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by Anna Kunkin
Saturday, Sep. 30, 2006 at 2:40 PM
After refusing to return to Iraq for a second time,
Army Specialist Agustin Aguayo turned himself in on Tuesday September 19, 2006 at the Fort Irwin Army Base near Barstow, California.
Aquayo had filed for conscientious objector status before being deployed to Iraq in 2004. His petition was wrongfully denied by the military and he was forced to flee from a back bedroom window of his home in Germany rather than return for a second time.
Since then he has been planning the best time and place for his surrender to face any consequences which may result from his act of conscience. “When you know better you do better,” he says, “therefore, this time I will not deploy.”
Aguayo is very clear about his position of refusing to participate in an illegal war or to be responsible for the death of other human beings. “I am not a coward and I am not a deserter”, he asserts. The consequences of a court martial and the possibility of spending time in prison are preferable to participating in something that he sees as wrong and immoral.
According to Aguayo, many soldiers in Iraq are coming to the same conclusion, and he has gotten support from many. “The soldiers are not stupid,” he says, “they see that they were lied to.” According to him many still feel obligated, for various reasons, to continue where they are, but ultimately there is a lot of change in the military.
As of Friday morning word has been received that he is being sent back to Germany and then to Iraq to face a court marshal there.
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by AK
Saturday, Sep. 30, 2006 at 10:02 PM
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Agustin turning himself in being handcuffed and frisked at Fort Irwin.
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by AK
Saturday, Sep. 30, 2006 at 11:03 PM
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Agustin hugging his wife Helga goodbye.
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by AK
Saturday, Sep. 30, 2006 at 11:31 PM
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Agustin’s wife's grandmother and aunt.
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by Powder
Sunday, Oct. 01, 2006 at 5:43 PM
You did volunteer, correct?
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by Like Duh
Sunday, Oct. 01, 2006 at 10:39 PM
My mistake. Herpes is forever. So is death. Support our Troops. Bring them Home.
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by Anna
Sunday, Oct. 01, 2006 at 10:41 PM
Agustin has been sent back to be court martialed....and therefore cannot respond for himself, and so I will attempt to answer these questions based on what I heard him say last Tuesday.
Yes, he did volunteer, out of a sense of patriotism and love for his country. In Iraq he saw and learned things that made him understand things in a different way. We are all learning and developing all the time; and Agustin realized that he couldn't participate in the taking of lives for any reason, and especially on behalf of a few hungry for power, that had lied to him, getting him to see others just like him as his enemy. As far as him looking for a photo-op, well yes. Of course. The machine that is promoting this war is huge and has all of the corporate media at it's disposal. Every opportunity to show people another point of view, especially young people that are thinking about enlisting, should be taken advantage of. In peace.
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by systemfailure
Monday, Oct. 02, 2006 at 7:46 AM
he did volunteer.........dont get trapped in that lie.... Why do you think that the military "recruits" out of high schools? You think some 18 year old kid (who cant be trusted to drink)...has any idea about war and death? Any soldier will tell you that they couldnt comprehend the horrors of the battlefield or describe the emptiness of seeing another soldiers death. The devastation of land and the trauma forced on children caught in the warzone. Well, he volunteered... BS, Raise up the enlistment age to 28 and watch the ranks thin out. Think about when you were 18. THink about the last job you quit, because you didnt like it. DId you start the job with knowledge that at a later date you would probally quit...no.... stop the war and stop the killing end the profits for the global elite who prostitute our children in their wars for "emerging markets".
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by fresca
Monday, Oct. 02, 2006 at 7:56 PM
It is laughable how there's never any mention or derision of the millions of muslim teenagers who are recruited to fight and destroy pretty much every non muslim society. Never any word about wanting them to stop the war. Never any marches about disarming them.
You're full of shit.
Keep the wars going until they're decimated.
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by hex
Monday, Oct. 02, 2006 at 8:05 PM
Keep the shit going until we're prostrated
or better yet - you are
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by the real fresca
Monday, Oct. 02, 2006 at 8:52 PM
That is a Zionist forgery. I am the real fresca and I do not subscribe to the ideology of the brainwahsed Zionist filth.
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by thank you
Monday, Oct. 02, 2006 at 11:31 PM
All I can say is thank you, for not going back that is. Your actions tell me you have a big heart, I just hope more people do what you are doing.
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by Jammer CC
Tuesday, Oct. 03, 2006 at 1:01 PM
The members of the military who refuse to go back to Iraq are the true heros. The ones who went to Canada to see refuge are the true heros. The ones "fighting" in Iraq are not making it safer for us here. The idea that the ones in Iraq are is just herd mentality "patriotism."
To urge the refusal to go back to Iraq is not anti-American. I'm sure one of the intents behind the effort is saying, "you want us to join the military to really defend the country? stop the illegal war in Iraq and we'll do so."
The ones who refuse to go back to Iraq have true courage.
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by Blah
Tuesday, Oct. 03, 2006 at 1:47 PM
the military in iraq are use for cannon fodder only. when they do get back home they are treated horrible from their government.
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by just me
Thursday, Oct. 12, 2006 at 7:26 AM
"The ones who refuse to go back to Iraq have true courage"
that is so true! they have a much stronger will and more personalty than the ones who refuse to have an own opinion!
i wish good luck to all the soldiers who refuse to fight in that horrible war!
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Oct. 12, 2006 at 12:44 PM
Damned right they are. Most will suffer the effects of Uranium poison, both radiological as well as toxicological. And the horror they have seen. And the ginny pig injection programs. All will and have suffered for lies. They need us. Support Our Troops. BRING THEM HOME ..........NOW.........
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by Me
Sunday, Oct. 29, 2006 at 1:46 AM
This is a shameful outrage. I spent 4 years in the Air Force and was never given the opportunity to deploy nor go to war. I was station in ass-backwards North Carolina surrounded by country phucks and heavy hoes. I wish I had the noble opportunity to go to the desert and lit some fellow human beins on fire in order to get better gas prices for my Lincoln Navigator.
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