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by Leslie Radford
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 8:42 PM
On Saturday, counterprotestors, activists and day laborers, across Southern California coordinated efforts and shut down the Minutemen's attempt at a "secret" day of national anti-immigrant rallies.
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SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, January 7, 2006--In a massive outburst of anger and
frustration at the minutemen, activists across Southern California
found their local day labor hiring center and joined with day laborers to shut down the minutemen's
"Stop the Invasion" national day of protest against immigration.
Fifteen groups and hundreds of activists, mostly young and of Indigenous or
Mexican descent, teamed
up with migrant workers at six locations across the San Diego, Orange, and Los Angeles Counties,
where the minutemen had determined to
hold "secret" protests. As in the rest of the U.S., the activists
handily outnumbered the minutemen.
During warmer months the minutemen undertake armed surveillance to intercept
border crossers, but, unwilling to suffer winter in the desert, the minutemen
have shifted their focus to day laborers for the season. Brought together
by the specter of the minutemen inflicting further outrage on Mexican laborers,
an ideological mix of anti-racist, anti-colonization, and pro-labor groups coordinated to expose the minutemen's
plans and organize a united counterprotest.
With messages like "No Human Is Illegal" and "Racists Go
Home," day laborers and their allies yelled and jeered at the minutemen,
waved their signs at passing motorists, and succeeded in protecting the jornaleros
from the predominantly white, middle-aged, and middle-class onslaught on
workers' livelihoods.
Participants included the National
Day Laborers Organizing Network, the Pico Youth and Family Center, the
Pomona Day Labor Center, La Comité pro democracia de Mexico, Mothers for Justice,
Colectivo Tonatzin, La Tierra es de Todos,
Human Rights Network,
Answer-LA, Latinos Unidos, the International
Socialist Organization, CARECEN, Red de vigilancia contra cazamigrantes, gente
unida, and fed up individuals from across southern California.
Santa Monica Bourget Brothers Hardware
See "Don’t
Teach Your Children Hate" by Ixachilanka for a moving and detailed
Glendale Home Depot
One counterprotestor arrested in repeat showdown
In a fierce confrontation, a hundred and twenty anti-racists stood toe-to-toe
with twenty Save Our State members. As they did a month ago, counterprotestors lined up at 7:30 a.m. on San Fernando Rd., with Home
Depot on the north side and the Glendale Temporary Skilled Labor Center on the
south, to oppose Save Our State. Counterprotestors from Mexica Movement,
the International Socialist Organization (ISO), CARECEN, Answer-LA,
Latinos Unidos, and the National Day Laborers Organizing Network easily
surrounded the twenty members of Save Our State.
A dozen police stood by, refusing to separate the two sides in spite of
requests from leaders in both camps, as the counterprotestors and SOS hurled
demands and insults at each other. The tension in the groups
increased palpably with the arrival of the leader of SOS at 9:15 a.m. He
no sooner arrived than he rushed through the crowd, ignoring his supporters, and
crossed the street, avoiding the more vocal protestors. There he goaded Mexica Movement, who, as last time, stood on the south side of the road
in a determinedly disciplined line, holding signs denouncing white colonization
and genocide of the Anahuac nation. While most SOS members seemed content
with waving U.S. flags above signs demanding "Racists Go Home," the
SOS leader repeatedly crossed the street to confront Mexica Movement and was
repeatedly rebuffed and sent back to the northeast corner. By 10:15, the
repeated provocations resulted in a scuffle, and one Indigenous counterprotestor
was arrested on a misdemeanor battery charge. He was later released on his
own recognizance.
The day laborers looked on from the center with a mixture of anger and
concern, as their very existence was fought out on the street in front of
them. SOS has been making monthly unannounced forays to the center to
discourage employers from hiring the jornaleros.
Save Our State had attempted to derail the counterprotest indicating that
their "secret" protest would be in Alhambra, but the counterprotestors
weren't fooled.
Lake Forest Ganahl Lumber
Day laborers join counterprotest, minutemen refuse work
Seventy jornaleros and six members of gente unida and Tonantzin
Colectivo faced off against eleven members of Minutemen Making a Difference
on the southeast and southwest corners of El Toro Road and Jeronimo Road.
Lake Forest has been the most recent point of attack by minutemen. Two
weeks ago, minutemen convinced the manager of a local shopping center to file trespassing charges and
have the police remove the trabajadores from the property, with
sporadic enforcement since. Last
week, minuteman leader Jim
Gilchrist of Aliso Viejo traveled to Lake Forest and begged the city council to to crack down on day laborers in their city.
The day laborers in Lake Forest reported that people posing as employers had
been inviting them to work, transporting them some distance from the day labor
sites, asking for green cards, and, when the workers didn't provide them, abandoning
the workers on the side of the road to make their way back to town.
In response to the attacks, the workers joined in the counterprotest, raising
signs against the minutemen and shouting them down. An activist brought a 2' x 4' sign that read "Heil
Gilchrist" and signs for the laborers. She stood on the corner with her message and a Nazi salute for
passing motorists.
Although the minutemen managed to frighten off a few employers with their
protest, most ignored the extremists and found the labor they needed. Some
employers went so far as to ask the minutemen to work for them, but the minutemen consistently
By the end of the rally, about fifty day laborers had been hired. The minutemen tried to explain to some of those remaining that the
workers were being "exploited."
Lake Forest is a favorite location for long-term day laborers, many of whom
have left the Laguna Beach Day Labor Center, where the rotation schedule
prevents them from establishing ongoing work relationships with employers.
Laguna Beach Day Labor Center
Gilchrist seen but not heard
With Minuteman Project leader and failed Congressional candidate Jim
Gilchrist firmly in the rear, twenty-five minutemen faced thirty-five
sharp-witted and sharp-tongued counterprotestors across Laguna Canyon Road, in front of the Laguna Beach day
labor center. One counterprotestor challenged Gilchrist, but he refused to
engage, instead pulling out his cell phone to make a call.
The day before the protest Gilchrist had posted a diversionary email
indicating that he would be at the Mexican consulates in Los Angeles and Santa
Ana during the nationwide protests, but spotters at the consulates and in Laguna
Beach made sure counterprotestors weren't distracted.
Red de vigilancia contra cazamigrantes, the Tonantzin
Colectivo, and straight-edge
anarchists traded barbs with the minutemen from South
Orange County Citizens for Immigration Reform, stopping traffic along the busy
Laguna Beach busy throughway. The minutemen resorted to personal attacks on
the counterprotestors' appearance, and the mostly under-30 counterprotestors
retorted by mocking the minutemen's age and asking why their children weren't
with them. The minutemen tried to beguile the white anarchists, but the
young people steadfastly held their anti-racist ground with sharp rebuttals.
Once a Save Our State stronghold, it appears that the Minuteman Project has
claimed the Laguna Beach turf for themselves, since Gilchrist's Congressional
defeat in December.
The day laborers, unhappy at seeing a well-known Mexican-descent woman on the minutemen's
side, tried to explain to the woman that she was betraying her ethnicity, but
she was unmoved, responding only with diatribes and anti-Mexican sentiments.
The woman had brought her two young daughters, whose parting gestures to
counterprotestors suggested they were learning their mother's hate-filled lesson. The
laborers told activists they were grateful for the support, adding that they
would be happy to have green cards if they were available. Currently, the
U.S. limits green card permissions to work in the United States to 140,000
applicants, forcing 300,000 or more migrants to enter the country each year
without hope of documentation.
El Cahon Home Depot
With activists' help, business as usual The nine members of San Diego Minutemen and USA Border Alert
had lost the battle in El Cahon before it began. When they arrived at 7:00
a.m., they were met by forty migrant supporters, led by gente unida, already
positioned in front of the store. One of the cazamigrantes had brought
his two German shepherds, who turned out to be friendly enough to the
anti-racists. However, the dogs showed less warmth then they barked at a
police officer, who demanded the owner take them home. Otherwise, the
large turnout of police had little to do except watch business as usual. The Mexican,
African-American, and Anglo day laborers relocated to the side of the protest to
conduct their business with employers, unimpeded by the protestors' commotion.
outnumbered and outflanked minutemen were at the mercy of the counterprotestors,
who had some fun at the minutemen's expense. Two counterprotestors engaged
one minuteman in conversation, leading him across the street, only to run back
to claim the abandoned corner for the counterprotestors. Another migrant
supporter dogged the minutemen with a sign that read "Racist" and an
arrow pointing to her target.
By 10:00 a.m., the minutemen had given up on
their first foray into El Cajon, with nothing but failure to show for their
Rancho Cucamonga Arrow and Grove Market
Old enemies reunite, bring along new allies
The Pomona Day Labor
Center joined up with the Southern California Human Rights Network and the
Rancho Cucamonga Day Labor Center to offer up a combined force of seventy
counterprotestors, day laborers and anti-racist activists, to the thirty-five
members of the FIRE Coalition and Minutemen Patriots of Southern California in
Rancho Cucamonga.
In a "celebrity" event, the Rancho Cucamonga
minutemen brought along Italian immigrant Luca Zanna, composer of the
"Minutemen Song," and talk show host Terry Anderson, to shore up their
meager attendance.
The minutemen's signs had a fiercer tone than at a protest
at the same location earlier this year. This time, the minutemen demanded
the migrants, "Go home" and proclaimed "Viva la migra."
Counterprotestors held up "Working is a human right!" and "Resist
white supremacy." At the earlier protest, amplified sound had been
prohibited, but the minutemen had brought along a microphone and amplifier, so
the pro-immigrant protestors rushed to grab their bullhorn.
minutemen were unprepared when the day laborers joined forces with the
One laborer mounted a small bicycle and rode past the minutemen,
using the bullhorn to yell at the invaders, to the cheers of his compadres.
When he rode back, again blaring at the minutemen, a police officer ticketed the
man for riding against traffic. One counterprotestor walked over to
observe the citation and asked what the ticket was for. When the cop
refused to tell him, he declared, "I have a right to know." The
cop responded, "You don't have a right" and added "Do you want a
ticket? Do you want to be part of my investigation?"
The minutemen
shouted that the day laborers should "learn English," while the
laborers taunted the minutemen with "gringo" and "puerco."
Trabajadores and counterprotestors hollered and made noise
to drown out the minutemen's PA-amplified taunts.
In sum, across the
southland, the people shouted to the minutemen, "¡No
mas!" People angry and tired of the minutemen's incessant denigration
of poverty-level workers, of their racist diatribes against those indigenous to
this country, and of their unrelenting scapegoating of all people of Mexican
descent, joined forces to crush their "national day of protest."
With the increasing participation of the jornaleros themselves, in brave
defiance of their vulnerability to persecution and prosecution, the minuteman's
day in the sun is ending. It remains to be seen if the damage they've
done to current and future migrants can be undone.
With assistance from Vicente,
Rocio, Enrique, Daniel, Juan, Mike, and Olin. Top photo courtesy of
Glendale Resident.
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by Leslie Radford
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 8:42 PM
 angrymm.jpg, image/jpeg, 370x312
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by correction
Monday, Jan. 09, 2006 at 10:52 PM
The rallys were not secret, they were posted all over the internet as well as the print media.
SOS did not organize the event, it was organized by Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Control..
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by Jose
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 1:16 AM
I don't know about the foto of the angry minuteman - looks more scared to me...
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by Jose
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 1:20 AM
Whatever, Mr. or Ms. Correction...
SOS tried to hide out. But you can't hide here.
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by Ixachilanka
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 2:21 AM
Take a look at the SOS site today. They are bragging about their great "successes" across the country, but, of course, when you actually look at the numbers, they were outnumbered across the board - except in the places like Laguna Beach, where they outright lied about the numbers.
They were outnumbered in Santa Monica 8 to 1.
They were outnumbered in Texas about 9 to 1.
They were outnumbered in Glendale, according to the AP, 4 to 1.
They were outnumbered in NY 4 to 1.
They were outnumbered in Massachusetts 4 to 1.
They were outnumbered in Rancho Cucamonga 2 to 1.
They were outnumbered in Chicago 5 to 1.
I can't help but wonder, you know, what makes them keep coming back. Then, last night,as I thought about Joe Turner marching in his little one man show across the street to confront the Mexica Movement in Glendale yesterday, it dawned on me...
You think I'm kidding, and that's only partly true.
These people view themselves as a persecuted _white minority_, as VICTIMS of Mexicans. Coming to these protests and getting overwhelmed with our numbers reinforces their persecution complex - and they _like_ it.
They _like_ to suffer.
It reinforces their belief that "America" is being overrun by "illegals." So it actually _fuels_ them to lose!
That's also why they say we "help them out" every time we show up. Just _seeing_ a Mexican on TV or in the paper makes these paranoid killers more paranoid. And they _like_ being paranoid.
If this in itself weren't sick enough, they like being paranoid because it gives their racist hatred and agression an _excuse_ which otherwise they would lack.
That's also why it's so important to them to label us "Goons" (which is of course, so close to the "Gook" label that genocidal US soldiers used against the Viet Namese.)
Like the term "Savage," the term "Goon" enables them to paint themselves as the victims of some kind of movie style monsters and savages and to depersonalize those they seek, in their racist paranoia, to persecute.
That's also why the SOS website sez “Mexifornia: California is turning into a third world cesspool.”
While according to Ben Ehrenreich :
“In the first three months of 2005, the white supremacist National Alliance went on a pamphleting spree, leaving racist and anti-immigrant literature on lawns and doorsteps in fourteen states from California to New Jersey. In late March, they hit Douglas, Sierra Vista, and Tombstone, warning that "Non-whites are turning America into a Third World slum."
The Nazi mentality is one and the same here.
The paranoid hostility justifies the drastic "Solution" whether that "Solution" is "gas the filthy Jews" because they've ruined the economy and our lives and culture (Germany) or whether that "Solution" is to deport the Mexicans, because like the stereotyped and hated Jews, we are "filthy," creating a "cesspool."
In any case, the point is they keep coming back because they _like_ being overwhelmed and they like being overwhelmed because it feeds their hostility and paranoia and "justifies" their "Solution."
With SOS, at least, these people don't have the true all the way to the gut Storm Trooper ethic. They don't have the guts.
What little guts they have Joe Turner has for them, and _instead_ of them. To anyone with any leadership ability and experience this is plain as day.
Poor Joe, eh?
Oh well, it's ok. Even though they got their asses kicked from here to hell and back Saturday, coast to coast, SOS - locally - can blame it all on the cops, turn that fury for a moment against the white State they expected to support them, and ignore the crushing reality of a major defeat.
They have to turn their outrage on the cops. The cops are now "traitors to the white race."
And there is no Solution except the Final one.
Had either event at Baldwin Park been a face to face encounter like in Glendale or Alhambra, SOS would already be history. When a demo turns into a face to face Baldwin Park, SOS will be politically and psychologically crushed.
Until then, they'll keep coming back. Their fascist psychology demands it.
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by Reason
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 6:08 AM
was to drawn goon attention from the border operations that started this weekend with MMP San Diego. That is why there was only one event in SDan Diego. Most activtivsts were at the border.
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Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 11:26 AM
everytime there is crap about the minute men on here, there is always constant arguements from each side, the same claims... well the minute men and leslie are both a bunch of over exagerating lairs... you can't fight over who belongs in california and who doesn't and what not.... like someone above said, you are only fueling their hate by fighting them, for once it is better not to fight back.... neither group is even close to correct, so for someone to take sides is ridiculous...
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by Watchale
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 3:12 PM
Now they claim it was all a cover up for a *secret* Minuteman camp near San Diego somewhere.
Right, they protested all over the country in many locations so no one would know that they were *really* back in Campo CA.
What a pitiful excuse.
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by Sharon Tipton
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 10:16 PM
Madebutante@yahoo.com 949.257-8501
From what I've seen at the Costa Mesa City Council Meeting and now the Minute Men Counter Protests, to me at least, it seems we need more experienced Mexican organizers to help train Mexicans interested in this issue. I was saying before that This isn't Mexico, and we aren't going to have a revolution...but now that I think about it further...I can just visualize the blond and gray Costa Mesa residents, waving their flags from their ranch home fortresses, as Mexicano Liberators galloping down Victoria, Placentia, then Harbor, then the 55 Freeway TAKE BACK CALIFORNIA! As for me, I will try to educate people when I can using whatever methods are available and maybe inspired.
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by repost
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 at 10:29 PM
NEWS SEGMENT: ANTI-IMMIGRATION VIGIL AND COUNTER PROTEST IN ROCKLAND COUNTY WHERE/WHEN: SAT. JANUARY 7, 2006, SPRING VALLEY, NY BY: FRED NGUYEN FOR: WBAI SUNDAY NEWS AT 6:00 PM, JANUARY 8, 2006, WBAI 99.5 FM, WBAI.ORG SOUND FILE LOCATION: radio4all.net/pub/files/ siddharta5@yahoo.com SOUND FILE SPECS: MP3, 128 KBPS, 3.9 MB, 4 MIN 8 SEC 450-1-20060108-ImmigrationProtests.mp3 LEAD: Three weeks ago, the House of Representatives passed the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. While not yet law, the bill failed to include guest worker provision proposed by president bush two years ago and criminalize undocumented immigrants and could result in the deportation of millions. last year, armed groups calling themselves "minute men" started to occupy public lands near the mexican border from texas to california. several shooting incidents have occurred, including at least one murder by masked vigilantes. yesterday, anti-immigration groups announced protests in 20 states at day laborer pick-up areas, but in many cases the location was kept secret. in spring valley, rockland county, a town where an estimated 20% of the population of 27,000 is hispanic, three individual posted themselves in the parking lot of the international food mart, on route 59, while a counter demonstration of 35 immigrant rights activists lined the street on the opposite side. horse mounted officers, police cars and emergency vehicles separated the two groups of demonstrators and no confrontations occurred. wbai's fred nguyen files this report:
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by repost
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 3:02 AM
http://rwor.org/a/029/drawing-lessons-hitler-rise.htm Drawing Lessons for Today from Hitler's Rise Sunsara Taylor Revolution #029, January 8, 2006, posted at revcom.us "People look at all of this and think of Hitler, and they are right to do so. The Bush regime is setting out to radically remake the world, in a fascist way, and for generations to come." From the Call for The World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime "The Bush Administration is the most dangerous force that has ever existed. It is more dangerous than Nazi Germany because of the range and depth of its activities and its intentions worldwide. I give my full support to the Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime." Harold Pinter, Nobel Laureate of Literature Each time people attempt to draw lessons for today from the rise of Nazi Germany, hysterical pundits and politicians break into a chorus of condemnations. When Congressman Dick Durbin suggested that the accounts of Guantanamo could easily have been describing Nazi prisons, he was forced to tearfully apologize on the floor of the Congress. And not long ago, when The World Can't Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime ran a paid full-page ad in the New York Times, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly blew a gasket and argued that the Times should have refused the ad because it included this comparison. Even among those who hate the Bush regime, many feel that making this comparison is too extreme. But the question must be asked, is it true? Are there similarities that merit recognition? How did a nation of millions come to widely embrace and otherwise go along with Hitler's openly genocidal, brutally misogynistic, virulently racist, hatefully anti-gay regime? FOLLOW THE LOGIC OF THE LOGIC It is easy to look back today and believe that the Nazis were a unique evil without parallel. But during their rise it was very controversial for people to correctly identify the direction and the logic of society as it became dominated by the Nazis, a once-fringe group of extremists. Even after the first nationwide action where Nazi Brownshirts were posted at Jewish businesses, it was still the case that, in the words of one observer, "the majority of the people on the street were inclined to treat the matter as more or less of a joke." And despite the Nazis increasing dominance over society and their long history of fierce anti-communism and anti-Semitism, when the escalation of terror would taper off for a while people would tell themselves that the worst was over. For instance, while 60,000 Jews left Germany during 1933 and 1934, by mid-1935 10,000 of them returned. All the way to the gates of the death camps, people took false comfort in the assumption that such things "could never happen here." People also told themselves that the traditions of a nation that had given the world Beethoven, Kant, and Marx, could never do such a thing. They told themselves that the real powers in Germany were merely using Hitler and would never let him do anything really destructive. While the Nazis certainly didn't harbor any moral qualms with it, they did not actually start out with a plan for mass extermination of Jews. Their first years of terror were aimed at annihilating the communists (whom they correctly saw as a political threat) and other political dissidents and at forcing Jews out of public life. It was not until 1941, eight years after Hitler became Chancellor, and after Hitler launched WWII, that the Nazis began systematically killing prisoners and Jews. It wasn't until January 1942 that the "Final Solution" was discussed by the Nazis at the Wannsee Conference and another six months before the gas chambers were in operation that took the lives of millions. Still, the logic and moral justification for such a program was discernible even in the early days. Today, as in Nazi Germany, when political rhetoric is extreme and even barbaric, this is not a reason to dismiss it but to take it on all the more seriously, especially when it is gaining influence. FALSE CLAIMS OF VICTIMHOOD When he was still a marginal figure, Hitler would openly rant about his desire to kill Jews and to "purify the German Volk." But when he became Chancellor he was acutely aware that this would alienate many. So he retooled his public image, dropping almost all references to race and instead focusing on the cause of uplifting the German people and defending them against all enemies. The vicious anti-communism and anti-Semitism continued throughout Hitler's Party, but Hitler was seen by millions as much more reasonable and moderate! When Hitler orchestrated the first boycott against Jews he projected it as a defensive action, taken to stop an international Jewish campaign against German products and the Nazi regime. By creating a false sense of victimhood, Hitler was able to put his political opponents on the defensive and confer a sense of selfless bravery on his Nazi thugs who fought forcefully, often cruelly, to impose absolute Nazi authority. A MATTER OF LEGITIMACY Nazi Germany is known for its brutal Brownshirts and its virulent anti-Semitism. But while these were integral to the establishment of the Third Reich and in gluing together the base of the Nazi Party, there was another dynamic at play which helped secure the active support or tacit compliance of millions more. In The Nazi Conscience, Claudia Koonz describes: "A fateful pattern was established: after devastating physical violence against Jews, the regime curbed unsanctioned racial attacks and in their place enacted anti-Semitic laws. Many victims and bystanders failed to appreciate the threat of these bureaucratic strategies that in the long run proved far more lethal than sporadic attacks." The worst crimes committed by the Nazis came when they changed the laws and when Hitler grabbed unrestrained power unto himself. This legality and the sense of order it provided imbued the Nazis use of force with legitimacy, and disarmed many who otherwise would have objected. But ease of mind was the last thing that any moral person should have found in the tightening grip of the Nazis repressive laws. Today, just as in Nazi Germany, the restructuring of laws and institutions should provoke more alarm, more resistance, and fiercer opposition because it is these structural changes that are the most absolute and which could take the greatest toll. HISTORY WILL JUDGE US SHARPLY SHOULD WE FAIL TO ACT DECISIVELY There is also little understanding about the resistance that was waged against the Nazis. It was neither the case that no one objected, nor was it the case that the Nazis were just too powerful and that their victory was inevitable. During his rise, Hitler and his regime were filled with vulnerability. Large sections of people were turned off by his hateful rhetoric and aggressive tactics. Many thousands poured into the streets to protest and object. But, too many people either waited too long to resist or confined their objections to the effect of the Nazis only in one sphere of society. Martin Niemöller was a pastor who originally enthusiastically supported Hitler. Besides his unconscionable support for Hitler, Niemöller made a second major error. When he did finally oppose Hitler, he restricted it to trying only to prevent the Nazis from interfering with his church. The idea that any arena of society could be protected from Nazi influence without driving out the whole Nazi regime proved false. After eight years in Nazi prisons and camps, Niemöller spoke around the world, teaching the lessons he had learned. He is famous, in part, for this poem: "First they came for the communists, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then, they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up." This poem explains the situation that prevailed by 1943, when a brave student resistance arose called The White Rose. Though they were heroic, these students were up against a regime that had consolidated its fascist state apparatus. And such a chill had set in throughout society that their movement couldn't take hold on a scale large enough to challenge the Nazis. Tragically, the leaders of the White Rose were hunted down and killed. It is urgent that we deepen our understanding of what allowed the nightmare of Nazi Germany to destroy so much and so many. There are parallels to the situation we face in the U.S. today. And there are invaluable lessons we must draw and act upon that can shape the future for hundreds of millions worldwide. The point is not that Bush is exactly the same as Hitler in some arbitrary or mechanical sense. Nor is the point that Bush and his program today are the same as Hitler and his Nazis in their most gruesome end years. No. As it says in the Call for The World Cant Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime, "The point is this: history is full of examples where people who had right on their side fought against tremendous odds and were victorious. And it is also full of examples of people passively hoping to wait it out, only to get swallowed up by a horror beyond what they ever imagined. The future is unwritten. Which one we get is up to us."
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by Get the Gringos Out!
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 5:16 AM
The Yates children ranged in age from six months to seven years, and all of them had been named after figures from the Bible: Noah, John, Luke, Paul, and Mary. Four were boys and the infant a girl.
Once they were known to be dead, the children were left in place for three hours to await the medical examiner's van. Rusty, 36, was kept outside his own home, says Suzy Spenser in Breaking Point, for five long hours. He told the police that his wife was ill and had been suffering from depression. She'd been on medication.
At Houston Police headquarters, an officer turned on a tape recorder to take the formal statement of the woman who had already admitted to killing all of her children. Her name was Andrea Pia Yates and she was 36 years old. She stared straight ahead as she answered questions and said, with little energy, that she understood her rights.
"Who killed your children?" the officer asked.
"I killed my children." Her eyes were blank.
"Why did you kill your children?"
"Because I'm a bad mother."
For about seventeen minutes, they pressed her for details of exactly how she had proceeded that morning.
She had gotten out of bed around 8:10 and had waited for her husband, Rusty, to leave for work at nine. The children were all awake and eating cereal. Andrea had some, too. Once Rusty was gone, Andrea went into the bathroom to turn on the water and fill the tub. The water came within three inches from the top.
Then one by one, she drowned three of her sons, Luke, age 2; Paul, age 3; and John, age 5. She put them in facedown and held them as they struggled. As each one died, she then placed him face up on a bed, still wet, and then covered all three with a sheet. Each had struggled just a few minutes. Next was six-month-old Mary, the youngest, who had been in the bathroom all this time, sitting on the floor in her bassinet and crying. When Andrea was finished with Mary, she left her floating in the water and called to her oldest son, Noah.
He came right away. "What happened to Mary?" he asked. Then apparently realizing what his mother was doing, he ran from the bathroom but Andrea chased him down and dragged him back to the tub. She forced him in face down and drowned him right next to Mary. She admitted in her confession that he had put up the biggest struggle of all. At times he managed to slip from her grasp and get some air, but she always managed to push him back down. His last words were, "I'm sorry." She left him there floating in a tub full of feces, urine and vomit, where police found him. She lifted Mary out and placed her on the bed with her other brothers. Andrea gently covered her before calling the police and her husband. It was time.
Had the children done something to make her want to kill them? The officer asked.
You weren't mad?
She admitted that she was taking medication for depression and she named her doctor, whom she had seen two days earlier. She believed she was not a good mother because the children were "not developing correctly." She'd been having thoughts about hurting them over the past two years. She needed to be punished for not being a good mother.
The questioning officer was confused. How was the murder of her children a way to achieve that? "Did you want the criminal justice system to punish you?" he asked.
She had almost done the same thing two months earlier, she admitted. She had filled the tub. Rusty was home at the time, so she just didn't do it.
The officer asked for the birth dates of each of her children and then stopped the tape.
The media soon learned that Andrea had suffered from depression for at least two years and had been hospitalized for attempted suicide.
By the end of that first awful day, Andrea Yates was charged with capital murder for "intentionally and knowingly" causing the deaths of three of her children, using water as a weapon. She was not charged in the deaths of the two youngest boys. There was no indication on this report, says Spencer, that she suffered from mental illness...
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by Get Mexicans out of the U.S.
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 9:44 AM
Just two weeks ago another Mexican female plunged sissors into her newborn baby boy!
And about 3 years ago another Mexican teen who had her baby in the bathroom also plunged sissors into her baby!
We aren't forgetting that. The funny thing is these bitches weren't insane!
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 12:07 PM
It's great seeing so many good people taking the time to stand up and oppose the white supremacists where ever they show their faces. I'm proud of the fact that so many Americans are standing up to oppose the racists and everything they stand for. in a time in America's history where fascism and race hate is at an all-time high.
We need more people to notice these SOSMM people and observe the rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany and evaluate the consequences of allowing such people to be unopposed.
Congradulations to everyone who came out to oppose the SOSMM et al. clowns. You hold the American Ideal of equality, human rights, civil rights, and justice far better than these unspeakable people.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 1:28 PM
http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/01/63087.html Apparently 8 SOSMM -- all of them white, surprise, surprise -- alleged scumbags showed their faces in Long Island and got their frocking heads handed to them by the actual _American_citizens_ which turned out in large numbers to oppose them. http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/01/63087.html My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by Juan Manuel
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 2:58 PM
SOS is turning to vigilantism - looks like Border Blob has cooked up a plan that includes entrapment of immigrants. Looks like they plan to use a U Haul truck to somehow set up migrant workers to be busted by La Migra. Whether the plan involves kidnapping is anyone's guess, but it looks like it would have to at least include illegal detention. We need to bring these vigilante racist clowns to their knees. http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6634 http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6758
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by Border Raven
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 4:35 PM
Have you watched, in the ImmigrationWatchdog.com, videos, how eagerly jornerlaros are to jump into the vehicles?
They are not kidnapped, or forceably detained, they don's struggle or fight, no they willingly go where the driver takes them.
America, as a nation has long attempted to educate people of the dangers of hitchhiking and workplace hazards, but now we have an invader culture, trusting strangers.
I have observed day labor sites, and it made me wonder, if anyone notices, if/when the jornalero comes back to the same place.
The jornaleros, get in strange vehicles, expecting to go someplace, to work. The driver takes them to a location.
Who knows if the location or property owner, has been under surveillance, by the FBI, IRS, ICE, or any other agency, for any reason?
The jornaleros accept the risk, and if they are here illegally, then they accept greater risk.
BTW -- the cops have been known to use one crook to catch many more.
I don't make the law, I make the law work.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 4:38 PM
It might be interesting to see what the FBI has to say about these SOSMM et al. people's allegedly planned activities. If they're plotting in public like this, I'd hope that conspiracy could be an indictment.
My opinions only and only my opinions.
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by OC
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 6:51 PM
One laborer mounted a small bicycle and rode past the minutemen, using the bullhorn to yell at the invaders, to the cheers of his compadres. When he rode back, again blaring at the minutemen, a police officer ticketed the man for riding against traffic.
**He deserved it** He said nothing while on the bike. And, we do not have to RENT VANS to bring our participnts in . Your group did. Infact the pendjo driver was asked to move the van by a business oener who is annoyed by the ILLEGALS!! Jesus woman/man, you sound like the Bush spokeshole defending the illegals.....and the war Get your fact straight(oops sorry, u r straight, right?)
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by Juan Manuel
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 10:04 PM
Border Blob admits it above.
What a fool.
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by repost by Leslie
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2006 at 11:37 PM
"False imprisonment" may conjure up images of the Lindbergh kidnapping, but it is in fact a much more common basis for a tort liability claim. In California , false imprisonment is the unlawful restraint of another person's liberty. As technical as this sounds, false imprisonment in fact can happen in many common situations. False imprisonment can of course occur by such outrageous acts as kidnapping, but also can occur by the simple act of blocking a door and precluding somebody from leaving the room when they want to. A California case, Scofield v. Critical Air Medicine, Inc. , recently held that false imprisonment may occur by fraud or trickery, such as when an air transport service tricked an accident victim into getting into an airplane based on the false representation that the service had been authorized to pick up the victim for medical treatment. Even though the victim eventually got to where he was supposed to go without ever learning of the deceit, a false imprisonment claim was successfully made against the air transport service. The victim does not need to know of the imprisonment while it is occurring, such as occurs when the victim is tricked into getting into a vehicle, or when the victim does not realize that the restraint on his or her mobility is wrongful, or when the victim is unconscious. Finally, the victim does not have to have any minimum amount of damage to make a false imprisonment claim.
Under these circumstances, at least in California , false imprisonment claims can be asserted in a wide variety of factual circumstances, regardless of whether a plaintiff expressly asserts a cause of action labeled "false imprisonment." If a lawsuit involves facts that potentially give rise to false imprisonment claims, it may be within the potential coverage of a homeowner's or other insurance policy, and the insurance company may be required to defend the insured or pay for any liability or settlement.
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by Border Raven
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 12:44 AM
And your point is?
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by Don Silva
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 10:36 AM
Look, the only thing that was shut down were the day laborer centers, especially in Gledale, where we, savourstate.org, the now INTERNATIONALLY famous anti-illegal immigration group once again accomplished all of our objectives for the day.
Go ahead and spin it in any way you want. It will neven change the facts.
No pickups were made after 8am.
The American people are being awakened by our phenom media coverage. I did over a dozen interviews yesterday alone. How many did Leslie do ?
At least be honest in your reporting. You are getting more and more dishonest in your 'journalism'.
PS. Turners eyes really come out in that photo, and he will soon have a young harem of goon groupies thanks to you !
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by El Chivo
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:30 AM
but they also know you guys have opposition too. we dont need the fame like you donnie.
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by Don Silva
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:35 AM
You do not need the fame ? Thats a laff! Is that why Mexica IMMED posted the one AP photo that had them in it ? Is that why any time anyone on your side gets ANY scratch from the media, they boast and boast ?
Come on. You follow us around in the hopes that someone will put a cam on you can get your thoughts on the issue out there. Everyone does.
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by KEggle
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:02 PM
> From today's Ontario, CA Daily Bulletin: > > Report: MS-13 gang hired to murder Border Patrol > By Sara A. Carter and Mason Stockstill, Staff Writers > > Mexican alien smugglers plan to pay violent gang members and smuggle them into the United States to murder Border Patrol agents, according to a confidential Department of Homeland Security memo obtained by the Daily Bulletin. > The Officer Safety Alert, dated Dec. 21, warns agents that the smugglers intend to bring members of the international Mara Salvatrucha street gang also known as MS-13 into the country for the deadly mission. > "Unidentified Mexican alien smugglers are angry about the increased security along the U.S./Mexico border and have agreed that the best way to deal with U.S. Border Patrol agents is to hire a group of contract killers," the alert states. > MS-13, which has a strong base in El Salvador, is considered by the FBI to be one of the most dangerous gangs in the United States, with more than 20,000 members. > Gang members have been found in 33 states and connected to murder, racketeering, assault, rapes and extortion. Last January, Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided six cities and made more than 100 arrests of MS-13 gang members. > Intelligence officials last year reported that MS-13 gang members had been linked to terrorists seeking entry into the country. > Michael Friel, a representative with the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said he could not comment directly on the memo, but noted "this wouldn't be the first time agents' lives have been threatened. > "It's no surprise that these smugglers, these criminals, would be threatening our agents," he added. "And that would be a huge mistake on their part if they try." > The alert was labeled "for official use only," meaning that while it does not contain classified information, it is not to be made public or released to the media. It also is required to be stored in a locked container and "burned or shredded" when it is no longer needed. > The memo was issued based on information from a report issued by the FBI. An FBI spokesman reached by telephone in Washington said he could not comment on that report. > A Border Patrol agent who spoke on condition of anonymity said agents in the field have been worried since the release of the alert in December. > "It's not just people coming over here to pick lettuce. These gang members, criminals, are endangering American lives," the agent said. > "Our vests won't stop a rifle bullet, and many of us out here feel like sitting ducks," he added. > Over the past year, Border Patrol agents have warned they are facing more danger than ever before along the divide between the two countries. Many believe stepped-up enforcement by the United States has led to a similar increase in violence by drug smugglers and border crossers. > Last week, agents in Texas reported two separate incidents in which someone fired on them from the Mexican side of the border. Officers in Arizona were issued pocket-sized cards last year with suggested maneuvers in case they encounter Mexican military troops while on patrol. > On Dec. 30, a Border Patrol agent shot and killed an 18-year-old Mexican man agents said had thrown a rock at U.S. officials after crossing the border. > Rep. David Dreier, R-Glendora, chairman of the House Rules Committee and one of the GOP's immigration reform advocates, said security for Border Patrol agents is essential. > "First of all, we need to provide Border Patrol agents with all the resources they need to protect themselves, we need to hire more agents, and we need to make sure we're tracking and targeting gangs coming across the border," Dreier said Monday night. "The security of our agents is of the upmost concern." > T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, an association representing agents, said Monday that the Homeland Security alert is more proof agents often are putting their lives at risk. Assaults on agents doubled last year, according to Bonner. > "MS-13 has shown that its members have very little regard for human life," he said. "Some of the atrocities they have committed are truly unspeakable, and it worries me to know that our agents on the line are now the targets. I don't know what it's going to take to wake up the folks in Washington." > Some anti-illegal immigrant organizations blame the Bush administration for what they say is a lackadaisical attitude about border security. > "The president still acts like Mexico is a friendly neighbor, when in reality it's the complete opposite," said Andy Ramirez, chairman of Friends of the Border Patrol, a Chino organization that supports border agents. "Border Patrol agents' lives are in extremely high danger, and yet the public isn't notified. When are they going to realize that threats against our law-enforcement officers are threats against this nation?" > Sara A. Carter can be reached by e-mail at sara.carter@dailybulletin.com or by phone at (909) 483-8552. > Mason Stockstill can be reached by e-mail at mason.stockstill@dailybulletin.com or by phone at (909) 386-9354. > http://www.dailybulletin.com/news/ci_3386933
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by Next Move
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006 at 11:13 PM
"You do not need the fame ?"
Nope. If I wanted attention like you Donnie, I'd use my real name. Principles above personalities.. Didn't they teach you that in AA?
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by Cipactli
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 12:35 AM
Don makes a big deal out of getting media attention.
But it's not a big deal, it's just the normal course of events.
The powers that be will use anything and anyone to promote their agenda, most especially extreme right wing racist elements like the Minutemen and SOS. The corporate media are, de facto, part of the state.
Today they'll love you, tomorrow you're Timothy McVeigh. That is when you're no longer useful to their agenda.
The left in general knows the nature of the media, but all of these racist SOSers are total newcomers to activism, and so they are swept off their feet with the idea that they are "achieving" something>
Really, they are being used to create public opinion - they're not creating it themselves. The media are not neutral, and never have been.
Like I said, we expect all this. It's nothing new.
Something SOS does not understand is how the national security state works. No doubt the state intelligence apparatus is keeping the closest of tabs on who turns out, where, when and in what numbers. All that info is used in determining how far the state dares to go.
The presence - the overwhelming presence - of counter demonstrators, is a clear indication of how stiff public resistance will be if they blow things up to a grander scale. And that, more than so - called public opinon, determines how far the empire will go.
So. let the SOSers preen themselves and egoize about their media victories. We, who can never rely on the media at all, know better how the game is played.
It's much more serious, much more cold blooded and deadly, than who gets their fifteen minutes of fame.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 12:47 AM
 benedict_award.jpg, image/jpeg, 179x300
Good point about the media. I've encountered them firsthand at protest situations and they're there with a specific purpose and angle and will unlikely deter away from it. I'm sure a higher-up decides that for the camera crew and reporter.
Well since Jim Gilchrist is apparently not interested in producing a physical representation of the pretigious Benedict Arnold Award that he has honored me with, I went ahead and made my own medal. I'll proudly wear it to any more protests and rallies I check out. And Gilchrist can try to create whatever opinion he wants from that!
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by j
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 2:11 AM
It's true - the stakes are high. The outcome of these backwards laws being passed could be a "police state" for brown people (meaning anyone who *looks* like an alien, not just Mexicans). As goes the coppers, so go the vigilantes, and the vigilantes will probably use the law as an excuse to inflict violence on immigrants. History is rife with "race riots" where mobs of "respectable" (aka white or middle class) people forming mobs and going after African Americans, Chinese, Irish Catholics, Germans, Mexicans and Chicanos, Italians, and even French-Canadians. People say it can't happen anymore... but I have 150 years of history on my side, and the it-can't-happen-here people have... 40 years of history on their side. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_racial_violence_in_the_United_States
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by @
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 5:16 AM
The woman, bleeding from her hands and face and shrieking for help, ran toward Washington Street in Jamaica Plain, an attacker pursuing her.
Angel Seary, 40, who works at Santana Towing, acted fast. Spotting the attacker clutching the woman's purse as he reached the auto shop, Seary and a mechanic lunged at the man, wrestled him to the ground, and held him down until police arrived minutes later and arrested him.
Yesterday, about 24 hours after the ordeal, the rescuers said their only thought was stopping the crime.
''People . . . they get tired, you know, of street muggings, the stabbings, the shootings," Seary said as he stood outside Santana's. ''It's time to do something about it."
The woman expressed gratitude to the towing shop workers, and a spokesman for the mayor praised the workers as brave Bostonians...
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by Fredric L. Rice
Friday, Jan. 13, 2006 at 11:48 AM
> Leslie is losing and so is La Raza!
Amusing. No, there is no "losing" when it comes to people opposing racist hate. The only way to lose is to stand aside and do nothing in the face of hate.
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by Cipactli
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 1:19 AM
On the SOS forums you can see that the MinuteKlan is figuring they pulled about 750 people out nationwide.
Now in LA alone, a normal demonstration that pulled in 750 people from across the city would not be worth a mention on page 32B of the LA Times.
A "national" demo that pulled 750 people is not worth a sneeze, much less a column inch.
In fact, the "Left" has pulled as many as 3,000 in LA alone without a mention in the Times.
Whatever the MinuteKlan / SOS types are doing, it hasn't been _earning_ media attention. They're getting a free ride, because the Republicans want them to get a free ride.
Foolishly, they're all puffed up about it.
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by repost
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 2:21 PM
Latino leaders mobilize opposition to 'racist' anti-immigration bill
By SHARON McNARY The Press-Enterprise
Hundreds of people packed into the downtown San Bernardino city library Thursday to applaud critics of an immigration-reform bill and organize February as a month of opposition.
The immigration bill and an escalating anti-Latino and anti-immigrant political atmosphere led UCR Ethnic Studies professor Armando Navarro to call the meeting under the auspices of the National Alliance for Human Rights.
The bill, authored by Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wisc., passed the House in December and is pending in the U.S. Senate, where political experts give it little chance of passage unless it is modified with the addition of a guest-worker program and deletion of provisions criminalizing the presence of undocumented immigrants.
Many of those in the crowd of more than 250 people responded with applause to speakers who expressed anger at their perception that immigrants and Latinos have been maligned in the escalating debate over border security.
"We are under a state of siege as a community," Navarro shouted in English and Spanish to the crowd. "We have to demonstrate that we have the power, the will and the courage to defeat this racist legislation."
Then Navarro spoke directly to a few members of anti-illegal immigration groups that were in the audience, including the Minuteman Project and SaveOurState.org, which has been mounting protests of day labor centers.
"Learn something from this experience and become a little more sensitive and less racist," Navarro said, later equating the Minuteman Project volunteer border watches that began last year with Ku Klux Klan border watches in the 1970s.
Arne Chandler, a Minuteman Project member, was in the crowd, curious to see how Rep. Joe Baca, D-Rialto, planned to attack the Sensenbrenner bill. Chandler supports the bill, including its provision that would make it a criminal offense to be in the United States without permission.
He said he expected to learn how political forces would mass against the bill, and criticized the speakers for not distinguishing between legal and illegal immigration.
Speaker Herman Baca told the crowd that the Latino population of California could provide potent opposition to the "No Sensenbrenner" bill because, "There are only two kinds of power in politics. Money and people. We're poor, but we have a lot of people."
Baca, the U.S. Representative, criticized the bill as "a potential time bomb" that could subject the large Latino population of California to law-enforcement profiling, suspected of wrongdoing just because of skin color.
"People should not live in fear because of their color," Baca said.
Mexican Consul Carlos Giralt Cabrales, speaking in Spanish, told the crowd, "We insist that migrants are not criminals. They come from another country to seek opportunity."
He said the United States and Mexico share the region and must reach a negotiated solution over immigration, and that the answer lies in labor laws, not in immigration legislation.
Before the meeting, attendee Alejandro Murrieta Ahumada, of Yucaipa, said that Latino political leaders who once defended immigrant rights had fallen silent.
"They're more worried about financing their next campaigns. They're taking (Latino voters) for granted," Ahumada said. "The lack of accountability of leaders in our state is atrocious."
Baca, however, said he pays close attention to the roughly 35 percent of his constituents who are Latino voters and wants them to join him in opposing the bill.
"We need more people who will stand up and not be afraid to speak out."
Published: Friday, January 13, 2006
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by Don Silva
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 10:33 PM
And that is not the anti-war/pro-illegal immigration side right now, and maybe never.
It is a big deal to us becuzz of the attention it gives to the issue...that is ALL. I could care less if I ever step in front of a camera again, although the groupies are beginning to get interesting !
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by ! Jesus y Maria !
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 11:47 PM
How pathetic. It's all about the "issue." No EGO involved. Well, there's the groupies. But don't worry, JESUS had groupies, right Reverend?
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by pete nice
Saturday, Jan. 14, 2006 at 11:52 PM
Don, what the hell are you responding to? You comment makes no sense, unless I'm missing something.
It's like you just had a random thought which transmitted through your fingers into the keys on your keyboard at the exact time you were about the post a comment related to the thread here.
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by Don Silva
Sunday, Jan. 15, 2006 at 9:08 AM
I should have used " " 's , sorry about that. I am assuming too much, like those posting are reading every word of the thread.
You know, its all in fun to me. Groupies sounded like a fun thing to say.
As if thats really reality ! But, I knew it would make some bubble up !
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by daveman
Sunday, Jan. 15, 2006 at 11:27 AM
...link for me where the basic human right to enter the United States without following established immigration procedures is spelled out, and why, exactly, it overrides those established procedures?
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by violet
Monday, Dec. 21, 2009 at 2:00 AM
This is exactly what i have been saying all alone, and i am going to say this again, illegal aliens in America are so boldly, rudely, nastily aggressively spiting and walking all over Americans, they are so allow to do this because all our politicians, our suppose to be law makers! They are allow to throw racist names at Americans any time they want! If Americans fight back with them, they are called racist, they just suddenly do not like Hispanics, Mexicans, Latino's! and Americans are the one who are very selfish.
In reality millions of illegal aliens in America are the one's who are racist, they come to America to conquer America, to take it back from the white man who they claim that had stolen it from them, so they are pushing to become the over populated race in America, this is making them so very happy, just listen to them brag about this, and they do not care how they do this,they will do just about any thing to get there! all of their plots and plans, schemes and scams in America seems to be working in their favor now, of course with the help of our silly congress and all of their silly advocates, all of their millions of silly Hispanic caucus!!
Our own American politicians is welling to sell us out, just give these rude and greedy people America on a silver platter! and they are trying to do this over their own American citizens heads, leaving Americans totally voiceless to all of this, It going to take millions of Americans to write millions of letter to congress, to your senators, and to just march and protest your own streets of America, to stop 40 million of illegal aliens already here from getting legalization, amnesty now before it is to late! We must start now before January 2010!
If we don't do anything, these greedy people will take over America, and just make us just 2nd class citizens in our own country! You must believe that it is not just about their American dreams for them selves and their families, it is about so much more, they are here to conquer America take it back!! our politicians ignores all of this! They don't want to believe this, it's true! America and American citizens will be in trouble if these lawbreakers get their way, holler my Americans! Holler loud let your voices be heard over theirs!! Stop allowing our own politicians to just ignore us. you have rights here, after all you are an real American citizens, and you do have status here!
How can our own politicians want to just give America to bunch of illegal aliens like we don't even exist, they have no real consideration for their own American citizens! Americans are tired of putting up with this illegal immigration mess, it is destroying America now, and will continue to destroy America if illegal aliens get an easy path way to citizenship, or amnesty, legalization! Americans are already second in line to our employment and other things, if illegal aliens get what they want American will continue to be second in line to employment in their own country!!!!! We must stop them from taken advantage of our American birthrights, just for the sake of having millions of their children born here to make sure they get granted an automatic American citizenship, this helps them over populate at a very fast pace, this is also a sneaky amnesty for their children alone, this also keeps them from be deported, and helps them benefit all our government freebies!! and just allow them to get in the front of line to all of this!!!1
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by few solutions
Monday, Dec. 21, 2009 at 5:17 AM
end NAFTA and these migrations would end. We allowed these starvation and ruin trade pacs to murder this nation of high paying jobs and production. Were you out on the streets banging pots when NAFTA was passed against the will of 70%+ of the American citizenry? Even the Mexicans revolted in Chapias when NAFTA was passed because the women had more brass than the men did and made them confront the police state. They still fight, but do we see any support for them? From you or your fellow confused wankers? No. We find it easier to point fingers at someone else.
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by HumanRight
Friday, Jan. 01, 2010 at 5:48 PM
CAFTA was passed by every Central American nation except Costa Rica. The president of Costa Rica, decided to put the decision on the ballot, and let the people decide. CAFTA passed in Costa Rica, and is now in force. In light of the bad affects of NAFTA, how coud you immigrants rights and human rights proponents have not informed the people of Costa Rica how bad CAFTA will hurt them?
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