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by A
Wednesday, Jul. 05, 2006 at 8:57 PM
The minutemen marched in a 4th of July parade today, but not without getting booed at times and followed by a protest of immigrants rights supporters.
QuickTime movie at 16.1 mebibytes
The mayor who had been informed of the minuteman before hand but did nothing to stop them also was in the parade. There has been no statement from the mayors office at this time.
Councilman for the 11th district Bill Rosendahl shown in the video did voice his opposition to the minutemen but did not take any action to try to prevent them from marching.
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by foo
Thursday, Jul. 06, 2006 at 11:36 PM
The time has come for progressives who supported Villaraigosa to recognize that they have been had again.
He rides with the minuteman and sends LA city policeman at taxpayer expense to help Horowitz destroy the South Cental farm while not doing crap to save it.
Villaraigosa is just another politician for sale to the highest bidder.
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by Anti Racist
Friday, Jul. 07, 2006 at 6:47 PM
I was so excited when Villaraigosa was elected. Between his unwillingness to help the South Central farmers and his willingness to march with the Minute Men Nazis, I think we were dooped! Out with Villaraigosa and in with a REAL Chicano leader! If I had one wish, MEChA would out publicly and strip him of his membership.
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by Marco Pollo
Saturday, Jul. 08, 2006 at 5:09 PM
Watchdog has videos of the parade too.
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by ricardo flores magon
Wednesday, Jul. 12, 2006 at 7:50 AM
Villaraigosa is a Democrat - no more no less. Don't read into him more than that. His victory was a victory for the Mexican people who waited 130 years before having one of their own as mayor. But that does not mean that Villaraigosa is progressive, again, he's a Democrat - that party that supports the murder, pillaging, raping and plundering of Iraq. He's a spokesman for an imperialist, bourgeois party. As for MEChA membership - MEChA is a student organization, nothing more. He is not a student and therefore not affiliated with any MEChA chapters. But even so, MEChA is not ideologically uniform. It is a liberal organization that includes some progressive students and some of the most reactionary types imaginable.
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by Pachuco
Monday, Jan. 29, 2007 at 7:12 PM
 tonio.jpg, image/jpeg, 657x608
One Picture Tells it All
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