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by Next Move
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 9:58 PM
The xenophobic media darlings, Save Our State made their scheduled appearance in Burbank to protest the opening of a Day Labor/Temporary Worker Center adjacent to the new Home Depot.
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SOS spent a short week of hard and fast Internet organizing and used the unchallenged nightly local media exposure to their advantage. Earlier in the week Don Silva sent out an impassioned plea to his e-mail lists in which he stated, “I am asking, basically pleading with as many of you as possible to show up this Saturday.” Silva’s begging paid off – SOS drew their biggest crowd ever, approximately 75. The opposition consisting of several local groups and individuals drew about 100. Two prominent groups there today were the ANSWER Coalition and the Mexica-Movement. One report on the Save Our State website placed the numbers at around 100 SOS to 150 anti-SOS. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7186&st=40 About an hour into the event the Mexica-Movement remained at their location in front of the day labor center and many of the “left” activists including ANSWER moved across the street. SOS remained where they started, on the sidewalk in front of Home Depot. Burbank police had a steady but relatively small presence but managed to keep the opposing sides apart for most of the day. The exception was an incident that occurred at the end of the event when SOS was being shuttled to their vehicles. Little by little SOS members were led 2-by-2 (like school children being taken by their teacher to the lavatory) across the street and down an alley to a secret, probably pre-planned, exit location. Toward the end of the exit parade Joe Turner, the SOS “man-in-charge” and a few other SOSers were left waiting for their rides. At that point the “left” contingent of the counter-protest, spearheaded by members from ANSWER crossed the street and surrounded Turner. The Mexica-Movement stayed at their location in front of the day worker center. Shouting him down, the activists removed the school-boy, ear-to-ear grin from his face for the first time all day leaving him frustrated and standing in the middle of the street waiting for his ride, who happened to be Don Silva who pulled up about 10 minutes later in his green taxi. Shuttled away no doubt to a celebratory lunch at a local Mexican restaurant more than likely staffed by a kitchen full of undocumented workers. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7186&st=80 The incident at the end of the protest was one of the more bizarre incidents to take place at an SOS event and it ranks right up there to Joe Turner’s arrest 10 minutes in to the 12-7-05 Glendale event, the Nazis in Laguna Beach pulling out their flags and then being chased to their cars by the counter protestors and the one SOSer near tears at the beginning of the 6-18-05 Alhambra event (you know who you are). One can only wonder what will happen next. The day was also highlighted by the appearance of a few Latino SOS members who were pushed to the front and given access to a bullhorn, at times assisted by Turner himself. Counter-protesters on the other side of the street were heard calling these individuals “house pets”. Apparently two of these men are available for hire or rent as SOS member LAPhil posted that he has contact information for these men. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7186&st=80 Throughout the day SOS members took turns on the bullhorn, each one making their “statement” which they believe will once and for all make the counter-protestors shut up and go away. It never works though because, as should be obvious in such a noisy environment, it’s really impossible to hear a word they are saying.
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 9:58 PM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 9:58 PM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 9:58 PM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 9:58 PM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 9:58 PM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 9:58 PM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 9:58 PM
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006 at 9:58 PM
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by El Chivo
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 7:11 AM
It's best to describle the SOS protest as "Racist wrap in red, white and blue."
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by EL Chivo
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 7:13 AM
r u turning into Jammer CC covering things as in covering donnie plates?
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by El Chivo
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 7:46 AM
please call don silvia up and give him a false locations of a pick up!
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by Danny
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 8:25 AM
Mexica! Listen up!
More and more Americans are checking this issue out!
Americans of all races and Nationalities are joing Saveourstate!
You embarrass yourselves calling American Hispanics vendidos!
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by Hijole
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 2:01 PM
Hijole! You ever noticed how the SOS uses language?
We used to be La Raza. Then we were MeChA Then the Brown Berets Then the "goons" Now, we're the Mexicas.
They seem to have no idea that we're a Movement.
A movement comprised of many different groups.
You know what the problem is though really?
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by Moreleigh
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 2:01 PM
History? Over with?
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by Rockero420
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 3:44 PM
Thanks for the report. I knew I couldn't trust Fox's, even if I had seen it. Wisht I coulda been there. Maybe nextime. Rockero420
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by Manuel A.
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 3:59 PM
Yes, SOS has realized we are ONE PEOPLE. We are the Mexica. (the original, Indigenous way we say 'Mexican")
But we don't stop there: we want to include ALL Indigenous peoples of this continent as one Nican Tlaca nation without falsely-imposed European borders on us.
Lou Dobbs and Pat Buchanan have manufactured a lexicon for the SOS by falsely labling us as "La Raza" and "Mecha." if Lou Dobbs is smart, he'll continue to promote that straw man Mecha argument, and avoid giving any airtime to the Mexica Movement. That message would be too damaging for his European audience to hear.
Based upon the APB that SOS sent out (word pun nonwithstanding), I was hoping they would have marshalled way more people than actually showed up for them.
One glaring disparity between the two groups was the generational gap. Their side was conspicuously aged and representative of a by-gone era, fully in the death throes of nostalgia for the "good ol days."
Our side, by contrast, is youthful, vigorous, and on the march. Justice is on our side. The facts about this being our continent are on our side.
And oh yeah, that "demographic tidal wave" thing on the horizon is kind of gonna make a big difference, too.
The Mexica Movement was besieged by media interviews at this protest. Our message was delivered loud and clear.
We are calling for Europeans to go back to Europe. But we want the racist Europeans to go first, and ASAP. They would be so much happier in Europe among their own people, where they wouldn't have to face us anymore. (They can even call themselves "Americans" in Europe, and wave their flags, too!)
But we fully understand that there are DECENT Europeans on our continent, some with a strong sense of justice, willing to listen to the facts. Some are willing to act on behalf of what is right and just.
With those decent Europeans, we understand they will need a generation or two to sort out how they will return to their European homeland.
We understand of course, that all of this will take place outside the scope of our present lifetimes. But without a doubt, our future generations will take the baton from us and make it happen.
The bottom line of all this is: just as the Jews can argue that they wanted their land back after 2,000 years, we Nican Tlaca are demanding control of our lands back after only 500 years.
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by Don Silva
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 4:46 PM
Since you all just can not tell the complete truth, ever, I only have one brief statement to your elite goons, Leslie, Nextmoron, El Chivers, and whomever else I am forgettng.
Numbers, always numbers ! This is your usual first lie. Even when we outnumber you for once, you still lie.
Real numbers. I know you can count to 100, so I know you lie.
105 = good guys
75 = evil globalists pawns (thats you, btw)
Also, you can call me anytime you want @ 818 601 8407. I am not afraid of any of you in the least, nor is my wife that you think you can intimidate me with by finding out her name and posting it here. Evil jacktards.
Feel free to post my Taxi, my name, (I know not yours, but you sure have ours on your minds, and signs.) and any other information that you want to post to make internet threats.
We just do not care what you think of us, now, or ever. I doubt if you will ever get it straight.. However, the 5 or so others that read the outright lies that next goon, cream and chives, and Leslie publish as 'journalism', deserve the truth...which you will NEVER give them.
Again, thank you for your support ! Util we use you next time, I remain - LL Don Silva...goons delight, and out of sight!
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by El Chivo
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 5:33 PM
in the SOS thread one of your guys said the counter still outnumber you guys like 150 counter to 100 soser. your the liar donnie. also, you said a couple months ago that numbers dont count. you are just a media whore and a lapdog to the corporation.
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by Race War?
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 7:35 PM
Its amazing to see this openly traitorous, seditious and separatist talk from these Mexica fools. By all means, please go ahead and unite and try and drive out the "European invader". I cannot wait to see you try and then watch with sour amusement as military tanks drive over your bodies.
Are you as stupid as you portray yourselves? You live in the most free and democratic nation on earth and what do you do? You spread hate and lies and spout sediitious ideologies. That's perfectly fine with me. I just feel bad for the good Latinos and other legal immigrants to this country who get grouped into your abyss of imminent self-destruction.
A cousin of mine works for the Dept of Homeland Security and she tells me that they are completely aware of this growing Mexican separatist movement and that its NOT being taken as a joke. That's bad news for you since this out of control Bush adminstration is more than happy to start wire tapping you morons and before too long you might find yourselves in the same position as the Black Panthers or early Chicano Brown Beret assholes who were basically dismantled by the FBI in the early 70s. So keep it up because the more you show your hate and intolerance the sooner you'll finish digging your own graves.
Yes, America is on to you. My guess is your fucked and for what? Because being an American just was't good enough or was it just that your hatred of White people moves your toward your misguided crusade?
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by Next Move
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 7:54 PM
Aside from the numbers issue which you always say doesn't matter anyway, what in the story was a lie?? I think just seeing somebody with another perspective of things just makes you guys a little uncomfortable and sensitive.
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by Border Raven
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 8:48 PM
I generally don't comment about suspected ongoing investigations, but La Voz De Aztlan, should be the alert. I figure Indy Media's, servers are in Perth, AU, putting it in the hands of the NSA and CIA.
Enough said.
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by Minutewoman
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 11:11 PM
"We are the Mexica" reads like a blueprint for a racist lifestyle.
Mexica is: Exclusionary. Based on skin color. And promotes hatemongering.
Where is the diversity?
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by Clown Fashion Police
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 11:14 PM
Don, you've worn that damn cat in the hat hat too long - it's affecting your reception. Tune in.
Any number of people on your own damn forum openly admitted you were outnumbered - and you never contradicted them.
Call your own people "liars." Then get back to us.
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by Border Raven
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 11:35 PM
Thanks for that.
Do you have ages?
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by Huh?
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 at 11:54 PM
Since when did everyone at these things become "Mexica?"
Someone is high on stupid. The Mexica movement is bigger than ever because of these demonstrations.
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by Manuel A.
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 2:19 AM
Anahuac continent
"We are Mexica" is just who we are. The denial of who we are is what has been racist.
And you're right, "Mexica" is "exclusionary" in the same way one wants to "exclude" a burglar from his/her house.
It's "exclusionary" the same way a Jew does not want to abdicate Israel to China.
Where is the diversity you ask? "Diversity" just means "Whites on top." Same thing with the term "multiculturalism."
We have enough internal diversity among all the varied and fascinating peoples of our continent (not to mention the southern continent).
Does one ask a Jew "what about your diversity? Why are you excluding the Italians from owning Israel? After all, the Romans once colonized it."
No, one does not. Neither should one ask the same of our people and our continent.
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by johnk
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 4:29 AM
> Does one ask a Jew "what about your diversity?"
I don't know about the religion, but, culturally, Jewish people are very diverse. There's all kinds, all over the world. In America, there's a range, including Mexican-American people of Jewish heritage.
I think the question more often asked is "why do you all argue amongst yourselves so much?" Another common question is whether so-and-so's spouse is also Jewish, because they outmarry a lot.
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by Minutewoman
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 8:59 AM
WOW - that is some ugly stuff you wrote Manual.
The U.S. is a melting pot.
To be an American - you can be any color, any nationality. One needs to merely uphold the greatest political document in the history of the world - the U.S. Constitution and obey U.S. law.
To Huh? - I have to just say that was an extremely hilarious statement you wrote:
"Someone is high on stupid." This statement can be univerally applied.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 1:48 PM
http://portland.indymedia.org/ There were also anti-Nazi pickets and protests in other parts of the country. Just like here in California, the white supremacists were outnumbered and out witted every step of the way.
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by Fredric L. Rcie
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 2:36 PM
> your elite goons, Leslie, Nextmoron, El Chivers, > and whomever else I am forgettng.
Gods damn it, who do I have to pay around here to get recognized as one of the elite goons? What? I don't qualify because I wear a white face? Is that it, Don? I mean come on! I'm at _LEAST_ as evil as Leslie, and at _LEAST_ a "race traitor" deserving of being on your short memory list, aren't I?
I mean sweet baby Jesus, here I go through all the trouble of creating a web site to expose these scumbags, and I go through all the trouble of infiltraiting your various web site's discussion forums using all kinds of fake names so I can divide and fracture everything you clowns stand for, and I don't even make it on your list?
That's insulting. And for fucking out loud, I see that 1people1planet didn't make your list, either. Shouldn't _he_ be at the top of your list? I mean if there's a Darth Vader amoing your enemies, to be sure it's 1people1planet. He's got to be annoyed too, I'd think.
Oh, and johnk pays us all to post here, don't you think" Shouldn't he be on your list, too? He should since he's always the voice of reason, always calmly rational and accurate -- must piss you and your fellows off into pants-shitting frustration, doesn't he? He should be on your list.
Come on, Don. Unclench those teeth and _try_ to smile for once in your sick, disgusting life. There's so much more to life than being afraid of brown skin and people who worship Satan. Unclench those teeth, climb down from that tree, and come _join_ your intellectual and moral superiors in that great adventure called Life. Once you cast aside your pretend enemies, maybe then you can let the healing begin.
Email me for help if you need it. I'll be there for you when it's time.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Don Silva
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 2:48 PM
Were you guys there? One of you certainly does not know what is up. I was not in the cat in the hat hat Saturday. That is me in the photo at the top of this 'article'.
Again, were you there? How about you, next groove ? All you have to do it count....1 2 3 , oh forget it, one million !
Honestly, numbers really do matter...that would be the total # of us, the goons, PD, reporters, HD cronies, and so forth.
I just wanted you to know that the one time that we do outnumber you, that we would not just sit back and not offer a correction. The real reason ? We do not like lies, and we do NOT lie about our #'s...ever.
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by Next Move
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 4:11 PM
If I wasn't there how would I have been able to get that swell picture of your taxi?
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by TheWatchdog
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 7:39 PM
You're the thin dude with the pony tail?
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by Don Silva
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 8:46 PM
Or, did not bother to, or are a liar, like I am thinking is more likely.
Here we go with the lame intimidation bit with my wife. Oh, and now the taxi. It has never worked, and never will....lol. Why would I ever be afraid of a guy that does not even come up and say a hello at the protests ??? I am there, and you know me. I give my #, and no one calls. Oh, one did, but it was someone that posts on our board.
Would you like my wife's phone # as well ? lol, if you will not call me, I am sure you would not have the umph to call a woman since that is more intimidating for a guy...usually.
The jig is up, and you know that you can not stop us. Nothing you have done, or can do has or will stop us. We continue to achieve our goals one after the next, and you all just ride out coat tails, hoping that you can eat our media crumbs.
After we are finished with the illegal immigration issue, whichever way it ends up going, I just wonder if you all will follow us to our next issue...it would be very hard since it is something that you all have NO concern about.
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by Morales
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 12:59 AM
D. Silva wrote
"Well next groove, than you sure can not count !"
Whatever, ese, you cannot spell.
One stupid comeback deserves another, no?
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by Manuel A.
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 1:19 AM
Anahuac continent
The U.S. is a "melting pot," and we are melted while Europeans stand otside the pot determining the temperature of the flames.
The "U.S." is more of a "smelting pot," full of molten hot death which burns away anything which is Indigenous.
Again, the facts:
- This continent is ours.
- Europeans came here uninvited, without passports, without green cards, and behaved like murdering, raping burglars.
- Europeans have practiced 5 centuries of racist hate against Indigenous people, denying us our culture, our identity, our resources to develop our people's human potential.
- Europeans are still trespassing on our continent. Europeans, even by your own definitions, are illegals.
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by Border Raven
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 5:00 AM
... "The U.S. is a "melting pot," and we are melted while Europeans stand otside the pot determining the temperature of the flames." ...
Yup, and we'll turn up the heat, as high as needed, until you are melted, into the purity, of Americanism.
... "The "U.S." is more of a "smelting pot," full of molten hot death which burns away anything which is Indigenous." ...
That's the idea, no lumps, just smooth flowing metal to be molded, into the metal of America. " This continent is ours."
"Europeans came here uninvited, without passports, without green cards, and behaved like murdering, raping burglars."
1. The early explorers accidently stumbled upon this continent, and later travelers brought knowledge and inventions. It was bound to happen, as transportation methods were improved. Who knows, it could have been in reverse.
2. Passports and green cards were not invented , that early. So, you sound stupid and ignorant mentioning it.
3. I'm sure crimes were mutual, and crimes continue.
... "Europeans have practiced 5 centuries of racist hate against Indigenous people, denying us our culture, our identity, our resources to develop our people's human potential." ...
Manuel, go visit the reservations, and play the latest evolution in native culture, slot-machines, and BINGO.
... "Europeans are still trespassing on our continent. Europeans, even by your own definitions, are illegals." ...
You are delusional, aren't you? Besides Europeans, aren't the only people comming the this continent.
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by Nazi Hunter
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 6:03 AM
REPLY TO Seek Therapy by Border Raven Tuesday
M... "The U.S. is a "melting pot," and we are melted while Europeans stand otside the pot determining the temperature of the flames." ...
BR Yup, and we'll turn up the heat, as high as needed, until you are melted, into the purity, of Americanism.
M... "The "U.S." is more of a "smelting pot," full of molten hot death which burns away anything which is Indigenous." ...
BR That's the idea, no lumps, just smooth flowing metal to be molded, into the metal of America.
M " This continent is ours."
BR Ours!
M "Europeans came here uninvited, without passports, without green cards, and behaved like murdering, raping burglars."
BR 1. The early explorers accidently stumbled upon this continent, and later travelers brought knowledge and inventions. It was bound to happen, as transportation methods were improved. Who knows, it could have been in reverse.
BR 2. Passports and green cards were not invented , that early. So, you sound stupid and ignorant mentioning it.
BR 3. I'm sure crimes were mutual, and crimes continue.
M ... "Europeans have practiced 5 centuries of racist hate against Indigenous people, denying us our culture, our identity, our resources to develop our people's human potential." ...
BR Manuel, go visit the reservations, and play the latest evolution in native culture, slot-machines, and BINGO.
M ... "Europeans are still trespassing on our continent. Europeans, even by your own definitions, are illegals." ...
BR You are delusional, aren't you? Besides Europeans, aren't the only people comming the this continent.
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by Maru
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 7:21 AM
 sundaysbest_.jpg, image/jpeg, 433x528
BR: Wearing his sunday's best, Border Blob, can you wear a tighter shirt? Is that a jelly roll suit from the navy?
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by Hacking Indymedia
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 8:49 AM
Maru and El Chivo are a married couple.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 9:42 AM
> We continue to achieve our goals
Yeah. We noticed.
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by Pete Nice
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 9:43 AM
Border Raven thinks this country is what is taught in the history books. He believes the lies. FYI Border Raven this country is never going to be what you want it to be.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 9:44 AM
> I just wonder if you all will follow us to our next > issue...it would be very hard since it is something > that you all have NO concern about.
Golly, this sounds sinister. What's the next issue after you get rid of all the Mexicans? Start on the blacks?
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Minutewoman
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 2:22 PM
America welcomes all people of the world - just enter legally.
Yet you hate this co-mingling. I call it a melting pot - you call it a smelting pot and Border Raven says the heat is turned up so we all blend together.
Manual: Do you drive a car or ride a bus?
Do you use a washing machine?
Watch TV, listen to a radio, use a flashlight? Use a match, a pencil, toothpaste.
If so, these are non-Indigenous people inventions. And if you use any of them, you are choosing to be non-Indigenous.
You seek to convert the United States to your Indigenous ways.
But there are areas all over the world where Indigenous peoples live - the rain forest for example.
Why don't you move to the rain forest? You could certainly meet and live with Indigenous people there and throw off all the shackles of the U.S.
You could be happy in the rain forest instead of frustrated in the United States.
I love the United States - I love the melting pot - I love our US Constitution - so I hope you won't tell me to move to Europe.
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by AyatollahGondola
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 3:15 PM
"Golly, this sounds sinister. What's the next issue after you get rid of all the Mexicans? Start on the blacks? " -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Fred, we start on the deranged. We're just killing two birds with one stone here.
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by Minutewoman
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 3:43 PM
Hi Ayatollah!!!! Good post there my dear!
What's next?
Fred: You are a sardonic fellow.
ATTENTION - we RECRUIT and welcome Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, etc ALL Americans to stand with us.
The more diverse our ranks - the stronger we are.
We ask but one thing - abide by our laws and our US Constitution. There is no skin color or race under this system.
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by arriba y adelante
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 3:47 PM
Nunca olvíde que todo es poder y dinero. Ignora el SOS y ve a la escuela para que usted no tendrá que manejar un taxi toda su vida y para que usted pueda lograr el poder y el dinero para hacer una diferencia verdadera. Necesitamos a políticos, proffesors, abogados y médicos. Deja que el taxi lo manejen los inmigrantees y ve a la escuela.
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by Minutewoman
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 3:50 PM
Hey Border Raven!
I think Pete Nice is Fred Rice
The little kittens lost their mittens
Old King Cole was a merry ol' soul
Hey diddle diddle the cat in the fiddle
I think Pete Nice is Fred Rice
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by MinuteMujer
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 3:58 PM
Cara Arriba:
Pienso que es posible tu eres un gringo o una gringa.
Porque? Porque tu espanol es simple. Come un nino.
Tu mensaje es bueno! Todo la gente va a escuela. Por la vida mejor! Si.
No necesita decirme mi espanol no es bueno porque yo lo se!
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by Pete Nice
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 4:13 PM
To Minutewoman: married to the one-minuteman (no doubt)
Fred Rice is an egomaniac who posts his real name to draw attention to himself in order to fill a void left from childhood. I am Pete Nice and I just don't like you guys!
My opinions and only my opinions...
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by Don is worried
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 4:24 PM
After reading the comments on the report I now know why Don is so angry, scared, and worried about immigrant workers from Latin America; because he's worried about losing his high skilled job as a taxi driver to an immigrant worker. Now it all makes sense. I feel for you Don, but don't get mad at the immigrants, get mad at yourself for not going to school and getting a better job. Why do you get mad at people who just want to work? If you can win this argument without bringing up other issues such as crime or social services then you might have a valid argument and if your argument is the lowering of wages then just remember that there is such a thing as the minimum wage in California which every employer must comply with.
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by the son of an illegal
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 4:42 PM
My dad, a so called "illegal," works as a maintenance man and whenever a young chicano joins him at work he tells them the truth he says, "Que estas haciendo aqui? Esto es un trabajo para los inmigrantees. Para los que apenas acaban de llegar! Aqui no vas hacer dinero ni vas a aprender nada! Salte de aqui y vete a estudiar y deja este trabajo para los ilegales como yo!" - There's a lesson to be learned here people!
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by anahuac warrior
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 8:34 PM
 thewatchdog.jpg, image/jpeg, 306x360
i may or may not have identified the minuteman known as thewatchdog. on the way to the protest saturday, i saw this really ugly dude standing by his car with a camera, and just had to take a pix. from what i can gather it was thewatchdog. i believe this guy has been posting derogatory film of the counterprotesters at his two websites. if you see him, block his view and kindly direct him back to the sos side. he is supposedly filming a "documentary" on the border issues, but his presentation is biased. correct me if i'm wrong, but i thought documentaries were supposed to be impartial and educational, thereby allowing the viewer to make up their own minds--not propaganda designed to lead the viewer to a particular conclusion. if you doubt, read his negative comments on the websites (sos forums also). don't let him film you, he will only attempt to belittle you.
his websites are www.immigrationwatchdog.com www.workplacewatchdog.org
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by Pete Nice
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 8:49 PM
That guy is Watchdog.
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by Pete Nice
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 9:35 PM
 glendale_12-10-05_032.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x427
Here's the racist named cazamigrante (Migrant Hunter). . .
He says this : "But if the Chicken Dancers are going to become protest regulars, we should either get a bunch of folks to dress up in El pollo Loco chicken suits, or maybe get a bunch of guys to dress up like Colonel Sanders," in reference to Danza Cauhtemoc.
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by Morleigh
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 10:07 PM
That is NOT cazamigrante. I doubt you guys will ever guess who cazamigrante is
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by Pete Nice
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 10:37 PM
Morleigh posts under the name Obey on SOS.
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by Manuel A.
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006 at 11:43 PM
Anahuac continent
Why didn't your European people come to this continent with those inventions already?
Why didn't the pilgrims arrive with computers? electricity? flashlights? cars? MRI machines?
Why did it take Europeans 3 centuries to come up with the computer EVEN AFTER arriving here?
Simple, Europeans used the resources of OUR continent to create these things. It further took Europeans another 200 years to begin industrialization. The profits from African slavery and the stolen croplands of our continent finance the Industrial Revolution.
Through genocide of our people, Europeans were able to "move in" with free land, free gold, free slaves, free crops lands.
Just like the Beverly Hillbillies.
Why didn't Europeans arrive here industrialized? Why did it take Europeans 200 years to industrialize even after they came here?
That's 200 years of development that Europeans savagely denied our Indigenous people.
In many ways we were more advanced than Europeans, esp in mathematics and astronomy.
We even had our own calculator called the Nepohualtzitzin.
We probably would've invented the computer in the 1800's if Europeans hadn't savagely denied our development.
But we're going to change all that now. We're thinking long-term. By 200 years from now, our people will be liberated. And who nows, it may even be sooner than that.
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 12:57 AM
In your post: "To Minutewoman on inventions by Manuel A. Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2006 at 11:43 PM"
You totally failed to make an intellectual argument in your favor. However, you did a great job of looking foolish, and ignorant.
Seek therapy, maybe they'll give you some good drugs.
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 1:10 AM
i didn't hear an "intellectual argument" from you either. Where is your response BR? You're a drain on our economy.
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by SOS
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 1:27 AM
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by ((A))
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 5:32 AM
>>Golly, this sounds sinister. What's the next issue after you get rid of all the Mexicans? Start on the blacks?
Nope. Maybe they'll go after Canadians, Irish, and Chinese.
They'll make fun of Michael J. Fox, the other Fox.
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by Minutewoman
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 12:37 PM
I am still not convinced that Pete Nice is not Fred Rice.
Litte Jack Horner sat in a corner
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by Minutewoman
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 1:01 PM
I don't recall ever saying that Indigenous cultures are not wondrous.
I have been to Palenque, Tikal, Chichinitza and they are amazing sites. Full of architectural mastery and mystery. Based on advanced mathematics etc.
I absolutely agree with your assessment there.
My point was this - I don't think you are going to convert the United States to your Indigenous life style. BUT there are thriving Indigenous societies all around the globe.
Where you could live the Indigenous life style - NOW.
You made disparaging comments about Europeans - what can I say to that?
Here is the crux of the issue - uphold US law and the US Constitution.
Border Raven
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 1:34 PM
check it out... the dummy signed his Minutewoman post as Border Raven!! What a dummy.
my opinions and only my opinions
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by Minutewoman
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 1:39 PM
OH MY GOD - I am laughing so hard! Minutewoman is Border Raven!
Border Raven - is that not hysterically funny?
Pete Nice/Fred Rice...this is a good laugh! Thank you for the laughter. What an image.
You got me good there Nice/Rice!
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 1:44 PM
Why did you sign as Border Raven then? Answer me Jerry!!
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 2:48 PM
I just read an email from Minutewoman telling me what she did, and that I should get in here quicly to enjoy a good laugh.
Thank you Minutewoman, I guess you won't need to apply any blush to those cute cheeks today.
Now, I just have to read that post.
--the problem with LAIndy, is you have no option to go back and edit your post, as we do on the SOS forum. So, you had better be damned sure you have it correct, because there ain't no going back.
BR -- the original
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 3:20 PM
Girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they’re girls, who do girls like they’re boys, always should be someone you really love...
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 3:32 PM
"Girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they’re girls, who do girls like they’re boys, always should be someone you really love..."
Makes me worry what else may be hidden inside that mind of yours.
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by Minutewoman
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 4:27 PM
Hello Pete Nice! I promise to no longer say you are Fred Rice...
I am NOT Border Raven.
Now listen - I think we need to NOT blur the lines. That's my opinion.
Boys are boys and Girls are, well, girls!
So that should prove I am the ever erudite MINUTEWOMAN not the charming, the one and only Border Raven!!!!
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by Minutewoman
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 4:29 PM
Border Raven - TO THE RESCUE!!!!
You are on it quick as a whip there man!
Clear my good feminie name - I am MINUTWOMAN and you are BORDER RAVEN
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 6:39 PM
Are we sure?
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by Lou
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 at 11:59 PM
Border Raven's talking to himself! His feminine side and his other side are complimenting each other.
and he's wondering what's going on in Pete Nice's mind!?!?!
BR, I'm not sure which, but when your personalities start talking to each other, it means either you're about to have a breakthrough or you're about to have a breakdown. Let us know how it works out.
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by Manuel A.
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 3:28 AM
Anahuac continent
Border Raven (or is it Minutewoman, hey what you do in your own private time is your business)
You were very rational in your assessment that we possessed "amazing" civilizations that were "full of architectural mastery and mystery. Based on advanced mathematics etc."
See? Somewhere inside that Darth Vader outfit is some humanity that is in accord with logic and facts.
Let's continue down that road, shall we? Why isn't Palenque a modern city, thriving with technology and continued advancedments?
The answer is because of Europeans. It is Europeans who committed genocide against 95% of our people.
"American law" is colonial law. Just as Jews in modern Israel do not look to the German Parliament for permission on how to behave as Jews in Israel, to too do we not need any persmission or approval from Europeans.
In fact, it is our duty to NOW assert our rights to this continent, and to restore the "mastery and mystery...based on advanced mathematics etc" that should have rightfully been ours over the last 500 years.
This is how we should be living NOW, as Indigenous people.
As for "disparaging comments towards Europeans," calling a burglar a burglar only feels "disparaging" from the burglar's mentality.
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by Border Raven
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 5:52 AM
On Indigenous Civilizations, Exploration, Discovery and Conquering of the New World
Exploration, Discovery and Conquering of the New World, was largely dependent on superior intelligence, modes of transportation, weapons development and tactics. It was Homo-erectus who defeated Neanderthal, and populated North Africa, Europe and Asia. While this was happening others were exploring and migrating about the land mass eventually populating Southwest Asia, as still others went Northeast and eventually crossed into what is now Alaska.
While the group in Alaska continued to migrate about North America and southward, the group in what is now Western Europe settled, and eventually became Spain, France, Germany, Italy, etc. By then methods of transportation, weapons, and tactics, had progressed, as did diseases and immunities.
It was inevitable for the populations who settled on one of the continents, to reach intellectual superiority, develop superior transportation, weapons and tactics, and finally find, and conflict, and defeat or be defeated, by the other.
To bring this to modern times, it was inevitable for one group to invent rockets (Chinese), but then make a rocket reach space (Russia), put humans on the Moon (USA with the help of Germans).
To take this to the future, either the people on Earth will discover a planet suitable for habitation (20,000 light years away?) or Extra-Terrestrials will find and conquer us.
In the mean time, we are stuck on this planet, on this Continent, and I don't see the Mexica or Aztlan, happening soon, so learn to accept it.
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by Donnie is Dumb
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 2:43 PM
After reading the comments on the report I now know why Don is so angry, scared, and worried about immigrant workers from Latin America; because he's worried about losing his high skilled job as a taxi driver to an immigrant worker. Now it all makes sense. I feel for you Don, but don't get mad at the immigrants, get mad at yourself for not going to school and getting a better job. Why do you get mad at people who just want to work? If you can win this argument without bringing up other issues such as crime or social services then you might have a valid argument and if your argument is the lowering of wages then just remember that there is such a thing as the minimum wage in California which every employer must comply with.
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Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 3:00 PM
The question on every normal persons mind is: Why is SOS so angry at people who just want to work!? WHY!? These people just want to work! What is so wrong with that! Are they taking your job as a gardener, hotel maid, bus boy, janitor, or as a person picking fruit or selling flowers by the side of a freeway? Is that what you and Lou Dobbs are angry about cause I have no problem hiring Lou Dobbs to clean my toilet. You people piss me off cause you pretend to be patriots when all you are are racists plain and simple. Don't pretend to be something you are not. Just admit that you don't like Mexicans - the end - period point blank. Don't hide behind the American flag and 9-11 like so many people do to get support for their point of view, that is so lame.
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by AyatollahGondola
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 5:06 PM
Where have you been? We've been all across this subject and back under it again. Read the material first.
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by what?
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 7:18 PM
How can I be illegal in my own land!?
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by Why?
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 7:35 PM
Then we get this kind of ... material. -"To bring this to modern times, it was inevitable for one group to invent rockets (Chinese), but then make a rocket reach space (Russia), put humans on the Moon (USA with the help of Germans).
To take this to the future, either the people on Earth will discover a planet suitable for habitation (20,000 light years away?) or Extra-Terrestrials will find and conquer us. "-
Come on. There are limits you know. Sometimes the issue gets clouded and the point get lost. The point is corruption caused by corporate class crimes and down the chain, repression on the working class or indigenous people, paid for by this status quo of rapine. You would leave your home also to try to survive. Then there is the lurid lure of western excess. That's another matter and a lesser motivation for leaving your home than poverty.
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by just use it
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 8:16 PM
I Pledge Allegiance to My God and to the people of the world and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen
God bless all nations and the entire world! (not just America)
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by Border Raven
Friday, Jan. 27, 2006 at 9:23 PM
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United Nations, so that no Republic stands. United Nations under no God, nor Liberty or Justice for all.
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by Manuel A.
Saturday, Jan. 28, 2006 at 2:07 AM
Anahuac continent
Poor Minutemen. They can't even march in a parade.
The City of Laguna Beach denied the Minutemen's appilcation to march in the parade because the group is "too controversial."
That's a polite euphemism for "The Minutemen are racists, and everybody knows it."
Alas, there was no joy in Mudville, for the mighty Minutemen had struck out.
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by johnk
Saturday, Jan. 28, 2006 at 2:38 PM
rexcurry.net has some interesting background on the flag salute.
We need a "right wing conspiracy nomenclature" to decode Border Raven and the other right wingers. They have their own definitions for so many words.
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by Morales
Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006 at 2:39 AM
"Border" "Raven's" history lesson (On Indigenous civilizations and Exploration of the New World, above) is ludicrous claptrap.
1. Humans lived for 2 million years without classes, conquest or exploitation.
2. Classes, conquest and exploitation are aberrations of the last 10,000 years.
3. Until 1492 Europe was a backwater trying to trade pots and pans for gold and luxury items from the more "advanced civilizations", especially from India and China.
4. But the Muslim nations had a lock on sea trade. Hence the effort to find an Eastern passage to India.
5. From the outset Europe imposed trade on more "advanced" civilizations of the era because it had developed one key thing - the cannon.
6. Europe would nonetheless have remained a backwater had it not been for the theft of gold from the Native Peoples of the Western Hemisphere, which fueled the rise of capitalism and the "Renaissance."
7. The "Renaissance" was not a "Renaissance." There was nothing in Europe to renew. The learning the "re-discovered" was not and had never been European, but was rather Athenian, Egyptian, Perisan, Roman and Muslim. None of these societies considered themselves "European." They all were centered on the Mediterranean Sea, not "Europe."
8. It was no "discovery at all. The most "advanced" people of Afro-Eurasia at that time were the Muslims. _THEY _ preserved the knowledge of the "Ancient" "world" and bestowed it upon Europe, esp through the Iberian Penninsula and Italy, which were in whole or part under Muslim rule.
In sum: When Europeans conquered Mexico and Western South America (the principle sources of gold and silver - which Europe utterly lacked) Europe was a filthy backwater where no one bathed (this is a matter of historcial record) that had just finished killing some 11 million of its own people in bloodthirsty, savage, Inquisitions and and many more in religous wars of conquest.
Mexican and South American gold, silver and foodstuffs _made_ Europe, along with Muslim knowledge.
There was not a damn thing "superior" about the backwoods joint.
Border Raven seems not to have read a history book since 1848.
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by Border Raven
Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006 at 12:51 PM
Sure, it weren't some backwoods joint?
Who built this Nation?
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by johnk
Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006 at 12:54 PM
Slaves built this nation.
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Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006 at 3:36 PM
OLDPREACHIN3@YAHOO.COM 800-290-5600 or 818-780-1234; or 818-601-8407 TBA
To all my Mechista/Reconquista/Anarchist/Communist "fans": It seems that the evil neo-nazi aryan supremacist devils at "save our state" keep hiding the truth about the organization at Wikipedia. They keep deleting the pix of all the purdy nazi and confederate flags that were waved at the SOS event in Laguna Beach in the "external links" section. I luv those pix, becuzzz it was my hubby, Don, who brought the nazi/confederate flag wavers in the first place. So, several times each day, please re-post the lovely pixx so the world can see the works of everybody's favorite nazi devil, Don Silva!!! * http://www.la.indymedia.org/news/2005/07/133898.php * http://www.la.indymedia.org/news/2005/07/133802.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Save_Our_State P.S. are you proud of me, Donnie, becuzzz I hope you are!!!
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by Morales
Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2006 at 11:12 PM
Who Discovered America?
Man, that's a profound historical question. It demonstrates Bored uh Raven's grasp of _real_ history.
NO ONE f%*^*& discovered "America."
It was always here.
You were just too stupid to know it.
I mean, who "discovered" Europe?
Then, according to the most recent studies a mutation occured that turned the skin of the Africans in Europe WHITE.
Then these white Africans decided they were superior because they were now WHITE.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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by Gunny Bob
Thursday, Feb. 02, 2006 at 7:34 AM
Ok Fredric you want more attention. Heres my suggestion. It worked for me but it wasnt my idea. After I went to a meeting in carlsbad, someone thoughtfully got my address phone number, (both work and home) and lots of other personal data .on an iddymedia site. calling me a Nazi
I got lots of attention after that but for me it was unwanted. So here is my suggestion.
Taunt someone on the SOS side calling them your moral and intellectual inferior and post pictures of them going into their homes and workplace. Eventully some inferior will decide to taunt you back by legally postiing your home address in Glendora on Brxxxxxl street. They might post your phone number of 626 953-xxxx fax 626-953-xxxx they can post your place of employment and phone number your medical info, equifax info. Publishing your social security number might be illegal but it is EVERYWHERE on the net and you think they are moral inferiors anyway so who knows. Of course Jana your wife would also e fair game
Since the brain challenged SOS can't figure out how to do a person search you'll most likely have to do it your self. Remember though that every piece of information about you is already on the internet published by you or your legal agent.
Now even tough this was done to me I have no intention of doing this under ANY circumstances and I am in no way threatening you or blackmailing you. Morally inferior or not I think it is repugnant to destroy someones privacy, even if they did it first to you.
You want attention from the other side, go for it. You will be amazed, yes amazed how much attention you will get from SOS
My opinion only and only my opinion
Gunny Bob
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by Pete Nice
Thursday, Feb. 02, 2006 at 9:39 PM
No one is going anywhere, Mimbreno. So just settle the hell down. This planet belongs to no one and to everyone.
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by Minutewoman
Friday, Feb. 03, 2006 at 5:00 PM
You say "slaves built this nation."
So is that how modern day slave trading - the day laborer site abuse of workers - is to be justified?
Day laborer sites are there for employers to massively abuse foreign nationals. When activists rally in support of day laborer sites, they are puppets in the hands of greedy employers.
And corrupt corporations like Home Depot.
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by Minutewoman
Friday, Feb. 03, 2006 at 5:07 PM
History is a record of events - written most often - sometimes oral.
You say that Africans became white in Europe. You term this "history."
What historical document are you referrring to?
Please advise as I would like to read this historical record you are quoting from.
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by Pete Nice
Friday, Feb. 03, 2006 at 5:08 PM
All workers are exploited to one degree or another but I don't know where you guys get off calling day laborers slaves. As far as I know, day laborers are compensated for their work. Otherwise why would they do it?
If you're worried that they're not compensated enough well then you need to start calling all low wage workers slaves. Or if you really care about them, like you pretend to, you would want them to be paid more.
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by johnk
Saturday, Feb. 04, 2006 at 12:10 AM
I just stated a fact that people forget. "Slaves built this country." That's not a justification of anything. Rather, it taints the country, casts a dark shadown on our history, and explains a lot of why things are still screwed up. The fact that people don't remember that slaves built this country is just historical amnesia.
This has nothing to do wth day laborers, who are not slaves. MW thinks they are slaves, but, they simply do not qualify as "slaves." Slaves have one "boss," their owner; the laborers are free people who work for different clients.
There are people here, today, who are real slaves or indentured workers. That's a different issue.
There are also virtual slaves working in prisons, making stuff for corporations. That, again, is a different issue.
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by Morales
Saturday, Feb. 04, 2006 at 1:12 AM
I didn't say the info on mutations was based on documents, and I didn't say it was history.
History is, as you point out, most often defined as the study of docoments about and from the past, but acceptable data also include archaeological and anthropological data.
In this case, we are not talking about "history" but so-called "pre-history."
The point I was making about Africnas in Europe was rhetorical, not strictly historical,as you well know.
But it was based on the latest science.
In any case here are a few sources.
www.azcentral.com/rsslinks/120165 www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5055391 www.startribune.com/dynamic/mobile_story.php?story=5799661 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_skin_color www.huffingtonpost.com/2005/12/16/scientists-discover-gene-_n_12367.html
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by Morales
Saturday, Feb. 04, 2006 at 1:18 AM
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by Border Raven
Saturday, Feb. 04, 2006 at 7:59 PM
Would you define day laborers as "employees" or "independent sub-contractors"? Explain:
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by johnk
Saturday, Feb. 04, 2006 at 10:32 PM
Day laborers are independent contractors, or sub-contractors. They aren't employees. Perhaps there's a different category somewhere between the two.
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by Roger Young
Sunday, Feb. 05, 2006 at 1:37 PM
The Mexican day laborors are not contractors.
In California to be a contractor or a sub- contractor, you need to have a contractors license, a $7500 bond. if they perform more than $300 worth of work. They are at will association. They work until they quit or are fired. There is no contract.
The IRS would not call them independent contractors since they work on an hourly basis, do not provide their ownj tools and have are supervised by another.
They also are not employees. To be an employee they must have workers comp insurance, a W-2 on file and social security deductions.
And there is a third catagory. It is an illegal association. The employer avoids paying taxes( and providing insurance ( a crime) The employee avoids paying income and social security taxes( also a crime)
And it is the homeowner who will end up paying for allowing criminal activity.
I hope that every illegal alien that is injured on the job files a complaint with workers comp and sues the homeowner for negliegence. The illegal alien is sure to win.
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by AyatollahGondola
Sunday, Feb. 05, 2006 at 10:12 PM
I think John K is trying to say they are independent business owners, like a service industry. the flaw in this theory is that that to prevent unscrupuolous employers from avoiding employment taxes and insurance, the tax agency set up a very strict guideline for them to follow. there is a term called "safe harbor" in relation to this rule, and it requires the the independent worker and the business that services are being provided to, keep records to show that they are in compliance with it. That means the workers need an invoice book, ledger, insurance etc. And independent workers are required to carry workers comp insurance on themselves, even if you are not a corporation. Your personal health policy, if you have one, may require re-imbursement from you if you are injured while in the course of your business.
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by johnk
Monday, Feb. 06, 2006 at 5:06 AM
Yeah, what AG said. I'm not talking about a "licensed contractor" which is a different thing. I mean the tax category. It's not entirely clear what their status is, and they might be classified as one, or might really be employees.
The original question was "slavery" or not. Well, they aren't slaves, and to claim so is hyperbole. They are free. "Employees or not?" It's a gray area to me, because I'm not involved on either side of the transaction.
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by AyatollahGondola
Monday, Feb. 06, 2006 at 9:44 AM
The whole point to that post was to mention that there is no gray area. Violating the tax code, or "law" is one of the many grievances we at SOS have with day laborers and their patrons. the tax code has been taking aim at gray areas for a long time, and hitting their mark as far as they are written. The enforcement of them is where we have been placing our efforts, and it is those who still wish to go back to "grayer" days that keep tendering a racial defense, or selective exclusion from from prosecution. And before you all go jumping on the many inequitites of the tax laws in general as justification for ignoring these ones, Most of us at SOS ARE in favor of revamping the tax code so that the poor are not shouldering the burden for the rich. It is so often the rich that reap the rewards of illegal immigration, but in a broader sense usually
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by Border Raven
Tuesday, Feb. 07, 2006 at 6:36 PM
Not until the employer makes that determination, on the DHS Form I-9.
And if the employee is hired for less than 3-days, the I-9 must be completed at the time of hire.
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