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by Lee Siu Hin -Immigrant Solidarity Network
Thursday, May. 18, 2006 at 11:48 PM
info@ImmigrantSolidarity.org (213)403-0131 Los Angeles, CA USA
Call to Action! - 1) Call City Council/LA Police Commission why they approved the Minutemen's March Permit? 2) Mobilize Activist/Community to Turn the Back on Racist Minutemen on 5/21!
Urgent Action Alert! Actions
Against Minutemen/Ted Hayes in Downtown L.A. Sun 5/21!
Call to
1) Call City Council/LA Police Commission why they approved the Minutemen's
March Permit?
2) Mobilize Activist/Community to Turn the Back on Racist Minutemen on 5/21!
National Immigrant Solidarity Coalition and ActionLA Coalition is outraged to
learned that the Los Angeles Police Commission had granted the permit to allow
Save Our State (SOS), Minutemen and Ted Hayes's anti-immigrant organizations
to march downtown' Broadway this coming Sunday, May 21st.
Gathering/pep at 11am Sunday, May 21st (corner of Olympic & Broadway)
-March begins sharply at noon!
-March from noon until 2pm from corner of Olympic/Broadway to City Hall
-2pm at City Hall - speakers/rally
This is highly irresponsible for the LAPD to allow racist anti-immigrant group
to march at the heart of the Latino shopping district at Broadway, and allow
them to rally at LA City Hall.
Minutemen want to provoke confrontation with the activists and Latino
immigrants for the publicity stunt purpose, and to help the right wing
Republican anti-immigrant forces "excuses" for passing more
anti-immigrant legislation and organize massive immigrant crackdown!
If we allows this to happen, it will be the slap to the LA immigrant rights
movement! Because just 3 months ago the City Hall passed the resolution to
prohibit Minutemen activity at the City of LA
and we just had million people May 1st action and March 25 "Gran Marcha"
at the same street!
Ted Hayes/Minutemen alliance want to challenge the LA City resolution, and to
exploit the misconceptions amount African American about the undocumented
immigrants to create black-brown tensions and even the black-brown violence in
the City.
We should stand and raise our voice to against the racist Ted
Hayes/Minutemen alliance and the 5/21 downtown march, while we'll not let them
gain any media publicity opportunities!
Call to Action!
1) Call City Council/LA Police Commission why they approved the Minutemen's
March Permit?
2) Mobilize Activist/Community to Turn the Back on Racist Minutemen on 5/21!
1) Call Your City Council Members and LA Police
For the next two days, we encourages everyone to call:
- Los Angeles Police Commission (the agency who approves the march permit) 150
North Los Angeles Street, #150 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Tel: 213 / 485-3235,
Commission President: John W. Mack.
Asking them if they know that the Ted Hayes/Minutemen's 5/21
downtown LA march, and why they approve their permit?
Remind them the LA City Council had passed the resolution on February 3rd to
prohibit Minutemen activities in LA ( http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/02/146318.php),
and emphasize this is nothing to do with the freedom of speech/assembly.
Because allowing them to march in downtown LA will giving them a bad signal of
LA is allowing racist anti-immigrant groups and their activities, this is the
direct violations of the City resolution.
2) Mobilize Activist/Community to Turn the Back
on Racist Minutemen on 5/21!
We encourage the community activists NOT to organize massive counter-protest
along Broadway to confront with them, since Sunday noon at Broadway will be
very crowded with president and shoppers and will be very difficult to control
the situation.
Therefore, we suggests activist from multi-ethnic background, if they
choose to converge to downtown LA at May 21st for counter-protest, instead
of face-to-face protest against them, from the safe distance we turn our
backs on them when they march passing-by us at the Broadway. We can have sign
and banners but should be keep a safe distance from them.
We'll not engage in any verbal
argument/communication with them (just assume they are not exist).
We should organize activists to inform the shop owners and merchants
along the Broadway Blvd/ about the Minutemen rally on May 21, and suggest when
they passing just ignore them and turn their music speakers to the maximum
level (to cover their noise).
By doing so, we can show our message powerful, clear and loud: Minutemen
are Not Welcome in LA!
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by Bush and Ahnold on Immigration
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 12:32 PM
Bush and Ahnold: "Let's Deport those Economic Girlie Men Today."
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by Jorge
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 12:36 PM
Here's some video from the last SOS rally. I can't believe there can be such racism in this country. http://www.immigrationwatchdog.com/?p=998
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by Daniel
Saturday, May. 20, 2006 at 12:35 AM
I'll be happy to counterdemonstrate against these assclowns, but I'll be damned if I'm going to write a whiny letter to my City Councilperson just because said assclowns were allowed to exercise their First Amendment rights on a public street.
That authoritarian streak that some of the left has running through it is singularly unattractive, and doesn't do any of the various noble causes any good.
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by BaBaBooey!
Saturday, May. 20, 2006 at 10:05 AM
giving the Nazis permits to wave their swastikas and confederate flags in the heart of downtown L.A. is just asking for a riot, just ask the Toledo city council.
and thank you for going to oppose the Nazis and their token House Negro on Sunday.
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by The Great Wall of Texas (Bush)
Saturday, May. 20, 2006 at 1:23 PM
Bush and Ahnold: "Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong. That'll keep those Economic Girlie Men out."
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by Please///
Saturday, May. 20, 2006 at 6:55 PM
Let's stay on topic. Check http://www.saveourstate.org and prepare. Bring magic markers and sign material. Water. VIDEO and AUDIO Tape Recorders Cameras.THe lunatics are all worked up and more likely than not will make jack asses out of themselves big time. Photo Opportunities galore.
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by Sacajewa in a state of atypical confusion
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 4:34 PM
The LA Youth Hostel list does not include phone numbers and does not take reservations for May 20th, which really sucks. I am at a loss to figure out where to stay there are like two dozen hotels. It will probably take hours to figure out which cheapo accomodations are near Olympia and Broadway and it is frustrating to try to figure out where to stay.
Unless...some kind person happens to know which hostels are closest...
then I could google up their phone number and see if they will allow late checkin
Or....some in the wee hours and just pull an all nighter which is what I will probably do...
So if any Minutemen are seen lurking around Greyhound tommorow morning, I will be the one with the Che Guevara T shirt, perhaps.
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by Dave Andrews
Monday, May. 22, 2006 at 8:01 PM
Yep, sure followed your own advice. At least the raza goons have less control over their people than the SOS crowd - Score after today: SOS 3 - Raza 0 - why? 3 arrests and all from the Mexican crowd. Nice going and showing the rest of the world what your true colors are.
--------- 2) Mobilize Activist/Community to Turn the Back on Racist Minutemen on 5/21! We encourage the community activists NOT to organize massive counter-protest along Broadway to confront with them, since Sunday noon at Broadway will be very crowded with president and shoppers and will be very difficult to control the situation.
Therefore, we suggests activist from multi-ethnic background, if they choose to converge to downtown LA at May 21st for counter-protest, instead of face-to-face protest against them, from the safe distance we turn our backs on them when they march passing-by us at the Broadway. We can have sign and banners but should be keep a safe distance from them. We'll not engage in any verbal argument/communication with them (just assume they are not exist).
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by Bye Bye Illegals
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 11:09 AM
HAHA You Racist Losers exposed your hate for the Americans that marched AGAINST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! The marchers were of all races and you idiots called them racists, WTF? Your sad little argument is fading as the Senate is coming down on you also. Here is one of your racist peeps showing IQ points http://media.putfile.com/AnchorBabyLove Aww, your days are numbered as Ted Hayes preps the march http://media.putfile.com/Rally-Speech---Ted-Hayes Here is another BlackAmerican tellin it like it is NO AMNESTY Bizatches http://media.putfile.com/American-Black
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by The Deacon
Friday, Jun. 09, 2006 at 4:07 PM
I think that the Governator is a Nazi and a Hypocrite. First of all, not only did his father willingly work for the Nazis in Austria durinmg WW2 when it was illegal to do in Austria; but Governator had the nerve to lie about it during a campaign speech. In addition to that, he himself is an immigrant. So it's hypocritical and makes no sense for him to be Anti-Immigrant.
Anit-Immigrant is really racist code word for minorities. They start by targeting those of us who have been here the shortest time first. Newly arrived (within 2 or 3 generations) Asians and Latinos first. then they start going after Black people and white people who arent racist too.
Bush Jr. is Little Hitler and The US Govt is the Fourth Reich.
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