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by A
Wednesday, Sep. 13, 2006 at 3:43 PM
An interview with 911-truth movement activist Katie Kurtsman Steal recorded on 9-11-06 five years after the events of September 11, 2001. Katie discusses some of the reasons why many people do not believe the official story of what really happened that day.
 katieksteal.jpg, image/jpeg, 293x288
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by A
Wednesday, Sep. 13, 2006 at 3:43 PM
audio: MP3 at 3.8 mebibytes
Katie discusses some of the reasons why many people do not believe the official story of what really happened that day.
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by John Leonard
Tuesday, Sep. 19, 2006 at 2:27 AM
KPFK organized a 9/11 Film Festival on Sat, 9/9 in Los Angeles as a “gift back to the community.” They showed 9/11 Press for the Truth, footage of William Rodriguez, and two premieres: Loose Change 2 New Cut and 9/11 Mysteries. 9/11 Mysteries is Part One: Demolition of a planned trilogy, the 9/11 Matrix. It is spellbinding, moving and incredibly well-researched, with a lot of footage you won’t see anywhere else. It proves the WTC was a controlled demolition sixteen ways to Sunday, including several new ways I had not heard of. The meeting took place at Immanuel Presbyterian Church on 3300 Wilshire Blvd and was fairly well attended.
On Sunday, 9/10, San Diegans for 9/11 Truth organized an evening presentation at the Joyce Beers Community Center. Speakers were Monica Mercedes Perez Jimenez, Prof. Jesús Nieto, and myself, John Leonard.
Monica is the daughter of a former CIA agent, Marita Lorenz, and Venezuelan President Marcos Perez Jimenez. Her mother was assigned by the CIA to seduce and murder Fidel Castro and murder him. Instead she fell in love with Castro. She was brought back to the US, given a forced abortion, subjected to MK-Ultra programming, and sent out again to assassinate President Jimenez, which again did not work. Monica has witnessed at first hand and survived the Orwellian cruelty of a regime that treats people as disposable assets.
Prof. Nieto is a member of the San Diego State University Faculty and like myself a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. He spoke on the long history of war crimes committed by the US in Latin America.
The third speaker was me, John Leonard, better known as a one-man publishing company called Progressive Press, “publisher of the first, the best and the most entertaining books of 9/11 truth: The War on Freedom; 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA; and Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets of 9/11.” Here is a copy of my speech:
I'd like to tell you a little bit about how I came to the 911 issue
Between the Vietnam war and the year 2000 I was not interested in politics. What shook me up was the Al Aqsa Intifada. I was living in the Czech republic where you had that memory of Soviet tanks in Prague in 1968, and on TV they were showing American tanks against small boys in the streets of Palestine. It turned my world upside down. I started spending all my free time as an internet activist for the Palestinian cause.
9/11 was a huge setback. I got the feeling I needed to do something more lasting, like a book. I lucked out and got the manuscript of War on Freedom, which became the first 9/11 Truth book in English in July 2002. I was very excited because it was like a chance to scoop the story of the century. Also it had been really hard trying to get people to sympathize with the Palestinians, but on 9/11, 3000 Americans were murdered, and that was a different story. I was sure the war party would never get away with 9/11, but the question was for how long, and how many wars they would start first.
I had been taken in by the official story on 9/11, until The War on Freedom hit me with its tons of circumstantial evidence that the government either let 9/11 happen or made it happen. But we didn’t yet have a real "smoking gun". Also the idea of "let it happen on purpose" still means some Ay-rabs attacked the US, so that doesn’t do anything to stop these wars. It’s an idea that only bothers liberals, and they aren't the ones who are pushing war anyway. So I wrote a chapter at the back of War on Freedom showing how the US has always provoked its foreign wars, and how Israel uses fake terrorism and provocations to "justify" its ongoing aggression.
I also started selling other people’s books that concentrate on the controlled demolitions of the three WTC Towers, like Painful Questions and Waking Up from Our Nightmare. Recently I also published a book focused exclusively on demolition, called 9/11 on Trial. The author, Victor Thorn, is going to be on Coast to Coast AM along with David Ray Griffin tomorrow night.
The controlled demolition of the World Trade Center is our smoking gun, the real hammer that proves 9/11 was an inside job. All three towers in the World Trade Center fell straight down at free-fall speed. That is exactly what happens in a demolition, because you blow out all the supports at the same time, so the pieces of building have nowhere else to go. Otherwise, straight down through those massive supporting columns is the path of MOST resistance, so any other kind of damage makes an object topple over instead. The cover-up artists try to answer this with their hired gun Prof. Eager from MIT, the Military Industrial Technocracy. “Gee, I thought it was strange too at first, but anything that heavy has to fall straight down.” Good one, Galileo. It’s the old trick of stopping thought with a statement so absurd that there is no rational reply to it.
Our smoking gun is especially hot with the third bldg, WTC No. 7, which the media try very hard not to mention. It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything, so they can't make up any excuse for it at all, not even a lousy rotten one like they have for the Twin Towers.
Before 9/11 I was the opposite of a conspiracy theorist. I would argue with them or ignore them. Conspiracy didn't fit into my world view, which was pretty mainstream. Now I wouldn't be surprised if They steered Katrina into New Orleans and blew up the dykes, set off the tsunami in the Indian Ocean with nukes and jiggered artificial earthquakes in Afghanistan with HAARP technology. I wouldn’t put anything at all past these people, especially anything really nasty, because 9/11 was such an outrageous piece of perfidy, on a world-historical scale, to use one of Webster Tarpley’s favorite words.
We human beings tend to see what we expect. Our mind is not a digital computer that comes to a crashing halt if it hits one dot out of place. Instead, we smoothe the data and keep on going. We talk about weighing evidence, like an analog device. If we run into new information that won’t fit unless we turn our world view upside down, then it’s tough for the new info. We reject it, ignore it, rationalize it, or discredit the source. We say, I'm not a structural engineer like that genius Eager. People will even say upfront, I am not going to consider that because I don't want to go where it leads, or where some pied piper might lead us. We are rational only in very limited spaces where we aren’t influenced by subjective factors, which is just enough to make us think we are really logical about everything.
So 9/11 was a huge, high-tech, high-risk psychological operation, and it's not over, it's an ongoing project. There is no telling what they will do next if people don't see through the fake terror provocations and all the other ways they manipulate us 24/7. So we urgently need to learn more about how conditioning works. With 911, first you had the trauma, the exploding towers, people falling from windows, spectacular horror. Emotional impact makes us suggestible to implanting new ideas and behavior. After that came the constant repetition, watering the new weeds, telling us what we saw, and about the evil terrorists, even though they never produced one shred of competent evidence on the alleged hijackers. Repetition simply makes it so. It weighs on our scale. A computer program doesn't change if it hits the same error 100 times. But a human starts to think the error is the truth.
Most people in the 9/11 Truth movement seem to be like me – they weren't into conspiracy stuff before 9/11. It’s true of most 9/11 authors too. They mostly debunk the official fairy tale by connecting dots of evidence put up by researchers on the Web.
That’s actually the easy part, since 9/11 was committed in plain view. What’s harder is to get specific about who the criminals are, because they are definitely hiding, even if some big ones might be hiding in plain view too.
We need two things to keep more 9/11’s from happening. One is to become more sophisticated about how they manipulate us. The other is to find out the guilty network and put them out of business. So far, the most advanced book on that is 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA by Webster Tarpley, a guy with a quarter-century head start on the subject. In 1978 he wrote a book about the Red Brigades, the terrorists who blew up the Bologna Centrale train station and assassinated prime minister Aldo Moro. He showed that they were not communists, but patsies, assets of a fascistic parallel government run by NATO. It was a countergang ploy to discredit and destroy Eurocommunism.
Tarpley traces the technique of false-flag terror back to the founding of the British Empire, to Venice, Byzantium and Rome. I liked his radio show on the 400th anniversary of Guy Fawkes Day so much that I put poor old Guy on the inside front cover of Synthetic Terror. I also put in a flowchart tracing false flag terror upward to the ultimate string pullers, the owners of this society. It's on these postcards which I just gave away 5,000 of.
Another one of my authors, Mathias Broeckers, was writing a book about the nature of conspiracy when 9/11 hit. That gives his book extra dimensions, beyond just a laundry list of what happened on the day. The title is Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets of 9/11, and I’m laying a claim for it as the most entertaining book so far on 9/11. At least until year-end. Then I plan to bring out Truth Jihad by Prof. Kevin Barrett, who they tried to fire from the U of Wisconsin for including 9/11 in a course on Islam. Barrett is a total riot. Sean Hannity invited him on the show to skewer him, and Kevin put him in his place - told him he shouldn’t be allowed on the air to spew his venom!
We are getting strong. In fact, we have Them beat, they just need time to face the fact. Not even Time magazine could ignore the Harris poll showing 36% suspect the government was involved in 9/11. The only question is, how big will our victory be. The 9/11 criminals are a very slippery bunch. Don’t let them get away. The whole truth about 9/11 means the truth about our society, about the total corruption at the top. And that’s the truth that can set us free.
Thank you.
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by oK
Tuesday, Sep. 19, 2006 at 1:31 PM
the soft under belly of the beast. Naked and bloated with hubris. 9-11 was treason
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by John Leonard
Saturday, Oct. 07, 2006 at 7:50 PM
Audio files of the San Diego presentations and Q&A sessions have been posted to Indymedia, please see
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