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by Ibrahim
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 12:46 PM
I have heard from my brothers that there will be an anti-Muslim event on this Sunday the 10th and they will have signs which show the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in front of the King Fahd Masjid in Culver City. My brothers and I will be there to confront these hate mongers.
I have heard from my brothers that there will be an anti-Muslim event on this Sunday the 10th and they will have signs which show the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in front of the King Fahd Masjid in Culver City. My brothers and I will be there to confront these hate mongers. There will be a counter-protest at 4:00 PM at the Masjid at 10980 Washington Blvd in Culver City.
Thanks, Wasalaam.
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by for more info
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 3:08 PM
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by tedWatch
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 5:32 PM
Is that Ted Hayes I see in that picture on the UAC site?
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by Prophet
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 6:09 PM
Its supposed to be Bin laden.
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by OG
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 6:20 PM
 tedhayes_1_.jpg, image/jpeg, 320x280
Member of the UAC Executive Committee, Ted Hayes, speaks at an event.
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by OG
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 6:22 PM
 ted_and_jim_1_.jpg, image/jpeg, 350x263
Member of the UAC Executive Committee, Ted Hayes, hugs the founder of the Minuteman project, Jim Gilchrist.
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by Busy Activist
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 9:35 PM
oh, so now the arab/muslim community is reaching out for supporters! all i can say is that there is no way i will be there for them!
let me explain. for the past year or so, i have partaken in dozens of anti-hate/anti-racist protests against the sos/minutemen. in burbank, glendale, leimert park, downtown, maywood, etc... and not once have i seen support from the arab/muslim community. not even at the march 25th or may 1st marches did muslims make their presence known. i've personally seen korean/fillipino/asian support...even a large number of europeans and african americans...but not arab/muslims. they refuse to even denounce one of their own, costa mesa mayor allan mansoor, while he viciously terrorizes the mexican/"central american" community there!!
it is my hope that all mexicans/"central americans" stay away from this event. their cause is not our cause!! any affiliation with this event will only taint the great strides our communities have made this year. strides achieved through marches and protests, in hot weather and rain (the students), while these guys were nowhere to be seen.
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by Ibrahim
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 9:56 PM
To "busy activist" you have obviously not been with us when we march with ANSWER against Israeli and American agression and occupations and we show up in force to show the world that the U.S. policies in no way represent Muslim Americans. I personally was with you when we marched against SOS and Minutemen in Baldwin park.
Now how do we get this article on the front page of indymedia?
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by Ibrahim
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 9:56 PM
To "busy activist" you have obviously not been with us when we march with ANSWER against Israeli and American agression and occupations and we show up in force to show the world that the U.S. policies in no way represent Muslim Americans. I personally was with you when we marched against SOS and Minutemen in Baldwin park.
Now how do we get this article on the front page of indymedia?
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by Busy Activist
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 10:32 PM
"To 'busy activist' you have obviously not been with us when we march with ANSWER against Israeli and American agression and occupations and we show up in force to show the world that the U.S. policies in no way represent Muslim Americans."
i am not talking about "israeli" occupations. your community is only focused on isaeli/arab issues. that is fine. but you cannot put a "call out" for others to join you, and expect them to, when you guys don't support anyone else. the biggest occupation is here on this continent...and has been so for over 500 years (an occupation from which you and your community are benefiting from by the way). end the foreign occupation in "america," and you end it on a global scale. but you can't see that can you? the arab/muslim press/media focuses so much attention on the wall dividing palestine, that those of you living on this continent fail to see the wall 100 miles to the south. "oh, that's a totally different issue." i've heard that first-hand. bs. i stand by my earlier statement!
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by OG
Saturday, Sep. 09, 2006 at 8:08 AM
I didnt see tens of thousands to denounce SOS/MM in there rallies like what we saw on march 25th and may 1st. Also, in reality the spanish mainstream media made those two dates possible not the leadership of the march 25th coalitions. Piolin, El Cucuy telemundo, etc have been pressing those two dates March 25th coalition didnt even bother to asked other ethnics DJ to announce it in there show. as for asian coming to the rallies, it was only activst in those community. Nation of Islam came there muslims.
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by Harbor City Resident
Saturday, Sep. 09, 2006 at 8:25 AM
One of the key financial backers of this anti-Islamic event is Computers NLA, a mom and pop shop in Harbor City, CA.
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by -
Saturday, Sep. 09, 2006 at 10:58 AM
And just what is wrong with pictures of Mo in front of the Saudi-funded mosque?
If you don't like it, don't go. They have as much right to free speech as you do.
Your threats and intimidation over "Mo's cartoons" won't work here.
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by BaBaBooey!
Saturday, Sep. 09, 2006 at 11:20 AM
I saw several Islamic women activists in the May 1st march. they were dressed in blue, so they looked like Catholic nuns
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by hayes is a fraud
Saturday, Sep. 09, 2006 at 3:25 PM
Ignore this event. This is an attempt to create a media spectacle. By going to counter you will only be help Hayes and this group feed the media. Their tactic is to provoke and it only works if people react. This group has been to this mosque before and it was a flop only a handful of racists showed. The people at the mosque can handle this.
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by ---
Saturday, Sep. 09, 2006 at 8:34 PM
Maybe some people will want to go to network with fellow progressives. The white house is trying to make arabs into public enemy number one... and latino immigrants into public enemy number two.
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by ---
Saturday, Sep. 09, 2006 at 8:58 PM
At one of the immigration panels earlier this year, there was a muslim activist who was building bridges. That took some guts. He got some support from the activist audience.
I think that both sides are afraid of the other. Each side has been painted as an enemy of the nation, and each side is afraid of the "taint" of the other.
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by JS
Sunday, Sep. 10, 2006 at 1:41 AM
To Busy Activist;
This is no time for narrow self - oriented politcis. Let's make it clear; the attacks on the Arabic and Muslim communities have been going full force for five years - since 9-1-1. Right after 9-1-1 I visited a little store whose Muslim owner had been murdered. They face constant violent harrassment hate crimes and threats.
The question is Where have WE been? You remember the adage: First they came for the...
Well this time first they came for the Arabic and Muslim peoples, then they came for us.
Maybe we were too "busy" to notice their plight. Maybe we didn't stand for them when they came under attack. Think about it. Like us, they are a community under seige.
You know the people going out to protest at the mosque are a lynch mob.
If you still don't get it, the Arabs, Muslims, Blacks and you and I are the new targets of the Fourth Reich, the New Amerikkkan Nazism.
Your position is destructive, divisive and will your attitude will lead to our mutual defeat. The powers that be are forever playing divide and conquer between oppressed peoples.
Don't play into their game.
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by JS
Sunday, Sep. 10, 2006 at 1:48 AM
The white guy with the Amerikkkan colonial flag next to Hayes in the top foto was the clown who marched straight into the crowd - I Think with the same flag, at Baldwin Park 2.
We had to escort him out or he'd have paid a terrible price for his immense, racist and fundamentalist arrogance. The fool just smiled - half gloating, have frozen with fear, as a crowd of 100 or so surrounded him.
The white haired white guy with the beard has also turned out against us at the anti-migrant event Hayes led in Leimert Park, when Hayes and SS187 assaulted a counter protestor.
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by V
Sunday, Sep. 10, 2006 at 4:30 AM
He is the founder of the organization. He has posted his events at SOS under JesseP UAC.
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by free speeeech
Sunday, Sep. 10, 2006 at 12:22 PM
"We had to escort him out or he'd have paid a terrible price for his immense, racist and fundamentalist arrogance. "
Oh, I thought the MM/SOS/UAC were the violent ones ? So, beat him down for holding a flag ?
Such tolerance !
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by thinking out loud
Sunday, Sep. 10, 2006 at 1:47 PM
Just called the mosque, and the guy who answered the phone said they would WELCOME counterprotestors--and that they have counterprotests planned. Also said there was NO connection between the mosque, terrorists, and bin Laden.
A side note--my call didn't go through the first time. The recording simply said my call didn't go through. Dialed again immediately, it went through fine. Guess it doesn't take long for the FBI, CIA, and NSA to get hooked in.
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by thinking out loud
Sunday, Sep. 10, 2006 at 2:49 PM
Just went and quickly checked out the mosque and Saudi Arabian King Fahd, who funded it. Here's what I came up with:
On the mosque:
The National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States says that,
"[Suspected 911 bombers Nawaf al Hazmi and Khalid al Mihdhar] appear to
have obtained assistance from the Muslim community, specifically the community
surrounding the King Fahd mosque" for two weeks in late January of 2000
and met with people from the mosque again in June of
2000. Whether they met with Fahad al Thumairy, a cleric at the Mosque
who may have promoted orthodox Wahhabiism, was never ascertained. When
Thumairy was refused readmission to the U.S in 2003 for alleged terrorist
connections, a spokesperson for the mosque said, "He never dealt with
politics, in his public comments or in private gatherings."
In 2001, Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel of the the Jewish Defense League were
arrested for plotting to bomb the King Fahd Mosque. Rubin died in jail;
Krugel got 20 years for terrorism.
On King Fahd:
King Fahd's foreign policies included support on for the War on Terrorism which he described would crush the terrorists "with an iron fist". He has been a supporter of the United Nations. He supports foreign aid and has given 5.5% of Saudia Arabia's national income through various funds especially the Saudi Fund for Development and the Opec Fund for International Development. He has also given aid to the needy such as the Bosnian Muslims in the recent Balkan Wars. King Fahd had also been a strong supporter of the Palestinian cause and an opponent of the State of Israel. . . .
The United States announced that Vice President Dick Cheney would attend the funeral. French President Jacques Chirac announced that he would also attend, as did the United Kingdom's Prince Charles, Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf, Jordan's King Abdullah II, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and the Singapore Senior Minister, SM Goh Chok Tong."
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by V
Sunday, Sep. 10, 2006 at 6:52 PM
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by Jammer CC
Sunday, Sep. 10, 2006 at 9:49 PM
I'm not surprised the MM/SOS would go to a mosque to protest against Osama. There was anti-Muslim attitude in the Gilchrist campaign and there seems to be on the KFI shows like John and Ken. Maybe their reasoning only goes so far? Why don't they hang a fake Osama in front of the white house?
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by Nazi Hunter
Monday, Sep. 11, 2006 at 1:49 AM
There are links between the UAC and the JDL.
The JDL planned to bomb the King Fahd mosque. It's leader- the infamous Irv Rubin, was arrested along with a compatriot for plotting to blow up the mosque and the office of a local Arab-American Congressman. They were caught with a large volume of bomb making materials. Rubin later "committed suicide" in incarceration, and his compatriot was apprently murdered by a neo-Nazi.
The JDL has also been suspected of setting a bomb that killed a leader of the American Arab Anti-Defamation League in Orange County.
The UAC organizer for the Jewish community openly links himself to the JDL and to the Mossad on his webpage.
That the Minutemen / SOS have associated themselves with a group with open links to the right wing terrorists like the JDL is cause for concern among any and all who have been threatened by these race-extremists.
Demonstrating on behalf of the Muslim community means standing against the targeting of that community by terrorists and killers.
It means defending people who already live under seige.
What more needs to be said?
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by Becky Johnson
Tuesday, Sep. 12, 2006 at 6:16 AM
Santa Cruz, CA.
JS WRITES: "You know the people going out to protest at the mosque are a lynch mob. " BECKY: First, where are the depictions of Mohammed that the Arab/Muslim organizers of the counter-protest claimed would be there? Second, hanging an effigy of Bin Laden outside a mosque where 2 of the 9-11 terrorists allegedly got care and comfort seems an appropriate form of protest. I mean is okay to hang an effigy of George W. Bush? Or an effigy of Dick Cheney? If those are acceptable, then why not Bin Laden? He killed nearly 3,000 Americans and has promised to kill more such "infidels." Third, why can't we see any photos which show the "racist" "hate-mongering" signs of the protesters? How can we decide for ourselves what their message was? Are we instead expected to believe the filtrated analysises of their message by people who are totally against any such protest? Fourth, Ted Hayes is a black man opposed to Islamic terrorism. Bringing up images of black lynchings in the south is totally a red herring that has nothing to do with this protest. Who here is in FAVOR of Islamic terrorism? Fifth, according to the FBI, there were and still are more than twice as many hate crimes committed against Jews in American than against Muslims in the United States from before and since 9-11. see: http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius_04/offenses_reported/hate_crime/index.html
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by Assumption
Tuesday, Sep. 12, 2006 at 7:45 AM
The Jewish Defense League has not been a force of note in well over a decade.
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by bb
Thursday, Sep. 21, 2006 at 10:53 PM
Sorry to dissapoint, "Busy Activist," but your hopes did not materialize. I am Mexican and I attended the counter protest at the mosque. I've attended many of the anti-hate/anti-racist protests against the sos/minute men at day labor centers in glendale, in maywood, and in downtown LA...many times getting right in their face. I saw this one as no less important.
To think that the racist demonstrations against muslims has nothing to do with the attacks on immigrants and the immigrant right's movement is way off. All you need to do to see the connection here is look at the case of Elvira Arellano from Chicago. She's being deported because she was working at an airport and is an undocumented immigrant. They are using the excuse that she is a "security threat." How is that not connected to the "war on terrorism" and racist attacks toward Muslims?
One of the justifications for increasing the size of that wall you refer to is the "war on terrorism." Oh, and guess who just won the bid to expand the wall between the U.S and Mexico? Boeing! Only one of the leading contractors for the U.S. militrary. Yes, they are profiting from the "war on terror" and the attack on immigrants.
Bottom line, these groups are disgusting and dangerous!
We need to counter them every opportunity we get. We need to stomp them out. We need to unite and fight against these "racists" and "hatemongers" (yes Becky, that was for you), because if we don't, they will surely grow in confidence and in number. We need to get in their faces. We need to see the connections in our struggles and ally ourselves. We need numbers. We don't need to argue about who is showing up for who. We need to start connecting our struggles somehow. We start this by supporting each other.
Oh, and I wasn't the only Mexican there. I seriously hope you change your position "Busy activist." Their cause is my cause. Their stuggle...my struggle.
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by reader
Friday, Sep. 22, 2006 at 3:51 AM
-Bin Laden? He killed nearly 3,000 Americans and has promised to kill more such "infidels."
Yes, it's REALLY IMPORTANT to keep this 'REMEMBER SEPT. 11' flag flying isn't it? It is the linch pin of all the lies that stated this slide into tyranny. Even if there IS NO VALID EVIDENCE of INVOLVEMENT pointing to the posterboard villain that was brought forward by the war press, as the FBI has admitted. And these series of C.I.A. supplied Osama tapes are pathetic as Psychological Operations directed at the American public. Most of America is beginning to understand who the real terrorists were and are. Not Islam not Muslims but our own American secret shadow government.
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by johnk
Friday, Sep. 22, 2006 at 12:19 PM
Please note that there was no hanging of Bush or Cheney, in effigy, at this protest. I haven't actually seen one, ever. I'm sure it's happened, and when it did, it probably got recorded on IMC somewhere (but I can't really recall a story... maybe in 2003). When you compare what did happen, to something that doesn't really happen as often as it might or should, it's a bogus comparison.
Second, I think it's okay to hang Bin Laden in effigy. I'm generally okay with doing it to his real body too, provided he gets a trial. Then the excuse for all these invasions is eliminated.
That's not the controversy here. The issue is that they're targeting a mosque, and they're doing it for the media, with multiple goals, among which is the defamation of an entire religion.
I am assuming that of the hundreds who attend the mosque, almost all of them oppose terrorism. Maybe they all do. (I'm giving the right wing the benefit of the doubt here.) Whatever this fact, it's just one aspect of this protest. There are multiple goals. I think the UAC has a general anti-Islamic goal, to create conflict between Christians and Muslims (or to take the conflict that exists and make it more concrete, here in America). I say this because they worked with a Christian sect hostile to Islam to organize this, then encouraged other primarily right-wing Christians from SOS to ally with them.
It worked, in my opinion.
>Bringing up images of black lynchings in the south is totally a red herring that has nothing to do with this protest.
I think that was Hayes' intention, to play off the fact that he's Black. It's practically performance art.
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by Becky Johnson
Friday, Sep. 29, 2006 at 1:08 PM
Santa Cruz, CA.
I was on-topic. I didn't name-call anyone. I DID call John K. naive if he thought everyone in the King Faahd Mosque was against terrorism. The photo of the REAL 9/11 was also relevant---an example of Muslim terror against Americans.
Are you trying to pretend it didnt happen?
Here is the censored post. I think most will agree, there is nothing in the LA.IMC guidelines that support censoring this post. ---Becky Johnson
The following post has status hidden:
Protest was not "Against Muslims" by Becky Johnson • Sunday, Sep. 24, 2006 at 2:34 PM Santa Cruz, CA.
Protest was not &quo... wtc_tower2_hit_sept_11_2001.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x300
BB calls me a "racist" and a "hatemonger" and says the following: "To think that the racist demonstrations against muslims has nothing to do with the attacks on immigrants and the immigrant right's movement is way off."
BECKY: I'm sorry you feel the need to characterize me that way. For the record I am against racism and for racial unity.
You have characterized this demonstration as "against Muslims" despite organizers PSA's which explained why they had chosen THAT mosque as a location for a protest, and despite Ted Hayes overt comment "We Love Muslims!"
Both the PSA and the organizers all had one message: They are against Islamic terrorism---not against Muslims.
I am in favor or reasonable, fairly administered security checks and precautions taken for foreigners in our country. I do not see these as inherently racist on their face, but more likely administered in a racially biased manner.
The 9-11 hijackers came to the United States on legal, student visas, and would not have been caught by any crackdown on "illegals."
I think John K. is naive if he thinks every member of the Mosque opposes Islamic terrorism.
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