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by Cliff Olin
Tuesday, Jun. 26, 2007 at 8:36 AM
Immigrants marched and "partied" in the streets of "tourist" Hollywood to demand fair immigration reform.
 immigrationjune24_001.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
A crowd of mostly immigrants marched through the heart of “tourist” Hollywood on Sunday to urge Congress to pass legislation that would expeditiously grant immigrants legal residency. Over and over marchers and speakers emphasized that undocumented immigrants have been working hard and mightily contributing to the U.S. economy for years and years, and only wished to be treated fairly, to be able to come out of the shadows and enjoy the basic human rights most of us take for granted. They say it is not acceptable, humane, or practical to wait another 10 years, as is proposed in the current legislation supported by Bush and most Democrats.
The relatively small crowd, which appeared to be 3-5 thousand, was shouting classic slogans like “Sí se puede”, “Arriba, abajo, la migra al carajo”, “El Pueblo, Unido, jamás será vencido”, and others as a couple guys banged out a cacophonous beat on a rolling drum. People marched despite the heat, and even chose to forego watching the “big game”: the championship match between the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams in the final of the Gold Cup tournament. By the way we badly need a more scientific method of y estimating crowd size to end the insane disparities that allow the news media to ignore, discredit, or dismiss the importance of a street protest by undercounting the crowd, and conversely, to avoid the tendency of organizers to sometimes exaggerate the crowd size to create the illusion of a great turnout: Estimates of the crowd at Sunday’s march ranged from 1,100 (quoted by TV reporters) to 15,000 (by activists). Must the crowd estimate be determined only by political ideology?
Marchers walked down to Sunset for a couple blocks then turned back up toward tourist-heaven Hollywood Blvd. and its “walk of fame”, “historic” Chinese theater, wax museum, “Believe it or Not” museum, and dozens of ephemeral souvenir shops. Visitors from afar stopped their sight-seeing for a few minutes and witnessed a scene from the modern-day civil rights movement: a river of pro-legalization signs and banners, and USA flags slowly flow past. Only the most hardened xenophobe could fail to be moved by the polite, but determined immigrant workers waving U.S. flags and proclaiming that they too, probably more than most citizens, appreciate the economic opportunity found in USA and ask only for the right to live “legally” and fully participate in society.
The march ended at a rally staged on Hollywood Blvd. right in front of the massive Virgin Records Store and other gleaming castles of commerce. The rally was mostly a party with live Mexican “bandas” rocking the boulevard and treating all to thunderously loud norteña music. For an hour or two the heart of Hollywood became a Mexican pueblo on fiesta day: live music, and plenty of “helados”, “hot dogs with jalapeños” and sodas to nourish mind and body.
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by Cliff Olin
Tuesday, Jun. 26, 2007 at 8:36 AM
cliffolin@sbcglobal.net 626-281-8741 103 E. Mission Rd., Alhambra, CA 91801
 immigrationjune24_002.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Let us remember the past as we forge the future.
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by Cliff Olin
Tuesday, Jun. 26, 2007 at 8:36 AM
cliffolin@sbcglobal.net 626-281-8741 103 E. Mission Rd., Alhambra, CA 91801
 immigrationjune24_003.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Mixing business with pleasure. Vendors sell drinks while marching.
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by Cliff Olin
Tuesday, Jun. 26, 2007 at 8:36 AM
cliffolin@sbcglobal.net 626-281-8741 103 E. Mission Rd., Alhambra, CA 91801
 immigrationjune24_004.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
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by KurtBrown-Saint Ram Bone-Osso Ramdella Sandel
Thursday, Jun. 28, 2007 at 6:58 AM
USA, Under Seige from Europe and Old World
The Americas should have no borders and a directive with space colonization as a goal should be implemented as a public works project, with enhanced training and enhancing of both the old and young. The USA regime is forcing injections and the border patrol at Canada and Mexico are under some sort of seige, particularly to my knowledge in Canada. We are dealing with an enemy we are not prepared to tackle without technology and sound leadership. In the end, humane governance should be the goal, not just profits. Life for profit is life of chatel eventually, slaves. Kurt Brown -- former FDIC bank examiner, tortured by the inhumane of USA government, my career ruined, a bank examiner of higher rank lays dead and falsely labeled suicide, and the attack upon myself for reporting government criminals was made worse by allegations of insanity by the criminals and their cohorts in power in the USA. It my resolve to put our enemies heads in sacks and fill the tar pits of La Brea in Los Angeles, for posterity. Mobile Audit Club, I have free art and music on the music page linked on the home page in first long row of links. Stop forced injections. Chapter 36 allows this in Arizona and Mexicans and poor americans and government informants are being tortured and robbed by the practice. You have my permission to get my 2000 dollars back from Flagstaff Medical Center, as they charge you after knocking you unconscious. They may even rape you or do forced medical procedures without your being aware of it. http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath
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by Mexica
Thursday, Jun. 28, 2007 at 8:28 AM
Beautiful photos, Cliff! For even more photos, check out: http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/06/201891.php Check out the LAPD flyer that was passed out.
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by BorderRaven
Friday, Jun. 29, 2007 at 10:22 PM
Illega-Immigrants marched and "partied" in the streets of "tourist" Hollywood to demand fair immigration reform.
But, it would not be.
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by BorderRaven
Friday, Jun. 29, 2007 at 10:22 PM
Illega-Immigrants marched and "partied" in the streets of "tourist" Hollywood to demand fair immigration reform.
But, it would not be.
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by Nazis got served!
Saturday, Jun. 30, 2007 at 10:16 AM
and fail miserably, as usual
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by BorderRaven
Saturday, Jun. 30, 2007 at 6:52 PM
A citizen asked his government for permission to express his constitutional right to walk down the street and stand in the public park in peace.
The citizen then walked down the street toward the park, only to be interrupted by other citizens, who blocked his path, threatening him with violence, if he attempted to enter the park.
The police, when seeing this, told the citizen, he could not go into the park to stand in peace.
The citizen did not get his chance to stand in the park.
The citizen did not get the opportunity to demonstrate he could stand in the park in peace.
The citizen did not commit violence, to offend the police. But, the police did arrest the citizen, and take him to jail.
The police violated the citizen's right to stand in the park in peace.
The other citizens, who had blocked the citizen's right to stand in the park, celebrated the fact that the police had violated the citizen's rights, with their assistance and approval.
The citizens have surrendered a piece of the constitutional rights of all citizens to the government.
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by Nazi punks got SERVED!
Sunday, Jul. 01, 2007 at 9:50 AM
Hey Burger Raven-ous, there's an octuple cheeseburger at In-N-Out with your name on it. GET TO IT!
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by Mexica
Monday, Jul. 02, 2007 at 8:24 PM
You're a nice well meaning white man but you killed our people. Their blood is on your hands. White guilt is not sufficient. You must leave the continent.
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by Mexica
Monday, Jul. 02, 2007 at 8:30 PM
You're a nice well meaning white man but you killed our people. Their blood is on your hands. White guilt is not sufficient. You must leave the continent.
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by Cliff Olin
Thursday, Jul. 05, 2007 at 2:00 PM
My Swedish ancestors came to the U.s. in the 1880's and "settled" in northern Illinois. None killed indigenous people, though the land they "settled" on and the resources they consumed were "stolen" from the tribes that once lived in the area, right? Well, if you trace your ancestors to Central Mexico, could a modern day Tlaxcalteco or member of another tribe long ago subjugated by the mighty Aztec nation say to you: "You killed us, you have blood on your hands because your ancestors were part of the Aztec nation that subjugated our people and demanded human offerings to be sacrificed by priest class?
Instead of going "back" to Europe, I prefer to move to Mexico to study Nahuatl and eat tlacoyos, tlayudas, esquites, quelites, tamales, atole, elotes, huitlacoche, zapotes, and other Aztec treats, while you stay here and eat wheat, milk products, beef, pork, etc. brought here by Europeans.
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