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by John Q Public
Friday, Jul. 14, 2006 at 5:49 PM
Disney’s white supremacist radio talk show hosts incite a bomb threat against children and promote smallpox genocide against Indigenous People.
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HOLLYWOOD -- Underneath a Disney marquee promoting “pirates”, The Mexica Movement, an Indigenous Rights Educational Organization, called for an immediate international boycott against The Walt Disney Company and all of its holdings. The announcement was made in front of Disney’s El Capitan Theater on Hollywood Boulevard before local media (including a Fox affiliate from Hong Kong which later broadcast the story across China).
The Mexica Movement is launching this boycott because Disney employs talk show hosts PAUL HARVEY and DOUG MCINTYRE, who have spread the Minutemen/SOS white supremacist agenda against the Mexican and Central American communities in the United States. (Mexican and “Central American” descent people are in their vast majority an Indigenous people, both Full-blood and Mixed-blood).
Doug McIntyre has agitated a bomb threat against school children in Los Angeles, and Paul Harvey has boasted of European genocide against Indigenous People. Both have used their Disney-ABC employment to commit these white supremacist crimes.
Walt Disney Company has failed to reprimand or discipline either talk show host.
McIntyre’s Bomb
White supremacist rhetoric took a violent step forward during KABC radio host Doug McIntyre’s daily tirades against Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School when a bomb threat was called in against the school. The bomb threat initiated a wave of terror against the school’s children and their families.
See IndyMedia link:
As if to add insult to injury, the bomb threat was called in after the Minuteman Project had already threatened to picket outside of the Los Angeles school’s playground, provoking a siege mentality “reminiscent of Selma, Alabama during the Civil Rights Movement”, according to the school’s principal. The Minutemen had accused the school of harboring “illegals”, “anchor babies” and “criminals.” Academia Semillas del Pueblo principal, Marcos Aguilar, explained that the charter school was exactly that—a school for children.
Phone calls to Doug McIntyre’s KABC radio show (“McIntyre In The Morning”) were boiling hot with white supremacist hatred towards the school’s children and its principal. Many callers demanded the school be shut down for teaching the children the indigenous Nahuatl language and for learning how to use an “Aztec abacus.” One caller gleefully suggested that the children all be deported to Mexico (regardless of citizenship) and that the principal be detained at Guantanamo Bay “along with the other terrorists.”
Immediately after the bomb threat and the white-hot rage incited by his show, radio terrorist Doug McIntyre offered a mere $1,000 reward to anyone who could offer information on the person calling in the bomb threat. This transparent attempt to cover the tracks of his own hate speech was recognized for what it was: an attempt to deflect the rightful blame away from himself. McIntyre all the while continued his daily rants against the school, its principal, and its children, sending a clear message that the bomb threat was of no concern to him.
Meanwhile, Doug McIntyre’s web site continues to be saturated with rants against the charter school and personal attacks against its principal.
See link:
Paul Harvey’s Hate
Prior to the bomb threat, beloved radio talk show host Paul Harvey delivered one of the most candid performances of his career when he declared that he supported the genocide of “Native Americans” through the use of smallpox biological warfare, “because we Americans are not made of sugar candy.”
Harvey boasted that “we Americans once elbowed our way onto this continent” and that “we used whatever weapon we could get our hands on.” Without the slightest indication of shame, Harvey further declared, “and yes, we greased the skids with the sweat of slave labor!”
Listen to the audio for yourself:
Here is the full text of Harvey’s June 25, 2005 radio show:
As if to reward his defense of genocide and slavery, Disney recently inked a $100 million contract deal for Paul Harvey to continue his radio program.
Death Threats Against Mexicans
Harvey and McIntyre have shown themselves to be spokesmen for the Minuteman Project, Save Our State (SOS), and other white supremacists who want to make America a whites-only nation, an English-only nation, and a fascist police state. This hate radio has been extremely profitable for Disney and for all the white supremacists who benefit from it. Disney’s ABC hate radio is the view of the white supremacists who have incited death threats against the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Lt. Governor of California, both of whom are of Mexican descent.
Disney’s Criminal Negligence
Over the years, Walt Disney Company has displayed a pattern of white supremacy and bigotry against Jews, African-descent people, gays, and Mexicans/”Central Americans/Native Americans.” (Walt Disney himself was notoriously anti-semitic.)
Today, Disney continues its tradition of white supremacy as it thus far failed to reprimand Doug Mcintyre or Paul Harvey for their shocking on-air hate speech. Disney’s absence of censure, reprimand, or firing of these two radio terrorists can only be interpreted as willful negligence, or outright approval of their messages. It is this failure to take responsible action that the Mexica Movement has initiated a boycott campaign, in order to counter Disney’s campaign of terror against our community.
Mexica Movement Kills $20 Million Disney Movie
This is not the first time that the Mexica Movement has confronted Disney on its racism. In 2001, the Movement carried on a year-long picket protest and boycott against the company and its proposed movie “Zapata.”
See link for Mexica Movement’s last Disney boycott:
The movie was slated to star Antonio Banderas (a European-Spaniard) dressed in “brownface”, playing Mexican Revolution hero Emiliano Zapata, an indigenous Nahuatl-speaking freedom fighter. The Mexica Movement contacted Disney and made clear that it regarded the casting of Banderas to be a direct insult to the Mexican people. Disney balked.
One year later, after the bad public relations accumulated against the film (due to the boycott), Disney relented on the movie. A $20 million movie project was scrapped. The Mexica Movement boycott had been successful.
The New Boycott Against Disney
The Mexica Movement is calling all people of conscience to support the new boycott against Disney and its radio terrorists, Doug McIntyre and Paul Harvey.
The group has officially launched the first of its three-phase boycott:
1) Announce the boycott for one month and contact Disney.
2) Collect signatures (for 2 months) for an FCC (Federal Communications Commission) formal complaint against Disney-ABC, demanding its radio license be revoked and the company fined.
3) Initiate picket protests in mid-November against several prominent Disney venues.
In front of local media and supporters, The Mexica Movement released the following call-to-action during its press conference outside the El Capitan theater in Hollywood:
“WE NEED YOUR HELP TO LAUNCH PICKETS OF DISNEYLAND, EL CAPITAN THEATER, DISNEY STUDIOS, ABC RADIO, and ABC TELEVISION. Please call us if you are in the Southern California area so that we can call you when we are ready to start the pickets. The pickets will be on Friday nights, Saturdays 12 P.M. to 6 P.M. Sundays 3 P.M. to 6 P.M. Call us at 323/ 981-0352 with your name and telephone number and the days that you are available to join in the pickets.
Mexica Movement Contacts Disney
The Mexica Movement has contacted Walt Disney Company’s Public Relations Director Karen Hobson (818-560-1000) making the following statement:
“If Doug McIntyre continues to use white supremacist code words on the radio against the Mexican and Central American communities, code words that incite any further bomb threats or acts of violence against our community or the Mexica Movement members, we will hold the Walt Disney Company itself fully responsible for any of these violent acts incited by Doug McIntyre or Paul Harvey.”
The last Mexica Movement boycott against Disney in 2001 ended in the successful termination of a $20 million Disney movie project.
This time, it seems Disney’s “racist rat” has once again stepped into a mouse trap of its own making: bomb threats against children and the celebration of White Supremacist genocide.
Full text of Mexica Movement press conference at El Capitan Therater on Hollywood Boulevard July 12, 2006:
"We are the the Mexica Movement. We would like to make a
Mexica Movement 323/ 981-0352 www.mexica-movement.org
Hate radio has been spreading the agenda of the Minutemen and other
supremacists all across the country. Two of the white supremacists are
Paul Harvey and Doug McIntyre of Disney’s ABC radio.
Is white supremacy a Disney family value? Disney has a long history of
bigotry against Jews, Blacks, and Mexicans. This is a documented
going back to Walt Disney himself.
Today Disney must be held accountable for supporting racist crimes
are threatening our Mexican and “Central American” communities, along
Native American communities. Disney’s ABC Radio employment of overt and
covert white supremacist personalities like Paul Harvey and Doug
are examples of ongoing support for white supremacy. Disney has hired
racist agitators like talkshow hosts Harvey and McIntyre for ratings
increase their profits, while at the same time supporting the agenda of
white supremacy.
Harvey and McIntyre are spokesmen for the Minutemen and other white
supremacists who want to make America a white-only nation, and
nation, and a fascist state. Hate radio is profitable for Disney and
white supremacists. Hate radio is white supremacist radio that has
racist death threats against the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Lt.
of California who are both of Mexican descent.
Disney has to be held accountable for these hate crimes of the public
airwaves, since they have refused to hold their white supremacists
employees accountable for their hate speech which has been inciting
violence against the Mexican and “Central American” people, who are a
majority Indigenous people, a non-European people.
McIntyre’s racist attacks against the Mexican and “Central American”
community do not stop with those of us who he calls “illegals”. He has
attacked those of us who have been here for multiple generations or who
part of the original inhabitants of this continent who have been here
thousands of years.
In May he launched racist attacks against a Los Angeles charter school
focuses on Indigenous heritage for Indigenous people.
His ABC radio rants incited bomb threats against the school and the
children of that school. Racist calls and death threats were made
the children and the administrators of the school. He has incited
hate against our community.
McIntyre once stated on his radio show that it was good that Whites
attacked and killed Native peoples for their land.
Paul Harvey has made similar white supremacist statements. He said,
apology or remorse: “Once upon a time, we elbowed our way onto and
this continent by giving smallpox-infected blankets to Native
That was biological warfare. And we used every other weapon we could
our hands on to grab this land from whomever. And we grew prosperous.
yes, we greased the skids with the sweat of slaves. So it goes with
great nation-states” He said this on June 24, 2005 to over 1000 radio
What are the standards of Disney and its ABC properties? Is the
of our humanity somehow in doubt by Disney? Would they allow such
against the Jewish community?
We of the Mexica Movement, of the Mexican and “Central American”
of the Indigenous people of this continent, are initiating a campaign
will boycott all Disney products, media outlets, services, and their
amusement parks.
In August we will initiate a petition of complaint to the FCC against
radios promotion of hate, for their inciting violence against our
communities, and for spreading the white supremacist agenda.
In November we will then initiate a series of pickets against
ABC television, ABC radio, El Capitan Theater, Disney Stores, and other
businesses of Disney. We will be taking this campaign internationally
through the Internet.
We invite all people of all communities to help in this fight against
Disney and its white supremacists of the radio airwaves.
Today we initiate the boycott. The longer it takes Disney do the right
thing, the longer our community’s resentment will grow, the longer the
resentment of all communities will grow. We hope to get all nations
all communities to support the boycott, petition, and pickets. We ask
people of all races to support the people of Mexican, Central American,
Native American descent as we confront Disney and its ABC radio of
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by John Q Public
Friday, Jul. 14, 2006 at 5:49 PM
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Underneath a Disney marquee glorifying European piracy against Indigenous People, the Mexica Movement announces its boycott against Disney's white supremacy radio.
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by John Q Public
Friday, Jul. 14, 2006 at 5:49 PM
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This Chinese film crew said the news story was going to be broadcast all across China (as a Fox affiliate).
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by Mickey Mouse
Saturday, Jul. 15, 2006 at 6:15 AM
You do realize that Mickey Mouse is a copyrighted character and that Disney might be able to take legal action over his depiction as a Nazi.
Furthermore, expressing the opinion that ILLEGAL Mexicans do not belong in the U.S. is not racist, any more than is Mexico's arrest of "Gringos" who enter Mexico illegally.
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by Meyer London
Saturday, Jul. 15, 2006 at 7:07 AM
Harvey has been advocating hate for years. In 1979 he opined during the hostage crisis that it might be a good idea to nuke Iran "until it glowed" if any harm came to the hostages. Back in the 1950's he was a leader in the hysterical hunt to uncover alleged communists in every area of life, whipping up the hysteria on his radio program.
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by John
Saturday, Jul. 15, 2006 at 10:30 AM
Since the Disney corporation is one of the most culturally diverse companies in the United States, wont this hurt the people at the lower level of the pay ladder. Many of those workers are Hispanic, Black and those who are begining their work careers.
And regarding Pirates; Its a friggin movie, get a grip. While I have not seen the second movie but, in the first I dont recall anyone but the pirates being made fun of, except for the white British guys (which of course are fair game anytime).
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by Mexica
Saturday, Jul. 15, 2006 at 3:01 PM
Satire is legal.
The "Nazi Rat" is legal if it is done satirically.
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by anon
Saturday, Jul. 15, 2006 at 7:37 PM
If you search for Disney and Anti-Semitism on the web, you'll turn up some articles. Some say Walt was curious about Nazism. He may have harbored some racism against Jews. Another article points out that a character in Pinnochio is a stereotype. Also, they did produce some wartime propaganda that was racist. There's also created Song of the South, released in 1946, around the time the Civil Rights Movement, led by WW2 vets, was just starting to raise issues of inequality.
Unfortunately, they aren't at the anti-racist forefront, and that might be the deep-rooted in the company history.
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by anon
Saturday, Jul. 15, 2006 at 7:52 PM
If the market shifts to other companies, then the lower level workers might find jobs in the other companies. This mainly affects the upper management.
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by Gunny
Sunday, Jul. 16, 2006 at 4:42 AM
Great Timing guys. Your Disney boycott was no doubt timed to co-incide with the release of the Dead Mans Chest. A $259,000,000 investment for Disney that I'm sure is going to bomb now that you guys have instructed the public to not see it. Already Disney officials have conceded privately that due to the Mexica movement, Pirates is poised to flop big time. You go.
Since the listening audience at KFI is almost 100% progressives, the Mexica boycott is going to hurt. People tune in to KFI to be informed on the latest far left commentary and I'm sure they will tune out when they learn that the drive time host did not give the Charter school the respect that was demanded.
Before the boycott, The 88 year old Paul Harveys listening audience was 22,000,000 listeners a week. and was carried on 1,200 stations and 400 armed services stations. His contract with ABC pays him $10,000,000 a year and is set to expire in 2010. He has been on radio since 1933, interrupted only by World War Two service.
Now of couse since a dozen Mexica members have insisted on his removal, Harvey knows that he might just as well pack his hundreds of broadcasting awards and crawl away. He is said to generate more than $200,000,000 PER YEAR!!! for the Disney Corp but everybody knows Disney dosnt really care about the money when faced with a Nazi Mickey rat caricature.
Once again Congratulations on your astounding victory to shape the minds of America.
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by mickey rules
Sunday, Jul. 16, 2006 at 11:27 AM
One of the great things about liberals, excuse me Progressives, is that they do not need the so called radical right for the general public to turn their nose up in disgust. The lef'ts worst enemies come from within its own ranks.
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by keith w
Sunday, Jul. 16, 2006 at 7:30 PM
I have visited your website several times since the marches,and notice that you seem to want European whites to understand what you have to say,but finish each article with "The only illegal aliens are European Whites".That says hate.You make fun of there small protests,but fail to notice the underwhelming masses at your Boycott press conference.You want inclusion,but speak of heritage ,and culture of your people,but if the European whites use the same argument.they are racist.By all accounts I can see,you are mad as hell,and not going to take it anymore,but me,and many more have quit listening to angry rhetoric like that anymore,it just sorta humorous.
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by Mexica
Sunday, Jul. 16, 2006 at 10:30 PM
It is not racist
to resist
White Supremacy.
Hate is:
* killing 95% of an entire population * death marching the survivors onto reservations * stealing their lands and resources * raping * assasinating an entire people's culture * holding a false sense of superiority over people simply because your own people are exceptionally-good burglars, thieves, and murderers. * psychologically projecting one's own evil onto another group
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by Tom
Monday, Jul. 17, 2006 at 5:38 PM
"The lef'ts worst enemies come from within its own ranks."
To the best of my knowledge the Mexica Movement is not "liberal" or "progressive". They are more like right-wing nationalists than anything else. Am I wrong?
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by johnk
Monday, Jul. 17, 2006 at 9:57 PM
They're left wing nationalists, somewhat. They get their politics mostly from the left, but have a nationalist perspective. It's a pan-North-American nationalism. I personally find it kind of eerie and reminiscent of Italy (and Fascism)... because they referenced Italy (but not Fascism) in their explanation of why they are pushing for their nationalism. They also reject Marxism -- they did so on this site, and you can see it on theirs.
Despite these discontinuities with IMC politics, I agree with their boycott of KABC and Disney. (Had I not, I would have mailed the other editors and brought it up.) I finally got around to listening to KABC, and they're pushing hate radio. I was scanning stations and *thought* I was listening to some crazy fringe radio station. They were talking about things like reconquista, cultural war, language, mass deportations, and that kind of thing. Curious, I kept listening. After a while, their station ID said they were KABC.
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by Mexica
Tuesday, Jul. 18, 2006 at 3:35 PM
To the extent that we are trying to preserve something (our rights to our Indigenous identity and lands), one can make the "Conservative" argument. That we are uncompromising in this endeavor also can suggest a "hardliner" label.
To the extent that we value freedom, justice, rejecting imperialism, rejecting Western hegemony, and working with Progressive Whites who also value those things, one might say we are "lefties".
But in the end, the Lib-Con dichotomy doesn't capture us.
That dichotmy is colonial and presumptive of many colonial ideas hardwired into the "either/or" terms themselves.
Just like the commercial says, we definitely "think outside the bun."
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by canat
Wednesday, Jul. 19, 2006 at 9:18 AM
its not racist...something..blah blah..
so when is mexiKKKa racism not racism ???
only when its directed at Americans??
sounds like typical hate thinking from the RACIST INDEGENOUS-EXploiting rants from the racist wanks
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by Pachuco
Wednesday, Jul. 19, 2006 at 11:59 AM
Racism is not only the belief that one's race is superior to all others, but also the actions that accompany racist beliefs i.e. the oppression and annihilation of other races. I have never heard any Mexica call for the genocide of Americans, who by the way are not a race. So even if the Mexica called for the annihilation of Americans, it wouldn’t be racist, but adversary.
What happened to your nation Canat? Who reduced your people’s numbers and shipped you off to the happy Rez? Was it the Mexica? The Reconquistas? The Chicanos? Wake up Chindi, the only talk about racism is to end it.
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by KR
Wednesday, Jul. 19, 2006 at 10:49 PM
"Racism is not only the belief that one's race is superior to all others, but also the actions that accompany racist beliefs i.e. the oppression and annihilation of other races. I have never heard any Mexica call for the genocide of Americans, who by the way are not a race. So even if the Mexica called for the annihilation of Americans, it wouldn’t be racist, but adversary."
What's cool is that Mexicans/Latinos/Hispanics aren't a race, either, so when some poor soul complains about the tremendous amount of illegal immigration from south of the border, he can no longer be called a racist!!! Fantastic!
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by Any old human
Friday, Jul. 21, 2006 at 7:41 AM
I think the whole idea of "racism" is outmoded. No matter the color of your skin, you are a member of the HUMAN race. And as far as I know, there is only one race of humans on this planet. A term like "colorism" would be more appropriate.
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by you have a hate problem, need to see a doctor
Friday, Jul. 21, 2006 at 5:02 PM
It seems you need to re-look at your history book again but not your HighSchool book or you College book:Its seems that you missed the hole part when the sapinsh because they wanted more gold decided to conquer more land and made agenocide in the north, they sent out friars to cristinice all the natives. You seem to have a problem but with the wrong people. RE LOOK AT YOUR HISTORY BOOK!!!!! but this time do more, reeeeeeeeeeesearch.
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by The Professor
Saturday, Jul. 22, 2006 at 8:44 AM
It has long been the practice of a group of people seeking to overthrow or discredit another group of people to speak in half-truths and do anything they can to make the information benefit their side. Therefore, I feel it's time for you to come clean about your definition of "racism" as it is stated on your site. You boldly state that "Racism" is defined as...Where did you get this definition? No source was cited. And I am sure you only chose the portion of the definition that benefits your case. The Oxford American Dictionaries defines racism as: "The belief that all members of each race posess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief." Please cite you source and give the COMPLETE definiton. If you don't, then those of us with any shard of intelligence will always look at your arguments with a wary eye.
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