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by Juan Santos
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 3:47 AM
The US Senate debates legislation that would make migrants an openly felonized, legally scapegoated racial and cultural under-caste, with deeply dangerous implications for us all.
600,000 or more to march this Saturday, March 25th, Broadway and Olympic, 10 AM.
As I write, the US Senate is debating legislation that would make migrant peoples a felonized, legally scapegoated racial and cultural under-caste, a move with deeply dangerous implications for us all.
Maybe it wasn’t such a lie, what the German people said after Hitler – “we didn’t know.”
Certainly the mainstream media isn’t telling you.
But many - Mexicans, Central Americans, and immigrant groups like the Poles and Irish know. As many as 300,000 of them marched together in Chicago recently to oppose these new laws.
20,000 marched in Washington DC.
People in Los Angeles know; over half a million people in LA are expected to march against these anti-migrant laws on March 25th. The march is being promoted on all the Spanish language media.
This essay is both a plea and a demand: you must march with us on the 25th; somehow you must take action...
We won't need a yellow star.
The color of our skin will mark us as suspects, as felons, as threats to "the homeland." Any cop will be free to stop us at any time, under any pretext, to check -- not for dope -- but for our “papers.”
At first it won't seem like much. Quietly, at first, a few of us will begin to disappear, just like some 60 thousand immigrants of Muslim and Arabic descent have disappeared since the onset of the Patriot Act; without a word. Like them, we will become targets of the so-called “war on terror.”
First it will be dozens, then hundreds, then thousands, then tens of thousands.
Mothers will disappear walking to the corner store. Fathers will never come home from work. Children will be left behind, sobbing in apartments empty of food, warmth, money and life. The neighbors will be afraid. The tens of thousands could readily become millions.
The picture painted above is nothing but hard headed realism. Legislation now before the US Senate would make every undocumented person in the US a felon and authorize every police department in the country to arrest people on immigration charges.
The size of the Border Patrol would, in effect, increase by 60 times, from the current 11,000 Migra agents to 663,546 enforcers. If each authorized officer in the US arrested one undocumented migrant once every three months, within five years over 11 million migrants would be gone – an ethnic cleansing without parallel in US history.
This is the future they have planned. Certain neighborhoods -- the Gulfton District or the North Side in Houston, Pico Union and Boyle Heights in LA, the San Francisco Mission District -- will be targeted. Almost everyone in them will be considered a "felon," or someone who has aided the "felons." They won't be able to be able to tell us apart. "A Mexican is a Mexican," is what they will say. In certain neighborhoods concrete barriers will block the streets. Police and La Migra will arrange themselves in hunting parties together. Like clockwork, a police cruiser will turn the corner near your place, once every 60 seconds. No one will breathe. The children will have nightmares.
This isn’t just emotional rhetoric. It’s happened before; in the Gulfton District in Houston in 1990 and ‘95, and in Pico Union in LA in 1990. This is how it’s done. The barrio will be besieged, taken over from within.
They want to build detention camps for us. They are debating it now. They want to label us felons, but deny us a trial. They’re debating it now. They want to build a wall -- they want us to die, tongue swollen and hallucinating, without water in the desert. They are debating it now.
These are the human impacts of planning already underway. New border fences are an integral part of current legislative initiatives.
On Feb. 6, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced that the Fiscal Year 2007 federal budget would allocate over $400 million to add 6,700 additional detention beds for migrants, part of a10-year Homeland Security strategic plan, code-named ENDGAME.
According to a Homeland Security document on the plan, ENDGAME aims to carry out goals “articulated in the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798." Homeland Security is seeking the ability to "remove all removable aliens," including “illegal economic migrants, aliens who have committed criminal acts, asylum-seekers or potential terrorists."
Mr. Bush and the Christian fascists in power have found their scapegoat – and it is us. We are the new Jews in a new Germany in a new century. They call it the New American Century, a New World Order, a “unipolar” Reich – a White America over all.
E Pluribus Unum: the many eradicated; reduced to One. White. Nation.
This is the pretext. They call us "invaders." We represent a "destabilizing factor" for the "nation." They say we are dirty, just like they said the Jews were dirty -- and disease ridden.
They say our neighborhoods and our culture are "cesspools." They want to keep their culture “pure.” They say we “steal” the jobs that they have in fact shipped overseas, and that are nowhere to be found. And now they're calling us "terrorists,” just like they called our ancestors “savages.”
After decades the nation’s long-suppressed racism is finding an open voice once more, and they are openly strategizing about how to best appeal to the unconscious racist sentiments just beneath the surface among a broader public.
US Congressman Tom Tancredo warns about us: we (Mexicans and migrant peoples) "need to be found before it is too late. They're coming here to kill you, and you, and me, and my grandchildren."
It’s a matter of “spin.” One strategist on the right wing web site tells them how to spin it. He says that to deal effectively with us our enemies must “focus on terminology.”
“People who are in this country without proper documentation,” he writes “are foreign infiltrators. These foreign infiltrators operate clandestinely within our country. They are no different than the foreign infiltrators who destroyed the world trade center and attacked the Pentagon. Except that they haven't done anything yet.”
“…Once you have the terminology correct,” he continues, “it is easy to define a solution to discourage foreign infiltration. First, treat any foreign infiltrator as a prisoner of war. Turn them over to the military… No hearings, no public defenders, no backlogged courts, no squandering of American tax dollars protecting the non-existent civil rights of foreign infiltrators.”
The strategizing isn’t empty: these Minutemen fantasies are on the verge of becoming national reality.
Republican House Judiciary Committee Chairman Sensenbrenner’s HR 4437, The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, recently passed the US House of Representatives. Its most extreme and punitive provisions are being upheld by the Judiciary Committee of the US Senate.
This legislation would do just what the RedState strategist ordered.
Key elements of the Sensenbrenner bill include:
~Making it a felony to be in the U.S. without legal documents. Under current law this is a simple civil violation. Millions of us would be classified as "felons" and subject to immediate detention and deportation, often without so much as a hearing. Access to the courts will be severely restricted if legislation currently under consideration is approved.
How can they tell who’s a felon? The felons will have brown skin. Fifty million of us. All of us will be suspects. What will they stop us for? Anything they please. After all, they already stop us for anything they please.
~ Making it a federal crime to “assist” our people who are without documents. Those who leave water in the desert to save the lives of migrants would become felons. Millions of teachers, doctors, priests, nurses, attorneys and others who give any kind of help or services to undocumented people will also become felons – overnight - and could face five years in prison and have their assets seized by the government.
Giving a ride to someone without the proper “papers” could lead to felony charges. It remains unclear if renting an apartment or selling a car to someone without “papers” would become a felony.
Cardinal Mahoney of the 5 million member Los Angeles Diocese of the Catholic Church has declared he will order his priests to defy this law, if it is passed.
~Expanding police powers over immigrants. Police departments would be granted greater power to check legal status, a move that would increase the number of immigration enforcement agents by 60 times the current number. Local law enforcement agencies would be paid for detaining our people and turning us over to federal authorities.
These provisions will turn police into bounty hunters, the moral equivalent of Cazamigrantes, and highlight their role as a modern version of the Night Riders that once terrorized communities of color.
~ The construction of five double-layer border fences--totaling 698 miles--in California and Arizona.
Over 4,000 people have died trying to cross the US/ Mexican border since fences in California forced people to cross at points in the Sonora desert into Arizona.
~ Requiring employers to collect Social Security numbers and other data on workers and turn it over to the Department of Homeland Security, which would then verify worker’s "legal status" and store the data. All workers would, in effect, need a government clearance before they could have a job, any job.
~ In a related development, the U.S. government announced in February 2006 that it plans to pay Halliburton $385 million to build new “detention centers” to imprison us.
This is a chilling and potentially deadly development in a nation that kidnaps and spirits captives to secret prisons in Europe and which runs torture centers in places like Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo – torture centers which are condemned and denounced the world over.
In concert with the specter of mass deportations, pogroms, and widespread, race-based scapegoating, new “detention centers” strikes a chord eerily close to concentration camp. As one writer questioned “Just what will happen in these detention centers, built to lock away undocumented people whose legal rights have been disappeared, and who have been cast as "hordes," "invaders," and a threat to national security? “
On the ultra-Right, anti-Mexican shock groups such as the National Policy Institute, Minutemen leaders, and others are calling for our mass deportation.
The Minutemen’s Jim Gilchrist has called for the National Guard to be deployed at the Mexican / US border. Gilchrist’s partner and rival in the Minutemen, Chris Simcox, makes the agenda clear, saying, "Oh, Jesus, it is unbelievable. I mean, we need the National Guard to clean out all our cities and round them up. They are hard-core criminals. They have no problem slitting your throat and taking your money or selling drugs to your kids or raping your daughters and they are evil people."
While there is no mention of using the National Guard under the federal legislation currently under consideration, clear steps leading toward a police state for people of indigenous descent are being advanced – and the record shows that when the Euro-colonialist leadership of the US chooses to attack us, mass deportation of migrants and Chicanos alike is the weapon of choice. It can happen here. In fact, it has.
Over 1 million of us were deported during the racist “Operation Wetback” in the year 1954, alone.
Before the mass deportations during the Great Depression a Congressman from Texas testified in formal hearings that a strict quota system should be imposed on Mexicans because we are "germ-carriers, inassimilable, a people who are with us but not of us, and not for us." We are, he said "… incapable of development away from” a condition of “moral and financial pauperism,” and that our influence was causing “the breaking down of [the] social fabric...." If this rhetoric sounds familiar, it should. It is the unchanging rhetoric of white nationalism.
That such rhetoric is being used again by the highest authorities in the US should be cause for deep alarm, especially in the context of the Patriot Act and other dramatic moves toward legalized fascism in the US.
That the State is acting on this rhetoric to create a felonized, legally scapegoated racial and cultural under-caste calls for uncompromising action aimed at our self defense as a People.
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by posted by Juan Santos
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 4:07 AM
 baca_great_wall_deport.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x432
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by Juan Santos
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 4:36 AM
Obviously the images from the Nazi deportations of the Jews are not from Chicana Artist Judy Baca's Great Wall.
The titles are the result of an error I made in uploading the images.
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by a
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 8:45 AM
Beautiful essay. Thank you. I will be in the streets with you.
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by posted by Juan Santos
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 1:00 PM
 deporting_jews.jpgtbtpuo.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x290
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by a friend
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 1:08 PM
This is just what I needed to understand what's happening. Thank you for posting it. I hope it gets distributed throughout LA and elsewhere.
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by El Maestro
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 3:24 PM
I know you're not a Chicano, because you refer to "hispanics" instead, and "Chicano" is a conscious political designation.
But I also don't believe that you are Mexican, Central American, South American, Cuban, Dominican, Puerto Rican or any other kind of "High Spanic."
In fact, every indication is that you are white.
Let me prove it to you.
How many people who either speak English or who even remotely grew up around English don't know the English word "big," or how to use it?
Not many, huh?
In fact, I bet most Mexican migrants know the English word "big," and how to use it in simple phrases or sentences.
So how is it, Sr Jorge, that you don't know the difference between the use of "gran" and "grande" in Spanish?
You refer to the "grande march."
The word grande is shortened to gran before a singular noun, including feminine nouns:
Es una gran idea. It's a great idea.
It's a big party. Esta una gran fiesta.
Tal vez, por ejemplo, eres gran pendejo.
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by El Maestro
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 3:53 PM
So called "Jorge" said:
"Its time we begin to talk about the social cost of mass mexican migration."
That's Minuteman rhetoric.
So called "Jorge" says: "Open borders and unlimited migration from Mexico has hurt this community."
The article above doesn't say anything about "open borders." It decries the fence, but doesn't mention open borders.
"Open Borders" is Minuteman rhetoric. Our side never uses it. No Chicano outside of Andy Ramirez and Lupe Moreno have ever used it.
Then so called "Jorge" spouts a racist assessment of "latino" students."
"1in 2 latino students can graduate high school."
That's Minuteman rhetoric.
So called "Jorge" then says:
"The border areas that have high concentrations of undocumented workers also experience the highest crime, the worst schools and worst health care in the country."
Ah, the crime, schools and health care litany of - you guessed it - the Minutemen.
But here's the clincher: So called "Jorge sites an article which says:
"A study by researchers at the University of Texas at El Paso has found that if the 24 counties along the nation's Southwest border were a 51st state, it would rank first in federal crimes and second in tuberculosis."
That's the white racist "disease carrier" rhetoric.
Then so called "Jorge" talks about the "grande march," mixing Spanish and English and getting it wrong. See my comment above.
"The grande march is a positive statement."
Then so called "Jorge" comes back to the Minuteman "Open Borders" rhetoric:
"But to allow radical supporters of open borders (like Juan Santos) to steal the message would be a mistake.
Then so called "Jorge" uses the Minuteman rhetoric about "protecting our children." I for one have never heard _any_ Chicano, "Latino" or HIGH Spanic talk about protecting our children from _our own people_. I mean, have you ever heard a _Black_ person talk about protecting their children from _Blacks_? He says:
"Its time we do what is right for our children and regulate undocumated immigration to our communities"
Finally, so called "Jorge" takes up the Minuteman / SOS line on "race baiting, health care and schools for one final pass.
"We should not let the radical race-baiting of those like Santos further erode our schools and health care services, as they gain power from our suffering."
Or maybe it's all just a coincidence, huh?
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by El Maestro
Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 10:34 PM
by Mike Almeida said:
"hahaha. he's not a "chicano" because he doesn't use the term? chicano means mexican-american. nothing else. you can trump up all the other psuedo-intellectual terms for it you want."
Damn, you are ignorant. People in the community call themselves different things - Mexican, Mexican American, Latino, Hispanic and Chicano, primarliy.
Each has it's own meaning, and speaks to the cultural and political attitude of those who use the term.
It's just like the term Black.
Black overrode "Negro."
You knew who you were talking to by whether they called themselves Black or Negro. Later, Black was displaced by African American - on the basis of politics.
Same in our community. Chicano is equivalent to Black. Hispanic is equivalent to Negro. Mexican invokes nationality pure and simple. Mexican American implies a loyalty to the US and its culture, Indigenous is the equivalent of Afrikan, etc.
Damn, you are ignorant to be shooting off your mouth.
As to whether Chicano activists are foolish to engage the community to fight for its rights, well, we'll see.
Predictions for Saturday's march range from a turnout of 200,000 to 2 million.
Tell you what, ese; pull out 200,000 Minutemen and then we'll talk about what so-called "Americans" want. eh?
Hey, _you're_ not so called "Jorge," are you ;-)
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by Jorge
Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2006 at 12:26 AM
Why are we not talking about issues affecting the youth of LA? Why are we talking about how brown or how chicano we are? We should be talking about how to improve are broken schools and declining wages.
To you, it is about race and to the rest of us it is about creating a better future. I'm not going to spend time discussing where my parents or grandparents came from, as it is irrelevant. I'm going to talk about where we should be going as a community.
"The Occupational Status and Mobility of Hispanics by Rakesh Kochhar, Associate Director for Research, Pew Hispanic Center
Hispanics and whites perform different types of work in the labor market. Moreover, the occupational divide between the two largest segments of the labor force appears to be widening. The occupations in which Hispanics are concentrated rank low in wages, educational requirements and other indicators of socioeconomic status. Those indicators also show a worsening in the occupational status of Latinos and a growing gap with respect to whites during the 1990s. That is surprising because the decade was witness to the longest economic expansion in recent U.S. history. But even as unemployment was on the decline for all racial and ethnic groups, structural shifts in employment across industries contributed to a greater division in the occupational status of Hispanics and whites."
Maybe you should start to address problems with over-crowding and under-funded schools. Unlimited immigration does nothing to improve our futures. We cannot support an unlimited number of unemployed Mexicans and expect our children to have opportunities equal to whites.
When you come up with a plan to do both, then I'll listen. In the meantime, let's support migrants here who deserve citizenship.
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by C. Cruz
Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2006 at 4:45 PM
Hunger Strike to Stop Anti-Migrant Legislation by C. Cruz Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2006 at 4:43 PM Dear Family, I have decided to hunger strike for 7 straight days to defend the rights of all immigrants and to inspire immigrants to stand up! We are part of many protests happening throughout the nation. Dear Family, I have decided to hunger strike for 7 straight days to defend the rights of all immigrants and to inspire immigrants to stand up! We are part of many protests happening throughout the nation. We will be joining the following other fasters: Renee Saucedo- La Raza Centro Legal Raul Alcaraz- Youth Together, Deporten a la Migra Wayne Yang-East Oakland Community High School 2 day laborers from Mountain View and San Francisco Please help spread the word.... after it, is some more 411 for u.... Hunger Strike For Immigrant Rights We need your support. Why will they go without eating? 1. We believe that no human beings are illegal! 2. We believe that the law is racist and unjust. -The law would make you be a snitch for immigration. -The law would make you turn in your own grandmother if she was undocumented. -The law would make you a criminal if you help immigrants. What can I do? 1. Come out and support the fasters. Bring your family. -Everyday there will be a candlelight vigil starting at 6p.m. -There will be rallies on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Monday at 12pm. 2. Call Senator Feinstein and tell her to vote no on H.R. 4437 415.393.0707, 202.224.5042 3. Let people know what is happening. Call your friends, 'my space' them. 4. Wear your orange arm-band everywhere you and 'represent.' Where? S.F. Federal Building (Golden Gate & Larkin, southwest side) When? Tuesday, March 21st noon to Monday, March 27th noon BAY AREA IMMIGRANT RIGHTS COALITION 310 EIGHTH STREET, SUITE 303 OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA http://WWW.IMMIGRANTRIGHTS.ORG The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (HR 4437) BACKGROUND: SPEEDY ACTION WITH DANGEROUS RESULTS HR 4437 was passed by the House of Representatives on December 16, 2005, by a vote of 239 to 182. With a mere 8 days between introduction and passage of this legislation, HR 4437 is clearly a rushed and recycled attempt at �immigration reform.� HR 4437 proposes more unenforceable laws that wholly fail to address what many in both the American public and Congress have recognized: That our immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed in a manner that brings immigrants out of the shadows of our society and provides families a way to legally and safely reunite. Nonetheless, the White House has issued a statement in support of HR 4437. The Senate is expected to act on both HR 4437 and other proposed immigration legislation starting in February. �LOW-LIGHTS�: SELECT PROVISIONS OF HR 4437 Criminalizes undocumented immigrants Under current law, living in the US without legal status is a civil violation, not a criminal one. This means that although undocumented immigrants can be arrested and deported by immigration officials, they do not face criminal charges and the possibility of prison time. HR 4437 would change this, by creating a new federal crime of �unlawful presence� and broadening the definition of immigration violations to include every violation - however minor, whether intentional or not - as a federal crime. Criminalizing any and all immigration violations would eliminate any opportunity for millions of undocumented immigrants who may be convicted under this provision to ever earn legal status through any future legalization program. It is also a back door way to authorize state and local police to enforce immigration laws. Criminalizes organizations and individuals assisting undocumented immigrants HR 4437 proposes to expand the definition of the federal crime of �alien smuggling� to include assisting a person to remain or attempt to remain in the United States unlawfully. This would subject social and legal services organizations, refugee agencies, churches, and others who work with immigrants to criminal penalties for providing such assistance. Even family members and charitable workers could face federal prison time for assisting undocumented immigrants. Authorizes state and local police to enforce immigration laws An amendment that was adopted into the final version of HR 4437 proposes to authorize law enforcement agencies with the authority to enforce immigration laws. It further proposes the withholding of federal funding to states that have a policy limiting the cooperation between state and/or local police and federal immigration officials. Recycled from Sensenbrenner�s CLEAR Act bill, these exact proposals already have been soundly defeated and strongly criticized by law enforcement officials and others as a dangerous shift from the long-standing policy reasons for keeping criminal and immigration enforcement separate. Authorizes automatic and indefinite detention for almost all immigrants HR 4437 proposes the mandatory detention of all non-citizens attempting to enter the U.S. unlawfully. The only exceptions would be for Cubans, and for those permitted to withdraw an application for admission or who are paroled into the U.S. �for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.� In addition, the bill seeks to overturn a U.S. Supreme Court decision finding indefinite detention to be unconstitutional, by creating a new category of �dangerous alien� that would permit the government to indefinitely detain individuals under removal orders who cannot be deported to their native country. Expands greatly the immigration consequences of criminal convictions HR 4437 contains numerous provisions to increase the authority of the government to deport non-citizens convicted of crimes. For example, it proposes that a single offense of driving while intoxicated or refusing a breathalyzer test in violation of state law to be a ground for deportability or inadmissibility. It also authorizes the use of expedited removal (i.e. deportation without a hearing) against anyone who is inadmissible based on criminal grounds. Creates a phone and Internet based employment eligibility verification system The bill requires all employers, including those who recruit or refer individuals for employment such as non- profit groups and labor agencies, to use this verification system. This proposal would do away with the current I-9 verification process, putting in its place a system that already has been proven to be fraught with errors and used to unlawfully discrimination against non-citizen workers. Calls for a fence along the US-Mexico border and the elimination of the diversity visa program Amongst the most obviously unworkable and mean-spirited provisions, HR 4437 calls for the building of a two-layered fence in parts of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. In addition, it calls for the study of the feasibility of building a fence along the U.S.-Canada border. HR 4437 also proposes the end to the diversity visa program. This document was produced by Anita Sinha of the International Institute of the East Bay ( and Larisa Casillas of Services, Immigrant Rights, Education Network ( It incorporates information from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) ( and the National Immigration Law Center (NILC) (
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Thursday, Mar. 23, 2006 at 7:09 PM
Hey Joe, give Indymedia a break. Hyping this march might cut into valuable space for stories about feral cats. Just kidding. Not that I'm against dealing with feral cats and all that. But it's Wednesday already, "Joe" has a point. I think this story should be TOP FRONT CENTER BIG ASS NEWZ. And not just in English. Get some Spanish info up. Korean. Mandarin. Arabic. Japanese. Especially since there's been some contention over leadership of the march and in-fight arguing. People need to know what's going on with such an important action. Here's some links to Spanish language media on this. If I knew how to search in other languages, I would. Maybe others can post links to other languages about the march in further comments. Spanish flyer from ActionLA: Chinese flyer from ActionLA: Korean link from ActionLA: misc.:
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by Don Silva
Thursday, Mar. 23, 2006 at 8:44 PM
I guess you should have done a little research on her before you bantered on and posted a picture of part of her shameful mural.
Oh, I am sorry, it is okay to be a racist if you are a leftist, or a perceived minority.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Mar. 23, 2006 at 9:10 PM
I think Border Raven needs to bring back the SOS forums, looks like Don and Joe are getting board and setting up home right here.
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by Mexica
Thursday, Mar. 23, 2006 at 9:48 PM
We will be:
* handing out free information on the racism affecting our people and what YOU can do to change it;
* conducting a LIVE LECTURE at our booth;
* distributing posters such as our popular "Arnold: Son of a Nazi" and "STOLEN CONTINENT" posters;
* speaking with our people on the issues we need to know about our history and the RACIST SENSENBRENNER HR 4437 legislation;
* playing our "Heritage: Denied" informational CD
* marching with our people as we send a loud and clear message that we are are not illegals! This is our continent!
Attend this march. 300,00 in Chicago... 20,000 in Washington D.C.
Be a part of this historic event!
No to Sensenbrenner HR 3317! Gran Marcha on Saturday!
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by johnk
Friday, Mar. 24, 2006 at 12:48 AM
Immigrants (from Mexico) do better than natives, and generally come here with more and better education than the natives get.
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by Antonio
Friday, Mar. 24, 2006 at 11:59 AM (213) Haroldway L.A., CA 90027
I am very grateful that this information is being displayed. I will definitely be there. I personally feel that our people (and I don’t mean just for us Mexicanos) all come here (the melting pot) for opportunity. We all work extremely hard to achieve our dreams. Yes, it is true we have a lot of labor workers “in the beginning”, but we do this to give our children that greater opportunity to become something so much more. Before I go on and on please allow me to keep this short and get to the point. I think that this “law” they are trying to pass is “Evil”, we are supposed to be united under the eyes of God. Remember good always prevails and we as a people will all do our part with faith in our Almighty Loving Father God through our All Merciful Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we will prevail for the greater good of our future.
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by Watchale
Saturday, Mar. 25, 2006 at 11:32 AM
Wow. The Minutemen/ SOS are dead quiet on this one.
No more bragging about dragging out 100 fascists to protest at a day labor center.
In fact they are holding a tiny protest in the far reaches of Temecula on the 25th, and whining in hopes that we don't discover them.
They dare not come to LA.
Brave bastards.
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by Pictures from Highgrounds
Saturday, Mar. 25, 2006 at 7:44 PM
hello there, Long time no see!
How are you?
The protest tomorrow, Saturday, March 25, might be the largest protest ever in LA. The same protest in Chicago, as you probably know, drew between 300,000 to 500,000 people in the streets. Unfortunately the Independent media and the mainstream media didn't get any pictures from higher grounds needed to evaluate the numbers.
In LA the organizers predict that about 500,000 are going to show up. Even if the figure is lower than that, it might be the largest protest in Los Angeles history. It is important that we get a picture from higher ground as a proof that the march was a big success.
If you are going there tomorrow to take picture, please check this satelite picture with those two parking lot on top of those 2 buildings.
See below
You might get a picture from high up.
Please look at the satelite picture link below.
There is a parking lot on top of the building at the corner of 4th street and Broadway (South West corner). That's might be for permit only, but may be it worth trying. This location would be the best because it's right in the middle of march route.
Another good location is another parking lot on top of a building almost at the corner of 5th street on Broadway, also right in the middle of the route. Since you have a car you might be able to get in one of the two.
Please try to call me if you succeeded in going there. May be you can get me in.
Marcus See below Please post your picture at
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by reporter
Saturday, Mar. 25, 2006 at 7:55 PM
and you're right about the locations. I scoped them out yesterday.
See you all on the roof.
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by tired of illegals
Sunday, Mar. 26, 2006 at 10:03 AM
These people are illegals. ICE should be rounding them up at the protests
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by Ruth
Monday, Mar. 27, 2006 at 2:49 PM
Demand that the price of all fruits and vegetables be doubled. Then the ag workers might get a living wage. Put that wine down. Demand that the price be tripled so that livable wages can be paid. Demand a double price at any hotel so the cleaning employees be paid a livable wage. And your clothes?! You are going to have to make your own. The wages paid at sweatshops around the globe make the crappy jobs in US look good.
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by W. Warren
Thursday, Mar. 30, 2006 at 6:53 AM
Let’s forget that they daily break our laws. Let’s also forget the statements of their own Leaders of Mecha, Lulac, NCLR, Brown Berets and others while waiving Mexican not American flags “ for the Race everything…for the Non-race nothing”. We should also ignore the higher rates of crime associated with “Hispanic” immigrants or UN-returned the tax dollars used by these people who are criminal law breakers not “undocumented workers” that’s like saying a burglar is an “Unauthorized house guest”. These people who break our law now demand their “rights” however illegally obtained? Please can you “Hispander” yourself any further Orwell.
Thanks and Keep up the Propaganda
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by Laura College
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:04 PM
I read the entire article with an open mind, but I can't understand what the point of it is.
Are you saying that we shouldn't take measures against illegal aliens? What right do they have to be in this country at all, and why shouldn't we have more stringent procedures to protect people who actually are citizens of the United States?
I don't know much about the methods posed to inflict these new procedures, but I do know that the U.S. government has a right to do something about illegal immigrants. If you come here and you don't bother to acquire the proper documentation, then what rights do you have? None.
I also can't fathom the part about the walls in California forcing illegal immigrants to cross the desert. They are only crossing the desert because it is illegal for them to be here in the first place. How can you make a case for that?
I get it. The United States has more to offer, and I should feel lucky to be a born citizen. I do. But I also know that the government has to draw the line somewhere. What is the point in citizenship if it means nothing?
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by Googlist
Wednesday, May. 24, 2006 at 1:52 AM
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Have you ever read any supreme court decisions about illegal immigrants? They have rights.
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