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by C.J.
Monday, May. 22, 2006 at 9:25 PM
Two protesters including a well known Chicano activist was arrested in Downtown, Los Angeles during a confrontation with members of the volunteer border patrol the Minuteman Project.
Protester Marlon Inamorado and immigrant rights activist Javier Rodriguez were arrested today in Downtown, Los Angeles during a confrontation with members of the volunteer border patrol group the Minuteman Project.
Both Inamorado and Rodriguez were charged with disturbing the peace in two seperate incidents during the anti immigration march sponsored by homeless activist Ted Hayes and MMP founder Jim Gilchrist. This reporters eyewitness account saw officers from the Los Angeles Police Department take Inamorado into custody after stepping off of the sidewalk as the march was about to begin.
Javier Rodriguez whom was a key organizer in the May 1st Boycott and March 25 demonstration was arrested after a heated debate with Gilchrist during the Q&A portion of a press conference being held in support of todays march.
Rodriguez said,"I attended the press conference with the objectiveness of a journalist."
"I engaged Gilchrist with a few questions and a small debate broke out and the next thing I know I am being taken into custody," said Rodriguez.
Over 100 protesters took part in todays counter demonstration against the MMP and the hundreds of merchants working along Broadway showed their support by cheering them on as they chased Hayes and the MMP to city hall.
The demonstration started clearing out around 2:30 due to the LAPD threatening protesters with citations or in Rodriguez and Inamorado case;the threat of incarceration.
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by right?
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 9:47 AM
'Rodriguez said,"I attended the press conference with the objectiveness of a journalist." '
Is that supposed to be a joke?
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by systemfailure
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 4:31 PM
GW--shit, what in the hell are we gonna do?
CHENEY--about what sir?
GW--this whole iraq war thing is in the toilet, the people are finding out more and more about how we actually hit the world trade centers with drone aircraft and sent a missle into the damn pentagon and...........
CHENEY--dont worry sir, whoever was involved with that operation is either dead, or in a position where they'll never tell.
GW--Listen up, this countrys going to shit. I had a bunch of pumped up white folks ready to do whatever the hell i wanted them to do. Ha, they never even said anything about our concentration camps in cuba, except that they were too nice. They never even cared about the WMD's, haha , remember those dicky?
CHENEY--Thats true sir, but we do have to do somthing about this deficit,..... what i mean to say sir, is that we have watch inflation, and these gas prices. These white folks arent going to support us for long if they cant drive their 454 trucks and SUV's.
GW--Well, i was never too good at, what was that word again?, economics? Geez, i knew i shoulda gone to those classes at yale instead of letting another lower bonesman do my homework for me.
CHENEY--yes, sir. Once homes start getting foreclosed on, and everyone is riding a bike like in china, you can kiss the "american government" goodbye forever. You and i and all our buddies are gonna be right out of a job, and probally living in china thru political asylum.
GW--You mean that the american idiots might actually revolt?
CHENEY--well, sir, of course, unless you can show them that all their problems are not actually the governments fault.
GW--goddammit then dick, dont play games, who's fault is it? CHENEY--the illegal mexicans, sir
GW--i'm listening buddy
CHENEY--make white america think that the gas prices , out of control housing prices, not to mention inflation and low wages,, are the fault of the illegal mexicans.
GW--you think that they will buy it?
CHENEY--sir, we've got the media in out back pocket. If the didnt believe about our involvement in 9-11, a fake war in iraq, our corruption in enron, our connections with the bin ladens, and then how would they ever find out about this scheme. GW--true CHENEY--the secret is to make them FORGET about the real reasons, and to trust the television.
GW--good work, put Karl Rove on this one, you know that little kiss ass would do anything for me.
CHENEY--yes, sir, thank you sir
GW--god bless, dicky, see ya at the "bohemian grove"
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by Electrochemisti
Wednesday, May. 24, 2006 at 2:04 AM
 ecg.gif, image/gif, 550x142
The Medulla Speaks!
"Ooooooh them terrists got me skeered they're gonna bomb us again."
"Ooooooh, they look so weeeir with them beards."
"Ooooooh, I'm runnin out of money. I don't feel so gooood. I feel skeeered."
"Oooooh, all these weird lookin people got me nervis. Maybe they got bombs. Maybe they're going to invade us."
"Ooooh those Mexi-cans are kind weeeird lookin. They speek something different. I wonder if the're terrists!"
"Oooooh I skeered myself there!"
The Frontal Lobe Speaks...
"We must map something resembling logic onto these feelings."
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