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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by esewolfie
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 at 9:07 AM
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by TOM
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 5:27 AM
Esewolfie, thanks for the pictures of me with the SUPPORT OUT TROOPS signs.
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by how about it?
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 5:57 AM
We can do better than this. They're dying. Depleted Uranium is pure refined Uranium. In many places where this gangsters state has poisoned with this forbidden ammunition, the background radiation is thousands of times higher than normal. The major source of this contamination is in the .1 micron or *smaller* range allowing it to disperse along multiple environmental pathways such as wind, water and biological tracks. Support our Troops- bring them home now, divert the budget to care for them. Stop this fascist terror which can only provoke rationale for retribution. Or maybe this is why we so openly ravage, in a foreign policy that shows frightening naked aggression while crippling our military in an unwinnable war . To protect strategic resources. Spit. We have no right to let these bastards use our Troops like this.
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by Hex
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 10:20 AM
> .1 micron or *smaller* range allowing it to disperse along multiple environmental pathways such as wind, water and biological tracks. I've noticed this is a hot topic on talk radio, etc lately The only way radiation above background levels can spread is if it's injected into the stratosphere to be carried by jetstreams also, Uranium is only slightly radioactive (the real problem here is they are actually using NON-depleted Uranium - both virgin and nuclear waste) this waste from nuclear reactors contains highly dangerous isotopes which is what accounts for the high readings measured in certain localized areas but again, only stratospheric injection will cause global contamination (a 20 megaton or bigger nuclear bomb exploded at the surface or in the air - but not underground, you must have a BIG mushroom cloud to carry it up that high) FOIA documents prove this - the scientists themselves who designed the first atomic bombs say so, this data was recently de-classified ; http://www.thememoryhole.org/nukes/dod_nuke_emissions.pdf If you read this carefully you'll see right where they say so (I posted this before but a troll on here kept playing a game of ignoring/not reading it then saying *I* was lying about it - I even posted an excerpt and diagrams clearly pointing it out) The main point being Uranium is only dangerous within a highly localized area because it DOESN'T spread far being heavyer than lead and it's not very radioactive (even virgin/non-depleted) so even if it did, it would fall below the level of natural radiation, including sources such as rocks/stone/bricks, radon gas (in natural gas too) and UV rays from the sun plus x-rays and cosmic radiation from space also tobacco BTW It combines with organic materials, it falls to the ground, the *oceans are giant sinks for such dusts* - only stratospheric transport can overcome these factors and - once more - it's not very radioactive anyway the whole "global contamination" theory is based on faulty "science" and is in fact a scare tactic SCAM designed to distract, entertain and generate listenership The very scientists who made the atomic bombs (what would they know compared to coast-to-coast radio personalities ?) in FOIA obtained documents clearly show how foolish this notion is...
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by some troll
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 5:38 PM
So tell me, whizz, exactly which part of this document http://www.thememoryhole.org/nukes/dod_nuke_emissions.pdf deals with by products of non fissionable CHEMICAL reactions with high velocity kinetic weapons used after these documents were drawn up for , now here's the most important word here, Whiz, so pay attention...Chemical products from the pyrophoric effect these munitions have when they strike a target sometimes burning at well above a thousand centigrade. producing Uranium Oxide micro dust which can pass through a gas mask like BS passes from our buddy Hex or, as I fondly refer to him now since he's no longer JA, as Whizz. Or Kobe. You know, from the same weasel shop fresca comes from . Here are some PDFs with a smidge more relevance to current battlefield conditions since the PDF Whizz furnished us was only about Boom not burn. http://www.eoslifework.co.uk/pdfs/DU2102A3a.pdf About that PDF you gave us... Tell me Whizz, was it p33 Phenomena 2.5.3. (?) p50 Explosions @ Low altitude 3.8 .5 (?) Why don't you post , pay attention relevant data of which I don't see any. Please feel free to post graphics or lie about what I've said. Your turn, junior.
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by Mr. Corrector
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 6:04 PM
I thought I'd post some more links for the now besieged reader who may wish to entertain oneself with a veritable torrent of verbiage from our old buddy. Ahhhh. -Uranium-238 becomes DU, which is 0.7 times as radioactive as natural uranium. Since DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, there is very little decay of those DU materials.- http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/du.htm -RECENT EVENTS. The emerging adverse health effects and deaths in NATO- KFOR and residents of the Balkans is an issue of great concern. Depleted uranium (uranium 238) has been implicated. Today, 10 years after warriors were exposed during combat in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait; civilians have been exposed in Vieques, Puerto Rico; Iraq; Okinawa; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Pudacah, Kentucky; and other sites we are seeing adverse health effects amongst this entire group.- http://www.iacenter.org/depleted/duupdate.htm And a VERY good website. for information. http://www.ratical.org/radiation/DU/DUuse+hazard.html Houa!
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by Hex
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 6:11 PM
are we exploding yet ?
SO - what part of ^ONLY^ STRATOSPHERIC INJECTION didn't you comprehend ?
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by Some troll
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 6:54 PM
There weren't any studies conducted on non fusion products in your reference which ONLY applied to FUSION not BURNING. They never addressed BURNIG. That doesn't mean that other studies about RELEVANT and CURRENT use as it applies to CONTAMINATION PLUMES is debunked by your study concerning another phenomena entirely. I await your coming disintegration into silliness and lies. That's when you're not avoiding the subject. Like I said provide a relevant quote as it applies to CHEMICAL INTERACTION upon HIGH VELOCITY PENETRATION of typical target materials.
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by Some troll
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 7:05 PM
It's a good thing the Abrams has a smoke evacuator or the crew would get much more Uranium Oxide Dust as the round comes out of the muzzle. It is burning all the way downrange as it travels through the atmospheric fluid. One of those ium metals.
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by Hex
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 7:46 PM
I suppose it was lost in a huge explosion like your other evidence was - no ?
plumes that don't get anywhere near the stratosphere
> PENETRATION of typical target materials
penetration around the world or thousands of miles away in a localized spot with vast oceans between us ?
comprehension doesn't come easy for a turn-key out-of-the-box newbie does it
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by Support our Troops- bring them home
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 8:00 PM
That was the issue of this post. Supporting our troops in a radioactive environment. As to your mission to infer without any supporting studies pertaining to current use, that wind borne pollution is like, and I para phrase from your own comparisons that highly aerosolized Uranium oxide cannot ride in the a Brownian suspension along prevailing trade-winds because it's like " lead in a battery".
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by Attention Schwinehunts
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 8:15 PM
If we get serious ever to square things with the populations of the eternally poisoned lands, we must offer them our land and prey for world forgiveness. Or we DESERVE the shadows of deepening Hell we are seeing. How can such reckless use of this forbidden ammunition ever be cleaned up? Where would we store the unimaginable mass of contaminated soil, water and bio victims? What needs to be done is to force the owners of the military/industrial complex to live there under house arrest until they die. After their assets are seized and use as public treasury. :>)
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by Hex
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 8:21 PM
> Brownian suspension
the magic word comes to the rescue again
1.) I learned in elementary school
2.) you STILL don't understand
3.) doesn't apply - no stratospheric injection
4.) trade winds aren't global - they're regional
5.) the cleaning action of water in the troposphere
6.) the vast oceans covering thousands of miles
7.) not radioactive enough by several orders of magnitude
poor poor Sheepdog
hey - just relax, sit back and prey to your gods on coast-to-coast
they are smarter than the scientists who invented the atomic bomb just as you're smarter than me
I promise
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by Hex
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 8:31 PM
why would they need to go live *over there* when it's supposidly GLOBAL ?
the stone wall has visible cracks and they're widening...
is this how you conduct scientific investigation ?
by making or believing any wild claim them simply sweeping it under the rug when it's folly is exposed without ever admitting you're wrong ?
I was wrong about the Russian rape pictures - tell us oh mighty one - what were YOU wrong about ?
anything ?
ever ?
P.S. - and while we're on the subject post some pictures of yourself, where you live and some of your inventions Mr. honesty
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by not mine though
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 8:51 PM
During the first 10 days of the accident when important releases of radioactivity occurred, meteorological conditions changed frequently, causing significant variations in release direction and dispersion parameters. Deposition patterns of radioactive particles depended highly on the dispersion parameters, the particle sizes, and the occurrence of rainfall. The largest particles, which were primarily fuel particles, were deposited essentially by sedimentation within 100 km of the reactor. Small particles were carried by the wind to large distances and were deposited primarily with rainfall.- http://www.nea.fr/html/rp/chernobyl/vrml/chernobyl.html#chap2 just to use as a model. All Global pollution isn't carried in the jet stream. Did Chernobyl go Boom?
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 9:11 PM
 hi-yall.jpg, image/jpeg, 102x91
-P.S. - and while we're on the subject post some pictures of yourself-
Here's a close-up. :>)
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by Hex
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 9:23 PM
> ONLY applied to FUSION not BURNING.
> reactor
(fission - not burning)
> Did Chernobyl go Boom?
millions of Curies of radioactivity, in highly dangerous isotopes, directly FROM fission
You still don't get it - it's not a question of burning, particle size or regional dispersal that matters, it's whether there's a large enough release to *pierce the stratosphere*
the radioactivity from Chernobyl did eventually disperse even to here BUT not the southern hemisphere (both are required to claim global)
the small amount of radioactivity that did spread here is *below natural background levels*
the only areas where it exceeds background levels is OVER THERE where it happened, plus the type and amount of radioactivity involved is thousands of times higher and worse
Chernobyl was a bad IGNORANT example that simply proves my point - a point which is backed up by the scientists who invented the atomic bomb in the first place - as my FOIA document link shows...
You're so ignorant you don't even realize when you're proving the very point I've brought up
1.) Fission and fusion are what makes radioactivity dangerous enough to be a global problem - BUT
2.) Stratospheric transport is required for global dispersal
3.) Isotopes that give off Gamma rays are required to be strong enough to be dangerous, because
4.) by the time it spreads out all over the earth it's so weak only *the strongest most dangerous types of radiation* can be above background levels
5.) background levels consisting OF these types of radiation to begin with
(x-rays, Gamma rays and Cosmic rays)
Uranium only gives off Alpha particles
Alpha and Beta particles are only dangerous when inside the body so you either need a very high concentration of them (Uranium is only weakly radioactive) or have to inhale/injest them to be hurt by them
you are wrong in several ways
matter of fact every supporting claim you're making is wrong and you're digging yourself in deeper - showing the depth of your ignorance the more you post
You don't even have elementary school knowledge on this and other fields of science which is glaringly obvious as your posts scream out..
"look world how stupid I am" "I'm a master of second-guessing and ankle biting"
this is the only thing you're proving
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by Duh...
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 9:33 PM
Are you breathing bottled air?
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 9:40 PM
the radioactivity from Chernobyl did eventually disperse even to here BUT not the southern hemisphere (both are required to claim global) [lucky they (the people we are shooting up with U 238+) are here in our northern hemisphere, eh? AND [ provide the studies that support this following statement please ] the small amount of radioactivity that did spread here is *below natural background levels*
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by Hex
Friday, Feb. 24, 2006 at 10:06 PM
> provide the studies that support this
(detailed breakdown of the types of isotopes and the exact level of radioactivty from a direct fission release)
Why ? - it has nothing to do with
1.) Uranium munitions 2.) Alpha particles produced by them 3.) the thread topic - our soldiers over there in it
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by Glad you brought it up
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 8:38 AM
(detailed breakdown of the types of isotopes and the exact level of radioactivty from a direct fission release)
>Why ? - it has nothing to do with
1.) Uranium munitions 2.) Alpha particles produced by them 3.) the thread topic - our soldiers over there in it < I was providing examples of real world situations, to provide information. In relation with the spread contamination micro particles of suspended Alpha emitters and eventually daughter isotopes which emit Beta and Gamma. That was why I brought up Chernobyl to model a similar plume contamination process to dispute your claim that only thermonuclear detonations could cause more than local effect. !. UMs are an unacceptable battlefield hazard to the troops as well as ourselves. People should know about the magnitude of the disaster in order to put an immediate halt to it. You have a problem with that?
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by Hex
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 9:11 AM
> your claim that only thermonuclear detonations could cause more than local effect.
not my claim - the scientists who invented the atomic bomb's claim
more precisely the detonation has to be big enough to pierce the stratosphere.
And it's not the smear-the-issues gray area of "local", I specificly said *global* - which is exactly what the scam artists are saying and also the *lies you swallowed* when you spammed it on here originally
now you're trying to worm & wiggle your way out of this claim by obscuring it, then next you'll say because a direct fission release which I already explained was millions of curies of DANGEROUSLY radioactive man-made isotopes spread throughout the northern hemisphere but still below background levels EXCEPT over there occured, this automaticly equates with only slightly radioactive Uranium doing likewise
back to your original claim...
full circle
it's not an attempt to inform with facts - it's a game to you
(I knew where you where going with this when you asked for a detailed breakdown of the isotopes and levels)
I have this data - waiting for your next folly where I'll then inform you that it only applies to *particular* isotopes and these are not found in Uranium - non-depleted or otherwise.
If you had even partial comprehension of nuclear physics and the drive to learn *you would already know this yourself*
Insted you blindly swallow any claim other scam artists make and automaticly believe them over any/all legit scientific body - which I've cited you for before about
You are just as capable of googling (or dogpiling) as I am...
name the isotope I'm refering to "whizz"
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by You bet, Whizz!
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 9:36 AM
Nice links you always provide to support your material... [that PDF you provided about old, *above ground* nuclear effects...( *pre* Test Ban )] :>) ...or even quotes to support your ... ahem, conflations of criteria. I have popcorn. Please extend this thread. Depleted Uranium Munitions are Poisoning this earth. You * do * have a problem with this, apparently. Your crew seem concerned about this. Please bless me with more of your standard operating distractions. This horrendous warfare, this disintegrating expenditure of everything that we value, must be stopped. If you have a problem with what I write about; it merely shows who's side you're on.
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by Hex
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 9:53 AM
world - global
failed to name the isotope - you're too lazy & retarded to even look it up
Chernobyl accident released as much as 400 times the radioactive contamination of the Hiroshima bomb, but it was 100 to 1000 times less than the contamination caused by atmospheric nuclear weapons testing in the mid-20th century. One can argue that while the Chernobyl accident was a local disaster, its global effects were more limited.
18 million curies
how limited - compared to those "pre-ban" tests ?
(too ignorant to know they represent the largest release of *global* radioactivity in history - that nothing so far even comes close to comparing)
They teach in elementary school what the isotope of concern is for global contamination
You fail
(I'll leave it as an open question to see how long it takes you to make your way up to grade school science class)
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by Here's one for ya
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 9:58 AM
The problem could be that the American public shouldn't know about the horror of low level nuclear warfare to come home ( in the form of the air we breath ) in relation to increased cancer and birth defect rates, buried into statistics among returning, surviving troops contaminated with this material. That could cause some concern. Good luck with that. This growing insanity must stop. Gen. strikes, and intensive boycotts untill they ( your gang Whizz ) get the picture and submit to popular will. We can refuse to operate this country.
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by Hex
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 10:24 AM
"air we breath" BUZZT ! wrong no, the air we breathe comes to us after being scrubbed by thousands of miles of open sea - nature's air filtering system covering 2/3'rds of the earth > your gang the paranoia shines through - anyone who doesn't swallow along with you must be the enemy out to fool the world Elementary school science is a giant conspiracy to brainwash - sorry - mind control us into submission so we can be clueless victims all our wretched miserable lives and sheepdog holds the golden key of knowledge that could save us all no, I'm not buying - sorry - swallowing that you can swallow all you like as that's the only way your going to make that Uranium your own - "The particles, which lodge in the lung, can be transferred to the kidney and other vital organs. Gulf War veterans are excreting uranium in their urine and semen" http://www.projectcensored.org/publications/2004/8.html
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by Awwwww
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 10:29 AM
shucks I have my fans. -blush-
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by did you type this?
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 11:09 AM
"> reactor
(fission - not burning) " Didn't you know that this was a major chemical fire in this graphite control pile? Sometimes I wonder about you individuals.
Anyway, come on here, Mr. Whizzard, don't you believe that the use of radioactive munitions pose a health threat to even citizens here, on the other side of 'vast oceans' with their totally effective particulate deposit ( now *only in the oceans and food chains*, if true under monsoon conditions, from an arid land ) with the return of contaminated veterans whom will be ignored until they die of cancer is a *bad* thing to be concerned about?
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by Hex
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 12:34 PM
your tap dancing is getting old - again
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by It's Whizzericium
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2006 at 12:58 PM
The isotope of hot air.
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