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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
Pro-Lebanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
 picture_164.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x411
Pro-Lebanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
 picture_242.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x411
Pro-Libanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
 picture_198.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x394
Pro-Libanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
 picture_259.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x390
Pro-Libanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
 picture_351.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x413
Pro-Libanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
 picture_511.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
Pro-Libanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
 picture_522.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x393
Pro-Libanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
 picture_428.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x408
Pro-Libanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
 picture_538.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
Three young men were detained by a group of undercover cops for questioning. I assumed that they were stopped because they did fit the profile for dangerous persons--young Mexican men walking in a nice neighborhood wearing no labelled clothes.
Pro-Libanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006
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by Marcus
Monday, Jul. 24, 2006 at 7:59 PM
 picture_535.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x409
The young man in black is being questioned by an undercover cop. He was not handcuffed. The police didn't seem to want to arrest any of those three men because they most probably didn't have anything to charge them with.
Pro-Libanese, Palestinian and Pro-Israelis Protests in Los Angeles, Californa on Sunday, July 23, 2006, Libanon, Israel, Palestine, Palestinian, Libanese, bombing, bombs, rockets, deads, victims.
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by B
Tuesday, Jul. 25, 2006 at 6:54 AM
 cueste_lo_que_cueste.jpg6cs1qr.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x315
The three youth in the above picture are being systematically targetted by police agencies.
They were the young people who stopped the bulldozer at the South Central Farm with a Zucchini.
The state maybe taking great offense from such an attack.
They were beaten up by police at the last minutemenso rally in hollywood (july 4th).
The police did not arrest them, they just beat them all up (4 of them).
The police have also made their person information available to the Minutemenso and have been targetted not only by the police but also the hate group of the MinuteMenso.
We need to applaud their courage and their principles.
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by Mr. Pot, meet Mr. Kettle
Tuesday, Jul. 25, 2006 at 8:10 AM
Tha's a drop in the bucket compared to what America has invested in Israel.
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by pot/kettle/black
Tuesday, Jul. 25, 2006 at 8:16 AM
Hitler would have been off the hook for murdering 6 million Jews because Stalin killed some 6 million Ukranians.
Also, American investment in Israel pays off handsomely for the US and helps benefit all of mankind. Investment in Hizbullah facilitates more American deaths and mayhem and paves the way to Jihad on all Westerners.
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by The Angry Goyim
Tuesday, Jul. 25, 2006 at 5:22 PM
 lebanese_children_killed_by_israel.jpg6cs1qr.jpg, image/jpeg, 580x387
URGENT! SEND A LETTER TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE NOW! click here: http://www.democracyinaction.org/dia/organizationsORG/CFLWeb/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=4650 Please copy, e-mail and distribute as widely as possible. *In the past few days Israel has killed hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians—in many cases wiping out entire families—in clear violation of international law. I am dismayed that, despite the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, the U.S. has stifled any attempts to bring the matter to the United Nations in hopes of reaching a resolution. I demand that my representatives speak out against the war crimes taking place in the Middle East right now. * Tell your representatives that you support an end to aid to apartheid Israel until it learns to live in peace with its neighbors. The events taking place now did not occur in a vacuum. Israel occupied Lebanon in the early 1980’s and imprisoned thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian nationals. This is merely a continuation of that conflict. *There are 9,000 political prisoners, including women and children as young as 9 years old, who have never been charged with a crime and have in some cases been sitting in Israeli prisons for decades. EMAIL AND OR CALL THE WHITE HOUSE WHITE HOUSE COMMENTS LINE: 202-456-1111 WHITE HOUSE SWITCHBOARD: 202-456-1414 WHITE HOUSE FAX: 202-456-2461 ============================== Citizens for Fair Legislation http://www.cflweb.org JOIN US IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ISRAELI APARTHEID TERRORISM Take Action, sign up for http://www.cflweb.org political action alerts and tell Congress to stop using your tax dollars to support Israeli terrorism. For further political action and information see http://www.cnionline.org and http://www.endtheoccupation.org and http://www.palsolidarity.org/main/ and http://www.voicesofpalestine.org/ Please copy, e-mail and distribute this as widely as possible. SPOON-FED NEWS CAUSES BLINDNESS FOX and CNN 24 / 7 propaganda machines are undermining objective media. Take action: Call your cable provider and tell them to carry the Al Jazeera Channel on “basic cable”. “If everybody watches CNN, what does CNN watch? The Al Jazeera Channel.” Friends of AlJazeera http://www.friendsofaljazeera.org/ http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage Please copy, e-mail and distribute as widely as possible.
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by Videos of Aug. 12
Saturday, Aug. 19, 2006 at 8:26 AM
At this link you will find three videos of the recent anti-Israel rallies in San Francisco, including last Saturday's. http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=Kehilah
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by The revealer
Saturday, Aug. 19, 2006 at 6:51 PM
This list is subject to amendments. B'Tselem's authoritative casualty list is the Hebrew language one. Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces in the Occupied Territories
Hani 'Odeh 22 year-old resident of Ramallah, killed on 18.01.2002 in Ramallah by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during a demonstration.
Muhammad 'Ali Judeh 20 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 17.01.2002 in Erez Checkpoint, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while trying to enter into Israel, apparently looking for work.
Khamis Ahmad 'Ali 'Abdallah 45 year-old resident of 'Askar Refugee Camp, Nablus district, killed on 17.01.2002 in 'Askar Refugee Camp, Nablus district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities.
Ra'id Muhammad Ra'if Carmi 28 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 14.01.2002 in Tulkarm by explosion from a bomb. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed by explosives planted by Israel.
Shadi Mesalem 24 year-old, injured on 15.12.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire and died on 09.01.2002. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into the village.
Na'il Tahsin Ramadan 23 year-old, killed on 04.01.2002 in Tell, Nablus district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during IDF operation to locate wanted persons.
Muhammad Mahmoud Saleh 19 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, killed on 30.12.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities.
Muhammad 'Abd a-Rahman Ahmad al-Madhun 16 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 30.12.2001 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire from a tank.
Muhammad Ahmad Mahmoud Lubad 17 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 30.12.2001 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire from a tank.
'Ali Ass'ad Muhana 21 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, killed on 30.12.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities.
Isma'il Ahmad Abu al-Qusman 31 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, killed on 30.12.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities.
Ahmad Muhammad Hassan Banat 15 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 30.12.2001 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire from a tank.
Mahmoud Rajeb 'Abd a-Rahim Bu'ari 24 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, killed on 28.12.2001 in Netzarim, Deir al-Balah district, by explosion . Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed when he detonated an explosion aimed at killing soldiers.
Walid a-S'adi 53 year-old resident of Jenin, killed on 26.12.2001 in Jenin by gunfire from a helicopter. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while standing about a kilometer from his home and waiting for the gunfire near his home to cease.
Wisam Majdi Mahareb 27 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, injured on 12.12.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire from a helicopter and died on 22.12.2001. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in the a-Namsawi neighborhood.
Dib a-Sarawi 37 year-old resident of Tell, Nablus district, killed on 20.12.2001 in Tell, Nablus district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed on the terrace of his home while talking on his cellular phone.
Muhammad Sa'id Hawash resident of Tell, Nablus district, killed on 20.12.2001 in Tell, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed during IDF incursion into the village.
Ya'qub Fathi Rabi' a-Daqideq 27 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 17.12.2001 in Hebron by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed near his home. Marks indicating he was beaten were found on his body in addition to the bullet holes.
Ahmad Mahmoud al-Bassiuni 28 year-old resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, killed on 17.12.2001 in Tell, Nablus district, by gunfire.
Muhammad Jam'an Mahmoud Haneideq 15 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 17.12.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while playing with his friend in the sand areas near Khan Yunis. He had a plastic toy gun in his hand.
Munjed Muhammad Khaled Suleiman 22 year-old resident of Qusin, Nablus district, killed on 17.12.2001 in Tell, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed when he was shot near the entrance to the village.
Yasser al-Qasbeh 12 year-old resident of Qalandiya Camp, al-Quds district, killed on 16.12.2001 in Qalandiya, al-Quds district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed by being shot while taking part in stone throwing.
Yusef Shauqi a-Najar 11 year-old resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, killed on 15.12.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into the village.
Mas'ad 'Abd Rabo Dawad 21 year-old resident of Tall a-Sultan Camp, Rafah district, killed on 15.12.2001 in Gush Katif by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities.
'Amer Muhammad al-Jaliz 18 year-old resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, killed on 15.12.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into the village.
Mahmoud Muhammad Ahmad 17 year-old resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, killed on 15.12.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into the village.
Ass'ad 'Atiyya 22 year-old resident of Salfit, killed on 14.12.2001 in Salfit by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF operation in the village.
'Abd al-Basset Abu Snineh 28 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 14.12.2001 in Beit Kahil, Hebron district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities.
Jawad 'Abd a-Latif a-Dams 25 year-old resident of Salfit, killed on 14.12.2001 in Salfit by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF operation in the village.
Khaled Abu Y'aqub 27 year-old resident of Haris, Salfit district, killed on 14.12.2001 in Salfit by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF operation in the village.
Razeq Sha'ban Muhammad Harzallah 32 year-old resident of Salfit, killed on 14.12.2001 in Salfit by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF operation in the village.
Diaa' Nadi Ibda 19 year-old resident of Salfit, killed on 14.12.2001 in Salfit by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF operation in the village.
Muhammad Muhammad 'Ashur 19 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 14.12.2001 in Salfit by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF operation in the village.
Ass'ad Abu Turki Abu Snineh 21 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 14.12.2001 in Beit Kahil, Hebron district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities.
Rami Khamis Zo'arub 13 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 13.12.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while playing in the yard of his house.
Ahmad Damisi 26 year-old resident of Ramallah, killed on 13.12.2001 in Ramallah by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire after Israeli security forces took control of the house of Marwan Barghouti.
Mussa al-Fara 24 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 13.12.2001 in Ramallah by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire after Israeli security forces took control of the house of Marwan Barghouti.
Name unknown to B'Tselem , killed on 13.12.2001 in Netzarim, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire.
Ahmad Khamis al-Masri 17 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 13.12.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during a confrontation that included stone-throwing, which followed a funeral.
Sa'id Abu Sitah 20 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 12.12.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire from a helicopter. Additional information: Killed in the cemetery in Khan Yunis.
Ass'ad 'Abd al-Karim Abu Sitah 24 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 12.12.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire from a helicopter. Additional information: Killed in the cemetery in Khan Yunis.
Yasser Hassan Abu Namus 21 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 12.12.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire from a helicopter. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in the cemetery in Khan Yunis.
Fadel Muhammad Abu 'Obeidah 25 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 12.12.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire from a helicopter. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed at the cemetery in Khan Yunis.
'Issam Ritan resident of Tell, Nablus district, killed on 12.12.2001 in Emmanuel, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed after activating an explosive device and opening fire at an Israeli bus.
Khalil 'Abd al-Fatah Abu Shawish 24 year-old resident of Rafah, injured on 09.12.2001 in Rafah by gunfire and died on 12.12.2001. Additional information: Died of his wounds after being injured during an IDF incursion into Rafah
Muhammad 'Abd al-Quader Jami'an 25 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 11.12.2001 in Iktaba, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed with another man after soldiers opened fire on them claiming they had not stopped for a security check.
Muhammad Khalil Abu Marahil 26 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 11.12.2001 in Iktaba, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed with another man after soldiers opened fire on them claiming they had not stopped for a security check.
Burhan al-Himuni 3 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 10.12.2001 in Hebron by gunfire from a helicopter during the course of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while with his brother in a car near a car that contained a target for assassination and was struck.
Shadi Ahmad 'Arfa 13 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 10.12.2001 in Hebron by gunfire from a helicopter during the course of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while with his brother in a car near a car that contained a target for assassination and was struck.
Sa'id a-Daridi resident of Beit Lid, Tulkarm district, killed on 09.12.2001 in 'Anabta, Tulkarm district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an IDF operation in Anita
Ahmad Samir al-Qu'a resident of Beit Lid, Tulkarm district, killed on 09.12.2001 in 'Anabta, Tulkarm district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an IDF operation in Anita
Munif Helmi Hamadeh resident of Beit Lid, Tulkarm district, killed on 09.12.2001 in 'Anabta, Tulkarm district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an IDF operation in Anabta
Subhi Jamil Rateb Abu Munis 36 year-old resident of 'Araba, Jenin district, killed on 09.12.2001 in Jenin by gunfire from a tank. Additional information: Killed while driving his taxi.
'Adnan Suleiman Jum'ah resident of Beit Lid, Tulkarm district, killed on 09.12.2001 in 'Anabta, Tulkarm district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an IDF operation in Anabta
Louie Salim Mashel 24 year-old resident of Deir Ghasana, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 07.12.2001 in Kafr a-Dik, Salfit district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed while on his way to carry out an attack.
'Ayid Ahmad 'Alian 23 year-old resident of Deir Ghasana, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 07.12.2001 in Kafr a-Dik, Salfit district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed while on his way to carry out an attack.
taj a-Din Rajeb al-Masri 29 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 06.12.2001 in Gaza city by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed when he fired at the Dugit settlement.
Saqer Ahmad Hamed a-Dabri 21 year-old resident of Rafah, injured on 28.11.2001 in Rafah by gunfire and died on 05.12.2001. Did not participate in hostilities when killed.
Muhammad Abu Marseh 15 year-old resident of a-Shati' Camp, Gaza district, killed on 04.12.2001 in Gaza city by gunfire from a fighter jet. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed on his way home from school.
Muhammad Ahmad Mahmoud Siyam 23 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 04.12.2001 in Gaza city by shelling from a fighter jet. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in bombing of the Palestinian Preventive Security building.
Amjad 'Abd a-Rahim Tubasi 26 year-old resident of Tell, Nablus district, killed on 03.12.2001 in Nablus by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an exchange of gunfire.
Name unknown to B'Tselem , killed on 02.12.2001 in Jenin by gunfire.
Yihya Abu 'Abed 35 year-old resident of Kabatiya, Jenin district, killed on 02.12.2001 in Jenin by gunfire from a tank. Did not participate in hostilities when killed.
Mesalmeh al-'Araj resident of Gaza city, killed on 02.12.2001 in Alei Sinai, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed after shooting at Israeli settlers.
Name unknown to B'Tselem , killed on 02.12.2001 in Jenin by gunfire.
Name unknown to B'Tselem , killed on 02.12.2001 in Jenin by gunfire.
Name unknown to B'Tselem , killed on 02.12.2001 in Jenin by gunfire.
Muhammad Subhi Sunjuq 19 year-old resident of Ramin, Tulkarm district, killed on 02.12.2001 in Tulkarm Checkpoint by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed after opening fire at Border Police officers at the Kalanswa checkpoint.
Jihad al-Masri 17 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 02.12.2001 in Alei Sinai, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed after shooting at Israeli settlers.
Rashid Shahaleh 10 year-old resident of Jenin, killed on 01.12.2001 in Brukin, Salfit district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed when IDF forces fired at a Palestinian who was standing next to him.
Rami Mahmoud 'Asisi 18 year-old resident of Jenin, killed on 01.12.2001 in Brukin, Salfit district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed after opening fire at IDF soldiers.
Rashad Muhana 37 year-old resident of 'Attil, Tulkarm district, killed on 29.11.2001 in Tammun, Tubas district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed.
Hassan Teysir Zabdeh 25 year-old resident of Balata Refugee Camp, Nablus district, killed on 29.11.2001 in Tammun, Tubas district, by gunfire .
Rami Muhammad Mansur 23 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 28.11.2001 in Netzarim, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire from a tank. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while throwing stones at a tank on the Karni Nitzarim road.
Osama Muhammad 'Abdallah Hils 25 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 27.11.2001 in Gush Katif by gunfire . Additional information: Killed in Gush Katif junction.
Kifah Khaled 'Obeid 13 year-old resident of Bethlehem, killed on 25.11.2001 in Bethlehem by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed before he managed to throw a petrol bomb he was holding.
Mahmoud a-Shuli (Abu Hanud) 34 year-old resident of 'Asira a-Shamaliya, Nablus district, killed on 23.11.2001 in al-Far'a Camp, Tubas district, by gunfire from a helicopter. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while traveling in a taxi.
Aiman 'Awaisa 34 year-old resident of Talluza, Nablus district, killed on 23.11.2001 in al-Far'a Camp, Tubas district, by gunfire from a helicopter. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while traveling in a taxi.
Wa'il 'Ali Radwan 15 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 23.11.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while he was with a group of youths throwing stones.
Ma'amun 'Awaisa 28 year-old resident of Talluza, Nablus district, killed on 23.11.2001 in al-Far'a Camp, Tubas district, by gunfire from a helicopter. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while traveling in a taxi.
Ahmad Muhammad al-hinawi 25 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 23.11.2001 in Rafah by gunfire . Additional information: Killed while driving in a car.
'Omar Edris al-Astel 13 year-old resident of Khan Yunis Refugee Camp, killed on 22.11.2001 in Khan Yunis Refugee Camp by explosion . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed on his was to school.
Muhammad Salim al-Astel 11 year-old resident of Khan Yunis Refugee Camp, killed on 22.11.2001 in Khan Yunis Refugee Camp by explosion . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed on his was to school.
Anis Edris al-Astel 11 year-old resident of Khan Yunis Refugee Camp, killed on 22.11.2001 in Khan Yunis Refugee Camp by explosion . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed on his was to school.
Muhammad Na'im 'Abd al-Karim al-Astel 14 year-old resident of Khan Yunis Refugee Camp, killed on 22.11.2001 in Khan Yunis Refugee Camp by explosion . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed on his was to school.
Akram Na'im 'Abd al-Karim al-Astel 6 year-old resident of Khan Yunis Refugee Camp, killed on 22.11.2001 in Khan Yunis Refugee Camp by explosion . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed on his was to school.
Ibrahim Suleiman Sa'id 70 year-old resident of al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, injured on 16.09.2001 in al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire and died on 19.11.2001. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed near the eastern border of Gaza.
Maher Dughlas 21 year-old resident of Burka, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 19.11.2001 in Burka, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire .
Taher Zeid 17 year-old resident of Ya'bad, Jenin district, injured on 07.11.2001 in Ya'bad, Jenin district, by gunfire and died on 18.11.2001. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Died of his wounds two weeks after being injured by gunfire during an IDF operation in Yabed.
'Izu Abu Dalal 32 year-old resident of a-Nuseirat Camp, Deir al-Balah district, killed on 18.11.2001 in Dugit, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed while trying to infiltrate into the Dugit settlement, in the northern Gaza Strip.
Muhammad Hussein Ibrahim 35 year-old resident of a-Nuseirat Camp, Deir al-Balah district, killed on 18.11.2001 in Dugit, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed while trying to infiltrate into the Dugit settlement, in the northern Gaza Strip.
Soheil 'Abd a-Rahman Abu Saleh 27 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 14.11.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire . Additional information: Killed during an IDF action in Khan Yunis.
wafa Muhammad Ass'ad Nasif 28 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 13.11.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in his home during an IDF action.
Ahmad Abu Mustafa 13 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 12.11.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Died of his wounds three days after being injured by gunfire from the direction of Neve Dekalim.
Muhammad Yusef Hamed 25 year-old resident of Tell, Nablus district, killed on 12.11.2001 in Tell, Nablus district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed during an IDF operation in the village.
Mahmoud Humeidan Abu Halib 36 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 09.11.2001 in Kissufim, Gaza district, by gunfire .
Muhammad Abu 'Iya 57 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 08.11.2001 in Rafah by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed.
Muhammad Taskin 23 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 08.11.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire.
'Issa Dababseh 48 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 08.11.2001 in Yatta, Hebron district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed during a Border Police action in his village.
'Ali Ibrahim Abu Hajleh 22 year-old resident of Deir Istiya, Salfit district, killed on 06.11.2001 in Tell, Nablus district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an exchange of gunfire.
Jamal Malawah 27 year-old resident of Deir Istiya, Salfit district, killed on 06.11.2001 in Tell, Nablus district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an exchange of gunfire.
Iyad 'Odeh al-Khatib 28 year-old resident of Deir Istiya, Salfit district, killed on 06.11.2001 in Tell, Nablus district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an exchange of gunfire.
Sa'id Mahmoud Abu Shamis 26 year-old, injured on 21.10.2001 in Ramallah by gunfire and died on 05.11.2001.
Iyad Yaqin 'Ey Shweiqi 24 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 04.11.2001 in East Jerusalem by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed by Israeli security force gunfire after carrying out an attack in the French Hill neighborhood.
Yasser 'Asira 25 year-old resident of Tell, Nablus district, killed on 02.11.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire from a gun. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car.
Fahmi Abu 'Iyyasha 28 year-old resident of Nablus, killed on 02.11.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire from a gun. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while driving in a car.
Salah a-Razal 45 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 02.11.2001 in Kfar Darom, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire .
Jamil Jadallah 25 year-old resident of Bethlehem, killed on 31.10.2001 in Hebron by gunfire from a helicopter. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed in his house.
'Abdallah Jerushi 42 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 31.10.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire from a tank. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while getting out of his car.
Muhammad 'Abd al-Fatah Jamil 40 year-old resident of Jericho, killed on 31.10.2001 in Qalqiliya by gunfire.
Ra'id Jamil el-Akhras 25 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 31.10.2001 in Qalqiliya by gunfire.
Rabi' Ghanem 22 year-old resident of Jaba', Jenin district, killed on 31.10.2001 in Bizzariya, Nablus district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities.
Muhammad Ghanem 30 year-old resident of Jaba', Jenin district, killed on 31.10.2001 in Bizzariya, Nablus district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities.
'Eid Zaid Abu Shrekh 25 year-old resident of a-Shati' Camp, Gaza district, injured on 08.10.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire and died on 27.10.2001.
Fares Jaber 26 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 27.10.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire.
Iyad Rabi' Muhammad al-Batsh 22 year-old resident of Jabalya, North Gaza district, killed on 26.10.2001 in Dugit, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed while he was trying to sneak into a settlement.
Fuad Mustafa Fuad a-Dashan 17 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 26.10.2001 in Dugit, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed while he was trying to sneak into a settlement.
'Othman Thib a-Razineh 22 year-old resident of Jabalya, North Gaza district, killed on 26.10.2001 in Dugit, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed while he was trying to sneak into a settlement.
Wa'el 'Abiyat 22 year-old resident of al-'Aza Camp, Bethlehem district, killed on 25.10.2001 in al-'Aza Camp, Bethlehem district, by gunfire from a sniper. Additional information: Killed by sniper fire.
Hassan Abu Sorayah 43 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 25.10.2001 in Nur Shams Refugee Camp, Tulkarm district, by gunfire.
Salameh Hamdan 39 year-old resident of A'yda Refugee Camp, Bethlehem district, killed on 25.10.2001 in A'yda Refugee Camp, Bethlehem district, by gunfire from a sniper. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in his house.
Firas Salahat 29 year-old resident of Bethlehem, killed on 25.10.2001 in Bethlehem by gunfire from a sniper.
Mahmoud al-Jalad 25 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 24.10.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire.
'Issa Jereys Jalil 55 year-old resident of Bethlehem, killed on 24.10.2001 in Bethlehem by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while driving in his car.
Rafiq Saqer 24 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 24.10.2001 in Beit Rima, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during IDF operations in the village.
Marwan Halbiya 20 year-old resident of Abu Dis, al-Quds district, killed on 24.10.2001 in Abu Dis, al-Quds district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while on the street when Palestinians threw stones at a jeep and soldiers in the jeep opened fire.
Aiman al-Jalad 20 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 24.10.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire.
Kamel Barghouti 20 year-old resident of Deir Ghasana, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 24.10.2001 in Beit Rima, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during IDF operations in the village.
Hassem al-Mughrabi 26 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 24.10.2001 in Beit Rima, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during IDF operations in the village.
Haris Haju 29 year-old resident of Beit Rima, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 24.10.2001 in Beit Rima, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during IDF operations in the village.
'Abd al-Mu'ati Zawaweh 22 year-old resident of Qarawat Bani Zeid, Ramallah and al-Bira district, killed on 24.10.2001 in Beit Rima, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during IDF operations in the village.
Saleh Rushdi 'Asi 19 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 24.10.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire.
Tal'at Jaber 19 year-old, killed on 23.10.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire from a tank.
Muhammad Thiab Sama'aneh 24 year-old resident of Ramallah, injured on 20.10.2001 in Ramallah by gunfire and died on 23.10.2001. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an exchange of gunfire.
Badr a-Sha'ar 50 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 23.10.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire from a tank.
Nasr Qur'an 13 year-old resident of Qalqiliya, killed on 23.10.2001 in Qalqiliya by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed.
Nidal 'Alian 19 year-old resident of Bethlehem, injured on 20.10.2001 in Bethlehem by gunfire and died on 22.10.2001. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire.
Aiman Halaweh 26 year-old resident of Nablus, killed on 22.10.2001 in Nablus by explosion from a bomb. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while riding in a car.
Yusef Sheikh 60 year-old resident of Nur Shams Refugee Camp, Tulkarm district, killed on 22.10.2001 in Nur Shams Refugee Camp, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while summoning aid for his wounded daughters.
Muhammad Salman Hamdan al-Barq'a 26 year-old resident of al-'Aza Camp, Bethlehem district, killed on 21.10.2001 in al-'Aza Camp, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed when he left his house.
Nahed Hussein 40 year-old, killed on 21.10.2001 in al-'Aza Camp, Bethlehem district, by gunfire.
'Issa Fawzi Abu Halayl 28 year-old resident of Beit Jala, Bethlehem district, killed on 21.10.2001 in Beit Jala, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in Hussein Hospital, where he worked as a guard, following prolonged gunfire at the hospital.
Ahmad Abu Mandil 15 year-old resident of Deir al-Balah, killed on 21.10.2001 in Deir al-Balah by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Died of his wounds over three weeks after being shot.
Radeh 'Iyesha 18 year-old resident of Sanur, Jenin district, killed on 21.10.2001 in Jenin by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while harvesting olives.
Juni Yusef George Thaljiya 16 year-old resident of Bethlehem, killed on 20.10.2001 in Bethlehem by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in the area in front of the Church of the Nativity.
Samer Shawahneh 22 year-old resident of Qalqiliya, killed on 20.10.2001 in Qalqiliya by gunfire. Additional information: Killed while standing near his home.
Mustafa Zitawi 53 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 20.10.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed at his army post.
Maher Abu Hasnah 24 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 20.10.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire. Additional information: Killed at his army post.
'Aiseh Mahmoud 'Abd al-Fatah 'Odeh 39 year-old resident of A'yda Refugee Camp, Bethlehem district, killed on 20.10.2001 in A'yda Refugee Camp, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while in her home.
Mustafa 'Abd a-Rahim Nufel 34 year-old resident of Qalqiliya, killed on 20.10.2001 in Qalqiliya by gunfire from a helicopter. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while standing near his home.
Yusef Muhammad 'Abayit 15 year-old resident of Beit Sahur, Bethlehem district, killed on 20.10.2001 in Beit Sahur, Bethlehem district, by gunfire.
Rania Kharuf 22 year-old resident of Beit Jala, Bethlehem district, killed on 20.10.2001 in Beit Jala, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while shopping.
Jawad'at 'Abd al-Hadi Jum'ah 21 year-old resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, killed on 19.10.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire.
Basel Salim Muhammad al-Mubshir 13 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 19.10.2001 in Khan Yunis by explosion . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed when he went into the yard.
Maryam Suleiman 'Othman Sabih 36 year-old resident of al-Khader, Bethlehem district, killed on 19.10.2001 in al-Khader, Bethlehem district, by gunfire from a armored personnel carrier. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while in the street, trying to flee from an armored personnel carrier.
Mussa George Abu 'Eid 19 year-old resident of Beit Jala, Bethlehem district, killed on 19.10.2001 in Beit Jala, Bethlehem district, by gunfire from a sniper. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while looking out of his window.
'Abd al-Quader Jamil Abu Sarur 25 year-old resident of A'yda Refugee Camp, Bethlehem district, killed on 19.10.2001 in A'yda Refugee Camp, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed on the staircase in his cousin's house.
Sa'ad 'Abd al-Quader al-Aqr'a 22 year-old resident of Salfit, killed on 19.10.2001 in al-Birah, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an exchange of gunfire.
Muhammad Ziad Abu Ras 18 year-old, killed on 18.10.2001 in Ramallah by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF action near the house of Abu Mazzen and the Best Eastern Hotel.
'Atef Ahmad 'Abayit 26 year-old resident of Bethlehem, killed on 18.10.2001 in Beit Sahur, Bethlehem district, by explosion from a bomb. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while driving in a jeep with two relatives, who were also killed.
Marwan Ibrahim Halifa 25 year-old resident of al-Far'a Camp, Tubas district, killed on 18.10.2001 in Ramallah by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF action near the house of Abu Mazzen and the Best Eastern Hotel.
'Issa 'Ataf Hatib 'Abayit 28 year-old resident of Bethlehem, killed on 18.10.2001 in Beit Sahur, Bethlehem district, by explosion from a bomb. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while driving in a jeep with two relatives, who were also killed.
Jamal 'Abdallah 'Abayit 35 year-old resident of Bethlehem, killed on 18.10.2001 in Beit Sahur, Bethlehem district, by explosion from a bomb. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed while driving in a jeep with two relatives, who were also killed.
Riham Nabil Yunes Ward 10 year-old resident of Jenin, killed on 18.10.2001 in Jenin by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed by IDF gunfire at a school for girls during its incursion into Jenin following the assassination of Rehavam Ze'evi.
Iyad Lafi al-Hares resident of Rafah, killed on 16.10.2001 in Rafah by explosion from a bomb. He was the target of an assasination.
Ahmad Hassan Marshud 29 year-old resident of Nablus, killed on 15.10.2001 in Nablus by explosion from a bomb. He was the target of an assasination.
'Abd a-Rahman Sa'id Hamed 33 year-old resident of Qalqiliya, killed on 14.10.2001 in Qalqiliya by gunfire from a sniper. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed at the entrance to his house.
Hani Mustafa Rawajbeh 24 year-old resident of 'Asira a-Shamaliya, Nablus district, killed on 11.10.2001 in 'Asira a-Shamaliya, Nablus district, by gunfire.
'Abd a-Rahman Ahmad Abu 'Oriban 34 year-old resident of Deir al-Balah, killed on 08.10.2001 in Netzarim Junction, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed.
Jum'ah Jum'ayn a-Sawarqeh 27 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 08.10.2001 in Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed near the Gaza perimeter fence in an incident in which two other Palestinians were also killed.
Saleh Hussein Abu Dib 21 year-old resident of al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, killed on 08.10.2001 in Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed near the Gaza perimeter fence in an incident in which two other Palestinians were also killed.
Ahmad 'Obeid Abu 'Otawi 28 year-old resident of a-Nuseirat Camp, Deir al-Balah district, killed on 08.10.2001 in Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed near the Gaza perimeter fence in an incident in which two other Palestinians were also killed.
Riad a-Sharif 32 year-old, killed on 07.10.2001 in Hebron by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in his taxi while driving in the Abu Sneineh neighborhood during a long IDF operation.
Hamzah Ibrahim Salem al-Qawasmeh 23 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 06.10.2001 in Hebron by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Hebron.
Amjad Muhammad al-Asmer al-Qawasmeh 25 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 06.10.2001 in Hebron by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Hebron.
Nidal Fiad Qafisheh 25 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 05.10.2001 in Hebron by gunfire from a helicopter. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Hebron.
Hazem 'Amru 27 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 05.10.2001 in Hebron by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Hebron.
Hassem Abu 'Afifi 48 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 05.10.2001 in Hebron by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Hebron.
Ra'id Abu Daud 23 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 05.10.2001 in Hebron by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Hebron.
Iyad Samir Qafishah 28 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 05.10.2001 in Hebron by gunfire from a helicopter. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Hebron.
Muhammad Sharbati 28 year-old resident of Hebron, injured on 10.04.2001 in Hebron by gunfire and died on 04.10.2001. Additional information: Killed during an exchange of gunfire.
Mahmoud Ibrahim Abu Hani 19 year-old resident of a-Shati' Camp, Gaza district, killed on 03.10.2001 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an IDF incursion into Beit Lahiya following the attack on the Eli Sinai settlement.
Seyd Salim Mahmoud Ziyareh 34 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 03.10.2001 in Gaza city by gunfire . Additional information: Injured in the head.
Nur a-Din Muhammad Salim Qweidar 24 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 03.10.2001 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an IDF incursion into Beit Lahiya following the attack on the Eli Sinai settlement.
Wa'el Fuad 'Awad 25 year-old resident of Deir al-Balah, killed on 03.10.2001 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an IDF incursion into Beit Lahiya following the attack on the Eli Sinai settlement.
Mahmoud Muhammad a-Shurafa 25 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 03.10.2001 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire from a tank. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an IDF incursion into Beit Lahiya following the attack on the Eli Sinai settlement.
Maher Edris Ahmad Hodiri 23 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 03.10.2001 in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, by gunfire from a tank. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an IDF incursion into Beit Lahiya following the attack on the Eli Sinai settlement.
Ibrahim Nizar Ian 20 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, killed on 02.10.2001 in Alei Sinai, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed when he infiltrated into a settlement and shot to death an Israeli soldier and a civilian.
'Abdallah Udi 20 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, killed on 02.10.2001 in Alei Sinai, North Gaza district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed when he infiltrated into a settlement and shot to death an Israeli soldier and a civilian.
Husseini Abu Lil 19 year-old resident of Balata, Nablus district, killed on 30.09.2001 in Silat a-Dhahr, Jenin district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in a taxi with other Palestinians on their way to work in Israel, when soldiers at a checkpoint suddenly opened fire at the taxi.
Khalil a-Srafandi 52 year-old resident of 'Askar Refugee Camp, Nablus district, killed on 30.09.2001 in Silat a-Dhahr, Jenin district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in a taxi with other Palestinians on their way to work in Israel, when soldiers at a checkpoint suddenly opened fire at the taxi.
Nidal al-Fakhuri 28 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 30.09.2001 in Hebron by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during a demonstration.
Rabhi Mahmoud Ahmad al-Beydeh 51 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 29.09.2001 in Har Hebron by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed.
Khalil Yusef Ibrahim Fiad 17 year-old resident of Deir al-Balah, killed on 29.09.2001 in Kfar Darom, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed by IDF gunfire at demonstrators.
Mahmoud Khalil Suaf 14 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 29.09.2001 in Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed by IDF gunfire at demonstrators.
Muhsein Fahed 'Arafat 17 year-old resident of Bani Zeid, Ramallah and al-Bira district, injured on 21.09.2001 in al-Birah, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire and died on 29.09.2001. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during a demonstration.
Ahmad Muhammad 'Awajeh 25 year-old resident of Rafah, injured on 26.09.2001 in Rafah by gunfire and died on 29.09.2001. Additional information: Killed in IDF gunfire on the city in response to the bombing of the Termit post that day.
Ahmad Mahdi 27 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 28.09.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Additional information: Killed along the "Philidelphi Route" by the Termit army post, in an incident in which two additional Palestinians were killed.
Muhammad 'Ali Sukar 17 year-old, killed on 28.09.2001 in al-Khader, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed when shot to death by Border Police.
Muhammad Drayereh 10 year-old resident of Bani Na'im, Hebron district, killed on 28.09.2001 in Bani Na'im, Hebron district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire.
Muhammad Zuhod 23 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 28.09.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Additional information: Killed along the "Philidelphi Route" by the Termit army post, in an incident in which two additional Palestinians were killed.
'Imad a-Sharif 25 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 28.09.2001 in Hebron by gunfire.
Shadi Lafi 20 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 28.09.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Additional information: Killed along the "Philidelphi Route" by the Termit army post, in an incident in which two additional Palestinians were killed.
'Ali Abu Balima 30 year-old resident of Deir al-Balah, killed on 27.09.2001 in Kfar Darom, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed by eight bullets that hit him in the legs and hip. Each time he tried to get up, soldiers shot him again.
Mu'awiyeh 'Ali Ahmad a-Nahal 14 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 27.09.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed near the Egyptian border.
Akram 'Abd al-Majed Abu Libdeh 24 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 26.09.2001 in Rafah. Additional information: Killed in IDF gunfire on the city in response to the bombing of the Termit post that day.
Mahmoud Fathi Haddan a-Sha'er 24 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 26.09.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in IDF gunfire on the city in response to the bombing of the Termit post that day.
Khaled Mahmoud Muhammad Abu Habib 25 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 26.09.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in IDF gunfire on the city in response to the bombing of the Termit post that day.
Mahmoud Jalal Sa'id Qishta 16 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 26.09.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed when the IDF fired at houses in the town in response to an explosion in the Tarmit army post earlier in the day.
'Emad 'Awad 23 year-old resident of Gaza city, injured on 17.09.2001 in Bitunya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire and died on 23.09.2001. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an exchange of gunfire.
Nasrallah Muhammad Jar'un 21 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, injured on 23.08.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire and died on 23.09.2001.
'Issa Sweity 23 year-old resident of Dura, Hebron district, killed on 20.09.2001 in Hebron by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Injured in an exchange of gunfire.
Mustafa Abu Musa 34 year-old, killed on 20.09.2001 in Kfar Darom, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed after he opened fire on an IDF post in a drive-by shooting.
Malek 'Abd al-Jabber Tamim Salem 25 year-old resident of Bizzariya, Nablus district, injured on 13.09.2001 in Qalqiliya by gunfire and died on 19.09.2001. Additional information: Killed at the Qalqiliya checkpoint.
Isma'il 'Abd al-Hadi a-Duda 30 year-old resident of Halhul, Hebron district, killed on 17.09.2001 in Hebron by gunfire from a tank. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Taxi driver, killed in an exchange of fire in response to gunfire at the Avraham Avinu settlement.
Mu'ataz 'Abd al-Majid Daghalus 26 year-old resident of Burqa, Nablus district, killed on 17.09.2001 in Bizzariya, Nablus district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed when soldiers fired at the tractor he was riding. Another Palestinian was hit by the gunfire and treated at Tel Hashomer Hospital.
Muhammad Ramadan al-Kafraneh 25 year-old resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, injured on 14.09.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire and died on 17.09.2001. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Beit Hanun.
Muhammad Ghazi Hashem a-Salwani 29 year-old resident of Jericho, injured on 13.09.2001 in Jericho by gunfire and died on 17.09.2001. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Jericho
'Abd a-Salam Muhammad 'Alian 35 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 17.09.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in the area of Salah a-Din Gate, near the Egyptian border, by retaliatory fire following attack on army post.
'Ali Khader Jaber Yasin 25 year-old resident of Ramallah, killed on 16.09.2001 in Ramallah by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in his house in the Umm a-Sharit neighborhood, during an IDF incursion into the city.
Yihya Nasr Hassan Sabahiya 20 year-old resident of Beit Lahiya, North Gaza district, killed on 15.09.2001 in Beit Sahur, Bethlehem district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: A member of the Palestinian Rescue and Aid Forces.
'Imad 'Ata Hassem Zo'arub 14 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 15.09.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during a clash following the funeral of two Palestinians.
Ramzi Khalil Hasuna 16 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 14.09.2001 in Karni Checkpoint, Gaza district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed.
'Imad Heysham Halef 20 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 14.09.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed when he approached an area in which an IDF bulldozer was clearing the land.
Muhammad Walid a-Dijani 21 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 14.09.2001 in Khan Yunis by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed when he approached an area in which an IDF bulldozer was clearing the land.
Khatab Jabarin 33 year-old resident of Jenin Refugee Camp, killed on 13.09.2001 in Jenin Refugee Camp by gunfire . Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire during an ongoing IDF operation in the city.
Raja Frihat 24 year-old resident of Jenin Refugee Camp, killed on 13.09.2001 in Jenin Refugee Camp by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire during the IDF's continuing activity in the city.
Raf'at al-Malhi 25 year-old resident of Shu'afat R.c, East Jerusalem district, killed on 13.09.2001 in Beit Liqya, Ramallah and al-Bira district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while trying to move a physical roadblock.
Fakhri Frihat 32 year-old resident of Jenin Refugee Camp, killed on 13.09.2001 in Jenin Refugee Camp by gunfire . Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire during an ongoing IDF operation in the city.
Muhand Raja al-Hijeh 25 year-old resident of Jenin, killed on 12.09.2001 in Jenin by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in his home during an IDF incursion into Jenin.
Sufian Ahmad Tawfiq 'Ardeh 20 year-old resident of 'Araba, Jenin district, killed on 12.09.2001 in 'Araba, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire during an IDF operation in the village.
Tawfiq Ibrahim Hussein Jaber 42 year-old resident of Qalqiliya, killed on 12.09.2001 in Tammun, Tubas district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Tamun.
Shaher Ahmad 'Abd a-Razeq Bani 'Odeh 28 year-old resident of Tammun, Tubas district, killed on 12.09.2001 in Tammun, Tubas district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Tamun
Ass'ad 'Abd a-Rahman Daqa 25 year-old resident of 'Araba, Jenin district, killed on 12.09.2001 in 'Araba, Jenin district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire during an IDF operation in the village.
Wa'el Mutleq Muhammad 'Assaf 20 year-old resident of 'Araba, Jenin district, killed on 12.09.2001 in 'Araba, Jenin district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire during an IDF operation in the village.
'Amer Hamdi Ziyadeh 21 year-old resident of al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, injured on 09.12.2001 in Gush Katif by gunfire and died on 12.09.2001. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while traveling in a taxi that crossed the checkpoint in Gush Katif intersection and was fired at without warning.
Taher Muhsein Madawi 28 year-old resident of al-Far'a Camp, Tubas district, killed on 12.09.2001 in Tammun, Tubas district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Tamun.
Belkis Ahmad Tawfiq 'Ardeh 14 year-old resident of 'Araba, Jenin district, killed on 12.09.2001 in 'Araba, Jenin district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed during an IDF action in the village, during which three Islamic Jihad members were killed.
Ibrahim 'Ali Fiad 22 year-old resident of Jenin, killed on 11.09.2001 in Jenin by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire during an IDF incursion into Jenin.
Iyad Suleiman al-Masri 18 year-old resident of Jenin, killed on 11.09.2001 in Jenin by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire during an IDF incursion into Jenin.
Muhammad Dib Mahmoud Abu Shaqfeh 28 year-old resident of Khan Yunis, killed on 11.09.2001 in Deir al-Balah by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: The taxi in which he was traveling passed by an army post and soldiers opened fire at it. Palestinian vehicles were allowed to travel in the area.
Fahed Abu Muhammad Abu Siam 30 year-old, killed on 09.09.2001 in Tammun, Tubas district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed by IDF gunfire at a Palestinian checkpoint, in response to attacks that had taken place earlier in the day.
Nasim Ahmad 'Odeh Abu 'Aasi 21 year-old resident of Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, killed on 08.09.2001 in Gaza city by gunfire from a tank. Killed when participating in hostilities.
Samir Abu Lebdeh 15 year-old resident of Rafah Refugee Camp, killed on 08.09.2001 in Rafah Refugee Camp by gunfire from a sniper. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed near his house in "Block O."
Mustafa 'Ahed Hassan 'Anbas 19 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 06.09.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire from a helicopter. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed in an assassination attempt on four Palestinians in which two were killed.
'Omar Mahmoud Dib Subuh 22 year-old resident of Tulkarm, killed on 06.09.2001 in Tulkarm by gunfire from a helicopter. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed in an assassination attempt on four Palestinians in which two were killed.
Khaled Mustafa 'Ojeh 26 year-old resident of Rafah, injured on 31.08.2001 in Rafah by gunfire and died on 03.09.2001. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire while the IDF was demolishing houses along the Rafah border.
Amjad Majed Mustafa al-Jamal 25 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 03.09.2001 in Hebron by gunfire from a tank. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed on the roof of his house.
'Imad 'Issam Mahmoud al-Batash 17 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 03.09.2001 in Hebron by gunfire from a tank. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed while trying to rescue a man trapped in a house that had been shelled.
Muhammad Edris Fa'iz 'Ashur 21 year-old resident of Hebron, injured on 02.09.2002 in Hebron by gunfire and died on 02.09.2001. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire while on his way to carry out a shooting attack on settlers' houses in the city.
Mussa Safi Qadmat 47 year-old resident of Kharas, Hebron district, killed on 30.08.2001 in Hebron by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: A doctor. Killed in an exchange of gunfire.
Sami Brod 25 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 30.08.2001 in Netzarim, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire. Additional information: A member of Force 17.
Da'ud 'Abd a-Nabi Fahmawi 32 year-old resident of Nur Shams, Tulkarm district, killed on 30.08.2001 in Nur Shams, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Additional information: Killed during an action by an undercover unit.
'Imad Hazazeh 19 year-old resident of Far'on, Tulkarm district, killed on 29.08.2001 in Far'on, Tulkarm district, by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed near a sheep pen owned by his family.
Muhammad al-Hamrani 24 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 29.08.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF operation in the south Gaza Strip.
'Abud Dababseh 32 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 29.08.2001 in Hebron by gunfire. Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while traveling in his car.
Samer Zo'arub 17 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 29.08.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Additional information: Killed near the border with Egypt.
Muhammad Samur 26 year-old resident of Gaza city, killed on 28.08.2001 in Beit Jala, Bethlehem district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF incursion into Beit Jala.
Riad Abu Zeineh 29 year-old resident of Hebron, killed on 28.08.2001 in Khurisa, Hebron district, by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an exchange of gunfire.
Mustafa 'Ali a-Zibri Abu 'Ali Mustafa 63 year-old resident of Ramallah, killed on 27.08.2001 in Ramallah by gunfire from a helicopter. He was the target of an assasination. Additional information: Killed when he was in the office of the Popular Front, and other apartments in the building were hit by the shelling.
Ibrahim Muhammad Sherf 15 year-old resident of Jabalya Refugee Camp, North Gaza district, killed on 26.08.2001 in Beit Hanun, North Gaza district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed while trying to cross the Gaza perimeter fence.
'Alaa Abu Bakry 23 year-old resident of Rafah, killed on 26.08.2001 in Rafah by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed during an IDF action in Gaza in response to an attack on the Maganit IDF post.
Heysham Abu Jammus , killed on 24.08.2001 in Gush Katif by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire after he opened fire at the Marganit encampment. Another Palestinian who was with him was also killed.
Amin Abu Hateb , killed on 24.08.2001 in Gush Katif by gunfire. Killed when participating in hostilities. Additional information: Killed in an exchange of gunfire after he opened fire at the Marganit encampment. Another Palestinian who was with him was also killed.
Fadi Sama'aneh 25 year-old resident of Beit Iba, Nablus district, killed on 22.08.2001 in Beit Iba, Nablus district, by gunfire . Did not participate in hostilities when killed. Additional information: Killed by gunfire coming from an ambush by the Egoz unit on the road between the settlement Shevi Shomeron and the army base on Mt. Eyval.
Bilal 'Adnan al-Ghul 23 year-old resident of al-Mughraqa (Abu Midein), Gaza district, killed on 22.08.2001 in al-Bureij Refugee Camp, Deir al-Balah district, by gunfire from a helicopter during the course of an assasination.
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by what gives?
Saturday, Aug. 19, 2006 at 9:25 PM
You're a flaming American anglophile always crowing about your blue blood, right? Do you have ANY IDEA who you're brown-nosing up to with your politics? Do you know how STUPID you look doing the one alongside the other? No you obviously don't. Here's a book that will straighten you out http://makeashorterlink.com/?A1992359D If you do nothing more, you should still read through the customer reviews
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by Checker
Sunday, Aug. 20, 2006 at 7:54 AM
Here's one of his choice quotes (among the many) Yea..... by Lord Locksley Wednesday, Aug. 09, 2006 at 4:26 PM ....I've shown that I cant be intimidated by faceless nameless west coast beaner faggots like yourselfd.......now go suck a tamale....or better yet come see me so I can say that to your face.......thats what you really want isnt it?... come ahead,Bruce
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