For Students that have participated in the Walkouts and face legal issues resulting from their participation may contact the National Lawyers Guild at:
8124 West Third Street, Suite 101
Los Angeles, California 90048
(323) 653-4510; Fax (323) 653-3245
This is a link to valuable info for Students participating in the Walkouts: Also email or call:
Laura Raymond
NLG National Student Organizer
212-679-5100 x12
Here is a copy of yesterday's School Board directive to LAUSD administrators instructing them not to suspend kids for only protesting.
Students participating in the Walkouts, and their supporters, may call the following phone Numbers for support:
English: (310) 712-6373
Spanish: (310) 712-7066
Assistance with Walkout related Truancy Tickets, School Suspencion and other Disciplinary actions.
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