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by Leslie Radford
Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2006 at 6:07 PM
Joseph Turner, founder of the anti-immigrant group Save Our State, is running for San Bernardino Board of Education, fresh from the defeat of his Anti-Illegal Immigration Ordinance there. But the campaign is going to his head.
 turner_leads_laguna.jpg, image/jpeg, 159x262
Joseph Turner, a Southern California white nationalist and
leader of the anti-immigrant group Save Our State, is asking San Bernardino
voters to choose him to guide the education of San Bernardino
children in the Board of Education race there. On October 7, this aspiring
educator sent an apocalyptic, white supremacist message to his Save Our State
Our enemies are bloodied and beaten. We cannot relent. Our
boot is on their throat and we must have the willingness to crush their
"throat" so that we can put our enemy down for good.
The sovereignty of our nation and the future of our culture and
civilization is at stake. The United States is a beacon of salvation
unto the rest of the world. Our freedoms, our culture is mans
salvation. If we perish, man perishes.
Like most would-be despots and cult leaders, Turner does not play well with others. His
Board of Education campaign website lumps his school board
"opposition," half of the current school board, into a Hall
of Shame. Since the website's inception, only one "opponent"
merits explanation--the rest just sit there, with Turner's smear on their
pictures. His campaign hinges on attacking two school board
administrators whose secretaries completed applications for their bosses' membership in
professional organizations, the National Association of Latino
Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) and the Association for Mexican-American Educators
Turner's partner, Alexis Ashley, is also running for school board.
Turner's post-election plan differ from his campaign strategy, and it's not
about San Bernardino. In an email circulated to his supporters on September 27, Turner promised to
use a school board seat to target undocumented people through their children:
Most importantly, I can assure you that I will use my position as an elected
school board member to introduce create and innovative solutions targeting our illegal alien problem. Similar to my Illegal Immigration Relief Act
which is now being copied throughout the nation, you can count on me to replicate this strategic model and initiate discussions on ideas that if
not pursued in our district, will be pursued in others.
In a communication to his followers, he was even clearer that continuing his
national immigrant-bashing pogram is his real agenda, and a San Bernardino school board seat is merely
a expedient means
to that end: "I am going to use the school
board as a similar vehicle to propose and initiate ideas for other districts
that have the willingness to attack this problem."
Neither education or children's safety are on Turner's education
agenda. Turner bluntly promised the San
Bernardino County Sun that he would abolish bilingual programs, making
education inaccessible for thousands of children. Then he would "aggressively
target the policies that aid and abet illegal immigration."
According to the Sun, "he also would pursue ways to overturn the U.S.
Supreme Court decision that allows illegal-immigrant children to receive free
public education from kindergarten through 12th grade."
Turner has already tried to limit schoolchildren's access to emergency care,
with a stunt that could have endangered his own child's safety:
One day my son brought home the emergency information card for school
at the beginning of the year a couple of years back. It was urgent that we
return this card ASAP.
I couldn't even read the damn thing because they wanted so much information
and each line of text was followed by a Spanish translation.
I was furious. So, I fired off a hastily hand-written letter stating that if I
wanted to read or speak Spanish, I would take my happy ass to Mexico and that
we spoke English in this country. As I am sure you can imagine, I was
I concluded by stating that I wasn't going to send back their emergency card
until it was in English-only.
Turner's interest in education may extend beyond barring immigrants from
public schools. This spring, Turner's group, Save Our State, considered protesting a charter elementary school, Académia Semillas del Pueblo, until one
of their members reported that parents were guarding their children. One Save Our State
member went so far as to suggest bombing
the school. Turner did not moderate the discussion or publicly
reprimand the
would-be bomber.
Turner left San Bernardino before high school and returned in July, in time
to re-introduced himself to San Bernardino by dividing the city along ethnic
lines when solicited signatures to qualify his
proposed Illegal Immigration Relief Act for the November ballot. Although
he failed to garner enough supporters, the ordinance would have prohibited renting to or transacting business with
undocumented people, it would have required all renters to register their leases
with the city, and it would have declared undocumented migrants "public
nuisances," subject to "abatement" by other residents.
He is endorsed by three of the city council members who voted for the ordinance, and
his boss, California Assembymember Ray Haynes (R-Murrieta).
For the time being, Turner has turned his attention to the education of
the children of San Bernardino. But the dangerous dreams he dreams are
turning meglomaniacal, from defying the U.S. Supreme Court's rulings on
education to his latest pseudo-Tanakhic epistle.
He told the Ventura County Star
in July, "Deep down, I feel like I've
been called to greatness. If not me, who?" The answer
be up to the parents of San Bernardino.
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by Leslie Radford
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006 at 5:00 AM
Turner returned to San Bernardino in the fall of 2005. The correct link to the Ventura County Star article is http://forums.venturacountystar.com/index.cfm?frmid=12&tpcid=1206.
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by Fascism sucks
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006 at 7:45 AM
 32.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Elect Joe Turner for San Bernardino school board!
(He's the guy in the light blue shirt and grey pants on the far left in the above photo)
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006 at 9:14 AM
In my city we held an election early this month and some white supremacist scumbag pile of Republican shit screamed bloody murder and committed a scene at one of the polling places because there was a sign on the wall in Spanish with the English version below it.
The god damned pile of Republican shit demanded that the English sign is the ONLY sign that should have been there.
God damned white supremacist fucks don't deserve to live in the United States.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by 1st hand source
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006 at 3:07 PM
The recent interview Joe Turner conducted with the Wall Street Journal confirmed what I've known for some time that Joey was physically and psychologically abused as a child by his alcoholic white father. This dude beat the crap out of him.
Joey's mother also told the Journal she was a drug addict. This explains a lot about Joey's Hitler-like fantasies he has about himself. Hitler was also an abused child. From Joe's quote above about crushing throats it should be obvious that Joey is angry enough to kill too.
Strange thing though--after Joey's alkie dad left the family, his white mom remarried--a Mexican! Turns out Joey's Chicano step-dad was the only source of real love and stability in his whole life.
Isn't it strange that instead of being angry at the white people who abused him as a kid, Joey HATES the very race that saved his life? Go figure.
And make no mistake about it, Joey is a hardcore racist and white supremacist. He hates Mexicans, ALL Mexicans, doesn't matter if they can speak English or not, or if they're "legal" or "illegal", kids or adults, men or women. He hates them ALL and wants them GONE. He's not too crazy about Black or Asian people either, but MEXICANS ARE HIS JEWS.
I know. I've spoken with him. After all these years, you can still see the hurt child in his eyes. He's really f***ed up! He needs psychological counseling for what happened to him, but he won't get it.
Even those closest to him in SOS are afraid he's really going to "go off" one of these days in a homicidal rage and really f*** up the movement like what almost happened to him in Glendale last December.
I'm not trying to excuse his behavior or his genocidal fantasies. He must be held accountable for his own actions. I'm just saying that JOEY MUST BE STOPPED!
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by johnk
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006 at 8:26 PM
I used to wonder how they could tolerate being yelled at so much by their opposition. It's so raucous that it kind of scares me sometimes. He's just used to it, and, might even feel more comfortable in that situation.
(I grew up in a shouting household too, and the dysfunctional interactions do feel kind of comfortable. That doesn't mean they're healthy. It'll kill you.)
Maybe he just wanted to have a relationship with his biologicial dad, and thought his Chicano dad ruined that opportunity.
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by Observant
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006 at 9:00 PM
http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/06/162705.php Minutemen Target Children: The Attack on Academia Semillas del Pueblo by Juan Santos Wednesday, Jun. 07, 2006 at 1:42 AM HATE-TALK RADIO AND THE BOMB THREAT AT ACADEMIA SEMILLAS DEL PUEBLO When the bomb threat came that morning it targeted 250 Chicano children and their families in a deliberate act of political terror. For a month, KABC in Los Angeles had focused an unrelenting attack against their school - Academia Semillas del Pueblo. KABC is an ultra-right talk radio station that carries Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, one that specializes in xenophobia and a thinly disguised hate-talk format aimed at the paranoids who think George Bush is a sell out liberal and who accuse Sen. James Sensenbrenner of not going far enough to rid the nation of Mexicans and other descendants of the indigenous peoples of North and Central America. Let’s make it plain: these are minutemen with microphones, and with the billion-dollar backing of Disney. Under the laws of hate, speech leads to action; it was only a matter of time until someone took matters into their own hands. KABC knows it audience, and although the station’s website continues to place a strong focus on the imagined sins of the Academia, it breathes not a word of the bomb threat. To do so would be to implicate itself and its listeners. KABC and its morning host, Doug McIntyre, are more than upset with the East LA school. They want it shut down: if it were a book, they’d burn it. One minutemen supporter wrote, “This BS pisses me of so much I'll die fighting it.” 97% of McIntyre’s listeners say they support Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist. The imagined offense is, fundamentally, that the school exists. One can all but feel the shudders when one hears them denounce the existence of “La Raza's Own School in LA.” No one would or should think twice if Blacks had their own school, and, of course they do – not just elementary schools like the Academia, but a whole network of historically Black colleges which have produced the most important Black intellectuals of our times. And no one, not even the most openly racist elements, would publicly challenge the right of these schools to offer a Black-centered curriculum or to teach African languages, dance, religion and politics. That the Academia teaches the Native American language Nahautl and Mandarin Chinese instead of Latin, French or ancient Greek; that it teaches Tai Chi and Aztec Dance, it would seem, is not only un-American, but subversive, an affront not only to the spirit of “English Only,” but to the premise that all education must be aimed at integrating children into a specifically white American culture and its values. One minuteman supporter called the school “illegals run amok.” An informal poll of McIntyre listeners rates the school this way: Del Pueblo Charter school is: an honest attempt to educate children : 15% an enclave for lunatics to perpetuate their world view : 33% racist : 47% a form of child abuse : 5% Worse yet, McIntyre and his ilk view the school as a breeding ground for what they (and no one else) call the “Reconquista.” Fear of the so called “Reconquista” – the white fear that Brown people will reconquer the lands stolen by the US under the mantle of Manifest Destiny – is the prime driving force, the wild conspiracy theory that drives the extreme right toward extremes like HR 4437, the House bill that would deport 12 million brown people and authorize local police to become minutemen themselves, hunting down migrants in every corner of every city and town. One minuteman supporter said shutting down the school means “saving those kid's eduation (sic) really. They are being groomed for reconquista.” Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D., writes of the school, “their intent is to indoctrinate these students… so that they will become the future balkanizers of America!” A quick look at any Minuteman email list will show that the conspiracy to reconquer the US Southwest is run by the dreaded “La Raza.” “La Raza,” and the “Reconquista” seem to be run by Mexican President Vicente Fox, and migrants are the advance guard, to hear many Minutemen tell it, of the Mexican Army itself. The Academia is considered “La Raza’s “own school.” Many thought the recent May Day demonstrations were the planned onset of an insurrection. People were instructed to stay near their homes, to arm themselves, and to maintain communication with other “Patriots,” a term the Minutemen borrowed from the Militia movement, along with most of their ideology. According to this logic military action is in order, and another look at the Minutemen email lists will show that this is a force getting ready for the fateful moment. “Lock and Load” is the order of the day. One minutemen supporter wrote, “I think [we] should go down there a put that school under seige.” Another says, “The time for talking is over.” The quasi-military rhetoric has been matched by an increasingly violent and militant activism. In Southern California a Mexican restaurant burns at the border; two migrants are shot nearby, in the vicinity of a Minutemen encampment; The Chicano mayor of LA and Lt. Governor of California are threatened with death; A Minuteman leader and a Nazi openly assault a counter-protestor, shoving and dragging him 20 feet in a choke hold in the presence of police, and walk free; Minutemen march through LA’s Garment District - principle shopping district for migrants, in a deliberately provocative move akin to the Klan marching through Harlem; In South Central, Minutemen protest a conference that highlights Black/ Brown Unity; In San Bernardino, voters are considering a ballot initiative that would make it illegal to rent an apartment to a migrant, and fine anyone who gave so much as a ride to someone undocumented; The Nation’s largest urban farm – the South Central Farm which serves some 350 mostly migrant families is under siege, with police helicopters constantly circling overhead – the land itself is locked down and occupied by over 100 resistors. The threat of mass deportations hangs in the air like the copters over the South Central Farm, and ICE escalates its raids. Southern California’s Brown community is a community under siege. A recent report by the Southern Poverty Law Center found that tension over illegal immigration has contributed to a rapid increase of hate groups and hate crimes. A spokesperson said the immigration issue is being used as a recruitment tool for racists. A Nazi group has released a new video game; players shoot brown-skinned migrants crossing the border and the game splatters their blood when blood they are hit. It was in this climate, and after a month of on-air harassment by the radio station, that KABC sent in a reporter to demand an interview from the Academia. According to La Opinion, the Spanish language daily owned by the LA Times, he walked into the charter school insisting that he would interview its principle. Told he had no appointment and that he would not be granted an interview, he then insisted on interviewing schoolchildren and their parents on school grounds. Refused permission by a security guard, he nonetheless persisted. The reporter, Sandy Wells, who later admitted on-air that the school had reason to be suspicious of him, claims that next he was assaulted and a tape taken from his recorder, although there were no witnesses, no bruises, and although reports of just what is supposed to have happened are conflicting. One report claims he was attacked by a crowd; another says a van drove straight toward him and a single driver cursed and manhandled him. Supposedly the driver – or the van full of youth, depending on which version you read - then followed Wells, although the reporter got no license plate number. The reporter, who has nothing but his word and an obvious axe to grind, works for a Disney-owned station that takes migrant bashing to the bank – whether the migrants are children or not. The result was predictable. The mainstream white press, which pounded its collective chest over the alleged assault, has remained silent over what came next; a bomb threat to a building full of schoolchildren and an instant evacuation of the premises. After the threat, minutemen lurked in a café across the street, shouting slurs at the Mexican school kids and taking their photos. A demonstration against the school was called by a local group of racists, “Save Our State” (SOS) - the same group spearheading the drive to forbid migrants from renting in San Bernardino. One SOS supporter wrote, “If blood is spilt then we will surely get it on film and share it with y'all.” On seeing an aerial photo of the school, one member of the racist group had written, “That is such a nice picture, I only wish it was from the view of a GPS-guided 500 pound bomb. BTW -- is that the school or just the registration offices?” The bomb threat is under investigation by police. And the parents of the school are standing up. Thirty of them protested at the KABC studios at 5 in the morning. They’ve unleashed a campaign to pressure Disney and have every intention of protecting their children from harm. In a recent essay summing up the impact of the anti-migrant climate created by like the minutemen attacks and racist and xenophobic measures like the Senate’s recent English Only push, syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette wrote,” I understand this much: As the national mood on immigration reform turns vile and even in some cases violent, there is the very real possibility of a backlash by assimilated, U.S.-born Hispanics.” “Something significant is happening in the Hispanic community. People say the immigration issue woke the Sleeping Giant. But mark my words: It's not just the giant whom immigrant-bashers should worry about. It's his familia.” And now the minutemen have launched an attack on lo mas sagrado – the most sacred thing, our families, our children; the children they despise and who they demean with the term “anchor babies.” No human being would endure it. No one allows their children to be threatened. One SOS member, after patrolling the area around the school, wrote, “Please take my word for this, I recently spent some time on the streets on and near the school and the locals have got their eyes open. Nuff said.” Yes, now they’ve done it: Not only is the Sleeping Giant awake, but his family has awakened, too. As I write, Save Our State is talking publicly about abandoning its planned demonstration against the school on Wednesday morning. Investigators from the Los Angeles Unified School District have refuted minutemen claims that the curriculum and practices of La Academia are “racist” and “anti-white,” and also refuted claims that the school has violated its charter.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Thursday, Oct. 12, 2006 at 5:42 AM
I wonder if the history of most of these scumbags closely mirror each other. Thing is, most children who are abused by their parents don't wind up like them -- so they still have no excuse.
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Oct. 12, 2006 at 5:57 AM
The overclass is very adept at manipulating Public action through their commercial perception managers. The sleeping giant is a strength. We must unite with their struggle and open the window of national denial that ignores the death squad enforcement of their latin homelands. They escape the clients of rule by terror. They seek a life where they can breath and talk and live and prosper. They can't do that with labor leaders being found murdered, the common class political leaders killed or frauded from leadership. This is a subject the MM will not touch. As it represents a real threat. They are cowards.
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by Duh
Thursday, Oct. 12, 2006 at 10:09 AM
1st hand source is the mole from Save Our State. He said he spoke to Turner. Turner doesnot speak to his oposition. He only talk to his own people. The Mole never reveal himself.
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by Pachuco
Monday, Oct. 16, 2006 at 10:53 AM
Want a real laugh, here is the Klan's favorite website for News - click on image to visi t 
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by Jesus Christ
Monday, Oct. 16, 2006 at 3:13 PM
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by American citizen
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2006 at 8:17 AM
You people remind me of the NAZIS! They also made false accusations about people they wanted dead or buried. Indymedia sucks and so do you commie posters!
Leslie Radford's family is making all kinds of money off illegal aliens? Correct? And that is not a lie!
Racist, Nazi scum.
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by Webmaster
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2006 at 10:05 AM
trust me, bud. i know what "progressive" means. they are the ones who siezed control of the utilities which lead to "ma bell" and other gag me with a spoon bureaucrat controlled monopolies.
those regulating bureaucrat have very nice houses at the expense of the worker.
i am also not a basterd nor a nazi.
Indymedia does not suck. Indymedia gives the average American a chance to be heard. Indymedia is an alternative to trust-corporate controlled media.
false accusations are made against me too and ive been threatened as well.
lastly, "Leslie Radford's family is making all kinds of money off illegal aliens?"
prove it. and even if you did, do you prefer that that money be made off non-"illegals?"
we are all screwed. so called "illegals" are even more screwed than you.
pick on the screwers, not the screwed!
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by Leslie
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2006 at 2:47 PM
What is more to the point is that, for all the personal attacks here, hidden and open, not one SOSer has contradicted a word I wrote in the article above.
This silliness goes back to some gibberish that an SOSer posted on their board and called research. Don Silva told them they were wrong, but SOSers don't seem to give up on useful lies.
I've said it before to what's-her-name, the SOS Latina who ran and failed to get some public office in OC: I'm not Steve Radford's daughter, and I don't live in Colorado.
If you're not completely bored with this thread (and I am, and it's about me), Steve Radford, according to SOS, owns some business in SoCal that has some employees. As I recall the thread, the SOSers then speculated that 1) Steve hires undocumented people, 2) that I was Steve's daughter, and 3) that therefore I had some vested, economic interest in preserving the human dignity of people without U.S. government permission slips. So much for SOS research, logic, honesty, or much of anything else.
They also guessed that I am a student at the University of Colorado (I think that's it) who apparently pops down to California for demonstrations, rallies, marches, and so forth. I don't remember if they hooked up the woman in Colorado with Steve, but I'm guessing they've blasted both with email for their presumed "association" with me.
Here's my challenge: one hundred hard-earned bucks to anyone who can prove that Steve is my father, or that I live in Colorado, or that I net some sort of income or other direct revenue from the labor of undocumented people.
That should put an end to that.
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by Leslie
Thursday, Oct. 19, 2006 at 6:22 PM
Did you know that Joe signs his SOS posts "I am at peace when I am at war"?
I wonder if he'll use that warm-hearted sig on his emails to concerned San Bernardino parents. Maybe he can make it the school district motto and have it posted in district classrooms . . .
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by johnk
Friday, Oct. 20, 2006 at 11:53 AM
I saw the letter, and nothing on this post was not in the letter.
The guy thinks he's some kind of saviour. He's also got a violent streak, and a prior conviction for assaulting someone at a demo in the 1990s.
I think that might be part of the reason why the SOS and MMP keep accusing their opposition of violence, because violence is all the SOS and MMP know. They're always talking about the danger that's at these demos, but, the only ones coming armed are them.
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by Medusa (up)Rising
Sunday, Oct. 22, 2006 at 1:11 PM
people gotta be reading this. And then acting on it. We got enough fascism in the federal government, don't need it on the schoolboards too.
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by a friend
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2006 at 12:26 PM
This post is ranked as high as Turner's school board site if you google "joseph turner school board" or "joseph turner board of education". Let's keep it alive through November 7, and move the talk back over here.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2006 at 12:53 PM
> the SOS Latina who ran and failed to > get some public office in OC:
There was actually someone with brown skin signed up with these scumbags?
Good fucking grief.
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by bystander
Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2006 at 1:45 PM
There are quite a few people with 'brown skin' in their movement.
Since when does the color of someones skin matter? Are you a racist or something ?
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by Fredric L. Rice
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006 at 5:17 AM
> Since when does the color of someones > skin matter? Are you a racist or something ?
It does when they join white supremacist hate cults, obviously. It evidences a serious mental dysfunction.
It's a phenomena the world saw with the rise of Nazi Germany where a few Jews the very organization that was bent on exterminating them. There's no accounting for what motivates some people to side for their own extermination.
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by BaBaBooey!
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006 at 11:19 AM
who ran in OC and was blown out!
The SOS/MMP/NAZIS denounce so-called "anchor babies" except when one joins their ranks.
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by V
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006 at 3:54 PM
 joey.jpg, image/jpeg, 480x360
Joseph Turner mingling with neonazis at Laguna Beach.
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by Vote No On Joe!
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006 at 6:59 PM
How much would it co$t to send out a mailer in Joes voting district showing Joes affiliation with the Neo-Nazies and the S.S., I mean S.-o-S. Its worth the money to keep people like this out of positions of power.
Vote No On Joe!
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by V
Thursday, Oct. 26, 2006 at 9:47 PM
Joe is the one in blue checked shirt talking to a neonazi in a cowbooooy hat! This pic was before they showed the nazi flag.
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by unitedsanbernardino
Friday, Oct. 27, 2006 at 10:20 PM
What lies is anyone telling Mr. Turner?? Turner letter printed in the Voice of the People, San Bernardino Sun
Letters to the Editor Turner's turn Article Launched:10/27/2006 12:00:00 AM PDT My opponents are using lies, distortions and innuendo in a concentrated smear campaign to fool and deceive voters. One shouldn't be surprised - it is October. Besides, would you really want to talk about a 42 percent graduation rate or the fact that 75 percent of our children test below the proficiency level, if you were an incumbent? I am disgusted that The Sun would enable these smears by running letters to the editor that state that I am a terrorist, a racist and a member of a white supremacist group. They have no basis in fact or reality.
Let me set the record straight.
I have been arrested twice for battery at political rallies in which I defended my person and the sovereignty of this great nation. I have been spat upon, kicked, shoved and punched by those espousing tolerance while engaging in violence. I have never been convicted of these charges nor have I ever been fined, given probation or parole. In America, a person is innocent until proven guilty.
I am a longstanding member of this community, spending more than eight years of my life in this town. I went to school here. My son attends school here.
I have been active with my neighborhood association.
I enjoy the support of numerous Hispanics, blacks and Asians in my organization, Save Our State, and I have been endorsed by groups like Latino Americans for Immigration Reform and Vietnamese for Fair Immigration.
My opponents are resorting to despicable smears to distract voters from the real issues confronting our school district, because they are afraid of my message of reform and accountability. Instead of coming up with real solutions for our children, Teresa Parra and Elsa Valdez would rather promote a racialist agenda centered around Hispanics and illegal immigrants.
Valdez and Parra both support giving illegal immigrants the right to vote and have approved resolutions calling for amnesty and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. They both support the bilingual/biliterate program, which calls for 50 percent of district employees to speak Spanish by 2020, so as to deal with the suffocating effects of rampant illegal immigration in our district that has resulted in nearly one-third of our student population being English learners.
Unless you speak Spanish, blacks and whites need not apply for jobs in the San Bernardino City Unified School District.
Supposedly, I am a racist hate-monger. Yet Parra and Valdez belong to groups and associations like the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, Mexican-American Political Association, Association of Mexican-American Educators and MEChA.
I do not believe in advocating for one particular group of people. I have but one constituency - those who believe American schools should be for American children. I'll let the readers decide who is looking through the prism of race and ethnicity.
JOSEPH TURNER San Bernardino
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by I H8 Joe!
Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006 at 4:23 PM
Thank you Indymedia for letting me express myself without censoring me like those nazis do at SOS.
I am a person who deeply believes that all people deserve a quality education and that education is the greatest means for advancement in society and around the world. For Nazi Joe to attempt to take that away from some children because of the childs background or where they come from is repulsive! All children deserve adequate health care and a quality education!
However, although I feel sorry for the people of San Bernardino if they elect Joe, I feel even more sorry for his kids who will grow up being taught that there is no such thing as being human, only legal and illegal. I think this is so sad that we should all pray that the spirit of compassion befall and protect all children against this type of brainwashing. God only knows what type of life experiences turned Joe and his wife into the brainless heartless cowards they are today. My prayers go out to his children. +P-H-ES+
Bottomline: We are all products of our environments and unfortunatley Joe came out defective.
Vote No for Joe (and his wife)!
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by unitedsanbernardino
Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006 at 9:19 PM
Anything but dull, races heating up OUR VIEW: Voters need to read between the lines to make the best choices in contentious contests Article Launched:10/28/2006 12:00:00 AM PDT Some of the most crucial decisions facing voters are at the local level, and chief among them are choosing who will shape the direction of our schools via local school boards. And though school board races may be down ticket, below the governor's race and assorted other races for statewide office, as well as local mayors and city councils, school board races this year are anything but dull. They are vitally important to the state of education, and how students, parents and teachers are treated.
With elections for 17 school boards across San Bernardino County, including the county Board of Education, there is much at stake. Voters need to pay attention to the issues, so they can pick the right candidates for the job - people who are dedicated to serving students, and not their own agendas.
While we generally resist making endorsements in school board races, we find it our obligation this election to point out the seriousness of the matters facing voters and warn them that these could be some of the most pivotal elections in local school districts in years.
Your vote for local school boards could make a dramatic difference in how local schools are run.
Perhaps most compelling is the election for the Board of Education in the San Bernardino City Unified School District, where the fur is flying over low test scores, high suspension and dropout rates and the lowest graduation rate in the nation. The building dissension among teachers and administrators is cause for public concern.
Eight candidates, including the four incumbents, are in the running for four seats. But perhaps the biggest controversy is the candidacy of Joseph Turner, a 29-year-old anti-illegal-immigration activist who is spreading hate and mistrust as freely as apple seeds, and whose stance has caused the local chapter of the California School Employees Association to withdraw its initial endorsement of him.
Turner, who has said he would bring his fight against illegal immigration to the schools if elected, and has said he would use a seat on the school board to challenge a Supreme Court ruling allowing children to be enrolled regardless of their immigration status, would only fan racial hostilities if elected, and serve as a magnet for discrimination. His plans to abolish bilingual education and fire the superintendent are just as incendiary.
Voters who don't want to find themselves in the same boat as the school union, where they make an uninformed choice that could set back the course of education, must do their homework before deciding who will run the schools.
The San Bernardino district, which risks being taken over by the state if it doesn't snap out of its current malaise, is in desperate need of a functioning school board that shows dedicated and capable leadership. Equally importnat is an electorate that cares enough to put the best people in the job.
The same parameters are true of the many school board races facing voters. Everything from campus violence to teachers' salaries to academic performance and the quality of instruction is on the table.
In a state recently ranked one of the dumbest and where the Inland Empire was found to be the least likely to prepare students for college, voters have a right to demand excellence from those sitting on local school boards, and to insist that school board members have an unfettered commitment to academic improvement.
We urge you as voters to be smart, and to read up on the issues before casting your all-important vote for local school boards. Your vote will determine who will shape our children's education, and ultimately, their future.
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by unitedsanbernardino
Saturday, Oct. 28, 2006 at 9:22 PM
Actually, the article was not just printed by the editor, but it is the editor's view. Pretty significant. that the newspaper came out against him...
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by bump
Sunday, Oct. 29, 2006 at 12:32 PM
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by nazis for target practice
Sunday, Oct. 29, 2006 at 5:43 PM
Joe claims to have been a junior equities trader for a derivatives trading firm on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange after getting an unspecified "degree" from the Marshall School at USC in 2000. He returned to Ventura in 2003.
Maybe this pic was taken during Joe's "lost years."
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by nazis for target practice
Monday, Oct. 30, 2006 at 2:17 PM
hi, joe. how does losing an election feel?
Over at Save Our State, you call it tranference of pain, like there's X amount of inevitable pain in the world, and you're going to dump your pain on other people so you feel good. Now you have a taste, and just a taste, of persecution. Except that you're a sociopath, any normal person would have a bit of sympathy for the people they were persecuting. You don't, though, do you? I'm guessing you're just going to be more ruthless.
That's all right--the immigrants can take it, and more than you can dish out. They're tough, and they're used to it, sad to say.
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by johnk
Monday, Oct. 30, 2006 at 6:54 PM
I sent a letter to the union and at no point said that Turner was a member of a white supremacist group. What I wrote was that his group, SOS, put together demonstrations at different sites, and that "white nationalists" (aka, Nazis) showed up. So many showed up, and constituted such a large fraction of the demonstrations, that SOS had to request that they leave their Nazi rhetoric at home, and act, for the duration of the demonstration, as if they were not racists.
That's all *I* wrote.
Fascist organizing efforts to support these SOS demonstrations was done largely independently of the SOS, except for a few people who were in both groups. SOS took care of communicating with the police, city, and press, and the fascists came to hold signs, do their pointy-hand salute, show off their tattoos, celebrate Hitler's birthday, and try to stand up for the cause of white supremacy, white separatism, and a totally European nation.
I think one of the archived threads at one of the fascist boards described it best. The racist person was saying that the racialists and SOS pretty much agreed on everything except for separation of races and the total cessation of immigration (and encouragement of nonwhites to leave). So, the racialists should work with, and support, SOS in the hopes that some SOSers would come around to a more racially conscious perspective.
The exchange of ideas goes both ways. SOS's initial goals were to take the anti-immigration movement beyond the Minuteman Project, and beyond groups like CCIR. These groups never confronted their "enemies" face-to-face, but engaged primarily in letter-writing campaigns and electoral efforts. SOS was to be different -- a group that operated in the street, to perform direct action against their enemies. In some ways, the SOS adopted some of the threatening tactics of the far-right, neo-Nazi, fascist groups.
For example, the KKK regularly express their first amendment rights by scheduling marches down the streets of Jewish or Black neighborhoods, hoping the local people attack. The SOSers have had rallies with a lot of anti-Mexican signs, in cities where the majority of people are of Mexican descent.
The KKK used to form lynch mobs to hang people. Some members of SOS promoted and supported a group that hung Osama Bin Laden in effigy. That was deliberately done to play off of that history; the fact that the person doing the hanging was Black was a way to "make it okay."
This doesn't mean SOS is the same as the KKK. SOS is just doing some things that are similar, and they have some political goals that are similar, and some members of SOS are participants in the racist milieu. That is all that they have in common. The SOS has stated that they are not racists, and the KKK has stated that they are racists. That, according to the SOS members, is a huge difference that shields them from all these accusations that SOS are a hate group.
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by Sheepdog
Monday, Oct. 30, 2006 at 7:00 PM
You *do* have a flair for satire.
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by watchale
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2006 at 1:24 AM
 no_one_illegal.jpg, image/jpeg, 143x169
is of Turner, it's a good thing his nurses and doctors aren't Mexicans I mean, would Joey even ALLOW himself to be treated by his "inferiors"?
OK, granted, the guy is gut shot, but if I know Joey, he'd have his sheepdog, Don, by his side insisting that no "dirty" Mexicans touch Joey's precious frat rat hide, lest he become Mexican- "infested."
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by nazis for target practice
Friday, Nov. 03, 2006 at 11:14 PM
slipping . . . .
slipping . . . .
Has Joe slipped far enought? Tuesday will tell us a lot, not the least of which is, How nazi is San Bernardino?
It's up to you, SB. Does a white nationalist have a place on a school board, directing the education of your children? The minutemen groups like Save Our State talk openly about blood in the streets in a race war, they talk about bombing schools they don't like. Joe's grouppies are prime hunting ground for white supremacist orgs, with Joe's blessing. What do you want your children to learn, who do you want them to be, what do you want your streets to look like?
We'll have a clearer idea about the next generation on Tuesday, when the San Bernardino votes are tallied. SB, give us hope.
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by LaVerdad
Saturday, Nov. 04, 2006 at 6:09 AM
As the count down for the Board of Education seat in San Bernardino is nearing its final days - remember to contact as many voters that you know in that area to stop Joseph Turner.
If people are worried about over paying their fair share of school taxes just imagine what will happen when Joseph becomes an "elected" Board official. His campaign has stated that they would challenge the Supreme Court on their ruling to educate children of the undocumented. Just who would pay for Turner's court fees and court costs arising out of his decision to challenge the courts. SAN BERNARDINO's taxpayers will.
Now unless Mr. Turner is signing onto the Board with his own liability insurance, the school district can also expect to pay for civil lawsuits a result of Mr. Turner's eagerness to find undocumented children. Now who pays for the civil lawsuits, first the school's insurance, then the taxpayers.
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by LaVerdad
Saturday, Nov. 04, 2006 at 6:15 AM
Joseph Turner, founder of SOS, is now running for a position on San Bernardino’s, CA (Unified) Board of Education - what concerns me most about his candidacy is his background for violence especially since we are trying to provide a safe environment for our children. I am not familiar with the bylaws of the Board but I am disturbed with the fact that a man with a history of violence will have access to our schools. I will provide a link of his arrest record and his photo. A position of the Board is one that requires integrity and he will be responsible for voting on fundamental policies set by our administration. His motives are bigoted and demeaning to various individuals. How can his candidacy be taken seriously with all the derogative statements regarding Mexicans. We have many families whose children are of Mexican descent and they are legal status. I fear his judgment will impact policies and open our education system to civil lawsuits. How would one distinguish a "legal" Mexican from an "illegal" Mexican, judgment alone can be deceiving? http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c153/miguel_i/turnerarrest.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/thisiscivilwar/turnerarrested.jpg Furthermore, just recently his forum has sent messages about Members smoking drugs at the border. Why we allow armed SOS members who are participating in an illegal activity such as drugs on the border and partying while armed, is beyond my comprehension? One member replies with its OK as long as it is done at home. These are his constituents. His representation can be detrimental to the psyche of our children. Attached are images of the conversations which transpired on his forum. I encourage you journalist to view the forums yourself and ask yourself "why would the education of our children be left in the hands of a man like this." http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/ Sincerely http://www.galleons.org/images/sos1.jpg http://www.galleons.org/images/sos2.jpg http://www.galleons.org/images/sos3.jpg
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by a friend
Sunday, Nov. 05, 2006 at 3:49 PM
His website is creeping up the Google list. Got to keep pushing this thread, making sure people see it--three more days, and Joe will be finished.
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by another friend
Sunday, Nov. 05, 2006 at 3:52 PM
If you want to push this in google then link to it on your website. Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. you can drop it, but links do more for google rankings than hits. Here's the link: http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/10/182264_comment.php#186474. Just slap it in somewhere on the front page, bury it at the bottom, whatever, but when that googlebot comes sniffing, it will find it.
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by LaVerdad
Wednesday, Nov. 08, 2006 at 8:48 PM
He lost, know one wants to hear the whiners and their theory of restrictive police state government. Yes, America does vote!!!!
Joe Turner lost, you want to know by how much?
CANDIDATE VOTES PERCENT LYNDA K. SAVAGE 3200 16.85% ANTONIO F. DUPRE SR. 2464 12.97% LOUISE A. AYALA 2454 12.92% TERESA PARRA 2412 12.70% AMANDA JACOBS 2402 12.65% JOSEPH TURNER 2257 11.88% ELSA O. VALDEZ 2151 11.32% RHONDA M. EARLY 1616 8.51%
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by UnitedSanBernardino
Wednesday, Nov. 08, 2006 at 11:11 PM
Yes, he may lose--but as of now, 11:00 p.m., he has approximately 4,000 or so votes. This is scary.....Shows how many racists and other anti-immigrants are in San Bernardino. Scary considering that San Bernardino is majority Latino. Unfotunately Louise Ayala looks like she may win, and she has been his most ardent supporter. In our opinion she is just as dangerous as him. Throughout the race, we have tried to mobilize the community and everyone told us, "No one will vote for him" and they sat back and did NOTHING to help us organize against him. SAN BERNARDINO WAKE UP!!!!! If you are in San Bernardino or the surrounding areas, we have got to stop this right-wing take over of our city and mobilize our community. If you are interested in hooking up with us for further mobilization efforts contact Community Alliance for a United San Bernardino at unitedsanbernardino@yahoo.com. Turner and company, we will be the ones at the Maywood protests waving the "We kicked Racist Turner's ass" signs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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by Leslie
Thursday, Nov. 09, 2006 at 12:18 AM
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UnitedSanBernardino, you did great--Joe has NO political future out of San Bernardino for years to come. Tonight, kick back and celebrate. Saturday we'll kick butt.
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by United San Bernardino
Thursday, Nov. 09, 2006 at 12:25 AM
Congrats everyone, racist Turner lost the school board election. May I once again remind anyone reading this from San Bernardino that Turner recieived over 8,000 plus votes, only 1500 or so less than the winning candidates. This man is dangerous and we must mobilize to kick his butt out of our city for once and for all. He will not stop now and we can not turn our backs for one minute. Anyone and everyone who thought that he didn't even have a chance and sat on their ass doing nothing to defeat him should be ashamed of themself. Let's not let it happen again and let's hope that you take this man seriously, because we've obviously got a lot of like minded people moving here from other cities. P.S. No, Turner, we are not "reconquistas" that are smearing you....actually we are your fellow White and African-American "hyphenated Americans" who just happen to believe that all human beings are created equal (yes, Turner, even those so-called "illegals" that you so vehemently abhore)--a concept that is obviously alien to you, based on your comments in the newspaper last Saturday about some lives being worth more than others. You are despicable. Community Alliance for a United San Bernardino unitedsanbernardino@yahoo.com
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