque monster staring back, that doesn't make it our racism . We are simply holding the mirror up. The racist monster you see is your own reflection. As for Canadian overstayers: http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/news/articles/1224overstays.html
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by Mario
Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2007 at 4:22 PM
Manuel, The Visa Waiver Program is an "immigration back door" only for the people with a criminal mind and I doubt that the American government wants criminals in its country. Its obvious that this law was put into place to boost the economy by promoting a free flow of tourism and business. Japan, Singapore, Brunei and New Zealand are not European nations so in other words Europeans(of any race) are not the only beneficiaries. "I have personally met several Europeans, Canadians, Australians, Irish, British, Germans who have either bragged to me or nonchalantly stated that they were "overstaying" their Visa Waiver Program 90 days." So? Im sure every nationality has broken this law other then Europeans(of any race) Japanese, New Zealanders and so on. "You can just take a quick look online to see that many Europeans are overstaying under the Visa Waiver Program: http://britishexpats.com/forum/showthread.php?t=464353" So? Europeans(of any race) and non-Europeans are breaking the law, enforcing it is the issue. "While the US Visa Waiver Program does not explicitly mention race as a preferential factor...it doesn't need to. European nations are in their vast majority, already 'White". (Hello!?)" Japan, Singapore, Brunei and New Zealand are not European nations and Europeans come in every race. "Once again, the US Visa Waiver Program is a "no questions asked" entry for its "clients." A priviledge not extended to a single nation in Africa or "Latin America"." Or parts of Asia,Europe and other places. This program lets people of European and non-European countries(of any race) use the Visa Waiver Program, so like I said the person might have made an error when they wrote the article. "Liliana’s only "crime" was that she was not born a European." Should be changed to "Liliana’s only "crime" was that she was not born a European, Japanese, Singaporean, Brunei or a New Zealander. But actually this law wouldnt have benefited Liliana anyway because she didnt want to go for vacation purposes or a business purpose of 90 days or less. In fact it would have gotten her in the same situation that she is in.
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by Manuel
Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2007 at 12:26 PM
Mario, Be honest about the US Visa Waiver Program. http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/without/without_1990.html#countries The overhwlming majority of its "no questions asked" beneficiaries are European and European-descent nations: 1) Andorra 2) Australia 3) Austria 4) Belgium 5) Denmark 6) Finland 7) France 8) Germany 9) Iceland 10) Ireland 11) Italy 12) Liechtenstein 13) Luxembourg 14) Monaco 15) the Netherlands 16) New Zealand 17) Norway 18) Portugal 19) San Marino 20) Slovenia 21) Spain 22) Sweden 23) Switzerland 24) United Kingdom *(25??) Canadians are permitted entry with a simple passport or driver's license and have even less red tape. The Exceptions: 1) Brunei (oil city-state client of the U.S.) 2) Japan (trading partner) 3) Singapore (city-state with British colonial ties) Denial time is over, Mario. The Emperor is stark naked, warts and all showing. The Department of Homeland Security admits it does not track these "overstayers" (hence, no data is tabulated against predominantly-European Overstayers!), And thus, it is "hear no evil, see no evil" for the predominantly-European US Visa Waiver recipients.
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by Mario
Thursday, Aug. 16, 2007 at 9:49 AM
Sup Manuel,
Its clear that you have bias in this discussion because the person who wrote the article did make a mistake.
It should be changed to "Liliana’s only "crime" was that she was not born a European, Japanese, Singaporean, Brunei or a New Zealander.
People have biases that support articles that has purposefully left out the non-European countries because they want to say that only Europeans(of any race) are benefiting from a law that promotes tourism and business vacations of 90 days or less.
And you still haven't addressed the main point , the main point is that the article said that "Liliana’s only "crime" was that she was not born a European." if you agree with this statement then I need you to explain how her being European could have helped in the situation that she is in.In other words explain how being European or how the Visa Waiver Program could have helped her with the situation that she is in right now.
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by Manuel
Friday, Aug. 17, 2007 at 6:10 AM
You're right, I am biased...towards Justice. So is L.A. Indymedia. And I'm proud of that "bias". It's called being a human being. Plus, I've known people who have abused the Visa Waiver Program. So I have firsthand information on the tricks used by Overstayers.
Let's address your complaints:
1) Since you are so concerned with the details of the U.S. Visa Waiver recipients, let's change the comment to:
"Liliana's only crime was that she wasn't born: Andorran, Australian, Austrian, Belgian, Bruneian, Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Liechtensteinian, Luxembourgan, Monacoan, Dutch, New Zealander, Norweigian, Northern Irish, Portuguese, San Marinian, Scottish, Slovenian, Singaporan, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss, and Welsch.
Three of the recipient nations are in the Asia-Pacific region. The remaining twenty-four of these twenty-seven recipients are European-descent nations. These European-descent nations also represent the the bulk of those using the Visa Waiver Program."
Canada, of course, is an Honorary Mention, as Canada is also given a "no questions asked" passport/driver's license entry across U.S. Borders. This is a priviledge NOT extended to Mexicans at the other border.
2) Liliana is penalized for not being born in the above countries because they are given a free ride for entry and because the Department of Homeland Security does NOT track the movement or departures of said people. These U.S. Visa Waiver Program beneficiaries are overwhelmingly European-descent and "White" (if you doubt this "biased" claim, I can provide you evidence).
At this point, Mario, you have been shown:
1) That the vast majority of Visa Waiver Program beneficiaries are European-descent entities. (With Canada as an "Honorary Mention".)
2) There is an officially-acknowledged problem of U.S. Visa Waiver (passport) overstayers. Visa Waiver travelers can easily enter without stringent background checks and can easily avoid accountability by leaving hotel addresses (or a false address) at U.S ports of entry. There is no government tracking database for these individuals.
Ironically, even groups like FAIR and ALIPAC acknowledge this problem on their web sites.
3) Liliana's movement is being held to a standard that is NON-EXISTENT for the above-mentioned, overwhelmingly European-descent nations (24 of 27). ICE is not raiding college dormitories, youth hostels, Scottish Highland Games festivals, and restaurants for Overstayers of the U.S. Visa Waiver Program.
Liliana is being criminalized for her entry, but ICE is taking a hands-off approach to Visa Waiver Overstayers.
These three points reveal a glaring disparity of treatment between Liliana (a Mexican) and anyone on the U.S. Visa Waiver Program (unofficially including Canada).
Pointing out the unparalled FREE RIDE OF ENTRY (and overstaying) that the majority of European-descent nations get should not be offensive to you.
Unless of course, Mario, it is really you with the "bias."
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by Manuel
Friday, Aug. 17, 2007 at 7:03 AM
Mario, As more proof of "bias", it has just been announced that Bush is increasing the Visa Waiver Program by including FIVE ADDITIONAL EUROPEAN NATIONS: Czech Republic, Estonia, Malta, Greece, Cyprus. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-08-09-visas_N.htm Here is the new "biased" list of the overwhelmingly European-descent list of Visa Waiver recipients who can enter "no questions asked" (unlike Mexicans or "Central Americans"): 1) Andorra 2) Australia 3) Austria 4) Belgium 5) Czech Republic 6) Cyprus 7) Denmark 8) Estonia 9) Finland 10) France 11) Germany 12) Greece 13) Iceland 14) Ireland 15) Italy 16) Liechtenstein 17) Luxembourg 18) Malta 19) Monaco 20) the Netherlands 21) New Zealand 22) Norway 23) Portugal 24) San Marino 25) Slovenia 26) Spain 27) Sweden 28) Switzerland 29) United Kingdom *(30??) Canadians are permitted entry with a simple passport or driver's license and have even less red tape. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-08-09-visas_N.htm Mario, since I know you are bothered by "bias", I can only imagine that seeing this European-descent bias built into U.S. Customs and Immigration policies must terribly irritate you. Such Eurocentric priviledge must really get underneath your skin. Yeah, right.
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by Mario
Friday, Aug. 17, 2007 at 10:08 AM
We have already established that Europeans can come in any race and that non-European countries participate in the VWP.
"Mario, since I know you are bothered by "bias", I can only imagine that seeing this European-descent bias built into U.S. Customs and Immigration policies must terribly irritate you. Such Eurocentric priviledge must really get underneath your skin."
Im not looking at is as "Eurocentric priviledge", because I would be filling in the blanks and thats a form of prejudice.Ones prejudices produces hate and im not going to be like that.
"You're right, I am biased...towards Justice. So is L.A. Indymedia. And I'm proud of that "bias". It's called being a human being. Plus, I've known people who have abused the Visa Waiver Program. So I have firsthand information on the tricks used by Overstayers."
I am also biased for justice and you have proven to me that you are biased and are looking for excuses for Liliana, not justice. If I was to go to England for work and I overstayed my work visa or came into the country illegally I would want them to consider me an illegal alien and deport my ass!
The reason why is because for a country to survive we need laws and for people to follow those laws. Could you imagine if we didnt have laws? There would be anarchy.
Address the main point , the main point is that the article said that "Liliana’s only "crime" was that she was not born a European(Because of the VWP).".Explain how Visa Waiver Program could have helped her with the situation that she is in right now.
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by Manuel
Friday, Aug. 17, 2007 at 10:54 AM
Wait a minute: Are you actually trying to pretend that Europe is not overwhelmingly WHITE? Wow, your powers of denial are amazing.
European is overwhelmingly White and European-descent countries have a 29-nation "Affirmative Action program" that no other nation (except 3 lapdogs) have: the US Visa Waiver Program.
BTW, I have been all over England and have seen AMERICAN overstayers. Just go to Leicester Square in London. They are there as street vendors and "henna" tatoo artists to. They are in Birmingham, Newcastle. Wherever. They have apartments and girlfriends and lives there. They don't worry about deportation.
It's obvious that your perspective is"White is Right."
That's why you don't look at the European-lopsided nature of the VWP.
The fact that ICE is not actively seeking out VWP Overstayers is how Liliana is being treated unfairly.
The fact that you do not care about the VWP Overstayers "breaking the laws" reveals your "White Is Right" bias.
And bottom line of this all is: Mexicans, "Central Americans", Native Americans, and Canadian First Nations are one people of Indigenous descent.
Both mixed-bloods and full-bloods are Indigenous. Liliana falls into this category. The European colonial governments on this continent have no right to tell us where we can go on our own continent.
Their false borders have never been our borders.
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by Mario
Friday, Aug. 17, 2007 at 11:46 AM
"Wait a minute: Are you actually trying to pretend that Europe is not overwhelmingly WHITE? Wow, your powers of denial are amazing."
No.You have been completely denying that there are non-white Europeans and countries other then European ones in the the VWP.
"It's obvious that your perspective is"White is Right.""
No.This is the picture that you want to paint on me. I have no biases for any race of people.
"The fact that you do not care about the VWP Overstayers "breaking the laws" reveals your "White Is Right" bias."
You didnt ask me about what I thought about the VWP Overstayers, my opinion is that they are pieces of shit and also this law proves how much the country lacks security(people in government are retards).
"And bottom line of this all is: Mexicans, "Central Americans", Native Americans, and Canadian First Nations are one people of Indigenous descent."
Mexicans "Central Americans"and Canadians come in all races and its kind of beneficial that people want to claim that they are native or part native when Spain and Portugal have the darkest skinned people of Europe. The way the US government determines whether someone is native is through DNA, its so that when someone just looks like they may be native they could actually be a non-native scam artist.
"Both mixed-bloods and full-bloods are Indigenous. Liliana falls into this category. The European colonial governments on this continent have no right to tell us where we can go on our own continent."
No race of people in modern times can move freely to the country that their ancestors came from without following immigration laws. Youre allowing special treatment for a race of people. Without laws, there would be chaos. What there needs to be is reparations for all native people in their country of origin(trillions + land). That would be justice for the native peoples, not special rights.
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by Manuel
Friday, Aug. 17, 2007 at 7:40 PM
>>No race of people in modern times can move freely to the country that their ancestors came from without following immigration laws. <<
WHOSE LAWS? "White" people's laws? They own the Earth? They write the laws for all Humanity?
Seems like you're back to that "White Is Right" ideology again.
* Then you must be really pissed off that the Jews moved back to Israel in 1948.
* And you must be pissed off that the Chinese re-annexed Hong Kong from the British in 1997.
* And you must be really upset that Zimbabwean Africans reclaimed land after Europeans abandoned the country following Black rule.
According to your logic, White Americans then have no right to demand the lands they they claim is their "American Homeland".
Oh but wait, you want to give a "Visa Waiver Program" to European-descent people for anything they want, even other people's lands.
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by Manuel
Saturday, Aug. 18, 2007 at 6:19 AM
Come support Liliana! Elvira Arellano in Chicago is leaving her sanctuary to go confront Congress in person. She may be arrested. This may mean that Long Beach becomes the new lightning rod for the Santuary Movement: Email Debbie at uprising@sbcglobal.net Or contact Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church in Long Beach 525 E 7th St Long Beach , CA Attend the Night Vigil by supporters: scheduled for Friday August 17, 2007 @ 7:30 P.M. (outside church).
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by Mario
Saturday, Aug. 18, 2007 at 8:50 AM
">>No race of people in modern times can move freely to the country that their ancestors came from without following immigration laws. <<
"WHOSE LAWS? "White" people's laws? They own the Earth? They write the laws for all Humanity?"
No.I'm talking about every country on the planet. No race of people in modern times can move freely to the country that their ancestors came from without following immigration laws. For example Chinese Americans cannot move back to china without following immigration laws.
"Seems like you're back to that "White Is Right" ideology again."
No. This is the image you want to paint on me and its getting old and it was always a lame way to discredit someone.Plus, youre lying.
* Then you must be really pissed off that the Jews moved back to Israel in 1948.
Owning land and a free flow of migration are two different issues.
"* And you must be pissed off that the Chinese re-annexed Hong Kong from the British in 1997."
I think that is bad for the people of Hong Kong, theyre laws are still basically democratic but who knows the laws might change to conform to a lesser free system that China has.
"* And you must be really upset that Zimbabwean Africans reclaimed land after Europeans abandoned the country following Black rule."
I dont believe that any certain race should be the lone ruler of any country on this planet. Personally I would love to see a Native American president in America. And a Asian white or black president in Africa.I personally believe that race doesnt matter, the way they are going to effect the country does.
"According to your logic, White Americans then have no right to demand the lands they they claim is their "American Homeland"."
People dont own land according to race(its owned legally and people have to pay taxes on it).Ones race is used to describe people, it has nothing to do with land ownership.
"Oh but wait, you want to give a "Visa Waiver Program" to European-descent people for anything they want, even other people's lands."
No. People will read my former posts and see what you have wrote and think that you are a liar because what I have stated is clear. The fact is that I think you want open borders because you believe that Natives of Mexican descent deserve special rights. I dont believe in special rights, I believe in equal rights. I think that justice for the natives of south, central,north America,Mexico, Canada and Alaska would be to give them trillions of dollars(or more) and land; not special rights.
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by Manuel
Saturday, Aug. 18, 2007 at 9:00 AM
Are you coming tonight to support Liliana or not?
7:30 PM Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church in Long Beach 525 E 7th St Long Beach , CA
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by Manuel
Saturday, Aug. 18, 2007 at 9:28 AM
Unfortunately, tonight's event has been cancelled at the request of the church. For details Email Debbie at uprising@sbcglobal.net
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by Mario
Saturday, Aug. 18, 2007 at 10:07 AM
I do have a big heart and you are attacking it lol.
I'm in Morocco right now. I do not support her having special rights but I do hope that she eventually unites with her family, and I hope they have a happy life.
This will be my last post, have a good one.
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by former St. Lukes Parishoner
Monday, Aug. 20, 2007 at 4:32 PM
Looks like Elvira Arellano just got arrested in LA, saw it on Telemundo, people are freaking out already. As she was the poster child for the sanctuary gig, it will be interesting to see what happens next. The woman at St. Luke's should look at all her options and look into going through the proper channels. It might take time but would be worth it in the long run. I'd say her kids are worth it.
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by Sadie Rose
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2007 at 7:19 PM
The reference to the Visa Waiver Program that allows individuals from 27 countries to enter the US with only their passport, I feel you have done your readers a disservice by clouding the facts to fit your cause. Your article states that "Liliana’s only "crime" was that she was not born a European. She was born a Mexican woman, a person of Indigenous descent on this continent. But she was not born in England, Italy, or Germany—three of the 25 European-descent countries which enjoy the privileged U.S.Visa Waiver Program. " In truth, Liliana's only crime is coming to the United States without proper papers. The U.S. Visa Waiver Program whose name you toss about lightly has specific guidelines to determine which countries qualify and which do not and color of skin is not a condition. An explination of these factors can be found on the U.S. Department of State Web page: http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/temp/without/without_1255.html. The first factor that you failed to mention is that this waiver of a visa is used for temporary visits up to a 90 day period for tourism or business travel. Even if Mexico and the US had an understanding under the Visa Waiver Program it would not be applicable in Liliana's case. Another area of concern, among many, includes the evaluation of the "...Effect that a country’s designation as a VWP participant would have on the law enforcement and security interests of the United States, including interests related to enforcement of immigration laws..." according to the U.S. Department of State Web site. While it appears that Liliana, as a citizen, would be a wonderful addition to this country she still must acknowledge and deal with the fact that she came here without proper credentials. In honesty, I pray that she is able to solve this problem without further pain to her or her family. My reason behind writing is to present a clear picture concerning why Liliana and those in her circumstance are not given the same opportunties as others. I feel that you have raised the "race" card in an effort to appeal to peoples emotions. As I stated in the beginning, you do your readers a disservice when you present only a portion of the facts.
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by Sadie Rose
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2007 at 7:35 PM
I agree. A couple of my grandparents had to apply for immigration and citizenship when coming to the US in the early 1900's. As a matter of fact, when my grandmother, a US citizen, married a foreigner, (both were living in Oregon at the time), she lost her citizenship and had to go through the process of earning it back again.
I think my brother said it best when he stated, "Most American's are not so concerned about where people come from so much as that "they" sign the 'guestbook' on the way in."
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by Sadie Rose
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2007 at 7:49 PM
Your comment about the Gestapo, "Immanuel Pres provides shelter to immigrants seeking refuge from the Gestapo!" leads me to believe that you need to spend a little more time studying history. If you feel the deportation of illegal's from the US holds a candle to the deportation of Jews to concentration camps, you are seriously mistaken.
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by mous
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2007 at 9:29 PM
All these free trade agreements are trying to create conditions where capital has no borders.... but people must still suffer under borders. This gives capital an edge, and virtually guarantees that wages will drop.
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by mous
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2007 at 9:31 PM
Sadie, you're right. The deportations are not like the Gestapo. They're more like the FBI, who uprooted Japanese Americans during WW2, and the FBI and cops who undertook to deport Mexican Americans during the 1930s, then later during the 1950s. And the anti-immigration movement isn't like the Nazis -- it's more like the American KKK, the anti-Chinese nativist lynch mobs, and the Zoot Suit Riots. Let's not blame all our American racism on the Germans -- us Americans have a rich, varied, and now repetitious history of being dirty racists.
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by BaBaBooey!
Thursday, Aug. 30, 2007 at 11:19 AM
>>>Let's not blame all our American racism on the Germans -- <<<
oh poor Hitler and Nazis!!! they are SO-O-O-O-O misunderstood!!! they are SO-O-O-O-O unjustly scapegoated!!!!
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by justa guy
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2008 at 5:57 AM
if gerry gives you all anymore problems, just remind him of his extra marital affairs with men that have not been forgotten......
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