Sorry Mayor Mansoor, but your time is up.
Their numbers didn't grow much bigger than that.
Don Silva wrote:
> Also, the usual embellishing of numbers. I am sure
> that you can count to 250, which is the real number
> of non-thinking drones that you managed to convince
> to come.
Actually, the 1,500 number came from an estimate that was
made by the Costa Mesa police department, who as we all
know, is part of an "international communist conspiracy" to
hand America over to the "reconquistas".
It was quoted in an article published in the Sunday edition
of The Los Angeles Times. Check out the following link for
the full story:,0,5992536.story?coll=la-home-headlines
Sometimes I don't find estimates from the authorities to be
accurate. But in this case, I do. I've been in crowds of
1,000 people before, and this demonstration certainly exceeded
that limit .
It's quite possible that 2,000 people showed up, but I
doubt it. However, I noticed protesters were still coming to
the demonstration when I left. One needs to be open to the
possibility the greater estimate is correct.
The 35 people who attended the massive counterdemonstration
is quite accurate. I counted the heads of everybody in
attendance. I originally thought 240 million Minutemen
supporters would show up, but that didn't happen.
Anyways, if you don't believe the police estimate, that's fine
with me. You have a long history of ignoring the facts and
dismissing the truth when it doesn't suit your views. I don't
envy your decision to be ignorant.
Duane J. Roberts
Either post you dumb comments on the SOS board or open the SOS board up to everyone. The only one that deletes more comments on local message boards than johnk is you!
donnie, indymedia delete your comments? so what? are you a little whiner like joe turner were whinning the cops in burbank while he got arrested in burbank.
you do not see the the real issue donnie. why are the undocuments coming here it is not just mexicans. i will give you a hint? free trade has displaced a numbers people in various countries so they are seeking a better life in the u.s.
also, who are outsoursing jobs too? it does hurt the americans donnie.