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by Juan Santos
Wednesday, Jun. 07, 2006 at 10:42 PM
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When the bomb threat came that morning it targeted 250 Chicano children and their families in a deliberate act of political terror.
For a month, KABC in Los Angeles had focused an unrelenting attack against their school - Academia Semillas del Pueblo. KABC is an ultra-right talk radio station that carries Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity, one that specializes in xenophobia and a thinly disguised hate-talk format aimed at the paranoids who think George Bush is a sell out liberal and who accuse Sen. James Sensenbrenner of not going far enough to rid the nation of Mexicans and other descendants of the indigenous peoples of North and Central America. Let’s make it plain: these are minutemen with microphones, and with the billion-dollar backing of Disney.
Under the laws of hate, speech leads to action; it was only a matter of time until someone took matters into their own hands. KABC knows it audience, and although the station’s website continues to place a strong focus on the imagined sins of the Academia, it breathes not a word of the bomb threat. To do so would be to implicate itself and its listeners.
KABC and its morning host, Doug McIntyre, are more than upset with the East LA school.
They want it shut down: if it were a book, they’d burn it.
One minutemen supporter wrote, “This BS pisses me of so much I'll die fighting it.” 97% of McIntyre’s listeners say they support Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist.
The imagined offense is, fundamentally, that the school exists. One can all but feel the shudders when one hears them denounce the existence of “La Raza's Own School in LA.”
No one would or should think twice if Blacks had their own school, and, of course they do – not just elementary schools like the Academia, but a whole network of historically Black colleges which have produced the most important Black intellectuals of our times. And no one, not even the most openly racist elements, would publicly challenge the right of these schools to offer a Black-centered curriculum or to teach African languages, dance, religion and politics.
That the Academia teaches the Native American language Nahautl and Mandarin Chinese instead of Latin, French or ancient Greek; that it teaches Tai Chi and Aztec Dance, it would seem, is not only un-American, but subversive, an affront not only to the spirit of “English Only,” but to the premise that all education must be aimed at integrating children into a specifically white American culture and its values. One minuteman supporter called the school “illegals run amok.”
An informal poll of McIntyre listeners rates the school this way:
Del Pueblo Charter school is: an honest attempt to educate children : 15% an enclave for lunatics to perpetuate their world view : 33% racist : 47% a form of child abuse : 5%
Worse yet, McIntyre and his ilk view the school as a breeding ground for what they (and no one else) call the “Reconquista.”
Fear of the so called “Reconquista” – the white fear that Brown people will reconquer the lands stolen by the US under the mantle of Manifest Destiny – is the prime driving force, the wild conspiracy theory that drives the extreme right toward extremes like HR 4437, the House bill that would deport 12 million brown people and authorize local police to become minutemen themselves, hunting down migrants in every corner of every city and town.
One minuteman supporter said shutting down the school means “saving those kid's eduation (sic) really. They are being groomed for reconquista.” Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D., writes of the school, “their intent is to indoctrinate these students… so that they will become the future balkanizers of America!”
A quick look at any Minuteman email list will show that the conspiracy to reconquer the US Southwest is run by the dreaded “La Raza.”
“La Raza,” and the “Reconquista” seem to be run by Mexican President Vicente Fox, and migrants are the advance guard, to hear many Minutemen tell it, of the Mexican Army itself. The Academia is considered “La Raza’s “own school.”
Many thought the recent May Day demonstrations were the planned onset of an insurrection. People were instructed to stay near their homes, to arm themselves, and to maintain communication with other “Patriots,” a term the Minutemen borrowed from the Militia movement, along with most of their ideology.
According to this logic military action is in order, and another look at the Minutemen email lists will show that this is a force getting ready for the fateful moment. “Lock and Load” is the order of the day. One minutemen supporter wrote, “I think [we] should go down there a put that school under seige.” Another says, “The time for talking is over.”
The quasi-military rhetoric has been matched by an increasingly violent and militant activism.
In Southern California a Mexican restaurant burns at the border; two migrants are shot nearby, in the vicinity of a Minutemen encampment;
The Chicano mayor of LA and Lt. Governor of California are threatened with death;
A Minuteman leader and a Nazi openly assault a counter-protestor, shoving and dragging him 20 feet in a choke hold in the presence of police, and walk free;
Minutemen march through LA’s Garment District - principle shopping district for migrants, in a deliberately provocative move akin to the Klan marching through Harlem;
In South Central, Minutemen protest a conference that highlights Black/ Brown Unity;
In San Bernardino, voters are considering a ballot initiative that would make it illegal to rent an apartment to a migrant, and fine anyone who gave so much as a ride to someone undocumented;
The Nation’s largest urban farm – the South Central Farm which serves some 350 mostly migrant families is under siege, with police helicopters constantly circling overhead – the land itself is locked down and occupied by over 100 resistors.
The threat of mass deportations hangs in the air like the copters over the South Central Farm, and ICE escalates its raids.
Southern California’s Brown community is a community under siege.
A recent report by the Southern Poverty Law Center found that tension over illegal immigration has contributed to a rapid increase of hate groups and hate crimes. A spokesperson said the immigration issue is being used as a recruitment tool for racists. A Nazi group has released a new video game; players shoot brown-skinned migrants crossing the border and the game splatters their blood when blood they are hit.
It was in this climate, and after a month of on-air harassment by the radio station, that KABC sent in a reporter to demand an interview from the Academia. According to La Opinion, the Spanish language daily owned by the LA Times, he walked into the charter school insisting that he would interview its principle. Told he had no appointment and that he would not be granted an interview, he then insisted on interviewing schoolchildren and their parents on school grounds. Refused permission by a security guard, he nonetheless persisted.
The reporter, Sandy Wells, who later admitted on-air that the school had reason to be suspicious of him, claims that next he was assaulted and a tape taken from his recorder, although there were no witnesses, no bruises, and although reports of just what is supposed to have happened are conflicting.
One report claims he was attacked by a crowd; another says a van drove straight toward him and a single driver cursed and manhandled him. Supposedly the driver – or the van full of youth, depending on which version you read - then followed Wells, although the reporter got no license plate number. The reporter, who has nothing but his word and an obvious axe to grind, works for a Disney-owned station that takes migrant bashing to the bank – whether the migrants are children or not.
The result was predictable. The mainstream white press, which pounded its collective chest over the alleged assault, has remained silent over what came next; a bomb threat to a building full of schoolchildren and an instant evacuation of the premises.
After the threat, minutemen lurked in a café across the street, shouting slurs at the Mexican school kids and taking their photos. A demonstration against the school was called by a local group of racists, “Save Our State” (SOS) - the same group spearheading the drive to forbid migrants from renting in San Bernardino. One SOS supporter wrote, “If blood is spilt then we will surely get it on film and share it with y'all.”
On seeing an aerial photo of the school, one member of the racist group had written, “That is such a nice picture, I only wish it was from the view of a GPS-guided 500 pound bomb. BTW -- is that the school or just the registration offices?”
The bomb threat is under investigation by police.
And the parents of the school are standing up. Thirty of them protested at the KABC studios at 5 in the morning. They’ve unleashed a campaign to pressure Disney and have every intention of protecting their children from harm.
In a recent essay summing up the impact of the anti-migrant climate created by like the minutemen attacks and racist and xenophobic measures like the Senate’s recent English Only push, syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette wrote,” I understand this much: As the national mood on immigration reform turns vile and even in some cases violent, there is the very real possibility of a backlash by assimilated, U.S.-born Hispanics.”
“Something significant is happening in the Hispanic community. People say the immigration issue woke the Sleeping Giant. But mark my words: It's not just the giant whom immigrant-bashers should worry about. It's his familia.”
And now the minutemen have launched an attack on lo mas sagrado – the most sacred thing, our families, our children; the children they despise and who they demean with the term “anchor babies.” No human being would endure it. No one allows their children to be threatened.
One SOS member, after patrolling the area around the school, wrote, “Please take my word for this, I recently spent some time on the streets on and near the school and the locals have got their eyes open. Nuff said.”
Yes, now they’ve done it: Not only is the Sleeping Giant awake, but his family has awakened, too.
As I write, Save Our State is talking publicly about abandoning its planned demonstration against the school on Wednesday morning.
Investigators from the Los Angeles Unified School District have refuted minutemen claims that the curriculum and practices of La Academia are “racist” and “anti-white,” and also refuted claims that the school has violated its charter.
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by Juan Santos
Wednesday, Jun. 07, 2006 at 10:42 PM
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by Juan Santos
Thursday, Jun. 08, 2006 at 8:40 AM
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by Juan Santos
Thursday, Jun. 08, 2006 at 10:30 PM
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Hi Jim; Your assertion that the principal of Academia Semillas del Pueblo invented the bomb threat against the children there is absurd on its face. The police are investigating the threat, and would not do so without leads or evidence to back the assertion that the threat occurred. Indeed, in the body of the article above one minutemen supporter is cited as he expresses his wish that the school might be bombed. Your effort to ascribe the threat to the principal is base speculation – speculation that has no backing whatsoever. Secondly, whatever Cesar Chavez may have said or done vis a vis immigration, the UFW and the Chavez family today strongly back legalization. I have personally marched in the company of members of the family in pro-migrant marches. Thirdly, I am not in a position to deny that individuals may have uttered racist slurs in any given time and place, especially in places I was absent from. But I am not a fool who believes that racism is a matter of individual intentions and inclinations. Racism is a system, and even the targets of that system can do things that perpetuate the system, and act in ways that are objectively racist in their impact. Intent has nothing, or little, to do with it. The Minutemen back and promote racist polices and a racist system. As I have noted elsewhere, your organization is deeply steeped in racism, and you personally ran for Congress on the American Independent Party ticket – the party founded by arch racist and segregationist Governor George Wallace of Alabama. See my article The Ghost of George Wallace: Immigration and White Racism in he San Francisco Bayview, (The National Black Nespaper of the Year) http://www.sfbayview.com/040506/georgewallace040506.shtml You can find on this website (LA Indymedia) a foto of one of the Minutemen demonstration’s leaders wearing a Confederate flag t-shirt, all the while marching in a supposed “civil rights march” in the company of Black people. This is in perfect keeping with your own ideological and political affiliation. Nothing, Jim, could be more absurd than your offering a critique of who or what is racist, since you stand as the inheritor of the segregationist tradition of white supremacy. Fourthly, your assertion that 3 people were arrested for assault at the Minutemen march in downtown LA is a flat lie, just as you grossly exaggerate the numbers on our side in order to paint a picture of an overwhelming and howling mob of “sub-humans,” as you put it, in order to paint a picture of yourself as a victim. That you lacked the common sense to avoid the “sub-human” slur you used in your reply to this article indicates nothing if it doesn’t indicate the depth at which Nazi-style race ideology has permeated your thinking, even at the level of the unconscious. Your threat to eliminate our organizations as the American In-Justice system eliminated the Black Panther Party is a threat that should be taken with the utmost of seriousness. 27 members of the Black Panther Party were murdered and many more unjustly imprisoned. Many more members of the American Indian Movement were murdered, and that is a movement that still exists. Be sure that such threats will not be taken lightly, Jim. That you promise to deal with us through death and imprisonment is in complete keeping with the quasi-military- death squad type lingo that permeates Minutemen email lists and bulletin boards – just the kind of language that led to the bomb threat against the children of Academia Semillas del Pueblo. That you claim to “believe in God” is, of course, small or no comfort to the populations you target. History shows that European purveyors of genocide have all but unanimously “believed in God.” You used to announce to us that this was so, and demand that we accede to your belief, right before you slaughtered us and put our cities, towns, villages and camps to the torch. I assume that you will remain consistent with the mind set and actions of your “forefathers,” since that is what you have done so far. You are frankly foolish, Jim, to have shown your face in this venue, although I understand the desperation that must have driven you to it. The simple fact that your henchmen are issuing threats against children is enough to destroy the reputation of your organization, and to do so permanently. I pray that this article will play some small part in making that potential a reality. After all, you could only stay locked in the racist closet for so long before the media found the key and opened the door on the kind of vicious madness embodied in the threats your compatriots have made against our children. Juan Santos
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by repost
Thursday, Jun. 08, 2006 at 11:38 PM
Rough Draft
The ABC Da Vinci Code
Rodolfo F. Acuña
Just a month ago progressives were euphoric as millions of immigrants and citizens poured into the streets protesting HR4437. At the time, I commented to friends that it would bring an irrational reaction from the media that is composed of opportunist in search of ratings..
Well, in the space of a month eighth grader Anthony Soltero, 14, shot himself through the head on after the assistant principal told him that he was going to prison for three years because of his involvement as an organizer of his school walk-outs to protest anti-immigrant legislation. The vice principal also forbade Anthony from attending graduation activities and threatened to fine his mother for Anthony's truancy.
The so-called Latino community was strangely silent as were elected officials. There was no finger pointing. The rabid radio talk show hosts hid under their rocks, although they created the environment that led to a frightened 14 year old taking his own life.
The latest missives have been launched by ABC Radio, which has become the home of immigrant bashing. Viewing its web page you get the feeling that you are attending a gathering of the Klan. The celebrity radio hosts include the most rabid personages of Fox and CNN who are moonlighting on talk radio.
Currently the target is the Semillas Charter School. Spearheading the attack is failed comedy writer by the name of Doug McIntyre who from my research has no formal training as a journalist. As of late he has spiced his attacked on undocumented workers. Marcos Aguilar and Semillas have literally become the favorite whipping children.
In an effort to create a story, ABC has sent reporters to the school and demanded interviews and access without going through proper channels. ABC has photographed children at the school and posted their pictures on the ABC Web site. When a reporter was caught lurking around the school, he alleges he was assaulted, although he bears no marks nor has he produced any evidence.
Last week the school was evacuated after a bomb threat. Over the weekend, more bomb threats and personal attacks on the principal Marcos Aguilar.
Our community has been deafly silent.
Let’s look at some of the accusations.
McIntyre says that only one of the six teachers at Semillas is “fully credentialed” and the others have “emergency credentials.” The inference is that most of the teachers don’t have degrees or teacher training.
This is not the case.
If Mr. McIntyre would do his homework, he would learn that a high percentage of the teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District hold emergency credentials and many of those with full credentials came into the system with emergency credentials.
Indeed, go to David Starr Jordan in South Central that is 99 percent minority and compare it to El Camino High in the West San Fernando Valley. El Camino has far more fully credential teachers than Jordan. Whether a school has emergency or full credentials, more often depends on the color of the students.
McIntyre says that Semillas is 96 percent Latinos. Consequently it is a separatist school. But, Semillas is more integrated than the surrounding schools that are 99 percent Latino. Who created this separatist/anti-integration society? Marcos Aguilar?
As for a “separatist/anti-integration agenda,” these are just words. I am the product of a Catholic School education and the religion of my time was, let’s say separatist. Only Catholics were going to heaven. Most faith based Evangelical Schools are “separatist” telling you who is going to heaven and hell.
The truth is that there are dozens of successful indigenous based schools in this country. Many have been very successful. As John Dewey pointed out, students don’t fail, schools do, and the public schools and American society have failed the young.
The height of mendacity is to pick a statement that someone made years ago and cherry pick and spin it, which is what ABC has done.
It says “Aguilar, interviewed recently by an online educational journal, Teaching to Change L.A., doesn't think much of the Brown v. Board of Education decision that desegregated American schools...He simply doesn't want to integrate with white institutions.”
Before I get started with that. Unlike McIntyre, I am not an amateur historian; I am a trained historian who has written 17 books. And, my research leads me to conclude that it was white teachers who did not want to be rotated into minority schools and it was white parents who did not want their children attending schools in the inner city.
For Mr. McIntyre’s information, school administrators have long lamented “white flight.” Just go to private schools in the San Fernando Valley and many are a 100 percent white. Black athletes are given an occasional scholarship. Few students are poor. And, although Latinos comprise three-quarters of the Archdiocese some Catholic High Schools a small minority of the students are Latinos.
But, back to Marcos. ABC quotes him as saying, "We don't want to drink from a white water fountain, we have our own wells and our natural reservoirs and our way of collecting rain in our aqueducts."
I find it poetic. Marcos’ use of “white water fountain” is a metaphor for the history of racism in this country. “Natural reservoirs” refers to a respect for the land, something our fossil burning society knows nothing about.
ABC is offended that Marcos believes that educators do not value Mexican language and culture. Rather than be offended ABC should investigate the facts. I was driven out of the public schools because teachers thought I was mentally retarded because I did not speak English.
In the same interview, Marcos said some teachers acted more culturally responsive; however, the “majority of teachers consider their position a 9-5 job which they execute as quickly as possible, and for which they expect a high level of compensation.” Most studies would agree.
Marcos also said that learning different languages impacts students. There are countless studies showing that a person who knows more than one language is more open to people of other cultures.
The problem in this country is that if you know three languages, you are tri-lingual; two languages bilingual; one language American. Marcos did not invent the word ethnocentric.
The fact is that McIntyre should quit auditioning for the part of the monk in the Da Vinci Code and act professionally. He and the gaggle at ABC are provocateurs. They are going to keep at it until a child is harmed or Semillas is destroyed. I hope that Angelenos are more vocal than they were in the Soltero case.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Jun. 08, 2006 at 11:50 PM
Hey Jim,
Was that really you who replied here? Explain the white nationalist who did computer IT work for your campaign. The one you met at Laguna Beach, which you admitted to me on the phone.
Explain that white nationalist admitting to me that you knew who he was and asked him to not post about it on Stormfront or be racist around you, and to work for you "under the table." I realize those are his words, but you can explain. Should be no problem.
Explain Deborah Kortney(or Courtney, whatever) telling Debbie Sattler and I that Eldon(grassroots manager and half brother of Mary Parker Lewis) let in a total of four white nationalists into the campaign offices KNOWING they were white nationalists.
And explain WTH did Mary Lewis kick me out of the campaign, telling me that I said I was a "former Anarchist" and defending the white nationalist. I never claimed to be a former Anarchist in my life and I've never been one and I don't plan on it.
Remember the National Vanguard skinhead-looking guy passing out National Vanguard/Alliance literature at your rally in Sacramento, and you said that it was decided to "let that go"? Explain that one.
And that night when we found out about the white nationalist coming to your campaign offices to do work. After the Lake Forest city council meeting(where one of your supporters rudely interrupted a speaker and got escorted out). Back at your offices. You were saying you were going home and were visibly shaken or something. Were you afraid you were caught red handed? What's the reason for looking all nervous?
And there's all the stuff Jim Chase told me and many others.
Hows that reformed(I guess) murderer "Lil Dog" doing these days, watching the border? Is he still doing drugs at his watch and talking about killing drug smugglers, while associating closely with some of your folks?
Why were you running for Congress under the American Independent Party anyways? Christ, I didn't even know about how that party started until much later after I got involved.
Well last I saw Mike Chase seemed hopeful you'd be "redeemed" or something, but I know better.
BTW, you surely remember me criticizing others for their behavior. Well if you'll allow me to do the honors one more time, that guy who interrupted the speaker in Lake Forest. It was him or his twin who was explaining to me and my camcorder(man i love my camcorder) why the use of the term "wetback." May want to ask him to tone it down next time ;-)
But hey no worries from here. No matter how much effort Eileen Garcia puts into getting people to not talk to me at their rallies, calling me a "traitor" to stir up that good ole herd mentality, people on your side will talk. It's really not hard to get them to speak openly about things. I won't drive to L.A. or whatever just to do that. But if it's like Irvine, no problem. C'mon Minutemen, confess your sins to the lens. I'm recording.
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by repost
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 2:21 AM
audio: wav file (152.0 kibibytes)
Just got this via email from the NISN. It's a threat of violence against an immigrant-rights activist.
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by kartoonist
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 2:44 AM
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(Yes, it's true, we don't have a sense of humor.)
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by Webmaster
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 7:48 AM
"Even Cesar Chavez was a supporter of immigration law enforcement...."
This is true, however, Mr.Chavez immediately backed off this position all together when he saw that immigration was just a tool of the anti-Mexican racists. As far as I have been able to establish, Cesar Chavez didn't hold this position more than 9 months.
Your statement is a gross mis-representation of the spirit and legacy of Cesar Chavez.
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by critic
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 10:17 AM
This article would have been good if it stuck to the facts instead of diverging into the author's personal opinions. As it stands its nothing more than yellow journalism.
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by Webmaster
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 10:54 AM
Yellow journalism?
Have you seen Fox news?
What about Lou Dobbs?
Your critique is based on double standards.
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by yellowman
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 11:00 AM
Wikipedia has an article about Yellow Journalism. No less than Hearst and Pulitzer started that practice. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_journalism In contrast, I'd say this is more like Muckracking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muckracking Critics need to get their perjorative terms straight.
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by Red Man
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 1:03 PM
from Wikipedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advocacy_journalism ...[A]dvocacy journalism describes journalism that crosses the line, in which one may observe subtle or obvious editorializing in reports. Even a television news presenter's facial expression, or a radio broadcaster's tone of voice, or other nuance, is interpreted as lending an opinion to what is being reported. Advocacy journalism is often practiced by a broad range of alternative media and special interest publications and programs. Many of these media outlets have clearly defined political and editorial positions. The genre may apply to a single article in a publication, such as political stories in Rolling Stone; there are also "advocacy journals", or "alternative publications", which are marketed to target groups based on their interests or biases, for example:
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by Pachuco
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 2:23 PM
"Even Cesar Chavez was a supporter of immigration law enforcement. He was a visionary who raised the living standards, and the dignity, of the American farm workers." ---Jim Gilchrist, co-Founder, The MinuteMan Project
Cesar fought very hard to get us what? The dignity of minimum wage, water, a long handle hoe and medi-caid. Ooo, what a raise in living standards, we went from cardboard shacks to plywood huts.
Not much when you think that all that should have been given to us without us having to go on stike, do boycotts and marches. Heck, we still don't have it that good in the fields; we're still figthing for rights that everyone else takes for granted.
Cesar didn't like the undocs 'cus the growers used them as scabs - where was the Migra then, scratching their huevos?
Cesar quickly realized that he was attacking the pawns and not the knights (of the KKK) and ceased all his actions against the undocs.
Today, the UFW supports the undocs.
As for the Minute Mensos, your minute is up, put away your madness, go home and live in peace.
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by UrbanRebel
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 2:31 PM
Yeah, you dolts have been saying the Minutemen's minute is up for a year now and they're only getting stronger and larger. They now have chapters in most all the lower-half states. Now they're building their own fence to keep out the invading hordes.
So, keep telling yourself its all a bad dream. Its only gonna get worse for you open-border freaks.
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by Webmaster
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 3:51 PM
"Cesar fought very hard to get us what? The dignity of minimum wage, water, a long handle hoe and medi-caid. Ooo, what a raise in living standards, we went from cardboard shacks to plywood huts.
Not much when you think that all that should have been given to us without us having to go on stike, do boycotts and marches. Heck, we still don't have it that good in the fields; we're still figthing for rights that everyone else takes for granted."
Thanks for badmouthing Cesar Chavez. you also insulted the entire farm worker movement and the U.F.W.
My mother picked lettuce and grapes in the fields of Delano, CA along side her 6 brothers, mother and father. Not only were their lives dramatically improved by Cesar Chavez and the U.F.W but so were the lives of thousands of other farm workers. These improvements and the union that braught them about continue to change the lives of entire families today.
People have to work and fight for what they want.
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by Hate Radio Protester
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 4:16 PM
What's needed is a Gran Marcha against the KABC studios on the scale of March 25 & May 1. Surrond the studio with hundres of thousands wearing white shirts, waving banners with slogans like "REVOKE KABC'S FCC LICENSE FOR PROVOCING VIOLENCE" .
Let's see if pols like Mayor Villaragosa show up for that one.
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by webmaster
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 4:40 PM
We need our own radio station filled with our own political pundits.
We need our own talk radio.
the problem is we'd probobly just use it to badmouth eachother.
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by blu
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 5:20 PM
cesar had presure on the rank and file of the unions that is y cesar said he was against the undocumented.
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by blu
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 5:28 PM
I only heard house negro from an african american who were against the sos/mmp, calling ted hayes a house negro.
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by Decolonize
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 11:09 PM
Daily News Anti-Latino incidents inching higher in L.A. County BY TROY ANDERSON, Staff Writer As the national debate over immigration reform comes to a head, officials in Los Angeles County say they're seeing a slight, though alarming, increase in slurs and racial attacks - likely a trend. The latest data available show incidents in the county increased from 54 in 2003 to 60 in 2004. Numbers for 2005 will be released this summer. "Even in 2004, when all other hate crimes were declining, there was a slight rise in anti-Latino and anti-Mexican hate violence," said county Human Relations Commission Executive Director Robin Toma. "We were concerned at that point and raised questions whether this was indicative of anti-immigrant sentiments. "Of course, in 2005 and this year is when it's really been reaching its peak." Toma said he hears that day laborers complain they are being subjected to more hostility than in years past. "Increasingly, there are demonstrations set up at day-laborer sites," Toma said. "We recall not long ago there was a `Save Our States' Web site press release inviting people to go to a day-laborer hiring site in Redondo Beach and to bring their baseball bats." Devin Burghart, research director at the Chicago-based Center for New Community, said there has been an increase in anti-immigrant activity. "It's an issue that has been brewing in the Los Angeles area for a number of years," he said. "What is unfortunate is that California has become the breeding ground for many of these ideas, which trickle out to the rest of the country through anti-immigrant organizations." Burghart said leaders from California anti-immigrant organizations gathered in Las Vegas over Memorial Day to promote the notion that there is a secret conspiracy of the Mexican government, Catholic Church and illegal immigrants to reclaim the U.S. Southwest for Mexico. "To see California folks participate in an event like that, which was systematically designed to ratchet up fear and resentment toward immigration, is certainly something we have tremendous concern for," Burghart said. Barbara Coe, founder of the Huntington Beach-based California Coalition for Immigration Reform, dismissed the theory that illegal immigrants are being targeted for harassment. Coe, who spoke at the Las Vegas conference, said she is merely protecting the country from "illegal alien invaders" by encouraging protests at day-laborer sites and identifying "traitor senators who are trying to abolish our nation by welcoming illegal aliens." In a recent Anti-Defamation League report, "Extremists Declare `Open Season' on Immigrants," the authors wrote that white supremacists are using Internet video games, street demonstrations and other confrontational tactics to exploit the debate and spread hate. Their goal is to draw new attention to hateful notions about minorities in hope of making America a nation for "whites only," the ADL authors wrote. On the Internet, right-wing extremists have championed video games such as "Border Patrol," where the aim is to shoot to kill Mexicans as they attempt to cross the border. The report noted that racist rhetoric aimed at Latino immigrants has grown to an unprecedented level in recent years. Although human-relations officials and immigration activists say they are seeing a growing backlash against immigrants, local law enforcement officials say they haven't noticed an increase in anti-immigrant or anti-Latino hate crimes. Officer Michael Lopez said the Los Angeles Police Department hasn't received any reports of major anti-immigrant or anti-Latino hate crimes since the immigration debate took the national spotlight. "We had a couple of incidents involving individuals that were kind of disorderly during the marches, but those were isolated incidents," Lopez said. Lt. Ed Cook of the Palmdale sheriff's station said about one incident occurs each month. "Usually, it's a road rage incident and someone yells an ethnic slur," Cook said. "They cut somebody off, get out of the vehicle - and it disintegrates into racial slurs." But Alvaro Huerta, director of community education and advocacy at the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, said immigrants frequently don't report incidents to the police, perhaps because of their immigration status or a lack of awareness about their rights. "It's disturbing because what we are seeing right now in the immigrant-rights movement is that they are coming out of the shadows and are feeling empowered, but when you see an increase in anti-immigrant hate crimes, you see an increase in fear again," Huerta said. Staff Writer Rachel Uranga contributed to this report. troy.anderson@dailynews.com (213) 974-8985
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by me
Saturday, Jun. 10, 2006 at 7:41 PM
Doug tells it like it is and Sandy Wells was attacked in front of the school by one Aguilar's goons. The real racsist are the one that want to promote MECHA and all of that other bullshit. Besides, let's imagine that the land 'stolen' from mexico went back to the mexicans. We know that it would be corrupted by mexicans and then the illegals would be running the border into the rest of the U.S.A. Stick that up your ass!
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by Pachuco
Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006 at 12:30 PM
My sincerest apology Daniel.
I posted my reply in haste, not to bash Cesar and the UFW, but to note that we fought extremely hard just to get what should have been given to us without having to fight and struggle for it.
Now, bigots want us to be grateful because we can get minimum wage for working the fields. That's what I was trying to convey.
I was a farmworker and lived in extreme poverty as a child. I joined the UFW at the age of 14 in the mid 60s an am still a member in the struggle.
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by Pachuco
Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006 at 1:10 PM
UrbanRabble wrote:
"Yeah, you dolts have been saying the Minutemen's minute is up for a year now and they're only getting stronger and larger. They now have chapters in most all the lower-half states. Now they're building their own fence to keep out the invading hordes."
You numbers have dwindled, not increased.
The wall is just a Big Gulp of Shut Up Juice that he powers that be want all you Antis to take a big drink from.
The borders will remain as porous as the US and Mexico wants them to me.
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by Webmaster
Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006 at 10:36 PM
#1, You guys fucked up with your holouast stuff in europe. #2, We united to defend ourselves against racists attacks waged against us.
Normally, I would say fair is fair and you guys have a right ( to white pride) too, but you guys lynch people, so forget it.
We, meaning La Raza, do not lynch people or commit holocaust on other races. On the contrary, La Raza includes peoples of mixed ancestry, not soley indigenous peoples.
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by Webmaster
Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006 at 10:46 PM
When we refer to "La Raza", we do not mean literally "the race."
We mean it in the figuerative sense.
There are more than one way to translate and interpret words, i.e. figuerative and literal.
No one, and i do mean no one, uses "la Raza" in the literal sense EXCEPT our haters that atempt to charactorize us as racists and their dumb dumb followers who find thinking a difficult and troublesome task.
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by Webmaster
Sunday, Jun. 11, 2006 at 10:51 PM
There is no need for you to apologize. I simply mis-understood, that's all. La culpa es mia.
I hold your freindship in the highet regard and my respect for you remains unquestionable.
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by Decolonize
Monday, Jun. 12, 2006 at 2:26 AM
All this Minutemen garbage about La Raza is based in the most ignorant superstition... They got one thing right though - "La Raza" is a racist term, one coined by a Mexican who was also a Euro-supremacist, and who believed that white "blood" had "bettered" the Native American in Mexico, forging a new race, a "Raza Cosmica" or Cosmic Race that, as a mixture of races with superior European blood and cultural influences, stood at a new threshold of a new period of creativity in the Western world. Jose Vasconcelos, the author of this idea, was a leading force in Mexican education in the post revolutionary period of the last century. Apparently those who imported the term to the US during the Chicano movement never read the damn book check this quick summary out. http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~urrutia/chicano/RazaCosmicaOpinion.html "It has often been said that the practice of Chicanos to refer to the overall Mexican American population as "Raza" is inherently racist. This is because the translation of this term into English removes its philosophical baggage and makes it look as if Mexican Americans are the race, similarly to Nazi claims that the "Aryan" was the race that should inherit Earth. Understanding how this term originated is important to know its meaning. One must be aware that the term is originally from México and it was first promoted by José Vasconcelos, a respected and venerated Mexican intellectual (1881-1959). It was given shape in his book La Raza Cósmica (1948) and it was introduced as a response, based on "scientific" evidence then available as well as Catholic theology. I have translated parts of the prologue of the second edition and parts of the first chapter where the philosophy is defined. In the early 1900's Mexican intellectuals were trying to come up with an identity for the Mexican people during a time of social upheaval. This social change was being fueled by two revolutionary changes in thought: Marx and Engels "Das Kapital" and C. Darwin's "Theory of Evolution of the Species." The first one challenged the position of the moneyed class (whether old or new money) while the second challenged the position of mankind itself in the general scheme of things and went against biblical teaching. The most successful of them, José Vasconcelos, came up with a kooky concept where he claimed that the indigenous people of America had had their day in the sun but their mixture with the "better" Europeans gave rise to a new race, the mestizo. (In those days, it was common to divide Homo Sapiens into four races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Amerindian. Thrown as evidence, he cited the lost continent of Atlantis.) He called this new race "La raza Cósmica" and argued that it would be the one that would show "the way" to the rest of the world. It is a very catchy and feel-good concept. Over the years, that concept was semi-officially promoted by the Mexican government to give "atole con el dedo" to the population (that is where the custom of calling "Día de la Raza" to "Columbus Day" came from). The concept was also taken by the Chicano activists (some founded "La Raza Unida Party," go see the PBS series "Chicano" for more information. A good bibliography can be found in its Web site.) but I don't think that any of them had bothered to read Vasconcelos' book. To this day, there are some who worship this concept together with the very nice slogan that Vasconcelos devised for the Universidad Autónoma Nacional de México (he was one of the co-founder of this most recent incarnation of the oldest University in the Americas): "Por mi Raza hablará el Espiritú." Given Vasconcelos' zeal for the Catholic religion, it would not surprise me that he had in mind the Spirit that is part of the Holy Trinity. "
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by Decolonize
Monday, Jun. 12, 2006 at 2:45 AM
The idea of "Empowering Whites" - who have committed genocide in their conquest of the entire bloody world - slaughtering hundreds of millions of people, holding millions in slavery, subjugating millions to Jim Crow, and billions more around the world to perpetual conditions of starvation and cultural disintegration - in order to enrich themselves - would be pathetic and laughable if it were not so sick.
Equating Brown or Black nationalism with this rotten system - as thisNazis does - is absurd and turns reality on its head.
For those whose people have been the objects of genocide - literal and cultural - nationalism is a survival response. It is a response aimed at thwarting the destruction of a people.
White Power, on the other hand means perpetuating the destruction of other Peoples - not "preserving" a White culture that has been subjugated or made the target of genocide.
Furthermore, in most cases, Black and Brown nationalism has no taint of racial "superiority" and certainly has no pretensions to empire.
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by Webmaster
Monday, Jun. 12, 2006 at 5:19 AM
"Apparently those who imported the term to the US during the Chicano movement never read the damn book "
I learned about vasconcelos and his la raza cosmica in 1975
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by Decolonize
Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006 at 1:06 AM
Respectfully, brother, I must still wonder if most did, or, if they did, why they didn't see its Eurocentrism more clearly - but that is after all, me coming from a position of hindsight. I wasn't aware of Vasconcelos in 75, and the needs and "level" of the movement may have demanded its adoption, or people may have sought to put a useful phrase to other uses...
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by Anthony C. Jones
Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006 at 5:47 AM
I agree with the contentof this article and am familiar with this school. I am hopeful that the test scores will improve as well. I have always expressed a strong criticism against talk radio and its modern mob format. At the same time, to suggest that no one questions the existence of black colleges is wrong. To suggest that black curriculum isn't constantly under question at colleges and universities nationwide demonstrates a misunderstanding as well. The "culture wars" of the 1990s, the affirmative action debate, D'nesh D"Souza, the American Enterprise Institute, and trhe countless talk radio rants, the entire career of Rush Limbaugh, scores of academic journals, David Duke on campuses, and major books were ALL aimedand dedicated at 1) protecting western teaching in the schools and stopping African American Studies, and eliminating funding for programs, including historically black colleges. Also, no black person has ever opened a black college. Booker T. Washington didnt even pay for the opening of Tuskegee.Trade schools were opened in the predominantly black neighborhoods to ensure that blacks would provide skilled labor after slavery. As a result, these colleges began to include professional and acdemic courses/curriculum. Historically, these colleges, in-effect and by design, became black colleges. This is a relatively academic designation. Even then, most are 75% black and have all ethnicities, including Latinos/Chicanos.
The enemy in this case is the hate speech that provokes mob behavior and corporate sponsorship of neo-conservative ideals. Liberal racism is really the foe here. Giving the impression that these people sanction or do not question black schools or curriculum imolies that blacks are favored and or are part of the KABC contingency. Blacks have been going through this type of thing for a long time. Investigate attempts in the 1990s by the Nation of Islam to open schools in the inner cities and you will see this same controversy. Farrakhan even got millions of dollars of support from African nations and was questioned by the federal government and Congress. Most of these schools did not open. Blacks and their Latin neighbors have so much in common. Unity, not meaningless comparisons, amongst the two might save us all. just wanted to point that out.
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by Webmaster
Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006 at 9:50 AM
"Respectfully, brother, I must still wonder if most did," so long as it's clean and professional, i will reply, respectfully. if you were around in '75 then you probobly do not need my advice. but personally, i dont read too much into it. vasoncelos was a racist nazi, plain and simple. but the term "La Raza" is no longer used in his context. hitler was a nazi, too. but this doesnt mean we throw out the autobahn and the volkwaggon. but it's just a fugure of speech. Chicano and pocho were both terms of derision, as well. this is the definition i was taught by my professors: "PNLRU defines Raza as all people with indigenous heritage of the "American" continent of Ixachilan." http://larazaunida.tripod.com/enter.htm but i can assure you we were well aware of it's origin. somewhere along the line, young people stopped getting this message. theyve taken it the wrong way. and in an effort to prove themselves players and their predecessors wrong, they ran with it. in addition, the name nazis are on a roll with their "not latino", "not hispanic" "MEXICAN." no, i'm not hispanic and im not "latino", soy Chicano y que! but live and let live. when i see acamemia joining the name nazis i'll reconsider. just my opinion. peace hermano. -VC
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by Juan Santos
Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006 at 11:21 AM
Thank you very much for the correction. We should always have the full scope of the truth before us.
I was rusehd on this piece and in the press of the struggle and in the rush for timlieness, I was in error on this matter, and I very much appreciate the spirit of your reply and the incisiveness and insight of your reply.
All My Relations,
Juan Santos
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by Pachuco
Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006 at 11:37 AM
Guess being and OG has an advantage on this topic . . .
Having been at many of the places where the Chicano Movement started and also having known the elders of the movement. I can say that the term Raza was not developed by the Chicano Movement of the 60s, nor was the full content of Vasconcelos’ theories applied to the meaning we gave the term.
Mestizo bohemians and revolutionary intellectuals of the 40s and 50s used the term to describe their prediction of the coming world demographics. They did not take all of Vasconcelos theories and apply them to their interpretation of La Raza Cósmica, but did espouse the term as meaning "One Race out of All Races". They took their interpretation and ran with it, leaving much of Vasconcelos’ other theories in the waste basket – there was no need to read Vasconcelos, since nothing else of his theories impressed the pre-Chicano Movement intellectuals.
By the time it got to us in the mid 1960s, the term had become a household word and was incorporated in to Caló. I remember the elders saying things like, “vino con todo la raza” to mean, “he brought everyone with him” or “traite toda la raza” meaning, “bring all your family and friends.” To Chicanos, Raza usually means Mestizo, but can be used ideologically to include the Indigenous and, to some extent, Europeans and other ethnicities. Since Mestizos have to be of mixed blood it is erroneous to attribute any connotation that Raza describes a single “Race”. The indigenous of the Americas are still an unclassified race. Therefore the term Raza is generic when describing the Indigenous and Mestizo together. Most First Nations called themselves, “The People” and “La Raza” is in line with that Indigenous concept.
Thanks to Vasconcelos primary example of a cosmic race, we have etched our own definition into the stone of the Americas. “Por La Raza Todo. Fuera de La Raza Nada.” – which, by the way, is best interpreted as, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”
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by Elias Serna
Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006 at 4:50 PM
xicanoss@hotmail.c om
Juan Santos' article on Semillas was excellent and necessary. "Racist bigots" doesn't seem adequate enough to describe grown "men" who would attack children at school. I went down to Semillas last week to support our first Chicano School. I dislike Navarette and his "hispanic journalist" buddies; maybe he feels awkward being "in the middle." Like Immortal Technique says "any little bi--- can bust slugs; anyone can wear red and front like a blood..." These lunatics from SOS should come out in the open and see if they can talk their way out of their ethnocentricism.
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by XicanoRebel
Tuesday, Jun. 13, 2006 at 5:13 PM
You're full of yourself (shit), urbanrabble. I still don't get how you nazis condone harming children. U will attract not only idiots to your movt, but bullets& bombs. Your minute IS up. Learn another language or die.
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by Webmaster
Wednesday, Jun. 14, 2006 at 6:45 AM
i couldn't agree more. nice work, Juan!
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by nochehuatl
Wednesday, Jun. 14, 2006 at 6:55 AM
Heres some more news on KABC 790 found at http://www.aztlan.net/jesus_javier.htm BORDER VIGILANTES: Popular Mexican Newscaster Threatened in Los Angeles by Ernesto Cienfuegos La Voz de Aztlan Los Angeles, Alta California - May 1, 2005 - (ACN) Jesus Javier, a popular newscaster on Spanish language television in Los Angeles, has been threaten by what appears to be anti-Mexican border vigilantes and/or their sympathisers. The situation in Los Angeles has been very tense ever since Disney owned KABC 790 radio station and other radio broadcasters undertook a campaign of hate against most anything that is Mexican. The constant harping by various radio stations against Mexican immigration took a sinister turn last week when Spanish language KRCA-TV Channel 62 placed a number of billboards along the area's freeways advertising their news program. The billboards, in Spanish, shows popular Mexican newscasters Jesus Javier and Erika Flores with the slogan "Tu ciudad. Tu equipo"("Your city. Your team"). The billboard has upset a host of bigots including Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger because the billboard show Jesus and Erika sitting in front of the downtown skyline, with "Los Angeles, CA" printed above but the "CA" is crossed out, and the word "Mexico" substituted. It did not take long for the area's anti-Mexican "hate jocks" and the Minutemen vigilantes to jump and capitalize on the issue. Among the most irritated are KABC's jocks Doug McIntyre and the shameless sodomite Al Rantel, both fervent supporters of vigilante leader Chris Simcox. Both devised a plan and conspired, while talking over the airwaves, on how to get back at "these Mexicans!". Doug McIntyre said to Rantel, in badly pronounced mimicked Spanish, "mandamos flores a las ratas", which translates into "let's send these rats some flowers". What happened next is chilling and brings into question the activities of the "Disney Company" and its agents. Doug McIntyre and Al Rantel utilized KABC's resources to organize a nefarious attack on newscaster Jesus Javier and Spanish language news. They drove, in a KABC company limousine, to Jesus Javier's office and placed a "funeral wreath" obtained from one of their advertisers, http://www.proflowers.com , in front of the Spanish news headquarters. They also placed a large chunk of fake cheese for, in KABC's own words, "las ratas (Photographs 1 and 2)". Of most concern to the staff of La Voz de Aztlan, is a photograph that was received on Friday as an attachment to an e-mail (Photograph 3). Our news publication is accustomed to the many death threats we receive regularly through e-mail but this is the first time we have received a death threat against a newsperson of Mexican descent on another news service. The threat is a photograph of the KRCA-TV Channel 62 billboard with two alterations. A person or persons altered the photograph to show newscaster Jesus Javier with a bullet through his head. In addition, the word "RATA" is drawn in large red letters across the chest of Jesus Javier. Could there be a connection between the death threat against Jesus Javier and the KABC McIntyre/Rantel conspiracy to deliver the funeral wreath and fake cheese to who they nicknamed "la rata" over KABC's airwaves? We just do not know but we have very serious suspicions. One thing we know for sure is that Disney's KABC has gotten out of control. Is the management of America's premiere "children's entertainment business" simply falling asleep at the wheel or are they in fact colluding with the bizzare and criminal actions of their agents at KABC 790 AM Radio - Los Angeles? We ask, why are Al Rantel and Doug McIntyre getting away with activities that border on the criminal? Why is the Board of Directors of Disney allowing these characters to utilize KABC property for activities that are so detrimental to society in general and to the Mexican-American community in particular? In addition, why is the Federal Communications Commission not taking any action to revoke KABC's broadcasting license and why is the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission staying so quiet on the issue? Another thing we know for sure is that the Mexican-American community is now sick and tired of the hateful propaganda against our community put out on the airwaves by radio stations such as KABC 790 AM-Los Angeles. The boycott of KABC's advertisers by the "STOP Anti-Mexican Hate Radio Coalition" is gaining momentum by the day. The coalition is now inviting other national groups who are also victims of "hate radio" to join in the effort. The situation is equally ugly for Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, American Indians and many other ethnic, racial and religious groups. Together we can STOP the hate mongers, the bigots, xenophobes and all those others who are utilizing the airwaves to foment hatred and violence! Help STOP Hate Radio HOME
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by I. Now-Jackchiate
Wednesday, Jun. 14, 2006 at 8:34 AM
Took my work break and e-mailed Proflowers about the chronology of events on the hate radio. It's very strange that all of haters of Semillas have not lifted one finger to help out young people anywhere in Los Angeles, especially in a area of Los Angeles neglected by private and public institutions for over 45years. Wonder if the haters can apply for a teaching position in LAUSD and teach the so called "American values-ways" Haters must fill out an application and pass a background check. Will they pass?
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by blewphlame
Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 at 11:56 AM
Though this article was powerful, I think the thing to remember that Chicano, Central American, Filipino,or African all feel the same repression and the fact that ther are African American schools means very little in this country. One of the goals of the minute men project was to pit one population against another and by stating that other races have schools is irrelevant. As an african father whose daughter attends Semillas. I don't see the difference of the war on the people of color. Instead of recognizing what other communities have or don't we should be fighting to bring all cultures together to address this insanity. We need to wait for our turn be be accepted in this country (even as african americans have schools and senators in the capital we also have a strong representation in the prisons and poverty lines-like other cultures who need to wake and and admit that we need to work together or else weare wasting our time dealing with these issues that are coming from the same direction and we only react when it affects you...that has to stop...we need to work together.
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by Pachuco
Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 at 12:40 PM
WNN wrote: "Before encountering whites, Aztecs, didn't use the wheel, didn't have a written language and had a feudalistic society based on slavery, tribute, human sacrifice and cannibalism."
You are gravely mistaken.
1) The Aztec had a written language and numerical system that included the “Zero” 2) The Aztec were considered cleanliness fanatics by whites because Aztecs bathed twice a day, whereas Whites avoided baths and preferred to drench themselves in perfumes to mask their BO 3) The Aztecs had the wheel and used it - how do you think they built the massive pyramids without the wheel? And, incase you haven’t noticed, the Aztec calendar is shaped like a wheel, and in the codices that the Catholic monks kept they show pictures of Aztec children’s toys that are wheeled carts. 4) The Aztec practiced Ritualized Warfare where they captured the enemy and sacrificed them in rituals. Unlike the European, who killed, mutilated and raped their enemy. 5) When the whites came to Abya Yala, they were also Feudalistic and fought each other over how Abya Yala would be plundered among them. 6) We have tributes today; they are called Taxes, Interests and Fines. 7) There is no real proof that the Aztec practiced cannibalism – it was misunderstood by the whites. But, I will say this, and it is my personal opinion: When the Christians explained to the Aztec that they ate the flesh and drank the blood of the Christ on the Sabbath; the Aztec looked at each other then back at the whites and said, “Yeah, we can relate.”
You were obviously not educated but indoctrinated. Read and find out the truth before you start sounding like you believe that the Flintstones cartoon is a documentary.
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by Pachuco
Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 at 1:02 PM
WNN wrote: "White tax payers, who aspire to exploring the far reaches of outer space and increasing the frontiers of scientific knowledge, should not be forced to subsidize Aboriginals in their slide back to the Stone Age where they belong. "
Aztec astronomers listed 12 planets. So far, modern astronomers have only found 10 and the 10th planet was where the Aztec said it was.
Scientist use what little they have left of Aztec knowledge to study the skies. Just imagine, had the mighty and superior whites not destroyed the Aztec knowledge, we might already be living on other planets instead of pretending that all we’ve manage to do is trip and fumble on the moon.
The Aztec knew how to grow cotton in many colors, that knowledge is gone forever - thanks to the civilized whites who thought Aztec science was Magic and destroyed the bulk of their knowledge in the name of a mythological deity, whose child’s blood they drink and flesh they eat.
Your belief that whites are a superior race is inferior and based on myth. I’m glad that not all white people think like you – Now, they are the superior ones, whereas you are an evolutionary throwback.
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by mike almeida
Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 at 5:44 PM
1. it's been documented, there were numerous aztecs that ate human flesh. 2. the practice of sexual relations between adult males and teenage males (13-18) was common. 3. they sacrificed other tribal enemies, and there were even recorded accounts of the aztecs eating their hearts. 4. teaching nahautl and mandarin is not bad. i certainly question a school with a principal who believes in near-future global citizenry, where nearly 10 percent of the kids consider themselves "native americans" instead of mexican-american, where they perform regularly in "indigenous" dances, and so on and so on.
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by Tochtli
Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 at 10:20 PM
Tenochtitlan, the principle Mexica ("Azteca") city, was larger than London and almost every other city in the world.
It still is.
Not only were our ancestors clean, unlike the Europen we had running water and a sewer system with flush toilets - things unheard of in Europe.
The Spanish had never seen anything like Tenochtitlan and were in awe of it.
There is some debate over the validity of the claims to human sacrifice, occasional ritual cannibalism, etc, but one thing is clear - there is nothing in Meso America that begins to approach the pure savagery of the Europeans, who in their Inquisitions put some 11 million of their own people, primarily women, to death by fire and other vile means, after having tortured them.
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by Aztec
Friday, Jun. 16, 2006 at 10:25 PM
Tochtli tastes like chicken.
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by LoBo
Saturday, Jun. 17, 2006 at 6:17 AM
As a Mexican American I can truly say that I can see your point and your sarcasm is not lost on me.But just because 1 member of my race is a scam artist and has managed to milk LAUSD out of money,just know he does not speak for me.The vast majority of latinos are hard working loyal Americans(those of us who are legal),who pay our taxes(and when I see clowns like this I really wonder where my moneys going to!)and try to live the American dream.
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by Nazi Hunter
Saturday, Jun. 17, 2006 at 10:50 AM
Where is ROME? Where is the Holy Roman Empire? Where is the Spanish Empire, the British Empire?
They're all in the same place the US Empire is heading. Hell.
Our civilization was destroyed by your disease. Smallpox, measles, syphlis. The so called "Conquest" would never have happened otherwise, and we would be as independent of you as China.
Get over your pumped up bullshit. You're just another Nazi punk with nothing to back you up.
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by It is a shame!
Saturday, Jun. 17, 2006 at 5:33 PM
It is a shame! When there are other things to be concern about, we are bullying a little school! Why show the level of ignorance and insecurities? Why a school? Go to the Mexican Council, City Hall, any local goverment agencies and make the those threats! Why destroy a childs (human) mind? It is unfortunate to see the only real victims here are the children! If this school is teaching them to Hate ANGLOS.(we are only proving them right!).
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Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006 at 5:09 AM
The author wrote: “Something significant is happening in the Hispanic community. People say the immigration issue woke the Sleeping Giant. But mark my words: It's not just the giant whom immigrant-bashers should worry about. It's his familia...Yes, now they’ve done it: Not only is the Sleeping Giant awake, but his family has awakened, too".
My comment/question is...which "giant" is bigger and more dangerous...the mexican and his familia...or the gringo and his familia? I would have to say the gringo because they have the far larger population and have the most arms. I don't know why mexicans want to awaken the gringo gargantua.
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by Pachuco
Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006 at 7:52 AM
Mike Almeida Wrote:
1. it's been documented, there were numerous aztecs that ate human flesh. 2. the practice of sexual relations between adult males and teenage males (13-18) was common. 3. they sacrificed other tribal enemies, and there were even recorded accounts of the aztecs eating their hearts. 4. teaching nahautl and mandarin is not bad. i certainly question a school with a principal who believes in near-future global citizenry, where nearly 10 percent of the kids consider themselves "native americans" instead of mexican-american, where they perform regularly in "indigenous" dances, and so on and so on.
The documentation that Aztecs ate human flesh consists of exaggerated stories of Spaniards that circulated Europe in the 1500s. There is documentation that many Amerinds practiced “Ritual & Warfare Cannibalism”, but this is not actual cannibalism. Aztec accounts say that, a warrior would often cut the heart out of a rival tribe’s leader’s chest and send small pieces of it to his Aztec tribal leaders as a sign of respect. It was customary for the leaders accepting the piece of the heart to take a nibble of the flesh of the heart as a symbol of acceptance of the gift – that is the only account we have that is verifiable. Other Aztec accounts of priest practicing ritual cannibalism are also describes as nibbles and small bites of the heart and flesh.
There are no Aztec accounts of dietary cannibalism. An erroneous premise used to support the European theory that the Aztec practiced cannibalism, states that because of the lack of “Protein” in the Aztec diet, they resorted to cannibalism. This premise ignores historical and archeological evidence that the Aztec domesticated a variety of poultry, pigs and a dog (the Techichi and not the Chihuahua) for use as meat. Their diets also included fish, deer and other game.
Aztec Myths and Cosmology Historical Religious Misinterpretation and Bias By Arnold Carlos Vento
Vento points out the following "Myths" spread by the Spaniards:
1) polytheism among native cultures 2) the concept of Hell, i.e. Miktlan 3) fatalism, i.e. view of death 4) that natives believe the Spanirds were gods 5) Quetzalcoatl as a Messiah 6) Aztec imperialism 7) slavery 8) chicomoztok (Aztlan) as the Seven Cities of Gold 9) cannibalism 10) human sacrifice by "Blood Thirsty" priest 11) drunkenness 12) debasement of women 13) that Aztlan is a myth 14) European etymology of the word "america" 15) Nahuatl as the name of a native national language or culture
All of the above have been negatively and erroneously portrayed by the Spanish and the other Europeans that followed. The exaggerations originated from a medieval interpretation of the world based on religious superstition, fables and fantasies.
Homosexuality as we understand it may not be the way same sex erotic behavior was practiced by some Aztecs during rituals. The Aztec theology of duality consisted of expressing the nature of the divinities that created the world in terms of power embodied in a male-female force. According to some codices, same sex erotic behavior outside of liturgical time and environment was not acceptable. Such an attitude was especially true in the last civilization to develop in Central Mexico, the Aztec State.
In Japan, the Samurai practiced same sex erotic behavior and the Japanese in those times considered sex as just sex; it had no masculine of feminine trait. This may have been true of the Aztec. The Greek, Romans, Spartans, and almost all warrior classes in Europe practiced same sex erotic behavior – in fact, more than the Aztec.
In response to your, “…i certainly question a school with a principal who believes in near-future global citizenry, where nearly 10 percent of the kids consider themselves "native americans" instead of mexican-american, where they perform regularly in "indigenous" dances, and so on and so on.”
98% of the kids at the elementary I went to were Chicanos and we perform regularly in "European Folk" dances, and so on and so on. Except for “Remember the Alamo” we were taught nothing of our Mexican-American culture.
I would say that the principle of this school is no different than any god-fearing Christian - the last time I looked at the teachings of the Christ, he also preached of a global citizenry.
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by Pachuco
Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006 at 8:16 AM
LoBo wrote"
As a Mexican American I can truly say that I can see your point and your sarcasm is not lost on me.But just because 1 member of my race is a scam artist and has managed to milk LAUSD out of money,just know he does not speak for me. The vast majority of latinos are hard working loyal Americans(those of us who are legal),who pay our taxes(and when I see clowns like this I really wonder where my moneys going to!)and try to live the American dream.
And what "Race" would that be?
You are a poser, an idiot that thinks we can fall for your BS - but if it looks like cuhuacha and smells like cuhuacha, it is cuhuacha.
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by Juan Santos
Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006 at 8:04 PM
Sr. Carreon, Todos;
I have been notified by a reader that you have carried an article or articles I have authored on your website or that you have disseminated them via email.
I deny you permission to use my work or to disseminate it in any way without a prominently displayed disclaimer that the author, Juan Santos, has no association whatsoever with Azlan.net or Voz de Aztlan, that Juan Santos does not write for Azlan.net or Voz de Aztlan, that he does not support the ideology propagated by Azlan.net or Voz de Aztlan, and without a prominently displayed link to the original source.
That source will in no case be Aztlan.net or any publication in any medium with which you, Mr. Carreon, or any of your compatriots are associated.
Juan Santos
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by johnk
Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006 at 10:09 PM
Even if they have a "theme", they have to teach the regular curriculum and take those tests. If you cover the bases, what's the problem? Also, the fact that they have language classes at such a young age is a great thing! They didn't have that when I went to elementary and middle school. (They should teach Mayan math and the abacus too. Learning number systems early in life helps.)
Also, WNN is a White Nationalist. No need to kiss his butt.
PS - regarding cannibalism... whether it happened or not, there's extensive cannibalistic lore in all cultures. There are vampire stories from Europe and Asia. During famines, people eat each other; famines are not uncommon.
Also, the idea that humans can be used for food is absurd. It's inefficient.
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by Pachuco
Monday, Jun. 19, 2006 at 6:47 AM
Your accusation has no bearing. Caucasians come in a variety of skin tones from light pink to dark brown. Mexicans can be Caucasians, Mestizos, African, Asian, Amerindian, etc. since being Mexican has three definitions: 1) a citizen of Mexico, 2) ethnic Mexican, i.e. one who practices the Mexican culture but is not necessarily a Mexican citizen, 3) a Mexica, i.e. member of the Mexica Nation. Nowhere in anthropology, or in any scientific discipline for that matter, is Mexican considered a “Race”.
The truth of the contributions that African-Americans, Mexicans and other ethnicities have made to building the US has been hidden from our society to promote the oppression of persons of “COLOR”. Throw away your false tenets and embrace humanity.
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by repost
Monday, Jun. 19, 2006 at 9:40 AM
In 1829, AfroMexican President Vicente Guerrero signed a decree banning slavery in the Mexican Republic. There are, of course, many angles from which to view the escalating immigration debate. Mexican immigrants, who constitute the largest share of the undocumented, have a unique history with the African population inside the United States. As the Black community weighs in on this very contentious issue, it becomes necessary for us - both black and brown - to review the history that we share.
However, before reviewing our history together, I need to say unequivocally that the U.S. seizure of more than half of Mexico's territory in 1848 netted Washington more than 80 percent of Mexico's fertile land and was a criminal act. And that if Mexico today still included California and Texas, she would possess more oil than Saudi Arabia and have sufficient economic infrastructure to employ all of her people.
When Mexican people say that "the border crossed us, we did not cross the border," they speak the truth, and more Black people - most of whom are not strangers to oppression, exploitation, domination and exclusion - need to appreciate that.
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by Pachuco
Monday, Jun. 19, 2006 at 12:10 PM
I am Spanish, Irish, Huichol and Apache. How can I hate anyone? That would equate to self hatred and I assure you that I luv me!
So don't hate me cus you ain't me.
Men, who find it necessary to advertise their size on the net, EXAGGERATE.
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by Webmaster
Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006 at 1:00 AM
Same here, Carnal. My mom was from Zacatecas Zac. MX. Mostlikely, they were ChiChimecas but the considered themselves Mestizo.
My dad was from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon and his parents were from Madrid, Sp,
I'm the one who came out "prieto" like my mother but i have 3 white sisters who take after my dad.
This is why i do not join the anti-Spaniard websites.
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by Chacon
Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006 at 8:11 AM
Thing is, Mexico's cultura is Indian, our common inheritance is Indian. Our food and sensibilities and spirit and "genetic memory" are Indian.
Indian was never defined - by Indians - as a race. There was only Blackfoot culture of the Blackfoot Nation, Hopi culture of the Hopi Nation, Yaqui culture of the Yaqui Nation. You were either part of that Cultura/ nation or not.
We are part of a living Native culture and nation - Mexican Indian culture.
My family ranges from Black to white and every shade in between. I have 32 cousins. We don't all look the same. But we are part of one People.
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by Nazi Hunter
Wednesday, Jun. 21, 2006 at 11:18 PM
Notice there's still no post on this thread from the big bad Save Our State Klan which was going to "protest" at Semiilas.
F-ing cobardes posted lookouts around the school in El Sereno then figured out that that is one barrio where they dare not step foot.
But if you look on their website, where they are discussing this article, they flat deny their bullying and cowardice.
I'll tell you one thing - they'll never return to Baldwin Park and they'll never show in El Sereno or at Semillas.
There is a lesson there for our side.
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by Pachuco
Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 6:49 AM
I look back at the 60s when school districts that served minority enclaves worked harder at indoctrination than education.
I had the misfortune of leaving East Los for Pasadena in my teens. Pasadena was a segregated community and those of us that just couldn't be forced to go to the all minority schools were placed in "Bone Head" classes in the predominantly "White" schools we went to.
My parents challenged the system and fought hard to have minorities in Pasadena eliminate the bone head classes and end segregation.
My father was a Pachuco and had been a Zoot Suiter in the 40s. He stood against the establishment and told them that if anyone F’d with me, he'd bring down hell on their heads. Hundreds of Chucos stood by his side and as you know, the system changed.
Today, we see these racists slithering out from under the rocks that spawned them and attempt to force their will upon minorities. They want things changed back to the days when Whites cracked the whip and minorities were equal to dogs in their eyes.
So today I repeat the words of my father, because you see, I walk and talk like he did. . .
Chuco Style . . .
Si se meten con mis moros, al diablo de van a pagar.
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by GWB
Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 7:31 AM
Both of this occur at downtown l.a. this past weekend. harassing the day laborers, Don Silva deserve what he got and he was whinning like a pig. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IJUVOf0ILM also, sonar deserve what he got as a result his camera got busted. http://media.putfile.com/PLP-Coward-attacked-Sonar
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by Billy Bob
Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 11:06 AM
Damn, you know ya read all that SOS braggin they do on their website about how tough they are and how they're all ready to shoot and kill some Mexicans and then when some little nothing like this happens the first thing they do is whine for the police to arrest somebody, just like some punk kid on the schoolyard who starts acting like a big bully, but then when someone hits their ass, they whine like some little wimpy tattletale "TEACHER TEACHER HE HIIIIITTTTTT ME!"
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by BaBaBooey!
Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 11:17 AM
the man holding the picket sign. It's obvious from the video above.
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by Patrick Swayze
Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 12:10 PM
OP was yelling "police, police!" before the guy even hit him on top of his head with the stick.
The PLP cult member still whacked OP on his bean, right in front of the cop even after Donnie yelled for help!
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by earl
Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 1:50 PM
A slightly biased article, wouldn't you say John? Try getting out of your own way.
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by V
Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 2:13 PM
Donnie probably provoked the person so he wacked his head several times. and donnie didnt defend himself like his kid who got beat up serveral years ago like son like father.
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by hector
Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 3:41 PM
Are you from El Paso? Home of all true Pachucos.
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by Webmaster
Thursday, Jun. 22, 2006 at 4:34 PM
" Chuco Style . . .
Si se meten con mis moros, al diablo de van a pagar."
do you know what turner and silva did last xmas eve? they went to home depot, glendale, ca and chased the compas around the parking lot for the fuck of it.
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by Pachuco
Friday, Jun. 23, 2006 at 10:40 AM
hector wrote: "Are you from El Paso? Home of all true Pachucos."
Todo Aztlan is the home of the true Pachuco. El Chuco gave us birth.
Soy de East Los.
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by Pachuco
Friday, Jun. 23, 2006 at 11:02 AM
Daniel wrote; "do you know what turner and silva did last xmas eve? they went to home depot, glendale, ca and chased the compas around the parking lot for the fuck of it."
Le andan buscando tres patas al gato sabiendo que tiene cuatro. (interpretation: don't look for trouble cus you will find it)
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by pachuco
Friday, Jun. 23, 2006 at 12:37 PM
 canat.jpg, image/jpeg, 239x322
Canat, glad to see you are still around.
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by Not Uncle Tomahawk
Friday, Jun. 23, 2006 at 11:32 PM
 canat.jpg6mxmej.jpg, image/jpeg, 259x366
Hey, old buddy, how you doin, Canat, how're things around the FORT?
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by Nazi Hunter
Sunday, Jun. 25, 2006 at 10:11 PM
You know, both Turner and his lieutenant Don Silva have been attacked recently. I'm not saying that's a good thing or a bad thing, and I'm not advocating or discouraging anything.
I DO think it's a clear signal, though, that they've gone too far, both with the attack on Semillas and with the New Apartheid measure they are pushing in San Bernardino.
For all that these child abusing cowards brag about their "aggressive, in your face tactics," they are still punks who know nothing about real street life or street tactics, and who couldn't find their way to the bathroom without a pig escort.
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by BorderRaven
Monday, Jul. 02, 2007 at 10:44 AM
Nazi Hunter throws out slander and defamation with ease, while pecking anonymously behind a keyboard, but lacks the gonads to print in the LA Times and stand behind his or her name and phone number. If you are going to call someone, "child abusing cowards", than show your boldness and bravado. If you know about any child abuse, file a formal police complaint. But, no, not from you, because you are a weak, coward, who prefers to sling lies.
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by Sofia Morepower
Thursday, Jul. 12, 2007 at 9:05 PM
Believe it or not, U.S.A or AmeriKKKa is still in its very infantile stage of the process it must undergo as a civil society. Over 500 have gone by since the first settlement of the white man on the this self-proclaimed nation, and still, the insecurities continue to debilitate any will to progress as one that actually practices what is hypocritically stated on the preamble in regards to treating all "men" as equal. It makes sense, with a racist governing body and a white-ruling class, that anything/anybody that challenges the status quo and the hegemony will suffer the consequences. In post 911 it means that terrorism will be the number one fear that will fuel immigration policies and continuous hate crimes against humanity. While most americans enjoy their lazy couch and flip the channels that misinform them of the current issues, they continue to breed an oppression that is far greater than the one that the nation exercises against its working-class--that is the non-white foreigners--which is called IGNORANCE. Americans need to re-evaluate their own role in the development and growth of a nation and challenge themselves to think of the monster they are becoming with hate and ignorance spreading like a pandemic on already damaged citizens. Thinking requires asking questions and analyzing those sources that feed our ideas. Maybe it is too much to ask of the people that reside in a country that has most recently become the most hated country worldwide. Could this be a hint that America has made far too many mistakes?
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