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by Josh
Friday, Nov. 17, 2006 at 5:24 PM
UCLA police go way overboard when a student fails to show his student ID in the library.
A student was shot multiple times in the library on UCLA campus on Tuesday, Nov. 14. A community service officer (library security guard) was making regular rounds at the library, randomly asking students to show their student ID in order to enforce the school's policy allowing only UCLA students in the library after 11 PM. Mostafa Tabatabainejad, for an unknown reason, did not show his student ID and was asked to leave. Several minutes later the community service officer returned with campus police. Witnesses report that Mostafa had his backpack on and was leaving when campus police approached him. One officer grabbed Mostafa's arm at which point Mostafa told the officer to let him go. Mostafa continued to tell the officers to get off of him, instead they fired their Tazers. Mostafa dropped to the floor screaming and yelled "I have a medical condition." Officers then asked him to stand up, when he didn't they shot him again with the Tazer. He and the officers made slow progress towards the building's exit, Mostafa being tazered several times along the way.
Students who asked for the officer's names and badge numbers were threatened with tazers.
intense cameraphone video:
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by student
Friday, Nov. 17, 2006 at 5:55 PM
This needs to be on the front page right now!
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by Ban tasers Now
Friday, Nov. 17, 2006 at 6:45 PM
This is not the first time this has happened, but it IS the first time we have video.
There should be a protest in front of the campus PD station as soon as possible.
These are our demands:
That the use of tasers by campus PD be banned.
That the officers responsible be suspended immediately pending criminal investigation.
That the university pay for all medical and psychological costs incurred by the victim of the taser.
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by student
Friday, Nov. 17, 2006 at 10:07 PM
No Taser Guns PLEASE!
Date: Friday, November 17, 2006 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Venue: Kerckhoff Steps on BruinWalk
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by FYI
Friday, Nov. 17, 2006 at 10:26 PM
![Enhanced still from ...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2006/11/enemy-of-the-people.jpg) enemy-of-the-people.jpg, image/jpeg, 293x423
In a police state, the police are the enemy of the people.
Point 1: The Oxford Dictionary definition of torture is as follows:
Torture: noun, infliction of severe bodily pain as punishment or means of persuasion
Point 2: The 8th amendment of the constitution of the United States:
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflected.
Point 3: The specifications of the model X26E taser.
Peak open circuit arcing voltage: 50,000 V Peak loaded voltage: 1,200 V Wave form: Complex shaped pulse Pulse rate: 19 PPS Pulse duration: 100 microseconds The trigger activates a 5-second cycle. The cycle can be stopped by placing the safety lever in the “S” position. Current: 2.1 mA average Energy per pulse, Nominal at main capacitors: 0.36 joules Delivered into load: 0.07 joules
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by FYI
Friday, Nov. 17, 2006 at 10:56 PM
![More Stills from the...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2006/11/enemies-of-the-people-1.jpg) enemies-of-the-people-1.jpg, image/jpeg, 459x343
The most dangerous criminal is one with a badge.
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by FYI
Friday, Nov. 17, 2006 at 11:00 PM
![Video shows 2nd phon...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2006/11/2nd-phone-cam.jpg) 2nd-phone-cam.jpg, image/jpeg, 565x368
Any way to get video from this 2nd cam?
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by All cops look alike to me
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 at 12:00 AM
Any word on the cops names? All cops look alike to me so please check out this link and compare with photos above. http://www.ucpd.ucla.edu/ucpd/officer_of_the_year_2005.htm
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by hex
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 at 4:08 AM
> Current: 2.1 mA average
I've been shocked with 1,200 VAC @ > 1,000 mA
3 or 4 times
(500 times stronger than a taser and 25,000 times more likely to cause ventricular fibrillation/cardiac arrest because it's 60.Hz AC power. This is about the same amount of power they use to execute people in the electric chair, and it starts to cook you like a hot dog in a short time)
My arm was kinda sore for a few days each time it happened..
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by Victim of Violence
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 at 4:35 AM
UC Santa Cruz, October 18th, 2006 Victims of Violence: When UC Police Attack http://indybay.org/newsitems/2006/10/22/18322461.php Solidarity from Santa Cruz! I know what happened at UCLA in this video is very much different from the October 18th, 2006, protest at UCSC against the UC Regents, but I want to further show the rise of police violence within the UC system. UCSC Community Confronts Regents, Cops Respond with Violence, Pepper-Spray http://indybay.org/newsitems/2006/10/20/18321848.php
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by .
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 at 10:47 AM
i am of african in america , and NO ''criminal'' has ever put bodily damage on me , but POLICE have, permanent damage to me
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by tom in manhattan
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 at 3:21 PM
Cant believe those kids just stand there and dont really step in. Could have at least chucked books at the cops forcing them to move out. Bunch of 20 yo punks just standing their.....then again they are the seeds of the Bush years. Obey!
Stand up!
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by Fredric L. Rice
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 at 4:08 PM
Without a doubt the fascists responsible for this assault and torture won't spend a single day or single hour in prison. Bet? Anyone?
This is what Republican fascism has brought Amerikkka to.
An uprising and revolution is long over due.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 at 4:14 PM
I sent the office responsible an inquiry asking if they knew the identity of the perps, and asking that the office divulges the perps' identities.
The office has refused to respond, an act that indicates overwhelmingly an admission of guilt.
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by huh?
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 at 5:17 PM
Both parties are property parties and anti- democratic. They serve only wealth. Pay attention, Fred.
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by hex
Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 at 10:52 PM
when I see a zapper at the store I use it on the base of my thumb and move my thumb back & forth while zapping it to show it has no effect on me
many people are scared of electricity and they react more on a psychological level than any real physical level -
I discharged a capacitor "at" one man (held it out towards him a few feet away from him) - he panicked and told the police I attacked him :)
they didn't believe him though..
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by johnk
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 4:13 AM
Come on hex. You don't expect anyone to believe your argument that the stun gun had no effect, do you?
They probably put it right into his side and zapped him, causing his muscles to convulse like a frog leg on a battery. That's how they're supposed to use it. The shock of being out of control of his muscles probably freaked him out.
I would assume they had a stun gun and baton or flashlight combo, so they could have struck him hard as they delivered the shock.
If they ran the circuit across his thumb, he'd have felt as little effect as you did.
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by hex
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 5:22 AM
it's a set amount of current, the less muscle it goes through the more effect it has - I use the
base of my thumb because that's the meatiest part of my hand and the thumb is separate from the
fingers which tend to move together
I can do the same *anywhere* - that's simply not enough current to bother me
We've all seen stories about how the suspect/perp was "stunned repeatedly but it had no effect"
I'm one of those people it has no effect on..
the word torture was tossed out on this event - something that has no effect on some people
doesn't seem like torture to me, torture implies the use of something that would affect anyone
at least to some extent
and now the story is being embellished with "blows from batons, etc" - well that would effect anyone -
people react much the same to THAT
electricity however doesn't effect everyone - some people are virtually unaffected by safe
amounts (less than 150.ma)
that's why in order for these devices to work reliably on anyone they would have to use
*dangerous* amounts of current and since they don't, they aren't reliable.
A GFI (ground fault interrupter) is designed to trip at a couple of milliamps because that's a
*safe* amount of current for anyone. This isn't expected to even make a person fly across the
room (strong muscle contractions) as that's a safety issue as well.. (most people are injured by
*their reaction to electrical shock* not the shock it'self)
I've placed the zappers on my arms and biceps too - again no effect, I can extend & fold my arm
while zapping the bicep or any other area continuously. I can feel it but it's not strong enough to bother me, the thumb actually makes a good example since it's a smaller muscle more affected and yet I still retain full control over it - a good range of motion to demonstrate that I can still grab it away, strike back, get up or get away, etc if I wish to..
The intent with these devices is to cause the muscles to contract involuntary and prevent a
person from using them.. But because the current level has to be safe enough for anyone, it's
simply not strong enough to affect many people. They work more on the psychological level
provided a person is scared of electricity.
Some people aren't
turning it into front page entertainment-as-news that titillates but rarely informs
- just like all the stories about protestors but nothing on the Tantons
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by Because
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 7:22 AM
This student *refused* to show his ID?. Let's see" YOUR PAPERS" SOMETHING ABOUT REASONABLE CAUSE? And the cop was telling him to 'get up' while being zapped? Until he passed out? ... The cop and the administrator need to fired and sued and prosecuted . Or is the BILL of RIGHTS just a fond myth in this 'Homeland' ? What kind of sadistic shit head would use his badge, under the color of law, to torture someone because he DIDN"T SHOW HIS PAPERS?
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by resist4ever
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 7:38 AM
stopdabush@yahoo.com 000-000-0000 none
we are all too afraid to act in support of another human being against the authorities. we have too much to lose. they know this and will continue to abuse their power. the us will be the last place the people rise. tazing some guy is nothing compared to what they are doing in iraq, and many other places around the world. the sooner they bring it here the better
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by A great man once remarked
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 7:45 AM
'You can't have death squads operating throughout the world and expect them to stop at the national borders.' And 'The chickens have come home to roost'.
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by Sue
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 8:54 AM
I agree, this was in a library. Books should have flown to stop these criminal cops. We shouldn't stand by when people are getting tortured. Shame on UC! Shame on the students for not stopping it! What is an outrage.
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by Taser gun those pigs in their faces
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 8:55 AM
Then maybe put a hot iron to some of their more sensitive areas.
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by corrector
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 9:20 AM
What should have happened was the entire student assembly should have REFUSED to cooperate and MOBED the cops the moment any weapons were unholstered. But these are Americans...you know, fucking disoriented sheeple.
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by CommonTator
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 6:49 PM
Even sheeple can tell when someone is deliberately being a provakative asshole.
Ewwww don't toooouch me ewwwwww.
Next time, get the fuck out when you told to get the fuck out. Dumbshit.
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by hex
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 7:11 PM
I saved it, then played it in VLC and increased the brightness..
trouble making drama queen is the best short discription I can come up with
at the end when the cop said "get back in the library or you'll be tazered too" I would have held my hand out and said "go right ahead - doesn't bother me a bit !"
I do this in stores anytime I see one to show people they really aren't that strong..
this guy was screaming bloody murder one second then five seconds later talking in a *calm normal voice* while hurling insults and cussing at the cops..
and he did his little floor hugging routine *before* they zapped him... also at one point he kicked his legs way up in the air while partially standing - this is proof he had *no trouble* standing or walking and was just playing the victim game with them - playing it up for all it was worth..
if that had been me (assuming I'd even refuse to leave, wait for the cops, then mouth off at them, then drop to the floor when he grabbed my arm to escort me out) when I was zapped I would have done nothing - just smiled...
he screamed his head off :)
"I have a medical condition" !
yeah - running off at the mouth accompanied by bad attitude and over-actingitis :)
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by canadian
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 8:39 PM
Why must we see so much police brutality accompanied by public complaciency? The video shows nowthing but blatent misuse of power in of all places but a university, the birthplace of of great ideas, thinkers and activists. You guys need to speak out a lot lauder if you want your civil rights to be acknowlodged.
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by johnk
Sunday, Nov. 19, 2006 at 10:17 PM
He was being obnoxious, but so what? They shouldn't have zapped him. They should just have arrested him for disorderly conduct.
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by Fight2Win
Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2006 at 12:52 AM
I am so proud of my UCLA people from standing up. We are fighting back at LACC where I have been going to school now. Even Frat guys can't ignore the hypocracy. Keep it up no matter what!
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by self-obstruction
Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2006 at 12:59 PM
after the first use, any tazering should be prosecuted as obstruction of justice. the officer is obstructing himself from having the student follow his own orders.
the only reason those cops weren't mangled by the other students is because we as a society in america lack the ability to organize in order to defend ourselves. rise up, bitches, or get it just like that poor kid. there is no amount of shopping that can protect you from a fascist police force.
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by Kat
Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2006 at 8:52 PM
Okay, how come no one was going after these cops when they were doing this? They stood there saying they wanted the cops' badge numbers, their information, and that was it? Why weren't there books, pencils, food, etc. thrown at them? They just stood there watching, some yelling, but doing nothing, while he was getting tased repeatedly and screaming.
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by junya
Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2006 at 9:12 PM
The key to understanding this event is to think like a policeman concerned for securing safety. Then it all becomes clear: this was not a case of senseless over-reaction or pain compliance. This was clearly intentional torture.
The evidence is in the video: the police repeatedly demand that their immobilized electroshock victim stand up - while continuing to immobilize him with more electroshocks. So the police were clearly not interested in compliance. On the contrary - they knew, from their training, that they were ensuring non-compliance by disrupting his electro-muscular functioning and then demanding he use his incapacitated muscles to stand up.
When police are concerned for their own safety or the safety of others, they want the person they're encountering immobilized, to be under their control - not to stand up.Go watch some of the arrest videos showcased on taser.com - once the Tasered person is down, police are all over him/her with handcuffs or other restraints. Police know that most people fight (and shoot) much better standing up. So safety was clearly not on the minds of the police yelling "Stand up!".
Make no mistake: this was intentional torture. Listen to those blood-curdling screams. It's acceptable in Guantanamo, in Iraq, Afghanistan - and US prisons. Our legislators and president have made it legal.
Just put yourselves in the shoes of police: if you had unlimited force at your command, in a land where demonization of large segments of the world's population has always surpassed baseball as the favorite national pastime, a land that has now legalized torture, and where police have de facto immunity from laws anyway, would you behave differently? Such a situation presents a temptation to evil that demands near super-human will to resist.
We always hear "Not all cops are bad", but it may be closer to truth to say: "Not all cops have been caught on video".
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by k
Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2006 at 11:06 PM
If the students would have mass interfered, the cops would have peppersprayed them all.
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by HORRIFIED Canadian!!!
Friday, Nov. 24, 2006 at 1:35 PM
America has fallen too far too fast. FIGHT BACK! Otherwise the US will become 1939 Germany!
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by Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone
Saturday, Dec. 02, 2006 at 3:48 PM
USA, A nightmare state
I was forcibly injected by Los Angeles Federal officials in 2001 and I was forced to sign papers saying I was a criminal after reporting criminals at the FDIC where I had been a federal bank examiner. The regime has turned on us. The time has come to torch everything they rule over, and possibly even that library. If you can get the one shot the first taser, torch him or "IT" too. We should not tolerate the abuses and we should exact an eye for an eye. I would like to see a war in the USA against the regime in power and their echelons of idiots with guns and tasers. Never again serve the beasts of the universe. Never serve the regime in power. Mobile Audit Club http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/index.html
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by izod
Thursday, Dec. 14, 2006 at 10:45 PM
you're overeacting just a bit, no? Besides, you're in Canada!
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