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by Tezozomoc
Thursday, Aug. 03, 2006 at 4:49 PM
We should not be under any illusions that we live in an open and democratic society, at least not in the 9th district or South Central Los Angeles. Let us strip away the mythology, the propaganda, and the "decorum". Its tough to survive in South Central Los Angeles, even if you call it something else..
 oppression16.jpg, image/jpeg, 492x369
Free speech crackdown by Councilperson Perry Written by Administrator Wednesday, 02 August 2006 Under the smoke screen of “Decorum” the City Council has managed to further free themselves from any public accountability. These new addendums to Chapter II, Public Notice, Attendance and Comment (City Council Agenda for 7/28/06 Items 06-1205 and 06-1514) to the rules further embark us on a road to repression. Three years ago, when the South Central Farmers were notified of their forthcoming eviction, from 41st and Alameda, land that was mitigated by Bradley after the 1992 uprisings to the community; we were unaware of the repressive tidal wave moving through city council, especially in the 9th district. The fear that bore out from the 1992 uprisings is being addressed through agents sponsored from the small segment of society that holds power. In the case of the 9th district this would be pre-dominantly real estate developers, religious groups (like the Metropolitan Churches), government officials, and small grassroots organizations dependent on the status quo which constitute this power strangle hold. This inherent psychological disposition of the oppressors’ fear of retribution by the oppressed has created agents like Councilperson Perry who have moved resolutions that dehumanize, demonize, strips a community of identity, and passed new laws to divide a community based on race, and class. These new laws keep the divergent groups in the community from coming together as they did in the South Central Farmers’ encampment of 2006. Arrival at recently losing 2 minutes from public comment at City Council (proposal to reduce speaker time from 3 minutes to 1 minute) should not be a surprise. While we as stakeholders of the 9th district might have neglected the Councilperson’s actions we can begin to piece together an identifiable pattern described by Dr. Lawrence Britt[1], in the 7 conditions that foster and fuel repression. The 1992 uprisings have certainly created financial instability in the way that real estate developers use to profit in the community. The churning demographic has given rise to declassed social elements. In the post years there has been an increase of stripping of rights and wealth from the community, see Leslie Radford[2]’s, “Race, Class and the Battle for South Central Farm”. The patchwork of programs that came out of the uprisings have done absolutely nothing to reduce the discontent amongst the different sectors of the 9th district. Consider the increased homelessness, the racial tensions among the different groups, and the increase use of race by politicians to fuel this discontent. Homeless people and the South Central Farmers have experienced great pronouncement, and perpetuation of hate. Merely based on the fact both of these groups are without resources and are attempting to assert their stakeholder rights. In analyzing this on coming tidal wave we can look to Robert O. Paxton[3]’s quote on fascism as, “…a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victim-hood.” After the 1992 uprising in South Central Los Angeles there was an obvious concern from its middle class membership, which eventually put forth a resolution through its proxy, Councilperson Perry. In early 2003 in a 14-0 vote the city council moved forward a motion of segregation. This motion would, “In the future, all city documents will refer to the historically-Black neighborhood that houses mansions as well as housing projects as South Los Angeles.” Even though for more than a decade it has had more Latinos than Blacks. Many Asians also call the area home, as well as Whites. We should not be under any illusions that we live in an open and democratic society, at least not in the 9th district or South Central Los Angeles. Let us strip away the mythology, the propaganda, and the "decorum". Its tough to survive in South Central Los Angeles, even if you call it something else.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Dr. Lawrence Britt, a political scientist, wrote an article about fascism which appeared in Free Inquiry magazine -- a journal of humanist thought. Dr. Britt studied the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile). He found the regimes all had 14 things in common, and he calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism. The article is titled 'Fascism Anyone?', by Lawrence Britt, and appears in Free Inquiry's Spring 2003 issue on page 20. [2] http://www.counterpunch.org/radford07132006.html [3] Robert Paxton, the Columbia history professor whose research changed the historical understanding of France's Vichy Regime, won the American Historical Association Award for Scholarly Distinction. Paxton, in launching the first historical investigation of the Vichy regime, revealed its inner workings and its collaboration with Nazi leadership. His 1972 book, Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, 1940-1944, has had a profound effect on French national consciousness.
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by Tezozomoc
Thursday, Aug. 03, 2006 at 4:49 PM
 oppression11.jpg, image/jpeg, 492x369
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by Fern
Saturday, Aug. 12, 2006 at 3:06 PM
We are one step closer to emulating Nazi Germany as our rights are stripped away and the dominant culture is too distracted to notice.
Last Tues., 8-8-06, at the LA City Council meeting, one of the South Central Farmers was arrested at the meeting for pinning a cloth to his shirt that read "CRA destroys communities" (CRA is the community redevelopment agency). This is not defending "decorum," it is silencing dissent! He was not permitted to speak, even for one minute, during the public comment portion of the meeting, since he had previously spoken this month already.
In preparation for the meeting, he compiled an excellent research paper enumerating the environmental benefits of places like the South Central Farm and gave copies to each Council person. They are foolish for not paying attention. Or maybe fascism has gotten the better of them. That is what I talked about during my one minute speed comment, not that they were listening.
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by TW
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 12:28 AM
Those little brown people "invading" from Mexico have ancestral roots on this continent going back tens of thousands of years. Do you?
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by KR
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 11:49 AM
"Those little brown people "invading" from Mexico have ancestral roots on this continent going back tens of thousands of years. Do you?"
By golly, I do believe you're right! Let's see... I believe their roots are in what is today modern-day Mexico! Okay, no that we have that established, let's make sure that 1). They stay there, and; 2) We send all the ones that are here back to their ancestral homeland.
I'm so glad we could agree on something so important!
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by TW
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 12:09 PM
...Wockswey is willfully OBLIVIOUS to the idea of JUSTICE as it relates to his own culture's experience of OBSCENE PRIVILEGE across multiple generations, purchased at the CONTINUING AND DEEPENING cost of the blood, the dead babies, the anguish, the prison-like exploitation and hopelessness of a global majority "unworthy" to be born lily-white and Anglophonic like him. His criminal-Lebensraum-pig recent ancestors arrogantly slaughtered these people out of the way to steal their land, and he's just following like a petulant Marie Antoinette right in their rutted footsteps. Never once, not for a second, has any member of his bloodline of hookworms EVER deserved to claim those lands, which they criminally ravage with the same heartlessness they bring to bear on "inferior races." They're just fucking greedy monsters capable of rationalizing ANYTHING to themselves. The brown people's reclamation of their ancestral lands -- their return to the arms of a loving mother, and with a capacity for love in return that is beyond Locksley's ken -- is a delicious poetic justice
You and your sort are a demon-cancer befouling the earth, worms dining on shit-sludge at the bottom of a spiritual sewer. You have **NO IDEA** what the phrase "self-respect" means. To wit, it means living a life observant of the principles of Justice and thus KNOWING yourself *empirically* to be a righteous person, *demanding* righteousness from yourself. Your wiring for this was already short-circuited the day your mama dropped you into a garbage can out of her stinking fly-buzzing crack-whore pussy. You were then raised like Romulus and Remus, only by slinking soulless sewer-rats instead of proud wolves. You're a Western congenital urbanite, as fitted to city life as your totems: the rat, the cockroach, the housefly, the malarial mosquito. You're nature's supreme parasite
Everyone in the world who wants to see abominations like you drop dead knows more about Justice than you will ever glimpse. To be despised so purely is the JUST sentence of the despicable!
Justice may be deferred, but it cannot be cheated altogether
One fine day, they will get their wish. I'll be pissing on your grave right alongside them. I'm not one of you, you see. I actually have a soul
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by TW
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 1:12 PM
In 1848, your lebensraum pig hero Henry Polk, in what may be the US Empire's most flagrantly criminal episode ever, launched a war on fake grounds and STOLE the entire northern HALF of Mexico -- everything to the south of Oregon, Idaho, western & central Wyoming, eastern Colorado, and Kansas, and everything to the west of Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana -- a FULL THIRD of the "lower '48." Texas is logically included here since it was similarly stolen by Anglo-Saxon Mafia goons only twelve years earlier
Amerca's core culture hasn't really changed in character one teeny bit, you see. It consisted of lying murderous thieves then, just as it still does today. Look in a mirror
You may know all about this, but obviously you DON'T CARE because, like Locksley, you're a greedy criminal asshole whose head needs seperating from your neck RIGHT NOW. The sane of the world will dance and sing upon seeing your carotid arteries fire twin streams of viscous red onto your Hitler dad, whore mother, Mengele siblings, Eva Braun wife, and twitching cockroach children, all of whom will be next in reverse order.
There's a planet to save along with ourselves, after all, and this is the number one thing that MUST happen, you see. Don't take it personally. It's a pragmatic thing. You know you're fond of "pragmatism" (your favorite euphemism for morbid selfishness), so don't heap contemptible hypocrisy on top of all your other contemptible crimes of the spirit. Oh yeah: too late.
Previous to your Lebensraum cockroach ancestor's theft of Texas and then Aztlan, they DROVE many Native Americans into these lands in order to steal the Louisiana Purchase from them. the Indians were safer here for a little while because the Catholic-influenced Spanish culture doesn't have your same northern-European Hitler streak. After your Lebensraum cockroach ancestors succeeded in stealing Aztlan, they marched across it jubilantly slashing the heads off Indian women and children by way of stealing these lands in turn. Fleeing from this genocidal Satan that you personify, the Indians were driven once again into the only place left: what is today Mexico, where they assimilated with tribes already there and also with Spanish culture.
So you see, this
"I believe their roots are in what is today modern-day Mexico!"
is just a typical example of the sort of willfully ignorant excuses/lies that you marching planet-killer cancer cells ALWAYS tell yourselves in order to justify your unfortunate continuing existence
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by TW
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 1:27 PM
Hopefully I'll get to do you and yours in person. Be afraid. Death is merciful. What I'll do to you will be infinitely worse
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by TW
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 2:16 PM
Meanwhile, notice how he's grabbing onto this to avoid dealing with EVERYTHING ELSE I SAID
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by TW
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 2:27 PM
Please fill out form:
actual real Name: ___________________________________
Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Phone number:
(___) ___-____
I'll hold my breath
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by TW
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 2:39 PM
Hey, I'm not the one who shot off my mouth with the invites, blowhard fraud
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by TW
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 3:03 PM
"you ought to be able to locate me here in Houston on just the info you already have........but you cant can you?..."
Hahahahahahaa. It just fits perfect, doesn't it? They're all natural-born fascists. That's why they go into it in the first place.
Shaking people down with traffic tickets to pad their donut'n'hooker fund... letting housewives off on same by getting blowjobs from them... Ganging up ten-on-one to beat five-foot-tall handcuffed wetbacks to death... hanging out sneering and snapping mugs at demos, fantasizing about the fine day when Führer Bush ships all actually decent Americans to Gitmo so they're never reminded by way of contrast ever again as to what sub-human scum they truly are...
Hey man, cop work is fascist heaven!
Yeah, I don't know your sleazy gubmint-felcher tricks that you learned from the sleazy gubmint-felcher before you, so therefore I'm STOOOO-PIDD! oochy, dat hoit so much!
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by thinking out loud
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 5:00 PM
finding out who Robbins Mitchell, Jr. really is, under the delusional "King of England" moniker, is easier than even he said it would be. I'm no internet wiz, and it took me about 2 minutes to come up with: http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/tnw/pressreleases/2001/2001OCT16_threattogoreuncle.pdf
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by Lord Locksley
Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at 6:34 PM
........for doing what any half wit with a keyboard could do..(which clearly makes TW a quarter wit).....although your use of the derisive term 'delusional' is an unwarranted assumption on your part given you total ignorance of both my own personal genealogical descent from the House of Plantagenet and your ancillary ignorance of the comparative blood descent of the Prince of Wales (whom I happened to meet in 1986)......actually the link you cite is terminologically inaccurate.....I never claimed to be "King of England" as alleged.,.....what I asserted was that due to a chronicalogically senior blood descent I was in fact "Rightful Heir to the Crown of St. Edward"...so styled.....that having been said, my claim has actually been acknowledged by Houston Corporation Court......and no one has yet to disprove my claim in blood.......you are of course welcome to try if you wish.....until that doubtful day, the term 'delusional' used by 'thinking out loud' is merly the product of his own sophistry......and explains why he isnt currently employed as a practising psychiatrist
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by TW
Monday, Aug. 14, 2006 at 6:33 AM
By this I suppose you mean googling "Lord Locksley"
Here's the obvious question: What causes you to imagine I would be that interested in you? I mean, I know you're the proper rightful King of England and all... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Jeez, textbook paranoid psychosis! How colorful!
You're a more perfect example of a type that needs to die than I ever imagined
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by in my absence
Monday, Aug. 14, 2006 at 7:08 AM
TW- you are clearly having another anger management breakdown. Are you off your meds, again? 0 to pyscho in 6 seconds- its a record, even for you.
You also seem to be having bizarre conversations with your self. Did I miss your final breakdown? What eventually triggered it? Enquiring minds want to know.
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by all my wits about me
Monday, Aug. 14, 2006 at 7:24 AM
"....for doing what any half wit with a keyboard could do..(which clearly makes TW a quarter wit)."
My liege: You do reallize what TW stands for, don't you? It stands for Tiny Wit
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by Lord Locksley
Monday, Aug. 14, 2006 at 4:54 PM
From my perspective.TW could stand for any number of things...none of which could be termed complimentary...but this particular mendicant has been making noises about wanting to come to Houston and visit a violent demise on my person because in his estimation I constitute an "enemy of DA PEEPUL".......but of course he needs to know who I am etc in order to accomplish his nefarious scheme.....and now since "thinking out loud" has provided my nomenclature free of charge, TW no longer has an escuse for not coming here and fulfilling his self-generated mission......I await with eager anticipation his imminent arrival
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by Tw's been threatening me for years
Monday, Aug. 14, 2006 at 5:02 PM
Terrible Weasel, Tiny Wit, Truth Warper, Tinky Winky has been threatening to kill me and describing in gruesome detail what he will do with my still warm body for years now.
I, too, am easy to find. I suspect Terribly Wrong is an agorophobic keyboard warrior, more goofy than actually menacing. Worry not. Your minions will come to your aid. Mine, too.
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by TW
Monday, Aug. 14, 2006 at 9:00 PM
"Tinky Winky has been threatening to kill me..."
When? Show us
"...and describing in gruesome detail what he will do with my still warm body..."
Do tell. No really, be **specific**
"...for years now."
"Years," huh? As in PLURAL? Hahahahahaahaa, Tia hun-neeee, we started trading blows on Indybay AT MOST a year ago, m'kay? Thanks for demonstrating so clearly for the umpteen-hundredth time that truth and accuracy mean nothing to you compared to opportunities to twist people around your maudlin self-victimilogical little chutzpah finger
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