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by The World Can't Wait
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 9:06 PM
On Tuesday, Jan. 31, as Bush delivers his State of the Union address, throughout the country, we will bring the noise and drown out Bush's lies
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On Tuesday, Jan. 31, as Bush delivers his State of the Union address, throughout the country, we will bring the noise and drown out Bush's lies, letting the world hear our demand that "Bush Step Down and Take Your Program with You!" Bring your own noise - drums, pots & pans, musical instruments, your voice. Let car horns blare and church bells ring as we declare that the state of the union is a STATE OF EMERGENCY. 5 p.m. - Gather at Hollywood & Highland 6 p.m. - Noise & March 7 p.m. - Rally at CNN (Sunset & Cahuenga) On Saturday, Feb. 4, we will take our demand to the White House. 11 a.m. at the Ellipse. For more information, contact The World Can't Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime!: http://www.worldcantwait.org National Office - 866-973-4463 Los Angeles Office - 323-462-4771, worldcantwait_la@yahoo.com FLYER, PDF FILE: http://la.indymedia.org/uploads/2006/01/soula_1_.pdf
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by Confused
Saturday, Jan. 28, 2006 at 1:54 PM
You just never know. I wasn't aware that the people on this board really wanted Dick Chaney as President. Think about it. 2008 isn't that far off.
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by Johnny
Saturday, Jan. 28, 2006 at 2:06 PM
Why so confused? His name is spelled Cheney.
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by Gaud
Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006 at 10:23 AM
i'd advise no one to go to this protest... they are right, and protesting does not help, and to be quite sure, it hurts.... last year ANSWER was responsible for setting up a protest route that marched people under cameras and out of the public, and with all our pictures the police were able to tap people's phones who they found suspious... and this organization has been working pretty close to ANSWER... so if you have any concern for your privacy, don't waste your time going out to something that no one will see anyway... PEACE
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by Mr.
Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006 at 4:51 PM
Just like you zany Repubs to stand up for Bush. Obviously Bush is behind Ronaldus Magnus in stature.
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by World Can't Wait
Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006 at 12:11 AM
worldcantwait_la@yahoo.com 323-462-4771
From the FAQs on the World Can't Wait website.
Q: But what about the Democrats? Why can't we make them fight harder, and then vote the Republicans out in 2006? That sounds more realistic.
A: Face it: if you asked this question, you've been pouring your hopes, money and energy into the Democrats for years now. And how's that been working for you? Politics as usual does not measure up.
November 2006 or 2008 is too long to wait! Why? In the first place, the regime is doing tremendous damage now and in the second it would be criminal to allow Bush 3 more years to actually make the outrages that he has committed "new social norms". There are different views of the Democrats and elections in WCW. Those of us in WCW who are trying to get the Democrats to do better - to get more backbone - know that this won't happen unless there is a huge mass movement demanding Bush's ouster. Others of us in WCW think that the Democrats have betrayed people on every issue that counts because they agree with the Republicans on the war and repression and they have not been fighting Bush even on issues they disagree on. Some of us believe the Democrats have actually been a major part of the whole problem. But we all agree that the thing we need right now is a massive, independent political movement from below intent on actually politically forcing the Bush regime from power. If you think politics as usual will make a difference in this situation that's dreaming .... be realistic.
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by Fuck The RCP!
Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006 at 3:49 PM
for those of you not aware the Revolutionary Communist Party, the fucking Maoists formly under the banner of Not In Our Name, are the ones funding and supporting this World Can't Wait parade through the streets of L.A. this is the same RCP who started the riot with the cops during the L.A. DNC then ran away and let the anarchists take the brunt of cops batons and tear gas. the RCP know how to do one thing really well, run away. where were they when the sit came down in SF - safely on the sidewalk behind police lines, where were they in hollywood - safely behind police lines.
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by ))A((
Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2006 at 3:14 AM
It's good for exposure, but it'll be impossible for anyone but someone working in LA to go to this thing. Good luck y'all, and don't let the naysayers get you down. Assume they are cops trying to create a conflict.
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by Eric Einem
Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2006 at 8:15 AM
Are you afraid that the Revolutionary Communist Party is going to take over our government? There's about a 0% chance of that happening.
On the other hand, if those in power can keep us divided - they will keep their power. All of us that have common interest need to unite on common issues such as those in the WCW call to action.
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by No Whining!
Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2006 at 3:08 PM
You people have been "protesting" for 40 years, and STILL no one is paying attention. You have nothing of interest to say. You wave signs. You allow your events to be co-opted by the brain-dead morons from "black bloc", who only make you all look ridiculous. Ordinary people won't go near any of your events because you have degenerated into vandalism, violence, pointless confrontation, and nihilism. You have allowed yourselves to be duped by the RCP, WWP and their endless front groups. Sorry, but the rest of us are not interested in being tools. Perhaps some day, when you can move on past "Maosim" and "Marxism" and "Socialism", all dead idologies, you might have a point to make. As of now, you don't.
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by Average guy
Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2006 at 3:16 PM
Wow, dude, you're so full of hate that you must be proud of yourself. Both the GOP and the DNC have had their chance to screw things up. Right now it's the Bush administration. I do think that this administration will go down in history as the most corrupt and with an agenda to serve their own interests and those of most big business. If you think we are so free it would seem that you have never traveled outside of the country either. Well if you think you have it so great just keep telling yourself that. But really, you should seek help with the anger management. Or you could do what I do, enter Tough Man contests so you can go into a ring and kick the crap out of someone legally. Not all us liberals are spinless.
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by @
Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2006 at 3:35 PM
your statement is so incoherent i really REALLY don't know what message you are attempting, however feebly, to convey here. the GOP/DNC are the same party only with a different coloured tie. The dems are just as responsible as the republicans for committing human rights atrocities around the world. Hmmm… didn’t Rwandan genocide occur under Clintons watch? And hows about them lovely fundamental human rights women in Afghanistan enjoyed under Clinton! The point is a dem in the white house seat in 2008 is only going to shift the focus of world affairs the aren’t interested in helping ameliorate the worlds problems. The dems are just as controlled by big oil and corporate lobbyists as the republicans. Once you accept that you will be free to begin thinking for yourself instead of allowing your friends to do it for you.
and to the republican comment above. in order to effectively deal with the problem of the neo-cons we must no longer view them as human being but as evil creatures that need to be exterminated so the rest of us can live free. this must realistically be final solution to the neo-con problem plaging america today.
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by !OO!
Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2006 at 7:37 PM
No Whining - there are a lot of peace and political action groups that oppose this war. They are in the United for Peace and Justice group. The problem with the more mainstream groups is that they don't have the courage or organizational infrastructure to take to the streets to protest the criminal in office.
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by someone
Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2006 at 8:43 PM
pi-2004@yahoo.com none none
People who make the RCP the target and talk so much of THE PEOPLE don't really want to go after what should be the real political target but instead want to cloud the issue. Making your reason for living hating the RCP and talking vile is a way of not confronting nothing really important, so keep your rantings about the RCP or any other group to your little self. OK.. The protest is fine and it is timely and needed and others who want to protest in diff way, I say Go ON! you too are needed out there and you won't find me, the RCP or abunch other people talking trash about you cuz you WOULD BE DOING SOMETHING POSITIVE instead of arm-chair-virtual critics. so come on Bro or sis, get up and off that stuff, OK?
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