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by Leslie
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 7:26 AM
"Negotiations" with the sheriffs, more celebs, and daily life. All to save the South Central Farm.
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SOUTH CENTRAL FARM, 3 June 2006--Living on the Farm, dirty fingernails,
eating just-plucked food, daily meetings, outdoor showers, and good conversation
would be an easy routine to fall into. But at the South Central Farm, the
pastoral life is interrupted by a steady stream of media and celebrities, and
conviviality and community is built as much from the tension of impending arrest
as it is by common work and values.
Farm supporters today began their twelfth day of occupation of the South
Central Farm today and await the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department's
execution of an eviction order. Bulldozers are expected to follow the
sheriffs within forty-eight hours. Vigils at the Farm continue, daily at
7:00 p.m., and yesterday Global Women's Strike recruited volunteers to help out,
hang out, or stay at the Farm. Community presence at the Farm is a
critical component of the strategy to save the Farm.
The sheriffs moved a scheduled Tuesday meeting with the Farmers to Thursday,
allowing two more days for food to grow. On Thursday, the LS County
sheriffs held two meetings with Farm supporters. The first included
notable tree-sitters Julia Butterfly Hill, John Quigley, who have been occupying
a walnut tree in defense of the Farm, and elected Farm representative Tezozomoc.
The sheriffs assured them that they respected what these Farm supporters were
trying to do, and that the sheriffs would take measures to protect their
personal belongings. "We're not stormtroopers," the sheriff's
representative reportedly assured Hill, Quigley, and Tezozomoc.
At a second meeting on the same day, sheriffs told the Farm's attorney, Dan
Stormer, that the groundlings "would be lucky" if the sheriffs gave
them five minutes warning. Those who voluntarily removed themselves in
that five minutes would be cited and released. The sheriffs threatened
that anyone who remained after the warning with trespassing and other charges,
and promised them arrests and jail time.
Ted Hayes, Orange County resident and organizer of a local contingent of
minutemen, appeared outside the Farm last night. Hayes recently helped
organize a small anti-migrant march down Broadway in Los Angeles, along the path
of the pro-migrant marches of March 25 and May 1. Hayes was quickly
identified and escorted back to his car by twenty Farm supporters. The
purpose of Hayes' visit is not known.
Meanwhile, Hollywood celebrities continue to bring their spotlight to the
Farm. Thursday's guest was anti-war activist Danny Glover, who as
attracted the wrath of right-wing war-supporters for his anti-war and pro-Cuba
positions. Friday's visitor was outspoken animal rights advocate and vegan
Alicia Silverstone.
Developer Ralph Horowitz served the representatives of the Farm with a $729K
lawsuit for "abuse of the legal system," for pursing legal remedies in
the courts to save the Farm.
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by Leslie
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 7:26 AM
 guarding_the_farm.jpg, image/jpeg, 580x400
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by Leslie
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 7:26 AM
 greeting.jpg, image/jpeg, 578x400
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by Leslie
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 7:26 AM
 work.jpg, image/jpeg, 533x400
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Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 8:40 AM
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by Webmaster
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 9:48 AM
I wish I could do more to help. Unfortunately, I cannot but I do wish you and all the protesters the very best.
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by Black Access
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 9:54 AM
Perhaps, Ted Hayes was there to call notice to the lack of Blacks having lots on farm. The man may be a buttwipe, but that does not eliminate his right to speak. We may never know his thoughts on the SCF issue, since supporters shut off his right to speak. Check the number of blacks living in south central and then compare it the number having lots on the farm. Honestly, can you say that all the community is being treated equal. It was Black lady and her organization that stopped the city's stupid plan for an incinerator, so why is there no lots for us. My suspicion is that there exists a level of ethnic nepotism on this farm and it stinks to high heaven. A public park open to all is better suited for the area than a bunch of little exclusionary private lots.
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by Farmers did the right thing
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 10:38 AM
Ted Hayes does not represent the community in any way. He came because the media is there or because those he works for sent him there to spy.
Jan Perry, her agents and others have tried and failed to divide support for farm the along race lines. Are you one of those people Mr. Black Access? The pit black against brown tactic is not going work, so give it up.
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by Black Access Now
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 10:55 AM
Who's to say that he does not represent some level of the community. The only way we can find out is to acutally ask the community (i.e. put the park idea to a vote). You honestly think that all the blacks in south central are happy they got excluded from a farm they helped to create? Do you think that they are estatic that a mexican flag flys over the land they kept from becoming an incinerator that would futher contribute to cases of black lung within their community. Juanita Tate must be rolling in her grave. As for Jan Perry, who freaking cares about her, shes just some democrat politician, that gives a rat's ass about minoritie communities.
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by Leslie
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 12:18 PM
It's my understanding that 1) in any arrangement, the community will get it's soccer field, which is what Ms. Perry originally demanded for the African American community, and 2) the Farmers are well aware of the lack of representation of African Americans on the Farm.
I believe the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust will be the administrators of the Farm if the Farmers win it, and I have little doubt that they will ensure that plots are available to willing African American Farmers.
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by Farmers did the right thing
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 2:27 PM
Do not believe a word they say. Do not think they will keep their word on anything. Don’t let them con you or lawyer into thinking something they want you to think. Do not trust them. If they say five minutes that means nothing. If they say are coming tonight don’t believe them. If they say, “we are not storm troopers” know that that is also a lie.
Right now they are under orders to remove everyone on the farm and they are planning how they want to do that. Unless they get new orders, they will continue planning how best to execute their orders. At this time they are trying to talk the farmers out or scare them out.
But at the same time they are preparing for an attack on the farm. As long as they think they can talk people out they will not attack. But if they feel they have no other options left they will attack. Remember they are under orders and they are programmed to follow orders.
Whatever they say do not listen and do not repeat to others. All their words are designed to deceive you. Don’t think you can out talk them. Best not to talk with them at all. Remember the number one rule with cops is always:
Remain silent and repeat in your mind “Never trust a cop”
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by ObserverX
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 3:25 PM
Ted Hayes is known for violence. In addition to recruiting GANG MEMBERS to go patrol the border, Ted Hayes recently held a protest in Leimert Park where he and another person assaulted a counter-protester holding him in a stranglehold. These actions caused Hayes to resign from the Minutemen. Read the story on it: http://cbs2.com/local/local_story_114113559.html Hayes is now forming a new "gang" called The Crispus Attucks Brigade. Is his motive even more violence down at The Farm?
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by Black Access NOW
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 3:42 PM
Check the number of blacks living in south central and then compare it the number having lots on the farm. Honestly, can you say that all the community is being treated equal.
1. How many Blacks currently have lots?
2. When the farm was created how many Blacks recieved lots.
3. If they knew there was disrepresentation of blacks on the farm, why didnt they do anything before the eviction.
4. What do the farmers have to say to concern citizens of south central about their allegation that they have been jipped out of participating in working the land.
5. What about former tenents that have been run out by the leadership of the SCF. What really happened in thier cases?
6. What is really happening with all the money being raised?
7. In the event that the SCF is saved how will they feel about being managed by a public agency?
there is a lot of questions not being asked.
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by Farmers did the right thing
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 4:16 PM
He is trying to pit black against brown. It will not work. The community is united.
His comments on Perry show he is an outside provocateur and not from this area.
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by Black Access Now
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 4:24 PM
the community is united my ass, but i'll give u a chance to shut me up. You only have to do one thing,
Show me Black MEMBERS of the South Central Farm, one that have been there for the same number of years as the current latino tenents, not ones that joined last week.
until then am going to keep on posting.
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by CK
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 7:50 PM
Why were the original farmers expelled from 41st and Alameda? Have you visited the 111th street and Avalon farm in Watts, CA? Where is the money that was raised by Rufina Juarez and Tezozomoc (aka Esteban Torres Guzman)? Have you seen the original map of the SCF? The map show Rufina Juarez started at SCF in 2003. Is it true she works for MTA? (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) If so, how can she claim she is socialist? Many have seen the original map of the SCF plots that were destroyed. It is horrible the original farmers were thrown out. It seems there is definitely a conflict the public needs to learn about before supporting 41st and Alameda garden.
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by U2
Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 8:59 PM
Just FYI, the term "gypped" or "jipped" has racist roots. It refers to "gypsies" or the Romani ethnic group. We should be sensitive to this, partly, because the Roma are still an oppressed group.
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by Farmer
Monday, Jun. 05, 2006 at 6:32 AM
Many people do not understand why Ted Hayes was thrown out of the farm when in fact he is friends with Rufina Juarez and Tezozomoc.
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by Real Activist
Monday, Jun. 05, 2006 at 6:35 AM
Just north of 41st and Alameda in downtown Los Angeles, near the streets of San Pedro, 5th, 6th, Winston, Wall and Crocker, you will find 1000's upon 1,000's of homeless children, youth, mothers, fathers, famililes, men and women living in the streets of downtown Los Angeles' Skid Row.
The homeless people of Los Angeles need food, shelter, jobs, medical services, mental health services and people to advocate for them and their children.
The movie stars should advocate to raise 16.3 million dollars to help the homless of Los Angeles' Skid Row. Movie Stars should rally in support of the homeless epidemic downtown and not a despotic leadership that has thrown out over 300 families at 41st and Alameda.
The bottom line the ritzy/yuppies who live in the Downtown Lofts want the homeless people out of Skid Row. Some of these people living in the lofts work for the the movie industry. Let's get the priorites straight.
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by Black Access Now
Monday, Jun. 05, 2006 at 7:52 AM
Am still waiting for for photo of the BLACK scf, did you forget, or is the truth more likely that THERE ARE NONE. Who really is playing the race card? Who's "united" community is nothing more than a sham?
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by Farmers did the right thing
Tuesday, Jun. 06, 2006 at 6:40 AM
"Black Access" is a MM - Do not engage
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by Gyped
Tuesday, Jun. 06, 2006 at 10:31 AM
If the shoe fits, wear it. The term gyped fits the gypsies because they steal. Go to Northern Italy and watch a band of gypsy kids rob people. Who cares about the roots, the fact is that getting gyped means getting ripped off, like the gypsies do.
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by Decolonize
Tuesday, Jun. 06, 2006 at 2:59 PM
if 'gyped' is 'ok' because, according to the racist stereotype, 'gypsies steal,' then perhaps you'd also be ok with saying you got 'jewed' in accordance with the stereotype of another people targeted for mass death by hitler.
your argument is sick,; it justifies racism by resorting to racist stereotypes in order to 'justify' racist labels.
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by WillowLu
Thursday, Jun. 08, 2006 at 7:52 PM
Word is that the Annenburg Foundation has just offered to purchase the farm for $16 million. No comment from Ralph Horowitz yet.
Fingers crossed!
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by WillowLu
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 12:29 PM
Assisting the farmers and the homeless aren't mutually exclusive goals. Helping lower income residents maintain self-sufficiency leads to fewer impoverished and homeless people.
And of course the benefits to the air quality and sense of close-knit Community benefit all. Out of that sense of a caring Community, assistance programs, shelters and soup kitchens are born.
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by canat
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 12:45 PM
............ Speak the Trueth Brother. You know damn well they would'nt let me in there either.. a Indio is scum to these racists. unless you count the so-called "mexica" bull crappers, fake wanna-be's, Exploiters of Indigenous Peoples, a-holes we should be talking about MEXICO, the whole damn thing is nothing but a big plantation, with "big Mas'sa " Vincinte Fox standing over the 10% of the population that IS indigenous by right, natives have NO rights in mexxiKKKo. when you think of what has happened here in this GREAT COUNTRY, America and then look at the situation in current day mexiKKKo it is as if the last 100 years of human rights evolution Never happened.. I say let some color in there. ( FYI: ALL mexiKKKans are considered "white", by Native Indians. for real, we ain't gonna buy that lie...)
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by JT
Monday, Jun. 12, 2006 at 8:58 AM
Rufina Juarez is not from South Central Los Angeles. She is a wanna be activist who works for MTA. She needs to leave our community of South Central LA because she is not wanted here. Many Blacks are upset at the way she has been treating the real farmers and excluding Black farmers.
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by C
Monday, Jun. 12, 2006 at 4:15 PM
Nadine or Miguel,
Rufina's been a farmer on the South Central for 8-9 years. Right now she's fasting and tree-sitting, taking Julia Butterfly Hill's position.
And if you still wanna talk about black farmers, ask Ken Washington, one of the original farm organizers and black. He was at the vigil a couple of nights ago. The farmers should be able to put you in touch with him. Or you might ask Jan Perry and Mark Williams why they're fighting for a black soccer filed instead of for black farmers.
Or maybe you should talk to the African-Mexican farmer, from Veracruz I hear, and see if she considers herself black.
And before you drag in those 250 "missing" farmers again. How many of them actually exist, how many of them actually lived in the LA area, and how many of them know squat about farming? The way I hear it, they were MIA long before the farmers elected Rufina--1 plot, 1 person, 1 vote. Tred gently, my friend.
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by First Ammendment
Monday, Aug. 07, 2006 at 1:30 AM
Rufina Juarez is a Narcissistic... Not a leader... But something that destroys unity among the people...
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by Activista
Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:18 AM
Come on! Get with the program people!
Rufina Juarez works for the MTA and supports using eminent domain on the poor to build rail and subways.
Wake up and smell the contradictions! Rufina is NOT from Los Angeles!
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