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by William Hughes
Monday, Apr. 16, 2007 at 4:35 AM
Sam Zell, a multibillionaire and “committed Zionist,” will soon gain control of the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Baltimore Sun, and 23 TV stations. Zell, an AIPAC supporter, has promised he won’t interfere with the news sections of any of the media outlets. I think he’s another Mortimer B. Zuckerman of the NY Daily News, who pushed for the Iraqi War. America--prepare for a “Dark Age!”
![The Zell[in...]( the_republic_is_not_for_sale.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
“The Press is Free, but for Whom? - Oswald Spengler When I was in high school back in the early 50s, I delivered the Baltimore Evening Sun newspaper to homes in my South Baltimore neighborhood. This was the afternoon edition of the Baltimore Morning Sun, a paper that traced its history back to 1837. Over the years, the Sun has gone through a few sea changes. In 1986, it was sold by the Gary Black Sr. Family to the Times Mirror Co., which was later acquired by the Tribune Co. Now, in an extremely complicated deal, Sam Zell, a mouthy real estate mogul, will soon gain a controlling interest in the Tribune Co, the parent of the Baltimore Sun. He will also dominate a host of other prized newspapers, like: the Chicago Tribune, the LA Times and Newsday; along with a major league baseball team, the Chicago Cubs; and 23 TV stations, across the country. Question: Is the Zell[ing] out of the Sun going to be good for its readers? Sam Zell is “a committed Zionist,” according to his rabbi. He's moving up fast from a Mega-landlord to a Press Lord! So, who is he? Well, his image makers portray him as: “A self-made billionaire, who prefers leather to suits and ties; motorcycles to limousines; and a game of paint ball to a ballet fundraiser.” (1) Then add this: “[He’s] a strong philanthropic backer of “both Israel and the Israeli support association in the U.S.--AIPAC.” (2) Another source describes Zell as: “America’s largest real estate developer...with assets under his control of $350 billion." (3 Try this one: “a very astute reader of foreign affairs.” (4) estimated Zell’s worth at $4.5 billion, in 2006. Wow! What a resume! What a guy! Zell has promised that he won’t get involved in the running of the news departments of any of the media outlets that he is acquiring. Well, we’ve heard that one before! Take one notable example of Zionist-Owner-Media types, who has repeatedly crossed the line--Mortimer B. Zuckerman. He owns the NY Daily News and the USN&WR. On March 10, 2003, ten days before the Iraqi War was launched, he wrote: Iraq's Saddam Hussein has “a robust nuclear- weapon program.” He also ranted that the failure to take out Saddam’s regime “will only cause the danger to grow.” Reading Zuckerman is like listening to a warmongering rant from one of those Likudnuts in the Knesset. The title of his piece, which appeared in the USN&WR was: “The High Price of Waiting.” In another article, he claimed that Saddam and Osama bin Laden were "blood brothers." Thanks to Neocons and War Hawks, like Zuckerman, over 655,000 Iraqis are now dead, 3,297 U.S. troops have sacrificed their lives, and our country has wasted $418 billion and counting. If you’re waiting for the arrogant Zuckerman to apologize for his off-the-wall spiels don’t hold your breath. With respect to Zell gaining control of the Sun, Timothy A. Franklin, its present editor said: “For our long-term credibility, it’s vital that we remain an ‘independent’ news operation that doesn’t curry favor or protect sacred cows.” (5) But, then there is this opposing, I believe, more realistic view to consider: “Ken Reich, a former Los Angeles Times reporter, who operates a blog about the paper, said he assumes that Zell will shape the policy of his papers to some degree. ‘If he cares about the State of Israel, he won’t want his newspaper to be out there chipping away at Israeli interests,’ said Reich, who reported mostly on politics during his 39 years at the Times. Reich said that at the Times, shifting the editorial policy would require only that Zell be consulted in the hiring of the new editorial page editor—a position that was recently vacated. ‘It would not take very much tweaking by him to sharply alter the Times editorial policy on the Middle East, Reich said. ‘I tend to expect this to happen.’” (4) At one time, besides the Black family owning the Sun, the LA Times was controlled by the Chandler clan, and the Chicago Tribune was dominated by the McCormick dynasty. All three of these owners, despite their faults, which were numerous, persistently put America’s interest first and not the interest of any foreign based entity. Keep in mind, that Zionism is a political, alien-based ideology, global in scope, racially restricted, and with its spiritual headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, and not Washington, DC. Add to that definition, the fact that Zell is a "committed Zionist," and you end up with this word in caps: TROUBLE! One of Zell’s favorite columnists is that raving Neocon ideologue, Charles Krauthammer. (4) Now, doesn’t that make you want to vomit? I suppose it could have been worse. He could have said William Kristol! If Zell takes over the Sun, expect to see Krauthammer, Douglas Feith and Benjamin Netanyahu's bylines on its Op Ed Pages. They will fit in perfectly with whacky Cal Thomas, whose column regularly appears on that page now. The Sun's news coverage on the Middle East over the years has been better than average. Its editorials, however, have been weak, and its Op Ed Page, a closed shop. It’s almost like Richard Perle, the Mother of All Neocons, has been in charge of that section. If Paul Wolfowitz, the prime architect of the Iraqi War, gets pushed out of his World Bank sinecure because of his "girlfriend scandal," don't be too surprised if he ends up an editor at one of Zell's news organs. I always wonder when I read about fat cat Zionists, like Zell, why THEY don't support Israel themselves? That way Israel could stop dipping its greedy hands into the fast fading resources of the American taxpayers. The U.S. Congress, in response to the powerful Israel Lobby, insists on extracting $3 to $4 billion a year out of our treasury to subsidize the Zionist state. Our national debt now stands at a staggering $8.9 trillion. It doesn’t seem fair to me. I think that U.S. freebees to Israel should be terminated once and for all. I also believe that the aid can’t be justified on any rational grounds, and that the $140 billions of dollars given to Israel, since 1967, should be repaid, with interest. The only thing Israel has been good for is making more enemies in the Islamic World for America. (6) Every time I think about what the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) did to the men of the USS Liberty and to Rachel Corrie, I want to kick its Ambassador out of the USA. I agree with Professors Stephen M. Walt and John J. Mearsheimer that supporting Israel isn’t in our “national interest.” The antics of that Zionist fink traitor Jonathan Pollard should have taught us that much. I say: Israel should pay back that $140-billion back, now! (7) During the summer of 2006, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) created a hell on earth for the Palestinians trapped in Occupied Gaza. They also invaded Lebanon, where civilians were again massacred at Qana, and over a million cluster bombs were dropped on that unfortunate country. (8) A rally, on July 25th, was held in downtown Baltimore to cheerlead the Israeli offensive. Rep. Ben Cardin, now a U.S. Senator, and Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley, now Maryland's Governor, appeared at the event to shamelessly promote the brutal Israeli offensive. The Sun did cover a protest rally opposing Israel's conduct and also printed a number of letters that were critical of Israel, O'Malley and Cardin. (9) Will that kind of balanced coverage happen in a similar event in the future, if Zell gains control of the Sun? I seriously doubt it! There was another published report that also gave me pause about Zell. On April 4, 2007, the Sun's Phil Rosenthal related how the mogul unmercifully screamed at an official of the Tribune Co, Crane Kennedy, about the need to quickly close the deal. According to the account, a raging "Zell tore into the lawyer with a stream of blunt, earthy verbiage so seldom heard among Tribune executives that it quickly became the stuff of legend throughout the Tribune Tower." (10) Obviously, this is part of Zell, the landlord's m.o. I could just imagine how often he has pulled that same bullying stunt in the past with a hapless tenant who was behind in his rent. So, the notion that Zell, the Press Lord, won't be pushy, too, with editors who don't exactly toe the Zionist line, I think, is pure fancy. What you see with Zell is what you get! Finally, if Zell, the “committed Zionist,” gains control over the important media outlets cited above, I predict the beginning of a “Dark Age” for America. The lights will first go out in Baltimore, Los Angeles and Chicago. It's true the media is a commodity to be bought and sold. The American Republic, however, is the property of the people, purchased with the blood and sacrifices of our ancestors going back to 1776. It's not for sale! Although the deal to purchase the news assets isn’t finalized--there are some more hoops for the mogul to jump through--the chances are that Zell, a zealot for Zionist Israel and its present Extreme Right Wing regime, will come out on top. If so, don't say you weren't warned! Notes: 1. FT.Com, 04/07/07, Doug Cameron and Joshua Chaffin. 2. 3. 4. 5. “Sun’s Parent Agrees to Sell for $8.2 Billion,” The Sun, April 3, 2007, by Hanah Cho and Nick Madigan. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. "Blunt Zell Makes His Point," April 4, 2007, Baltimore Sun. © William Hughes 2007. William Hughes is the author of “Saying ‘No’ to the War Party” (IUniverse, Inc.). He can be reached at
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by johnk
Monday, Apr. 16, 2007 at 11:00 AM
Fourth paragraph from the bottom: "I always wonder when I read about fat cat Zionists, like Zell, why THEY don't support Israel themselves? That way Israel could stop dipping its greedy hands into the fast fading resources of the American taxpayers." That's a racist characterization there, to anthropomorphize entire nations as if they were individuals. It's also like blaming Lockheed and Hughes for our huge war budget. The lobbies for both Israel and the war companies are strong, but our government and American greed, and greed for oil, are the reasons why we spend this money. If America were to stop paying for their goods and services, these entities would whither. The goods and services provided are obvious: "security", aka, military power to protect capital interests in the region. This is no different from capital interests in Asia, Africa, and South America. It's not really that different from paying for the local police to protect "you" (aka, your property) from "violence" (aka, thievery or expropriation). The point of the debt is interesting. Generally speaking, the people who own the debt tend to influence what the country will do. Our huge national debt isn't held by Israel. Two thirds is held by middle class and wealthy Americans, in pension funds, or directly as bonds. A third of it is owed to "the world", or more specifically, Japan, China, and the UK who own the plurality of the debl. [see ] Given the diversity of interests, and the fact that much of it is held domestically by capital, the assumption is that the debt will encourage economic growth. That growth will need to be harmonized with the goals of capitalists in Japan, China, and the UK. (Note that Israel holds $10 bil, while the OPEC nations hold $55 bil. and both are insignficant.) If there's any country likely to influence our Middle Eastern policy, it's the UK. The UK used to own the oil fields in Iraq and Iran. [See ]. British Petroleum (aka, BP, aka Arco) was instrumental in allowing the UK to carry out WW1, and was the reason for the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran. However, the UK isn't the main reason we're in Iraq, supporting Israel, or anything else. It's a combination of events and influences, and paramount among them is the growth of capital accumulation -- the erosion of the so-called "middle class" and wage stagnation. Large accumulations of capital demand "investment" -- that's to say, the capital is converted to cash, and used to purchase other capital that is "undervalued" or can be "developed" into more profitable capital. During the "go-go" 90s, capital influenced the post-Gulf-War bombing of Iraq. The goal of the bombing was explicit -- to gain submission from Iraq. To instill fear, we kept bombing them. This helped to destroy their infrastructure. The constant destruction of the country inevitably caused Iraq to be "undervalued." It was only a matter of time before more aggressive capitalists (influenced by Ahmad Chalabi, a banker), used their capital resources to push for a "takeover" of Iraq. It was a form of "investment." They tried to do it in Haiti. They're trying to do it to Cuba, and when Castro dies, they will try again. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is how it works in Indonesia. It's also happening in Israel. What were the settlements, except another form of racist "gentrification". Starve the living, and then force them out to "improve" the place. (It's like a fractal, where the pattern appears over and over, whether you look at it from afar, up close, or with a magnifying glass.)
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by Chicagoan
Monday, Apr. 16, 2007 at 1:04 PM
roknich (at)
I can't help but wonder if Zell is related to the Zell who was the patner of the law firm that continued to pay Douglas Fieth $50,000/yr to help undermine the Camp David accord even while Doug continued on as one of Rumsfeld's top policy people at the pentagon.
When the connection was publicized, Fieth immediately disappeared. Fieth is also involved in the larger scandal surrounding the dealings of Lord Black in Chicago.
When Sam Zell sold his office real estate holdings, he sold them to a cabal named "Blackstone" which is run by ex- Iran Contra luminaries and other warmongers including Frank Carlucci. The best coverage of the deal is of course in The Economist - and Blackstone group gets a send-off by one of their former accountants if you care to look up "Sightings form the Catbird Seat".
Blackstone, part of the "club of the invisible government" now owns the Watergate Hotel - a luxury hotel famous for the illegal CIA break in that felled Nixon.
The article above is a bit to obviously biased and speculative. Perhaps we should digg a bit deeper to find out exctly who Zell is - he is NOT one of the "raving media owners" cited above - he did sell off his holdings to a bunch of right-winger thieves, only because they prevailed in a heated bidding war for his brilliantly assembled empire of office rental properties.
What he does with the Tribune, Sun, and LA Times will be interesting, but won't bring the nation to its knees.
More research is needed.
- Dave
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by Israel First
Tuesday, Apr. 17, 2007 at 8:20 PM
The Israeli lobby AIPAC counts on your ignorance. Iraq, Palestine, Neocons - how all of it ties together can be found in this report entitled "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy". A condensed version can be found here at the London Review of Books. JOIN US IN THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ISRAELI APARTHEID TERRORISM Take Action, sign on to the letter at political action and tell Congress to stop using your tax dollars to support apartheid terrorism. For further political action and information see: --- --- --- --- --- --- What the Media hopes that you never learn about the apartheid terror state of Israel… Important informational websites: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Israeli terrorism in pictures … Christian organizations that oppose the Zionist apartheid terror regime: --- --- --- --- --- Jewish organizations that oppose the Zionist apartheid terror regime: --- --- --- --- --- --- The Israeli lobby AIPAC counts on your ignorance. Iraq, Palestine, Neocons - how all of it ties together can be found in this report entitled "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy". A condensed version can be found here at the London Review of Books. See the Stop AIPAC site… EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THE DOCUMENTARY “TERROR STORM” BY ALEX JONES. It exposes Government sponsored terrorism, False Flag Operations, the Pro-War Zionist Media and The New World Order. Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks and psychological operations (psy-ops) against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them. TerrorStorm reveals how, in the last hundred years, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors. This powerful documentary explores the mindset of the average brainwashed Westerner. It delves deeply into the systems of control which have been scientifically-crafted to imprison their minds and keep their eyes closed to the realities of the world around them. Alex Jones has agreed to let everyone see “Terror Storm” under not for profit and for educational purposes free of charge. Jones should be commended for exposing the New World Order on such a large scale. His website is A Must See Film…TERROR STORM… "The DVD Of The Resistance": Watch Free, Spread The Word! Please help us get Terror Storm to as many people as possible! Terror Storm can also be viewed on-line here… What is a False Flag? …Committing an atrocious act and then blaming it on another party or nation. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity and have someone else fight your battles for you. Will America demand that Israel surrender its illegal nuclear weapons and other WMDs before it can detonate one in the United States under another False Flag Operation? Sign the Petition Opposing An Attack on Iran! JOIN THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT Join us in the streets and halls of Congress as we protest war and occupation! Sign up for the political action alerts at and IMPEACH BUSH THE WAR CRIMINAL What CNN and FOX would rather you not see or know anything about… Note: The mainstream media refuses to address and fairly report on the tragic events in the Holyland which is Palestine, this in spite of the fact that it is the most important issue on the global stage. Resist The Corporate Owned Pro-War Zionist Media’s 24/7 Campaign To Brainwash And Manipulate The American Public. Render Them Irrelevant. Get Your News Uncensored and Unfiltered From Independent Sources. Listen to Amy Goodman’s show everyday… a must. Important and Vital: Find A Pacifica Network Station Near You. Listen to Democracy Now with Amy Goodman and support the station that carries it… SPOON-FED NEWS CAUSES BLINDNESS FOX and CNN 24 / 7 propaganda machines are undermining objective media. Take action: Call your cable provider and tell them that they have 30 days to carry the Al Jazeera “English” Channel on “basic cable” and if they refuse to, boycott them by cancelling their service. “If everybody watches CNN, what does CNN watch? The Al Jazeera English Channel.” Friends of Al Jazeera BOTH REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT PARTIES SUPPORT ISRAELI APARTHEID TERRORISM AND THEIR MEMBERS RECEIVE MONEY FROM AIPAC INFLUENCED PRO WAR PRO ISRAEL PACS. See AIPAC Influenced Pro-Israel, Pro-War PAC Contributions to 2006 Congressional Candidates… Vote for the Party of Peace and Justice. The Green Party USA … It bears mentioning that no Green Party USA candidate is supported by the Neo-con pro war AIPAC lobby. See Your “Representatives” in Congress are supposed to work for YOU not lobbies of evil foreign regimes. Call or write them today. Tell them to stop all aid to the apartheid terror state of Israel… Call U.S. Capitol… 202.225.3121 E-mail Your U.S. House Representative (you have only one)… E-mail Your U.S. Senators (you have only two)… White House… 202-456-1414 White House… FAX: 202-456-2461 E-MAIL… David Ben-Gurion told Nahum Goldmann, the president of the World Jewish Congress: “If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country . . . We come from Israel, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?” Must reads: Beyond Chutzspah, by Finkelstein. A Pretext For War, by Bamford. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Simons. Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President, by J.H. Hatfield. Must see: Rachel - An American Conscience, Barakat. “In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell "The people will believe what the media tells them they believe." - George Orwell Please copy, e-mail, re-post and distribute this as widely as possible. Also for those without Internet access.
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by Israel First
Tuesday, Apr. 17, 2007 at 8:20 PM
The Israeli lobby AIPAC counts on your ignorance. Iraq, Palestine, Neocons - how all of it ties together can be found in this report entitled "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy". A condensed version can be found here at the London Review of Books. JOIN US IN THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ISRAELI APARTHEID TERRORISM Take Action, sign on to the letter at political action and tell Congress to stop using your tax dollars to support apartheid terrorism. For further political action and information see: --- --- --- --- --- --- What the Media hopes that you never learn about the apartheid terror state of Israel… Important informational websites: --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Israeli terrorism in pictures … Christian organizations that oppose the Zionist apartheid terror regime: --- --- --- --- --- Jewish organizations that oppose the Zionist apartheid terror regime: --- --- --- --- --- --- The Israeli lobby AIPAC counts on your ignorance. Iraq, Palestine, Neocons - how all of it ties together can be found in this report entitled "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy". A condensed version can be found here at the London Review of Books. See the Stop AIPAC site… EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THE DOCUMENTARY “TERROR STORM” BY ALEX JONES. It exposes Government sponsored terrorism, False Flag Operations, the Pro-War Zionist Media and The New World Order. Throughout history, criminal elements inside governments have carried out terror attacks and psychological operations (psy-ops) against their own populations as a pretext to enslave them. TerrorStorm reveals how, in the last hundred years, Western leaders have repeatedly murdered their own citizens while posing as their saviors. This powerful documentary explores the mindset of the average brainwashed Westerner. It delves deeply into the systems of control which have been scientifically-crafted to imprison their minds and keep their eyes closed to the realities of the world around them. Alex Jones has agreed to let everyone see “Terror Storm” under not for profit and for educational purposes free of charge. Jones should be commended for exposing the New World Order on such a large scale. His website is A Must See Film…TERROR STORM… "The DVD Of The Resistance": Watch Free, Spread The Word! Please help us get Terror Storm to as many people as possible! Terror Storm can also be viewed on-line here… What is a False Flag? …Committing an atrocious act and then blaming it on another party or nation. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity and have someone else fight your battles for you. Will America demand that Israel surrender its illegal nuclear weapons and other WMDs before it can detonate one in the United States under another False Flag Operation? Sign the Petition Opposing An Attack on Iran! JOIN THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT Join us in the streets and halls of Congress as we protest war and occupation! Sign up for the political action alerts at and IMPEACH BUSH THE WAR CRIMINAL What CNN and FOX would rather you not see or know anything about… Note: The mainstream media refuses to address and fairly report on the tragic events in the Holyland which is Palestine, this in spite of the fact that it is the most important issue on the global stage. Resist The Corporate Owned Pro-War Zionist Media’s 24/7 Campaign To Brainwash And Manipulate The American Public. Render Them Irrelevant. Get Your News Uncensored and Unfiltered From Independent Sources. Listen to Amy Goodman’s show everyday… a must. Important and Vital: Find A Pacifica Network Station Near You. Listen to Democracy Now with Amy Goodman and support the station that carries it… SPOON-FED NEWS CAUSES BLINDNESS FOX and CNN 24 / 7 propaganda machines are undermining objective media. Take action: Call your cable provider and tell them that they have 30 days to carry the Al Jazeera “English” Channel on “basic cable” and if they refuse to, boycott them by cancelling their service. “If everybody watches CNN, what does CNN watch? The Al Jazeera English Channel.” Friends of Al Jazeera BOTH REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT PARTIES SUPPORT ISRAELI APARTHEID TERRORISM AND THEIR MEMBERS RECEIVE MONEY FROM AIPAC INFLUENCED PRO WAR PRO ISRAEL PACS. See AIPAC Influenced Pro-Israel, Pro-War PAC Contributions to 2006 Congressional Candidates… Vote for the Party of Peace and Justice. The Green Party USA … It bears mentioning that no Green Party USA candidate is supported by the Neo-con pro war AIPAC lobby. See Your “Representatives” in Congress are supposed to work for YOU not lobbies of evil foreign regimes. Call or write them today. Tell them to stop all aid to the apartheid terror state of Israel… Call U.S. Capitol… 202.225.3121 E-mail Your U.S. House Representative (you have only one)… E-mail Your U.S. Senators (you have only two)… White House… 202-456-1414 White House… FAX: 202-456-2461 E-MAIL… David Ben-Gurion told Nahum Goldmann, the president of the World Jewish Congress: “If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country . . . We come from Israel, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?” Must reads: Beyond Chutzspah, by Finkelstein. A Pretext For War, by Bamford. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Simons. Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President, by J.H. Hatfield. Must see: Rachel - An American Conscience, Barakat. “In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell "The people will believe what the media tells them they believe." - George Orwell Please copy, e-mail, re-post and distribute this as widely as possible. Also for those without Internet access.
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by reader
Wednesday, Apr. 18, 2007 at 12:38 PM
johnk: "It's also happening in Israel. What were the settlements, except another form of racist "gentrification". Starve the living, and then force them out to "improve" the place. "
Please clarify what you meant. Bear in mind that indigenous Jews were totally driven out of places like Jenin, Hebron and East Jerusalem to name three between Aug 1929 and 1949 only to witness Arab migrant workers from neighboring countries settle on their property. Was the previous rendition of "the territories" not anti-Jewish racism? Or does something count as racism only when Jews benefit?
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by Challenge Christian Zionist group "CUFI&
Wednesday, Apr. 18, 2007 at 2:25 PM
Thanks for all those linx! Here's another favorite, a Christian anti-Zionist group calling themselves "Challenging Christian Zionism".. CCZ's latest project is "CUFI Watch", CUFI (Christians United For Israel) is John Hagee's evangelical group of pro-Israeli hardliners that uses their evangelical pulpit to further endorse funding militarism and additional Jewish settlements in Israel. Any peaceful settlements between Israel and Palestine, Lebanon and/or Iran is strongly discouraged by these psuedo-Christian Zionists bent on bringing the Second Coming to the Middle East. All their dispensationalist interpretations of Revelations is in efforts to relocate Jewish people from the world over into the occupied territories of Israel/Palestine. This relocation of Jews to occupied Palestine is a recipe for a humanitarian disaster, with a potential for genocide disguised as "Rapture" (religious Holy War, forced conversion, etc..) in the not so distant future (are Christian Zionists of today attempting to complete what Hitler's Nazi regime began in pre-WW2 Germany??).. "The Second Coming [aka "Rapture"] has always raised an awkward theological hurdle in Hagee’s quarter-century of cheerleading for Israel. Even in his disputed reading of the Bible, there are only rapture provisions for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour. For this audience, sprinkled with Jewish dignitaries, Hagee chose to focus on a more diplomatic, short-term action plan?—?one he unveiled last February when he summoned four evangelical pastors, including Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, to San Antonio to recruit a grassroots lobby called Christians United for Israel. [CUFI] This summer, as Israeli jets pounded Iranian-backed Hezbollah forces in southern Lebanon, killing an estimated 900 civilians, 3,500 of Hagee’s evangelical conscripts descended on the US capital to demand that Congress stand in solidarity with Israel. Any calls for a ceasefire ignored “God’s foreign policy statement” for the Jewish people, Hagee told the Washington crowd. “Leave Israel alone. Let them do the job.” No matter that such solidarity might fuel new waves of Islamic terrorism or, as Hagee details in Jerusalem Countdown, lead to a pre-emptive Israeli strike against Tehran’s nuclear installations, which risks igniting the final-days fuse. “I challenge you to be bold, be fearless,” he exhorted his Toronto audience. “Christians, stand up and speak up for Israel.” " FULL ARTICLE @; (*- Christians United for Israel is a pro-Israel lobby group headed by TV evangelist John Hagee.") Other anti-Zionist Christians call themselves "preterists" and are in direct opposition to the Christian Zionist dispensationalist evangelicals. Christian preterists generally believe that the so-called "Rapture" and Second Coming were past events (circa 70 AD), that dispensationalist Zionist groups like CUFI misinterpret the Bible and use their Rapture dogma to justify the continued human rights violations of apartheid Israel.. However, Christian preterists do not own cable TV stations like dispensationalist Christian Zionist Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), so the preterist's message is not heard as loud & clear as Zionists' propaganda. The US policy makers in the GW Bush regime are content to subsidize the massive CBN so long as it sing the praises of Israel, "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." is the essential motto of CBN's dispensationalists. All of CBN's holy war "Rapture" rhetoric fits in well with the agenda of multinational petroleum corporations, with Israel as the armed nuclear outpost of US imperialism; Here's some quotes from the preterist website; "Village Voice: In Line for the Rapture "The Apostolic Congress, a Christian Zionist movement, has some attentive ears in the White House. How much influence do they wield on American policy in Israel?" Affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church, the Apostolic Congress is part of an important and disciplined political constituency courted by recent Republican administrations. As a subset of the broader Christian Zionist movement, it has a lengthy history of opposition to any proposal that will not result in what it calls a "one-state solution" in Israel." Baltimore.:Messing with Texas - "Like many born-again Christians, DeLay believes strongly in the end times. DeLay sees the West Bank as the ancient kingdoms of Samaria and Judea, which must be reunited before the second coming. He openly opposed Bush's "road map to peace" as too soft on the Palestinians." Bizarro Bush "Get ready for the Rapture, my friends, and make sure you pull that lever and vote Republican – because if you don't, then we'll be spared the fulfillment of all those dire Biblical prophecies, and the Second Coming will be delayed. Yes, the Rapturists are crazed enough to believe that human intervention can have an effect on the timing." " many other quotes found @ dispensationalist dementia database; Why does all this religion matter to non-Christians? Let's say that many people are either Hindu, Buddist, athiest, agnostic, animist or pagan (ie., various Earth-centered indigenous spirituality), why should any of this dispute between Christian sects matter? We don't believe in the Bible, let alone try to interpret it literally like both the Christian Zionists and the Christian preterists do! Well, if nuclear war breaks out in the Middle East between the Zionist Judeo-Christians and the Moslems, then it certainly would matter!! Why then do the US policy makers in the GW Bush regime take the interpretations of the Christian Zionists as factual while declaring unanimous opposition to the Christian preterists? From a logical standpoint, either both sides should gain equal footing in the debate, or neither side should be allowed any influence in US foreign policy. Yet today under GW Bush, we witness 100% agreement with Christian Zionists and 0% agreement with Christian preterists!! That is certainly a very imbalanced violation of the separation of church and state, protected by the US Constitution!! To sum up, the Christian Zionists (CUFI, CBN, etc..) are the other half of AIPAC, exerting tremendous pressure on US foreign policy decisions about Israel/Palestine. So long as US policy makers are operating under the influence of dogmatic propaganda dispensed by Christian Zionists, peace between Israelis and Palestinians isn't going to be found anywhere on the road map.. Nuclear war = Christian Zionist's man-made "Rapture".
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