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by Leslie Radford
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:58 PM
Residents of Maywood team up with area protestors to defend their city and drive Save Our State out.
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MAYWOOD, CA, 26 August 2006--Maywood handily fought off an invasion today, as
the minuteman-style group Save Our State tried to force its message of rejection
and hate on the small suburb on the southeast edge of Los Angeles. Five
hundred people lined the barricades along the city's main street to face off
against fifty SOS members behind barricades a hundred feet away.
The 28,000 residents of Maywood – a small town of just over one mile square
that proudly proclaims itself 96% Hispanic – are experienced at defending
themselves from oppression. The
"Maywood revolution" began last fall, when residents rose up against
their police chief, who routinely had used roadblocks to confiscate the vehicles
of undocumented immigrants and sell the cars for public revenue.
Maywoodians threw out their city council and mayor in the November elections, an
election in which nearly 100% of eligible voters cast ballots, and replaced them
with representatives who promptly disbanded the police traffic division,
demanded an audit of LAUSD, denounced the Sensenbrenner anti-immigrant
resolution, endorsed drivers licenses for all residents, and proclaimed Maywood
a sanctuary city, where the police would no longer check immigration or
citizenship status.
SOS members, who had declared Maywood a "lawless" city and called
it "the belly of the beast," armed themselves with signs declaring
immigrants "sinners" and flaunting the racist senator Tancredo for
President. Like minutemen on the border who scoff at law enforcement procedures in their
pursuit of immigrants, SOS proved themselves no respecters of the Maywood's electoral and
legislative processes.
Maywood city council and residents began
organizing three weeks ago, on the heels of the announcement of the SOS plan to
invade their town, and they welcomed allies from Latino, Indigenous, socialist,
anarchist, and anti-racists groups from across greater L.A. By 11:00 a.m.
both sides were lined up, and the chanting and shouting had begun. Maywood
residents got down to business
– the business of ejecting SOS
– with gritty determination. At a
church nearby, the Mayor and council members signed up people to vote and file
for citizenship.
The nearly all-white Save Our State group has spent the past year and a half
marching into predominantly Meso-American neighborhoods and workplaces to mock
Mexican, Central American, and Indigenous cultures, denounce local governments,
and prevent Mexican-descent workers from working. The SOS invasion of Brown people’s territory – always with police escorts
– caught media attention when they invaded the
predominantly Chicano city of Baldwin Park to attack a Native American and
Chicano-centered public artwork there with the stated intention of
“punishing” the city financially.
Even before Saturday's protest officially began, an SOS woman strode through
the heart of the Maywood group, coming up from behind them, and a cadre of
twenty cops helped her through the shouting crowd. She was grabbed from
behind but released by the crowd around her. For the next three hours,
SOS repeatedly sent provocateurs, each time with police escorts, to invade and rile up the pro-migrant crowd. In another foray, the
cops pushed a woman counter protestor to the ground, injuring her in order to
allow a minutewoman to pass. Only one pair of about twenty different
intruders were turned away by the police when the pro-migrant protestors intercepted
them first at the back of the crowd, on the corner of Slauson and Pine Avenue.
The crowd roared, "La migra, policía – la misma porquería."
SOS members routinely encourage each other to arm themselves for protests, and
routinely show up with mace, pepper spray, knives, and guns. From the
organization’s beginnings, its leadership has encouraged weapons and violence, going
so far as to urge members to bring baseball bats to a demonstration. SOS members,
including their self styled “leader” and San Bernardino school board
candidate Joe Turner, have been arrested for
assault more than once. In Laguna Beach they appeared with Nazi flags. One
SOS scofflaw followed a car full of counter protestors in a high speed gun-waving
chase. They’ve openly applauded unprovoked police violence against counter
SOS instigated the apartheid-style
"Anti-Illegal Immigration Ordinance" that has claimed a foothold in a
few small towns in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and in Escondido,
California. The ordinance declares that the presence of undocumented
people "leads to higher crime rates, contributes to overcrowded classrooms
and failing schools, . . . and destroys our neighborhoods and diminishes our
overall quality of life," and proclaims such people "public
The latest target in their catalog of violence has been school children at
the Chicano-Indigenous Academia Semillas del Pueblo, whom at least one SOS
member threatened to bomb as SOS prepared to demonstrate against the
school. When the parents in the El Sereno neighborhood organized to defend
the school, SOS decided to stay home and cancelled their protest.
It took only about 45 minutes of shouting, accompanied by snare drums and a
mariachi band, before the pro-migrant protestors determined to confront Save Our
State. About twenty-five Chicanos, Blacks, and whites had gone around the
block and returned to urge the protestors to meet up with SOS around the
corner. Women pushing strollers, grandparents, bikers, college students,
workers, and kids giving up their Saturday joined with ANSWER-LA and marched
south on Pine Avenue, intending to come up behind the SOS location on Slauson
and Flora Avenue. They chanted "La lucha de obrera no tiene fronteras."
Neighbors and children with Mexican flags cheered them on.
But police from Maywood, Bell Gardens, and a contingent from Huntington Park
in full riot gear, decked out like a squadron of Marines, moved the barricades
and turned back the marchers at
Flora and East 50th Avenue. Included in the police presence along Slauson
was a lone Victorville officer in uniform who was also identified as a
minuteman. When one protestor asked an officer why the police had
determined to face their residents and keep their backs to the intruders, the
officer accused the protestor of turning a "nice" conversation
"hostile" and evaded the question when it was repeated. On the
way back, the protestors noisily reminded the recently-reprimanded Maywood police,
"Whose streets? Our streets!"
Tempers rose with the temperature. The nearly all-white SOS rowdies
continued their taunts and catcalls, and the Maywood defenders responded with
"¡Fuera racistas!" SOS waved half a dozen large U.S. flags as
they shouted that Maywood was "lawless" and "un-American,"
and insinuated that SOS were the true U.S. patriots. One SOSer waved a
placard declaring the people of Maywood "traitors."
It took only a moment, a quick dash to the flagpole at the post office, and
then a cheer went up from the crowd. A Mexican flag was flying from the
previously empty flag pole. The crowd turned north to face it, some people
cheering, some shocked. When a socialist group objected to the flag, a
fight nearly broke out, but the parties were separated to shouts of "¡Unidad!"
If SOS were "patriots," Maywood protestors were having none of it.
Twenty police swarmed the flag pole, splaying the "perpetrator"
who'd raised the flag against the wall and beating him on the back of the legs
with a baton. Then they set to work to bring down the flag. The
crowd quieted with disappointment. But the ropes twisted, the flag wrapped
itself in the cords. A Corporal Serrota tried to spin it loose, but the
ropes only knotted up further, above and below the flag. The flag had
freed itself and was holding on by a single clip, fluttering in the wind.
Someone in the crowd shouted, "How many Maywood cops does it take to lower a
flag?" and the laughter began. There the flag waved, about a quarter
of the way down the pole, as the cops fumed and called in superiors. A
custodial worker from the post office reached through a barely opened-door to
hand the cops some keys, but they were no help. The cops gave up
and took positions protecting the waving Mexican flag. Finally,
the cops gave up and retreated, walking backward in lockstep, batons raised in
self-defense, squeezing out and away from the hostile crowd to the other side of
the barricade. One protestor looked up toward the still-waving flag and
called it "magic."
Meanwhile, SOS had raised a U.S. flag on an empty city flag pole at their end
of Slauson without police interference.
The person who raised the Mexican flag commented that "both the flag and
I got beaten, but we're both still flying. I just dived at the flag pole,
took my flag off its stick, and pulled it up the pole. The police grabbed
me, splayed me out . . . " Here he demonstrated the requisite pose
and yanked up the back of his shorts. " . . . and [Officer] Inouye
hit me with his baton." The red welt was obvious to the small group
around him. "But I didn't get arrested. The flag and I are
free." He still held the flag's stick in his hands.
At 2:00 p.m., the police escorted SOS to their cars, although protestors had gotten
no closer than forty feet to them. Meanwhile, Maywood citizens and their
supporters were left to walk through areas the minutemen had invaded to make
their way to their cars. The protestors shouted out, "Que viva la
raza! We're not criminals, we're not terrorists! We're going to
fight for our rights, we're going to fight against racism" and, to the
retreating minutemen, "Fuera
chicken!" They raised a chorus of "Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no
llores . . . " as the last SOSers headed west with their police protection.
But Maywood upped the stakes for SOS, and the raising of the flag a
new level of resistance against SOS's brand of in-your-face, violent
racism. SOS, which had promised its members security for their vehicles,
found their tires slashed, cars spray painted, and one car's rear window broken
out. This time, in the tiny sanctuary enclave of Maywood, SOS's violence
was met with violence. One protestor concluded the confrontation: "I
don't think they'll be coming back to Maywood."
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by Leslie Radford
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:58 PM
 sos_line2a.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x250
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by Leslie Radford
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:58 PM
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by Leslie Radford
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:58 PM
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by Leslie Radford
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:58 PM
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by Leslie Radford
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:58 PM
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by Leslie Radford
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:58 PM
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by Leslie Radford
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:58 PM
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by Peregrine
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 10:26 AM
Mexican Flag: $10 Hand-held baton to wave it: $10 Raising the Flag up the Maywood post office flagpole and watching in-bred, incestuous Nazi pigs try to take it down: PRICELESS.
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by 1st hand source
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 10:42 AM
Typical racist if you want to know who got "owned" in Maywood just ask your fellow neo-nazis who parked along Flora avenue. : )
The racist cops may be able to protect your person but NOT your property!
Think about that and how youre gonna get home the next time you decide to terrorize our communities. ; )
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by BaBaBooey!
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 12:04 PM
so a "minutewoman" claims that someone brushed up against her. Does this same person denounce the "mail order bride" phenomenon, where disgusting white geezers buy Asian women like cattle? Or does she denounce the sweatshops which oppress women around the world every second of every day? I don't think so. Talk about a douible standard
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by Dave
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 12:18 PM
She was punched and grouped. It is not a claim, but a fact. She was hit with full water bottles too. I dont understand why violence has to be a part of any of this. Both sides are entitled to their opinions, but violence should not be a part of it. Not only is it illegal to do the things done to her, but its immoral. There are apparently some monsters involved in this current movement and its disgusting. I have video footage of the incident, so please dont act like shes lying.
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by BaBaBooey!
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 12:47 PM
the Minutenazis at shoot unarmed people and leave them to die in the desert. so please spare me the whining when some dingbat has someone brush up against her
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by Nazis for target practice
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 1:15 PM
WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS WOMAN DOING GOING THROUGH THE MAYWOOD PROTEST? WHY WERE YOU GOING ALONG WITH YOUR CAMERA? In my hood, we call it provocation, and we walk around the block. We don't send women or anyone into dangerous situations so we can set them up to scream Oh my god! They assaulted a woman!
And why were you photographing her body?
Damn straight there are monsters at these things. The Minutemen have had it too easy for too long, walking into places they're not wanted and yelling at people, threatening people, disrupting a peaceful day in a peaceful city, keeping people from working, chasing people around with knives, guns, bombs, and what all.
So what terms are you proposing? The Minutemen can do violence on people who are minding their own business, but the people can't do violence on the minutemen who march into their town and, with a truckload of white arrogance, try to tell them what ordinances they can and can't pass?
Blow that offer out your *ss and tell your mintuemen gang to back off their violence. We've put up with your sh*t for a year. I don't deal with punks, especially white ones.
As to groping, given your opinions of Mexican men, I would imagine any of the women in your group would scream rape if they were within ten feet of a Mexican. But that's how it works, isn't it? You indoctrinate them (and yourselves) to be afraid of dark-skinned people, and that way, if there's a problem, all your fingers point to the Mexican or Salvadoran or African--whoever's handy. You just try telling a jury of people of color that the white woman got groped in a Mexican crowd.
And you should have learned about loaded water bottles at Baldwin Park.
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by Nazis for target practice
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 1:23 PM
Looks like the nazi-wannabe boys found their martyr. No surprise it is a woman. Betcha even money the following was written by the same woman who's screaming nos.
Posted on the SOS board 4days ago:
"I hate to say it, but I think our movement needs a few martyrs (remember the Alamo!) I'm not volunteering for martyrdom, but I'm doing this because I firmly believe that it is my duty as a parent to protect my children's birthright. I hope it doesn't come to that, but this is a cause that I'm willing to kill and die for. Now that I've freaked everyone out, is anyone goin from San Diego county? I'm in La Mesa (just E. of San Diego). I'm still tentative, but I'm gonna try like hell to be there."
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by condiment user
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 2:14 PM
The SOSers are trying to provoke a situation like Skokie, where Nazis marched through the predominantely Jewish neighborhood, back in 1978. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skokie,_Illinois#Controversies_and_tragedy
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by condiment user
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 2:23 PM
I think most of the counter-protesters I've seen are Americans who were born here, or were naturalized.
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by V
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 6:44 PM
What is this wildirish?
SOS/mm members are antisemitic also.
SZinWestLA: I would, but the companies that publish those works are owned by Jews, and those vermin would doubtlessly twist the words of Ghandi and Nehru to serve their own diabolical purposes.
bobrob01: right again: they are vermin.
how ironic right wildirish?
also, tell bob that he misspelled Gandhi it is not Ghandi. and he suppose to be a Gandhi scholar in SOS/MM.
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by Nazi Hunter
Monday, Aug. 28, 2006 at 8:42 PM
Post a link to your so-called video, Dave.
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. Prove it.
It's not like you - or she - are credible sources. Hate mongers who spew endless racist filth - like those in SOS, are NOT to be believed.
But I know for a fact you are lying. I saw this woman march alone through the crowd - not with any cameraman in tow.
It was pretty despicable. Don Silva and three or four other "big men" from SOS made a show like they were going to cross over to our side to confront us after she marched through the crowd. It was total show - real cowardice, in fact. They didn't even try to evade the police, just walked right up to them, and politely let themselves be turned away.
Such "male honor." Such petty punks pretending to be "real men."
You know, I neither condone nor object to the attacks on the SOS members cars.
Frankly, after Hal Netkin running over a half dozen people with his car; Joe Turner's assaults; the burning of the restaraunt in San Diego; the shootings of migrants on the border; the brutal rape and sodomy of a Mexican youth in Texas; the SOS and Minutemen cheering when the police savagely beat us - - and most especially the bomb threat against our children at Academia Semillas del Pueblo - - I am deeply surprised that SOS and the Minutemen have gotten off as lightly as they have.
They have no reason to expect to be able to continue to terrorize our people and get off lightly - no reason at all. We are human beings, not the enslaved, force fed animals they want to make us into.
They've used the law to strike us - to act out their violence against us, assuming their immunity from counterviolence, assuming their rights as "free white men" to abuse us and target us.
Well, time's up mother^($%^@.
Funny, you know, they laugh and brag when we are brutalized. They mocked and laughed when Hal Netkin ran our people down. They mock and threaten our precious children with bombs and death.
But they're not laughing now, are they?
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by Sheepdog
Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2006 at 7:38 AM
we're on to you. Another little trick to bolster someone's credit rating to hide uncomfortable posts and articles.
IMC should always consider the inevitability of the enemy's constant endeavor to find 'windows' in the system for exploitation of this forum.
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by nazis for target practice
Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2006 at 11:45 AM
Looks like Joe is having to pay SOSers for the damage to their vehicles (but he won't pay for medical bills). SOS's stated objective is to "transfer pain." What they mean by that is to cause financial hardship to businesses and small cities. For these "patriots" free speech and the first amendment are just a sham to pay the pigs overtime (and the pigs are lapping it up). Don't know how that's going to stop migration, but maybe Joey can explain that part. But now Joe is having to eat it. How's it feel, Joey-boy? These f*cking "patriots" rolled into Maywood because they don't like the democracy there. They don't like the elected (by citizens) city council and the resolutions they pass in the best interest of the residents. The SOS invasion had nothing to do with people without papers--this was fascism on the march, set to overthrow the local government. Luke, the woman you're so concerned about claims her hair was pulled. Our witnesses say her shirt was yanked from behind. Only Dave says she was molested, and he won't provide the video he promised. This isn't about Kele, it's about Dave, and I don't believe Dave. Would a racist make up sh*t about a white woman getting "brutalized" by men of color? Yeah, there's a whole history of it. Ever read about the story the girl who cried wolf? Good story--you ought to check it out. If you don't believe that white people lie and conspire against people of color, here's today's nifty post for the SOS list: "I leaned forward to one of the cops right in front of me and said into his ear 'Listen, I don't suppose I could convince you to engage in one of those episodes of police brutality we commonly hear happen in low-income neighborhoods. I promise to look the other way and I'll guarantee you that nobody on our side will remember having seen anything.' The guy started to chuckle to the point that he had to raise his hand over his mouth to muffle the sound." http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=15542&st=80&p=141170entry141170
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by BaBaBooey!
Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2006 at 12:06 PM
supersize Yesterday, 09:40 PM Post #70
Group: Members Posts: 1 Joined: 26-August 06 Member No.: 3762
Hello everyone,
I am a visitor on this site and would like to give a little insight into how the day went. I hope you don't mind. I was one of the police officers assigned to the event. I will not say which department I work for, but, will say that there were officers from 5 different agencies there. As far as we were concerned, the day went pretty well. That means that nobody had any major injuries. I do want to express my condolences to your female friend that was attacked. I wish her well.
I do want to thank you guys for having a peaceful demonstration. I just wish other activist groups that we deal with would act in the same manner. About the parking situation, the original plan was to have everyone park in the grocery store parking lot. Unfortunately, the store's manager was on the side of your foes and would not cooperate. This caused you guys to park in the streets at your own risk. Unfortunately, we couldn't provide the resources to keep them safe. Next time, especially in a small town like Maywood, you might want to have everyone carpool in a large bus. This would help out tremendously. The police departments might even let you park it in the safe area. I know what a lot of you are thinking, but, I'm not just trying to pass the buck. Crime reports need to be filed for the vandalism to your vehicles. The only problem is that nobody will be caught. The best you can probably hope for is the insurance money. And, as far as the weapons comments go, I don't think that carrying the weapons would be a really good idea. I do believe in the 2nd Amendment whole heartedly......hell, that's what makes us citizens and not subjects. The only problem is when something happens and the guns either end up in the wrong hands. There are places that don't even let cops carry them (like Dodger Stadium). When you have a permitted demonstration, it is up to the police to try to protect you as best we can. I think the bus idea will work here too.
The flag issue was huge. I thought you guys were going to do a cavalry charge on them for that one. I stopped some of you and said to give us a minute and we'll take care of it. Unfortunately, it got tangled as they were taking it down. I could imagine the big s__t storm that would have came down if you would've made it to the other side. My money would've been on you.......remember the Alamo.
I read a comment about the police not protecting you guys properly. I don't know what happened in some of the incidents. I wasn't there when your brother was taken down at gun point with his camera in his shirt. I wasn't there when your sister was attacked by the other side. I was there when a group of immigrants was trying to sneak up on you guys from 60th st. Who knows what their plan was. We stopped them at Floral and turned them around. There was a bunch of them and they looked pissed. Of course, we were called every name in the book. I just couldn't understand it (I wonder why).
The city council is out of control in Maywood. There are 2 good councilmen and 3 bad ones. The leader is the Vice Mayor. He takes all his orders from the church. The police dept pretty much has its hands tied. They did disband the traffic unit by order of the city council. They do still impound cars but can't put the state's mandatory 30 day hold on them. Another agency has been enforcing traffic laws and impounding cars. The city has no authority over their officers. The city council is now drafting a plan to move from being a general law city to being a charter law city. For those of you that don't understand the ramifications of this, here it is. Under a city charter, the city council makes all the decisions. Nothing has to be voted on by the people. The police officers can lose civil service rights. This will make them 'at will' employees. Can you see a cop getting fired for enforcing the law on one of the city's migrant children. This sounds like a tyranny to me. By the way, in case you didn't know, the Vice Mayor was at the demonstration. Guess which side he was on.
I have to go now, so, once again thank you for a good demonstration. Keep up the fight and stay safe. I hope to see you guys again. It's too bad I can't join without losing my job
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by Watchale
Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2006 at 6:22 PM
Was just reading the SOS forum. It's pitiful and sickening.
These assholes act like what they are doing is non-violent and like they are peaceful protestors, when really they are right wing racist extremists with Nazi sympathies. They are slavering all over Pat Buchanan's new book - in which he praises Mussolini and lays an open claim to white supremacy as the foundation of the US.
Anyway, they act like this woman Kele is some kind of innocent victim - they never point out that she boldly walked straight thru the dead center of the crowd, by herself in an extremely arrogant and provacative show of power and confidence that her whiteness made her invulnerable - that's why she is so pissed at the pigs - she expected their backing, even though there wasn't a piag within 100 feet of her.
I was shocked when someone pulled her backwards - saw it from the sidewalk, but she was almost out of the crowd when that happened - and she was out entirely in another five - 10 seconds.
So, it's not like she was pumelled or "beaten" or anything like that.
But here's what gets me. These people act like they are non-violent, when in reality they have waved guns at us, brutalized day laborors, gone after innocent school kids... their buddies Ted Hayes and SS187 openly assaulted a counterprotestor - it was caught on TV - they dragged him 20 feet in a chokehold, and of course NOTHING Happened to them - no police action - they just stood and watched - just like nothing happened when Hal Netkin ran people down with his car.
But they WHINE when it comes back on them, they call us "savages" and act like they are innocent law abiding people - when really they are threatening the lives of millions of people and hundreds of thousands of families.
But they don't SEE us as people - they have dehumanized us so much that they don't even see their violence as violence. Just some "goon" getting what they deserve.
Well, live by the sword and die by it, asshole.
You know, we get brutalized by the cops, and no one gets on here and WHINES about it, or goes into spasms of pity - everyone of us who goes out there is a WARRIOR - WOMEN AND MEN ALIKE. WE EXPECT TO BE BRUTALIZED - IT GOES WITH THE TURF.
They on the other hand think they are so brave to go out BACKED by the pigs, backed up by the guns and riot sticks, which we face every time we hit the streets. These WHINING PATHETIC MINUTEMEN SCUM DON'T KNOW $%^# ABOUT BRAVERY!
But these assholes are cheering when we get brutalized. Even when they KNOW we didn't break any law or in any way provoke the police attack.
They Monday morning quarterback the pigs after every demo - because they expect total and perfect protection for themselves, and for the pigs to act as total enforcers against us.
But let one of them get hit by a half empty water bottle or get her hair pulled and its the end of the WORLD.
They're like neighborhood bullies who go home crying when someone hits them back.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 12:08 AM
I wasn't at this event, but I heard a caller on KFI state that the American flag was not only removed from a flag pole, but stepped on as well. I'm not sure if that's really the case and the caller was obviously on the MM/SOS side. But if that really did happen and groups like ANSWER aren't going to say "hey, we didn't condone that," then that's even more reason why I would not affiliate with ANSWER.
As for violence, we know about the MM/SOS cheering on the LAPD in a recent Hollywood rally. One of them even posted video of it and you can hear them shout "kick their ass!" And Jim Gilchrist went off on the radio saying the counter demonstrators were throwing things at them. If the police action is bad now, can you imagine what it would be like if Gilchrist were to become the governor? I for one hope he does not hold an office where he can do something stupid like delcare a state of emergency in situations like that. It may sound far off, but just notice the things he says.
I won't affiliate, but I'll demonstrate.
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by hey now
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 9:15 AM
"Que viva la raza! We're not criminals, we're not terrorists! We're going to fight for our rights, we're going to fight against racism" and, to the retreating minutemen, "Fuera chicken!" They raised a chorus of "Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores . . . " as the last SOSers headed west with their police protection. "
How exactly can one get away with saying "que viva la raza" and "we're going to fight against racism" in the same sentence?
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by Sheepdog
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 9:30 AM
and I guess you just don't like the phrase uttered in Spanish. How dare they?
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by mike
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 2:31 PM
"hey now" seems to be the only left-winger here with any real logic. how can you possibly wave a mexican flag around and do nothing to better the lives of those in mexico. mexico, considering it's size, sits on a HUGE amount of natural resources. it has the manpower and resources, it just needs the reforms and.
i have MUCH more respect for the socialists in the streets protesting the mexican election, trying to make real change for their "raza", than these "ANSWER" idiots having nothing better to do than protest the protestors.
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Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 3:37 PM
Mr. hey now is severely misinformed with his pseudo-liberal sentiments and weaksauce attempt to be nuetral. "Que viva la raza" is in no way equivalent with "white power" which has a history that includes the historical annihilation of Jews, Native Americans, African Americans, and Mexicans in either Europe or the United States. The phrase "Que viva la raza" was first coined during the Chicano Movement of the late sixties and early seventies in response to the legacy of colonialism and racism under white supremacy in the U.S. Sure there are some angry Chicanos and Mexicans who say it will pride and as a statement of defiance against the history of Anglo colonialism and oppression in this country. But what are white people so afraid of. The authorities will more often arrest and incarcerate the angry Mexican rather than the Anglo. Why are "white people" so afraid, other than as an expression of their racism, just like with their fear of African Americans? Some Americans still don't get it that when Mexicans wave the Mexican flag, it is an expression of their cultural pride, not an acceptance of the corruption in the Mexican government, of which the Anglo and European dominant businesses in the U.S. are a part of. Anglo Americans complain about Mexicans coming into the U.S, but they don't do shit about Anglo and Euro-controlled corporation that for decades have virtually owned Mexico. Read John Mason Hart's book Empire and Revolution or Gilbert Gonzalez' book A Century of Chicano History: Empire Nations, and Migration. "White people" - whether on the left or the right - are so blinded by their sense of privilege and entitlement in this country (so while you're at it, read some Tim Wise) that they don't realize the struggles that Mexicans have gone through to try to change Mexico or they're just ignorant about the history. The EZLN, Chicanos, and other leftists (included the Anglos who "get it" like myself) have been fighting for years to improve the situation so Mexicans don't have to leave their homeland due to poverty and come to the U.S. But it ain't easy when you have a repressive, elitist government that is armed to the t, with the support of U.S. corporations and even U.S. taxpayer money that comes from the U.S. government in the form of arms and other tools of repression. The other psuedo-Americans (minutemen, SOS, et.. al) are too stupid to realize the idiocy of blaming Mexicans for their problems and wouldn't know what transnationalism is even if you pasted the definition to their foreheads. These people and their pseudo-Mexican allies are just authoritarian saps who act like nazis and don't want to really deal with the issue. Those are the mo-mos that need to get an education and then maybe they'll invest time into stopping NAFTA and the other economic policies that impact immigration. But they rather waste their time picking on people who just want to put food on their tables, and that exposes how they really are just racist losers who don't really care about America or anything other than protecting their sense of whiteness. When hey now gets a clue and realizes that the battle to stop the raping of Mexico is on two fronts, here in Mexico where he can educate other Anglos and Mexicans to get a fricken clue about globalization, and over there where he can try to convince rich Mexicans and Anglos to stop taking land and resouces away and stop undermining the national economy, then we'll listen to his silly psedo-liberal gripe.
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by thinking out loud
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 5:07 PM
Maybe this is about public relations to you, but it's about survival for undocumented people and a lot documented people.
Imagine that dozens of U.S. flag-wavers come to your city to complain about your culture and your city council. They're claiming to be "patriots" while they stomp all over your democratic process, insult your residents, and deliberately cost your mostly low-income city tens of thousands of dollars. They wave half a dozen U.S. flags and claim they're doing this for the U.S. What kind of respect do you have for the U.S. flag?
I don't have much.
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by Notice how MD Foster and his ilk
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 5:50 PM
Notice how MD Foster and his ilk are so tough from behind the safety of their little keyboards. A bunch of idiot cowards....LMFAO!
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by Joe
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 7:33 PM
The Mexican Flag Raising In Maywood is hitting alot of the local and national news. A backlash is mounting. When the House gets HR 4437 passed it will be because of thoughtless stunts as this. I agree with Peter. I hope this guy dosen't posess a gun.
As you sit here bolstering how great this was the MM and SOS (along with every othe anti-immigrant group) are using these images as propaganda on a national level. Look America...See, we are right....Look America.. a foriegn flag flying over a U.S. Post Office.
But you have to prove how macho you are don't you? There alot of people in this country that are sitting on the fence over this issue. Stunts like this push them onto the wrong side of the fence. Keep that in mind at these counter protests. You may assume you won the day but in the end you will lose the battle.
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by Joe
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 8:05 PM
"Maybe this is about public relations to you, but it's about survival for undocumented people and a lot documented people. "
"Imagine that dozens of U.S. flag-wavers come to your city to complain about your culture and your city council. They're claiming to be "patriots" while they stomp all over your democratic process, insult your residents, and deliberately cost your mostly low-income city tens of thousands of dollars. They wave half a dozen U.S. flags and claim they're doing this for the U.S. What kind of respect do you have for the U.S. flag?
I don't have much"
The problem with this statement is that you believe that the community you speak of belongs to you. In the U.S. you are free to travel and free to speak your mind. You are free to criticize and protest. You are free to voice your concerns to the city council. You are free to petition Congress. This freedom however, comes at a price. The price is that others can do the same. Its the basics of natural law and the priciples in which the U.S. Constitution was founded on.
You either embrace freedom or you do not. You can't pick and choose. You can't have it both ways.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 8:11 PM
I can see the propaganda the MM are trying to pull for what it is, propaganda. As for the Mexican flag being raised, I'm aware that it could simply be one or a few people who did that. Not under the direction of ANSWER or any group. But as a random or even planned act or just to mess around. And anyone with sense would be aware of that possibility.
But ANSWER actually seemed to note this with favor in the email sent out to their list after the event. Not sure why but I can wonder...
I don't care about foreign flags being displayed and infact I encourage it. I don't want people to come here to lose their heritage or anything like that. But I gotta wonder for the sake of the Mexican flag if using it to dominate and discard the American flag is such a great idea. Actually I know it's not.
Or maybe it was simply to see how the Minutemen would react. I suppose I can understand that. The incident didn't get me all boiled up since I'm not letting simple emotion dictate my logic. Sometimes I like to display a small Canadian flag to the Minutement just for kicks, to see how they react. But don't expect me to step on an American flag.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2006 at 8:16 PM
To clarify, I mean to say that in regards to people who came here from another country, they shouldn't have to lose or hide their heritage. The USA should ALWAYS facilitate interaction between all the races and cultures out in the open on civil and friendly terms.
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by honuiti
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 6:15 AM
Jammer, don't worry too much about the Mexican flag being raised, as usual it will probably push some fencesitters to the SOS side but other than that it was just a prank in the heat of the moment. I don't think people that have gone through all the trouble of coming here really want to live under the Mexican flag again. Also what's up with the worn out explanation that people just want to put food on the table? From what I remember food is readily available and healthier (more natural) in Mexico. It's a bummer that so many of the photos posted here show all these obese people and poor kids on their way to type2 diabetes, check out the little guy with the supersize coke. That alone was the most shocking pic. Nope, it's not so much about flags or immediate necessity everybody just wants to have or maintain the fat and easy American lifestyle. Give me a palapa on the beach in Oaxaca anyday!
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by Casull
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 7:55 AM
Debating an issue, most any issue well is hard. Rather than debate, many turn to petty vandalism like slashing tires or spray painting insults on someones car. It's easy. It's safe. You can do damage easily that it will take months of work to replace.
It's also contagious. There is a great temptation for the other side to try their hand. I hope this post is allowed to stay as a warning that both sides will soon be talking less and doing auto customizing more. Real violence will start soon after that. Somewhere lost in the key scratching and rock throwing will be the loss of civilized discussion of the issues.
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by Huh
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 8:00 AM
Respect? I noticed you mention respect. What kind of respect is raising a foriegn flag in someone elses country? It sends the wrong message. This is not the olympics.
You are so concerned about the many lifes that a new law would effect yet you encourage them to pass this law by dis-respecting the countries flag which represents its people.
Jammer and the rest may chaulk it up or write it off as some prank that was not planned but some people take it serious.
How many U.S. veterans did you just anger? These veterans highly respect there flag and country..There are millions upon millions of service members both active and inactive in this country. This voting block along with others hold the undocumented future in there hands. I can just imagine the calls and letters being written now to the U.S. Congress and Senate. When the kids did it during the protests you could write it off as kids being kids.
When you protest or counter protest you have to keep in mind that you are the ambassadors of your cause. You are representing all undocumented individuals whether you like it or not. Do not supply the opposition with ammunition.
The media will always print and report the cotroversy. This is not being dismissed as a prank or some single act by an individual. The coverage I seen shows the counter protestors cheering. during this incident Do you need anymore gas to throw on the fire?
As you noted to Peter "Maybe this is about public relations to you, but it's about survival for undocumented people" Bad PR will kill any hopes for the undocumented. Keep up the bad PR and I gaurantee you that you will be sending the undocumented home.
Respect is earned. The respectful thing to do was to hault its raising. The media then would have portrayed it in a much better way and it would have put SOS and the MM in a defensive position politicaly. It would have strengthen the vary voices that are attempting to help on the issue but instead they have to explain why (to the public) something like this occured.
Public relations disaster...you bet. Stunts like this may have put the last nail in the coffin for the undocumented.
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by Great PR
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 10:58 AM
OK, you win...."F" the voters and "f " what the voters think.. They are all just ignorant Right? You know it all, right? They don't dare pass HR 4437. Go here and read all about it: http://www.dailynews.com/bridgetjohnson/ci_4258266 Here is some of the great PR Snipet:s This is a brillant way to win the hearts and minds. " And if immigration proponents have been trying to pass off reconquista claims - the belief that immigrants want to take back "Aztlan" - as paranoid, these protesters weren't helping. One sign proclaimed "Stolen continent" - yet displayed two continents, North and South America. "White racists this is our continent" read one sign. Another said, "We will never live in peace until we get the European squatters off our lands." "A couple of times, unwelcome people came into the counter-protesting crowd to take photos or video, and were quickly surrounded by an angry crowd and pelted with water bottles and debris. Shouts of "you little white b-" were directed at a blond woman; a man yelled "Get out of here, this is our town" through a bullhorn to others." "Toward the end of the counter-demonstration, those protesters raised the Mexican flag on the pole in front of the U.S. Post Office. Don Silva of SOS said one woman with his group was assaulted while trying to move through the opposition crowd, and some of their cars had tires slashed and were vandalized." Don't you love what the pro-immigration side did to this reporter "But when you have virulent protests that include a pre-teen boy yelling "f- that white b-" at a passing fair-skinned woman - me - something is seriously wrong. Especially when it comes from the side holding a banner that proclaimed "Say NO to racism." Bridget Johnson writes for the Daily News" Oh and theres more, much more. Yep, thousands of Dailey News readers are real impressed I am sure. You showed them didn't you! You protected your community, right? The unfortunate people are the inocent undocumented that were not there to talk to this reporter and set her straight. These are the ones you hurt the most by your macho egos that are trying to prove a point rather than help the undocumented. I need to point out to you that the most damaging part of HR 4437. Its not the felony clause or the fence, its the work place varification. The SS administration will transmit to employers the forged SSN. Employers will varify the legal status of all employees. They will have no choice but to terminate the employee.There will be no mass deportations. There will just be no jobs for the undocumented. You get it? If you think the police are going to be patrolling the streets in riot gear waiting to go to war with you, your wrong. The Federal DA's will be punishing the employers with up to $40,000 fines per offense. So continue down this path and behavior if you want but remember, what you do can effect millions of undocumented and thousands of communities across this country. Do you get it now? By the way, there are tons of articles on this protest and they all are pretty close to the one I linked to.
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by BaBaBooey!
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 11:30 AM
she would have denounced us if all we were doing that day in Maywood was J-walking across Slauson.
"See! The degenerate mud raaces have no respect for traffic laws!"
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by nazis for target practice
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 11:44 AM
"...."F" the voters and "f " what the voters think"
That's what SOS told the voters in Maywood on Saturday. That's what SOS thinks of the citizens of Maywood. That's what SOS says the US stands for.
The truth is, SOS is right. The US is all about tromping on democracy, justice, and autonomy across the globe. SOS just brings it home. You came to Maywood with threats of weapons to bring the residents there into compliance with their white American standards. You want to overthrow the government and set up their own. You want to decide who lives in Maywood and who doesn't. You expect the people of Maywood to pay for your crap. And you bring along the U.S. flag to make the people in Maywood think this is the American way.
They're right--it is. See Iraq. The Maywood protestors decided that's not what they wanted. They voted in November, and they voted on Saturday. You're afraid of a reconquista? Well, maybe you saw the first volley on Saturday, I don't know. If the reconquista is about getting rid of fascists hiding behind a flag, then tell me where I can sign up.
You thought that Maywood would throw flowers on the street and offer you bread and their daughters when you came to town to "liberate" them. But the people of Maywood saw through you and spat your "patriotism" back in your face. Maybe the Daily News readers are dumber than the Maywood residents, but I'm guessing that there are millions of people who aren't
Rock on, Maywood!
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by nazis for target practice
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 12:34 PM
No wonder the US is so f*ked up. Obi (and most "Americans") doesn't understand voting with your feet.
Get a clue--there was an "election" on Saturday, and Maywood doesn't want SOS. But you'll go back anyway, won't you? And you'll go back *because* you're not wanted in Maywood.
The nazi ***holes have got a real problem, you know. They keep going back to places they're not wanted, and they call it fun. Talk about self-flagellation. Does busting yourself over the head again and again with a frying pan really assuage the guilt?
You all come on this list, hiding behind cute little pseudonyms, with all your racist sh*t. Next time you go to Maywood, stop hiding behind some flag and calling it patriotism. Just shout out some of the crap you write here, no flags, no pigs, no barricades, no hiding.
Naw, I'm dreaming. The SOS minuteman f*ks gotta hide behind daddy and whip themselves when they're bad. That's what punks do.
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by Fuck the flag
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 2:17 PM
Flag worship is pathetic. Jingoism and religion--both opiates for the masses.
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by nazis for target practice
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 6:52 PM
ROFL! You really think the minutemen are controlling this? HR4437 is DOA, Congress is at a standstill, Latinos and Latinas are signing up to vote across the country, thousands upon thousands more are filing for citizenship, and hundreds of thousands are in the streets.
And all of that began a year ago when we told SOS and Gilchrist and Simcox and Ramirez (remember him?) and Chase (another forgotten aging punk) that they weren't going to be the racist shock troops for the new fascism.
Maywood hasn't done anything that hasn't been done in Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and dozens of other cities. They're just small and mostly Latino, so wimp-ass SOSers thought they were an easy target. And they're stupid, too--isn't making the same mistake twice one of the warning signs of stupidity?
I've been waiting all day to respond to a post that is since hidden, quoting some pig from Maywood who supports SOS. Yes, "pig"--anyone who takes money to serve the people of Maywood and urges violence on them; anyone who takes a solemn oath to protect, serve, defend the people of Maywood and then bashes those same people *in public*; anyone who will break their word while still taking the money and hide under anonymity is a pig. He should be tarred and feathered at least.
From the Maywood Police Department site:
"We the members of the Maywood Police Department are proud of our community's history, progress and the diverse culture of our population."
"The Maywood Police Department motto, "Committed to our Community", is displayed on every patrol car. I whole-heartedly believe in our motto and community based policing. I expect every Maywood Police Officer to provide professional and courteous service to all Maywood citizens." --Chief Bruce Leflar
I'm sure Chief Leflar and the city council appreciated hearing what one of their officers and employees had to say about Maywood.
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by V
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 9:51 PM
"Flags are bits of coloured cloth that governments use first to shrink-wrap peoples' minds and then as ceremonial shrouds to bury the dead." -Arundhati Roy
so, SOS is lower than dirt.
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by spectre
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 10:06 PM
given the posts here its evident that the anti-minutemen and minutemen are equal jerks, vandals, and punks.
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by V
Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 at 10:15 PM
not all anti minuteman was for the mexico's flag but all of the minuteman was for the u.s. flag. that's is the difference...
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Sep. 01, 2006 at 2:48 AM
I figured it was probably a prank. It's funny how the MM/SOS will portray it as some kind of take over when that happens, whereas they do a little "take over" of their own at the day labor center in Laguna Beach. Of course it's not really a take over because they do it well after business hours or on a Sunday. Then they post photos on the SOS forums and Czernel will claim that the center was empty because of them.
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by oh yeahhhhhhh...
Friday, Sep. 01, 2006 at 5:33 AM
world without borders http://www.rigint.blogspot.com/ It's such a blinding embarassment of weirdness out there, it's hard to know where to look these days. But we need to keep looking at Mexico. Its loose threads may help us tie up things elsewhere. Of course there's the staggered rebellion of the disenfrachised, belittled or ignored by the same media that lionized and tub-thumped Ukraine's "Orange Revolution." But there are also some curious developments, seemingly out of the blue, in the case of the Ciudad Juárez ritual killings of hundreds of women that may lead us into the black. Last Thursday in Mexico City, coincident with the delivery of John Karr into the embrace of Homeland Security, came the crowing announcement from the US Embassy that a Mexican citizen was being held in the United States on suspicion of the rape and killing of at least 10 of the women. By another coincidence, Edgar Alvarez Cruz was arrested in Denver, Colorado. There have since been two more arrests on American soil, one in West Virginia and the other in Sierra Blanca, Texas. The three are being held in El Paso, and are expected to be handed into the care of Mexican authorities some time this week, at least several of whom would appear to be less than grateful: Some Mexican authorities said privately that they were caught off guard by what they called U.S. Ambassador Tony Garza's "premature announcement" Thursday of the first arrest. Mr. Garza called the arrest of Mr. Álvarez a "major break" in the investigation. But a Mexican law-enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the announcement could "jeopardize the ongoing investigation." Have we heard something like that recently? Though to be truthful, there doesn't appear to have been much of an investigation ongoing: just three weeks ago a headline in The Independent read "Human rights groups attack decision to close Juarez murders investigation." These aren't the first arrests in the case, though the consensus of victims' families is that none of the men previously arrested had anything to do with the murders. Two died in custody, one had his conviction overturned, and two of their attorneys were shot to death. "This case is the most symbolic of everything that has gone wrong in Juarez," Laurie Freeman, a Mexico specialist with the Washington Office on Latin America, told the Denver Post. "It's the one that makes me believe that there is some sort of official complicity in some of the killings." When I saw that quote several days ago, I thought it might be a good idea to copy the body of the article and not just make note of the link. It was a good idea: the article has since been updated, and the only change I can see is that Freeman's reference to official complicity has been deleted. Diana Washington Valdez, an investigative reporter for the El Paso Times and author of Harvest of Women, isn't so shy: The best information we have is that these men are committing crimes simply for the sport of it.... We know of people who've told stories about escaping from certain parties, orgies, which some of these people were present -- they were recognizable people from Juarez society, from Mexican society. The authorities know who the killers are, and nothing's being done about it. We have two issues here: people who are getting away with murder, and... authorities who have become accomplices, and so this has become crimes of the state. But those are the Mexican elites and Mexican parties of Mexican high society, protected by Mexican authority. Such things, of course, are inconceivable across the Rio Grande. ------------------------------------- DHS, DOJ seeking to deliver informant to House of Death's door By Bill Conroy, Posted on Mon Aug 14th, 2006 at 09:55:10 PM EST The informant in the House of Death mass murder case is now facing the consequences of his Faustian bargain with the U.S. government. In exchange for taking the government’s gold, some $200,000, and participating in torture and murder to help advance a big drug case for U.S. prosecutors, the informant now finds himself in the devil’s court, with his life hanging in the balance. Narco News recently tracked down legal pleadings filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eight Circuit by the informant’s attorney. The litigation reveals that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which employed the informant to narc on high-level players in the drug-trafficking netherworld, is now seeking to send the informant back into that netherworld, with his identity exposed, to face the very people he ratted out. The appeals court pleadings trace the path of the informant’s efforts to avoid deportation to Mexico, where his deeds as an informant were carried out against a ruthless narco-trafficking organization. DHS, which is implicated in the cover-up of their agents’ complicity in the House of Death murders, initiated the deportation proceedings against the informant, the appeals court pleadings show. DHS is arguing that the informant faces no danger in Mexico despite the fact that he betrayed powerful members of the Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Juárez drug organization. This is a curious position for DHS officials to take, given that the informant could expose the full extent of the role played by DHS agents in the House of Death murders — so it could be argued that DHS might have a motive to see the informant out of the picture, permanently. However, according to the court records, the immigration judge in the informant’s case disagreed with DHS’ contention and granted him relief from deportation under Article III of the United Nations Convention Against Torture — after concluding that the informant would likely be tortured and murdered by the narco-traffickers he betrayed while working for DHS if he was returned to Mexico. DHS was not happy with that outcome and appealed the judge’s decision to the Board of Immigration Appeals, which is part of the Department of Justice (DOJ). The DOJ, too, has been implicated in the House of Death cover-up. An Assistant U.S. Attorney in El Paso, Juanita Fielden, and the U.S. Attorney in San Antonio, Johnny Sutton, have been accused of turning a blind eye to the informant’s participation in the House of Death murders because they were more interested in making a drug case against the Carrillo Fuentes organization. The Board of Immigration Appeals, perhaps predictably, overturned the immigration judge’s ruling, which forced the informant to take his case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in an effort to forestall his deportation. This informant, Guillermo Eduardo Ramirez Peyro (also known as “Lalo” and by the alias Jesus Contreras) had infiltrated a narco-trafficking organization in Ciudád Juárez that was overseen by Heriberto Santillan-Tabares, whom U.S. prosecutors claim was a top lieutenant in Carrillo Fuentes organization. Between August 2003 and mid-January 2004, while under the watch of DHS agents, Ramirez helped to operated a House of Death in a residential neighborhood in Juárez where a dozen people were tortured and murdered by Mexican police who were working under the direction of Santillan. Murder machine The murder machine was exposed publicly in mid-January 2004 after a DEA agent and his family were nearly abducted by Santillan’s thugs. In the wake of that incident, DEA was forced to evacuate its personnel from Juarez. Santillan was later indicted on murder and narco-trafficking charges. However, the fact that the U.S. government’s own informant, Ramirez, was complicit in those murders — with the knowledge of his DHS handlers — gave Santillan’s defense team the leverage it needed to negotiate a sweetheart plea deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in San Antonio — which included dropping the murder charges. (Ramirez’ handlers were federal agents with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which is part of DHS.) The plea deal with Santillan was announced on April 19, 2005. Three days later, according to the appeals court pleadings obtained by Narco News, Ramirez emerged from U.S. government protective custody to turn himself in to U.S. immigration officials in order to seek protection — because he feared DHS was about to send him back to a certain death in Mexico at the hands of the narco-traffickers he double-crossed. “… Heriberto Santillan pled guilty before trial. Mr. Ramirez, of no further use to United States law enforcement agencies in an informant’s role, was compelled to seek protection in the United States,” states Ramirez’ attorney, Jodi Goodwin, in the pleadings filed in the U.S. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. A couple weeks later, DHS began deportation proceedings against Ramirez. From the appeals court pleadings: Removal Proceedings [against Ramirez] began with issuance of a Notice to Appear, (NTA), on May 9, 2005. The NTA alleges Mr. Ramirez is not a citizen of the United States but a citizen of Mexico who was not in possession of a valid entry document when he presented himself for admission to the United States on April 22, 2005 … At a hearing before the [the immigration judge] on June 9, 2005, Mr. Ramirez admitted the truth of the factual allegations, conceded inadmissibility as alleged, and requested relief in the forms of Asylum, withholding of removal, and relief under the CAT [United Nations Convention Against Torture]. Mr. Ramirez subsequently stipulated in his pre-hearing brief that his involvement in drug trafficking rendered him ineligible for asylum and withholding of removal. Mr. Ramírez testified he entered the Mexican drug trafficking industry after he left the Mexican federal highway police. His first job was as a distribution manager in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. He became a United States government informant in 2000 and subsequently made contact with the Carrillo Fuentes Organization, (CFO), in Ciudád Juárez. His performance as an informant is extensively documented in the record. Mr. Ramirez explained he was tasked with infiltrating groups of organized criminals as a means to effectuate the arrest and prosecution of high-level participants. Mr. Ramirez testified he was present when individuals who were involved with CFO in drug trafficking or whom CFO members believed were a threat were assassinated by two Mexican police officers in Ciudad Juarez. Mr. Ramirez submitted payment records confirming he was paid over $200,000. The record details over fifty persons were successfully prosecuted and are serving prison sentences as a result of his cooperation. Mr. Ramirez was taken into custody as a material witness when Heriberto Santillan was arrested. Mr. Ramirez was placed into protective custody after death threats upon his life came to the attention of the United States Attorney. Ramirez, though, was far more than “present” when “CFO members” tortured and killed people at the House of Death. According to records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, he actually participated in the first murder at the House of Death in early August 2003. Ramirez’ ICE handlers later debriefed him about the murder, which also was recorded on tape, according to law enforcement sources. Rather than shut down the drug sting at that point, Ramirez’ ICE handlers allowed him to return to the House of Death to pay a gravedigger for burying the body, FOIA records show. In addition, Ramirez was allowed to continue his work in the House of Death murder machine — which was responsible for at least 11 more homicides over the ensuing four months. A gravedigger who assisted Ramirez at the House of Death confirmed that Ramirez was physically present for at least five of the murders, according to timeline of events developed by the DEA in the days immediately following the evacuation of its personnel from Juárez. After Sandalio Gonzalez, the DEA chief in El Paso at the time, objected to this outrage by writing a letter in February 2004 to U.S. Attorney Sutton, rather than investigate Gonzalez’ charges, Sutton used his pull within DOJ to retaliate against Gonzalez in order to silence him, according to FOIA documents obtained by Narco News. Sutton claimed, the FOIA records show, that Gonzalez’ letter contained “discovery material” that could threaten the drug case against Santillan. Convention Against Torture Based, in part, on a report prepared by a federal asylum officer as well as reports from other government agencies, the immigration judge in Ramirez’ deportation case granted him relief under the UN Convention Against Torture, the U.S. appeals court pleadings state. That ruling was based on evidence showing there was a high probability that Ramirez would be tortured and killed by narco-traffickers, or by Mexican law enforcers who worked with the narco-traffickers, should he be deported to Mexico. From the appeals court pleadings: Mr. Ramirez is a 35-year-old married male. He is a native and citizen of Mexico. Mr. Ramirez was a police officer in the Mexican state of Guerrero until 1995. He became involved in drug trafficking when he left the police force. Between 1995 and 1998, he coordinated transshipments of narcotics within Mexico and from the Mexican interior to the U.S. Mexico border. As an informant for United States Customs, redesignated the Bureau of Customs and Immigration Enforcement, (ICE), pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2003, Mr. Ramirez provided information to the Drug Enforcement Administration, (DEA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, (ATF), the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (FBI), and the United States Secret Service. Mr. Ramirez successfully infiltrated the CFO in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua. Ciudad Juarez is directly opposite El Paso, Texas, and CFO transports drugs through El Paso to distribution points throughout the United States. ... The Asylum Officer stated: "[Ramirez] infiltrated a drug smuggling Mexican cartel and became an informant for ICE, which resulted in multiple arrests. Since that time two separate attempts were made on [Ramirez’] life by the Cartel and [Ramirez] now believes that if he returns to Mexico he will be killed by the Cartel because of his actions as an informant." … Asylum Officer Jack Berger interviewed Mr. Ramirez concerning his fear of returning to Mexico on May 1, 2005, approximately one week prior to the initiation of removal proceedings. Relying on a report by the United States Department of State issued in 2004, Officer Berger found Mr. Ramirez had a credible fear of the Mexican government. Supervisory Asylum Officer Helen Mireles reviewed the credible fear proceedings and concurred with Officer Berger. The [immigration judge] found that the record presents various aspects of police involvement in Mexican drug trafficking, and in combination with [Ramirez’] credible testimony, he had established a probability of torture by drug traffickers and law enforcement in Mexico if he were forced to return. Mr. Ramirez substantiated his credible testimony by presenting documents prepared by agencies of the United States government, including the Office of the United States Attorney and the DEA. The DHS appealed the immigration judge’s ruling to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), which is under the oversight of U.S. Attorney Alberto Gonzales — who, along with Sutton, has deep ties to the Bush Administration that date back to George W. Bush’s tenure as governor of Texas. The BIA sided with DHS and overruled the immigration judge, setting Ramirez up for deportation to Mexico. (Again, it is important to note that the BIA is part of DOJ, which is overseen by Sutton’s boss, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who has the power to appoint the board’s members and overrule or modify its decisions.) From the appeals court pleadings: The Department of Homeland Security, (DHS), disapproves of the findings of fact and the conclusion of the [immigration judge] and insists the record contains no evidence that Mr. Ramirez would be tortured by Mexican law enforcement while acting in their official capacity. The DHS also contends the record does not support a finding that Mr. Ramirez would be tortured by Mexican drug traffickers with the acquiescence of Mexican law enforcement. The BIA concentrated on documentary evidence and concluded that the Mexican government is strengthening drug enforcement laws and is now more effective in eliminating organized drug traffickers such as those against whom Mr. Ramirez informed. The BIA paid special attention to testimony and record evidence concerning an offer of immunity from the Mexican government and stated it’s opinion that because most drug trafficking organizations operate in northern Mexico, the petitioner would remain safe if he relocated to a different part of the country. Immunity? The short mention of the Mexican government’s offer of immunity to Ramirez should not be overlooked. The Mexican government, under President Vicente Fox, has been conspicuously silent on the House of Death case, considering that most of the murder victims were Mexican citizens. The fact that a U.S. government informant was complicit in those homicides, with the knowledge of U.S. federal agents and prosecutors, should have prompted cries of protest from the Mexican government. Instead, according to the appeals court pleadings, the Mexican government is willing to provide the informant Ramirez with “immunity.” You, the reader, will have to decide why that course was pursued — and whether some type of deal was struck between U.S. and Mexican government officials to export the House of Death cover-up to the Mexican side of the border as well. In any event, Ramirez clearly doesn’t trust the word of either the U.S. or Mexican government, which is what prompted him to appeal the BIA decision to the U.S. Eighth Circuit in mid-June of this year. That appeal is still pending a decision. Ramirez’ pleadings before the Eight Circuit state: The [immigration judge’s] decision granting [Ramirez’] application for relief under Article III of the United Nations Convention Against Torture was improperly overturned by the BIA in the face of sufficiently corroborated evidence demonstrating that petitioner has a well-founded fear of torture at the hands of agents of the Mexican government in the event of his return to Mexico. … The DHS asserts in it’s brief, ‘There is no objective proof that the Mexican government would do anything to [Ramirez] other than protect [Ramirez]. If Mr. Ramirez had any confidence in the promises of the Mexican government to protect him, he would have freely returned to Mexico. DHS’ contention that Ramirez would have nothing to fear from the narco-traffickers he betrayed if returned to Mexico is a fantasy that might fly in a corrupted legal system, but for anyone with an understanding of how the narco-trafficking world really works, it is an argument that lacks any credibility — like the drug war itself. The informant Ramirez certainly is not a poster child for the cause of justice, but his return to Mexico is certain to serve the interests of U.S. officials who have blood on their hands in the House of Death mass murder. Because, as we all know, dead men can’t talk. To view the informant’s legal pleadings before the Eight Circuit Court of Appeals, go to this link. For more information on this story, go to the following link: DHS informant implicated in House of Death mass murder is still in U.S., attorney confirms ------------------- Latin Kings Leaders in Florida Arrested Source: TBO / APNews URL Source: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/G/GANG_ARRESTS? SITE=FLTAM&SECTION=US Published: Aug 21, 2006 Author: MITCH STACY Post Date: 2006-08-21 17:22:22 by r-u-n-n o-f-t 1 Comments TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- After a 14-month investigation, law enforcement officers raided a high-level meeting at a rented club and arrested every known leader of the violent Latin Kings gang in Florida, authorities said Monday. The Sunday afternoon raid netted the arrests of 39 alleged gang leaders on charges of conspiracy to commit racketeering, Hillsborough County Sheriff David Gee said. The gang has been involved in major crimes ranging from drug dealing to attempted murder, Gee said. Prosecutors say additional charges could be filed. Gee said the "extremely violent" gang has been active in the area for at least 20 years and may have ties to gangs in New York and Chicago. The Chicago Crime Commission now estimates that there are more than 20,000 Latin Kings in the Chicago area alone. Those arrested Saturday ranged in age from 16 to 39, according to the sheriff's office. They all appeared in court Monday morning, State Attorney Mark Ober said. Among them was the alleged statewide leader of the Latin Kings, Samuel David Alvarado, 29, also known as "King Sam," who lives in Lake Worth, the sheriff's office said. He was ordered held without bail, according to jail records. Around 100 local officers and federal agents participated in the raid, including the Tampa police; the FBI; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; and Immigration and Customs Enforcement and local prosecutors. ----------------------
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by Wikipedia,
Friday, Sep. 01, 2006 at 9:12 AM
César Estrada Chávez is well known as a champion of the poor and oppressed. He founded the National Farm Workers Association that later became the United Farm Workers.
Chávez was born near Yuma, Arizona. He became a migrant farm worker at age 10, with the rest of his family, when they lost their farm during The Great Depression. He attended over 30 schools, but ended his formal education with the eighth grade.
He joined the U.S. Navy in 1946 and served in the western Pacific. After service, he returned to central California and married Helen Fabela. He began working as a organizer in 1952, working for the Community Services Organization, a Latino civil rights group. He became their national director in the late 1950s, but resigned in 1962 to form the National Farm Workers Association, which became the United Farm Workers.
In 1965, Chávez and the NFWA led a strike of California grape-pickers in demand of higher wages, along with a national boycott of California table grapes, which, five years later resulted in the first major victory for US migrant workers. He continued to struggle against large growers, including going on three hunger strikes over wages and conditions. At the time of his death he was leading another grape boycott to protest the use of harmful pesticides.
He became an American labor rights hero for supporting labor rights for Mexican migrant farm workers. Chávez was also an ethical vegetarian and a strong proponent of nonviolence.
Interestingly, Chávez and other migrant farm workers who were legal US citizens were torn between racial and class loyalty. Liberal immigration policies increased Hispanic representation in the US, but harmed the working class by driving down unskilled wages. Chávez sided with workers first and Hispanics second, strongly opposed liberal immigration policies, and favored deporting illegal immigrants.
Chávez is celebrated in California where the state legislature, in 2000, approved a bill to create a paid state holiday in his honor. The holiday is celebrated on March 31st, Chávez's birthday. Texas also recognizes the day, as does Denver, and in Arizona and Colorado it is an optional holiday. The holiday is the first in the history of the United States for a Mexican American and a labor leader.
Many cities have also paid respect by renaming streets or schools for him. These cities include San Francisco, Los Angeles, California, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Austin, Texas Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Washington, DC, Kansas City, Missouri, and Salt Lake City. The California cities of Sacramento, San Diego, Berkeley, and San Jose have also renamed parks in his memory. The United States Postal Service honored him with a stamp in 2004.
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by Dis you know.
Friday, Sep. 01, 2006 at 9:19 AM
American Hero.
In 1969, the UFW organized a march through the Coachella and Imperial Valleys in Central California to the United States-Mexico border to protest growers' use of illegal immigrants as strike breakers. The thousands of marchers were joined by the Reverend Ralph Abernathy and U.S. Senator Walter Mondale. In 1970, Chavez was jailed for defying a court injunction against boycotting. While imprisoned, he was visited by Coretta Scott King and Ethel Kennedy.
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by Looking closer.
Friday, Sep. 01, 2006 at 9:41 AM
Has anyone read the comprehensive immigration bill the Senate passed? It allows the employers to bring 100,000 new workers every year. It's just about unlimited. The path to citizenship is cool but looking at the numbers I can't understand how the U.S. can create all these new jobs on an annual basis. It would have to create more jobs annually than it has over the past decade. Are these business bastards just creating a revolving door? You know, Hire new migrants for a year and then lay them off so they don't have to pay for benifits (i.e. vacations, health care, retirement, etc) or am I missing something?
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by MadMaxim
Saturday, Sep. 02, 2006 at 5:10 PM
[For the Jewish people to have cried "Long Live the Jewish People!" In the face of a Hitler would not be racist - it would be defiant.]
True, but the Jews would have said it in German, not Yiddish.
History shows us that when culturally divergent populations are forced into close proximity and those subgroups can not, or refuse to, communicate - the outcome is fairly predicable.
It's called Civil War.
Is that your objective?
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by BaBaBooey!
Sunday, Sep. 03, 2006 at 11:15 AM
this is what happened: I look over and I see a dread-locked Rastafarian looking guy with a video camera following a woman who looks like a cheap 2 dollar honkey-tonk hooker from 1987 walking south on Pine heading for Slauson.The "street walker" in question is wearing acid washed blue jeans, and an acid washed blue jean jacket over a whiye T-shirt with the initials "SOS" air brushed on it. She turns the corner and starts walking west along Slauson and starts pushing and shoving the folks peacefully assembled to opposes the Nazis/SOS/Mini-men. If you don't believe me here's the video presumable shot by the dead-locked Rastafarian. Note at 00:10 you actually see the damned, dirty LIAR Kele actually lay her hands on the woman wearing the black T-shirt and tan ball cap and Kele shoves her!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvlKGmyHNY0 Kele is no "innocent victim" but she's playing the "poor little white girl" card in order to incite the Nazis/SOS/Mini-men into violence!!! FOM THE NAZIS/SOS WEBSITE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KELE: Dear Friend: I call you friend because I believe that if you had been able to intervene on Saturday, you would not have stood by and watched as those whom you have described as “monsters” assaulted a helpless woman. That woman was me. Let me tell you what my life has been like since I was attacked and beaten by those who stood with you Saturday. Those monsters hurt me. They caused me physical injuries which will require some amount of long term care, but I have no insurance. I had to see a doctor who has referred me to a spine specialist that I cannot afford to see. I now limp because I cannot bear my full weight on my left leg due to a vicious blow to my lower back. I work in a restaurant to support my nine year old son, and myself, while attending college. I must stand and walk anywhere from 5 to 9 hours a day at work, and walk the campus from class to class. I have to take about 6 times the normal dose of ibuprofen just to get through my day. Emotionally, I am a wreck. In my estimation, even at my age, I think I must have been very naive. I have never been the recipient of such savagery, of such virulent hatred. The names I was called and the manner in which I was beaten by people who truly had no idea who I am, what my life is like, or even whether or not I have children who depend on me for everything. They beat me with no thought as to what kind of physical damage they would do to me and they would have done more, had I not finally reached the police barrier. If you saw this attack, then you know that they had me by my hair, trying to pull me back into the crowd, even as the police officer was hauling me over the barricade. Nightmares about the assault have caused me to wake up nearly every night, and I’m really not sleeping. I weep frequently out of the blue; I feel completely overwhelmed by the weight of what has happened. My poor son watches his mama cry and wants to comfort me with his awkward nine-year old pats as he croons his litany of “it’s alright, Mama. It’s going to be alright.” But I don’t know that it is. How can I promise him that his mom will be normal again anytime soon, when I don’t know when I will? I am asking you as the decent person that I can see that you are, if you have video of my assault, please get it to me. You can send me a private message through the Save Our State board and make arrangements to meet with me or I will give you another method of contact in which you may send me a copy of the video. I am not interested in pursuing anyone but those who participated in my assault. You will remain anonymous and no one need know that you assisted me in my pursuit of justice. I want to thank you in advance for having the human decency to stand up for what is right. Kele To my friends here who read this. I would appreciate it if you would bump this thread every now and then. I am really hoping that this gentleman reads SOS. Please do not post anything negative in this thread. Thank you.
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by BaBaBooey!
Monday, Sep. 04, 2006 at 11:14 AM
the only thing injured was her aryan pride http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWxpNmudmoE
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by Jammer CC
Monday, Sep. 04, 2006 at 12:12 PM
The larger the groups, the more likely you'll get a few people who are out of hand. Groups like ANSWER are very large. They also attract not just ANSWER members, but other people who attend their events as well. SOS, however, are small in comparison but its not hard to find people who are way out of hand in that group. From bringing a firearm to Lake Forest to cheering the LAPD with "kick their ass!" to air-humping in Laguna Beach, it never stops and I doubt it ever will with them. If what happened to Kele is true according to what she says, I'd be disappointed with that as much as anyone. But still, I find it pathetic that as a group, SOS would try to push her as a victimized female when they also cheered on the LAPD when they're beating on demonstrators. They would laugh, infact they have laughed, when their opposition are in physical danger that is uncalled for.
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by Poor obi
Monday, Sep. 04, 2006 at 3:42 PM
I think obi was raped by a person of color as a child. Racism is based in fear and clearly obi is traumatized.
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by Deinial is not a river in Egypt, skippy
Monday, Sep. 04, 2006 at 5:53 PM
Your vitriol is clearly indicitive of something deeper... Looks like I hit a nerve. I don't envy the pain you must be in to hate so vehmently...
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by Admitting is the first step obi-kins
Monday, Sep. 04, 2006 at 9:25 PM
Admitting is the first step obi-kins. It's OK.
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by Nazi Hunter
Thursday, Sep. 07, 2006 at 10:38 AM
In the first video nothing is clear except that "Kele" initiates any violence that may have occured.
In the second what is clear is tha she gives no sign in her physical or emotional behavior that she has been "beaten," and the concern she expresses to the cops is not that she's been "beaten" but that there is another SOS invader on our side of the barricade.
This fits with what I saw. She was extremely aggressive before and after any alleged incident.
One main characteristic of the Nazo /Fascist mindset is what's called "sentimental brutality." Extreme sentimentalism and sympathy with respect to the "Master Race" - we can see this all over the SOS board with respect to Kele: And an extreme brutality that is reserved for the "Other."
For example, SOSers are now talking about bombing Maywood - and I don;t think we can afford to dismiss this as idel chatter.
After all, similar threats by MM types have been made against Academia Semillas del Pueblo, the LA Mayor, the Lt. Governor and others.
The irony is the absolute thrill they get when we are beaten bloody by the pigs. Many of us have been beaten far worse than the punch or two that Kele claims, yet these SOS pigs celebrate when we are hurt, like they would celebrate the torture in Abu Ghraib - same mindset.
No one here has celebrated what may have happened to Kele. At most, we've pointed to her extreme and pitiful arrogance. Really she must have thought she was a White Superwoman, an untouchable Aryan queen, the way she strode straight into the middle of the crowd.
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by johnk
Thursday, Sep. 07, 2006 at 10:46 AM
I think the usual reaction to being assaulted, unexpectedly, is shock. Some people go into a frozen-deer-in-the-headlights mode. Other people become raging angry and get into a fight. I don't think it's that common to become indignant and write essays about it immediately.
I've talked to some people who have been beaten, raped, mugged, and bullied, and they don't generally go on a political crusade right after the event. Usually, it takes a while, and maybe they'll talk about it, or agitate kind of low-key. The event is so traumatic that they don't really want to remember it.
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by Nazi Hunter
Thursday, Sep. 07, 2006 at 11:31 PM
John, I saw this from the sidewalk. The whole thing lasted thirty to forty seconds - that's how long it took for her to come around the corner and all the way thriugh the crowd and out the other side.
Right near the barricade leading out , her hair was grabbed, and she reeled backwards a few steps. I was immediately concerned, and moved quickly toward the scene. I didn't get five steps before she was across the barrier.
Once off the sidewalk I didn't have a clear view through the crowd, but five seconds or so is not enough time to be "beaten" in.
She might or might not have been punched once or twice, I am in no position to say. She might or might not have twisted something out of alignment and might need to see a chiroprator. Who knows? But "beaten"? No way.
And I doubt she was struck by a man. In the first place, the video clearly shows Kele aggresively confronting a woman who is turning around to face her direction. Then a couple of other women also turn toward her, forming a kind of arc of three or four women facing her from a position of from about 8 - 11 o'clock.
I don't know if it's sexist to assume that grabbing hair is more fighting by women's rules than by men's rules, but I do think that the grabbing of her hair points that direction.
Kele claims everything but post traumatic stress syndrome - and claims many of the symptoms of that.
But in the SOS video she is neither shaking nor raging. She's focused, and her physical movements are easy.
From what I saw in person, within moments of getting to her own side, she turned back toward us, jeering, and urging the SOS "men" to come confront us.
I caught sight of her several times after that, and she showed no signs of physical pain or distress.
There is every reason to be suspicious of her claims. Remember "Dottie" and the "brain injury" she sufferered from a small half empty water bottle in Baldwin Park?
SOSers and MM show no respect for logic or fact... even now they're builing a "case" thst the union members who confronted them in Wilmington were, in fact, "gang members."
These clowns will say - and do - anything.
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by V
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 7:19 AM
Many of SOS has been provoking us by entering our side of the line. I can recall 5 or 6 SOSer entering one after another. what if we go in there side we couldnt because the pigs always stop us and arrest us. The pigs should arrest the SOSer who enter our side.
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by johnk
Friday, Sep. 08, 2006 at 5:44 PM
NH, your post reminded of something. Some conversatives think that it's in a woman's nature to manipulate men to violence, and think it's valiant to go along with the manipulation.
Fascists really like to stroke that impulse, and politicize it.
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by Cuauhtemoc Blanco
Monday, Sep. 11, 2006 at 10:39 AM
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by BaBaBooey!
Wednesday, Sep. 13, 2006 at 9:50 AM
we've waited over 2 weeks already
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by AmericanPatriot77
Wednesday, Sep. 13, 2006 at 11:57 AM
MAYWOOD USA ? How about MAYWOOD B.C.S. (*Baja California Sur) MAYWOOD looks like CABO SAN LUCAS did back in the 1970's ! Where IS the LAW ???!!!! I am the OWNER of the 1973 ORANGE and White GMC SUBURBAN - KNOWN AS THE BIG "O" ! I would very much like to communicate with ANYONE who witnessed the vandaliam which was perpetrated upon my vehicle - today - 8-26-2006 - in MAYWOOD. Feel free to contact me - fairbear35@cox.net ** ALL I can say is they were VERY lucky I did not catch them. I am EVERY BIT of my 6'2" 210 lb IRISH / SWEDISH "VIKING" Heritage, and when I get pissed off ? I swear by the HAMMER OF THE GODS that I will set you free of this world ! or at least call the police.........
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by BaBaBooey
Friday, Sep. 15, 2006 at 10:05 AM
why does he hide behind legions of riot cops?
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by triple X
Tuesday, Sep. 19, 2006 at 9:49 AM
great job. keep it up
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Friday, Oct. 13, 2006 at 12:16 PM
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by Duh
Friday, Oct. 13, 2006 at 1:52 PM
Can you name the city right? It's MAYWOOD not Mayfair.
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Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006 at 11:05 AM
he tried to conceal his identity during the protest as he took video of the freedom fighters and anti-nazis... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T9gWw9xKSo
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Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006 at 11:12 AM
he tried to conceal his appearence as he walked amongst the freedom fighters in Maywood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T9gWw9xKSo
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by ...for a few comments...
Saturday, Nov. 04, 2006 at 1:27 PM
FROM THE NAZIS/SOS WEBSITE *********************************************
Oldpreach Aug 5 2006, 12:19 AM Post #36
Group: Moderators Posts: 3247 Joined: 7-February 05 Member No.: 135
Hey goons, chew on this post...I know you will crit me for being corny...
It did my heart a world of good to come home from work tonight and see the overwhelmingly positive response about going to Maywood. Just like BP, we will be basically at the front door of the PD. Now, do you think for one minute that they want, or will let anything go down there ? Or, that anyone will try anything ? I am saying this to head anything off at the pass like what happened with BP. I was newer then and said a little bit about it. Toot my own horn here for a minute, but it went down just as planned. Well, lest just say that when we arrived early, the goons were already 200 as we did a lap around the whole place. The first thing we see are incoming armored SWAT vehicles. We laffed so hard as we passed the goons going over to the protest site. I will never forget that moment, as it confirmed the fact that nothing was going to go down that day. The next thing we see is Marvin the Martian trying to get to our site...classic.
Be it as it may, I am not one that believes in this semi police state that we have here in Cali. I am sorry, but what I believe the founders had in mind was for us to be able to really defend ourselves. This means that if the 2nd amend was really alive in Cali., the goons would not ever try a thing, as they would know that we would blow them down in a heartbeat....
Oohhhhhh, did I really say that ???
Yes, I did. Now, stick that in your crack pipe and smoke it, you commie goon boy !
What I am trying to say is that I really feel that the way things should be is that we should be MUCH LESS dependent upon the police for our protection because of the 2nd amend deterrent factor.Well, since we have no 2nd amend here in Cali., good folks run scared while goons feel enabled and emboldened. Criminals rule with terror.
See what happens when you let goons run your Government ?
I thank you all for this support. We are going to have a GREAT day !
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by funky4plus1more
Saturday, Nov. 04, 2006 at 2:43 PM
yo yo yo, here's da info for da maywood countering the minuteklan/SOS.
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by rpost
Monday, Nov. 06, 2006 at 2:37 PM
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by ...Police dept
Thursday, Nov. 09, 2006 at 1:17 PM
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by good work !!!
Friday, Aug. 31, 2007 at 1:07 PM
it was a year ago last Sunday wneh the Nazis were defeated in MYWD
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Sunday, Dec. 16, 2007 at 12:40 PM
she's playing the Poor Little White Girl card to a whole new bunch of suckers. the following link is on page 7 of the thread, scroll down http://www.city-data.com/forum/immigration/203789-why-does-seem-women-seem-more-7.html
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by Timeless....
Friday, Feb. 29, 2008 at 2:59 PM
to the brave heroes of Maywood who stood tall against the neo-nazis, neo-klansmen, skinheads, et al, your actions have been immortalized.
the book, "What's the Matter with California" is a right-wing fluff piece to be sure, written by what is no doubt an aryan supremacist.
all of you heroes really pissed off the racists. in a section of the book entitled "Maywood" the butt-kicking you delivered to them is chronicled, it's on page 232
good work!!!
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by The Immortal Maywood
Friday, Mar. 21, 2008 at 1:29 PM
to the above reference!!! http://books.google.com/books?id=VkBKzCyqY5QC&pg=PA232&lpg=PA232&dq=%22post+office%22+maywood+protest&source=web&ots=yuVfzmO52-&sig=HZfS96Z1urZwydcjw4nie3f7kf8&hl=en
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by Give Corporal Serrata A Break
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2008 at 11:31 AM
he's presumably the "white Maywood cop" from the hidden message above. You see, the reason why he could not bring down the Mexican flag waving at the Maywood post office is because he has webbed hands, the result of multiple generations of incest, bestiality, and necrophelia.
So give the nazi a break, will ya???
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