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Peta working to outlaw pets!

by Karen Friday, Jun. 15, 2007 at 9:53 PM

The real problem in California animal shelters is not too many puppies. It is too many adult dogs who are abandoned.

- Fight AB 1634!!

PETA is using this as a stepping stone to eliminate all pets.

Save Our Dogs is a grassroots effort to s

PETA is using this as a stepping stone to eliminate all pets.

Save Our Dogs is a grassroots effort to save working dogs from AB 1634, the mandatory spay/neuter bill. We strongly support their efforts and their goal and hope you will join with us to prevent this bill from passing.

The real problem in California animal shelters is not too many puppies. It is too many adult dogs who are abandoned. Mandatory spay/neuter won't make owners take responsibility for their dogs, so where is the benefit?

Mandatory s/n doesn't work, hurts working dogs and small consciencious breeders - and PETA will use it as a stepping stone to eliminate all pets. Not to mention that spay/neuter at only 4 months old - required by this bill - has serious health consequences for puppies.

Also, to produce useful working dogs, breeders must selectively breed dogs with the best demonstrated working abilities that are generally not apparent until dogs are about 1-2 years old or older. So under this bill, working abilities will gradually diminish over successive generations until they fall below the level required to do their jobs - eventually making the working dog extinct.

This bill would not even have been proposed if California dog owners had stood up against SB 861 when it was being debated not long ago. But few of you joined that fight and SB 861 passed (allowing mandatory s/n by breed). It seems that nearly all dog owners expect somebody else to take up the charge and defend their rights. If ALL OF US do not fight it, then we will be a party to the damage that will ensue.

For complete information on this bill and how to help, please visit Save Our Dogs. Thanks for your support!!
ave working dogs from AB 1634, the mandatory spay/neuter bill. We strongly support their efforts and their goal and hope you will join with us to prevent this bill from passing.

The real problem in California animal shelters is not too many puppies. It is too many adult dogs who are abandoned. Mandatory spay/neuter won't make owners take responsibility for their dogs, so where is the benefit?

Mandatory s/n doesn't work, hurts working dogs and small consciencious breeders - and PETA will use it as a stepping stone to eliminate all pets. Not to mention that spay/neuter at only 4 months old - required by this bill - has serious health consequences for puppies.

Also, to produce useful working dogs, breeders must selectively breed dogs with the best demonstrated working abilities that are generally not apparent until dogs are about 1-2 years old or older. So under this bill, working abilities will gradually diminish over successive generations until they fall below the level required to do their jobs - eventually making the working dog extinct.

This bill would not even have been proposed if California dog owners had stood up against SB 861 when it was being debated not long ago. But few of you joined that fight and SB 861 passed (allowing mandatory s/n by breed). It seems that nearly all dog owners expect somebody else to take up the charge and defend their rights. If ALL OF US do not fight it, then we will be a party to the damage that will ensue.

For complete information on this bill and how to help, please visit Save Our Dogs. Thanks for your support!!
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This bill is classist

by mutt's companion Saturday, Jun. 16, 2007 at 1:51 PM

It would outlaw the breeding of mutts. Only people who can afford to bu, and pay the often exorbitant vet bills of, a purebred dog would be entitled to the joy and the privilege of having puppies in the house for their children to love, learn from and grow with.

If this bill becomes law, and is effective, mutts would gradually disappear from California. This would be a major tragedy. Mutts are the best dogs.
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Terrible Idea

by learn2shoot Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 at 8:49 AM

This bill is terrible. While many agree that dogs should be neutered or fixed. Why do we need the government to mandate this. This is another example of the nanny state taking over our lives and freedom.
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by Flukles Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 at 1:36 PM

A lot of people take very good care of their pets--but a lot of people behave like Nazis toward pets. I can see why PETA would want to outlaw pets. It seems like a form of slavery.

I don't know if I agree that pets should be outlawed altogether (maybe), but I think at the very least pet ownership needs some kind of regulation.

Collectively, we human demonstrate very little regard for nature and other creatures on this planet.
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Roots of the animal rights movement

by learn from psat, or repeat it Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 at 3:37 PM

On November 24, 1933, the Nazis adopted the Tiershutzgestz law, and its provisions were more far reaching than any other anti-cruelty legislation that had been passed elsewhere in Europe and the United States. For one thing, it offered its protection to both domestic and wild animals. For another—as the law’s authors noted—"cruelty is no longer punished with the idea that one must protect men’s sensibility from the spectacle of cruelty toward animals, men’s interests are no longer the backdrop here, but rather it is recognized that the animal must be protected in and of itself." The rhetoric of the law’s preamble offers a glimpse into why a historian like Anna Bramwell can call the Nazis "Hitler’s ‘Green Party’."
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Animal rights: a Nazi principle

by learn from the past, or repeat it Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 at 3:41 PM

. . .

MYTH 2.13 "Animal rights is a 'progressive' philosophy"

There is nothing 'progressive' about depriving the seriously ill of medical advances. Opposition to the AR cause cuts across traditional the traditional left-right divide. Indeed, the only modern regime to enact the type of legislation demanded by the AR movement was Nazi Germany. The Nazis enthusiasm for animal rights is illustrated by the news article reproduced below (taken from the Animal Research Database cited in Section 3):

The following is a translation of document #186 in Medizin im Nationalsozialismus by Walter Wuttke-Groneberg (Rottenberg: Shwaebische Verlagsgesellschaft) 1982.

Translator's remarks and literal German words in {}.

Vivisection Forbidden in Prussia!

The New Germany leads all civilized nations in the area of animal protection!

The famous national socialist Graf E. Reventkow published in the Reichswart, the official publication of the "union of patriotic Europeans", the lead article "Protection and Rights {Recht} for the Animal". National Socialism, he writes, has for the first time in Germany begun to show Germans the importance of the individual's {italics} duty toward the animal {end italics}. Most Germans have been raised with the attitude that animals are created by God for the use and benefit of man. The church gets this idea from the Jewish tradition. We have met with not a few clerics who defend this position with utmost steadfastness and vigor, yes one could say almost brutally. Usually they defend their position with the unstated intent of deepening and widening the chasm between man who has soul and soulless (how do they know that?) animals...

The friend of animals knows to what inexpressible extent the mutual understanding between man and animal and feelings of togetherness can be developed, and there are many friends of animals in Germany, and also many who cannot accept animal torture out of simple humanitarian reasons. In general however, we still find ourselves in a desert of unfeeling and brutality as well as sadism. There is much to be done and we would first like to address vivisection, for which the words "cultural shame" do not even come close; in fact it must be viewed as a criminal activity.

Graf Reventkow presents a number of examples of beastial vivisection crimes and affirms at the end, with mention of Adolph Hitler's sharp anti-vivisectionist positions, our demand that once and for all an end has to be brought to this animal exploitation.

We German friends of animals and anti-vivisectionists have placed our hopes upon the Chancellor of the Reich and his comrades in arms who are, as we know, friends of animals. Our trust has not been betrayed!

The New Germany brings proof that it is not only the hearth but bringer of a new, higher, more refined, culture:

Vivisection, a cultural shame in the whole civilized world, against which the Best in all states have fought in vain for decades, will be banned in the New Germany!

A Reich Animal Protection Law which includes a ban on vivisection is imminent and just now comes the news, elating all friends of animals, that the greatest German state, Prussia, has outlawed vivisection with no exceptions!

The National Socialist German Workers' Party { NSDAP } press release states:

"The Prussian minister-president Goering has released a statement stating that starting 16 August 1933 vivisection of animals of all kinds is forbidden in Prussia. He has requested that the concerned ministries draft a law after which vivisection will be punished with a high penalty *). Until the law goes into effect, persons who, despite this prohibition, order, participate or perform vivisections on animals of any kind will be deported to concentration camps."

Among all civilized nations, Germany is thus the first to put an end to the cultural shame of vivisection! The New Germany not only frees man from the curse of materialism, sadism, and cultural Bolshevism, but gives the cruelly persecuted, tortured, and until now, wholly defenceless animals their rights { Recht }. Animal friends and anti-vivisectionists of all states will joyfully welcome this action of the National Socialist government of the New Germany!

What Reichschancellor Adolph Hitler and Minister-president Goering have done and will do for the protection of animals should set the course for the leaders of all civilized nations! It is a deed which will bring the New Germany innumerable new elated friends in all nations. Millions of friends of animals and anti-vivisectionists of all civilized nations thank these two leaders from their hearts for this exemplary civil deed!

Buddha, the Great loving spirit of the East, says: "He who is kind-hearted to animals, heaven will protect!" May this blessing fulfil the leaders of the New Germany, who have done great things for animals, until the end. May the blessing hand of fate protect these bringers of a New Spirit, until their godgiven earthly mission is fulfilled!


*) As we in the meantime have learned, a similar ban has been proclaimed in Bavaria. The formal laws are imminent - thanks to the energetic initiative of our Peoples' chancellor Adolph Hitler, for whom all friends of animals of the world will maintain forever their gratitude, their love, and their loyalty.

From: Die Weisse Fahne {The White Flag} 14 (1933) : 710-711.

This support for animal rights is also found in today's fascists. German neo-Nazis have used the slogan "Stop animal experiments - use Turks instead" (1).

In the UK, the animal rights policies of fascist groups have been documented by the internationally-respected anti-fascist journal Searchlight (2). A leading Green Party member was sufficiently to concerned to say that "Eco-fascism is on the march" and noted that "Despite their hatred of other races the far right have become animal lovers" (3)

A group of UK fascists aligned with Italy's neo-fascists established an AR organisation called Greenwave. Its aims include:

"Total ban on all animal experiments

Total ban on the use of animals in ANY form of entertainment

Total ban on ALL hunting or shooting of animals"

In its 4th issue, the UK AR magazine Arkangel published no less than 5 letters from members of this group and other fascists, defending the rights of fascists to take part in AR groups and spelling out their AR credentials(4).

None of this is intended to imply that *all* AR supporters are card-carrying fascists. However, it does make it clear that support for AR is certainly not 'progressive' and in fact is confined to the political fringes. No major political party of the left or right supports the AR agenda.

1) Searchlight (1988) no.161:19.

2)'The Greening of the Brownshirts' Searchlight(1989) no.165

3)' The Green Shirt Effect' Searchlight(1989) no.168:4-5

4)'They're no Arkangels' Searchlight (1991) no.189:12
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re: animal rights and Nazism

by Fluckles Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2007 at 11:39 AM

I was aware that modern Germany had more reverence for nature than Americans, but I did not know that part about the Nazi history. Very interesting.

I'm still not convinced that animal rights "extremists" and Nazism are inherently inclusive (though I'll continue to study the info. you posted).

Many people argue persuasively that this country is tilting toward fascism, yet I don't see any connection between PETA and post-9/11 hysteria or corporate oppression. And our collective treatment of animals (especially those that are non-human) is pretty horrendous.

But supposing that PETA's views are conducive to Nazism, does that mean we're stuck with a choice between Nazism and the society we have? That's not a very good choice, IMO--especially since this country murdered at least three time the number of Native Americans than the Nazis did Jews, and is there a death count for murders in the slave trade?

"No major political party of the left or right supports the AR agenda."

I've pretty much given up on the Democrats and am becoming convinced that even the Greens can at best keep civilization/humankind on life support.

Anyway, there was a time when abolishing human slavery wasn't mainstream either.

I'll continue to study the info. you provided. I may not come to the same conclusion as you, but I do appreciate the info. you posted.
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Excuse me, but

by Animal guy Monday, Dec. 10, 2007 at 10:15 PM

There's not even a MENTION of PETA in this article, or at the link you provided.

What kind of smear and scare job are you trying to pull, here?
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do we need anymore?

by neonazis never quit Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007 at 3:40 AM

Can anyone not doubt the level of depravity this twisted cult of pro-"Palestinian" neo-nazism displays through its psychopathic advocates?
Thanks S_D, you sick scrunt and cunt.
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