This is info on Telemundo tv news. the homepage (in Spanish):
I don't read Spanish so perhaps someone can locate better links.
This is the page for recent VIDEO news footage:
and one segemnet of VIDEO of the LAPD attack is on the list on the right of the above page. When you click the topic it plays on the same page.
The footage speaks for itself. Police attack indicriminately. Shameful!
It is hard for people to understand the fascist nature our govenment has taken on, until it is presented like this. They are violating a basic constitutional right to gather peacefully by dispersing the people at this rally. I hope people will see this for the racism that it is, and its cultural war against Mexican immigrants, those of Mexican descent and people who have anti-conservative politics. These LAPD police are the foot soliders of those in power with a racist agenda. There is really no other way to put it. Such as the brutality of African regimes that send their soliders to kill innocent civilians, the brutality that is demonstrated by the LAPD if left unchecked has the potential to escalate into increased violence. The LAPD needs to be brought down. I hope you will elect the right people to do this for you. Seen in New Mexico.
I would like to know why the spanish speaking news media are so quick to defend the illegals. Why don't they report about the illegals that were caught stealing truckloads of merchandise donated to the fire victims and reselling them. there's two sides to this issue. be fair!! And where is villaregosa?