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by Next Move
Friday, Aug. 04, 2006 at 1:38 PM
While Save Our State and the Minutemen have seemingly been enjoying an upswing in momentum lately certain factors have become apparent that may point to a change. Following the July 8th police beatings of anti-Minutemen protestors and the subsequent giddy elation displayed by the Minutemen and SOS in the face of such violence, certain factors have come into play which highlight the authoritarian nature of Save Our State and the fact that some of the rank-and-file may get burned by the leadership very soon.
![Internal Strife at S...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2006/08/ss187.jpgnkczs0.jpg) ss187.jpgnkczs0.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE About a month ago Rocco (a recently purged member of SOS), also known as “SS187” on the message board, and a man with an unhealthy obsession with patriotism, sacrifice in relation to wars (particularly “resource” wars) and deep love for service of and to the ruling class, started an over-the-top jingoistic thread exploring the theory that “all gave some, some gave all [in wars]” and “shar[ing] real life experiences of our brave men & women” in the military. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13872&st=0 Apparently this thread was too “patriotic” for even the super citizens at SOS. It quickly degenerated into a name-calling session after an SOS member who posts under the moniker “Cat Patrol” questioned the reasons for the latest war in Iraq. Megalomaniac Joe Turner was called in to put out the fire. Singling out Rocco, he suspended him from posting for 10 days stating, “I believe you are behaving in a manner that is different than the manner you would act if you were standing face to face with these people.” He went on to declare, ”As of right now, you are suspended from posting for 10 days. I would hope that you woul (sic) reassess the manner in which you engage other SOS members and that you would come back a better poster for it.” Tim55, a middle-aged man from the “white-flight” suburb of Moorpark and SOS member, chimed in: “We got big egos, and thin skin and everything in between in our organization, but if we don't learn to disagree without fracturing the organization, we will be undeniably screwed.” After Rocco’s suspension was lifted he replied to Joe Turner revealing from his perspective a truth about SOS that the opposition has known all along. “You have "way too many cry babies" running to you with [private messages] & phone calls pleading to quench their selfish desires.” The anti-SOS opposition has long characterized them as “cry babies”. From our perspective it’s a fact that is beyond debate. It’s such an accepted truth that we don’t even talk about it anymore. They are seen as engaging in a collective “tantrum” over the fact that working people this country (and the world) are under attack by the corporations and the ruling class. But since they are short-sighted “right-wingers”, with a nationalist perspective and the inherent lack of a worldview or a big picture analysis they don’t vent their anger and energy toward those responsible for the current problems, they instead choose to direct outward hostility toward the very people (migrants) that were forced to relocate as a way of dealing with the current neo-liberal economic policies that have damaged the standard of living for people all over the world. The Minutemen at the border are a tantrum and so is SOS. SPELLMAN IN SCANDINAVIA SOS Top Lieutenant Chris Spellman is on a hiatus from the group, and apparently from reports has become an illegal immigrant in a Scandinavian country. Now he can trek around northern Europe and pretend to be white all the while posing for pictures with seemingly every blonde woman available. Can’t wait to see you back in Alhambra, Chris! There is no doubt your memories of Scandinavian women will carry you through your days as you return to your home in central Alhambra and a town full of people that look just like you. From the tone of the photographs of his vacation he offered for public consumption on the SOS message board it seems that he is sharing and taking pictures that highlight how great Scandinavia is because there are so many white-skinned, blonde-haired people around. Interesting that “white” people are native to that part of the world and not to southern California. The funny thing is, he’s a brown-skinned man who must stick out like a purple Iraqi thumb around the blonde people featured in his photos. It would be interesting if the no doubt “liberal” folks of Sweden and Finland featured in the photos found out that the innocent American tourist snapping the shots was actually a member of a xenophobic, migrant-scapegoating American hate-group. More interesting still if they found out he was using them to further his hate-agenda by posting them on the SOS message board as justification for why brown people are bad and must be deported from the land in which they are native. One can also only wonder what a situation like that does for someone inflicted by the virus of self-hate such as the strain currently inflicting Spellman. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14718 Spellman, who posts under the moniker of “Last Great Hope” on the SOS message board became well known for his vitriolic, rage-filled rants against poor people and people of color (including Hawaiians), often starting threads, including the infamous Gallery of Goons with no other objective but to achieve his divisive and hateful ends. Spellman is probably best know for leading the SOS “street activists” into what amounted to a tactical ambush back in June 2005 when he called a anti-worker protest right in his own neighborhood, at Home Depot in Alhambra. Out-numbered and badly shaken SOS didn’t call another rally in Los Angeles for six months. He was often seen venting his rage on Google Discussion groups using the name “informer” and attaching himself to the e-mail address fortress_usa@yahoo.com. He frequently focused his attention on subject matter dealing directly with northern European or Scandinavian culture. In one thread entitled “Negroes in Finland” Spellman vented his racism thus: “African culture is completely at odds with Nordic culture and if you don't stop the Negro invasion you will live to regret the day you allowed them into your countries. Listen to those who already know! Save your countries!” http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.nordic/browse_thread/thread/fd1da3f9bcc7f9d2/2ef35792678c1977?lnk=st&q=&rnum=5&hl=en#2ef35792678c1977
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by Next Move
Friday, Aug. 04, 2006 at 1:38 PM
![fantasy vacation...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2006/08/natalya1.jpgmid.jpg) natalya1.jpg, image/jpeg, 627x433
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by Next Move
Friday, Aug. 04, 2006 at 1:38 PM
![fantasy vacation...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2006/08/sweden.jpg) sweden.jpg, image/jpeg, 371x265
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by BaBaBooey!
Friday, Aug. 04, 2006 at 3:20 PM
those blonde women may have a gun pointed at them from the expressions on their faces!
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by Next Move
Friday, Aug. 04, 2006 at 3:34 PM
![Spellman's ambush...](http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2006/08/alhambra.jpghzumip.jpgmid.jpg) alhambra.jpghzumip.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
June 18, 2005. SOS in Alhambra.
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by 1st hand source
Friday, Aug. 04, 2006 at 4:57 PM
chris' chronic OBSESSION with Nordic-Germanic "purity" is TOTALLY RACIST!
If the "liberal" Teutonics of northern Europe felt the same way as he does, they would follow his advice and chris would be on the next deportation flight back to his "cess-pool" home in a heartbeat. No more posing with European white chicks for you Spellman. Gotta save our countries, right! : )
Welcome back to Alhambra, fool!
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by Chris
Friday, Aug. 04, 2006 at 10:43 PM
Its astounding how obsessed you goons have become with SOS members. Yeah, I had a great time in the Nordic countries with civilized human beings unlike those of your ilk. You are constantly carping about issues of tolerance. It'd do you some good to meet people in other parts of the world who exceed any level of tolerance any of you lowlifes have. And yes, Nordic women are gorgeous. Humorous to see how jealous you are. Your hatred of Whites is so easy to see through.
Oh, and by the way, MOST of my girlfriends have been Latinas and I have said so on the SOS board but you conveniently ignore that. How typical.
Don't fret about me returning to Alhambra - ain't gonna happen. I've relocated away from Communist HQ.
As for the rest of your lies and distortions, they are completely laughable. I suppose when you play to an audience of anarchist fools it isn't at all difficult to successfully distort the truth.
At any rate, have fun with my pictures. I am in Europe for a several more weeks so I will try and get more images of gorgeous women for you to post. And no, it took no level of arm-twisting to post with those girls. In fact the girls in Sweden and Finland were so friendly they approached ME.
I know most of you don't get laid and its not hard to see why, given how foul-smelling you are, how disshevled, DRUNK and malbehaved your are.
Suck on that, scum.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Aug. 04, 2006 at 11:53 PM
Obsessed? You SOS folks are obsessed with your opposition. For a bunch of people who act like they despise me, the SOS group sure posts a lot about me. I mispell a word on a protest sign and they get in a big ole hoopla about it, ignoring the mispelled sign czernel made on his website. Infact I'm about to win that tournament of goons they're having in the Goon Gallery. Go ahead and make me a medal or something and I'll be happy to wear it. Seriously. And ask Gilchrist to make that Benedict Arnold Award medal too. I'll wear the medals.
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by Blah
Saturday, Aug. 05, 2006 at 6:49 AM
you look like you need to take a dump on the 1st picture.
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by Foolio
Saturday, Aug. 05, 2006 at 6:58 AM
Cliff, there is no way on earth you will make it past the sweet 16.
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by LGH
Saturday, Aug. 05, 2006 at 7:25 AM
I'm not sure which goon you are Jammer but if you are as foul-smelling and offensive as most of the others you might be in league for the coveted Golden Deoderant Award.
Nah, I am not obsessed with goons. They are only here for our amusement and a tool to help us drive home our point about runaway lawlessness. In the big scheme of things you are largely irrelevant.
Would love to stick around and chat with you dregs but there is some serious ale that needs to be consumed this evening and plenty of blondes to talk to. GASP! Noit White people - OMG! Call the authorities!
See ya, racists!
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by listen
Saturday, Aug. 05, 2006 at 7:37 AM
Chris, did you tell the "nordic goddesses" that you're a member of an American hate group?
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by listen
Saturday, Aug. 05, 2006 at 7:45 AM
You are obsessed with "the goons" otherwise why would you waste time on your precious European vacation responding the the story here.
You can't say you don't care and then waste time responding. Ha ha punk, enjoy the rest of your trip.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Saturday, Aug. 05, 2006 at 1:08 PM
What the Hell?
I like the big fat disgusting photographs. I bicycle daily and get exercise -- showed up in Baldwin Park both times to oppose these disgusting things, no less, on my bicycle.
Got to laugh. What harms a country more? An unhealthy, fat, disgusting populace of ignorant, uneducated so-and-sos or some 12 million illegal Mexicans who pick our food for us, wash our toilets for us, and marry the daughters of Republicans? Oh: Not to mention mow our lawns for us.
I'm sorry, but I'm always amused at the fucked priorities of some people -- regardless of ideological bent. Picking on Mexicans is so silly in light of the political fascism spreading due to the Bush regime's crimes against humanity and massive treason against America.
The browning of America is utterly insignificant a "problem" compared to the abject tyranny and atrocities being committed against America so it's ironically amusing that some people seem to think people mowing our lawns illegally constitute the bigger threat to our Way Of Life (capitalize that puppy.)
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Saturday, Aug. 05, 2006 at 1:18 PM
> hatred of Whites is so easy to see through.
Interesting. Very interesting.
The capitalization of the word "white" is a dead give-away, isn't it? What group of ideologically joined individuals springs instantly to mind when one sees the word "white" capitalized like this?
And the comment about "...away from Communist HQ" is also another very telling admission, isn't it? Some people still think there's Commies under every bed just waiting for their chance to spring up and seduce our Republican daughters.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by 1st hand source
Saturday, Aug. 05, 2006 at 3:43 PM
< It'd do you some good to meet people in other parts of the world who exceed any level of tolerance any of you lowlifes have. >
Uhhh, so your claim that people from another country have turned "your" city into a "third-world cess-pool" is tolerant?
< I am in Europe for a several more weeks so I will try and get more images of gorgeous women for you to post. >
Ahh, okay, so when are you going to finally send some over? Those chicks AIN'T FINE! The women here in Cali are MUCH MUCH better. What a wasted trip!
< In fact the girls in Sweden and Finland were so friendly they approached ME. >
Oh, so they must have been from Scandanavian Immigration and Customs Enforcement then.
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by Sink Our Ship!
Sunday, Jul. 22, 2007 at 11:02 AM
David McClelland, aka GSBameriKKKa, Aryan supremacist and low life who would harrass Jornaleros in the SF valley, has been banned from posting at SOS. Ha ha-a!!!
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by the bouncing ball
Monday, Jul. 23, 2007 at 7:44 AM
Check out http://www.nomoreinvasion.com//index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=34. You'll find Weasel, Small and Mighty, Bonfire, Tim55, OldPreach, OldRebel, Ol Glory, and the rest of the oldsters over there. Dennis Slater's picked up where Joey dropped the ball. Den-den doesn't have half the charisma of Jo-Jo, don't think this will last, but they're starting up with a bang.
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by different name Same Old Sh!t
Friday, Jul. 27, 2007 at 1:20 PM
this Sat 7/28/07
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by bump
Thursday, Dec. 06, 2007 at 3:22 PM
bump to expose nazis
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Thursday, Dec. 06, 2007 at 3:58 PM
He's still bashing the non-aryan peoples, along with his aryan supremacist friends at SoS: LGH POST 5:African cultures do not appear to me to be those which push children towards high levels of educations. KATHY58[white owner of a pet grooming shop in Torrance] POST 17: The scientist is correct. There is no reason to suppose that intelligence naturally occurs equally. To think so is a misapplication of the word equality. Today, political correctness supposes equality in all things. That's what makes it such an odious concept. POST 33 When an intelligent white person and an intelligent black person has a child, that child would be as intelligent if not more so than the parents. If however, that white kid had a baby with a dope dealing crack addict that never learned to read, because they couldn't, you would not end up with a notably intelligent child. The same thing that happens when an intelligent white person has a child with a white dope dealing crack addict who never learned to read because they couldn't. Again, illustrating that it has nothing to do with race, but prior breeding within that race. BOWMAN POST #29: The US black IQ would be even higher if more of them adopted basic white cultural habits. STOOGE POST#30 Most US blacks are about half white. This explains the higher IQ [than Africans] BOWMAN POST 35:No, black Americans average about 25% white. I saw that on the Discovery channel. This does not fully explain their higher IQ than African blacks, but it might [account] for about half the difference. http://saveourstate.org/vforums/showthread.php?t=33440
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by Farlander
Saturday, Apr. 04, 2009 at 12:27 PM
Chris Spellman is known as < > on the neo-nazi website Stormfront.org
scroll down to the entry on 8-13-06 9:58 pm
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by Chris
Thursday, Apr. 09, 2009 at 10:58 AM
Man oh man, goons truly have no life. Let me set you straight, goon. Whoever "Huck Finn" is or was copied the URL's that I posted on the SOS lounge; images I took while in Europe in summer 2006, and reposted in that old thread. Anyone can right click on an image and copy its URL and post it anywhere else (even you are smart enough to figure that out). Its done all the time just about everywhere on the net, including on Goony Media.
What is remarkable is that you goons will scour the earth to try and find something - anything - to wreck someone's reputation. Generally you just make shit up and lie through your ass. This time you're just making another one of your wild, misguided assumptions (nothing new). I would have no reason to post on SF. I'm not even full-blooded White and don't subscribe to their ethno-nationalist ideology. You goons on the other hand are in league with Brown supremacists.
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by both sides are wrong!
Friday, Apr. 10, 2009 at 7:26 PM
After several years of back and forth bickering, my understanding is that both sides of the immigration debate are inherently wrong and avoid any real truthseeking, only wasting time in attacking one another and name calling..
This is typical of CIA inspired distraction tactics, to avoid any real dialogue around complex issues..
Both the Minutemen/S.O.S. groups, (the "anti-immigrant" side) and the Aztlan/socialist groups, (the "pro-immigrant" side) ignore reality in pursuit of their narrow minded and ideologically incorrect agendas..
Your most important common ground and shared interest is always ignored, that is that NAFTA/WTO are responsible for increasing poverty, landlessness and then undocumented immigration into north america..
Minutemen scapegoat immigrants as "job stealers" while socialists and neoliberals encourage undocumented immigrants in the name of supporting the economy, doing undesireable work, both ignore NAFTA/WTO as forcing people to migrate against their own wishes..
Neither English nor Spanish are native languages to north america, only indigenous languages (Navajo, Tohono O'odham, Seri, etc...) and cultures are native to both sides of the border. Who the fuck invited ANY of ya'll over here anyway!?
The best option would have been for the indigenous people to kill Columbus and his merry band of golddiggers and burn their ships, leaving all the folks in Europe over there for another few hundred years thinking the Earth was flat..
Neither Mexico (Aztlan) nor the U.S. have any more right to exist in this space than the other, BOTH nation states are illegally occupying indigenous land..
Do not assume that because Aztec/Aztlan movement claims to be pro-indigenous that they would be allies to oppressed indigenous peoples of north america. We can remind ourselves how the Aztecs were defeated by the Spanish, because all the smaller neighboring indigenous tribes of Mexico they enslaved joined forces with the Spanish to fight the most advanced empire builders of the americas. Not that the Spanish did their allies any favors either, they just became their next slaves in the gold mines..
The Aztecs were like the Roman empire of the old world, and their advancement would only spell disaster for other indigenous peoples, as the Roman empire did to the less advanced "barbarian" tribes of northern Europe, though they also collapsed..
Predict the U.S. empire will collapse in the same way, but not to be replaced by Aztlan or any other nationalist/socialist organization, small tribes with local boundaries would be the best option..
Undocumented immigrants are exploited by U.S. corporations upon arrival, this negatively effects both domestic U.S. workers and the immigrant workers. Corporations benefit from competition over undesireable jobs..
Assimilation and loss of indigenous languages experienced by undocumented immigrants forced off their landspace by NAFTA/WTO agreements flooding their markets with taxpayer subsidized grains remains a form of genocide. Undocumented immigration isn't "good" for anyone except the wallets of corporate CEOs, no matter how much neoliberals try to explain the benefits of immigrants on "our" economy..
Assimilation of immigrants into U.S. culture of materialism and consumption doesn't do anyone any favors, even if poor Pedro now has an X-box that he couldn't afford in Mexico, how does that help Pedro understand the important aspects of life outside of video games that he can now purchase since his dad works so hard in the fields or meatpacking plants? What way does engaging in materialism help anyone grow??
Seriously, i hate BOTH the Minutemen/SOS AND the Aztlan/socialist sides of the immigration debates with a passion, you are both playing into the hands of the CIA with your ignorance and name calling..
Maybe next time there is a protest with both sides yelling at each other like idiots, i'll bomb the whole fucking crowd of CIA prostitutes and the police into kingdom come!!
Everyone should go back to where they came from, and wait for an invitation from actual indigenous peoples if their presence is desired here in north america..
No more U.S., no more Mexico and no more empires. No more English, no more Spanish. Chose an indigenous tribe as sponsors, learn their language and culture and enjoy your new home..
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Sunday, Apr. 19, 2009 at 1:25 PM
Be On the Look Out
Chris Spellman can "pass" for a non-aryan and has a habit of infiltrating the pro-immigrant side, as in the following vid
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