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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
refusing to accept illegal eviction process, farmers and supporters instead -occupy- the farm and its perimters in its defense.
 helicopter_shining_lights_down_for_long_stretches_of_time.jpg, image/jpeg, 984x1312
*NIGHTLY vigils at 7pm *volunteers asked to take part in 3 hour shifts, protecting the land and her people *donations urgently needed!~ please bring: water, batteries, food items, snack items, coffee, or pick a shift to provide meal for the camp *kitchen now serving all volunteers, donations needed! CORNER OF 41ST AND ALAMEDA in south central los angeles. exit 10 frwy at alameda st., go south on alameda approx 1 - 2 miles, farm is on right hand side, easily noticed by signs and banners and security forces around perimeter.
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
 regular_helicopter_visits_at_farm.jpg, image/jpeg, 984x1312
almost hourly visits, hovering overhead wtih lights on our camps for several minutes, to up to an hour
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
 fire_blazing_across_street_from_farm.jpg, image/jpeg, 976x732
at 3am, roughly, after 2 police vans had been parked down street for hours and so-called federal agents remained at railroad tracks, a fire suddenly sparks adjacent to farm in middle of night.
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
 fire_at_the_farm.jpg, image/jpeg, 1056x1408
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
 fire_trucks.jpg, image/jpeg, 1088x512
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
 farm_on_lock_down.jpg, image/jpeg, 1057x761
farmers and supporters remain at posts at all locations in and outside of perimeter, communicating by radio.
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
 farmers_at_their_posts_surrounding_perimeter.jpg, image/jpeg, 960x891
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
 stationed_at_their_posts_on_ne_corner.jpg, image/jpeg, 942x835
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
 sherrif__s_increase_presence_at_farm.jpg, image/jpeg, 1048x786
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by phuk minutemen
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:06 PM
 tree_sit.jpg, image/jpeg, 397x432
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by kirk james murphy, m.d.
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 7:53 PM
mayor antonio -
thank you for representing the great city of los angeles.
you must be very confident of your skills, wanting to be mayor and take over the school district.
if you are unable or unwilling to use your powers to help people feed their kids, why should anyone believe you about the schools?
if you don't care about malnutrition, you can't possibly improve education
you can set in motion eminent domain proceedings to save the community garden in south LA
i know, antonio, coming out for the people against a land speculator takes balls - and ends political careers in LA
so tell us, antonio - if you can't take the heat for saving a community's pantry, how could you possibly help a massive school district?
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by kirk james murphy, m.d.
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 7:55 PM
mayor antonio -
thank you for representing the great city of los angeles.
you must be very confident of your skills, wanting to be mayor and take over the school district.
if you are unable or unwilling to use your powers to help people feed their kids, why should anyone believe you about the schools?
if you don't care about malnutrition, you can't possibly improve education
you can set in motion eminent domain proceedings to save the community garden in south LA
i know, antonio, coming out for the people against a land speculator takes balls - and ends political careers in LA
so tell us, antonio - if you can't take the heat for saving a community's pantry, how could you possibly help a massive school district?
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by abolish corporate personhood
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 2:59 PM
To refute the arguement by psuedo-freedom who supports private property;
Ralph Horowitz is using a real estate development corporation as leverage to offset the excessive cost of the farm (16 million).
Horowitz would not be able to pay for this on his own. Horowitz benfits from corporate personhood..
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by -- reason --
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 11:44 PM
I would assume some of those celebrities might be pledging funds behind the scenes. The press person said, in another post, that half the money has been raised. The pace of fundraising is pretty amazing, and there are probably some "angels" involved in making that total.
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