by Punk’s Not Dead
Monday, Mar. 06, 2006 at 10:55 AM
“Several people said fighting broke out after a group of skinheads began shouting ‘White Power’"
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Mainstream corporate press accounts tell of "violence erupting" at the long awaited "British Invasion 2k6" concert at the National Orange Show in San Bernardino. The Associate Press wrote a report on the disturbance that has been picked up and published around the world, but the AP made no mention of what apparently set the whole riot off. The AP report simply said; “The rioting started at 8 p.m. Saturday (0400 GMT Sunday) at the ‘British Invasion 2K6’ show at the National Orange Show Events Center in San Bernardino when police responded to a report of a stabbing inside the concert area, police spokesman Sgt. Rick Lindsey said.”
The Daily Bulletin, a local San Bernardino newspaper, published a report that shed some light on the matter. Staff writers Selicia Kennedy-Ross and Gina Tenorio reported that “Several people said fighting broke out after a group of skinheads began shouting ‘White Power’ during the concert.”
Punk rockers have historically opposed fascist groups and their ideology, from the 1977 UK “Rock Against Racism” concerts played by the Clash and other punks, to the present day efforts of a whole new crop of anti-racist/anti-fascist bands like Total Chaos and Naked Aggression (who appeared at the British Invasion 2k6 concert.) Back in the 1980’s the Dead Kennedys wrote “Nazi Punks F**k Off,” a song addressing the problem of fascists attempting to infiltrate the punk movement, and the problem persists today.
At the San Bernardino “British Invasion 2k6” show, concert goers had paid $35 at the door to attend the concert. What they found in the venue was a gaggle of jack-booted storm trooper provocateurs chanting “White Power.” Undoubtedly, the nazi goons felt their turf had been invaded, as they have been organizing in the San Bernardino area for some time. The Inland Empire, comprised of San Bernardino, Riverside, Ontario, Menifee, Murietta, and the High Desert, has been plagued by organized white supremacist groups - with fascist skinheads playing a key role in hate crimes. The Anti Defamation League reports that one nazi outfit headquartered in San Bernardino County, Volksfront, “distributes hate literature and organizes racist events and concerts.” A brief history of recent fascist skinhead organizing and terror in San Bernardino County is outlined in “Spreading Web of Intolerance,” an article written by Joe Nelson and published in the Daily Bulletin Feb. 10th, 2006 (you can read the informative report here: )
Undeniably, the presence of fascist skinheads at the British Invasion show was the core reason for the violence. Their very presence was a provocation, and their chanting of racist slogans no doubt infuriated anti-racist punks who had gathered to see some terrific anti-fascist bands. Whether it was the fury of punk rockers aimed at the Hitler loving skinheads, or the hate mongering skins who unleashed the violence is beside the point - whenever you have bona fide nazis in your midst there is going to be trouble. It is unclear at this point who was stabbed and beaten at the concert, but my bet is on the nazi skins as the instigators.
Well I believe a nazi got teh blade- I wasnt close, but these punx i saw all started blockin the cops so they couldn't get to the person that was hurt (the nazi fuck) and then finally the cops got to em' and then kids got pissed and trashed some stuff coz' the cops were instigating people by randomly shooting people that had set a trashcan on fire (big deal, its contained) anyway...nazis and cops are usually part of the same strand and they run together, its been with that said: off the pigs
The venue was playing host to the British Invasion 2K6, an event organized by SOS Records and Showcase Presents, according to the National Orange Show's Web site.
by the people united
Monday, Mar. 06, 2006 at 7:46 PM
"Non-racist" asked... "How are a few people shouting white power different or worse that Loui?"
Because no matter how repugnant some people may find Minister Louis Farrakhan, he CAN'T be compared to the Nazis, who murdered tens of millions of people. You may violently disagree with the opinions of Farrakhan, but the Nazi pigs actually implemented their racist, anti-communist terror, putting to death the aged, the sick, socialists, anarchists, communists, union activists, Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, Slavs and countless others. That Hitler loving Nazi skinheads would invade the "British Invasion 2K6" show and provoke a fight by chanting "White Power," is bad enough... that any idiot would make excuses for those fascists is revealing.
Back during the Vietnam war, rock & roll festivals became resistance events. After a while bikers were organized to bust up the events. Similar tactic. They would show up and start picking fights. Pretty soon, what had been a peace concert dedicated to organizing was a minor riot that the police were all too happy to come in and break up, siding with the bikers of course. This kind of tactic has been used for at least a century and a half against union organizers, and probably predates the industrial revolution. It is a tricky tactic to fend against, but it can be done if people remain calm and are able to non-violently isolate the offending intrusion. Venue organizers need to be vigilent and catch problems before they get out of hand.
This riot was not touched off by the rascist goons there. Sure they shouted all that junk about white power, but after the fighting started, the police just fired tear gas outside and then inside where the bands were currently playing. no one inside had any idea what was going on. I thought the police were supposed to protect and serve, not instigate an already tense moment. Let me tell you, tear gas burns like there is no tomorrow. As I ran away throwing up, I was wondering why the cops would do such a thing. They should have thier tactics of that night investigated.
by Pedro_Muerte
Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006 at 10:31 AM
I'm glad all the punks and skins at the show took their boots and fists those bonehead-skins.
And to the comment about Mexicans taking pride in culture. Taking pride in ones culture is different than trying to gain supremacy. Most of my friends are white and are proud of where they come from just as I am proud of my Mexican heritage, but none out of my friends and I try to say one of us is better than another based on where we come from and our ancestry. In fact we take part in eachothers cultures and have fun while still retaining our own. Pride is different than hate.
tear gas was completely unecessary and it just pissed everybody off. Im standing around enjoying my beer and all of the sudden, i can't see, or breathe. made me want to start hitting and breaking things too!! we missed out on a great lineup and wasted a lot of money. as im walking CALMLY to my ride home 5 riot cops tell me to get away or their going to bash my head in as they swing batons at me. total B.S. all this could have been avoided had the venue been a little more adequate in securing the show. problems could have been contained by taking the toublemakers out of the show and maybe... i dunno searching people for weapons before letting them in. i could have walked in there with anything.
The only chant being chanted was "FUCK WHITE POWER" over and over. That of course was not coming from the skinheads at all. Everyone says the skinheads were chanting "white power". Yeah, all 3 of them I guess. Anyway, cops didnt rescue anyone. Security rescued 3 whom were badly beaten. I even tried to help one before being over ran by a raging crowd. Then, everyone started assaulting the cops that were doing nothing but standing there. One cop was already bleeding from his head before the first shot of tear gas was fired. Guess what folks, thats what happens. Everyone could have just cooled off and went on their way, but that wasnt good enough for them. Yeah, blame the skinheads, blame the cops, blame the Orange Show. Typical punks not taking any responsiblity. I was not an attendee of the event, I was working there....RIGHT there where it started. Saw the whole thing and have no agenda one way or the other. And yeah, tear gas burns pretty bad.
Tuesday, Mar. 07, 2006 at 4:43 PM
The British Invasion 2006 Punk Show on Saturday March 4 in San Bernardino, California was very fun before all the shit had happenned. My group drove out in two cars and we got there around 2:30pm. We drank in the parking lot until 5:30pm so that we wouldnt miss the bands we wanted to see.
I love gatherings like this because you get to see the hardcore punk enthusiasts from everywhere that come out to have fun. You see a lot of familiar faces and share a common passion for the many bands that played.
I got to see a few of my personal favorite bands like Red Alert, Funeral Dress, Varukers, and Broken Bones, which had very very good sets. The mosh pits were a fun work out, and it was packed full of sweaty punk rockers.
When the chaos began outside......I was in-doors as Broken Bones was playing on the inside stage. They had just finished "Decapitated" and I left the mosh pit to meet my small group outside.
As I was heading out I saw a huge cloud of smoke. I did not know what was going on, but I started choking on the fumes. My eyes and face began to burn. I saw people running outside to get away from the gas, so I ran outside too. The gas was also outside, so everyone just ran to get away from it.
I saw two jugs of water behind the Food station, so I tossed the gate barrier that was in my way and I grabbed one of the jugs and poored the water over my face because the fumes were irritating my face.
The crowd began to tear down the fences to get away from the fumes, so they knocked them down and ran into the parking lots. I held onto a jug of water and tossed it at some cops back...
I was pissed, pretty much because there were hundreds of innocent people inside the venue that did not know what was going on outside. There was a lot of tear gas that was affecting them and I know a lot of people had to have choked or fainted..... I just wanted to get the hell out of there because I was seperated from the group I came with and wanted to make sure they were ok.
Luckily we all met safely where we parked our cars. My brother told me a fight broke out and some racist got beaten up and that is how the mini riot began...
We saw cops everywhere, shots of tear gas in the air, bottles hurled, punks antagonizing the police...cops cars being stomped on....
It was an interesting event to be at, and it was fun while it lasted..... It shouldnt have ended the way it did, but shit happens... and all hell broke loose ..... PuNk FuCkin ROck!!!
Finally someone gets it!!! it was all the nazi punks who set us off. if they could've shut their mouths, nothing would have happened. the cops came in to get the guy who got stabbed, and started screwing with the rest of us. if they would have got the stupid nazi and left , the problem would've been solved. they came and tear gassed all of us, including small kids who came with their parents. we stand up for each other and won't allow anyone to hurt a friend, including (especially) cops. the tear gas filled the venue and pissed all of us off, not to mention the fact that we PAID to see bands who never played! its nice that someone is blaming the people who actually started the fights! but the cops played a major role and we didnt attack them. they provoked us calling us all "PUNK BITCHES" so as far as im concerned, i saw the whole thing and it is lunacy to blame us for all the problems caused by stupid nazi punks and the cops. we just fought back. self defense, why should we be kicked around?
I was there it in the flesh. It was outa control. I refuse to say if i was involved or not but i did see most of the Chaos. I was also tear gassed several times. Once word got out that the show was cancelled all hell broke loose. Looting and destruction. The police were to busy inside The Orange Pavilon to realize what was going on outside in the streets. Even though the start of the riots in were in The Orange Pavilon Buildings and two squad cars in the parking lot, still police were oblivious to what was happening on the streets. You think once you tear gass 4,000 punks sevral times (also having launched tear gass inside the indoor stadium where there were innocent women and children and punks enjoying the music they had payed for) and cancel the show before seeing the main bands somethings going to go down. And expecting 4,000 people to just leave right on the spot with hardly any super vission. I also say that guy who was stabbed, lying on the ground bleeding almost to death, people begging the cops to help him or call for help, but they just stood there protecting there pressious cars making sure they didnt get destroyed. And supprisingly there was hardly any arrests, i think the most arrests were from people drunk in public. i even drove around the streets early morning to see what had all happend, and it looked all the same as it did the after the riots exept a couple windows were boarded up and the fires were put out. Good Job San Bernardino Police Department. Another good night of protecting and serving your city.
i've been reading different news articles, and everyones comments here, and everyone is forgetting not all skinheads are neo nazi racist assholes...
the first skinheads were black, from the slums of Jamaica. they listened to skinhead reggae, rocksteady, etc. they were working class men who worked hard, for their boots, and fred perrys.
i myself wasnt there, i knew there would be trouble, when i heard red alert, and last resort, were set to play. i myself love these two bands, but i knew some bonehead skins would show up and there would be trouble...
The person who got stabbed happens to be a good friend of mine who i've known since i was a kid, and it pisses me off that you mother fuckers act like you know the fuck he is. you dont know shit.This guy was just trying to have good time at the show. He got singled out because of the way he looks, because he didn't dress like the rest of the punks. Not because he was chanting "white power" or whatever. they try and kill someperson they dont a fucking thing about~ then bitch because nazis judge people. what a bunch of crap. fuck all you little hippocritical shits. you'll get yours oneday.
>i myself wasnt there, i knew there would be trouble, when i heard red alert, and last resort, were set to play. i myself love these two bands, but i knew some bonehead skins would show up and there would be trouble...
why do racists show up when those bands play in particular?
I was inside the main auditorium of the Orange pavillion when the chaos started. All of a sudden the power was cut and someone shouted fire!! I looked out at the doors to see smoke pouring in. When the smell of the tear gas hit me, I thought, oh shit, that's no fire. I covered my nose and my mouth and blindly made my way out of the venue. I had no idea where my friends were or if they were all right. There were people all around me coughing and puking. There were bodies of people just lying on the ground that had passed out from the gas being thrown right next to them. I was told by many that the original violence started out side between maybe 20 people. There will always be fights. The Orange Pavillion security and the SB police just completely over reacted. They were the cause of the riot. The whole situation was blown completely out of proportion by the authorities. There was no reason that the whole building had to go up in smoke because of a handful of people. Once everyone was teargased people were pissed, and that is when the real chaos broke loose. I saw kids on top of cop cars smashing in the windows and trying to flip over the cars. There were crowds that vandillized random businesses. People got wild and stupid. I understand that once the cops are attacked they have the right to defend themselves but there was also unneccisary police brutality as well. I saw with my own eyes police beating the crap out of kids with their metal clubs. My friend said he was near some guy that went up to a cop and was yelling, "what is going on, why are you doing this?" The cop responded by telling him to get out of here and pepper spraying the guy in the face from only a few feet away. It was just madness and it REALLY upsets me that it all could have been avoided if it had been handled more efficiently.
Yeah, The longhair. I think he's getting out of the hospital today or tommorow. He'll be fine. They got him in the gut 4 times,once in the neck and once in the chest area.
the fucking cops started it all, nazi's are at every show, and this shit doesnt happen, it happened because the pigs responded to the nazi fight because someone got stabbed, all that wass out in front of the building, then after that, for no reason the police shot tear gas into the venue filled with about 4000 innocent people not involved with the other fight, the people inside included,children as young as 9 and 10, and i even saw a toddler age child there with it's parents. we were all gassed for no reason, with out warning in a closed space.
well its true there is no real explanation of how it all started but i wish it was avoided .... i went to san bernardino to see my favorite bands but went home with scars and a traumatic experience from all the tear gas and shi*
i was at the show and i was on footage getting hit by a cop with my hands up and i was not oppoising any harm to the pig who hit me and the news cast that i seen my self on had the whole story backward they show me reacting to the cop after i was hit then they show a cop who was hit by a bottle(niceaim)then they said they had to use force they already abused there athuiorty by sufficating us with tear gas without warning i had no idea that there was a fight outside until the band inside was over so if you read this and you have the footage hit me up my e-mailing me
first of all, i dont dont know how you all got here, talking about old punks in the pit but whatever...
the whole show was messed up, the venue didnt handle there responsiblities and the cops acted and didnt think for a second, if they gased and shut down the show that everyone paid for that the "punks" wernt going to get a little out of hand. when it all went down the majority of the people werent even aware of what was going on, then out of no where cops in full on roit gear running with rubber bullet guns. it was the reaction i expected, i am acually a little happy that we didnt walk out like sheep and we let them know we were pissed and this shouldnt of happend. the only thing i can justify was what happend out the show, the punks did not need to mess up the shops around the venue, they had nothing to do with what was going on. my 2 cents
by themightyowl
Thursday, Mar. 09, 2006 at 4:05 PM
This "report" is clearly biased against skins. I am against all types of fascism, but this is supposed to be an independent news source. Please repot the facts, not personal thoughts like, "my bet is on the nazi skins as the instigators." If I wanted biased news I would watch FOX.
Biased in what way? Please explain. Instigators.. um.. yea.. Weren't they? You are at a public event. If you start spouting racist crap like they were, then you are instigating, are you not?
Alright, Not all skins are Racsist, and S.H.A.RP. and A.R.A. arent the only non racial skins. Neo-Nazis Skins are racist but real skins like Boot Boys( football hooligans) and like working class Skins were never rascist. rascism skins started when some skins started blaming europes economy crisis on the immagration of asians and blacks and they became more publicised and somehow all skins got a bad neo-nazi rep.
The whole article is wrong! I was there at the concert, one of the innocent punks, We were gassed because of a small fight outside the concert. People (punks & skins were chanting "Fuck White Power!", to a small group of racist skinheads. Then the cops arrived and got scarred taking acton. The cops were fighting the people who were fightng the nazis, its funny. The pigs are the nazis! If you dont believe me check the videos yourself, on, type in British Invasion in the search menue and watch the fuck white power videos! Im sick of the mediaa making the punks look bad. Nobody cares about the punks, we were the victims and survivors.
We had no warning to leave and tried to get out of the concert but were locked inside. There were fences put up and we had to break it down to get out. Thats why we were pissed off and rioted in the streets!
well let see i was inside with my baby sis when broken bones was playing then we went outside to see the other band and i hear alot of people yelling fuck white power and it lead to fuck the pigs i wasnt sure what was going on then my buddies came up to me and said we just kick abunch of boneheads asses i was shock i didnt see any nazis well anyways me and my baby sis went to the front of all the bullshit and i see a cop through a tear gas and when it hit everyone ran i grab my sis and we ran we jump on the stage and then we jump off then it started to come into effect i couldnt see anything and i couldnt talk we stop at the food place and then those cops through another one at us then we ran to the parking lot looking for my cuz car then i see abunch of swat men comeing to usi didnt want ot do anything coz i had my sis soo we walk out side of show into carls jr then everyone started breaking shit i wasnt pist cos i saw the bands i wanted to see but my sis was sad and it got me made sooo i started to break shit everything was broking soo everyone stared to go across the street and break that place then everyone started running cos i guess the cops were coming soo we ran and and ran and ran to this place called california sounds and we sat and waited for my cuz to come and get us then some punk kid said thier sending put the dogs and DOGS man thier fast and we couldnt walk anymore soo i keep calling my cuz and fianaly he comes and we drive away thats what i saw
by Tell me about it
Tuesday, Mar. 14, 2006 at 7:53 AM
The 'lord' is resounding in his "lack of intelligence". It's called ignorance which is the fault of the commercial "news" and lack of available information, deliberately withheld from the public, as news whores mold a fantasy of lies.
So what happend, your Grandpa almost died because a bunch of punks were hogging his joint? He should have hit me up i would have smoked him out, if it meant he had to go to the hospital if he didnt get a rip. You Grandpa sounds pretty down if he smoked the herb. By the way fuck you and your metal. Oi! Oi! Oi!
You say I am resounding in my lack of intelligence? Clearly you lack comprehension of my words, you're making the same point I am trying to make.
@Mike Scum
I listen to Punk as well as metal. But I listen to REAL punk, not this bullshit kids play today and pretend it's the same. I listen to punk before the entire genre sold out. Furthermore, my comment was directed towards a shitknot worshipping faggot. Not punk.
Fascism cannot work. It's based on exclusion, discrimination, and unfairness in the name of "nation". It's monarchism with a new face. It creates misery, and the miserable will rise up.
Don't call me a "Shitknot worshipping faggot" just because I like Slipknot. Not only do I listen to them, I also listen to bands such as Mudvayne, KoRn, Mushroomhead, etc. I also listen to different black metal bands. And don't rip on my grandpa either! I didn't rip on your relatives, did I? Just those damn punks who thought it would be fun to start shit at the British Invasion. And even then, I'll agree it was the Nazi / Skins' fault.
by Just so you know, Hex...
Wednesday, Mar. 15, 2006 at 2:34 AM
That post was off topic. We're talking about the British Invasion 2K6 riots in San Bernardino, not trying to get me arrested. Nice try, though. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
If you were, then thanks for admitting everything. I've been wanting to know who did it for a while. Now can we PLEASE get back to talking about the riots at BI2K6?
by Lord_Eradicator
Friday, Mar. 17, 2006 at 9:35 AM
Ok then was stupid, needless, unprovoked, and the punks, A.R.A., and S.H.A.R.P. refuse to take responsibility for the simple fact that they are becoming what they hate (Nazis, at least in the stereotypical, post-WWII propaganda version of a Nazi...and if you don't believe me look at it this way. They stabbed a guy who looked different then them, and attack people for believe different then they do), and refuse to admit the genre and idealogy have died a long time ago. It's just like Black Metal, the scene is in overall decay and people refuse to let it die. It'll go the way of punk.
i agree with you Lord_Eradicator .. some what... well just in the sense that skin heads (sharps).. are doing the same thing nazis are doing.. but dont you think that everyone is like that?... everyone gets violent at people they dont liek or disagree with.. the only arguement i have with sharps is... why do they dress just like the nazis .... i can hardly tell who looks like who .. i mean call me ignorant but its true.. most people see it that way... and thern when a sharp goes to a show he gets his ass kicked because so random person couldnt tell if he was racist or not... i dunno... this shit is lame.... the show was fun but the skins killed it and so did the pigs...
by Lord_Eradicator
Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2006 at 6:30 AM
What did you expect them to do? Refuse admiitance to anyone who shows up with their head shaved? It had nothing to do with the organizer of the event. Once again, it has to do with Punks, A.R.A., and S.H.A.R.P. becoming huge hypocrites.
by Lord_Eradicator
Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2006 at 6:39 AM
Actually no, even a lot of racist skinhead factions don't condone violence unless provoked by someone else. The main job of most of them is to educate. And the Punks, A.R.A., and S.H.A.R.P. need to learn something, the more they persecute someone the more people join up on their side. Where I live Punks, A.R.A., and S.H.A.R.P. have created such a stranglehold on this whole anti-racism vs. racism subject that even anti-racists are on the side of the racists. To put it in short; Punks, A.R.A., and S.H.A.R.P... grow the fuck up, take some responsibility, and educate instead of attacking. None of you will get anywhere doing this.
And stop going on about cops, and skins. Some of my best friends are skins and cops, their not bad people. Cops tend to be more on the side of anti-racists for the record. A riot ensued over here because of National Socialists protesting and were attacked by a large crowd of blacks (unprovoked as usual, they weren't shouting white power, and they had no swasticas, someone just mentioned that they were Nazis and there you have it) and police proceded to arrest the National Socialists.
by Lord_Eradicator
Wednesday, Mar. 22, 2006 at 6:44 AM
Actually af, the German, Spanish, and Italian people were very happy until Britan, The US, and the Soviet Union started mass bombing the civilian population. For more information do check out the US air campaign against the Germans if you want to see needless brutality. Britain and the US both killed off maybe millions of innocent German citizens.
I was at a metal concert at the Showcase Theatre in Corona last Friday to see Six Feet Under and there was a guy with a swastika tattooed on his back. I wanted to kick his ass, but I couldn't find the right time to do it. He disappeared a short time later.
Until then, I have to keep a low profile so I don't get arrested and get sent back to jail again. But if I do see another punkass bitch wearing a swastika on his body, it won't be just me beating his ass. There will be others.
Shitknot? LOL!!! They have that pathetic live show where dumbass kids go to watch those fucking faggots try to suck their own cocks (reference to the nu-metal style of guitar playing where they stick their own fucking head between their legs to play) while playing attempting to play guitar? I wouldn't get my ass kicked in a shitknot mosh pit anyways, I'm older than everyone there.
And I don't care what a hypocritical piece of shit like you thinks about the swastica. I wear it with pride, my grandfather (on my Dad's side) was in the Waffen-SS, and I say it with pride. His brother (my great uncle) was in the Afrika Korps. My other grandfather (on my mom's side) Was in apart of a Panzer crew. I say it all with pride.
I'm only living in the US temporarliy. I was born and raised in Germany. So I would actually be much happier had Germany won World War II, for one thing, there wouldn't be all these lies of hybrid superiority over people of pure blood. Because Germany lost World War II race has become a contest to see who can become the most mixed piece of shit alive.
And I like your "surprise".
"Dear Lord_Eradicator:
You've been invited to a debate in KOBE HQ's new Race Relations forum. A few rules before you get started:
1. Absolutely NO Holocaust pictures or anti-Semitism allowed. If you post either of those two, you will be banished from the forum, never to be heard from again. So don't even bother reregistering.
2. No bashing against black people. Doing so will get you in trouble with KOBE SBM.
That's basically it. Hope you enjoy the forum!
Sincerely, KOBE Maggot "
No bashing against Blacks or Jews huh? So in other words it's alright for people to talk down to me for being White or German? This is just further hypocrisy of anti-racist groups. They seek to put colored people over Whites.
Since you've obviously declined my invitation, I'll tell you what the surprise was: The surprise was that there are some white people in the KOBE forum who don't take kindly to Nazis. Had you posted something anti-Semitic on the forum, I'd have KOBE SBM do the honors in banning your sorry ass. That was the surprise. Not to worry though: Since you've posted your email address, I wrote to you with the invitation. Kinda sad, though. I was hoping you would come to the forum so we could rip you apart piece by piece. Ah well, no harm in trying I always say. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FUCK WHITE POWER!
by Lord_Eradicator
Friday, Apr. 14, 2006 at 7:27 AM
Ok, I shall go in. But on one final note... how dare this country allow freedom speech and the freedom for people to make political and moral decisions that you should be making for them kobe.
by KOBE Maggot
Wednesday, Apr. 19, 2006 at 1:33 PM
I have white friends, Mexican friends, Native American friends, and black friends too! I just believe that being proud of being German because of Hitler and the Nazis is wrong. Period! You can be proud of being German and not be proud of Hitler. You should try it sometime.
by Lord_Eradicator
Thursday, Apr. 20, 2006 at 8:48 AM
I'm not going to censor my heritage because of what someone says. I'm damn proud that Hitler and Germany had the balls to take back what rightfully belongs to Germany, I'm damn glad that Hitler wanted to reunite the Germans into a single empire, and I'm damn glad that he wanted to unite all of Europe into one empire. We wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit unification we have today.
And I never claimed that you hated people for their ethnicity, I claimed that you hated people for practicing their right to free speech. If I had my way I'd let Nazi's and the fucking Ku Klux Klan march down heavily black neighborhoods with police protection. And I would allow blacks and others to set up non-violent protest, also with police protection.
by Lord_Eradicator
Sunday, Apr. 23, 2006 at 3:26 PM
What are you going on about? I never claimed to support the KKK...and once again notice the difference between NATIONAL SOCIALISM AND NAZISM!!!!
What are blacks doing in response? Last time I checked blacks weren't doing much but still going on about how oppressed they supposedly are. Them and the Native Americans will never stop complaining.
What I stated was I want freedom of speech, and attacking someone who disagrees with you is not protected by the constitution. I want freedom of speech, in Germany and Austria we aren't allowed to say that the holocaust didn't happen to that extent and that people made up alot of what happened. Despite it being fact, and an increasingly more recognised fact I might add. So I would allow the Klan to PEACEFULLY march through those areas and I would allow Blacks to PEACEFULLY protest in return. That is what makes Western Nations great and it's something we all seem to be forgetting in these times.
by Lord_Eradicator
Wednesday, Apr. 26, 2006 at 3:32 AM
You're assuming there is no difference because of biased beliefs. And one thing I've learned over time is that only ignorant, close-minded assholes assume things.
by Lord_Eradicator
Friday, Apr. 28, 2006 at 3:36 AM
Wikipedia can hardly be quoted as a good resource for infomration. Nothing that can be said on there is reliable and I've noticed more than once that information is crossed or confused with something else. For example: Wikipedia states that shitknot is a Black Metal band.
Nazi stands for National Socialist German Worker's Party and not National Socialism alone. Most of what Hitler said was rhetoric that he made up and not the beliefs of a National Socialist.
by Lord_Eradicator
Saturday, Apr. 29, 2006 at 3:25 AM
Well maybe someone decided to change it but last time I was on the site it stated that shitknot was Black Metal. But that's not the point, the point is that Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information because they allow anyone to post up anything.
Just because people can post up to anything on Wikipedia doesn't make it unreliable. As a matter of fact, I triple dog dare you to do some research on the Holocaust using Wikipedia and see what you come up with.
by Lord_Eradicator
Sunday, Apr. 30, 2006 at 2:19 PM
Triple dog dare me? LMFAO!
I'd come up with mostly bullshit, I doubt that you'd have a full blown Historian with all the credentials posting up information on Wikipedia. I prefer reading books and doing research on my own rather then being told this is what happened in the internet's junior high school text book Wikipedia. But regardless of that, the information on Wikipedia is still probablly more true than the bullshiters on the IHR.
by Lord_Eradicator
Wednesday, May. 03, 2006 at 3:27 AM
I've read them but there are still many questions that need answered about World War II and the Holocaust. And there are still many people lying about their expierences, such as the person who claimed to have been thrown into a concentration camp in Sweden yet Germany never occupied Sweden during World War II.
by Lord_Eradicator
Thursday, May. 04, 2006 at 3:37 AM
There are still Nazis and National Socialists all over Europe, but Sweden was never occupied by Nazi Germany and Sweden was considered a safe haven for Jews. A number of the Swede's received the honourable gentiles award from Israel in recognition for their aid of Jews.
The person who said this was someone interviewed in the History Channel, I don't remember his name. But there was another one who claimed that a baby had survived gassing at Auschwitz and a mere 5 minutes after gassing a Nazi walked into the chamber and discharged his luger into the infant's a chamber full of highly explosive gas that would have blown the camp sky high and would have killed the Nazi who did it from the poisoning even if the gas wasn't explosive. This was another man on the history channel.
I don't know that much about which European countries Germany occupied during WWII. I do know that I'm sure at least some people in Germany who weren't Nazis were glad that we and the Allies had liberated their country. Hell, even France was glad that we liberated their country from the Nazis.
just wondering what you are going to do to those biker gangs who wear nazi symbols, not as a symbol of hate but as a symbol of rebellion and ftw. there's a mexican biker gang who use it as well to intimidate. good luck !! ooooooohhh!!! watch out bikers !!!!
by KOBE Maggot
Saturday, Jun. 10, 2006 at 10:06 PM
Do you know the name of this Mexican biker gang? I think I could do a Google search and then figure out what to do from there. Mexicans don't really bother me much. It's illegal Mexicans that piss me off.
by english skinhead
Sunday, Aug. 06, 2006 at 4:32 AM england
the origanl skinheads were not black jamicans they were white english mods who listened to jamican music and slowly transformed into skinheads and broke away from mods the skinhead / crewcut haircut has been in england for hundreds of years used by the millitary and the working classes for ages well before jamicans turned up also big boots and shortend pants were a large part of british working class appearance since victorian times .i am not a nazi /rascist but am sick of being told evry part of my cultre is thanks to evryone apart from white people
by KOBE Maggot
Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007 at 1:23 AM 909-585-6221
My influences include GWAR, The Sex Pistols, Blackfire, Total Chaos, etc. Anyone interested? If so, email me or call me. My email address and phone number are listed above.
So I was in the "riot" While I was seven months pregnant at the British Invasion 06. I am currently going for a bachelors in Culinary, yes punk rock chef to you, and in a class I must write a comic book, basically, and this situation came to mind. I will be done with it in two or so weeks, and will post it for ya'll to see. I saw everything first hand and sober and was in the building when they tear gassed it after the little spats with the nazi's was long over.
So I was in the "riot" While I was seven months pregnant at the British Invasion 06. I am currently going for a bachelors in Culinary, yes punk rock chef to you, and in a class I must write a comic book, basically, and this situation came to mind. I will be done with it in two or so weeks, and will post it for ya'll to see. I saw everything first hand and sober and was in the building when they tear gassed it after the little spats with the nazi's was long over. I found some artwork on this site to use :)