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by LA-IMC via email
Wednesday, Jun. 14, 2006 at 5:36 PM
South Central Farmers
June 13, 2006
The Farm is being Bulldozed! Let's not mourn but continue to fight for its life and the livelihood of the South Central Farmers! Over 50 arrests have been made, a few demonstrators have suffered blows from batons and the bulldozers were sent in to demolish the blooming crops, indigenous plants and 14 years of love that have been put into the farm. We are continuing to stand strong with tears in our eyes.
It is not over yet! The community cannot be defeated. Join us to peacefully protest the police attack on our community. A candlelight vigil will be held tonight at 7:00pm as we have for 21 nights at the Farm. There is police perimeter set up so be respectful of that barrier for your safety and the safety of the rest of the community. We want safety for our families and the land to be returned to the community. We are gathered at the corner of 41st St & Long Beach Ave. Los Angeles, CA. -please bring candles and supplies such as water or food to share as we have been dispossessed. A demonstration at the mayor's house is also being organized simultaneously with the vigil at the Farm. Here's the info: At 7pm tonight we will be gathering at Villaraigosa's house in protest of the actions taken by the state against the community today. Bring banners, instruments, chants and signs. What: PROTEST/VIGIL AT ANTONIO VILLARAIGOSA'S HOUSE When: 7pm today, Tuesday Where: the "mayor's mansion" 605 S. Irving St., LA (In Hancock Park near Wilton and Wilshire) JOIN US IN EXUBERANT SHOW OF PEOPLE'S POWER AND OUTRAGE AGAINST THOSE BEHIND THE DESTRUCTION OF THE FARM! Thank you for all your support and dedication to the struggle of the South Central Farmers. -South Central Farmers Support Coalition
Mr. Tezozomoc South Central Farmers
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by Me
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 6:52 AM
Who was stepping on the American Flag at your protest? Do you really expect support now?!
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by Ruth
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 7:57 AM
The police and those in power whom the police protect were stepping on America.
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by count dante
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 10:29 AM
 image1395.jpg, image/jpeg, 280x195
when peaceful protests have failed there is only one option left
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by Quizling
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 12:42 PM
I'll keep trying to communicate with you, even though you believe in censorship and deleting posts that are not in lock step with yours.
How much longer do you think it will take before the government closes shop on your petty little site of lies and unworthy individuals that believe moltov cocktails are an answer to anything?
The more sites that keep showing their foolishness will only cause the entire internet to be monitored and censored... There is much more to the internet then this false site of propaganda, or didn't you people know this?
One voice for all or none for all..
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Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 1:36 PM
I grew up on a farm and I can identify and sympathize with the farmers at the south central farm. I am outraged by the behaviour of WHORE-witz and the non-respondent city hall under VIAGRA-so! This is a disgusting example of what happens when good people believe in and vote for these crooked pols who are owned and fronted by all the Horowitzes and Bakers and Buffets and.........stinking billionaires/m-millionaires,,....P-E-U-UUW!! The Farm will live again--Long live the South Central Farm!!
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by justice
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 2:34 PM
"How much longer do you think it will take before the government closes shop on your petty little site of lies and unworthy individuals that believe moltov cocktails are an answer to anything?"
The U.S. government is the best source for lies, incinerary devices, and acts of violence. They have turned oppression it into a fine art. First it massacred the native americans and then its enslavement of the rest of the minorities. We resort to violence because it is what you whites understand the most.
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by Quizling
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 3:38 PM
Who said I was white? You can tell because of my writing skilz?
Thanks racist.
You have such a myopic view of world affairs.
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by anti-racist
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 5:25 PM
Spoken like the true RACIST scum you are, "justice."
I suggest you change your posting handle to something like "kill whitey." You're part of the problem, not the solution. Thanks alot.
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by WillowLu
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 5:30 PM
Horowitz' inflated asking price was met. He then asked for $2-3 million more at 11:00am on 6/13/06 while the eviction was in progress, further adding to his miserly public image. Why go through the pretense of asking the Mayor for more money if he had no intention of accepting it? He chose not to salvage the PR nightmare that his dishonest dealings have wrought by squelching on the terms he set forth himself. The man simply did not honor his word. His well-publicized lack of integrity should prove to be very bad for business. ************************************************************* From http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-farm14jun14,0,6058002.story?page=1&track=tottext (for registration login, see bugmenot.com) "If the farmers got a donation and said, 'We got $50 million, would you sell it to us?' I would say no. Not a … chance," Horowitz said. "It's not about the money." Another battle was going on at City Hall, where a visibly annoyed Villaraigosa said a last-ditch effort to preserve the land fell apart when Horowitz said he thought it was worth an additional $2 million to $3 million. The rejected $16-million deal included a $10-million promise from the Annenberg Foundation, which sent a letter to Horowitz on June 6 affirming its intention to donate the funds.
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by Coalition of Real People
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 8:49 PM
Let the truth set you free...
So sad to learn and witness the despot leadership caused the eviction of the community garden. The tactics used were uncalled for and tactless with all do respect.
What should have happened is the despot leadership should not have been so self-centered and narcissistic, and instead Rufina Juarez and Tezozomoc should have unified people to support the cause----To Keep the South Central Farm Alive.
Unfortunately, this was not the case and many supporters were alienated from the very beginning when all they wanted to do was help.
It was not about fame and glory... It was about empowering the campesinos (farmers) who live below the poverty level and all they wanted to do is grow food to feed their families.
The public in time will begin to breath and see the truth as the truth unfolds about what really happened.
It was NOT smart to ridicule the Jews and character assassinate your supporters. It was NOT wise to protest the Mayor's home and Horowitz's home. It was NOT humane to hurt those who truly tried to help.
Those who came on board toward the end came with real heartfelt intentions. Yet in time, they too will see and learn what really happened.
May the one above Bless Rufina Juarez and Tezozomoc and help them see what they did wrong.
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by Susan
Thursday, Jun. 15, 2006 at 8:53 PM
If it's not about the money, then what is it about, Mr. Horowitz?
There was a time in this country when Jews were also kept down. Do you remember that? It appears, Mr. Horowitz, that you've forgotten what prejudice is like.
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by Sufhn
Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 at 1:54 AM
When the actual story comes out about the so-called 250 "Farmers" you people keep lying about, you will wish you never raised it.
A word to the wise, probably wasted breath.
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by anon
Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 at 10:08 AM
your remarks that the SCF made anti-semitic remarks is wrong. The guilty party is La Voz de Aztlan, a site that very few latinos find credible.
---------------------------------------------------------------- June 9, 2006
Dear Mr. Horowitz:
During the course of the recent events, it has been brought to our attention that you believe that the farmers or their leaders have made anti-Semitic comments. Initially we were told that you had found these comments on the South Central Farmers’ website. We searched the website and were unable to locate such comments. We were then told that you said they were contained on a link from the website. We searched all such links and were unable to locate the commentary you believed was on there. By using Google, we did locate an outside website which had commentary that we believe was inappropriate and should not be condoned. This website has no connection with the South Central Farmers.
We would like to state unequivocally that we do not in any fashion support anti-Semitism. We believe any commentary about your religious or ethnic affiliation to be inappropriate and reject unequivocally such commentary. We have never engaged in such descriptions and would support you in speaking out against anti-Semitic commentary. In addition, many of the supporters of the South Central Farmers are Jewish. They equally reject anti-Semitic commentary. We hope that this puts at ease your concern anti-Semitic comments associated in any way with efforts to preserve the South Central Farm property for use as a community garden. Respectfully, Tezozomoc Rufina Juarez
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by WillowLu
Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 at 11:08 AM
Please request that La Voz de Aztlan publish a public retraction and apology for their "Jewish Mafia" comment which may have single-handedly sabotaged the last minute negotiations with Mr. Horowitz. http://www.aztlan.net/contact/contact.htm
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by in defense of la Voz de Aztlan
Friday, Jun. 30, 2006 at 9:43 AM
Certain posts in la imc seem certain that everyone believes La Voz de Aztlan is a racist organization, and that many of their comments, specifically that Horowitz belongs to a "Jewish mafia" are racist.. If somebody claimed before John Gotti was arrested that this Italian-american individual was involved in the Italian-american mafia, would anyone be certain that this was a racist statement? Following the arrest of Gotti and the testimony of underboss Sammy "the Rat" Gravano, Gotti was indeed indicted on charges of racketeering, proving the accusation of Gotti as the godfather of the Gambino organized crime family, aka the Italian mafia. It should be mentioned that Gotti was far more compassionate than Horowitz in his treatment of lesser fortunate neighbors in the Bronx by hosting block parties where (some) lower income mothers were given free milk and food.. Not every Italian in the Bronx was involved in the Italian mafia, asserting otherwise would be racist against Italian-americans. La Voz stated nowhere that "all Jews are in the Jewish mafia" as this would be pure nonsense and obviously disinfo. Simply implying that a Jewish mafia exists and that real estate land baron Ralph Horowitz is involved in said mafia is not only probable but also possible.. However, when dealing with Jewish involvement in organized criminal activity we need to be more careful when making accusations based upon their ethnic heritage. Anti-Semitism is a real problem throughout history though not every critique of certain Jewish peoples' collective actions is anti-Semitic. We need to remind everyone that Palestinians and other Arabs are also considered Semites. The response of declaring La Voz as anti-Semites for making the "Jewish mafia" statement so forwardly and directly is par for the course. Try criticizing Zionist Israel and befriending Palestinians and their cause and you'll recieve the same treatment, if not worse. This amounts to false alarm accusations that serve to discredit the term "anti-Semite" itself.. Let's review the article by La Voz and not take only one sentence out of surrounding context for a better understanding.. "Council member Dennis Zine is a former member of the corrupt LAPD and still has deep connections to the controversial police department. He, along with the LAPD, has formed an organization called P.O.S.S.E. (People Organized for a Safe Secure Environment). P.O.S.S.E. members, it turns out, are mere "enforcers" for the "Jewish Mafia". P.O.S.S.E. operates similarly to the much discredited and now defunct "CRASH" organization that was operating during the LAPD Ramparts Scandal. Unfortunately, P.O.S.S.E. has the full support of Police Chief Bill Bratton who came to LA from Jewish New York. Chief Bratton is married to a prominent Jewish attorney and has spent a large number of days, as LA Police Chief, in Israel. The purpose of his stays in Israel is to receive "training" by Israeli military and police authorities on how to deal with "the Mexicans and the Blacks in case they riot". Zionist Israel has a lot of practice in this department as exemplified by its clamp-down of the Palestinian people." entire article @; http://www.aztlan.net/jewish_mafia_terrorize_campesinos.htm What if we looked at different scenarios and hypothetically substituted the word "Jewish" with "Anglo-american" when discussing mafias, organized crime or "good ol' boy networks"?? Then we could be in the realm of conspiracy theory since critics of Anglo-american collusions to engage in land theft and genocide of indigenous peoples would not be considered racist. However, to speculate that a group of well funded and connected Anglo-americans were using their shared language, culture, religion and ethnicity to dominate and control others is either a vast conspiracy theory OR the reality of colonialism, manifest destiny and US imperialism. If some wealthy Jews were recently invited into the Anglo-american country club to join in the oppression of Mexicans, African-americans, Palestinians, and others, then it is only to serve the purpose of the original Anglo-american mafia that now has certain well rewarded Jews like Horowitz doing their dirty work and making them look non-racist.. To put it another way, what if African-american Condoleeza Rice suddenly had a change of heart and quit her job working for the predominantly Anglo-american Bush/Cheney regime? Instead of returning to work for ChevronTexaco she became a whistleblower and exposed her own (and her bosses) involvement in the deception used to invade and occupy Iraq, not to mention the execution of Ogoni activist Ken Saro-Wiwa by the Shell influenced Nigerian government's hired thugs. If this info emerged in her book, she would either be discredited or meet with an unfortunate fatal accident. However, this scenario is not likely to happen as Condi enjoys her status as head house Negro of the Bush/Cheney regime and she'll most likely stay that way as a person of color involved in the Anglo-american oil mafia of the Bush/Cheney regime.. Richard Perle, Dan Feith and Paul Wolfowitz are all Zionist Jewish members of the predominantly Anglo-american Bush/Cheney regime cabinet also. They also share the common trait of being Zionist in their ideology and also staunch supporters of Israeli apartheid policies and militarism. Along with Anglo-american Zionist Christians like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and John Hagee, these Zionist neo-con Jews on the Bush/Cheney cabinet do not care very much for the human rights of the Palestinian people living in occupied territory. In the long term their political actions also indicate that they don't care much for the human rights of working class Israelis either.. Returning to LA and Ralph Horowitz, a similar pattern is witnessed with collusion between Jewish real estate land barons and predominantly Anglo-american corporations, politicians, etc.. Even LA Mayor Tony Villagrosa, himself of Mexican ancestry, can be considered a member of organized criminal elements in LA. In this case he is the 'Condoleeza Rice' token Mexican minority who serves his Anglo-american masters quite well in their profit motivated development schemes. Along with the Jewish developers like Horowitz who are immune from critisizm based on their status of ethnic minority, the Anglo-american mafia can feel safe from being called racist when evicting working class Mexican (and other) campesinos from the south central farm.. To improve their credibility maybe La Voz de Aztlan can further elaborate about the Jewish developers and their Anglo-american mafia kingpins to help people see the bigger picture.. In addition providing info of Jewish resistance to modern day Anglo-american and Zionist domination would negate the constant accusations of La Voz being anti-Semitic and thus a CIA disinfo front group like their so-called rivals the Minutemen/SOS etc.. "Covert aid to right-wing vigilantes: In the guise of a COINTELPRO against "white hate groups," the FBI subsidized, armed, directed and protected the Klu Klux Klan and other right-wing groups, including a "Secret Army Organization" of California ex-Minutemen who beat up Chicano activists, tore apart the offices of the San Diego Street Journal and the Movement for a Democratic Military, and tried to kill a prominent anti-war organizer. Puerto Rican activists suffered similar terrorist assaults from anti-Castro Cuban groups organized and funded by the CIA." more modern day COINTELPRO tactics @; http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/FBI/COINTELPRO_Revisited.html
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by Thats nonsense
Friday, Jun. 30, 2006 at 9:48 AM
Theres no need to fib and back pedal. Voz De Aztlan is a Jew hating organization. Just read their site!
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by Scapegoated Jew
Friday, Jun. 30, 2006 at 10:00 AM
He's probably a shill for Voz de Aztlan on a mission to fool people as to their antisemitism.
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by shhh - some imc guy
Friday, Jun. 30, 2006 at 9:32 PM
I think everyone who knows aztlan.net, knows it's anti-Jewish. They're also anti-gay, have rhetorically attacked some Chicano activists, and also got into a negative conflict with this IMC that got them banned for a while (and the IMC can still exercise that prerogative -- the agreement was mutual with them). They used to get into online fights. I don't know if they do anymore.
Also regarding doing a substitution of "Anglo" for "Jewish"... I dunno. It's a different thing. I think people use "white" more than "Anglo". When they use it, it's not the same way. Nobody goes around saying that Bush sucks because he's white. I don't think people are saying Villaraigosa is a pawn for some white masters. I've heard second hand, the quip that Villaraigosa is "a white guy with a taco." (Yeah, I know you're smiling. Stop that!) That's hardly the same thing.
Also, I don't think that aztlan.net (or the fights going on here at la.indymedia) sank the deal. They probably didn't help. (But, then, it's an indictment of our failure to be more like other IMCs that censor those posts and counter-posts. The Zionists with their baiting are almost as much to blame as the anti-Zionists with their flaming -- it takes two to tango.)
It's salt on the wound. The real cuts in the fight came from the fact that 1) they raised most of the money, and were good for the whole total -- an unexpected event, I think. 2) it was a big media event that was going to embarass the cronies in the city -- they were probably hoping for violence from the activists, to deflect attention and come out looking good. Well, he didn't get that...
If things got violent, then, the media spin would have gone in H's favor, and the farm could have been shut down immediately. The media was already causing people to turn against the grassroots folks. A violent conflict would have sealed the "green terror angle" and justified more vandalism from H's bulldozers.
It didn't happen that way.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Saturday, Jul. 01, 2006 at 7:22 AM
"The Zionists with their baiting are almost as much to blame as the anti-Zionists with their flaming "
I don't quite get this. If the editors choose not to hide anti-Jewish comments, then what's wrong with Zionists pointing out the antisemitic comments on such a thread? Are you expecting people to just let the racism slide?
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