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by John Earl
Thursday, Mar. 02, 2006 at 9:50 PM
admin@ocorganizer.com Orange County
Costa Mesa’s Minuteman Junta has brought terror, racism, incompetence and shame to the city.
mansoorsm.jpg, image/jpeg, 128x96
(February 26, 2006) Costa Mesa's Minuteman Mayor, Allan Mansoor, says that having police officers determine the immigration status of suspected “criminal aliens” won't result in racial profiling or “sweeps.” His only intention is to protect all residents from crime, he says, adding that only people who commit “serious” crime will be targeted. But can the Mayor and Costa Mesa police be trusted? When speaking at a recent meeting of the California Coalition for Immigration Reform (a Neo-Fascist/Nativist hate group), where he happily accepted his honorary membership to the Minuteman Project (also a Neo-Fascist/Nativist hate group), the Mayor indicated that he had accepted a less “comprehensive” version of his own original proposal to ensure its passage, but he agreed that police officers should be allowed to stop any person and ask for proof of legal residency, a practice that would lead to the racial profiling and mass sweeps that he now says are not intended. And in the city of Orange, police arrested eight day laborers on February 25 at a Home Depot. The eight were immediately taken to a detention center to be deported later, not for committing a serious crime, but for looking for work—like thousands of other Mexican and Central-American immigrants do everyday in Orange county. Costa Mesa's plan would make it even easier to target immigrants. If Orange police deport immigrants for seeking work, why shouldn't Costa Mesa's immigrant population fear its own police? Whatever the Mayor's intentions, it's unlikely that anyone outside of a small group of ambitious local candidates for election or reelection, including the Mayor (Janet Nguyen of Garden Grove, Mike McGill of Cypress, Diane Hartke of Corona Del Mar and Sheriff Juan Corona are four others) are going to benefit from the crackdown on immigrants currently going on in Costa Mesa. Immigrants who landed in Costa Mesa, most from Mexico and Central America, and who make up over 30 percent of the city's population of more than 108,000, have already suffered from attacks on their right to play soccer as well as closure of the Human Relations Committee, which promoted tolerance and diversity, and the Day Labor Center, which provided jobs. Not to mention the appointment of a writer of Neo-Nazi hate literature to a citizens board that advises the city council on economic and social issues. And next (the city's plan will take several months to finalize), they will have to worry about police who might report them to La Migra for deportation. Much of this was done at the hands of Mayor Mansoor and his two city council compadres, Eric Bever and Gary Monahan. Together they make up the majority body of the five member city council. Immigrants' rights aside, which is where they are put in Costa Mesa these days, will the Minuteman junta's ongoing attempt to weed out brown colored immigrants from the city make it a better place to live, or is it a ticking time bomb that has already started to explode in the city’s face? Read more at: http://www.ocorganizer.com/html/city_council.html
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by John Earl
Thursday, Mar. 02, 2006 at 9:50 PM
admin@ocorganizer.com Orange County
hpim0294.jpg, image/jpeg, 2304x1728
Coe, leader of a Neo-Facsist Nativist group, is a close alli of the Minuteman Mayor, above.
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by Watchdog
Thursday, Mar. 02, 2006 at 11:39 PM
Illegal aliens do not have a right to live, work, or play soccer in this country. All soccer balls should be banned!
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by John Earl
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 12:15 AM
Interesting how you defend the right to be a fascist, but don't mind being called one. If you really are the "watchdog," having seen your self-made videos I would have to say that you also are an extortionist. Extortion is illegal
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Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 9:12 AM
I noticed that the people knocking the Minutemen use the term "fascist" a lot. How are they fascist? Is is fascist to require people to obey the law when entering our country?
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by oc
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 10:58 AM
"What have you done to Costa Mesa?" That quetion should be asked of the illegals: Overcrowded schools, gang violence, graffiti etc... Thats what the illegals have done to Costa Mesa, not the Mayor, the law abiding citizens or the Minutemen. Get it right John, geesh!!!
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by Pachuco
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 11:24 AM
After all is said and done, the problems will still be here, since it is not an illegal alien problems but a problem created by our American society.
Blame the invisible, vulnerable and defenseless for what we have created.
We are the invaders, the ones that destroyed one civilization after another in the name of some mythical god. And, now that most of the world hates us and wants to destroy us, we turn on our neighbors spitting out even more hatred than before.
I pity the USA, we are living in dangerous times.
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by Watchdog
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 12:16 PM
Extortionist, that's a new one! The hyperbole that spills from these Indy Media websites is so over the top that I get a kick out of it. It's like reading the Weekly World News at the checkout stand in Ralphs.
You're a very strange guy John.
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by El Chivo
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 12:35 PM
why are u making comments watchdog if you think it is over the top? how ironic right watchdog?
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by lawdog
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 7:35 PM
of Extortion, that is sounding like libel.
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by wrongo
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 7:36 PM
ahhh..that is not Mayor Mansoor! LOL
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by John Earl
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 9:28 PM
Mr Watchdog?
Isn't that name hyperbole?
Yeah, I have watched your videos and when you lie to a person and tell him (the potential employer) that he is breaking the law and then threaten to turn him into La Migra if the Mexican doesn't get out of the car, that's extortion.
So you are a liar and an extortionist if it's you saying those things in the video. If it's Mr. Silva and you are doing the filming, then Mr. Silva, or whoever is talking (the ugly, cruel, hollow-brained guy with the beard) in those scenes is the extortionist.
Oh, I forgot racist. Those videos are blantantly racist. In fact, they are "sick" and you are sick for making those videos. So, let's see: "racist" "sick" "liar" "extortionist" etc. Oh, almost forgot (for Wrongo), yeah, "Neo-Fascist." Look it up if you don't know your history, which I'm sure you don't.
All those words fit people who have nothing better to do than harass Mexican women till they become hysterical and then laugh at them. Anyone who would do that, film it, then play it to the world as their proud creation is also a sick fuck, to use the vernacular. The woman even told you she was a citizen, yet you (or whoever) continued to abuse her. Then the narrator laughs as this poor lady being harassed.
Yeah, that is a perfect example of Neo-Facsism and Neo-Nazi behavior. In some of the videos cow noises are heard, as if to equate the herd animal to the Mexicans you are trying to terrorize so they can't work to feed their familes-
And you call me a "strange guy," you sick fuck?
Your type use the word "illegal" a lot and talk about "a nation of laws," but it's only to justify your Fascist hate. You are the alien invader, a parisite that grows hate inside your host country and then feeds off it for sustenance and sadistic pleasure.
Mr Watchdog, why don't you find yourself another country to be part of?
John Earl
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by John Earl
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 9:34 PM
The Afro-Amercan standing by Coe in the photos, and the few others who have stood by her, may not be aware the Ms. Coe is a member of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a group that calls black people "a retrograde species of humanity" and is a recognized "hate group."
John Earl
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by El Chivo
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 9:56 PM
The Council of Conservative Citizens (abbreviated CCC or CofCC) is an controversial American paleoconservative political organization that many also hold to be racist. It is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri and its most active chapter is in Mississippi. Other states with active chapters include Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and New York. Sporadic CofCC activities occur in other parts of the country as well. The executive committee is made up of Gordon Lee Baum, Bill Lord, and Tom Dover. The 16 member board of directors includes Leonard Wilson, Sam Dickson, and AJ Barker.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 10:11 PM
"All those words fit people who have nothing better to do than harass Mexican women till they become hysterical and then laugh at them. Anyone who would do that, film it, then play it to the world as their proud creation is also a sick fuck, to use the vernacular. The woman even told you she was a citizen, yet you (or whoever) continued to abuse her. Then the narrator laughs as this poor lady being harassed."
I second that. While it may be technically legal to post that video as Watchdog did, there's no moral grounds for it. No need for it. Hopefully enough people will realize this and that it will be Watchdog who will instead be embarrassed.
I keep seeing the Minutemen and SOS sink to new lows. From their behavior in Lake Forest on November 12th 2005 to their behavior in the same place now to Watchdog's videos and stupid stuff like trying to lawsuit their way into a Laguna Beach parade. They even got the mayor of Costa Mesa into the act at a CCIR meeting. I knew he was speaking but I thought maybe he'll speak from a point of view outside of the CCIR. But nope, he was made an honorary Minuteman. What a big mistake. He blew it big time there. And there's the "Brokebutt Border" banner in Lake Forest last Saturday. I mean really, some of these Minuteman folks seem to be fanatical about what they're doing. Oh yeah, and there's the skinhead guy who was allowed to pass out racist flyers in the Sacramento rally. There's one to remember. I came across another photo that shows the guy, still not a good photo of the guy. I'll keep looking.
The sooner the Minutemen are laughed to the point of being ineffective, the better. America is not about today's Minuteman. America can be something a lot better than this.
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by TheWatchdog
Saturday, Mar. 04, 2006 at 12:06 AM
I didn't harass that woman. She came across the street to harass us while her husband was shopping at Home Depot.
I hope to meet you some day soon Mr. Earl. I'd like to interview you.
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by John Earl
Saturday, Mar. 04, 2006 at 2:24 AM
video: windows media at
Your own video shows that you are harassing that woman, a US citizen, who is sick and tired of you harassing people who want to work for a living. You go to her first. Your only purpose in showing this video obviously is to humiliate someone who is unaccustomed to racists like you hounding people who want to work. I have uploaded your video so people can judge for themselves.
I guess that sometimes you just don't realize what you're doing...like the time another one of your videos proved that Coyotl Tezcalipoca's free speech rights were violated. Now the ACLU is suing Costa Mesa and they should thank you for your help.
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by TheWatchdog
Saturday, Mar. 04, 2006 at 11:37 AM
She came to us. I could show an extended clip of her walking up to us right before the current starting point to prove it, but what does it matter. She started acting like that before I said anything to her. She seems like a nice lady but she's got a few screws loose.
As far as Mansoor goes, the police may have been too rough with Benito, but Mansoor did nothing wrong. I have no regrets for posting that clip, no matter what happends.
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by Jammer CC
Saturday, Mar. 04, 2006 at 12:05 PM
The Minutemen and SOS were doing the same thing to a 14 year old girl(who was born here by the way) last week in Lake Forest. Fortunately they didn't post any videos of that day labor supporter, as far as I know. But if Watchdog was there, things may be different. Not sure if he'd go that far. But the Minutemen were heckling her and kept her emotional reactions going. One Minuteman, the one who said "you guys keep laughing when you're back in Mexico" to day labor workers on a previous day before this, was yelling "third world behavior!" to them. They always take words like "third world," "anchor (babies)," "deportation," and others and use them in their heckling shouts. This has been going on in Lake Forest since last November.
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by John Earl
Saturday, Mar. 04, 2006 at 12:42 PM
What you are describing could really be called KKK like activity.
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by Jammer CC
Saturday, Mar. 04, 2006 at 10:08 PM
I also noticed some indications of hate group symptoms in the CCIR meetings. I had to look back and under a layer or two. Such as using songs with lyrics to get people laughing. Plus the use of music to stir emotions and spirit in addition to passionate speeches. They take claim of the meaning of American and would have people believe that to be American is to take on the views of the CCIR and Minutemen. And to think otherwise, they would have you think, is to be unpatriotic. I mean, one guy in Lake Forest told me I was a traitor for not liking Gilchrist.
Like I said in that Current TV documentary linked here a while back, I was trying to email people who the Minutemen would consider "opposition" to get their views. I really wanted to get other views after the Sept. 24th '05 rally in Laguna Beach. I eventually got the other point of view, but already went ahead and got involved in the SOS and Minuteman stuff. But for what it's worth, it gave me that perspective and some things to see first hand. That much is obvious.
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by whatsit
Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006 at 9:31 PM
Why is is Afro American? Does he have an Afro?
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by me
Wednesday, Sep. 20, 2006 at 1:43 PM
I m so sick and tired of these conservative people ruining our country saying immigrants are doing this that cant do stemcell research cant have abortion now whats next
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by Karen
Friday, May. 30, 2008 at 11:17 PM
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