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by ANSWER Coalition-LA
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2006 at 10:34 AM
answeral@answerla.org 323-464-1636 Gather Hollywood & Vine, Los Angeles
Join thousands in LA on March 18 to protest the war on Iraq on the 3rd anniversary of the U.S. invasion
 march-19_3_a.jpg, image/jpeg, 375x271
MARCH 18 MASS MARCH & RALLY IN LOS ANGELES Stop the War! Bring the Troops Home Now! SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 12 NOON Gather Hollywood and Vine March to Hollywood and Highland For more info call 323-464-1636 or e-mail answerla@answerla.org. http://www.answerla.org On Saturday, March 18 at 12 noon, thousands of people will gather at the corner of Hollywood and Vine in Los Angeles for a mass march and rally against the war on Iraq. This protest will commemorate the third anniversary of the criminal U.S. "shock and awe" invasion of Iraq, in which more than 100,000 Iraqis and 2,200 U.S. troops have died. Now is the time to speak out loudly against imperialist war and repressive, racist policies at home. Popular opinion in the U.S. has turned dramatically against the war. Let's channel the popular outrage against Bush and the war into a powerful people's movement for peace and social justice. Get involved today! ENDORSE MARCH 18: http://answerla.org/pic/2006/06-03-18-demo/endorse.htm DOWNLOAD FLYERS: http://answerla.org/pic/2006/06-03-18-demo/March18-Bilingual-LA.pdf VOLUNTEER ON MARCH 18: http://answerla.org/pic/2006/06-03-18-demo/Mar18-volunteer.htm ORGANIZE TRANSPORTATION TO MARCH 18: http://answerla.org/pic/2006/06-03-18-demo/Mar18-transportation.htm DOWNLOAD POSTERS: http://answerla.org/pic/2006/06-03-18-demo/pdf/m18-poster.pdf DONATE TO BUILD THE PROTEST: http://answerla.org/fundraising/index.htm SEE A LIST OF ORGANIZING CENTERS (where you can pick up leaflets and find out about transportation): http://answerla.org/pic/2006/06-03-18-demo/Mar18-org-ctr.htm Initiated by A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition: Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, Free Palestine Alliance, Palestinian American Women's Association, Haiti Support Network, Party for Socialism and Liberation, GABRIELA Network, Latino Movement USA and MINDULLAE. Media sponsor: Air America Radio, Progressive Talk AM 1150 Co-sponsors and endorsers include Coalition for World Peace, Global Resistance Network, Global Women's Strike, International Socialist Organization, Iraq Veterans Against War, KMB Pro-People Youth, Korean Americans for Peace, National Council of Arab Americans, U.S. Labor Against War, Veterans for Peace, Youth & Student ANSWER, Office of the Americas, Out Against War, MSA-West, Riverside Area Peace and Justice Action; Gloria Romero, California Senate Majority Leader; Ron Kovic, Vietnam War veteran; Dolores Huerta, Co-founder United Farm Workers; Paul Haggis, Academy Award nominated writer/director ("Crash"); Laura Dern, Film star (“Jurassic Park”); Maria Bello, Golden Globe nominated actress ("A History of Violence"); Mia St. John, IFBA Lightweight Boxing Champion; Ed Begley Jr., Film and TV star ("Six Feet Under"); Amy Brenneman, Film and TV star ("Judging Amy"); Tom Ortenborg, President of Lion’s Gate Films Releasing; Shiva Rose, Film star (“David & Layla”); Travis Wilkerson, Award winning director (“An Injury to One”); Peter Horton, TV star and producer (“Grey’s Anatomy”); Jeffrey Tambor, Film and TV star (“Arrested Development”) and more. FOR A FULL LIST OF ENDORSERS: http://answerla.org/pic/2006/06-03-18-demo/endorsers.htm -------------------------------------------------------- A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition-LA Act Now to Stop War and End Racism 323-464-1636 http://www.answerla.org answerla@answerla.org 1800 Argyle Ave, #410 Los Angeles, CA 90028 Join us each Tues at 7 pm for A.N.S.W.E.R. Activists Meetings.
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by ANSWER Coalition-LA
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2006 at 10:34 AM
answeral@answerla.org 323-464-1636 Gather Hollywood & Vine, Los Angeles
download PDF (91.9 kibibytes)
Please download and distribute to everyone you know and on the streets of LA!
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by Anti-war Patriot
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2006 at 5:06 PM
Why the Che banner in the crowd ? Like I have expressed to answer LA before, you lose many people, like me, that are against the war becuzz you openly invite and tolerate anti-american fringe goons among you. No one from mainstream America wants to stand next to a dirty looking goon with a Che banner.
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by Jammer CC
Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2006 at 7:08 PM
Good point. I once marched with ANSWER, I think it March of 2004. I wanted to denounce my involvement. Not the idea of opposing the war like some may think because I've always been against the war. That never changed. Just my involvement with the ANSWER march. Then again, I wasn't really a member of ANSWER anyways.
I'd like to see an anti-war march with more American flags. Not to be ordered, but it should be voluntary and there shouldn't be a problem with that with the right protest atmosphere. As for the Anarchists, I'd want to see some gage on how many are anti-American and how many aren't and how many are actually in support of this nation and want to change it for the better. I'm all for making adjustments to the meaning of the USA for the better. That's pretty much always been my view when it comes to protesting the war.
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by another reply
Wednesday, Mar. 01, 2006 at 9:16 AM
"the war" isn't the reason why the united states is in Iraq. U.S imperialism is the reason the united states is in Iraq. Neo Colonialism which is deep rooted in the racist and bloody white supremacist idealogy of this country called America which we must reject to the fullest. Stop saying "stop the war". It will get you nowhere. What you need to stop is Americanism. You fly that flag on stolen land. It deserves to be burned. Recognize the history because there are historical implications every time the U.S drops a bomb on Iraq, or Afghanistan, and soon Iran. Waving an American flag because you feel "patriotic" won't stop anything and it is far from the solution. Your "patriotism" is a political term, a hypocritical concept, an oxymoron idealogy, and nonetheless a tool to distract the "American" public so the ruling class can continue their wars and carry out their agendas. there is no such thing as adjusting the system. there is not such thing as reforming your oppressor. this is a slave mentality concept which has never accomplished anything .. ever. If you want to "stop the war" you must stop U.S Imperialism. Every department of defense official knows that. This is why they have you marching down Hollywood & Vine. Because it's a surveillance operation... and if you so happen to get hip to "revolution" (real revolution not fake sub-culture slogans) they'll already be ready. A nice dark cell in a camp surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards with your name on it. Either that or a bullet. So wake up. Know your enemy.
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by johnk
Wednesday, Mar. 01, 2006 at 12:05 PM
If you're patriotic and are against the war, make your own demo. Get together with some liberals and do it. Liberals seem to like the American flag and the US government.
The reason why the demos are largely leftist is because the left are categorically against US imperialism and global domination, and seek to organize dissent. Simply, they care more about US foreign policy, and are more willing and able to sustain the work required to put these events together.
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by johnk
Wednesday, Mar. 01, 2006 at 12:06 PM
Also, there are plenty of people from "mainstream America" who are okay with Che. Most people don't even know who he is.
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by feelingleftout
Wednesday, Mar. 01, 2006 at 9:31 PM
I'm not an award-winning director. Can I come to the march? Why don't you spotlight ordinary people who struggle every day to survive? Do we really need celeb's to get people off their asses and out into the streets? I'm disillusioned.
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by FTS
Thursday, Mar. 02, 2006 at 6:18 PM
...the fuggin' U.S. miltary has killed more civilians in Iraq in just the last 3 years than Che did worldwide his whole lifetime!!!
FuckTheSuck !!!
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Mar. 02, 2006 at 6:20 PM
But is Che not still a killer? Not every troop has killed someone.
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by Bettertodrive
Thursday, Mar. 02, 2006 at 6:51 PM
wouldn't itbe better if everyone that walks in the a.n.s.w.e.r. march were to drive during rush hour from downtown to hollywood, say on monday march 21? would cause grid lock & screw up commute home, inconvenience those who don't give a damn about atrocities in iraq & afganistan
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Mar. 02, 2006 at 6:56 PM
I'm not sure if blocking or adding to traffic is gonna do do much. It's too many degrees away from actually stopping the war, if there is a connection at all. One of the problems is that many people don't give a damn, like you say. And a big reason is because they're occupied by the jobs, media, lifestyle, consumerism, you name it, that they were raised to live in. They put as much thought and regard towards what they're wearing as they do towards real serious issues. Even if they logically think "this is more serious," they don't do much about it. Look all around you in a city and watching TV and you'll see one of the reason why I swear by Adbusters. Join a jamming group and I'll see you out there.
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by lost
Thursday, Mar. 02, 2006 at 7:54 PM
Why stop traffic as people are going home? Why not stop them as they go to work? If you're trying to make a conection between work and war, I think that makes more sence than war and home. Besides, a riot would stop a lot more than just traffic. But alas, the revolutionary cocktail party doesn't want bad press.
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by Hex
Thursday, Mar. 02, 2006 at 8:11 PM
I just went there and grabbed all the videos & pictures to "ad" to my collection
Re: protest
hey I have an idea
why not just push the button - we'd be better off dead
that'll teach 'em
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by Hex
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 4:26 PM
 righteous_commy_bashers.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x885
Communism Communist? communists
well aren't you a sweetie - doin' the world a great service LIVING IN THE PAST
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by Hex
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 5:01 PM
 communists-terrorists-jonik.gif, image/gif, 500x434
silly cartoons are statements that illustrate the mentality of those who would attempt to solve problems by scapegoating other people who are themselves victims of the same cause
a cause you are blind to
look and you shall see - the parallels between the old folly and the new (or in your case still the old)
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by Hex
Friday, Mar. 03, 2006 at 6:01 PM
of the problems that are common to us all as a *class* of people (non-wealthy)
in the cartoon above, notice how the times change but the strategy doesn't.
Notice the person's *holding the paper* with the lists of names..
The people on the lists aren't the problem - *the person holding the list is*
if you want to blame someone for your discomfort that's where you should be focusing your attention
the people on the lists are powerless ordinary citizens *just like you*
the person holding the list isn't - he has a vested interest in victimizing the powerless and fooling you into doing his dirty work for him so he doesn't have to and so you waste your time hence remain powerless and never a threat to him
he's the fooler - you're the fooled
that's the folly - a person foolish enough to be fooled
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by FTS
Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006 at 2:11 PM
...you must have have the "Special Ed student of the year" award.
>>>Hey... mental cripple... This isn't about the troops in Iraq. And if you were in iraq, and some goon was shooting at you, you'd shoot back.
hey, a$$hole, if you were an Iraqi civilian and had your house bombed, and your family killed by the U.S. crusaders you'd blast them to bits too.
>>>But if you want to play the numbers game, Communism has killed well over 50 million people. Possibly twice that number.
well, since you want to play the numbers game, your dirty, filthy, nasty, disease-dripping Euro-trash ancestors killed AT LEAST 150 MILLION in the "discovery" (conquest, rape and pilliage) of the so-called "New World."
>>>How long have you been a Communist? how long have you been a nazi???
FuckTheSuck !!!
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by Hex
Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006 at 5:07 PM
 0403nobush1.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x269
yeah we can be foolish at times
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by Hex
Sunday, Mar. 05, 2006 at 5:08 PM
 0403nobush2.jpg, image/jpeg, 410x266
sometimes foolish is better than hung-up haters
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by El Chivo
Wednesday, Mar. 08, 2006 at 10:39 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>100K have not died in Iraq. How do u know? Did you goto iraq?
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by rismo
Thursday, Mar. 09, 2006 at 6:27 PM
xledzepagainx@yahoo.com 343-343-2343
Prolly over 100k dead(mostly women and children), we have the best bombs, best guns and best tanks so theres no doubt that we can kill. Bush said theres been about "30,000" iraqi civilian casualties since the war started so 100,000+ isnt that hard to believe. How does Bush and his rich buddies sleep at night?
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by BaBaBooey!
Thursday, Mar. 09, 2006 at 6:29 PM
that's how Bush and his biatches sleep at night!!!
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by gaud
Monday, Mar. 13, 2006 at 11:35 AM
do you realize that no matter what side you are on, you are still on a side, and by being on that side you think you have to push your veiws on people in order to get them to change what they are doing? in my opinion you are both wrong... there is no correct answer in politics, and as long as people are trying to push their opinions on each other there will be people who don't agree or feel oppressed... the US does it and the "anarchists" that go to these protests do it... anarchy is supposed to be freedom, and yet they don't think people have the freedom to decide for themselves what they want to do... the numbers you are throwing out don't exist, they are just fact that have been exaggerated and manipulated by special intrest groups... tolarance is the probably the best way to peace, not the militant demand to disarm the military...
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by rismo
Monday, Mar. 13, 2006 at 10:06 PM
xledzepagainx@yahoo.com (232)2323-2323
First off, there is no War against the War, thats like saying there is a War against Christmas.
Neither side is forcing people(using coercive force) to accept their viewpoints, they are only trying to persuade others that they are correct. I don't see how that is inherently authoritarian or anti-anarchy.
People that attend these rallys are trying to voice their opposition to something that they feel is wrong. Anarchists for the same reason,but some anarchists believe that being militant is a much more effective way of getting things done and getting people to listen to you.
Of course masses of innocent people have died in Iraq, not just from bombs, but from lack of food, water and medical attention. Heck of a job Brownie.
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by gaud
Monday, Mar. 20, 2006 at 1:59 PM
Why would anyone show up to a protest if they did not want to accomplish something? Any group of people who come together with a common goal are just another system, just like the government. And if the government is trying to keep up the war while protesters and trying to manipulate them and everyone else with stretched facts and data (that no one knows where they came from in the first place, probably rich entertainment chairmen who decided that could make more money if they stirred people up with staggering facts) than that is war. Any two groups who are trying to accomplish opposite ends and acknowledge that one side must be right and one must be wrong are at war. And organization of any kind may sound good in theory, but nothing will ever be the same in practice because everyone makes mistakes and that is just a fact. The only hope to change anything and still not be a reflection of the things you want to change, is more in the hippies passively dropping out than in militaristic protests that just make people feel good for having the strength of a large number of people that agree with them.
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