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by Tecpatl
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 3:54 AM
The war is on.
It’s a war the Mexican People and their allies must win.
 derechosaztlan.gif, image/gif, 151x91
As the Senate prepares to debate a bill that would make millions of migrant workers without papers instant felons - and which would lay the groundwork for mass roundups, Nazi style detention centers at the border and mass deportations - the anti-Mexican organization Save Our State and other minutemen pulled out every stop to gain a victory at a day labor center in Burbank today.
These people want a walled off country. They want migrants hunted down, rounded up by La Migra and the National Guard in a wholesale war in the streets, and penned in concentration camps. They want cruel laws passed that will make all Brown people suspects in a hostile nation. Theirs is a movement for an ethnic cleansing of the “third world cesspool” they call “Mexifornia.”
On Saturday, minutemen came to Burbank from everywhere in Southern California, even from other states, in order to save face following a humiliating defeat across the country in their “National Day of Protest” against Mexicans 2 weeks ago. In a nationwide effort the minutemen forces managed to pull together only 700 people for those demonstrations - and were outnumbered 10 to 1 wherever they turned.
Today in Burbank, they managed to import 65 people (a little less than 10% of their national potential) and found themselves out -numbered yet again, with 100 counter protestors surrounding them.
They claimed it a “victory.”
Normally, SOS can draw no more than 15 of their hardcore white racist membership to any event. Last week, after SOS leaders called for a demo in the same location, no one turned out at all.
The minutemen forces seem thrilled with a recent spate of media coverage – no matter how bad it makes them look. One SOS leader, Joe Turner, whined at another member online for missing the demo, saying, “Its okay. You are the one that is going to miss being on FoxNews (cable) and all the other news outlets that will be there.” The media were there today en masse.
Burbank Police were also out in force, with their attention turned in one direction only – against the counter-protestors. SOS praised the police presence as “professional.” Minutemen freely crossed the street and came among the counter-protestors to harass them with cameras, but no counter-protestor could so much as step off the sidewalk without a threat or a hand in the back from the police.
The main source of SOS's absurd claims to victory – besides being less outnumbered than usual, was the $300 bullhorn one of them brought that drowned out four of the counter-protestor’s bullhorns with sheer decibels. That equation changed when Danza Cuahtemoc arrived with a pair of drums that split the air like thunder.
Make no mistake.
A storm is coming, and today’s demonstration was the calm before it hits. Both sides, the neo-Klan and the anti-racists, know just how high the stakes have risen as the Senate considers competing bills, one of which will make migrant workers felons, subject them to potential mass roundups, and deeply stigmatize all Brown people as criminals on sight.
One out of seven workers in the US is a migrant. With or without papers, every one of them will become a suspected felon and target for official and unofficial racist harassment.
The bill would also set reactionary and racist towns loose to use the police to enforce immigration laws, turning them into a new breed of Texas Rangers and Night Riders hunting down immigrants at all hours of the day and night. It would also create five double-layer border fences, 698 miles in all, along the Mexico – US border in California and Arizona.
It would become a crime to assist the undocumented. Doctors, teachers, lawyers, and those who leave water in the desert for border crossers (who die in the hundreds each year) would face prison and the confiscation of their property.
Another bill will create a guest worker program and legalize some migrants, an outcome the minutemen view as disastrous.
Even this bill, backed by “President” Bush but loathed by the minutemen as not stringent enough, would create a permanent sub-underclass in the US, with workers imported for six short years, then booted out, much like the Apartheid system of South Africa.
The next major action by pro-migrant forces will come on February 3rd, when the Border Angels come to LA on the first leg of an across-the-nation-caravan to draw attention to the 4,000 migrants who’ve died at the border in recent years, and to stop the most vicious elements of the neo-fascist attacks on immigrants coming out of Washington DC.
The minutemen and allied forces like SOS are shock troops and storm troopers in a deadly serious war.
It’s a war the Mexican People and their allies must win.
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by Tecpatl
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 3:59 AM
The 65 people SOS was able to import makes up a little less than 10% of their national potential. The 1/7 figure the article states is incorrect. My oversight.
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by Spankie
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 9:26 AM
You guys all obviously are proud graduates of the L.A. Unified School District, as your math skills and counting abilities prove.
Who'd ever guess that your ancestors were able to chart the heavens with greater precision than NASA, when you guys can't even count? Obviously, that DNA strand has died out permanently.
The Chicken Dancers were a real hoot. Nothing like coming to a rally to stop illegal immigration and pandering to it, by bringing cultural dances FROM MEXICO! You guys are brilliant! Even if WE had funded you, we wouldn't have dared to do something as stupid as demonstrating that your whole goal is to supplant the United States with your imaginary ruminations about your long-lost Aztec homeland. That's going to play really well with folks.
Please, come to EVERY rally and do that. As you found out yesterday, your days are over. And you are your own worst enemies.
[[this article was unhidden because it was referenced in a comment -- eds.]]
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by Nazi Killer
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 1:33 PM
BR wrote:
"1. SOS and MMP, don't want a Berlin-style wall along our southern border, but decades of disrespect of our laws, and the simple fence which have defined our border, has forced our hand."
Reply: That's the reason the FINAL SOLUTION was the ""FINAL"" Solution - Hitler didn't "want" it or originally "plan" it - but given his fascistic view of the world, that solution was inevitable. His hand was "forced."
All you're saying is you didn't want a Nazi wall before, but now you do.
The shoe fits you.
Have the courage to Wear it.
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by Nazi Killer
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 1:40 PM
BR wrote:
"2. The USA-Mexico border is about 2,000 miles long, so a 5-layer fence would equal 10,000 miles of fence. But, I don't expect an illiterate and uneducated person, such as you to do well in Math."
We wouldn't expect an illiterate such as you to read the newspapers. The Sensenbrenner bill doesn't include a 2,000 mile fence. Even the RepubliNazi House wouldn't approve that, and didn't.
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by Leslie
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 3:42 PM
Unequivocally, every single SOSer, by commission or omission, has proven themselves a racist and a religious bigot with this attack on Danza Cuauhtémoc. The danzantes dance to honor the spirits of the earth and the heavens, to call on them for protection and guidance. It is a tradition that predates Christianity by millennia. Not one minuteman or Save Our Stater could celebrate their god in the manner of the danzantes for fifteen minutes. No one of you have the strength or the faith to keep up with the eldest of the danzantes. And you dare to mock them. There is no name for anything on earth that names the lowness to which you have fallen. Did you sit in your churches today, feeling all pious? When the sermon got boring, did your mind drift to the "amusing" little mockery of Aztec celebrants on the Save Our State website? Did you sing Christian hymns of war and conquest? Then did you pray to a deity in whose name millions, past, present, and future, are slaughtered? Even as you claim to be patriotic guardians of the U.S. constitution, you mock its rhetorical claim to freedom of religious practice. It's little wonder that no thinking person takes your "more patriotic than thou" hyperbole seriously. You equate shopping at Lowe's with patriotism, and "ennoble" the U.S. flag by emblazoning its likeness on your Cat in the Hat haberdashery. Next time, you can complete the picture: wear your conquistador helmet, gauntlets, chain mail, and gorgets. Then we will know who is who. Back in church, perhaps you prayed longingly for a return to the Requirimiento, which called on the native people to convert to Christianity or "we shall powerfully enter into your country, and shall make war against you in all ways and manners that we can, and shall subject you to the yoke and obedience of the Church and of their Highnesses; we shall take you and your wives and your children, and shall make slaves of them, and as such shall sell and dispose of them as their Highnesses may command; and we shall take away your goods, and shall do you all the mischief and damage that we can, as to vassals who do not obey, and refuse to receive their lord, and resist and contradict him; and we protest that the deaths and losses which shall accrue from this are your fault, and not that of their Highnesses, or ours, nor of these cavaliers who come with us." Nothing has changed as long as the minutemen, SOS, and their ilk walk this planet. You sicken me beyond words. If you’re reading this and you have the stomach to see SOSers in their natural, unshifted shape, you can read them hereand following.
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by Morleigh
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 4:09 PM
he myth of the noble savage was started by 17 th century writers who had never met a savage of any kind. It was greatly popularized in the 18 th century by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who had also never met a savage. Its recent revival and exaggeration has been for the purpose of increasing sympathy for the condemnation of the attitudes and actions of European colonists toward the previous inhabitants of the land. It is not necessary to condone the colonial behavior to insist on truth in history.
Anthropologists have searched for peaceful societies much like Diogenes looked for an honest man. (Steven A. LeBlanc, Harvard University archaeologist)
One study has shown that in pre-Columbian America, frequency of warfare was proportional to population density. To hold the myth it is necessary to ignore all of the eye witness accounts of the Native-Americans delight in the screams of their torture victims.
The Pueblo tribes have been studied in elementary schools because they are examples of peaceful societies. It turns out that the apparent peacefulness came about after the pueblos were surrounded by the invading and raiding Navajo, and conquest by Europeans, Spain, Mexico, U.S.A. The first anthropologists didn't arrive until late in the 19 th century. It seems the Anasazi (ancestors of the Hopi etc.) left the open lands for cliff dwellings, then the present pueblos on mesa edges, in order to protect themselves from each other. There is conclusive evidence of the most vicious behavior, including cannibalism.
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by fresca
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 4:21 PM
It's a very simple math problem, this issue of ILLEGAL immigration.
The US in general and Californisa in particular can simply not continue to support the flood of illegal immigration that continues unabated.
No system can continue to function giving out more resources than it generates. The ILLEGAL immigrant population simply drain resources at a rate higher than they replenish them. That's irrefutable.
The VAST majority of these ILLEGAL immigrantsare from Mexico. That's just fact. It's not even remotely racist to point that out.
These people that come here ILLEGALLY are just that ILLEGAL. SOme people are simply ILLEGAL by there very existence if they are living where there aren't supposed to.
This is not a question of racism. Of course manu racists on the left AND right flock around this issue but it's simply a matter of ninth grade algebra.
I for one am tired of working to support these people, on any level.
Let's work to keep them out.
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by Cipactli
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 4:25 PM
What does the concept of the "Noble Savage" have to do with it?
All you're doing is trying to cover up and justify your own vicious hatred by pulling a shell game to divert our attention.
The idea of the noble savage was just another way for you to dehumanize us. It was the counter balance to outright brutal physical genocide.
The attacks on another people's spiritual practices is sick. You can't escape the hell you've made of your own mind.
Let us all pray you find a way out, before it's too late for the world.
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by johnk
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 4:38 PM
 killyoutodayloveyoutomorrow.png, image/png, 700x1323
The myth of the noble savage came about well after the myth of the savage was used to justify conquest. First, the conflict was described in terms of the "civilized" versus the "savages." Then, once the "savages" were made "extinct" by killing them during war, and during peace, and "assimilating" them, their cultures were described as "noble."
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by peopleX 1
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 5:37 PM
I wonder how many of the minute men or sos or what ever splinter issue and its attendant group members, would have the intestinal fortitude to leave their home after selling everything they had, to take vicious chances across incredible dangers to work without real legal protection in a lowest scale work position? In a strange and hostile land? Regardless of the repressive corporate military kleptrocracy level of misery, the American client regime brings to bare? And how many would actually brave the gauntlet? Not many. I would expect to see cosmic commandos and wantabe types there, but I would be surprised to see any combat veterans in such a group.
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by Border Raven
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 7:33 PM
In 1849, word spread that Gold had been discovered in California. People traveled from far and wide, facing unimaginable dangers, to work in the mountains, among ruthless claim jumpers, mountain lions and bears. Inflation drove up prices, in the nearby towns, tempting the suddenly wealthy miners to spend their gold. Eventually the gold was dug up from the ground, save for a few small veins, but it was not economical to extract it. The miners left, and ghost-towns stood silent.
In 1994, word spread that an hour of labor was worth at least US$ 6.00. People traveled from far and wide, facing unimaginable dangers, to work in the fields, farms, factories, for greedy, ruthless employers, more dangerous than, mountain lions and bears. To the locals, who had to work hard, under rising inflation, to pay off mortgages, and college loans for their children, while paying rising taxes, these workers, took on the likeness of the claim jumpers of 1849. Eventually, the workers outnumbered the available jobs, they didn't want to leave to go home, but instead, sought shelter provided by greedy merchants, eager to profit from employers who would shop at their stores, if a worker was waiting in the shelter. This became popular, so more merchants built shelters for workers, to attract more customers, and the workers, sent letters back home with stories of these comfortable shelters, where free meals, and other amenities were provided. So more workers came, and more shelters were built.
Eventually, it was like a group of people feeding a flock of pigeons in the park everyday. The more you feed them, the more they come to feed. At some point, somebody can't afford to feed the pigeons, and they leave. Eventually, you find yourself and another person, trying to feed the growing flock of pigeons. The day comes, when you are alone, and can no longer afford to feed them, but they will starve if you don't. You feel bad for the pigeons, and try to make them fly away. They won't leave, so you bring in some cats.
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by Bureau of Labor Statistics
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 8:13 PM
Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 108,000 in December, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.9 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. The December increase in payroll employment followed a gain of 305,000 in November (as revised). Several industries added jobs over the month, including food services, professional and business services, health care, and manufacturing.
Year Ann Avg 1975 8.5 1976 7.7 1977 7.1 1978 6.1 1979 5.8 1980 7.1 1981 7.6 1982 9.7 1983 9.6 1984 7.5 1985 7.2 1986 7.0 1987 6.2 1988 5.5 1989 5.3 1990 5.6 1991 6.8 1992 7.5 1993 6.9 1994 6.1 1995 5.6 1996 5.4 1997 4.9 1998 4.5 1999 4.2 2000 4.0 2001 4.7 2002 5.8 2003 6.0 2004 5.5
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by Border Raven
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 8:55 PM
Statistics mean nothing if you don't know where they came from.
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by Bureau of Labor Statistics
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 8:57 PM
Bureau of Labor Statistics
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by peopleX 1
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 9:42 PM
>like a group of people feeding a flock of pigeons< How dare you. Your group can't really address the real problem. You, in particular, are a conflict enabler. Stop imperial intervention and exploitation across the borders, 'border raven' and pressure domestic enforcement with existing labor laws here. Everything else is an apparent platform for racial division which is fine for repressive quarters.
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by Bureau of Labor Statistics Office of Analysis
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 9:43 PM
Except for 2002 and 2003, unemployment has DROPPED every year since long before what you call the "immigration invasion."
You know those low-wage, labor-intensive jobs that you say U.S. citizens want but can't get because the undocumented workers have taken them all? They don't exist.
More jobs are available PER WORKER in the U.S. than in any year since 1970--right before women "invaded" the workforce, taking jobs away from the "breadwinner," you remember?
Unemployment fell when women marched out of the kitchen. They fell when Mexicans came here to work. Seems to us here at the Office of Analysis that adding to the workforce increases the number of jobs available to all workers.
Try again, loser.
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by Border Raven
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 10:08 PM
The sight of men standing on sidewalks and in day labor centers, where only 10 percent get hired. The average DL is lucky to work 16 hours a week.
But, my issue is not with those who immigrate legally, as I would use a day labor center, if I were desperate enough. I get a monthly military retirement check, that I earned through 20-years of service. I also seek employment in manufacturing.
The illegal immigrants need to leave, to improve the odds for employment of people who are eligible for employment, in the USA, under the DHS determination, Form I-9.
Or are you advocationg open borders and the unregulated flow of migrants?
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by johnk
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 12:39 AM
One of the criticisms of the BLS stats is that people who don't look for work are not considered "unemployed", and the status of people who take contract work isn't always clear. So, the actual number might be a bit higher. (Of course, it's still not that high in this country, generallly.)
I'm actually on the side of the BLS on that first issue. If someone can survive without seeking work, then, they really have dropped out of the economy and aren't the same as an unemployed person. For someone to affect a market, they have to be "in" the market.
The actual unemployment numbers need to be adjusted for region and community. In California, it's around 6%, and different cities tend to trend along with that number.
The drops in unemployment when new people enter the labor market is interesting. I think it says something about the effect of more people working.
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by peopleX 1
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 11:13 AM
Is someone a little cross? To repost the statement you were responding to(?)
>like a group of people feeding a flock of pigeons< How dare you. Your group can't really address the real problem. You, in particular, are a conflict enabler. Stop imperial intervention and exploitation across the borders, 'border raven' and pressure domestic enforcement with existing labor laws here. Everything else is an apparent platform for racial division which is fine for repressive quarters.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 12:49 PM
Other Indy sites are reporting on anti-Nazi pickets and protests in other States, also. There were anti-Nazi rallies in Oregon and Washington this week end, also.
Always great seeing so many good people stand up to oppose these scumbags.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 1:03 PM
> the simple fence which have defined > our border, has forced our hand
"Look what you made me do." The age-old cry of the oppressor. Blame their victims, just like Nazi Germany.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 1:29 PM
The statistics published by this fascist regime should not be believed. The Los Angeles Times reported a year ago that the actual unemployment is around 11% and that the fascist regime was not only delaying the release of unemployment and other economic information, but were lying about what they eventually released.
This fascist regime tried to claim that fast food jobs were manufacturing jobs, don't forget. And the GAO has repeatedly condemned this fascist regime's lies about the Republinazi economy.
Don't look at anything these fascists claim; look at how your own situation is and that of your neighbors. Look at what employment agencies and welfare agents have to say about the state of this Republican recession. Eye witness observations speaks louder than fascist, traitorous lies.
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by Mintuewoman
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 2:45 PM
The indigenous dancers at the HD protest were very entertaining!
HERE IS A NEWS FLASH - CANADA is a socialist country. They have wonderful social services available!
Open border peoples - MOVE TO CANADA!!!! You wil love the free medical care! Free college tuition! FREE FREE FREE stuff - make your arrangements today!
CANADA is waiting for you..
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by El Chivo
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 8:07 AM
Canada is not a socialist country. They have social programs. Canada is still a capitialist country. If you think having social program is a socialist so you can call our public education and health care socialist. Educate yourself minutewoman.
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by Hacking Indymedia
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 10:26 AM
I see you.
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by Minutewoman
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 2:36 PM
No need to get snappy! Good grief!
I am only trying to help here! You are all so unhappy with the United States! Canada is much more closer to a socialistic country than the U.S.
I thought you would all like that improvement!
OK then how about Sweden? They have a more refined. a more pure system of socialism.
All social needs are taken care of in Sweden. They are known for their wondrous socialism.
I hope you are happy now with my suggestion, El Chivo.
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by Swede
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 6:11 PM
too much riff raff gets in
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by for sure
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 6:44 PM
Any educated european would have a hard time not to laugh at the ill informed and poorly educated average American. As to an individual who can be persuaded to support a racial driven agenda through misdirection ( to be kind ) about basic mechanics of economy, one would openly laugh. But they would ask you to understand that there are certain things you need to understand. They may say you're only treating the symptoms. Not providing a cure . One that would involve your voluntary life style change to a sane, less wasteful one. Who knows? I've only lived in Germany, Holland and Central America. So I may be wrong.
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by El Chivo
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 9:29 AM
Yes I will get snappy becasue you are so ignorant. you do not know what capitalist and what is socialist is. I will stop debating with you because you are so ignorant. and no Sweden is not a socialist country.
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by Mintuewoman
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 1:20 PM
Oh so you will get snappy? Because I am ignorant? Oh you are a silver tinged rascal!
Debate? I am not debating - I am giving helpful hints.
Well I have TRIED to provide you with two countries plying a socialist styled government. Since you oppose the U.S. government - I am trying to find new lands for your pure, socialist society.
NOW you tell me Sweden is not a socialist country? No to Canada. No to Sweden.
OK maybe the third time is the charm...what about CUBA? Why don't you leave the U.S. for Cuba?
Is Cuba Socialist enough for you?
And settle down on your snappy there!
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by Minutewoman
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 1:29 PM
That was quite a paragraph or two you produced on Sweden! The word esoteric comes to mind.
I extrapolated from your ruminations that Sweden is not imminent on your domicile horizon.
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 1:43 PM
He signed his Minutewoman post in the other thread as Border Raven. You're not very slick are you Jerry?
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 3:02 PM
Minutewoman made a simple error, now I will have to put her over my knee and spank her.
BR -- The one and only
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 3:17 PM
Minutewoman just forgot that she wasn't Border Raven?
Border Raven, do you have to dream up fantasy women?
my opinions and only my opinions.
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by Scorpio
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 3:31 PM
I have learned over the years that the Left is incapable of understanding why groups like SOS and the Minutemen exist. This is the result of government education and our out of control college campuses, which are producing armies of clinically retarded social sewage that we know today as "the Left".
There is little point in arguing with people who have been programmed to reject 'open debate'. The only way to defeat these functionally illiterate tapeworms is through our political system. They will throw a fit, as they always do, and some may even become violent, as they sometimes do, but thats the right way to do it.
That said, it is fun watching one Leftist imbecile after another demonstrate their desire for the US to adopt suicidal policy in the name of 'diversity'. It's like watching a 3 year old with a Rubics Cube.
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 4:19 PM
SOS and the Minutemen exist because their members choose to blame the most vulnerable in our society and blame them for the problems created by a system which is inherently based on inequality.
SInce the SOS and the Minutemen are right-wing they're trying to solve a global problem through nationalism and closed borders.
Scorpio uses a post full of name calling to demostrate why the "left" is incapable of reasonable debate.
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by Scorpio
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 4:53 PM
Wrong again. You have demonstrated my exact point.
You said: "SOS and the Minutemen exist because their members choose to blame the most vulnerable in our society ..."
This is exactly what I was talking about. This is NOT why they exist. If you'd take 3 seconds out of your day to explore these groups you'd learn that they exist because they believe that THE LAW SHOULD BE ENFORCED. They don't "blame the most vulnerable". If you'd actually listen to them you'd learn that they blame THE GOVERNMENT for its abject failure to enforce the law.
You want debate, now you have it. The real problem you have with MM and SOS is not with their publically stated motivation, but with a fantasy 'racist' motivation that you believe exists but doesn't. People of all races and colors, including Mexican Americans, are part of SOS and the MM. Thats a fact, Petey. You can deny this all you want but it only makes you look stupid.
Further, it's worth pointing out (yet again) that nationalism and better border security doesn't make a person 'racist'. Moreover, just because you have no strong sense of nationality and prefer open borders and fancy yourself an Ace of Diversity doesn't logically imply that those who disagree with you are, by definition, racists. If you think it does then there is no other conclusion to draw than that you are functionally illiterate.
Go ahead, Petey, I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to hear your juvenile retort...
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by johnk
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 5:11 PM
They say: oppose Home Depot.
Their action: harass day labor centers.
They say: enforce laws.
Their action: protest artwork at train station for being evidence of "Reconquista."
They say: they are against racism.
Their action: they welcome clandestine participation by extremist racists.
They say: they are protesting Bush.
Their action: they don't protest Bush.
They call the day laborers "slaves" but instead of calling for an "abolition of slavery" they call for the elimination of the "slaves". That's almost like saying "eliminate oppression by eliminating the oppressed." They said the same thing when they removed Japanese Americans from the West Coast during WW2: there was so much racism against them, that, by putting them into a big jail, they dealt with the problem of racist violence.
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by Scorpio
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 5:26 PM
johnk.... You can play word games all you like but it doesn't alter the veracity of my previous statements.
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 5:38 PM
Why are you so sensitive? I never even mentioned the word “racist” in my post. You mentioned it 3 times.
I think you’re failing to look at the real underlying issues at play. Sure, they say that “THE LAW SHOULD BE ENFORCED” and on the face that is a pretty tight argument. Saying that the laws should be enforced is a justification they use for their actions but it’s not the real reason they exist.
The REAL reason they exist is because people’s standards of living are under attack on both sides of the border. The same system that oppresses the people in Mexico also little by little chips away at our personal economic security here.
And now workers on both sides of the border are fighting each other. And instead of going after the root cause, the MM and SOS choose to blame people who are also victims of the same system that threatens their security. The workers fight it out and those in charge couldn’t be happier.
Why do you think the government is such a failure at enforcing these laws you speak of? It’s because they are beholden to someone else, mainly corporations and the rich.
Also, I didn’t say that being nationalist and wanting tighter border security necessarily made a person a “racist”. It can though. It can also make a person short-sighted. So instead of trying to make the world a better place like people on the left want, you just want to build really big walls and punish people for trying to make their lives better.
BTW, I have listened to them and read their websites and there is lots of stuff that could be interpreted as racist written there. I can cite examples if you like.
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 6:11 PM
If you are a "mind reader" then go get a FUCKING job with the CIA, otherwise GO TO HELL. You have no business, telling me, or anyone else, what is behind my actions. You are what you think.
-- I support the US Constitution. -- I want the border fortified, per the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. -- I want the US military to patrol the border. -- I want the smuggling of drugs and people stopped cold. -- I want the immigration laws enforced. -- I want the illegals deported. -- I want employers to hire eligilbe employees. -- I want the cities to enforce immigration laws and stop facilitating crimes.
Failing these simple requests: -- I expect to see civil war in the USA, and a lot of people hurt. -- I expect to see war with Mexico, and it won't be nice. -- I expect to see armed militias on the border, and patrolling our streets, with shoot-to-kill orders. -- I expect to see crooked politicians, unscrupulous employers, and illegal aliens --and their supporters, hanging from trees -- probably a thousand a day.
Now, do you know why I exist?
I exist for the love of God and Country, MOTHER FUCKER!
Within the framework of the US Constitution and under the Bill of Rights, it will be the Patriots, who rise up, and take this country back.
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 6:18 PM
You can't even justify you're own existence without taking off on some ridiculous rant and referring to god, country and war!! And you don’t even know what’s behind you’re actions.
So many years in the military kind of rules out that whole free thinking stuff, huh?
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by Scorpio
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 4:40 PM
You said: "you just want to build really big walls and punish people for trying to make their lives better. "
This is precisely the sort of poorly thought out, juvenile response I was expecting. You no doubt believe that I 'want to wage war on the brown people'...
I'm not interested in 'punishing people for trying to make their lives better'... I'm interested in enforcing our laws because failure to do so is damaging our nation. I understand quite well why they want to come here, but that doesn't give them license to violate our laws.
It's sad that these things have to be explained to you.
You don't operate any heavy machinery, do you? Do you drive? Or are you old enough yet to drive?
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by UBE
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 5:00 PM
We always hear about the Mexicuns and other thrid world non-whites coming here for the "American Dream:"
Why isn't there any Mexican Dream? Venezuelan Dream? Guatemalan Dream?
The only dream these third world non-whites can envision is dreaming about getting the Hell out of Mexico or Guatemala or whereever to come to the USA, created by the hated white man.
Why are white Americans the only people who can create a country that embodies the dream of every other group in the world?
Whites are universally hated by the non-whties who come here....but they keep coming to go to school with whites, to work for whites, to pursue white women (preferably blondes) and to move into white neighborhoods when they can afford to.
Since they have so much hatred for white people they should just stay in their own pig-sty countries and they won't have to be around us.
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by Pete Nice
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 5:35 PM
Scorpio, ever heard of the term "ad hominem"? Were you ever in a debate class where somebody actually made you respond to the arguments at hand instead of making silly personal attacks. Don't they teach critical thinking in the military? Or were you trained to think like the herd?
The Minutemen and SOS exist because they just can't connect the dots. Kinda like you. You guys like simple answers to what you think are simple questions because you have... oh forget it.
You think that if the laws are enforced that conditions will improve for Americans. But you fail to realize that the system, and those that are really in charge, namely big business and corporations, will never allow the government to enforce those laws.
The system needs to be addressed and changed. That's my point. In the meantime you guys harass day laborers and play Soldier of Fortune down at the border. Because you are good Americans!
It's sad that these things need to be explained to you. An "educated" military man like yourself.
Ok now go ahead and call me names...
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by Greg A.
Saturday, Jan. 28, 2006 at 10:46 PM
I am looking for people to record such protest for me as part of a anti-immigration documentry. There will be pay, email me at mipasar@cox.net
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by Johnny
Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006 at 12:31 AM
Well, Greg A. Just show up at the next one and record it for yourself!
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by Carly Barnes
Wednesday, May. 31, 2006 at 12:42 PM
I find it strange that illegal aliens would feel "persecuted" when America attempts to enforce their laws. I am positive that if I illegally entered Mexico, I would be locked up, tortured, and worse. All we want is to keep the law-breakers out. If the people in Mexico need jobs so badly, why don't they start breaking laws in Mexico to change things there? Why do they have to come here to change this country? My immigrant Grandparents all came here legally, learned the language and loved the U.S. They did not come here to take it over and make it a little "Germany" or little "Sweden" Do the illiegal mexicans think they can merely over-run us with their millions and make us give in to their ridiculous demands? I am all for helping the unfortunates in the world, but on this one I say, throw the bums out! Let them go back and follow the dang rules.
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